Experience the beauty of Vision Quest, our 2016 annual. Written and audio excerpts for each sign are available from the Vision Quest main page. Order all 12 signs or choose your individual signs.
As Donald Trump secured a victory in Nevada with a strong margin, he was featured on the cover of a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.” The Investigation Discovery network will premiere a series titled “Hate in America,” — based on this report — on Monday, Feb. 29, at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Amy Goodman spoke to Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, who noted: “Over 60 percent of the people who support Trump believe that President Obama is a secret Muslim and wasn’t born in this country.”
Meanwhile, the FBI continues to pursue Apple, whose CEO Tim Cook recently described the government’s efforts to gain a backdoor to all mobile devices as the “software equivalent of cancer.” Former CIA agent Barry Eisler had this to say:
I think the fact that so many people, actually, that 38 percent, think it’s a really bad idea for Apple to be forced to do this is, in part, a tribute to the educational value of the Snowden revelations and all the journalism that’s been built on them, because I’m pretty sure — can’t really conduct this experiment, but I’m pretty sure that if it hadn’t been for Snowden’s revelations, the public would be focusing entirely on the keep-us-safe-from-the-terrorists aspect of this whole thing, and not on the but-this-is-going-to-destroy-privacy aspect.
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