By Amanda Painter
We’re on the cusp of a new season: Sunday, March 20 at 12:30 am EDT (4:30 UTC), the Sun enters Aries for the equinox; the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, autumn in the Southern. This heralds the beginning of a new astrological year, and is the moment when day and night are of equal length. This year, the equinox is closely followed by the second in a pair of eclipses.

Looking through the portal toward potential; photo by Amanda Painter.
What this means is that the normal growth impulse of the Aries equinox is getting a signal boost from the Full Moon and lunar eclipse on March 23.
In return, the pattern-setting potential of the eclipse (and of these days between now and then) essentially gets its fuse lit by the equinox. The upshot of this is that any decisive actions you initiate (Aries) toward your intentions/desires/vision (Pisces) have a much greater chance of getting traction. But understand that it truly is action that counts this week.
Despite the sky’s tremendous emphasis on dreaming, feeling and receiving, doing some of what you want more of is what matters. And it could be that what you want comes into focus as a result of seeing others around you decide and take action toward what you don’t want. (See the U.S. presidential primary season for glaring examples of how that contrast can help you bring your desires into focus, though it can also happen on a much more personal scale).
While technically visible in North America, the March 23 eclipse will be faint, since it is only a penumbral eclipse. Broadly speaking, this lunar eclipse Full Moon — exact at 8:01 am EDT / 12:01 UTC — will emphasize the places in your life where your conscious sense of individual self (Sun in Aries) and your emotional experience of your relationships (Moon in Libra) meet. Although this might feel confrontational, it’s possible — with awareness — to approach it as a dance, and find some integration and balance rather than swinging between extremes.
This lunar eclipse and Full Moon is also an Aries Point event, since the Sun and Moon will be in the very early degrees of Aries and Libra, respectively. You awareness of where collective or political issues intersect with your personal life may be heightened in the coming week.
On our way there, we cross the threshold of the equinox. Encouragingly, when the Sun enters Aries on Sunday, its first aspect will be a trine to Mars in Sagittarius. Whether you need a fire lit under you — to get some physical exercise, or to assess and move forward particular projects — Sun trine Mars has your back. What is motivating you?
“Projects” can be interpreted to include anything from a systematic de-cluttering of your house, to an ongoing spiritual or therapeutic process, to the business you’re trying to start, and anything else you’ve been gradually working on. Just don’t rest in the phase of assessment; take some tangible step forward in the process to fully invoke and utilize this phase between eclipses.

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Additionally, other aspects in effect now might play out in your life this week; perhaps you’ve already encountered them.
Do you feel like your ego is getting nudged to transform, perhaps indicating you’ve strayed from some kind of cosmic harmony, and it’s time to see yourself differently? Are past incidents of boundary-breeching being brought to your attention? If so, how can you accept whatever responsibility is yours, forgive yourself for what was not your responsibility, and find the deeper understanding that will promote your healing?
I also see the potential for some truly inspired creativity, and loving-kindness toward those you’re closest to. There’s a caution about confusing the ‘ideal’ with the ‘real’ when it comes to a loved one, but you can use that same dynamic in your art-making to great effect.
Finally, compassion looks to be highly accessible, both toward self and other. Whatever form that takes, one could do worse when it comes to taking action to set new patterns.
Thank-you, Amanda – this is a treasure trove of thought & inspiration for me. The eclipse axis will square my nodal axis – maybe help me see more clearly 12th house NN, which so often eludes me? The Sun-Mars trine will trine my natal Mars – I think I can use that.
Today I gave away a huge stack of art magazines that I no longer referenced, to a seniors’ painting group – delighted – clearing space at home. I get glimpses of what I wish to create as ideal in both home & art. Both take time, & of course are never “finished.”
The word & theme of “emerging” have been floating through my mind & dreams of late. I seem to feel the urge to become more visible somehow, though quite how/in what way, I’ve no clear idea. Yet.
Bette — I have no doubt that if the upcoming eclipse axis squares your nodal axis, something will come through for you. Keep all your senses peeled, and watch for synchronicities! The lunar eclipse squared my own nodal axis, and some interesting thoughts and synchronicities definitely made their way through.
And kudos on the space-clearing. I am in a long-term phase of that. I wish I could take an entire week or two to dive into it all at once, but instead I’ve been dipping into it systematically since about November. Slowly but surely I’m getting there… 🙂
I love the theme of “emerging” and becoming visible. I’m sure the way of doing that will come into focus for you, whether it’s your inner view of yourself or how you emerge into the outside world — or some combination.
Thanks, Amanda. On the space-clearing thing, I find it can be quite laborious, even when not particularly physical. Objects trail memories behind them, snippets of failed poems evoke experiences…I’m thinking the dipping in it seems we’ve both been doing might in the end be most fruitful. Despite impatience.
I have a feeling that the emerging involves the inner giving rise to “something different” in the world. With all the Pisces action happening in my 10th, it’s all a bit fuzzy. Seems I need patience for that, also.
Indeed, Bette; I’ve found great help by working through the book on tidying by Marie Kondo. She has a process of sorting by category that is designed to help you get momentum by sorting through the things that carry the least amount of emotional attachment first, deciding what truly brings joy and keeping only that (and what is absolutely needed), and then working up to the mementos and love letters and such. I’ve had to adjust it to fit “me” a little in spots (and I’ve discovered that, for ex, a couple articles of clothing had crossed the line from “just clothes” to “mementos” and so I had to put them aside to reconsider later, rather than get hung up on them).
Many different methods… but I do feel like a thorough going-through of everything over the course of these several months is yielding some tangible results. I just wish I could “dip in” more often!
Thanks Ms. Amanda, for bringing clarity to the boundary-breeching problems. and everything else for sure. Thanks to Ms. Moreno as well, whew, her clarity is so intense.
Glen — I’m glad the attention to the boundary breeching is useful. That theme has come through for me in a couple of ways (luckily both constructive). It seems like one of those “lessons” that often needs review or refresher — or even re-framing — as we grow, learn and heal.
In 2015 there was a solar eclipse in the last degree of Pisces, 12 hours before the Equinox. It was also a humdinger energetically. A look back to that moment and the major themes of this past year may be in order. This Aries Point Lunar eclipse could be a bookend for that eclipse, even more than the one last week. As Eric points out Tuesday, the energy is shifting in the year from deep water, soul-searching, ancestral healing, and inspiration to Fire, expression, and bringing it all out into the light for the benefit of your own life and all of Life. It may be time to write a book, teach a class, become an activist, or in a personal way, get it out of your head and into some sessions with a therapist. I am seeing this unfold all around me.
I know that in the next 5 days, babies I’ve been gestating for a year, or even 5 years, are being born. Aries birthday creations. In art and business, Aries is a good birthday month!
Thanks for the reminder of last year’s equinox, Carla! I’ll have to look back in my journal and calendar and see what was going on. I can definitely say that in my monthly sessions with my counselor/healer person, we’ve been working on some ongoing themes this year.
And I looks forward to hearing more about your “babies!”