Democracy Now! — Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016


This morning, Amy Goodman had Oliver Stone on Democracy Now! talking about Snowden, his new film, which will be released this weekend. Amy devotes the whole program to Stone and the history of what happened to Snowden. Stone is a longtime friend of many people connected to Democracy Now!, and this is an extraordinary interview.

Snowden’s original interview in The Guardian

Pardon Snowden campaign

Planet Waves archive on Edward Snowden, Wikileaks and the NSA

July 30, 2010 — Clearing the Smog of War

Dec. 3, 2010 — The Most Wanted Man in the World

June 7, 2013 — Mars and Pallas Square Neptune: Big Brother is Listening

June 11, 2013 — Planet Waves FM: Who is Reading Your Email and Why You Should Care

June 14, 2013 — Father Knows Best

June 18, 2013 — Planet Waves FM: Edward Snowden’s Birth Chart and Some Big Astrology

June 6, 2015 — Baby Brother, the Big Chill and Lesson 19


Natal chart for Edward Snowden.


Snowden’s progressions for the time of his disclosures on the NSA, three years ago. Click image for larger version.

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