Today is Monday, Dec. 19, 2016
Hebrew date is 19 Kislev 5777
Islamic date is 20 Rabi’-I 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 7 Kawak
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457742
Today’s Birthdays: Edith Piaf (1915-1963), Maurice White (1941-2016), Jimmy Bain (1947-2016), Jennifer Beals (1963), Alyssa Milano (1972), Jake Gyllenhaal (1980), Ronan Farrow (1987).
“Singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth.”
— Edith Piaf
Reflection: Mars in Pisces, Mercury Retrograde
This morning sees two events of interest happening almost simultaneously. First, at 4:23 am EST (09:22:54 UTC), Mars enters Pisces. Then, 93 minutes later, Mercury stations retrograde in mid-Capricorn. Mercury will be retrograde until Jan. 8.
These are two seemingly separate events related by this unusual synchronicity. What they have in common is the theme of honesty.
Mercury changing directions can bring a revelation or discovery. This often happens amidst some confusion, and it can bring a moment of clarity. This process will likely continue through the retrograde, as Mercury enters Sagittarius on Jan. 4, and then stations direct a few days later. With Mercury retrograde, it’s helpful to take it slow, or at least to pace yourself. Focus on getting the facts right, here in our world that’s being variously described as “post-factual” and “post-truth.”
A Note From Your Astrologer
Dear Planet Waves Reader:
How are you doing there?
I know we’re all feeling the pressure and the stress of uncertainty. What you’re feeling is not coming from the news alone. The same cosmic forces, or perhaps timing factors, are acting on everyone and everything. This is not an easy time to keep your head together.

iMac selfie from today in my creative shop, Blue Studio.
It is, however, a deeply important time to keep your heart open and live from your soul.
I’m feeling the pressure in my own way, as someone who not only writes about politics but who translates and clarifies the news, with the assignment of taking it above the level of despair. Because I work for you, I don’t have the luxury of denial.
Just about everyone has reached the saturation point with politics, especially in its current wholly toxic state. The feeling of being violently pulled from your inner reality has been agonizing. The confrontation with shadow has been extremely challenging. Admitting that, we’re all sitting here watching the world, wondering what’s going to happen. And we all have lives to lead: things we want to do, growth to attend to, people to take care of.
The world may be going insane, though you don’t have to.
It’s taken me a while to work through the pain of the election process and what it means. Gradually I’ve gathered my energy, done some deep healing and focused my mind on your 2017 reading, called The Book of Your Life.
As I go deeper into the astrology, it’s truly been a relief to focus on personal matters, filtering out the madness of the world. The transits we’re experiencing are rich. On one level, we’re being pelted with total chaos in the form of Uranus conjunct Eris. We are learning how to breathe and find ourselves at the bottom of the digital ocean.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase and enters Last Quarter phase on Dec. 20 at 5:56 pm PST / 8:56 pm EST (01:55:39 Dec. 21 UTC).
Next New Moon is on Dec. 28-29 at 10:53 pm PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon is on Jan. 12 at 3:34 am PST / 6:34 am EST (11:33:54 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Virgo and enters Libra on Dec. 20 at 6:39 pm PST / 9:39 pm EST (02:39:30 Dec. 21 UTC).
Sun Degree: 28-29 Sagittarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Mars enters Pisces at 1:23 am PST / 4:23 am EST (09:22:51 UTC).
Mercury stations retrograde at 2:55 am PST / 5:55 am EST (10:55:10 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Pholus conjunct Galactic Center at 1:54 am PST / 4:54 am EST (09:54:04 UTC).
— Venus sextile Great Attractor at 3:53 pm PST / 6:53 pm EST (23:53:12 UTC).
— Eros square Asbolus at 7:09 pm PST / 10:09 pm EST (03:09:32 Dec. 20 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Dec. 19
(The Day of the Hellraisers) | Sagittarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
What is home to you? With Pisces as your 4th house, it’s easy to see why Sagittarius has a reputation for wide travel. Yet just at present you may be hearing the call of a certain place, person or situation. If you explore that feeling as you might an adventure, you may be surprised by the outcome. Here’s the thing: if you ever feel stifled anywhere, you can always move on.
Written in the Planets
There are a good few memes and videos out there, capturing the (admittedly widespread) sentiment that this has been a year we’d rather forget. Yet as Mercury stations retrograde today, giving us all time to reflect anew on the past 12 months, you could find some hidden gems. Treat the exercise with an open mind, and be active in recalling your achievements: surviving through difficulties definitely counts. Chances are you’ll be glad you looked again.

Pre-order the 2017 Planet Waves Annual, The Book of Your Life, to lock in our special early pricing. Read more here or go straight to the purchase page.
Amazing combination of today’s DAA, and Eric’s wonderful piece, and Monday morning horoscopes. Have been dragged through various hedges backwards and forwards in the last weeks – but woke up this morning, after a weekend spent with various loving people, who I’ve known for many years, but haven’t seen for a while – the message of love came through loud and clear, and is very present here, too. Bless you and thank you. xxxx
On it!! lol
… love to ALL you’s