Today is Friday, May 5, 2017
Hebrew date is 9 Iyyar 5777
Islamic date is 9 Sha’ban 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 1 k’ib’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457879
Today’s Birthdays: Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Nellie Bly (1864-1922), Elsie Eaves (1898-1983), Alice Faye (1915-1998), Tyrone Power (1914-1958), Ann B. Davis (1926-2014), Ray Gosling (1939-2013), Tammy Wynette (1942-1998), Michael Palin (1943), John Rhys-Davies (1944), Richard E. Grant (1957), Josh Weinstein (1966), Antony Santos (1967), Santiago Cabrera (1978), Craig David (1981), Henry Cavill (1983), Adele (1988), Larissa Wilson (1989).
“Contrary to what the politicians and religious leaders would like us to believe, the world won’t be made safer by creating barriers between people. Cries of “They’re evil, let’s get ’em” or “The infidels must die” sound frightening, but they’re desperately empty of argument and understanding. They’re the rallying cries of prejudice, the call to arms of those who find it easier to hate than admit they might be not be right about everything.”
— Michael Palin
Beltane: Goddess, Love and Abundance
Dear Friend and Reader:
Strange to imagine, but we’re already at the mid-spring holiday. That’s called Beltane. After April Fool’s Day, it’s my favorite ‘special’ day of the year, as it makes such a lovely point: of honoring the Earth and women as part of the divine feminine, which is to say, the basis of all life as we know it.

The Grandmother Land, High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.
Some are starting to figure out what this is about, and some always knew. Yet in Western civ, imagining the divine feminine is a little like trying to conjure sprites and faeries while you’re walking around midtown Manhattan. There’s a place and a time for everything, and in a forest or perhaps near the ocean is a natural place to feel how female the Earth and the cosmos are. As for the time, that would be Beltane.
This old holiday is commemorated by Druids, Pagans or us witchy types when the Sun reaches the midpoint of Taurus, one of two signs ruled by Venus, usually on May 5 (it’s mostly celebrated on April 30 or May 1, and some traditions have the party all month, known as The May).
All things related to Venus have one thing in common: producing people who are astonishingly diverse in their talents. There’s an inexplicable multifaceted quality to Venus, and when she gets going, there’s a kind of fecundity — that is, nourishment — that’s dripping with a fusion of creative and erotic energy. Eros and creativity feed one another, especially when you get a positive cycle going.
Moon Phase: Moon is in First Quarter phase and enters Waxing Gibbous phase on May 6 at 2:16 pm PDT / 5:16 pm EDT (21:16:09 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Scorpio on May 10 at 2:42 pm PDT / 5:42 pm EDT (21:42:25 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Gemini on May 25 at 12:44 pm PDT / 3:44 pm EDT (19:44:23 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Virgo and enters Libra on May 6 at 11:20 am PDT / 2:20 pm EDT (18:20:01 UTC).
Sun Degree: 15-16 Taurus.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Eros enters Cancer at 8:53 am PDT / 11:53 am EDT (15:52:49 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Venus square Orius at 7:10 am PDT / 10:10 am EDT (14:10:23 UTC).
— Saturn conjunct Galactic Center at 3:52 pm PDT / 6:52 pm EDT (22:52:13 UTC).
— Pallas sextile Asbolus at 6:36 pm PDT / 9:36 pm EDT (01:35:57 May 6 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is May 5
(The Day of Practical Awakening) | Taurus Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
The Moon and Neptune joining their energies is guiding you to use your imagination in a new way. This applies to all facets of your life, from your most creative expressions to your intimate contacts to your work-a-day affairs. Soften your mind and stretch yourself into the possibilities. Once you do that even a little, you’ll unleash an astonishing creative flow.
Written in the Planets
In Western culture, sex is too often thought of as something one “gets”: as a commodity paid for with money, as something to be taken from another, as a status symbol. Mainstream forums are not always so good at emphasizing sex as sharing, as healing, or as a form of “taking care” of something essential in both oneself and of one’s partners. The asteroid Eros entering Cancer today might help to shift the energy some, especially if you’re partaking in any conscious Beltane celebration and play. As if to underscore the fact that humanity could stand to hear a clearer message about getting real with sex and intimacy as part of your soul’s birthright, today also marks retrograde Saturn’s second exact conjunction with the Galactic Core in Sagittarius. Notice where you’re clinging to outdated “moral beliefs” about whether being sexual is “good.” Then get busy setting up a safe container to get in touch with the god or goddess within — the hotter and freer the better.

You may pre-order all 12 signs of INVOLUTION here. What we’re living through today is not written about in any book. We’re its pioneers in consciousness. For us, in our time, the revolution must be within. INVOLUTION will be your guide.