Today is Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016
Hebrew date is 1 Cheshvan 5777
Islamic date is 2 Safar 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 12 Eb’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457695
Today’s Birthdays: George Boole (1815-1864), Alice Brady (1892-1939), Burt Lancaster (1913-1994), Keith Emerson (1944-2016), k.d. lang (1961), David Schwimmer (1966), Nelly (1974), Kim So-yeon (1980).
“I have spoken of the advantages of leisure and opportunity for improvement, as of a right to which you were entitled. I must now remind you that every right involves a responsibility. The greater our freedom from external restrictions, the more do we become the rightful subjects of the moral law within us…we are deeply answerable for the use we make of our reason, our means of information, and our various opportunities of arriving at a correct judgment.”
— George Boole (mathematician who invented Boolean logic)
Planet Waves FM: The Nature of the Beast
Are you sick of election coverage consisting of scandals and polls? Tonight we have something different: a look at the deeper spiritual issues encrypted behind the news. In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric goes behind the scenes of what we think is an election. We also have a report from the Standing Rock protest, and music by Bjork. You may find the program here.
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase on Nov. 3 at 1:50 pm PDT / 4:50 pm EDT (20:49:39 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Taurus on Nov. 14 at 5:52 am PST / 8:52 am EST (13:51:59 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Sagittarius on Nov. 29 at 4:18 am PST / 7:18 am EST (12:18:09 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on Nov. 3 at 8:05 pm PDT / 11:05 pm EDT (03:05:05 11/4 UTC).
Sun Degree: 11-12 Scorpio.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
As with the noble gases, nothing happens.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun sextile North Node at 9:33 am PDT / 12:33 pm EDT (16:33:13 UTC).
— Mars square Ceres at 3:30 pm PDT / 6:30 pm EDT (22:30:27 UTC).
— Venus square Borasisi at 4:29 pm PDT / 7:29 pm EDT (23:28:59 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Nov. 2
(The Day of Transformation) | Get Your Scorpio Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Do you believe that what feeds your desires and motivates you to take action ultimately contributes to a healthy, solid, workable foundation for your wider life? Are you at least willing to investigate that idea? This is not about being ‘selfish’; it’s about nurturing your independence in a way that sidesteps any sense of competition between you and those you care about. When you understand active self-nourishment, you’re better able to support and encourage it in those around you.
Written in the Planets
Do you believe love is truth? Do you have faith in it? Does love truly make a house a home, as the old proverb says? Is love your religion, as Ziggy Marley sings? Today Venus in Sagittarius squares the object Borasisi in Pisces and the asteroid House in Virgo. As Eric wrote in 2014 regarding Borasisi, “Where a person puts their faith, they offer their power.” Pinning your hopes on building a ‘perfect’ relationship, or that a ‘Disney princess’ romance is waiting for you, effectively hands power away to a toxic cultural mythos. You can aim higher than that: your own connection to the All There Is. Love is a verb, a way of taking action to serve the highest good of all concerned. And as Mars in Capricorn square Ceres in Aries suggests, self-nourishment is often the first step that allows you to do the rest of The Work you’re here to do.

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at for your discounted price.)
Wonderful. Thank you.