Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website, or her alt website,

This is just stunning, Danielle! This one goes on my desktop..
Had a really close encounter with a seagull some days ago. It alighted on the window sill of my office ( the window was closed). It made this really loud kind of barking sound – and I thought it was a dog at first. Till I remembered that I’m on the seventh floor – so it couldn’t be (I have my back to the window). It just stayed there, about a foot away from me – and didn’t move – so I eventually had to turn my back on it and get on with my work – at which point my friend flew off.
Ah, the great guardian seagull, Lizzy.
If life is but a dream, then according to the online Dream Dictionary: To see seagulls indicate a desire to get away from your problems or the demands of your waking life. You may be wasting away your potential and unused skills. Alternatively, a seagull symbolizes your strengths. You are able to cope with life’s changes with grace and understanding. The dream may also be a pun on “see go” and thus indicate something that you need to let go or see go.
Its barking may have meant nothing more than: “Have you got any chips (fries), please?”, but as at first you thought it might be a dog this could indicate a faithful companion who is at your side from beyond the veil.
The 7th floor is significant in that 7 is a number trying to straighten itself out into 1, helping you get your feet back on the ground.
What a lovely dream-time experience, Lizzy. No wonder you were drawn to Danielle’s beautiful shot and motivated to write about this inspiring and unusual event.
All best wishes for the future.
Ha ha! “Its barking may have meant nothing more than: “Have you got any chips (fries), please?”, “”. Thank you so much for your beautiful interpretation, dear Geoff!
Thought of you as I listened to this exquisite piece by Vaughan Williams when I got home from work yesterday (have posted it before) –
Oh, Lizzy, that was majestic and just perfect timing. It made me stop doing what I was doing for 15 minutes and dive deep down into the gene pool of my Englishness. Did I mention before that this was one of my very favourite pieces of music, or did you just Know?
Looking at the photo that accompanied it made me feel that King Arthur’s Camelot was just over the hill and we would soon be there. It’s Glastonbury Festival next week and I don’t have a ticket. Boo-hoo.
Here’s a piece that I also love dearly. For me it seems to capture the feeling or memory of a dream that got away.
Thank you for thinking of me after you arrived home from work yesterday. I hope you have a great weekend.
“dive deep down into the gene pool of my Englishness” – yes – that’s it, dear Geoff. makes expats like me feel incredibly nostalgic and longing for pastures green…. No, I didn’t know it was one of your favourite pieces of music – but I somehow associate you with all that loveliness.
Thanks for replying with more music! -right now I should be working, and am then off for the weekend to stay withfriends (with no internet) – but look forward to hearing it soon. Bettr get back to work..
Danielle: see what your photos do to us?
Hope you have a great weekend too!
No internet? You won’t need to pack the Dolmio Pepper Hacker then! Cheers to Amanda. for that one.
And yes, thank you Danielle for consistently beautiful and amazing photographs. Every one is a masterpiece.
Geoff — did you mean to post part of that comment under the members’ issue, instead? 😉 (Actually, reading the thread above, it clearly could go in either spot.)
Glad you got a kick out of the Pepper Hacker!