Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #218 for March 2, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — For the past two weeks, Mercury has been making its way backward through the most sensitive area of your solar chart. This describes a process of deep discovery relating to who you are. More than likely, it’s felt quite gentle and subtle, an idea gradually building in the back of your mind. As Mercury slips into Aquarius on Wednesday, this should gain in tangibility, and various threads will start to form a pattern. What this amounts to is you taking notice of a facet of yourself either that you’ve formerly suppressed somewhat, or which has been growing stronger with the development of your confidence and self-knowledge. You will soon be able to experiment with this part of you out in the open. Meanwhile, let it continue to blossom within you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

Pre-order your 2020-21 Aries Astrology Studio now for the lowest price of just $33.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your ruler Venus entering your sign late Wednesday night heralds the culmination of a phase that may have felt substantially unsettling for you. Yet something has been brewing beneath the turbulence, and you’re about to get your first glimpse of the results. This is taking place in the realm of how you relate to the world, though at present it’s very much an internal process. I suggest you keep trying on different ideas and various hats as they occur to you, and take care not to dismiss anything because it seems outlandish or might attract criticism. That’s the eternal price of utterly honest living, and it’s a rare situation indeed where that fee is not worth paying. Your freedom beckons. Get ready to meet it. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s time to weigh up the experiences you’ve had during the last two weeks or so, as Mercury has made its backward journey across Pisces, which is your career zone. That said, you might well already have gotten a clue. Your senses are unusually sharp and clear, and even on those days when your mind feels scrambled, your instincts are on to the scent of truth. You’re learning that you must abandon any illusions that remain to you of being led by the wishes of others. This is your way of playing it safe: if someone else is in the driving seat, you can believe they’re responsible for whatever happens on the road. It takes courage to grip the wheel, and recognize that ultimately the decisions you make are by, and for, you. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Current charts paint a picture of you, if not quite on the big stage bathed in spotlights, then experiencing some similarities. Certainly you’re becoming more noticeable, thanks to the energy you can’t help but express. That in turn could lead to what feels like a sharp increase of scrutiny and random people trying to figure you out. These days, when anyone dares to stand out from the masses, both curiosity and criticism are inevitable to an extent. You can help yourself by standing firm in your dharma, and acting in ways that accord with it. Don’t allow anyone else to set the terms on which you conduct your life and your business. You are by far the best person to steer your own boat. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s generally wise not to make too many assumptions regarding what people around you are thinking and feeling. The human capacity to surprise is infinite, however seldom it is employed. Your astrology is reflecting one particular circumstance in which you might think you have a dispute or conflict of interest with someone. This is worth reviewing, even if the facts appear obvious. Just now, very few things are really precisely as they seem. If you dig a little deeper, you could easily find enough information to at least pause. This will be in the form of common ground of some kind. At any rate, make peace your watchword and summon your powers of diplomacy, at least until anything more decisive emerges. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury’s reverse course through Pisces, your opposite sign, describes the potential for old feelings and insecurities being stirred up, especially in terms of one-to-one relationships. Yet you’re also aware of the progress you’ve made since these troublesome guests last made themselves known, and therefore need not be caught in the net unless you’re determined to be. Just hold on to the knowledge that nobody else can play the role of you better than you can. Your gifts are not invisible to others, even in those moments when they seem so to you. If you look carefully, you’ll find abundant evidence of their existence. If your self-trust contains a few holes, this is a good time to make a point of patching it up. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Retrograde Mercury’s dip back into Aquarius, your solar 5th house, is a reminder that the most fulfilling form of work is the kind into which you can bring your whole self. What really piques your interest? What draws and holds your attention? Notice when, in answering these questions, you make reference to other people’s expectations or values. Then set all of that aside. This will likely need to be an ongoing rinse-and-repeat sort of process, as Venus crosses your 8th. However, this period will also give you an opportunity to explore where someone’s agenda has acted on your ideas about who you are, and what you desire. Eventually, with practice, you’ll be able to strip away much of the undue influence, and see the naked truth behind it. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Though Mercury has another week before its about-face in late Aquarius, there’s nothing stopping you taking note of any ideas that might pass through your mind. Likewise, there’s no reason you can’t clear away old debris in preparation for the moment of action. You have discernment, and it’s worth putting that skill to some use this week. Discard, ruthlessly, any old concepts that have been hindering your progress. If other people show any inclination to throw obstacles in your path, withdraw from their immediate vicinity. Stay away from them as long as necessary. You need the freedom and space to consult your own unfiltered thoughts, and give them full expression. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There is something quite beautiful in responding to the world as a child might, with the same trust and wonder and love. However difficult this might seem, it’s a skill that can be cultivated and practiced; an art that allows you to let go and simply be for a while. Doing this can also help you retrieve certain aspirations or ideals that you held in former times; in other words, reclaim a part of yourself that should never have left you. Many people spend far too much of their lives dealing with blows to their self-trust from past caregivers or family members, even well-meaning ones. You can now choose to override any such hurdles, and give your self-confidence the reins. Try it, and see what happens. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — During this week you could benefit from some gentle thought experiments, in which you ask questions regarding some strongly-held beliefs. You can do this privately, so as to give yourself full conceptual freedom in a safe environment. Notice when deep emotions are roused, when doubts or queries surface that seem to have always been there, and when you feel afraid to explore something further. You may gain understanding of the difference between a conclusion formed on the basis of solid evidence, and an unsupported belief. The question then becomes, what purpose is that belief serving? What is it preventing you from doing? And what doors might open if you let it go? Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your sign is about to become an astrological focal point, with Saturn arriving for its practice run later this month, and then the gradually building Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. This is a major shift for you after so much emphasis on your solar 12th house, Capricorn — the most veiled area of the chart. You would benefit from making use of this year as a phase of preparation. Mercury’s brief visit to your sign starting Wednesday will more than likely illuminate certain areas where you might not feel quite ready to meet the changes. This would be a good place to concentrate your energy initially. Take it easy — you don’t need to rush this process, just notice it. For now, let the big developments happen organically. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — By and large, people tend to prefer simple answers. This is why many have a love-hate relationship with the truth, which is often complex and doesn’t yield to confirmation bias. You have a degree of advantage in the ability to make room for seemingly bizarre or unconventional sources, which sometimes fill in the gaps left by mainstream theories. Your open-mindedness will serve you well during the next week or so, as long as you don’t hasten to any conclusions. Consider this more of a fact-gathering exercise, in which your task is to accumulate information with the intention to apply discernment at another time. Know when you don’t know, and reserve judgment should you find preconceptions are trying to sway it. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #217 for Feb. 24, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — There are times along the way to learning how to be yourself that you have to exaggerate a little. That might mean speaking a little more loudly, dressing in bright colors, or seeking more attention for something you’ve done or are doing. It might mean sifting the emphasis of a relationship to your agenda. This is not a ‘permanent’ state but rather a test run, like trying something on. Then you might reflect and make some adjustments. This seems to be happening on a deep level for you: both the trying on, and soon, the adjustment process. You are likely to be discovering a kind of inner power you were only dimly aware of previously. Over the next week or so, this goes from an external experience (something you share) to a deeply internal one (what you feel, how you are challenged to grow, and letting go of who you no longer want to be). Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You can put yourself out there — announce your existence, make a statement, take a position — though there are no assurances of how your message will be received. Particularly now, with the world so polarized and everyone so confused, anything could be taken as meaning anything. That said, you seem determined to get your message out, or to make your presence known. While Mercury is retrograde in the public angle of your chart, I suggest you conduct little tests. Float ideas both on social media and during in-person conversations, then see the results you get. Do your best to state your idea in as neutral a way as possible just to explore the ensuing discussion. You’re likely to hear things you never would have expected. I suggest you start on a small scale, and carefully study the results. You may apply this approach to any communication puzzle you may be facing in your life, whether personal or professional. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Proceed with caution and patience on any moves related to your career. There is way too much room for error, illusion and misunderstanding at the moment, which pretty much assures you’re likely to get it wrong, for now. Let’s prevent that. Therefore, place yourself in research and fact-finding mode. Do a lot of listening. Track multiple sources of data, and figure out what is actually going on. This will help you build a strategy that you can begin to put to work some time after Mercury stations direct on March 9. If, meanwhile, you are doing something related to a career change, a new job, or some role where you must take authority, tune in like an owl watching a forest at night. Take your time and don’t make any sudden moves! Information will come to you by way of unusual, invisible or seemingly impossible means. When in doubt, break out the three-column method for the assessment of a situation or fact pattern: 1. What you know for sure; 2. What you don’t know; 3. What you suspect. Work on that for a while and see what happens. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your best new plan may be a dusted-off old one. So take a little while, and retrieve and review a number of possibilities you considered high priorities in the past. Ruminate on them a bit and see what you come up with. No doubt they will need a little modernization, though it’s the central idea that counts. Meanwhile, whatever you’re involved in at the moment has the potential to be done in an interesting way. First of all that means interesting to you: exciting and engaging of your curiosity. This is especially true of any communication-related venture, such as writing or broadcast or even music. You’re also in a brilliant moment to turn supposedly spiritual teachings on their ear, and set yourself free from ideas that you have found vexing in the past. You have some extra penetrating vision to see past lies, deception and disinformation in any form. Use your talent well. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Now is the time to focus on any sexual healing projects you’ve had on the back burner. You may make a discovery or connection over the next few days to a week, which will seem like a veil being dropped off of the hidden truth. Take this gently. You have no need to act at this point, only to be aware of your feelings and how you’re responding to them. If you’re inclined to discuss this topic with an intimate partner, make sure that you have a sense of where you’re coming from before you do. Sit with your impressions until you get some clarity. Now is not, however, the best time to take action within major partnerships, be they sexual or financial. It is, though, a more appropriate moment to carry on a conversation at a low simmer. Expand your awareness to where those with whom you have commitments are coming from: how they feel, about themselves, about you and about your shared circumstances. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mars making its way across Capricorn, your solar 5th house, is heating up your creative/experimental zone. This transit is inviting you to indulge your needs, desires and talents. You may feel if you do that, you will go out of control, though in a sense that is the idea. You tend to be a bit compressed and over-cautious where your self-expression is concerned. Even small gestures can seem like a big deal, though now you’re being fired up by Mars, in its sign of exaltation. This is about the love you make as much as it is about anything else you might design, draw, sculpt, fabricate or scribble onto a napkin. Stay in territory that feels a little dangerous, and where you’re not sure the outcome. Draw on the past at least a little — to do something new is often seeded with a bit of the old yeast. What you’re going for is the feeling of connecting your ideas to physical expression. Let it happen. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It would seem that the only way to let go of the past is to immerse yourself in whatever you’re feeling. You seem to be working to resolve old anger and insecurity. Mercury retrograde may throw a fog over that basic fact, making it seem like something else is worrying you — one of your usual health complaints, for example. Yet these always tie into what you’re feeling on the most elemental level: hungry, thirsty, confident, insecure or others on that level. So keep it basic and notice what your body is telling you, rather than what you think it’s telling you. Down at the root level, you are doing two things in one: you are claiming something, and you’re letting something go. There is an exchange involved. Identify what you don’t want, feel it deeply, and choose to release your attachment. Then feel what you want the most, and claim it as your own. This involves what motivates you. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Humans seem to have a hard time changing their minds, even in the face of overwhelming information. You’ve been confronted with many reasons, both urgent and subtle, to rethink several vital matters in your life. They may pertain to family, they may pertain to business, they may pertain to where you live. You probably know what they are: the topics that come up persistently. You now have a new burst of energy that will help you not only to think things through but also to engage the previously missing step, which is taking action. What we are losing track of in our era is that choices must often be enforced by sustained and disciplined movements: actual things you do, and then make sure you did right, and re-do if you need to, until you get yourself to a new level of stability. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your finances are not the only priority that you need to drive at the moment, though they are a meaningful one. Your life right now is a study in what you value the most; what you hold dear; what you actually live for. Some people know this, and others have to figure it out. Don’t assume you know. The world (and the astrology) is too confused for easy answers, which rarely tell us anything anyway. It is often extreme events that teach us what matters. People tend to learn the most by loss or threat. I would encourage you to take a gentler approach, and make a true inquiry. Here is a clue. There were certain things that really, really mattered to you, which no longer hold so much energy. There are new ideas you have and want to pursue, though the ultimate test is whether you act on them. And there is one thing from the past that is reminding you it still matters — a lot. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars in your own sign is encouraging you to confront your fears. They certainly have their way with you often enough, to the point where you can barely move or make a decision. I suggest you be more curious about this. What happens when you strive to choose something for yourself? How long can you sustain your motivation? Then what typically happens when you act on your decision? By this, I mean when you decide on something that actually matters. Have you noticed a pattern, whether related to your feelings or to what manifests in your environment? Be particularly vigilant about feelings of guilt, and notice where they are coming from. Take note when it seems others move to dissuade or block your movement. This can take the form of anyone or anything appearing to be in the role of an authority figure. Guilt is a sure sign you think someone is trying to run your life. I suggest you be more curious about this. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — For many moons, the past has seemed as real as, or more real than, the present. This must be annoying, though it has the advantage of being familiar. After a while it ceases to be a comfort zone and is more like living a film loop that gradually deteriorates but keeps repeating. The question you might ask is, is there some element of your personal history that is trying to get your attention? Do you mistake it for something else? It’s unlikely to be the thing you keep assuming it is. What is hemming you in is something other than you believe. So, start with a list of what you think your limitations are, and then cross them all off and look for the things you have not thought of. And remember that sometimes when you feel corralled, you have to break the fence. Even donkeys know this. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your assignment the next few weeks is to make your mark on the world. You will know you’re doing this when you feel the friction. There is energy involved, and some adventure, and a sense of quest. Basically, your chart describes a time of doing the ground work and the one-to-one retail sales of getting your idea going. Mars is moving through the social angle of your chart, which is Capricorn (this alone suggests that for you, social and professional have a strong affinity for one another). Now is the time to work this angle. But remember, with Mars, you need to be persistent, and have a thicker skin than usual. You might come across to someone as annoying, to someone else as pushy, and to others as determined. Keep going and form bonds with those with whom you feel an affinity, though you must ensure it’s productive and collaborative. This is not a time to compromise on your goals and aspirations. Rather, it’s the time to be originally and exclusively you. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #216 for Feb. 17, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars, your ruling planet, has just entered Capricorn, which will change the tone of your life in a noticeable way. You must take special care and caution on all matters associated with higher-ups, by which I mean people in authority of any kind. This includes its smaller forms, right down to postal clerks, though in particular, anyone you report to. Take a minimalist approach, and also a proactive one. Do not spring any surprises. Work out the details of any plan you may be involved with, as the current condition of Mercury retrograde will have a tendency to complicate things, and make communication unreliable. Mostly this is about how people handle their interactions with others, and an environment where it seems challenging to be mindful. That means you must pay all the more attention, and make sure you understand the intentions of others, making no assumptions. And be extremely cautious about taking authority that you do not have. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may draw support from Mars in your fellow earthy sign Capricorn, which will lend momentum to your latest adventure or thought experiment. You may use the future as a resource. However, be wise about how you extract the power of time. Recognize that it’s not infinite, and must be used efficiently and economically — though it is yours to work with. Plan ahead in manageable bites, leaving yourself extra time for all of your intended endeavors. Personally I think that it’s not functional to fill up one’s day-calendar months (or years) ahead. You want flexibility, which is the ability to make decisions. Leave at least half of your productive time (or more) unscheduled. Commit yourself only to your highest professional priorities and your most pleasurable activities. You must be disciplined and structured, which in this scenario means limiting your commitments. Aside, be especially conscious in all public communications. Stop and think twice every time you click “post,” “update,” or “send.” Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are about to get a kind of power test — such as running electricity through a new kind of circuitry. The test involves you sizing up the ability of others to influence you, or meddle in your affairs. It also relates to what you do with desire — whether your own or that of someone else. If I may offer a suggestion here, you want to be the one making the decisions. You are the one who chooses what you do and do not do with your body. This is not so much about fending off aggression as it is handling the assertiveness of others, in situations where it may not serve your best interests. So that is the thing to check out first, last, and foremost. Consider whether the potential resulting attachment is going to benefit you. Notice whether you are making an implied commitment. Where financial matters are concerned, you simply must stay in control of the contractual language. Where there is some important matter pending, with Mercury retrograde taking off, your best tactic will be to delay at least a month. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars has just arrived in your opposite sign, which describes an increase in the energy from your surrounding environment. This could come in the form of professional offers, admirers, and detractors. There will be circumstances where you need to think quickly. I suggest reading Gemini, as the themes are similar, though more general than the contracts/sex/finances angle I describe there. One thing right off the stick is, you must become comfortable with people expressing attraction toward you. Remember, you get to respond your way, meaning, you make your own choices no matter what anyone else wants. Yet you also cannot aggressively resist or push back. That does not work, especially with so much energy moving. All negotiations must be put on the slow tack, giving you time to make a careful review of the ‘who, what and when’ type particulars. Mercury is retrograde, close to Neptune. Things are not quite what they seem, and you will only deduce the truth in layers. That said, listen to the very first thing someone says to you — that is probably the truth. Not the second thing, the first. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must look after your health and your stress level through the remainder of the season. This has been an important point of focus for you the past three years or so, and you have probably learned a lot about listening to your body and keeping track of your energy level. Pay special attention now. One challenge, though, is that it could be difficult to pin down specifics. So you will need to start with keeping track of your rest, and resisting the temptation to work all the time (one of your specialties, though the current moment calls for some balance). Then do the Wise Woman thing and nourish and tonify. Make sure you eat the foods that you need. Regulate your body temperature and make sure your physical environment is not too warm. If you’re in a northern climate, wrap up and move around in some chilly air. Do things that cool you off, and others that provide a vent for your energy, of which you thankfully have plenty. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The reality of a personal situation may dawn on you, in the form of finally figuring out what someone close to you has been trying to say. The trick will be remembering what that was. It could seem like the most plainly obvious thing when you hear it, then you might forget. So you will need to get an actual pencil and actual paper and actually write it down. This is not merely about a fact; your perspective is intuitive, and this is easy to miss. You’re also evolving your perception, so beware of the notion that you are perceiving someone or something in its ‘final’ form. In particular, you are a work in rapid progress at the moment, and this is going to change the way you see people and your situations with them. The fact that your awareness is changing means you are changing. And, it so happens, in ways you’ve been wanting to change for a long time. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars making its way into Capricorn could kick up some dust or hurt feelings from some past events or situation. You may get a sense of the spots you have yet to heal. Be glad you’re finding out about them, and that they are revealing themselves under relatively calm circumstances. You know you’ve been through far worse at certain times the past three years, and in the more distant past. That, however, is easy to forget if you are feeling insecure. I would remind you that it’s not possible to take retribution on the past, tempting though the feeling may be. You cannot fix your history — not, at least, under the conditions of linear time. You can only address how you feel in the present and tap into what it tells you about what you experienced previously. You can make choices about any conditions that may be prompting your feelings. Stay in the present. Keep your focus. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may now be facing a series of unmade decisions, or the opportunity to address unresolved situations. Remember that resolution comes through seeing your options and choosing among them. This is a confrontation — specifically, an inner confrontation that will compel you to come to terms with yourself. You do this a little bit every time you must sort out your possibilities and determine which one of them is really about who you are, and who you want to be. You will, meantime, be confronted by sensations and even some seeming potential choices that have nothing to do with your life now. You will need to be vigilant about knowing what is relevant, and what is essentially the result of the mind control known as guilt. If at any point you get the feeling, “I would do that, except I feel guilty about it,” that is the moment to stop and note you’ve got something with energy in your hands. You’ve got something real. The guilt is there to deflect you from something that is deeply true. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s high time you addressed your insecurities and doubts where a domestic situation is concerned. It is difficult for you to see the influence of your family, related to why it is you have trouble standing up to people. You might start with whether you felt anyone actually cared about what you had to say when you were much younger, and how that treatment and your experience of it shaped your world view. I used to speak a lot more quickly than I do today. Once, in a Hakomi Therapy session, I figured out this was because as a child, I had to get a word in edgewise. Other people eat quickly because there was competition at the dinner table, and others have anxiety around the bathroom because there were pressures there. Take the time to notice how you feel when you peel back the first few layers of what seems like the issue. If you find yourself in an argument, ask yourself what, exactly, the matter is — beneath the obvious. If you can, identify what you perceive as the threat. That will tell you most of what you need to know. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars has entered your sign, which usually means energy and confidence. Yet in an odd way, you may feel blocked, as if you have passionate desires and deep intentions but feel powerless to do anything about them. Or, you feel like it’s too much to offer yourself to the “risk” of moving in the direction you want. This may be an old kind of paralysis, and now you get to figure it out and move through it. If you look a little deeper, consider the possibility that you’re afraid to go out of control. See if you can notice the sensation of needing to “hold it in” so you don’t “let it all out.” Truth is, once you get going on the thing you want and need to do, you’re going to let it all out. To tap your energy is to release your energy. Checking yourself entirely is not any form of protection. Usually, it’s a way to compromise or to please someone who you perceived as holding power over you. You no longer need to do that, though you might piss off someone in the process. You have your business and they have theirs. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — As you get another chance to experience your anxieties, you might approach the whole thing with a healthy, wholesome dose of “been there, done that.” You also would benefit from using the skills you have acquired. We are taught or told over and over again that fear is not effective or accurate or useful. But addressing it remains a vexing issue, in a world where there seems to be new terror around every corner. Yet is that really true? Yes, we are mortal; yes, we face the challenge or the struggle to survive. Many struggle to get through the day. But that is different from guilt or anxiety, whether general or projected onto some specific topic. You might pay special attention to fears projected onto sexuality in any form. That will contain particularly vital information, especially if the fear comes in the form of guilt. Have you tried to exercise your sexual freedom lately, whether in your mind, with your words, or with your body? What exactly happens? Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mercury is now stationing retrograde in your sign. You may have noticed that you’ve been investing considerable energy in getting others to take responsibility for themselves. This may be an actual fact and necessity of your existence. However, you might find it easier to simply move on from those who lack or are deficient in this basic value: accountability. You have enough to do, and you have enough people to do it with — and most of them are not strictly necessary. For a while, experiment with the idea that you’re on your own — a solo actor rather than part of a group. Yesterday I got curious and looked up the homeopathic proving of avocado. Try this on for size: “This is a remedy for people who feel very strongly outside the group. The issue is not so much about belonging, but about having some extra, additional powers or knowledge, setting one apart from the general activities of the others. The person can see what the others are doing and can interpret how the group activity will or will not flow.” Stand apart when you must. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 13, 2020 (#1276)


Aries (March 20-April 19) — On Sunday, your ruler Mars will enter Capricorn, your 10th house of career and life aims. About half a day later, Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces. These two seemingly contrasting events together describe something rather exciting: a phase of experimentation. You’re already asking searching questions about who you really are. During the next few weeks, you’ll get to try out different roles and identities, and figure out whether they suit you, at least in the present. This is not a time to make firm commitments, or lasting impacts. Yet you have the chance to explore pretty thoroughly any concept that takes your fancy. Don’t worry about practicalities or possibilities for now; normal rules of play are suspended.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — While you’re working out the latest riddle of who you are becoming, be aware that time pressure is not a factor. This matter is too important to rush, and the current phase is one of sitting quietly with yourself and looking for the drives that run deep; the ones that burn with primal energy. More than anything just now, they will guide you in the direction you need. Other considerations will come into play eventually, though further down the line. For the present, turn inward: hear the rhythm of your heart and the ring of the blacksmith’s anvil at the core of you. In that is your indefatigable strength and resilience, your internal compass always pointing true north. And in that you may safely trust.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your ruler Mercury is about to station retrograde in your fellow mutable sign Pisces. In a way, this represents the next phase of your current journey of self-discovery, as you gradually rewrite the rulebook. Part of this process is unraveling long-held beliefs regarding your character, and especially what makes you happy. With this comes an end to certain rituals or habits that had grown entrenched in your life: routines you might once have developed with good reason, but are now no longer serving you. What replaces these is ultimately for you to determine. The next few weeks at least, however, are mostly about gathering information, trying out a few new things, and fitting the pieces together.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars entering your opposite sign Sunday implies focusing your energy on a specific collaborative work. Its precise nature, however, is up to you, and as Mercury prepares to reverse course, it looks as if you’ll have a few options. You might ask yourself something along the lines of, “Where can I give my most passionate and sincere devotion?” This is your most important consideration, though it will probably also narrow the field of choices. During the next few weeks, an answer should slowly and gently take shape in your mind. Don’t push the river: let it flow into place at its own speed. Meanwhile, cultivate your noblest impulses and your best company, and spend time in places sacred to you.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When in a close relationship, there is often the temptation to lose oneself in the other, because society teaches that we need this bond to feel complete. It is harder in some ways to practice self-love and self-trust to the degree we bestow these things on partners. Yet the chart for Mercury retrograde this weekend suggests you are forming a deeper connection with your own being. You’re learning how to absorb more of the warmth and light with which you so generously and copiously bless others. As you do this, you’ll recognize the delightful truth that it’s not a zero-sum game. Humans are mortal creatures, but we have an infinite capacity to give and receive love. Don’t hold back.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Remember that when it comes to your life and personal decisions, your own judgment is crucial. Nobody knows your needs or ways better than you. If you’ve been less inclined to trust your own opinion than those of others, particularly lately, Mercury’s forthcoming retrograde in your opposite sign will help you redress that balance. Loved ones might well have plenty to say, and at least some of their input will surely be valuable. However, ultimately you must take chief responsibility for choosing wisely. This is easier than you may think; your power of discernment is one of the most finely honed tools in the zodiac, though it works far more efficiently if you place your faith in it.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mercury is preparing to change direction on Sunday. To an extent, this moment tends to feel like waiting to go on stage or enter a job interview. It’s a sense that accompanies taking a risk, which includes doing anything especially creative or skillful. There is always some uncertainty as to how we will be received. It’s tempting to shy away from this feeling and return to the comfort of familiarity. However, I would suggest you do the opposite at this time. Instead, lean in to the dissonant feeling; explore it, and notice its subtleties and twists. There is a wealth of inventive material in here, which could supply you with inspiration of a kind you might never have encountered before. Let your imagination dance.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — We’ve all heard about those moments when a child’s searing honesty causes embarrassment or amusement in the grown-ups around them. Younger kids especially have not yet developed the armor used broadly by adults to help them maintain social conventions, and stay safe and hidden, which is arguably what that’s really about. Much of everyday communication includes image control, which seems to involve a lot of obfuscation, fudging and hidden subtext, and occasionally outright lies. We could all learn a lot from children’s uncomplicated view of life and their modes of expression. Listen carefully to the young people around you, and consider what you’d say if there were no barriers.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current charts describe you turning your attention to matters involving helping someone in need, or correcting an injustice. Your choice of cause isn’t necessarily the most significant thing here. What’s much more important is that you know clearly why you are attracted to the work; and that it brings out the best in you. This task also doesn’t have to be entirely formalized, or a permanent life calling. Some of the best kinds of good deed are unsung and momentary, performed in between the lightning and the thunderclap. Just notice when the opportunities arise and go with whatever you feel drawn to. You could well be in for some pretty unique and invaluable experiences.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars will enter your sign on Sunday, representing another emerging perspective on last month’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Mars can help instigate any changes that are needed; it has a tendency to silence caveats, and just get on with the job at hand. This can be somewhat rough around the edges, but also very useful if you’re feeling stuck or confused. While Mercury is retrograde, you’ll want to seek a happy medium between this influence of Mars and your various doubts and questions regarding the best way forward. It’s important that you know as much of your route as possible before venturing forth. However, you also need to avoid letting fear prevent you from moving at all. Summon your courage, and keep it stoked.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Humans, pretty much by definition, rarely have the capacity to predict future events with any certainty. Too many factors tend to be involved in most scenarios for the outcome to be clear. That said, at times one can guess what is likely to happen in specific situations. An opportunity is about to arrive on your doorstep — or perhaps it has already made itself known. This has arisen from an organic sequence of events. You seem unusually aware of what it means, and what will probably result if you take it up, and likewise if you don’t. Where you might be unsure is in precisely what is complicating matters. During the next month or so, that question would be worth investigating.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As Mercury stations retrograde in your sign this weekend, note that you may experience one or two circumstances where things don’t turn out quite as you expected, or where something surprises you. Occasionally this type of event is necessary to help you re-examine particular beliefs or assumptions. For example, you might (as we all do) become carried away with a specific theory, such that you lose sight of the initial idea or reality from which it sprang. The process of rectifying this may be discomfiting at times. However, it’s worth seeing that through rather than clinging to false concepts, and potentially facing another confrontation on the same subject. Keep an open mind instead.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Monday Morning Horoscope #215 for Feb. 10, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Venus recently entered your sign, and is now conjunct Chiron. Barbara Hand Clow described this aspect as “orgasmic fusion with the cosmos.” You might experience it as waking up and knowing, like you never have before, who you really are. This is not an illusion. You are self-actualizing. This is, however, not an automatic process. It’s something you must both observe and nurture carefully. Chiron events can arrive with stunning bursts of self-awareness, which are not always welcome, and don’t always feel good. If you’re uncomfortable with yourself, if you prefer not to stand out, or if it’s a stretch to hold your gaze in the mirror, you might be feeling out of sorts. I suggest, though, that you try on whatever it is you’re experiencing. Get a feeling for the shift in perspective, even if it’s a little awkward. All that said, if you want to throw yourself into one of those orgasmic fusions, the way is open wide. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One of the conditions of our time is the loss of inner awareness. People who meditate regularly know what this is. Poets have a clue. Scholars who read a lot of books and who have since childhood also know. Devoted musicians and artists have a pretty good idea. Yet even they are having the experience watered down by the digital dream that has this way of sucking us out of ourselves. You are in an extended phase of your life when you are recolonizing your inner being. This has been something of an expedition, and the restlessness you’re feeling these days is in large measure an effect of being summoned into your own consciousness. This is a little like waking up inside of a dream and realizing you’re asleep but also that you’re dreaming and able to influence the dream. Such experiences are rare, though it’s a reasonable way to describe your life at the moment. Take a deep breath. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury turns to retrograde motion in about a week. It does so in Pisces, which describes making some discoveries about this mysterious thing known as your career. Or perhaps it’s elusive or evasive, especially in recent years. I would imagine that with Neptune making a long trek across this sensitive zone in your chart and in your life, you may have some difficulty finding your bearings. The rather confused condition of the world is not helping matters much. Were there someone you could ask for advice, it might be difficult or impossible to phrase the question in a way that it could be answered. This has to come from you, and Mercury retrograde is here to help. I know the words “retrograde” and “help” don’t usually appear in the same sentence. However, Mercury is your planet, and the reversals of polarity involved in the retrograde are likely to awaken you to some unusual perceptions about your calling. Yet you must be attentive; this will not be spoken in a loud inner voice. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The activity of both Venus and Mars over the next week or so may present you with some unusual sexual opportunities. Yet you must remember your spiritual Ps and Qs. Said directly, you’re at the stage where your erotic exploration must be aligned with, and in service of, your spiritual calling. I don’t mean puritanical in any sense. To the contrary, I mean really good, starting with honest. In truth another of the great problems that drags down the exquisite and delicate space where existence merges with beauty is the problem of attachment. You have learned a heck of a lot about this the past few years. There is also the problem of power, which nobody seems to trust these days. Consider this: you are attractive not because you look good or cook well. Rather, you have a commanding presence that gets attention, and it will be in high form this week. Use it wisely and well, whether in work or in play. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — One of the most interesting characteristics of Leo is how the notion of “self” fuses with that of “god.” This reminds me a little of Valentine Michael Smith, the man from Mars in Stranger in a Strange Land, whose assertion “thou art god” was a statement of humility. A Course in Miracles teaches that god is accessed through connection with your true self. Anyway, this is intuitive for you, and the only thing that would prevent you from following this path is social or religious taboo. But once we set aside the mythical and theoretical attributes of deity (very few of which are friendly), we are left with accessing consciousness through Your Self. This has nothing to do with being megalo, omniscient or omnipotent (or any of that jazz). It is rather a sublime path of awareness. What Valentine Michael Smith knew, though, which A Course in Miracles avoids, is the connection to sex, as in the self-actualizing power of your erotic journey. And that is where you are. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One of the essential qualities of Virgo is the quest to find oneself through relating to others. To work at all, this must be deep. There are likely to be bonds on numerous levels, including sexual and financial. The seeming paradox is, you assert yourself to submit yourself to the situation. Then you find yourself and may assert yourself again to distinguish yourself from the situation. You merge, and you go in, and then you sort yourself out. Chiron in Aries has shifted this dynamic some; you have to do the whole thing fully awake. Chiron has no inclination to romanticize anything or anyone. You might rebel or revolt; you might decide the whole “merging into another” thing is ridiculous. However, you get a moment to experiment with Venus conjunct Chiron and Salacia, a meaningful little planet (not an asteroid) that I associate with the journey to sexual maturity. There is such a thing. And it’s really good and it is summoning your awareness and self-awareness. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You might play with the question of whether you see the world from the viewpoint of someone else, or they see it from yours. You might ask whether the whole question in itself is subjective and can really be documented. Whatever the theory, you might have some remarkable instances of shared consciousness as your ruling planet Venus makes a conjunction to Chiron in Aries. If this happens, I suggest you bring the discussion to the surface and talk about it. This might lead to the ever-necessary but rarely occurring discussion of what we really want from this experience of a relationship together. The thing to remember is that no matter how much merging, bonding, and shared reality may occur, each person in a relationship is an individual. Whether more or less together, more or less separate, more or less in sync, honoring that individuality is essential to respect for dignity. The dance of human encounter is between two distinct beings, experiencing themselves. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars crossing the Galactic Center this week is reminding you to be the biggest person you can be. ‘Spiritual’ is not just a matter of how you act; it is about why you conduct yourself in a certain way, and the standard to which you hold yourself. Still, you may feel there is a theoretical dimension to your experience, which could manifest as the person you want to be in the future. That future is coming up fast, however, as Mars makes its way into Capricorn on the 16th. Suddenly you discover that your words and your actions have many times the influence you were expecting. So you might want to reassess your expectations now and track carefully your speech, your decisions and any movement of your energy (physical, mental, emotional or whatever). Notice the way it makes waves. At the moment, those will be benign; with Mars in its new sign, you will be in the realm of instant karma. At least now you know. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The source of your knowledge and power is beyond this world, though you would not know about that unless you tapped into them. While this is always possible, some times are better than others, and now happens to be particularly good. Without going too far into the details (which I’ve covered elsewhere), the core of our galaxy is located in your sign, and Mars is about to make a conjunction to it. Visualize this as charging up your personal energy reserve from something with unlimited strength, wisdom and sense of purpose. All of these are easily drowned out or self-defeated in our world, particularly in its mounting state of psychic chaos. These are the days to train yourself in the spirit of the warrior. Focus on your learning and your personal mastery. Ask to be shown what you do not know. Make your moves with precision, and let everything and everyone teach you something. Most of all, practice respect in every moment. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your inner teacher is particularly vocal right now. It will come through your dreams mostly, though it may also slip in through your imagination. You will recognize it as “the solution that works for everyone.” This in turn may manifest as what feels like the solution to fear. You can have this, though only if you are open to it, by which I mean open to receiving. This is the first and most important choice you will make in the process of being shown a new way to live. There may be a paradox involved for you, personally, which is that the more you receive, the more you will have to give. The twist is that only generosity teaches you about your true assets. If you think that to give means to lose, you will never really have much. So this is all about entering a kind of flow, or cycle. Anyway, pay close attention to your dreams tonight and for the next few nights. Take every symbol as meaningful, though let its revelation dawn on you gently rather than by force. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The recent Full Moon in your opposite sign Leo is about you recognizing someone as an individual, or noticing the ways that you did not. I am not fond of the expression “agreeing to disagree,” though it may feel like that. More accurately, the theme is respecting someone’s point of view. To do that, you need to know what it is, and you may be misunderstanding them. Few people are especially articulate with themselves, and much less with others. Use your power of listening and translation, and see if you can get someone’s ideas into words you can understand and relate back to them. You might try this with everyone you meet, or converse with, no matter what the context. Take the time and effort to seek understanding. You have only to gain. And working from the other direction, you may decide that you have something to say. If you do, go for clear, direct speech that, on its face, will come across clearly. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take full responsibility for your words. This will present you with situations where you simply must be diplomatic. Under such conditions, the less you say, the better. Get your message into the shortest format possible. Given that we are in Full Moon time, and that Mercury in your sign is making a good few aspects, engage with others when the emotional energy is lower rather than higher. Let the Full Moon dissipate and delay any important correspondence into next week. With Mercury about to be retrograde in your sign, you might put certain projects on hold for a month or so, and see how they look on the other side of the crossing. That, incidentally, is one way to look at the retrograde — as a conceptual bridge you will traverse, which will lead you to another place and time. Items with a high priority today will be replaced by others that have not revealed themselves yet. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #214 for Feb. 3, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Who’s the boss? This is the question, now and forever. There may seem to be many answers for many different circumstances, though one by one, you are in a position to claim them back. Then after a while you will figure out they are all related, and that having authority over yourself is one project; one idea. Making the connections is vital, which is a matter of pattern recognition, and also coming back to your center over and over again. Part of the “authority problem,” as it’s sometimes known, is the desire to delegate. That means granting people authority in some conditions (notice which) and having it taken in others (notice those). One of the core struggles in claiming it back is not wanting to, though there is the problem of guilt. That would only be an issue were you claiming something that is not yours. This may seem like splitting a hair, though it’s not, really. Not at all. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your parents or their presence may be looming large for you these days, though this is interlaced with a growing need for independence. That, it turns out, usually comes down to one’s relationship to mom and dad, and their associated concepts. I am aware this is not popular and it has a way of not being “conscious.” However, to the extent that you actually want your liberty, or need it, this is where to place your attention. You are looking for little nagging hints and snags that bind you to them emotionally, thereby keeping you in the past. Mothers in particular have a way of exercising a kind of bondage over daughters, which I cannot imagine has gotten much better in these days of helicopter parenting. In our time, this has demonstrably extended into the lives of boys and young men. That all said, this is about you, though on the path to freedom, there is much setting others free. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It will help if you think of every social or professional encounter as a contract. There is an agreement involved, even if it is implied interest, or so casual a promise as, “I’ll give you a call.” Sometimes something is demanded or expected of you; sometimes you make a claim to an aspect of someone else. Usually this is all so sly hardly anyone notices. It is time to become a keen observer of these interchanges. There is a lot to them — much more than you may think. There are even subtler levels, though this is a good place to home in. If you track yourself for a few weeks, you will make discoveries that help you see ever more clearly the dynamics of your relationships. This, in turn, will help you recognize something of your inner dynamics and the way that you experience the movement of time. Extracting yourself from attachments to the past will teach you a lot about why things were the way they were, way back then, yesterday and today. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The future is calling you, though not as clearly as you would like. It seems that more depends on you than on external factors. It’s as if you’re following something that is invisible, when you’re accustomed to using your eyes. Now you need to use other senses: hearing and feeling will be useful. Listen to what’s going on around you, and notice your physical and emotional responses to your changing environments as you move through the day. Notice the scent of everyone you are close enough to detect, and of every room or space you enter. This alone might not point you to an answer, though you will gradually tune into another kind of information. Practice this yoga for a while, and you will notice how you feel doing things, being with people, or experiencing something from the sidelines. Gradually a new guidance system will take over, and you will have different ideas about the course of your existence. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Early to mid-February is a tipping point for you, which is also an excellent time for reevaluation. And it would seem you have quite a bit to think through, and feel your way through. Important elements of your life, most likely your work and your health, have pushed you to some extremes the past few years, and you now have an opportunity to come back from the edge. You might do this with full awareness. Imagine you’re standing next to a cliff, and you step away, and face toward solid land, till you’re no longer worried about keeping your balance. You might ask what exactly you were doing out there, and how you felt, and what you could see so close to the precipice. Then do something nice and normal, like make yourself lunch. Slow down. Do something that turns out to be extremely rare, which is to take a break from scheduling or planning the future. Stick to today. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There has been quite a wild scene in the mutable signs the past week (which include yours, and Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, all of which are extensions of you). The fog is likely to be clearing, though it would still be wise to proceed with caution when it comes to any form of expectation or perception you may have about a relationship. You’re not necessarily wrong regarding how you feel about someone, or how they feel about you. You are not necessarily correct. What you want to do, though, is map your ideas and presumptions against what you observe and experience. Then track the differences. You may notice how far off you sometimes are, punctuated by moments when you’re spot on. It will help if you don’t rate your abilities as being higher than they are. Rather, underestimate the accuracy of your perceptions, and give yourself time — a lot of time, such as weeks or months — for the truth to dawn on you. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may feel like a chance encounter is going to manifest as one of the great relationships of your life, or be a turning point in an existing situation. The second is more likely to be true. It’s not the relationship that is changing, but rather your experience of your role as partner. It would be difficult to overstate how crucial this is for you. How you cast yourself as lover, wife, or husband has everything to do with how you experience your relationships. I know it seems like you’re responding to the other and like they have a profound effect on you. Yet borrowing a useful term from biochemistry, your relationships are receptor mediated. Let your circumstances and your emotions teach you how this works. At the same time, borrow a bit of the unusual power of Chiron in your opposite sign to see people as they really are. You will know you’re doing this when relating to someone feels like learning a foreign language that you gradually acquire. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What, exactly, happened the past week or so? What did you figure out? Did it involve some kind of huge miscalculation, or did you pass through a spell of confusion that you managed to get through unscathed? In any event, you’re likely to have learned that you cannot just take a guess about what someone is feeling, toward you or themselves or anyone. There is the perception, and there is the truth of the matter. Both are subject to being discovered in layers, and known for revealing themselves in the manner of a dream. Which leads to an interesting therapy-styled metaphor: what if that all was a dream, and you were represented by everyone involved (and by any important “inanimate’ objects)? What was the dream trying to tell you, or rather, what were you saying to yourself? Give each person, each place and each thing a voice of its own, and count it as yours. You will have your unexpected answer. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Every cell in your being is saying you need a new financial strategy, and a new approach to the whole notion of money. This means expanding your financial concept to every kind of resource you have access to, which I assure you is plenty. Much depends on how you conceive of your assets, whether material, spiritual, intellectual. Step back from those benefits that enter your life through others. This is about what you have, and what you have to offer. I say this knowing that most people are either clueless about what they possess, or are uncertain how to make the connection to usefulness to others. This is not an easy calculation, and a good few people go through the world feeling unworthy or worthless. So I suggest you begin your assessment or reassessment in modest ways. Be grateful any time something you have to give becomes valuable to you or to someone else, and remain impeccably modest as you see just how much you have to offer. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have turned a corner, though you haven’t quite reached the sweet spot after all this enforced growth you’ve been experiencing. You might be waiting for the payoff. I propose that the thing to do is notice what it’s like not to be under so much stress. This may be subtle. It’s a little like you climbed to a certain height and your ears popped, and in that moment you noticed the sense of air pressure that wasn’t obvious till your body responded to it. Make a careful note of where you are now, and find some way to memorialize it: words and pictures, not posted to the internet but for your private use only (like an old-fashioned diary) would be good. You are approaching a time when the changes will accelerate, and you may forget this moment and all your concerns entirely. Yet you will want a kind of milepost. You will want a way to track your progress. You can call your project, “Where I’m at right now, and how I feel about it.” Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With the Sun now in your sign or rising sign, you may be a bit distracted from how much is moving in the background of your awareness. Please don’t drift too far from the necessities of your inner life, no matter how much fun and adventure are calling you. You need your focus concentrated on your core being. That is not easy in our inside-out world. It’s not easy in a time when so many people are doing everything in their ability to be accepted as part of one tribe or another. There will be time for that, if indeed you decide it’s what you want. Presently something far more significant, and unusual, and challenging, is calling you, and as you know, it has been for some time. You are in the midst of a profound rebirth, and reorientation of your identity. This is not about other people. It’s not about your relationships. Keep your awareness on yourself. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Maintain the slow and steady pace that is so helpful to those born under your sign. Feel the tides come in and go back out, and notice the weather each day. Both your choices and what you might call cosmic factors of circumstance have set you on a trajectory that will be transformational from what you’ve experienced in recent years. This will not occur all at once; you’ll go through a series of progressions or developments and before too long, you’ll notice that your life is in a different place — though this is more about your state of mind than anything. You are approaching the time when your self-image will have nothing at all to do with how others perceive you, or how you think they do. It’s possible that this has never happened to you before, though if you think back over a good few years (1993 comes to mind, as does 2002), you may recognize the sensation. Wear your newfound confidence gently. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2020 (#1275)


Aries (March 20-April 19) — As preparation for your new life ahead, start working with language. Listen to how you speak, and study how you write. This includes what you say, though how you say it is the more significant factor. Both matter and both are essential. You need to do this like you’re going to an unfamiliar country where you know you’ll need to speak the language as a matter of necessity. You know that the language will open up possibilities that would not otherwise be there, because you would not hear about them or understand them if you did. However, at the moment, you don’t know what country that is going to be, or how things are necessarily said. So what you want to work on, therefore, is your ability to put your ideas and feelings into words. Work on this process deeply enough to reach the point where you have a shift in your ideas as you refine their expression. This aligns with how the writing process is often a thinking process; but when you have a tangible thought, it has a way of writing itself. Work both sides of this equation, and make sure this happens in actual writing. The closer you get to pen and paper the better. Begin as if you’re sketching something you cannot see but know exists. This is intuitively educated guess work that you can practice and practice until you slip your hand into the feeling and know the glove fits. Keep at this, somewhat relentlessly, and trust that it will all make sense soon enough — but not too soon to get real preparation.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In a very general sense, here is the shape of your life. For a good long time, you struggled to rethink, transcend or escape from ideas that guided you for a while, though at a certain point they clearly no longer served you. Part of doing that was figuring out how, specifically and in fact, they were useless. Then all of a sudden a jolt ran through your being, and you knew you had to shake it all loose. I mean really loose, like diving into the water naked for the first time. Wow, what a transformation. Now, Saturn is about to take up residency in your life in a new way. You are likely to feel the instinct to contain, constrain and shape your reality. You may give that a little taste, just to see how it feels in the context of your new fiery restlessness. However, before you get too cozy, I am here to tell you that you’ve still got some shaking and some loosening to do. And if that is going well, it’s definitely too soon to determine what form it, meaning your daily life and central mission, will take. Here is some news for you: forget the form, for now. Stick to the content, your ideas, your exploration and even your confusion, and let it do its thing, without the notion of what to do with or about it. Losing or loosening your tendency to pull focus will be helpful, because ultimately you will be dropping a self-limiting tendency. That is the thing you’ve been after, though it’s been a little like the trap where the monkey gets his hand caught only because he won’t let go of something.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s time to rethink the career question, on the basis of what you would do if your commitments to others were not hemming you in. You’ve invested yourself in several different relationship situations that have proven difficult to get a handle on. The question, “Where did my power go?” might be easier to answer if you understood where it came from in the first place. Ultimately it is your ability to change and adapt, though in some situations, this has had the effect of wedging you into a corner. One of the walls that constrained you is about to move, and reveal an exit. At the same time, possibilities for what you might do with your power (meaning your creativity, and your ability to make decisions about how to use it) are opening up. You may notice some option or possibility and ask yourself boldly: do I want to do that, or be there? If you feel your reality expand with just the question, don’t be too surprised. You might even wonder if you’ve been caught in a conceptual trap all this time, which you could have shifted with your thoughts. Well, you could have, but you would not have experienced the feeling of being pushed so hard in directions you might never have gone. Having liberty is never so obvious as when you have some prior constraints fresh in your memory. And you encountered a certain kind of closeness that you might never have experienced otherwise. You can still have something akin to that, though without the pins, the barbs and the emphasis on power. Remember, there are some things you should never have to negotiate for. And at least you know.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For a person who appreciates stability as much as you do, it’s been difficult to go through so many years of living on shifting ground. Yet one of your approaches to handling this has been to cling to grounding in small ways that may not work for you anymore. Be aware of what those are. Your opposite sign Capricorn is involved, so this could relate to anything in your environment or the universe of your relationships. It could relate to how you perceive the world. It could relate to where you are physically located. There may be some nexus where all of the above meet, and this, in turn, will invariably affect your professional calling. Speaking of, the bold sigil in your chart is Chiron in Aries, and it’s not possible to say too much about that. This placement is a compelling calling and an urgent inner need. It is your drive to be yourself in all that you do, and to be your own guide. You have taken authority from the usual set of responsibilities and self-imposed limitations to something much better: you must be your own best example. The thing you can no longer seek from outside yourself is how to be who you are. Exemplars have gotten you so far. You have learned some important methods, and taken in some key ideas that all got you where you are. Now you must aspire to be who you are inside, in truth and in the future: the actual, real you that you know you must become. Much has shifted and is shifting that will move you there.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — A particular struggle has persisted for some years, and you are now gradually coming out of it. This will happen in degrees rather than all at once. There is plenty of talk in the world about setting boundaries and limits, though rarely do we apply this idea to difficulty or effort. Rarely does it apply to wasted time. Maybe you’ve experienced something like this before. You have a lot of little problems that have persisted for a long time, and a couple of big ones. Then you face a new challenge that you embrace wholeheartedly. In the process, you transcend all those problems and suddenly they no longer exist. It’s almost as if they never did, and you wonder where they went. This is the power of engaging yourself with a greater purpose. Your charts describe a similar scenario over the next season. You’re about to enter a test phase of what is really a new paradigm. That is a framework, both conceptual and physical. One bad example of this from history is how the automobile solved the rapidly growing problem of horse manure in cities. Yet as time went on, it caused a whole new assortment of even bigger problems. You must choose the options that resolve issues rather than create them. During Saturn’s initial three-month visit to Aquarius, study the law of unintended consequences. Note the solutions that cause other problems, and the ones that do not. There will be obvious distinctions between the two, if you slow down and notice them. You must be observant, and organize your observations. Work with them ongoing.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Being creative and having lots of ideas is one thing. Yet you’re rapidly approaching the time when you must put your own brilliance to work for a whole new purpose. This is likely to involve transposing your personal and creative breakthroughs into a collective or group situation of some kind. This has always been a calling for you, though you had some territory to cross before you could actually do it, and you’ve reached a borderland. That is the one between individual creativity and creative leadership. You have been through one heck of an initiation the past few years. You have been pushed, pulled or dragged into learning how to open up, take a chance and express something bold. You may have done so reluctantly, or resisted with everything you had, though you probably shifted your attitude at a certain point and decided that the risk was worth it. You may not have full faith in your ideas, or confidence in your abilities, though you might review where you were at three or four years ago for some contrast. You are now starting to get the message that people don’t accomplish that much working alone. However, it takes special talent to coordinate individuals with their own tendencies and approaches into a synergistic effect. That’s the thing we all know about how the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This is easier said than done, due to various ego issues, struggles with authority, and a general state of immaturity that pervades so much of human existence. You are on the wave front of progress.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your personal history is starting to loosen its grip on you. Or maybe you are loosening your grip on it. As you do that, here is something to consider. To what extent do you make decisions with a need to please others, before you are true to yourself? If so, and this could be subtle, the question is whom are you attempting to make happy? Way in the back of your mind, or in the crevices of your emotions? Ask yourself and observe what comes back in reply. Whatever that may be, you are ready to let it go. You have been attempting this for a while; maybe for months, maybe for years, maybe in some cycle you’ve noticed and then forgotten about. One result of whatever this may be is an indirect approach to relationships and also to your whole existence. That in turn is the result of your attempts to form a compromise between your purpose and what you perceive to be some other purpose, as if you are trying to serve two masters. Every now and then, a confrontation with a different reality gets your attention. Someone might throw you into crisis. A spiritual teacher, mentor or exemplar may enter your life, from whom you know you want to learn. Then it becomes especially difficult to stretch yourself across the contradiction. What if you worked with the idea that it’s impossible to be in two worlds at once? What if you dared to involve yourself with something that, for you, represents a new reality? That will feel like moving in one direction without being pulled in another. That would be your direction rather than that of someone else.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It is time to carefully re-evaluate your emotional attachments to your family. Matters such as your sense of belonging among them, and by extension, any other group you are associated with, are front and center. This comes down to the squishy issue of whether you feel secure without them. Keep your finger on the pulse of how much approval you need from outside yourself. There are those people who always have to go somewhere with someone (whether it is out to dinner, or getting on an airplane). Others are portrayed standing next to someone in every photo. Where do you fall along those spectrums? One of the themes of your forthcoming extended phase of your life will be greater emotional independence. This does not mean facing existence entirely on your own, but rather the growing desire to liberate yourself from habits that bind you to others in limiting ways. This includes your family, to the extent that you have one. It includes your rituals and traditions associated with the past, whether we are talking about putting up Christmas decorations, where you live and why, or why certain people are your friends. Where do you stand, when you set yourself apart from all of this? What do you do specifically to feel secure? Dredge all of this up to full awareness. Make a map of your comfort zones. Shift or outright bust your routines and your persistent habits, just to see what happens when you do. One major reassessment is soon to involve your work. Is what you do actually representative of you? Were your life to end tomorrow, would you be satisfied with what you have accomplished?

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars in your birth sign has been provoking your desire nature. Yet rather than certainty about what you want, an experiment is called for, ongoing. Your chart poses a question that is easy to state and more difficult to answer. To what extent do your desires and impulses align with your principles? Or said another way, do your actions align with your intentions as you state them? I suggest you consider that for a while, and perhaps score yourself on your past activities as well as your current efforts. The experience of time wasted, of goals not met, or of making decisions that ultimately serve to work against your interest represent one set of criteria. The feeling and actual experience of evolution into who you are inside is another. Your quotient of frustration versus a sense of accomplishment counts for a lot. Statements such as, “I’m doing this, but I really wish I could be doing that,” are worth keeping track of, for both their content and their frequency. Relationships are calling for a similar set of tests. Are you in any relationship just because you are, are you growing and learning and having fun, or are you feeling the itch to do something else? You may not have ready answers to these questions. They may bring up some uncertainty and anxiety, because certain responses to any one of them could lead you to recognize the need to make big changes that you don’t feel ready for. The placement of the eminently Sagittarian planet Chiron in Aries is saying that none of these matters are theoretical. The experiment is testing them through direct contact, and noting carefully the results.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are in the last few weeks before Saturn leaves your birth sign for a test run into Aquarius. Let’s contemplate the Saturn principle. Were someone to know only one thing from all of astrology, this would be the one. The idea is that you take responsibility for yourself, such that nobody has to tell you what to do, or why to do it. This involves being aware of your environment and its boundaries and regulations, and adapting yours to work with them. You understand your commitments, and you keep them without being told to. You become your own parents, your own boss, and your own police department, so that you don’t need things nagging you from the outside. Drive safely and you won’t get pulled over. Pay your parking tickets and you won’t get booted. Pay your taxes and the revenue department won’t come after you. Honor your responsibilities and they become privileges and opportunities. Those who do not do these things are the ones whose lives either become a rolling disaster, or who never seem to reach their potential due to seemingly external factors. There is always some obstacle. What most well-seasoned therapists would tell you is that this is a game: refusing to internalize your authority structure is the perfect way to block yourself, and not embrace the responsibilities that would lead to the greater possibilities. Given the state of society and of so many people’s lives today, this leads us to a question: are you done with that? If you want to be, the timing is perfect.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.
Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is now available for instant access. As you know, Saturn is changing signs this spring from Capricorn to Aquarius. The Astrology Studio is a perfect complement to the Respect annual edition, and a great birthday gift for yourself or the Aquarius you love. Order here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn entering your birth sign or rising sign is an event to prepare for. The date of arrival is March 21, just past the forthcoming equinox. So you have a little time, which I would suggest you use consciously. One question you might ask yourself is the nature of the internal struggle you’ve been through during the past few years of Saturn in your 12th house (which began in late 2017). What, exactly, have you been working through? Were you even aware of the depth of the material you were processing, or did you plod along attempting to maintain your life as usual? Some deep questions have been nagging, and at times, dragging you into situations you may not understand. Superficial explanations will be of no help, despite their immense popularity. You need to be honest with yourself about the ways the past has held you down, and the role of denial in this scenario. You may have some completions to do with people from your past, or who are in your life now. The central question is what it means to be honest with yourself, and how you know whether and when you are doing it. Then there is the matter of connecting with your actual creativity, and your desire to do something that is more fun. When you have tried that previously, what has held you back? That is something to get real about, and upon which to focus your intelligence and your desire for healing. Said another way, you must have no secrets from yourself.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are establishing yourself in new social and professional territory, in a process that will take some surprising directions this spring. Those, in turn, will emerge from deeply personal discoveries that you are making currently. For now, you want to resolve the past rather than do anything that will bind you to it. Most people know very little about resolving anything, and tend to drag their personal history behind them in ways that are not useful. This prevents them from making any actual progress, which is another typical condition on the planet. I suggest you establish a relationship with your future and with your potential, and take your mission seriously. This will require you to do something beyond what most of your peers are up to, and to have a different approach and attitude. Devotion to your purpose sets you apart. It makes you visible, and just that will carry an aura of success. You must maintain your public relations position in a sincere way, and at the same time attend to the details of your friendships and your work. Relationships matter a lot now, which means honor your commitments, and pay attention to who does and does not honor theirs. People you do not know are observing you, so assume that, potentially, any of your actions are visible. This can and must work for you. For several long and possibly difficult years, you have been establishing yourself and making a place for yourself. Now it’s time to move in on your own territory. As Sir Paul said, when you got a job to do, you gotta do it well.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Monday Morning Horoscope #213 for Jan. 27, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may have a high-minded concept of relationships — an idealistic view of what you would have in a perfect world. However, you must be certain that partners and loved ones share a similar concept or vision. The easiest way to find out is to ask, and that will lead to a conversation, and the conversation will lead to everyone sorting out their feelings, which is exactly what is needed. That said, you can also impose your fantasies on other people and they will probably go along with them for a while. Then the discussion will happen a little later, in a different style, and the result may not be as pleasing to everyone. The challenge this week is emotional honesty. This includes communicating about matters relating to sexual desire, commitment, and determining the most appropriate form of conduct for the situation you are in. This will take some time to ascertain; there is no rush. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Interesting questions may arise this week related to what is public and what is private. The distinction is seemingly blurred in our era, between what we say voluntarily online and then what is done with that information behind our backs. However, apart from the digital realm, there is the truly personal one, where matters of what you reveal and don’t reveal directly to others come into question. There exist appropriate people with whom you may discuss certain problems or challenging feelings you may be experiencing. And there are those who are less appropriate. I would suggest, for your purposes now, that challenging personal material not be a topic of conversation for those who have a strong sexual attraction to you. A measure of impartiality, if not objectivity, is important right now. It would be wise to reveal your situation to those who can give you that. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There remain certain questions of how people have gained so much power over you, and to claim it back. The short answer is thinking for yourself. The long answer involves understanding the ways that you do not, and then noticing when this is happening. There are three basic ways someone has leverage over another person. First is money; second is sex; the third is information. Therefore, to free yourself from the bonds that have held you back, you will need to address all three. Financial independence in this context means having your own bank account and covering your own expenses. Sexual independence means you have the power to say no when you know that sex is not right for you — such as when it will perpetuate a relationship you don’t want. Finally, you must know yourself better than anyone. This means understanding your strengths and your weaknesses, and putting that knowledge to use. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Live your life as if you are setting an example for others, all the time. This is not easy. It requires constant self-reflection and scrutiny, and also compassion for yourself. This is a fine line to walk. You would not be choosing actions specifically to be exemplary, but rather doing what you normally do in a way you would feel confident to have others emulate. This boils down to some of the seemingly most ordinary and basic activities in life, and rises to some of the most important. One is the way you handle authority, whether your own or that of someone else. This is about Chiron in Aries, more than anything. Gradually, you become the person whose example you want to follow. However, a rare configuration this week is suggesting you observe what you believe or do not believe — that is, what you accept as true, or not true — as a crucial model for others. Put simply, keep an open mind. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel some powerful sexual attractions, and have the opportunity to act on them. In the current zeitgeist, people tend to jump in without thinking, or to be so cautionary they don’t actually get much experience. Your passion and desire may drive you. You may have a fantastic time; you may be disappointed; you would in any event have an experience to reflect upon. I would propose you place two ideas at the center of your reality. One is that you would be having an encounter for your own sake, not as a long-term investment in a relationship. The other is that experience is a benefit and an end of its own, which leads to the ability to refine your skill at making choices. It is essential to know how to allow your curiosity to drive you. It’s important that you be real with others, such as saying, “I’m here to explore. Let’s play.” Then it’s helpful to talk about it. You’ll learn a lot more. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — For now, I recommend you set aside the notion of true love as an actual thing, and instead, observe where your ideas come from, and what seems to be motivating you. True love is often a placeholder for a wide diversity of emotional and social needs. I’m not saying that it does not happen. Rather, I am suggesting it’s often a ruse that masks what you want and need on a deeper level. The concept is ingrained in most children with no alternatives discussed. How many are taught that there are many ways to love and be loved, rather than one “true” way? Instead of exploring and seeking self-understanding, most children are set on a course of expecting that happily ever after is the one and only way to relate emotionally, sexually or domestically. Yet you may be obsessed with one concept or model. You may feel it’s your deepest need. That alone suggests you peel back a few layers and discover what is really going on. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I propose that through this week, you keep your focus on your work and your primary mission rather than getting distracted by emotional impulses. Also, keep your mind and your eye on your money, which you would otherwise be likely to spend at a far brisker pace than you are bringing it in. You might say that putting business before pleasure will serve you well for the next seven days or so. You may think you’re missing all the fun, though you’re more likely to miss all the distraction. And then on the other end, what fun is yours will still be waiting for you. You will feel better and you’ll be able to do your thing with a clear head, and more money in your pocket. While on that topic, cash is nice; cash flow is fantastic. Yet when you actually look back on your experiences, it’s very often the ones that cost the least that gave you the most. And if you think you need something, check your drawers and closet before you buy it. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Pay attention to your motives this week. Only you can figure out what they are, and this may not be so easy as it seems. Your sign is one of the more complex ones, and the current astrology is arranged in many layers of feeling and emotion. You may not find out what is motivating you until after you make an important decision, so it would be best to pause, particularly around sexual choices and major purchases. There is a high probability you may decide that something you cannot reverse was not worth it. Therefore, the best thing to do is to pause. However, there is one place you can dive in, which is whatever you do for creative pleasure or experimentation. You are under daring astrology, and the place to take the risks is in the sanctity of what you express, whether musically, visually, in words or in movement. That is where you can take a chance and be entirely safe at the same time. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars in your sign is about to reach a square to Neptune, and to Venus. This suggests that the more you want something, the more it may frighten you. The deeper your desire, the more insecure you may feel. There are times when there’s something to be said for this, when it’s appropriate to go right out to the edge. I would propose that this is not one of them. You’re likely to get lost in your own sauce, and caught in the vortex of your own confusion. Rather, stay at the edge of your emotions. Touch them and feel them rather than indulging in emoting. Stay out of the vortex. Take a sniff of how you feel, gently enough to be able to give it a name. This also holds true for your fears, which are most likely to manifest as self-judgmental insecurity. If this is true, what is being revealed is something that is already there, and is just being highlighted by current circumstances. This is an excellent time to learn what is going on for you. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — So, first I’m here to check in. One of the major events of your lifetime has come and gone. While there will be residual influences, and some exciting developments are coming, you have passed a certain very important threshold. And my question is, how are you doing with that? If you had to describe this moment as a “before and after” time in your life, how would you do so? Or — as is possible — this has been an unusually concentrated time, though you may not feel like there is anything special happening. As planets make their way into your neighboring sign Aquarius (particularly Saturn), the pressure will lighten up and the density will give way to a bit more clarity. Suffice it to say that you’ve been through something significant on a whole-life scale. The results will begin to manifest, and make themselves known, particularly through March and April. For now, look, listen, feel and sniff within. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your astrology looks like you’ve finally gotten out of the house after spending three years indoors. You may not want to venture further than the garden, though it’s good to get fresh air, and to see that there is a world around you. I recommend you close your eyes and look toward the Sun, and allow its warming rays to enter through your third eye. You need light, and nature, and if possible light reflected off the water. You need to come out of the confines of your own mind, and in particular, your family and what you think of as its ideas about you. You have had a chance to assess some of your worst fears, and you now have a clue where they come from and whether they are necessary, useful or even meekly valid. The important thing is you know what they are. The more important thing is that you learn how not to have them control you. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The past few years have been an unusual time for you professionally. This includes what you might think of as your public position. Though it can be difficult to actually see how you interrelate with your environment, you have made a mark, and you have opened up a place for yourself. Now, your assignment is to occupy that space in a loving way, express yourself, and develop what you have started. This will include involvement with a widening circle of people, though you’re not here to cater to anyone’s whims or fancies. You are here to do what you came here to do. Therefore, it will help if you set aside any notion of what others may think, and allow yourself to be internally guided by what is right and true. “Internal” also means being in ongoing contact with those who can serve as reality checks. And this is the time to live consciously and with discipline, one day at a time. When in doubt, slow down, and check in. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.