Four Winds Report for July 8, 2017


The Only Thing Missing From This Almanac Is Your Daily Horoscope

Every day, you read the Four Winds report, to get a sense of the current energies. There’s just one thing missing — your daily horoscope. Written for you, every day of the week, your Planet Waves daily horoscope is designed to give you the clue you need, that little edge to make your life go smoother.

One well-placed line from an astrologer can make all the difference in your life. We now have two editions of the Four Winds Report — one with, and one without your daily reading. You may be one of the readers who wait for years for me to offer you this — and now you can have it. Horoscope Lover membership gets you direct mailing of each day’s reading, plus the weekly reading on Sunday night, and the monthly reading the last Thursday of the month. Sign up at this link.

with love,

Today is Saturday, July 8, 2017
Hebrew date is 14 Tamuz 5777
Islamic date is 14 Shawwal 1438

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 13 Ajaw
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457943

Today’s Birthdays: Gian Giorgio Trissino (1478-1550), Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1553), Christian Kramp (1760-1826), John Pemberton (1831-1888), Alfred Binet (1857-1911), Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945), Hugo Boss (1885-1948), Pavel Korin (1892-1967), Pyotr Kapitsa (1894-1984), Igor Tamm (1895-1971), Philip Johnson (1906-2005), Faye Emerson (1917-1983), Khensur Lungri Namgyel (1927), Pat Adams (1928), Kim Darby (1947), Wolfgang Puck (1949), Larry Garner (1952), Billy Crudup (1968), Beck (1970), Sky Ferreira (1992).

“Thoughts have some characteristics of fancy, of freedom, even of unreality, which are wanting to the prosaicness of heavy material things. Thoughts sport with the relations of time and space; they fly in a moment across the gulf between the most distant objects; they travel back up the course of time; they bring near to us events centuries away; they conceive objects which are unreal; they imagine combinations which upset all physical laws, and, further, these conceptions remain invisible to others as well as to ourselves. They are outside the grip of reality, and constitute a world which becomes, for any one with the smallest imagination, as great and as important as the world called real. One may call in evidence the poets, novelists, artists, and the dreamers of all kinds.”
— Alfred Binet

Moon Phase: Moon is in Waxing Gibbous phase and enters Full phase tonight at 9:06 pm PDT / 12:06 am July 9 EDT (04:06:30 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Leo on July 23 at 2:45 am PDT / 5:45 am PDT (09:45:30 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Aquarius is on Aug. 7 at 11:10 am PDT / 2:10 pm EDT (18:10:33 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius on July 9-10 at 10:35 pm PDT / 1:35 am EDT (05:34:42 UTC).
Sun Degree: 17-18 Cancer.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun trine Deucalion at 2:57 am PDT / 5:57 am EDT (09:57:27 UTC).
— Ceres opposite Quaoar at 5:06 pm PDT / 8:06 pm EDT (00:06:17 July 9 UTC).
— Mars square Haumea at 8:18 pm PDT / 11:18 pm EDT (03:18:16 July 9 UTC).

Archive Horoscope for Capricorn from July 2012 by Eric Francis

There’s no debate that people are free: both you and the people close to you. This is true no matter how trapped anyone may feel, by whatever they think is trapping them. I suggest you take some time over the next few weeks and consider the agreements you have with others, or what Carolyn Myss calls ‘sacred contracts’. Those are all up for review now, which does not mean cancellation but rather a clear evaluation. Consider the commitments you have to others, the commitments they have to you, and where these promises intersect with your life path. You need to ask some basic questions, such as, does this agreement serve to benefit everyone involved? Under what circumstances was the agreement made? What was its purpose and does your arrangement still serve that purpose now? This is an approximately one-month review phase, so you actually have time to think — and to feel — your way through the questions.

You can research any Planet Waves horoscope published since 1999 at the Horoscope Archive and Oracle.

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If Your Birthday is July 8
(The Day of the Dark Pragmatist) | Cancer Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Follow protocols in professional matters, such as treating people with a level of respect more suited to 1960 than it is to 2017. An old-school approach will get you further than our contemporary casual way of doing things. Dress appropriately, arrive for meetings early, and speak the Queen’s English. This will serve your personal relationships as well.

Written in the Planets
Tonight into early tomorrow is the Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto. Pluto is known as the Lord of Change. The very concept of ‘change’ stirs up a lot of emotion in people: some feel energized by it; others fear it at almost every turn. With the Moon involved, and the Sun in Cancer (ruled by the Moon), emotions are doubly emphasized. So pay attention to yours. Notice whether any intensity or tension you’re feeling relates to your environment (such as the actions or emotions of another person); then ask whether you’re actually tapping into some deeply internal holdover from your own childhood. And remember: if ‘change’ is being reflected back at you in the form of another person changing, that’s not your cue to feel threatened and try to control them or get defensive. It’s a reminder to tend to your own emotional growth.

Planet Waves

Astrology can help you. In the right hands, astrology can provide you with a new perspective on your life. My readings are designed to help you consider all of your possibilities, your greatest potential, and to help you see your problems in a new light. I’m about to record the Cancer reading for you. If you order now, you’ll get the best pre-order price of $33. Shortly before publication, it’ll be $44 and then the final price will be $55. These readings condense 22 years of my counseling experience, nonstop reflection on the human condition and lots of excellent astrology. They are in plain talk, easy to follow, and paced gently. They are some of my best work; these readings are an invention. And you can have all the benefits. I plan to do this reading very soon — so get on board before the next two price increases. Here’s how to pre-order. If you’re seeking a private consultation, here’s that link.

Planet Waves

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