Extended Scorpio Weekend Forecast

Good morning. Yesterday we ran a shorter version of the horoscope due to time constraints. It did not include weekend astrology, and it’s close to your birthday as well. Here is an extended forecast for Scorpio.

The Sun in your sign is speaking to a diversity of planets in Pisces — especially Neptune and Chiron. Creative, experimental and imaginative, this is astrology for a fun weekend (hinting at an adventurous year for those whose solar returns occur around this time). Yet there is more here; there is the question of how you go about expanding your life from your known patterns and ways of being into the unfamiliar and what is ultimately more satisfying. I know that many people are still waiting for their ship to come in, for things to get better or for change to come to them. I know that many Scorpios are still picking up the pieces after two years of Saturn in your sign. But this aspect pattern is about trines — Sun trine four different Pisces planets, plus the the Cancer Moon trine the Sun and those Pisces planets — and this is calling on you to take charge and make the changes that you want. First, you have to know what you want; and I would ask: what direction are you going in naturally? Which way do you flow? That is the direction in which to ROW. Once you start doing that, you will be faced with more relevant decisions, each of which is an opportunity. But for that to work you must notice — really notice — when you get to make a choice, and see the potential, and not pass on the moment.

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