Today is Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017
Hebrew date is 26 Tevet 5777
Islamic date is 26 Rabi’-II 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 4 Men
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457778
Today’s Birthdays: Edith Wharton (1862-1937), Jimmy Forrest (1920-1980), Ruth Asawa (1926-2013), Michel Serrault (1928-2007), Mahmoud Farshchian (1930), Stanislaw Grochowaik (1934-1976), Shivabalayogi (1935-1994), Neil Diamond (1941), Michio Kaku (1947), Warren Zevon (1947-2003), John Belushi (1949-1982), Mary Lou Retton (1968), Mischa Barton (1986).
“When you put a seed in the ground, it doesn’t stop growing after eight hours. It keeps going every minute that it’s in the earth. We, too, need to keep growing every moment of every day that we are on the earth.”
— Ruth Asawa
Moon Phase: Moon is in Balsamic (waning crescent) phase and enters New phase on Jan. 27-28 at 4:07 pm PST / 7:07 pm EST (00:06:58 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Aquarius on Jan. 27-28 at 4:07 pm PST / 7:07 pm EST (00:06:58 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Leo is on Feb. 10-11 at 4:33 pm PST / 7:33 pm EST (00:32:49 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Sagittarius and enters Capricorn today at 2:43 pm PST / 5:43 pm EST (22:43:12 UTC).
Sun Degree: 5-6 Aquarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Capricorn at 2:43 pm PST / 5:43 pm EST (22:43:12 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars square Galactic Center at 12:04 am PST / 3:04 am EST (08:04:03 UTC).
— Ceres trine Galactic Center at 9:04 am PST / 12:04 pm EST (17:04:03 UTC).
— Juno conjunct Galactic Center at 5:35 pm PST / 8:35 pm EST (01:35:18 Jan. 25 UTC).
You know what your priorities are. Most people do. You have the strength and independence of spirit to act on what’s important to you, without making a big drama about it. The potential point of conflict is what you must give up to gain something that you want. You might ask yourself if this is really a sacrifice, or whether, in the alternate, you would be shorn of something you really don’t want. This, too, is a matter of your priorities, which have changed in recent years. You can make today’s decisions based on what was important in the past, or what is important today. Getting clear about this can represent a genuine moment of clarity. Why is it worth being alive, today? What values have remained consistent through your entire life? Just recognizing this will be a revelation.
Read all 12 signs at this link.
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If Your Birthday is Jan. 24
(The Day of the Aloof Icon) | Aquarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Plenty of ideas about ‘the Divine Feminine’, feminism in general and women in religion have been co-opted by historically entrenched institutions. Those ideas are held in place by a curious tension many people choose (and are taught) to ignore. These ideas are ripe for revolution; today, you may feel the impulse to help break the Divine Feminine free in a way that feels true to you. Remember that liberation and integration of this sort begins within, and then ripples outward.
Written in the Planets
What do you do when you’re feeling hurt or overwhelmed, and ‘woo-woo’ messages about things like universal love just don’t resonate (or worse, make you angry)? Therein lies a challenge, illustrated by Mars in Pisces square the Galactic Core (GC) in Sagittarius. Yet astrology never presents a problem without also offering a solution. In this case, help comes in the form of two major goddess-asteroids also contacting the GC: Ceres in Aries and Juno in Sagittarius. Ceres seems to point to the first step: when you begin with what nourishes you, you’re sending that universal love to yourself. Juno is indicating that the most important personal needs are shared by all humanity; when you address emotional needs on the micro level of relationships, it’s a hologram of healing on the macro level. Juno and Mars don’t need to compete for attention when you get that connection. Got it?

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“when you address emotional needs on the micro level of relationships, itโs a hologram of healing on the macro level. ” Brilliant.
Cheers, Lizzy! Happy to know you can relate. ๐