Today is Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016
Hebrew date is 3 Kislev 5777
Islamic date is 4 Rabi’-I 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 4 Ak’b’al
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457726
Today’s Birthdays: Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), Ozzy Osbourne (1948), Mickey Thomas (1949), Julianne Moore (1960), Brendan Fraser (1968), Montell Jordan (1968), Trina (1978), Anna Chlumsky (1980), Amanda Seyfried (1985).
“It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I suppose.”
— Joseph Conrad
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase today at 5:35 am PST / 8:35 am EST (13:34:47 UTC).
Next Full Moon is on Dec. 13 at 4:05 pm PST / 7:05 pm EST (00:05:29 12/14 UTC).
Next New Moon is on Dec. 29 at 10:53 pm 12/28 PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius today at 11:44 am PST / 2:44 pm EST (19:43:53 UTC).
Sun Degree: 12-13 Sagittarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Aquarius at 11:44 am PST / 2:44 pm EST (19:43:53 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Juno square Neptune at 3:55 am PST / 6:55 am EST (11:55:27 UTC).
— Mars sextile Saturn at 4:15 am PST / 7:15 am EST (12:15:14 UTC).
— Venus trine Sedna at 9:11 am PST / 12:11 pm EST (17:10:37 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Dec. 3
(The Day of Ingenuity) | Sagittarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Shoot for the Moon; aim for the stars. Then get working for what you desire in constructive ways. Your ambition, judgment and courage are supported today. Often the major obstacle for a person is whether they believe they can achieve what they dream of. If you believe something is impossible for you, consider hunting down the source of that idea. Then be willing to put in the work, step by step, in your desired direction.
Written in the Planets
Are you being as direct about your emotional needs as you think you are? Step back for a moment and see if you can get some clearer perspective on that. You can always ask the person you’re relating to, including yourself, “What do you hear me asking for when I say [X]?” With the asteroid Juno in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, there’s an increased chance of fuzziness in this realm. At the same time, you could be feeling that same aspect as a call to social justice — one that you’re under pressure to align better with how you imagine things could be. A favorable aspect between Mars and Saturn today aids with taking constructive action.

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