Today is Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Hebrew date is 24 Adar 5777
Islamic date is 23 Jumada-II 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 9 Eb’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457835
Today’s Birthdays: Chico Marx (1887-1961), Gabrielle Roy (1909-1983), Karl Malden (1912-2009), Marcel Marceau (1923-2007), Stephen Sondheim (1930), William Shatner (1931), M. Emmet Walsh (1935), Angelo Badalamenti (1937), Billy Collins (1941), George Benson (1943), Eric Roth Rivka Golani (1946), James Patterson (1947), Wolf Blitzer (1948), Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948), Lena Olin (1955), Stephanie Mills (1957), Matthew Modine (1959), Susan Ann Sulley (1963), Keegan-Michael Key (1971), Beverley Knight (1973), Reese Witherspoon (1976), David Choi (1986).
“Could we ever know each other in the slightest without the arts?”
— Gabrielle Roy
Eric is taking a well-earned break from recording Planet Waves FM this week. Today, we’d like to offer you another chance to listen to this enlightening interview with Robert Schmidt from July last year. Robert had just announced his conclusion that the leading founder of Western astrology as we know it was Greek polymath Eudoxus of Cnidus (c. 390 – c. 337 BCE).
Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase on March 24 at 7:23 am PDT / 10:23 am EDT (14:23:06 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Aries on March 27-28 at 7:57 pm PDT / 10:57 pm EDT (02:57:09 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Libra is on April 10-11 at 11:08 pm PDT / 2:08 am EDT (06:08:02 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius tonight at 7:28 pm PDT / 10:28 pm EDT (02:28:17 March 23 UTC).
Sun Degree: 2-3 Aries.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Aquarius at 7:28 pm PDT / 10:28 pm EDT (02:28:17 March 23 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Uranus square Thereus at 9:13 pm March 21 PDT / 12:13 am EDT (04:12:44 UTC).
— Eros opposite Ceto at 4:12 pm PDT / 7:12 pm EDT (23:12:06 UTC).
— Sun opposite Elatus at 5:45 pm PDT / 8:45 pm EDT (00:45:28 March 23 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is March 22
(The Day of Direct Current) | Aries Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Your body possesses an uncanny sense of innate wisdom. Often it can indicate how you truly feel about something long before your mind connects the dots. So if there’s some matter of healing that seems impossible from an intellectual standpoint, you might be able to bypass that inner critic if you tune into your physical senses. True, it’s easy to get nervous about what you might face as you open up, but remember: all healing unfolds over time. Today does not need to be about anything more than feeling how your body supports you, and trusting what it has to say.
Written in the Planets
Notice how plugged in you feel regarding what’s happening in the world around you. Can you articulate your thoughts about it, including your sense of identity or your role in the face of the chaos? Mercury in Aries is moving into a powerful grand cross with planets late in the cardinal signs: Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Libra, Vesta in Cancer and the Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries. Although it will be another day or so before Mercury makes exact contact with each, it’s already ringing those bells. Stay grounded, and move with patient persistence. Remember, that’s not the same as rigidity. You can still be open to new ideas, and pursue them with informed enthusiasm.

Sign up for Eric’s brand new class: Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. This class will take place by live teleconference on Saturday, April 1.