Today is Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016
Hebrew date is 25 Kislev 5777
Islamic date is 26 Rabi’-I 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 13 Chikchan
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457748
Today’s Birthdays: Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), Isaac Newton (1642-1727), Clara Barton (1821-1912), Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957), Cab Calloway (1907-1994), Rick Berman (1945), Sissy Spacek (1949), Annie Lennox (1954), Shane MacGowan (1957), Alannah Myles (1958), Dido (1971), Justin Trudeau (1971), Julian Lage (1987).
“I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
— Isaac Newton
Moon Phase: Moon is in Balsamic (waning crescent) phase and enters New phase on Dec. 28-29 at 10:53 pm PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Next New Moon is on Dec. 28-29 at 10:53 pm PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon is on Jan. 12 at 3:34 am PST / 6:34 am EST (11:33:54 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius today at 7:19 pm PST / 10:19 pm EST (03:18:40 Dec. 26 UTC).
Sun Degree: 4-5 Capricorn.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Sagittarius at 7:19 pm PST / 10:19 pm EST (03:18:40 Dec. 26 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun square Makemake at 9:36 pm Dec. 24 PST / 12:36 am EST (05:35:58 UTC).
— Venus square Ceto at 1:51 am PST / 4:51 am EST (09:51:22 UTC).
— Venus opposite Sila-Nunam at 2:27 am PST / 5:27 am EST (10:27:14 UTC).
— Venus trine Jupiter at 5:23 am PST / 8:23 am EST (13:22:36 UTC).
— Venus sextile Uranus at 8:35 am PST / 11:35 am EST (16:35:20 UTC), and Saturn at 10:33 am PST / 1:33 pm EST (18:32:42 UTC).
— Sun conjunct Hylonome at 6:20 pm PST / 9:20 pm EST (02:20:30 Dec. 26 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Dec. 25
(The Day of the Supernatural) | Capricorn Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Don’t be afraid to channel your inner adventurer. You have the chance to initiate something new and special, whether just for you or for a wider group. We are in unusual times and previously unexplored territory beckons. If you have an idea in mind, express it — you’ll likely receive all the support you need to make it a reality.
Written in the Planets
An extraordinary aspect pattern is formed today as Venus continues her journey through Aquarius. Amid all the chaos and uncertainty we have lately experienced, this looks very much like a moment of clarity or awakening. It’s as if we all somehow get to glimpse a broader vision than the narrow window that usually bounds the human perspective. We must each do what we can to improve conditions in the world; but it also seems there is something about that vision in which we may safely trust, as in the benevolence of whatever entity might hold it. Let the universe speak to you and reveal its secrets; no doubt it has plenty to say.

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