Four Winds Report for Dec. 22, 2016


Hello Planet Waves Reader — We’ll post this daily almanac here each morning. If you would like to get on board, you may sign up at this link. Please share this newsletter with your friends. Thank you! — the PW Editors

Today is Thursday, Dec. 22, 2016
Hebrew date is 22 Kislev 5777
Islamic date is 23 Rabi’-I 1438

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 10 Ik’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457745

Today’s Birthdays: Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), Maurice Gibb (1949-2003), Robin Gibb (1949-2012), Luther Campbell (1960), Ralph Fiennes (1962), Vanessa Paradis (1972), Jordin Sparks (1989), Meghan Trainor (1993).

“Inspiration is an awakening, a quickening of all man’s faculties, and it is manifested in all high artistic achievements.”
— Giacomo Puccini

Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase on Dec. 24 at 8:41 pm PST / 11:41 pm EST (04:41:32 Dec. 25 UTC).
Next New Moon is on Dec. 28-29 at 10:53 pm PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon is on Jan. 12 at 3:34 am PST / 6:34 am EST (11:33:54 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Libra and enters Scorpio on Dec. 23 at 6:32 am PST / 9:32 am EST (14:32:19 UTC).
Sun Degree: 1-2 Capricorn.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars conjunct Nessus at 2:15 pm PST / 5:15 pm EST (22:15:31 UTC).
— Mars square Huya at 5:32 pm PST / 8:32 pm EST (01:32:06 Dec. 23 UTC).
— Sun trine Rhiphonos at 6:56 pm PST / 9:56 pm EST (02:56:04 Dec. 23 UTC).

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If Your Birthday is Dec. 22
(The Day of Continuity) | Capricorn Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Your feelings and your common sense might not always work in tandem, but today they can. Tap into your innate sense of responsibility to do what needs to be done beautifully. In fact, the more you can stay consciously aware of all your emotions this year — including (and especially) the most primal, or the ones that scare you for seeming too ‘dangerous’ or ‘monstrous’ — the better. Staying in dialogue with those emotions allows you to put the understanding they offer to constructive, healthy use.

Written in the Planets
As Eric wrote in the Monday Diary on Planet Waves, Mars making a conjunction to Nessus in Pisces today is a reminder to stay aware of your boundaries, and of which emotions are yours versus somebody else’s. It’s a potentially triggering aspect that could call up past events and patterns of behavior that were once difficult or damaging. Yet, there are ways to express what you’re going through and to work through it that do not involve inflicting similar pain on another, in an effort to feel less of it yourself. Mars and Nessus are also making a square to the object Huya in Sagittarius. With mutable signs involved, here’s one possible read of the situation: if a previously stuck emotional pattern is being provoked, you may have an opportunity now to transform it into a freer and more flexible expression of life.


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