If the course of human events had any lessons for us over the last several days, they would have to do with cooperation and conflict. Cooperation brought elation and success. Conflict brought sorrow and setbacks. It might be wise to keep both sets of lessons in mind so as to better see what you should do.
Perhaps the most outstanding example of cooperation came hours after yesterday’s New Moon in the sign Cancer. Yesterday night (or very early this morning, depending on where you live) a long collaborative effort culminated in the insertion of a spacecraft called Juno into orbit around Jupiter.
It was encouraging to witness the celebration of those working on the Juno project, as telemetry indicated the successful completion of their mission’s first phase. It was no small thing to overcome unprecedented difficulties and uncounted unknowns to reach that point.
Here on Earth, however, the days leading up to yesterday’s New Moon provided ample reason for sobriety. First in Bangladesh, then in Iraq, and finally in Saudi Arabia violence intruded where people very much like you and me were preparing to observe some celebration of their own.
Adherents of Islamic religions have been fasting from sunrise to sundown since their holy month of Ramadan started back on June 7. It is no small thing either. It is a test of faith that will finally end on July 7 with the celebratory feasts of Eid al-Fitir.
Ideally, the days leading up to the festival of breaking the fast are marked by an anticipation of joy, reward, relief and return to a less physically demanding daily routine. It seems especially senseless to intrude with indiscriminate violence at such a time. Even those of us who do not participate in Ramadan are compelled to recognize that no good can come from such conflict, and feel compassion for those who will now be impelled to mourn rather than rejoice.
Today, as the Moon moves on to Leo, we are all obliged to move on as well. The Independence Day weekend in the U.S. is over. In America, as in much of the world, another working day is upon us. Neither will the occasion of Eid al-Fitir wait. Yet all of us, regardless of nationality or belief, might well find reason in the skies to do something besides simply go on with life as it has been. If there is anything to what anybody can see by simply looking up, there is reason for each of us to do something to increase the peace.
With its ingress to Leo, the Moon will return to visibility as a thin crescent in the West just after sundown. That’s a very auspicious sign for those of Islamic belief. For astrologers, at least, a fire trine from the Leo Moon to Saturn in Sagittarius will suggest sobriety at least, and sympathy at best. In addition, the promise implied by a waxing Moon will be reinforced by the three prominent sign rulers it is leaving behind.
The Sun, Mercury and Venus remain in Cancer, even as the Moon moves on. Over the next few days, those three objects will, in emblematic effect, be reaching out to the rest of the solar system.
Indeed, the process has already started. With thoughtful Mercury’s brief but auspicious water trine to imaginative Neptune in Pisces earlier today, you might have noticed how even a little good news (from the Juno spacecraft or otherwise) can function to encourage you even if there is no immediate or tangible effect on your life.
Tomorrow, affectionate Venus will follow the lead of both Mercury and the Moon. With a water trine of its own to Mars in Scorpio, Venus will be reminding us that cooperation is easier than conflict. In addition, with its own return to visibility in the twilight, Venus will shine with a palpable indication that things can and do get better. All it takes is just a little help from (and for) your friends.
Finally, through the remainder of the week it is as if the entire crew in Cancer will be pulling their oars together. Venus will move on and reach out to Eris and Uranus in Aries, as well as Chiron in Pisces. The Sun and Mercury will conjoin and extend in union to Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Virgo. Of course, the most important oar will be yours to pull.
It will be in your everyday life this week that a difference will be made, and it will not be rocket science to get it done. It will be as easy as cooperating whenever possible. It will be as simple as refraining from unnecessary conflict. While you will almost certainly be required to challenge yourself upon occasion, there should be nothing about your part in increasing the peace that you cannot bring yourself to do.
There has been enough of sorrow and setbacks. There is a great need for elation, however muted. We could all use some success, however small. Look to be like the Moon. Move on and show up. Try to be like the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Reach out. None of us are without injury, but to be healed we must finally come around and realize that we are all we’ve got.
Offered In Service

Attention anyone with a Cancer Sun, Moon or rising: Eric has recorded the audio portions of your birthday reading for the next 12 months — nicknamed The Cancer Illumination Kit. You can access them by ordering now; the video will be released after July 4. Not familiar with Eric’s audio or video readings? You can listen to last year’s reading here, as a gift.
Yes – absolutely lovely, uplifting piece – which encourages me to respond to rather heavy times at work with cooperation and an upbeat, peaceful spirit, and to support my colleagues, who are in the same boat, rather than whingeing and whining. Thank you, Len.
Also very much appreciated the way you brought the celebration of Eid (and the recent terrible atrocities committed during Ramadan) into your piece.
It truly is “no small thing to overcome unprecedented difficulties and uncounted unknowns to reach that point.” We all have places of conflict and places of cooperation. Sometimes the small successes and acts of kindness, when we pay attention, give us the ability to stay connected to beauty and compassion. Thank you Len for such a wise and beautiful piece.
yes, Len … I’ve been feeling the pull toward cooperation and connection and it feels so nice. Well put, indeed. It is a new day and it’s inviting, cool and embraced by this raggedy soldier.