Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 05.22.15

Today is the feast day of St. Rita, patroness of lost causes, who died on this day in 1457.  She was given special attention in Palermo, Sicily, last Sunday when a crucified Jesus, carried by chanting Sicilians, came to meet her at the church local's call Santa Rita’s, but on maps read as belonging to St. Augustine.  She was brought out to greet him three times, each one accompanied by chanting, and on the last round, a shower of roses.

Today is the feast day of St. Rita, patroness of lost causes, who died on this day in 1457. She was given special attention in Palermo, Sicily, last Sunday when a crucified Jesus, carried by chanting Sicilians, came to meet her at the church that locals call Santa Rita’s, but which on maps is said to belong to St. Augustine. She was brought out to greet him three times, each time accompanied by chanting, and on the last round, a shower of roses.

Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website DanielleVoirin.com, or her alt website, DaniVoirin.com.

3 thoughts on “Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 05.22.15

  1. Amanda Painter

    Such a fascinating mash-up of very old and very new iconography — the statues, and the cell phones.

    I wonder how long it will take for the first church of St. iPhone, or St. Steve Jobs, to be erected and then celebrated with a feast day and roses?

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