Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 04.15.15

Where the sidewalk ends, and the calanques begin.  In Marseille, at the end of the Avenue de la Madrague de Montredon, the famous calanques - steep-walled coves along the Meditteranean coast - start to emerge.

Where the sidewalk ends, and the calanques begin. In Marseille, at the end of the Avenue de la Madrague de Montredon, the famous calanques – steep-walled coves along the Meditteranean coast – start to emerge.

Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website DanielleVoirin.com, or her alt website, DaniVoirin.com.

4 thoughts on “Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 04.15.15

  1. Amanda Painter

    This was completely unintentional, as I’d decided Monday to post Chad Woodward’s Cosmophilia article this week, but I’m loving the visual echo between the man in this photo looking out at the ocean, and the man in the photo accompanying Chad’s piece looking up into the vast Milky Way.

    It almost feels like a holographic thing more than just a metaphor… human consciousness can barely grasp the vast depths of sea, let alone our galaxy — or the universe. Yet there’s beauty in that, and something to immerse ourselves in…

  2. Dani Voirin

    Indeed, we can imagine it is the same man looking up at the night sky, and out at the sun’s light on the Mediterranean.

    I had considered correcting the horizon line in my photo, then decided that no, the man’s heavy thoughts are tilting his world. It’s as it should be.

  3. Amanda Painter

    🙂 I don’t think I had quite registered the tilting horizon (at least, not as any kind of “defect”). But now that I see it, I rather like that sense of motion it suggests — especially with your interpretation of it, Dani.

  4. Barbara

    I am reminded of a solo midnight visit to a beach (Gulf/Fla.)….dark ….deep….a sliver of reflected moon light dancing on the waves……..I was in awe of the vastness of creation and the ache in my heart….being far from home for the first time in my life…..surrounded by ones I did not really know ….who… would become central to me…..little did I know then…that the vastness was a metaphor…..and the experience like a rite of passage……………that I am still in awe of to this day….

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