Democracy Now! — Thursday, April 14, 2016


Eric will have the exciting new Spring Reading for you by April 17. Pre-order today for the best price, and get the lowdown on Mars retrograde. Includes video!

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The young plaintiffs in a climate change lawsuit discuss their next steps. Image: video still

Bernie Sanders made headlines recently when he apparently overestimated the civilian death toll in Gaza. He has argued that Israel’s response to Hamas attacks is “disproportionate,” while Hillary Clinton asserts that Israel “has the right to defend itself.” On the road in California, Amy Goodman is joined by Joel Beinin, professor of Middle East history at Stanford University and former director of Middle East Studies at the American University in Cairo.

Also today, a federal judge has rejected dismissal of a landmark lawsuit over climate change. The lawsuit was filed by Our Children’s Trust on behalf of 21 young people—all under the age of 21. They argue that the federal government is violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property by enabling continued exploitation, production and combustion of fossil fuels.

And Stanford University students are demanding change in faculty diversity. Stanford’s faculty is 73 percent white and 73 percent male, despite the majority of the undergraduate population being non-white. This campaign occurs in the wake of nationwide protests against campus racism.

We are honored to offer this broadcast as part of our affiliation with the Pacifica Network.

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