Monday Diary: Fire Trine Theater

This week concludes with a total eclipse of the Moon in Libra. The Libra Full Moon on Saturday morning is also a total eclipse, corresponding to the total eclipse of the Sun that happened on March 20.

Grand fire trine. The odd point out (toward the top right of the chart) is the North Node in Libra.

Grand fire trine. The odd point out (toward the top right of the chart) is the North Node in Libra.

I have introduced the topic of the Libra eclipse in an edition of Planet Waves FM that’s currently going around.

I’ll have more to say about it this week in various places, including Planet Waves FM and TV. For now, be aware that it’s happening, and that it’s likely to arrive with a heightened sense of just about everything over the next six days or so.

For now I would like to point out that there is a grand fire trine in the sky, which is being highlighted by the waxing Moon conjunct Jupiter. This happens at 3:15 am EDT (08:15 UTC), though we’ve already been feeling its momentum and will be through the day tomorrow and into Tuesday.

There are many planets currently in the fire signs — in Aries, there’s the Sun, the South Node, Eris and Mars. Mercury will arrive Monday.

In Leo, there’s Juno, Jupiter and the Moon (and one slow-moving point behind the scenes, called Sila-Nunam).

Then in Sagittarius there’s Saturn, along with a great many minor planets, including many collected around the Galactic Core late in that sign. So, that’s a lot of fire, and the Moon is picking up on all of it now.

Grand trines are neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’. But they are powerful, and if not handled well, as in consciously, they can be destructive. If you want to handle this particular aspect pattern in a constructive way, slow down and pay attention. With so much in fire signs, there will be lots of impetuous urges going around, and little sense of restraint.

In the most positive reading of this aspect, it can be visionary, and that vision will need to be followed up by persistent, devoted action. There’s a whole lot of start in this pattern, though that does not necessarily lead to continue or finish.

We get more start energy as Mercury enters Aries Monday. That is like a bright idea that could really use some follow through. We get some persistence as Mars leaves Aries and enters Taurus on Wednesday.

All in all, there’s considerable momentum on the psychic fields right now. Take things one step at a time and when in doubt, revert to Saturn. Slow down the movie. Speak and think in simpler steps. Notice when you’re getting carried away.

7 thoughts on “Monday Diary: Fire Trine Theater

  1. jinspace

    This would explain why I feel like jumping out of my skin today. Wish I’d read this *before* I had my coffee – it would have been a good day to skip the caffeine!

  2. Karen

    Thank you. I actually need to post that on my wall( not my facebook wall , a whiteboard on my real wall) :”Notice when you’re getting carried away”. Yes I will. I need to slooooooooooow down.

  3. Carolynkc

    Will I really go to Berkeley end of July or am I just getting carried away? (Rhetorical question). Reflection is necessary. Thanks, Eric A least I’ll get my passport renewed. Feeding a little overwhelmed.

    Carolyn k

  4. Phyllis Capanna

    Funny, this is very close to my natal grand fire trine (I have Uranus, not Jupiter, in Leo, Mars in Aries, Saturn in Sag), and what I am experiencing is … meltdown. I just decided today to take a break from all I’ve been doing/obsessing on (career stuff) and just focus on doing what’s right in front of me and leave the big questions for another day. (Knowing of course that my cosmic helpers are working on them while I rest.) Hmmmm. I can definitely relate to feeling overwhelmed. During the Full Moon/ Ecplipse I will be in the belly of the beast: visiting family, where it all began. Thanks, Eric, I’m not sure why, but this post is reassuring.

  5. Yoniyoganidra

    Thank You Eric, for this and the coverage of the Libra Eclipse on Planet Waves FM. I was very appreciative of your mention about shame around sexuality. It feels as if that is the primary sex education of our culture: be ashamed of “down there”.

    I taught a Yoni Yoga workshop for women on Sunday, Developing Our Brain-Body-Yoni Connection, and several of the women spoke about wanting to heal the sense of shame they carried in their body and minds around their sexuality or, wanting to heal the collective shame in their ancestral lineage.

    Many participants sang out the sentiment of “the buck stops here”.

    I told them of your understanding of where that phrase came from. It felt great to include You, and Planet Waves in gathering around healing and enhancing our sexual presence. It feels as if this quests time, has just arrived.

  6. Heather

    Seems that many are riding the tail of the dragon (South node) so to speak, and yes that includes me as well, in addition to some of our animal friends.
    Given that all of this collective set up is my Natal history, its taken quite some while to learn to ‘dance’ with the devil in the detail so to speak.
    So, thanks Eric for your guidance, otherwise I may have ended up walking around completely unconscious.
    Now for that glass of wine, or two or three!

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