Grindstones and Heart Flames

By Amanda Moreno

I’ve spent the past few weeks seeing more clients than normal. It’s felt like the perfect medicine for my heart during a season that has felt far more Virgoan than Leonine to me. Because of that fact, and because my nose has been to the grindstone between continued diet overhauls and keeping up with increased client work in addition to my normal work load, I am making myself sit down and reflect a bit on what inspires me, in order to tap into that Leo heart energy.

Photo by graywacke/A Landing a Day

Photo by graywacke/A Landing a Day

During this Venus Retrograde period I’ve begun to open myself up to whatever vision for my life resonates the most with my soul’s intentions for me. I’ve been getting indications that my path might be changing directions or might be somehow different from what I’ve been planning on and working towards.

As I enter my fourth week on a strict diet — and my fourth week of total, uncaffeinated sobriety — I’ve noticed that little ‘visions’ are coming more easily. The dreamtime has cranked up. Throw all of it together and I figured…why not just put it out there to the universe that I’m open to receiving a vision for where I should be heading next. I’m open to something different if I can catch a whiff of what it is. Or better yet, clear-cut, straightforward, well communicated specific directions.

In the mean time, I am enjoying the opportunity to throw myself into the work that I love — and my-oh-my, how I do in fact love it.

So, what inspires me? I realize, without a moment’s hesitation, that what inspires me are the people I’m blessed to work with in an astrological/tarot workshop or regression session. I am so inspired by people who have the courage to show up and ask questions and listen. I’m inspired by their willingness to share their stories and by how much I learn about my craft, about the human psyche’s incredible and innate tendency towards healing. I learn a ton about myself in the process as well.

Time and again I am floored by the resilience of the people who reach out for soul work and the validation and insight it provides. Resilience comes in many forms and is displayed in many ways. Sometimes the simple act of just surviving this life is a heroic measure, and is perhaps one act that should be acknowledged more often.

At the end of each session, I feel elated and celebratory; not just because interacting in this way with people is such a blessing, but because it reminds me there are people in the world working to bring awareness to their lives; people who dig into their shadows, and to try and make a difference, even if just at a very personal level. It gives me hope and it suffuses me with so much gratitude.

So, what is it that makes you feel inspired? And while I’m at it, I’m going to incorporate a thread I recently saw on the book of faces — in the interest of Leo season: what is something you’re proud of? Go on, toot your own horn here if you want to. Tell us about it. Let’s celebrate the fires of the heart for a minute or two!

9 thoughts on “Grindstones and Heart Flames

  1. Carolynkc

    I don’t know, Amanda…I ‘m either waiting to live or waiting to die. Maybe they are the same. Len said my path is particularly uncharted ….. nSaturn is on O degrees Virgo …nPluto, and nVenus conjunct. ..Not feeling dramatic, so that is something to be proud of. Working on eating healthily…results are nothing to be proud of.

    A new cycle is starting…transPluto is in there, too.

    Thank you for you interesting, informative articles.

    1. Amanda Moreno Post author

      Sometimes I think working on eating healthy is one of the most heroic personal-level things we can do. Food in our culture is….well, kudos to you for workin’ on it. 🙂
      Keep us posted. And hugs to you!

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