“Love comes to you and you follow, lose one, on to the heart of the sunrise”
— Jon Anderson, Bill Bruford, Chris Square and Rick Wakeman (of Yes)
Shortly before 5:24 am EST (10:23:44 UTC) tomorrow, Venus leaves Aquarius behind to enter Pisces. The next day (Sunday) daylight savings time begins again in the U.S. and Canada. Strictly speaking, the two events are not related. Nonetheless, astrology reminds us that there are no coincidences, only correlations.
The start of daylight savings time is not a hardship for most, but it is a significant adjustment for many. It’s a small example of human endeavors that mess with both nature and your mind, even to the extent of feeling like a loss.
To have an hour suddenly displaced when the time “springs forward” from 2 am to 3 am Sunday morning will, in fact, result in a temporarily lost hour of sleep for many. Losing an hour of sleep is relatively minor compared to other forms of loss, but it is no small thing either.
Unless you prepare by going to bed an hour early on Saturday night (as if), and until you adjust, missing an hour of sleep can easily be experienced subjectively rather than objectively. It is even possible (and entirely human) for the perceived loss of sleep to evoke other perceived losses and leave you feeling a bit melancholy. All of which is not unlike what some of us sky watchers are feeling about how the ingress of Venus into Pisces correlates with events in the sky.
Just as with Mercury joining the Sun in Pisces back on March 5 (resulting in its visage being lost in the heart of the sunrise now), Venus entering Pisces means it is moving to pass behind the Sun from our earthly perspective. With each successive morning the amount of time Venus is visible in the pre-dawn sky grows shorter and shorter.
Soon, the solar glare will wash it out it out, and we won’t see Venus again until it reappears in the western sky after sunset later this year. Given the association Pisces has with the ocean (among other things), one might subjectively sense that Venus is sailing off over the eastern horizon on its way to travel around the world.
Very much as is the case with Mercury (and anybody cruising off to circumnavigate the globe), Venus will in fact not be lost, just out of sight for a while. Similarly, when the U.S. and Canada return to standard time later this year (on Nov. 6) the lost and missed hour will be returned. Such is the way of things in a world (and a universe) where cycles underlie much of reality.

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Remembering how the prevalence of cycles ultimately transforms many perceived losses into returns will help give you some perspective on Monday.
For, along with a missed hour of sleep, Monday will see Venus having progressed far enough into Pisces to square Mars in Sagittarius. The angular separation from Venus to Mars will evoke the three times last year when those same two planets danced in and out of occasions when they conjoined to share the same degree of the same sign.
What went with the three conjunctions of Venus and Mars last year will thus be implicit on Monday. If that implication results in correlations for you, there will be no need for melancholy.
Instead, know in your heart that all the proverbial wheels will continue to turn. Understand that what is out of sight is not necessarily lost. Remind yourself that whatever you miss will often return, in some way, somehow, even if you can’t see everything that is in fact going on and on, in the heart of the sunrise.
Offered In Service (and dedicated to those who lost loved ones at Fukushima five years ago today)
Gosh Len, mankind can be so meddlesome to Mother Nature. Just think how before there were Spring Forward, Fall Back rituals, man and probably other animals used the stars and planets to navigate and plant and dance by the light of the Moon. Just who profits by this silly time-change thing anyway? Wasn’t it supposed to help the farmers or something like that?
Well, I thank you for observing the correlation between Man’s Messing Around With Time and Venus heading out to Sea. How wonderful that, unlike a child seeing mom leave to go shopping, we know for certain Venus will return. Always and forever she will return. Such certainty in such uncertain times is reassuring.
And what about these personal planet cycles that are playing such big roles with the longer cycles, or so it seems to me. Of course they always have but in my own growing conscious awareness it is becoming much more apparent. What you said about Venus gradually leaving the visual scene combined with her square to Mars makes me suspect that a (seeming) lack of love will confront our efforts for a while but we are confident (we who read your words) it will be a brief period only. In the meantime a more Martian energy will prevail through the Spring and Summer months as Mars does his retro thing.
I suppose it might benefit the course of this Mars-Mercury cycle – keeping Mars focused with Venus being out of sight – that began with their opposition to Pluto. It will be needed during this retro cycle period which started even before this month’s, Mercury squared Mars on the 5th; something which they will do again 2 more times (with a trine in between them!) before Mars returns to his stationing degree, which by the way opposes the U.S. Sibly Uranus.
It is also reassuring that so many astrologers share their info with the world as each of them has a unique perspective and a unique gift of interpreting their perspective. We all gain by the widening vistas of understanding, no where more so than here at Len’s corner of the world. Thanks dear heart!
“..on and on, in the heart of the sunrise.” Love that.
Thank you Len. What a beautiful reading of it all. I am going to go and try to find those dates of the Venus Mars Conjunctions of last year. We’ll see what comes up. Or has now been let go. Only to find another compelling expression, .. again and again, we grow.
Soon, the solar glare will wash it out it out.. Don’t know if this was a typo, either way its releasing sent a good message! With all this Pisces action, I ve never taken so many salt baths! 😉
As Chicago’s Trump rally gets cancelled due to protesters against it we no longer need to wonder what a disappearing Venus means. Ongoing coverage on MSNBC and CNN right now. This is the 1965-66 Uranus-Pluto conjunction energy reinvigorated by transiting Jupiter in Virgo. The solar eclipse (also a Super Moon) has Pallas the Planner/Strategist at 16+ Aquarius sextile Uranus the Awakener at 18+ Aries which form a Yod (forced to adjust) with Jupiter at 18+ Virgo (conjunct the ’65-’66 conjunctions of Uranus-Pluto at 16 and 17 degrees of Virgo.)
This solar eclipse Yod becomes a Boomerang by Jupiter’s opposition to the eclipsed Sun+ Moon+ Ceres+ Chiron, et. al. Think of a boulder-size slingshot fired at a target which then sends the energy (boulder and all) back toward the sling shot. Four energy sources rolled into one.
Juno at 15+ Scorpio retrograde in the solar eclipse chart is approximately where Neptune was in the 1965-66 Uranus-Pluto events and so in this solar eclipse chart for March 8, 2016, Jupiter and Juno are sextile and this creates a Yod to Uranus in Aries. Trump’s natal Jupiter at 16+ Libra completes a Boomerang pattern with the Yod (Juno, Jupiter, Uranus) in the solar eclipse chart. The 3 eclipse planets, Juno, Jupiter, Uranus plus the energy of the original Uranus-Pluto conjunctions (sextile Neptune) of the 60’s is fired at Trump’s Jupiter which will boomerang back once he focuses on his target.
There could be more as there are so many eclipse chart planets in that middle part of their signs but these two composite Boomerangs, in themselves potent and potentially volatile energy machines, due to the increased emotional energy derived from a solar eclipse and a super moon, are more than enough to bring the latent anger in this country to the boiling point.
Thanks for the heads up, Len. There are real health dangers due to Springing Ahead, we’ve always known there was stress there … now they’ve got studies to prove it. We don’t pay enough attention to sleep needs, Arianna Huffington has made that a mini-crusade for awhile now. Here are some suggestions to help compensate for the changes.
Me? I’ll spray some lavender on the pillow slips. Couldn’t hurt. I wish you all sweet dreams!