Today is the first full day under a mutable Sagittarius Sun. The waning Moon will continue to move through the latter half of mutable Virgo all day today, and will not transition to cardinal Libra until shortly before 2:42 pm EDT (19:41:55 UTC) tomorrow. With such a combination you could be excused if you feel like you are on shaky ground.
Add a decelerating (read: symbolically hesitant) Mercury approaching its conjunction with Saturn in mid-Sagittarius tomorrow, and you could not be blamed if you are scrutinizing the near future with what proverb calls a “jaundiced eye.”
There is no doubt that a little skepticism is always a healthy thing. In addition, it is well within the realm of possibility that being critical can serve a constructive purpose. Indeed, when consciously employed with caution, even cynicism can be used as a means to make a point. Even so, if there is anything to seeing our astrology this week holistically, you might not want to allow censorious means to become an end in themselves. That’s because there is something else going on
Operating on a level below the explicit uncertainty of our times is something implicitly deeper. You might call it a “long game.” As this week goes on, keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open for signs that a transition from one state to another is subtly working its way towards becoming more plainly evident.
Astrologically, there are indications of a subtle liminality gradually unfolding beneath superficially evident trends. Appropriately, those emblematic intimations are taking place in cardinal signs, where the Sun moves to initiate new seasons.
As Eric has oft-mentioned, the deep background of our current times is represented by what’s going on in cardinal Aries. Uranus and Eris are not even close to completing their long continuum of an Aries conjunction, which on the surface may seem only disruptive. Fortunately, Ceres has recently become part of the Uranus-Eris merger as if to show a more fecund side of transmutation.
In perfect harmony with the Aries stellium, Venus is even now closing in on what might fairly be called a provocatively erotic merger with Pluto in cardinal Capricorn. Furthering to provide symbolic amplification is Jupiter in cardinal Libra, now only a few days away from a square aspect (a separation of 90 degrees) with both Venus and Pluto.
All told, the holiday weekend coming up should provide you an ample opportunity to witness something more sublime than food, football and dysfunctional relationships revisited. All you will have to do is be patient and perceive deeply into that which nearly everybody else will be taking for granted.
Watch the ice melt in your drinking glass. Take note of the steam rising from your hot beverage. Feel the hints of a new season coming on, and think about what you might do to put yourself in the flow of such deceptively prosaic processes. In each case, the inevitable result is an equilibrium that reliably and always gives rise to yet another turn. Who knows, you might even feel a bit of a transition yourself — from being shaken by events to being stirred into action.
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This article is full of intrigue, I love it. I will make tea and watch the steam and wait. I think I have felt it seeing the images of the huge wave of ice water being shot towards the peaceful resisters at Standing Rock. Thank you for the hope you have given me.
Lynn Hennessy