Every day, you read the Four Winds report, to get a sense of the current energies. There’s just one thing missing — your daily horoscope. Written for you, every day of the week, your Planet Waves daily horoscope is designed to give you the clue you need, that little edge to make your life go smoother.
One well-placed line from an astrologer can make all the difference in your life. We now have two editions of the Four Winds Report — one with, and one without your daily reading. You may be one of the readers who wait for years for me to offer you this — and now you can have it. Horoscope Lover membership gets you direct mailing of each day’s reading, plus the weekly reading on Sunday night, and the monthly reading the last Thursday of the month. Sign up at this link.
with love,
Today is Monday, June 26, 2017
Hebrew date is 2 Tamuz 5777
Islamic date is 2 Shawwal 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 1 Lamat
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457931
Today’s Birthdays: Charles Messier (1730-1817), Branwell Bronte (1817-1848), Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), Peter Lorre (1904-1964), Eleanor Parker (1922-2003), Milton Glaser (1929), Billy Davis Jr. (1938), Gilberto Gil (1942), Mick Jones (1955), Patty Smyth (1957), Gabrielle Walcott (1984), Ariana Grande (1993).
“Man can shape his world if he does not resign himself to ignorance.”
— Pearl S. Buck
Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say
This week’s astrology features Mercury and Mars in Cancer making a series of aspects throughout the week. Mercury in Cancer, particularly, can indicate a mind that’s very sensitive to others — to people’s moods, to what they say, to what they seem to leave unsaid. Which means that it becomes extra important to say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
As Eric suggested in an email about this astrology, “make actual statements of fact. Do not hedge or pussyfoot around the point.”
I recognize how incredibly difficult this can be for many people — especially in person.
Years ago, I remember a college professor of mine pointing out that, more and more, he was hearing students say, “I feel that…” when they were actually trying to express their thoughts about an academic topic, not describe their feelings.
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase on June 27 at 1:59 am PDT / 4:59 am EDT (08:59:29 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Capricorn on July 8-9 at 9:06 pm PDT / 12:06 am EDT (04:06:30 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Leo on July 23 at 2:45 am PDT / 5:45 am PDT (09:45:30 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Leo and enters Virgo on June 27-28 at 5:41 pm PDT / 8:41 pm EDT (00:41:09 UTC).
Sun Degree: 5-6 Cancer.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Pallas enters Taurus at 6:31 pm PDT / 9:31 pm EDT (02:30:54 June 27 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars trine Neptune at 11:18 pm June 25 PDT / 2:18 am EDT (06:18:04 UTC).
— Mercury opposite Chariklo at 3:06 pm PDT / 6:06 pm EDT (22:06:28 UTC).
— Mercury opposite Juno at 5:21 pm PDT / 8:21 pm EDT (00:21:41 June 27 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is June 26
(The Day of Stamina) | Cancer Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Today’s gleaming aspect between Mars, the planet of desire, and Neptune, the planet of dreams, says that this is the year you can make progress aspiring to what you want the very most. This will not happen by magic; you must still be the dreamer and the one who acts upon your passions. Yet many previous obstacles are out of the way.
Written in the Planets
Aspects involving the inner planets speak of ethical behavior in relationships. Especially with Neptune in a potent situation just now, it’s crucial to practice accuracy and honesty (more detail in the featured piece above). Other possible helps may include offering trust, holding space for one another, or simply keeping to high standards in terms of mutual respect, compassion and generosity of spirit. Do this as an act of devotion to your dharma.
Astrology can help you. In the right hands, astrology can provide you with a new perspective on your life. My readings are designed to help you consider all of your possibilities, your greatest potential, and to help you see your problems in a new light. I’m about to record the Cancer reading for you. If you order now, you’ll get the best pre-order price of $33. Shortly before publication, it’ll be $44 and then the final price will be $55. These readings condense 22 years of my counseling experience, nonstop reflection on the human condition and lots of excellent astrology. They are in plain talk, easy to follow, and paced gently. They are some of my best work; these readings are an invention. And you can have all the benefits. I plan to do this reading next week — earlier than usual, so get on board before the next two price increases. Here’s how to pre-order. If you’re seeking a private consultation, here’s that link.