Four Winds Report for April 16, 2017


Hello Planet Waves Reader — We’ll post this daily almanac here each morning. If you would like to get on board, you may sign up at this link. Please share this newsletter with your friends. Thank you! — the PW Editors

Today is Sunday, April 16, 2017
Hebrew date is 20 Nisan 5777
Islamic date is 19 Rajab 1438

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 8 kab’an
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457860

Today’s Birthdays: Madame Lebrun (1755-1842), Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893), Anatole France (1844-1924), Wilbur Wright (1867-1912), John Millington Synge (1871-1909), Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), Spike Milligan (1918-2002), Peter Ustinov (1921-2004), Kingsley Amis (1922-1995), Henry Mancini (1924-1994), Herbie Mann (1930-2003), Dusty Springfield (1939-1999), Margot Adler (1946-2004), Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (1947), Ellen Barkin (1954), Ian MacKaye (1962), Jon Cryer (1965), Martin Lawrence (1965), Selena (1971-1995), Akon (1973), Kelli O’Hara (1976), Marie Digby (1983), Claire Foy (1984), Chance the Rapper (1993).

“In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.”
— Anatole France

Moon Phase: Moon is in Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase and enters Last Quarter phase on April 19 at 2:57 am PDT / 5:57 am EDT (09:56:41 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Taurus on April 26 at 5:16 am PDT / 8:16 am EDT (12:16:04 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Scorpio is on May 10 at 2:42 pm PDT / 5:42 pm EDT (21:42:25 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Sagittarius and enters Capricorn today at 4:04 pm PDT / 7:04 pm EDT (23:04:27 UTC).
Sun Degree: 27-28 Aries.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Capricorn at 4:04 pm PDT / 7:04 pm EDT (23:04:27 UTC).

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars sextile Chiron at 5:24 am PDT / 8:24 am EDT (12:24:22 UTC).
— Vesta sextile Sedna at 2:27 pm PDT / 5:27 pm EDT (21:26:56 UTC).
— Sun trine Galactic Center at 3:04 pm PDT / 6:04 pm EDT (22:04:11 UTC).
— Venus sextile Mars at 6:26 pm PDT / 9:26 pm EDT (01:26:04 April 17 UTC).

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If Your Birthday is April 16
(The Day of Cosmic Comedy) | Aries Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Recent events might have you wanting to say, “Beam me up, Scotty!” Today’s astrology, however, suggests a slight edit to that phrase: “Beam me in.” As in, the Sun is making a most harmonious aspect to the very center of our Milky Way galaxy. See if you can tune into the cosmic message. Whether you think you can or not, there’s an excellent chance you may channel some expansive energy the more aware you can be of humanity’s gifts.

Written in the Planets
With Venus in direct motion as of yesterday, today it makes exact contact with Chiron in Pisces (the third of the whole retrograde process). Whether you’ve been blissing out or struggling with a crisis, emotional healing of one form or another (including sexual healing) looks like the order of the day. You truly do have the capability to heal whatever is hurting or is demanding your attention. Ask for as much help as you need, take notes (Chiron rewards documentation) and consider bathing yourself in music or art along the way.


You may pre-order all 12 signs of the 2017 Spring Reading this week for just $39.39. What we’re living through today is not written about in any book. We’re its pioneers in consciousness, and INVOLUTION will be your guide.

2 thoughts on “Four Winds Report for April 16, 2017

  1. Lizzy

    Bless you for this! Much needed – am having a hard time of it right now – but am reassured that i’m in the right place! Blessings and love to you all today. ((((()))))

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