Today is Saturday, June 10, 2017
Hebrew date is 16 Sivan 5777
Islamic date is 15 Ramadan 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 11 Eb’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457915
Today’s Birthdays: Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), Hattie McDaniel (1895-1952), Judy Garland (1922-1969), Friedrich L. Bauer (1924-2015), Lionel Jeffries (1926-2010), Eugene Parker (1927), Shirley Owens (1941), Gordon Burns (1942), Rich Hall (1954), Maxi Priest (1961), Gina Gershon (1962), Jeanne Tripplehorn (1963), Elizabeth Hurley (1965), Faith Evans (1973), Shane West (1978), Leelee Sobieski (1983), Kreesha Turner (1985).
“Wouldn`t it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, and a little more loving, have a little more empathy, and maybe we’d like each other a little bit more.”
— Judy Garland
Moon Phase: Moon is in Full phase and enters Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase on June 13 at 8:09 am PDT / 11:09 am EDT (15:09:02 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Cancer on June 23-24 at 7:30 pm PDT / 10:30 pm EDT (02:30:38 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Capricorn is on July 8-9 at 9:06 pm PDT / 12:06 am EDT (04:06:30 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Sagittarius and enters Capricorn today at 4:36 am PDT / 7:36 am EDT (11:36:10 UTC).
Sun Degree: 20-21 Gemini.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Capricorn at 4:36 am PDT / 7:36 am EDT (11:36:10 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Vesta opposite Okyrhoe at 5:30 am PDT / 8:30 am EDT (12:30:01 UTC).
— Pallas trine Saturn at 6:37 am PDT / 9:37 am EDT (13:37:32 UTC).
— Mercury square Orcus at 9:12 am PDT / 12:12 pm EDT (16:12:27 UTC), and Nessus at 2:21 pm PDT / 5:21 pm EDT (21:20:52 UTC).
You can see the potential in a certain relationship, and the benefits of liberating yourself from the attachments of your past. Yet it’s vital that you be realistic rather than idealistic, which means use what you know. If you find yourself feeling powerless, look for the ways that you’re not actually putting your knowledge to work. Meanwhile, if you’re going to be idealistic, at least know something about your ideals. Limit yourself to three of them and be specific about what they are. That’s another way of saying know what you want, then check everything you might be inclined to reach for against that list, to make sure you’re using your time and energy wisely. This will help you discern the difference between a false desire and an authentic one. Meanwhile, if any of your ideals get popped along the way, be grateful for that fact. You need solid, dependable ones, made of real substance, not the kind that are like soap bubbles.
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If Your Birthday is June 10
(The Day of Laughter and Sadness) | Gemini Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Rather than compete for Flavor of the Month and get a button and that special parking spot, you might take a more adventurous approach. How about doing what you know is right? Be patient and persistent with people in authority, and show them that you actually can think for yourself, have ideas and solve problems without making more.
Written in the Planets
Mercury approaching aspects with Jupiter and Neptune (among other bodies) is creating an interesting setup. On the one hand, Mercury in Gemini trine Jupiter in Libra is opening the door to see all the possibilities available to you, and supports planning for the future. On the other hand, Mercury square Neptune in Pisces warns against fuzzy thinking and communication — especially due to over-idealizing or evading confrontation. The key is staying rooted in reality as it truly is, even as you dream your dreams. From now through the middle of the coming week (or longer), make ‘clarity’ your mantra.

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