Category Archives: Horoscopes

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 13-20, 2017

Weekly Horoscope for April 13, 2017 #1147 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be undergoing something of a renewal or rebirthing process. This is especially likely to center around your relationships, but in any case looks to be a major step for you — on the scale of a rite of passage, much like leaving your parents’ home for the first time. While it might seem impulsive to outsiders, this is in fact something you’ve been preparing for gradually. You’ve gained sufficient knowledge of the general environment; at this stage, it’s worth doing some final checks and taking a steady pace. You’ve come too far along to rush things now. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Aries Birthdays 2017 — and a Gift for You
Wondering How You Got Here, Aries?

Dear Reader with Aries Sun, Moon or Rising,

Are you looking around at your personal life and trying to connect the dots leading to right now? Would a look backwards help you to plot your next steps forward?

You’re invited to listen to last year’s Aries Reading as a gift from Planet Waves.

Planet Waves

Check Eric’s accuracy, remind yourself how far you’ve come in the last 12 months, and get fired up for the months to come.

Then pre-order the 2017 Aries Birthday Reading here. I anticipate Eric will be recording it soon — and once it publishes, the price will increase.

“It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric!”

— S.R.

Your 2017 Aries reading comprises two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each), plus a tarot reading for the year and extended written sign description — and will offer you inspiration, motivation, support and perspective you can actually use.

Wishing you a dynamic year,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There’s been a quiet revolution taking place in the depths of your psyche; the tectonic plates in your mental landscape appear to have shifted. You have now hopefully reached a point at which you are ready to apply those changes externally, as the next phase of development. This is especially true on the career front. Don’t be afraid to go public with your new ideas: you are likely to receive a response that, whether ostensibly positive or not, will be affirming. Continued reflection will assist you now only if it is focused and directed. The time for action has arrived. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Love and creativity are linked in astrology. Eric has said more than once that relationships need a job. The key word here is passion. You might use this Mercury retrograde phase to consider how that’s working for you in your major relationships; it’s probable that to a certain extent you’ve been doing precisely that. It could be worth discussing collaborative projects with a partner; they may already have ideas. Use your intelligence, plan ahead, and be prepared to fine-tune and tweak those plans until your ruling planet gets back up to speed. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — How much has changed in your life within the last year? Externally, it might seem like a lot, especially where your public status is concerned. In reality, you know this is because you’ve been working consistently and diligently. Now is probably a good time to step back and really take in the results of your labor, especially if you’re having trouble seeing them clearly. A lover or close friend who knows you well may be able to provide some perspective. Be open and trusting in communicating with them, and allow yourself to receive the refreshment they offer. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — A breakthrough on your current project appears to be imminent, though there seems to be at least one issue remaining to tackle. This can be done, though it will likely require time and patience, as well as devotion to the task for its own sake. Keep in mind your initial vision regarding the public service element of this work. Ultimately, it’s this alone that will carry you through when you feel you’re at a sticking point. Don’t dwell on personal accolades or rewards: these will come at the right moment. It’s vital that you leave this dish in the oven till it’s done. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’ve been working pretty much non-stop on a healing process that involves building (or rebuilding) your self-esteem on your own terms. Your independence seems to have increased substantially. Now you’re almost ready to share these changes with others, and to explore your newfound desires in a more open setting. There may be a little more digging to do before you find the well. Keep at it; you’re almost certainly on the right track. Remember, true validation comes solely from within: avoid any temptation to seek it elsewhere. You’ve made it this far. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It might seem as if you’re facing a difficult challenge in a close relationship. Actually, you’re probably moving forward. This is a growth process for both you and your partner(s). Keep practicing total honesty and openness in communications. This is no time for fears or mistrust. Speak the truth and listen intently to what you hear in response. The more effort you put in, the more transformative the healing is likely to be. One other thing: make sure as far as possible that your living space is adequately conducive to everyone’s comfort, including your own. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Which habits are beginning to hamper your path? There’s often a fine line between maintaining your rhythm and getting in your own way, and it’s not always easy to realize when the limit has been crossed. Check your memory for signs of boredom and a desire for greater spontaneity in your daily life. A sincere discussion with loved ones could produce some ideas for change, or serve to remind you of ideas you’ve forgotten or suppressed. You might be surprised at how approachable someone is in terms of injecting freshness into your routine. Be open and bold. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ongoing project seems really to be taking shape, and you’re starting to see the finish line. A little cooperation just now will likely go a long way. Don’t balk at either asking for help or lending it. People need one another. The presence of a suitable support network can only enrich your work as it develops, especially in terms of bouncing ideas around. What you’re doing certainly has great personal significance and is perhaps almost cathartic for you; but it has also expanded beyond that. Take appropriate precautions by all means, but you need to let someone in. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may feel inclined, lately, to spend more time than usual in the place you consider to be your home. This can include any actual venue; the point is that you feel comfortable and relaxed, and refreshed in the same way as a good night’s sleep nourishes the body and fosters recuperation. Just like with sleep, you also need enough time in your home space that you feel properly equipped to step outside it at the right moment. You may find that allowing yourself that time helps you feel stronger and firmer as a person, better able to stand your ground. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Changes in your immediate environment may be pushing you to adapt quickly. To all appearances you’re managing well, and your success is judiciously bolstering your self-belief. What you’re learning will likely be useful for the future: you’re acquiring some skills for life. Only be sure to keep in mind the cause for which you set out in the beginning. Eventually you should once again be free to rededicate yourself to your usual daily work, supported by the more rounded perspective you’re gaining now. For the moment, keep your eyes peeled and your ears pricked. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The transformative process now underway sees you viewing yourself and your relationships — and in some way almost every aspect of your life — with new eyes. This is a part of your human inheritance that’s been a long time coming. As you emerge from the chrysalis, be sure to keep your generous spirit at the forefront of your thoughts and actions: there are people who need what you can provide. You can learn a good deal from how your gifts are received. You might also gain a few insights by noticing your feelings and responses when someone is kind to you. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 10, 2017


Aries (March 20-April 19) — This is the week to take stock of yourself. Your accounting process might range from an actual review of your bank and credit card balances, to an investigation of what you’ve learned so far this year. Life has been a whirlwind, especially for those born under your sign. Now, although time spins on, you have a moment to reflect. Pausing and looking back is not a luxury. There’s vital information that you actually need, which is likely to respond only to your active inquiry. So keep your mind on and your curiosity busy, and start doing things like sorting out the mail, investigating what’s found its way into your wallet, and making sure all your paperwork in the glove box is in order. Nobody else has an interest in these questions like you do — and you will indeed be interested in what you find.

Aries Birthdays 2017:

Discovery, Initiation, Beginning: A Reading for Your Year

“Venus retrograding into Pisces is the most beautiful image of inviting someone into your inner sanctuary. This is indeed an initiation: a point of beginning. The discovery that you make in this process will shape the course of your relationships, which means a lot when you consider that everything, and everyone, to whom you relate is a relationship.”

— Eric Francis Coppolino, speaking to Aries at the beginning of this year

Dear Friend and Reader:

What do you define as your “inner sanctuary”? Who do you feel called to invite there, and are you willing to meet yourself there now that Venus has moved from your sign into Pisces?

Planet Waves

If you are curious about the integration of your inner and outer selves, I hope you’ll check out Eric’s 2017 Aries Birthday Reading, which he’ll be recording for you soon. The reading comprises two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each), plus a tarot reading for the year and extended written sign description.

But what you’ll truly find in this reading is inspiration, motivation, support and perspective — just what you need to make this year dynamic and to take advantage of the growth opportunities that come your way.

“Your reading has given direction and meaning on how to proceed, to learn and move forward in these difficult, unsettling times and at the same time, inspiring me to tap into limitless creative gifts. Thank you, Eric; from my heart to your heart, I send you deep abiding gratitude for your penetrating insight and your deep caring concern, with which you carry out your mission for all of us!”

— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.

You can pre-order your 2017 Aries Birthday Reading here — suitable for Aries Sun, rising and Moon. Note that the price will increase when the reading publishes.

Wishing you another incredible trip around the Sun,

Amanda Painter



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A constellation of rare events influencing you and your relationships takes place this week, which may spark up your curiosity about the distant past. In particular, you’re likely to make a series of discoveries centered around your emotional life that reveal why things were a certain way. While most people you know are content either to pave over the past or to dig in and camp out there, you can afford neither of those two seeming luxuries. What you need, though, you can afford: and that is peace of mind, based on resolving some lingering issues that have been gradually eroding your trust in yourself. This is because you’re still blaming yourself for events that, though you may have had a hand in them, were really the product of everyone involved, and also of the much wider environment. You were involved — but there was a heck of a lot more.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury stations retrograde Monday, signaling a self-discovery that may change your life. Learning something about who you are, or who you no longer are, and then acting on it, is one of the most dependable ways to grow and evolve. I suggest, though, that you allow this discovery process to extend all the way through the end of Mercury retrograde, on May 3. Take things gradually, and do something rare for our era: when you learn something, put it into the context of the other knowledge you’re gaining. Keep your sense of context. Each day will bring new levels of understanding, and there’s something special happening with your life purposes and sense of mission. This has been a challenging aspect of your life the past few years, but your purpose is not an aspect of your life; it’s more like the thing itself. Feel carefully for what feels right, and what does not. Relevant information is on its way — from inside you.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s been a wild and exciting ride for you professionally the past few months. And though you need a little R&R, the adventure is about to continue, as the Sun moves through the rather energized career and reputation angle of your chart. You may not feel like you can handle more responsibility, but just as the last few rounds have compelled you to reorganize and align your priorities, so too will events of the coming week. This really is the name of the tune: prioritization. Ask yourself what really matters, and break out the reasons why. Notice what you devote yourself to, without any special coaxing or prodding. There’s something here about slipping into what you really know you want to do, for all the right reasons. Listen to the ideas of people you respect, and count the possibility that their dissent is a form of affirmation.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Take any delays in your professional plans as an opportunity to rethink what you’re doing. In these times, it’s essential that you not be stuck in old or outdated plans. If the planets are any indication, you’re craving work that comes with the human touch. Speaking of, you might set aside any intense activity in the professional realm and invest your time and energy into private matters. Close partners, especially anyone with whom you may share a bedroom, will appreciate your devotion to the most sensitive matters of relationship. Make yourself available, and express in words that you’re open to conversations that have been eluding the relationship. Here’s a suggestion — make sure you’re 100% sober; even a glass of wine can distort your emotions; and it’s better to discuss sex anywhere but in bed (such as the kitchen table, or the living room).


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Relationship matters come into focus this week. While you may have one agenda, that thing known as ‘the universe’ may seem to have another. Your charts describe you trying to stabilize a situation, while they also describe a shakeup. Matters of finance and those of emotion need to be given equal emphasis. They should be treated separately, and also seen in the context of any common ground they share. The financial question may involve whether everyone is paying their fair share, or feels like they’re being treated equitably. Are expenses being shared proportionally to income? Regarding the emotional piece, the question seems to involve some baggage from the past that’s a holdover from previous relationships. Don’t blame current partners for what others did to you — and if you know someone’s weakness, do your best not to be exceptionally sensitive. A mutual commitment to healing will go a long way toward that end.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Trust and vulnerability are the most important qualities of love. There are others, though they can only flow in a space of sincere openness. If you’re working on your relationship, or your desire to be in one, this is the place to start. However, this is predicated on something else: being comfortable with yourself. Being close to another person is like seeing yourself through a magnifying glass. All of your traits and characteristics, the ones you like and the ones you don’t, can be blown up to what seems like larger-than-life scale. You can start by being forgiving, in an even-handed way: that is, of yourself and of others. And you must be willing to do your own healing work; in other words, to attend to your known issues, and any you discover. This is not the usual way to conduct relationships, for a good reason: it takes actual awareness and work to live this way. However, the time has arrived.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Sex in our society remains a fascination, a curiosity, a source of pain, something to gossip about, something to exploit, a suspicious activity, something inappropriate or undesirable, or even something special. In other words, sex (as presented publicly, and often as experienced privately) is everything except normal. If you’re going through a sexual awakening, I suggest you keep the ‘normal’ bit right where you can see it, experience it and talk about it openly. At first this may seem awkward, particularly with all the guilt, secrets and silence that are heaped around this most natural of human experiences. This is the first step in reclaiming your sexuality from various shades of ownership and expectation — the very things that kill relationships, so it’s a worthwhile cause. Just don’t let any initial awkwardness stop you. Explore until sex emerges as what it really is: beautiful and ordinary.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you stay aware of your feelings, you’ll be more in harmony with the world you live in. That’s because the world around you is experienced, perceived and colored by your feelings. It matters less what they are and more that you experience yourself honestly. This will remove a barrier between you and everyone around you; that, in turn, will open up your potential and your options. Slow down the movie until you meet your experience on the level of a poet or mystic: in full color, soaking in your emotions. You may discover a key to life if you practice that kind of mindfulness over the next week or so, as the distinctly Sagittarian planet Chiron merges its energy with Venus. This is more than a sensory trip: it’s about grounding in your existence: on a planet, next to a star, in a galaxy.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Though you crave expressing yourself, it’s never quite easy. You seek perfection of your message and your ideas, though the lines seem to blur, and the colors and ideas melt into one another. Yet if you focus your mind and put your favorite creative tool into your hands (be it a pen, a camera, a paintbrush or a musical instrument) you may discover that your abilities are suddenly more accessible than ever. This is not an accident and it’s not luck; it’s about long preparation, and an alignment with your reality. This experience involves your relationship to the sign Pisces, where there’s some truly unusual cosmic activity at the moment and through the week. Give yourself all the space and time you need, or that you can muster, because anything truly creative wants to find its own space and its own rhythm. And remember, never judge your own performance.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Don’t always assume you’re right. Though this may be annoying, you’ll appreciate the exercise because you’ll come closer to reality. It always helps you to be flexible. Structure and form, you have. An organized system of logic, you’re aware of and you can use when you need to. Change is something you expect but then often resist, which is why being open-minded is so vital to your happiness and your wellbeing. The overarching theme of your charts at the moment is healing any residual issues (or an overt crisis) of self-esteem. You may never feel that you measure up. But the question, if you ask it, might be: who is doing the measuring? And what is the metric? Both logic and intuition would likely tell you that comparison is irrelevant, though you cannot ‘not compare’; you can only live organically in your truth. Practice self-acceptance and you may make the pleasant discovery that it’s easier to grow and change from there.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a momentous time in your life, though you may not know it. Of course, you might indeed be noticing how your inner world is opening up to you. You could be experiencing the activation of your potential. You may also be seeing your limits, and noticing how far you have to go, in order to have the life that you want. Don’t be deceived by your doubts. Remember all those times when you turned out to be much closer to answers, to fulfillment and to breakthroughs than you thought you were. Remember the times you’ve given up, only to find that your desires were in fact alive and that existence was aware of you and responding to you. We’re just days away from the meeting of Venus and Chiron in your birth sign, which is happening over the next week and cannot happen again until 2062 (in somewhat reduced form). Stay close to yourself, and close to your experiences, and close to what you want. Brush off your doubts, and remind yourself that you’re alive.

Planet Waves Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2017

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2017, #1146 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Stop worrying about ‘not going wild’. You’ve been aching to bust out of your shell for a long time, and suddenly it’s the obvious thing to do. You would not be acting out. Rather, in order to access the truth of the deeper discoveries that you’re making about yourself, you must actually experiment with some of what you’re thinking and feeling. As you stretch out to your true personality, you’ll find that growth and healing can only come through actual experiences. It’s time to change, to grow and to find out who you are without planning the outcome. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Aries Birthdays 2017:
Discovery, Initiation, Beginning: A Reading for Your Year

“Venus retrograding into Pisces is the most beautiful image of inviting someone into your inner sanctuary. This is indeed an initiation: a point of beginning. The discovery that you make in this process will shape the course of your relationships, which means a lot when you consider that everything, and everyone, to whom you relate is a relationship.”

— Eric Francis Coppolino, speaking to Aries at the beginning of this year

Dear Friend and Reader:

What do you define as your “inner sanctuary”? Who do you feel called to invite there, and are you willing to meet yourself there now that Venus has moved from your sign into Pisces?

Planet Waves

If you are curious about the integration of your inner and outer selves, I hope you’ll check out Eric’s 2017 Aries Birthday Reading, which he’ll be recording for you soon. The reading comprises two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each), plus a tarot reading for the year and extended written sign description.

But what you’ll truly find in this reading is inspiration, motivation, support and perspective — just what you need to make this year dynamic and to take advantage of the growth opportunities that come your way.

“Your reading has given direction and meaning on how to proceed, to learn and move forward in these difficult, unsettling times and at the same time, inspiring me to tap into limitless creative gifts. Thank you, Eric; from my heart to your heart, I send you deep abiding gratitude for your penetrating insight and your deep caring concern, with which you carry out your mission for all of us!”

— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.

You can pre-order your 2017 Aries Birthday Reading here — suitable for Aries Sun, rising and Moon. Note that the price will increase when the reading publishes.

Wishing you another incredible trip around the Sun,

Amanda Painter

P.S. Stuck for a gift for your favorite Aries? Show them how much you care by giving them this reading.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s natural to want to take care of people; and if you choose to, do it with passion. Leave no doubt about the love and commitment that you feel. Yes, you would be making a statement by your gestures of kindness, of the most sincere kind. To share in this way is all about what you’re offering, with no trace of holding back. A good place to start is with food you make with your own hands. Create exactly what someone likes best. And as aspects develop this month, sex can take on mystical and healing dimensions. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have knowledge that someone close to you needs and will benefit from. However, be gentle about how you deliver this information; and find out everything you can, in the spirit of being helpful and doing no harm. Say what you know is the right thing to say, and let the person do what they will with the information. Be available for questions. You have amazing resources that you generally don’t clue other people in to. The time has come to put your skills and wisdom to full use. This is a truly important purpose of your life. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’ve repeatedly tried the same approach to solving an emotional puzzle or problem, it’s time to try something new. This is not a question of personality or behavior. There’s something you’re reaching for that can only be accessed through a deeper approach, something that could genuinely be described as spiritual. Above all else, that means being loving and faithful, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. At minimum your kindness and encouragement will go a long way to provide reassurance. One of your great strengths is that you have faith in people; and when you express that, everyone benefits. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may not consider yourself an inventor by nature or profession; however, your mind is poised for a creative breakthrough. Remind yourself every day that no problem is too complicated for you to solve, and that you can plot the course to any goal that you have. Practice on small things as a way of building your confidence. Originality is like a muscle that develops the more you use it, so be bold. This skill could become genuinely valuable on the work front, where the most important leaders are those who can both innovate and solve problems as they go. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When others offer the gift of themselves, it’s up to you to receive it consciously — or not. Either way, you would be wise to make a conscious choice. What’s becoming available is so beautiful that you’ll need to bring your full awareness. What you learn from something shared by one who cares deeply about you can change the course of your life. It can represent a discovery so deep that you never see yourself or the world the same way again. These moments actually happen, and contain the rare beauty that keeps you falling in love with life. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — No matter how crazy or unstable the world around you may seem, you have the ability to stay in balance. The key to remember is that you don’t owe anyone anything. Yes, you are loyal, you are committed — and you make your own choices. Claim the freedom to do the important self-healing work that’s available this month. Take extra care of yourself, and note the connection between your emotional state and your physical health and stamina. For you, everything develops and proceeds from your feelings forward. Start there and you cannot go wrong. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Love in any form is nourishment. Offer it as such, and consciously receive it as such. On the human level, we all have specific needs: water, food, shelter, sunlight and affection among them. Let your relationships be the place where all of these things are welcome and shared freely. You can trust the abundance of your life, and set a goal of making sure that as many people around you as possible get what they need. While you’re at it, know what you need and receive it sincerely when it’s offered to you. Be generous with yourself and with gratitude toward others. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you keep your focus, you will make major progress pulling together some long-range goals over the next few weeks. Remember that you cannot have absolute control over the process or the outcome. That’s good news because the real progress occurs through happy accidents. Therefore, keep an open mind and pay attention to the fine points. You can plan and structure things all you want, and then when you’re least expecting it, you make an error or notice something subtle, and that opens up some vast new possibilities. Keep your experiments going, and take careful notes. You will need them. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your feelings about relationships are starting to catch up with you. It would seem that you’ve experienced many moments of bold evolution. You’ve been growing at a pace that you can barely comprehend. Still, your ideas about relationships have yet to make the same progress. Be bold in asking yourself deep questions about what’s made you happy in the past. Do you really need so much structure? Do you really need to base your life on expectations, when you barely know what to expect of yourself? Relating to others is a dance. Feel for your natural rhythm, though you have little use for choreography. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Kindness is the highest human virtue. You know this, whereas others are more likely to forget. Therefore, remind them with your actions — particularly what you do in the public realm. The world in its current state has guided you closer to your core humanitarian values. More than ever, it’s obvious that your purpose on Earth is to do what you can to make things better here. This, in turn, makes your own life better. You can afford to be bold and generous no matter what self-serving ideas others may think of as virtuous. Integrity is your birthright. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For many seasons, the theme of your life has been deep healing. Your journey has had its ups and downs, and times recently where you’ve wondered whether you’ve made any progress at all. Events of this month will reveal how much strength and power you have accumulated. Yet, this comes from your openness to your own feelings, and to living in a space of ongoing vulnerability. You are the safest when you are in full contact with the beauty, struggle and transient nature of life. Let yourself be as deep, as sensitive and as beautiful as you know you truly are. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 3, 2017


Aries (March 20-April 19) — There are times when you must leave a situation be, and accept it as it is, and there may be such a scenario in your life. You’ve done plenty to help someone, or to resolve something in your life that’s taken great patience. Consider giving things a rest, which means not exerting so much effort. Shift your emphasis to more inwardly oriented matters in your life. This alone will help you re-focus your conscious thought process and your deeper emotional process. After a few days, you’ll notice that your priorities have changed. One benefit will be an activation of the serenity prayer: you’ll see the difference between what you can control, and what you cannot. There are some important priorities that are calling for your attention; make a list of what you’ve neglected over the past few weeks, and you’ll see what they are.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Keep your head and get enough rest. Mercury, the planet of mind, technology and communications, has quietly slipped into your sign, where it will go retrograde on April 9. You may be noticing beginning effects of that, mainly in the form of things seeming to unravel faster than you can keep them organized. It’s not easy to be patient under these circumstances, though remember that you cannot smooth out the surface of water with a canoe paddle. You’ll only churn it up. Again and again, the stars are relating the message of prioritization. Remember what’s important and why it’s important and then respond accordingly. One thing to push up the list of what matters the most is food. Avoid what you know is not helpful, and focus on what is helpful. You know the difference, on this topic and many others.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you’re not understanding something, try stating it in different language: look for other words, or rewrite your sentences. One method I use is to translate explanations of complex matters into language that would be understandable to a teenager. This will make them clearer for you, since what you really need is to reveal your mental process to yourself, so you know what you’re actually thinking. Break your ideas down into steps, so that you can examine your logic and see your assumptions for what they are. You want to make as few of those as possible; if you guess without knowing you’re guessing, you’re almost certain to be wrong. If you know you’re guessing you can raise your odds to 50/50, and if you use actual fact-based thought and logic, you’ll probably get it right.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may find yourself in a situation where you must intervene on behalf of justice. That is, you may encounter a scenario where you realize you’re the one who must make the right thing happen. You’ll know this because nobody else is available, and you know what to do. The world would be a better place if more people just stopped to help one another. This is rarely a matter of time or of resources; it’s more about mental attention and taking the risk of caring. You’re in a pretty good place right now — certainly well off enough to be supportive of others. And the funny thing is, when you need help, you’ll often get it asking someone who is poor or who is busy. Being human is about making space in your heart for other humans, particularly the ones you don’t owe anything to. Critters count too.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’ve been eager to make progress in your career, particularly getting your name out there, and making sure you’re properly compensated. You’re likely to be doing much better than you think; however, you’re also at a stage where you have to slow down and consider your business plans. Most of this involves messaging: what is the message you’re sending, for example, with your CV or resume, your web page, your social media and so on? You must be 100% in accord with whatever ideas you’re delivering; it’s fair to say, you must become your message or let it become you. Once you commit to this, you’ll probably undergo a rapid series of revisions, as part of your process of gaining clarity. This will be fruitful, especially if you don’t rush matters and give yourself space and time to think about what you want.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Let your plans fall into place. That means giving your mind a rest, and to some extent, allowing what you’ve set in motion to take its course. If there are some elements of your design scheme that don’t work out, check in with yourself: are they what you really wanted? Or do they not quite fit? Extend just a little trust that the right thing will happen. By the right thing, I mean what’s in alignment with who you are becoming. You’ve been through many changes over the past few seasons, most of them associated with what you might call an evolutionary process. You’re growing, and this has churned up a little chaos in your life. This has been necessary, even though you still must deal with some aftermath and debris. Now, you’re getting information about how to tidy up and refine this process. Easy does it.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Over the weekend, Venus retrograded from Aries into Pisces. The main influence of this change is taking the emphasis off a relationship (potentially, a past relationship). This is reminding you to take care of your own emotional needs rather than expecting anyone else to do it for you. If you can do that for a while, you’ll be guided closer to the heart of the matter; closer to your true necessities. In reality, they don’t involve other people. Your state of mind, your overall health, and your relationship to your work are much more important right now. Once you have some of that sorted out, you’ll have more resources to share with others. Your relationship experiences will be more creative and more focused on pleasure once you have met your responsibilities to yourself. Once you’ve done that, you may notice that some people no longer fit in your life, which would count for progress.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This week we come back to the theme of sexual healing, which has been prominent in your charts all year and for a good deal before. If there ever was a holistic idea — that is, something that relates to everything else — this is the one. Our culture’s hang-ups about sex merely emphasize every other issue, particularly the one about being a whole person. Turns out it’s incredibly convenient to plug up sexuality, and in effect throw a dam in front of all of your potential. Removing that dam, in turn, opens the way for all other forms of progress. And this is a big responsibility: that whole thing about really being who you are. Then there’s one other not-so-minor point: fear of judgment. At a certain point you must accept that the opinions of others do not matter. What matters is that you’re real with yourself about who you are, what you feel and what you want.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The Sun in Aries is encouraging you to take some creative and romantic risks. That means doing things that are fun and exciting but where the outcome is not certain. I’m not talking about danger, though only you know whether your seatbelt is fastened when you drive, and whether you’re sober. Assuming that you’re clear-headed and acting responsibly, you have plenty of space to experiment, and to do so boldly. The world in its current form is obsessed with safety, most of which is a head-trip. The safety most people are really after is about protecting their fragile ego, which I suggest you throw to the four winds. Your ego is the very thing you want to go beyond if you want to be an artist, lover or adventurer. That’s helpful because art, love and adventure will teach you who you really are.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Looking at your solar chart, it would seem that you’re seeking security at all costs — and that’s probably way too expensive. More likely, any real progress will come from a jolt to your reality. You’re the best person to deliver this, by making choices that honor your actual desires rather than the ones that are designed to preserve your stability. If you have the feeling that big changes are coming, be the one who initiates those changes rather than bracing for them to happen to you. You’ve been luring yourself into new adventures for a long time. If you notice that you’re in “approach and avoid” mode, perhaps consider that it’s about a guilt complex of some kind. The nature of guilt is resentment. Who do you resent and why? And how is that helping you get what you want?


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This is a good time to check in with some of your relatives — your parents and grandparents in particular, if they’re available. If they’re in the realm of departed ancestors, you can still tune in, and let them know you’re doing well, and ask them what suggestions they have for you. Either way, you want to cast these people as supportive. I know this can be tricky, as many people feel undermined by their families or, at best, hamstrung. Yet the moment you are honest about wanting your independence, you can make that fact known. You don’t need permission and you don’t need direct cooperation. You need to state, to whom it may concern, that you’re an independent person and that you’re ready to go your own way. Attachment to the past and embracing the present and the future don’t exactly work well together. Yet you don’t owe them anything, particularly your freedom.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Venus, a planet intimately connected to the sign Pisces, is now retrograde, meaning that it’s passing between the Earth and the Sun. The retrograde started in Aries, which has described all the emphasis on money in your life over the past month or so. Now, Venus has worked its way back into Pisces, which describes the theme of your life coming back to deeply personal, spiritual, creative and emotional material. You’ve done your bit on the financial end for now; you know that you have to take care of yourself and be responsible with your money. Now, you can take care of yourself in other ways — ways that you’re likely to be longing for. You have many reasons to do this; though, ultimately, you don’t need to justify being happy, fulfilled or at peace with yourself. Remember that.

Aries New Moon Moonshine Horoscope

Aries New Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1145 | By Len Wallick

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Indications are that you now have the means to settle some previously unresolved personal issues. As a first step, it would help to be mindful of what makes you different from the person you were only a year ago. It’s possible your life’s experience over the last 12 months or so includes the acquisition of either the tangible resources or information you need to tie up some long-loose ends. More likely the clue you need to get some closure has to do with what has changed about who you are. Some aver that a person’s character is revealed by what one does when nobody else is looking. If you can simply describe to yourself how your private moments now vary from what they were when 2016 was young, you will have at least started on your way towards feeling more complete. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Aries Birthdays 2017:
Solution-Oriented Astrology for Your Whole Year

“More spot-on than any astro update I’ve ever had!!”

— Umm Shams

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the Aries New Moon earlier this week, we all began a new cycle. And if you’re someone with an Aries Sun, rising sign or Moon, that new beginning is extra-personal.

Planet Waves

What is motivating you now? What are your most energizing aspirations and dreams? How can you make use of current and upcoming astrological transits to get yourself pointed in the direction of your highest potential?

This is exactly the kind of territory Eric will be covering in your upcoming 2017 Aries Birthday Reading. He has an uncanny way of putting even the most vexing, intricate or subtle difficulties into a context that helps you to see how the puzzle pieces fit — and eases your way as you put them together.

This is not about predictions; this is solution-oriented astrology.

“…expansive and mind-blowing, and absolutely on the money in everything. You helped me immeasurably as I change and change and grow, and change some more. What a time!”

— Linsey

You get two 30-minute segments of audio astrology, plus a tarot reading for your year (and an extended written description of your sign). But really what you get is a dependable resource every time you listen to it — and you can listen as many times as you like.

If you pre-order your Aries Reading soon, you can take advantage of the discounted pre-order price of only $19.97. Note that the price will increase when the reading publishes.

Thank you for being a vital part of Planet Waves. I wish you a dynamic and rewarding year.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you know and love an Aries, brighten their day (and their whole year!): give the 2017 Aries Reading as a gift.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You should not (and probably cannot) acquiesce to compromise when it comes to your desires and feelings. At the same time, it’s in your own interest to find constructive outlets for authentic hungers and sentiments that could possibly become destructive if not freely and appropriately expressed. All of which brings to mind the Oroville Dam in California. During the winter just past, insufficient maintenance combined with a lot of precipitation runoff to damage both spillways just when the reservoir was full to the brim. Even though your situation is almost certainly not comparable to the Oroville Dam crisis, it would behoove you to learn from its example. The inner flow of life-giving qualities that make you fully human needs to be honored and cared for. Inhibition is not the answer. Creativity is. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The kind of break you owe yourself has to do with what appears to be some long overdue rest and recreation. There is little doubt that your diligent nature feeds you, and probably others. Even so, no being is able to continue living to the fullest unless food is supplemented with tender, loving care. At this time, the best source of what you evidently require is going to be none other than yourself. What you implicitly need now is more than just a spa weekend away from home and your responsibilities. A working vacation is not likely to do the trick either. To revive and remember all the beautiful things you truly are, a lengthy and unstructured separation from the entirety of what has been your immediate environment is indicated. This is not about being irresponsible or escapist. It’s about setting a courageous example of how to remain both alive and whole. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It would seem as though you are on the verge of awakening a dormant, yet innate, proficiency. What is probably required to finally rouse this sleeping talent is for you to take up a new discipline. Interestingly, the specific regimen will not matter nearly as much as your devotion to its practice. In other words, an indirect approach is called for. Exactly what you do will be less important than how you do it. Fortunately, the circumstances of your life will probably lead you towards an activity that will, in turn, trigger a possibly unrelated expertise. Therefore, keep an open mind if a person or experience presents you with a chance to master a skill you haven’t sought to acquire. What you ultimately derive from gaining one form of competence will almost certainly stimulate another ability you didn’t know you already had — one that’s even more rewarding. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s a good bet you have recuperative gifts beyond what you are currently aware of. Right about now would be an excellent time to begin either developing or adding to your flair for repair — and not just for your own sake. There is at least one other who needs the form of relief only you can offer. In all probability, it will not require drudgery or a long time to discover or enhance your unique genius for alleviation. Nor should it incur any form of sacrifice in the bargain. It’s much more likely you will realize your penchant for restoring ease while enjoying the sort of activity that makes time itself seem to fly. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your inner compass is true. The course you have set for yourself this year is without doubt a mature and responsible choice. Before two more seasons have passed, however, you might want to begin thinking about proceeding in another way. It is not without reason that Tolkien took great effort to show that “Not all those who wander are lost.” If you can recall the last time you actually elected to get lost, you will probably realize that choice was actually a form of what sailors call “tacking.” Unlike a motorized watercraft, which can overcome the elements and go directly to its destination, a sailboat must sometimes make the best of breezes available by zig-zagging back. In that way, it can ultimately progress towards an intended objective. It is therefore important to remember that it would be no loss if (as it seems they might) the winds change for you. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It’s not necessarily bad if you find it difficult to tell where you leave off and another begins. Nonetheless, the blurring of clear identity boundaries in a relationship is a condition that should only be incurred with care, equal participation and conscious intent. When you get right down to it, true autonomy is more of an ideal than an attainable reality anyway. Even a hermit would be hard put to shed all connections. The most desolate earthly wasteland is not exempt from the complex web of exchange that characterizes a living community. Given that reality, let your focus now be on staying in touch with the two traits that make corporeal individuals essential to the wellbeing of humanity as a whole: a conscience and the capacity for compassion. So long as you do not surrender those two qualities to another or to a group, you can legitimately be both “one with” others and a functionally independent self. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Jealousy is a complex, powerful and common emotion which some correlate with existential fear. Yet, it is realistically possible to someday wake up and wonder how you ever felt a life-and-death type of need to own a relationship, rather than share in it. If you are currently experiencing jealousy, put yourself in the shoes of a detached but patient and sympathetic companion who just wants you to work through it all enough to regain some peace of mind. While professional counseling is never a bad idea, no therapist can replace or duplicate the capacity you have to be your best friend. If you are currently fortunate enough to no longer be possessed by jealousy, now would be a good time to reflect on what you did to arrive at resolution, integration and freedom. If things move in your life the way they are moving in the sky, it will soon be your turn to gently show another how it’s done. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — All things considered, it’s probably a good thing to sustain and nurture an inner child. If you have children of your own, it’s healthy for both you and them if you have the ability to see the world through their eyes. If you are not a parent, a functional inner child will endow you with the knack for meeting members of younger generations more than halfway, thereby widening your sphere of influence. Most of all, the presence of an operative youth within will continue to mentor you no matter how old or accomplished you become. Age alone does not confer wisdom. One of the oldest and truest proverbs has to do with how some of the most succinct, coherent, and truthful statements are frequently made by the young. Give your own internal kid a fair and frequent hearing. You will be better for having listened. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may not yet fully appreciate the significance of a deceptively small step you took in recent weeks. Someday though, you will be able to look back on this period in your life and define it as a time when you took charge of an old pattern and turned it around. More is yet to come. The conscious work you have been doing over the last decade or so is showing unmistakable results. This most recent turnaround, however, is a new high. Like most people, you don’t always succeed on the first try. Now, you know in your bones how to try again without repeating what did not work before. In a very real way, you have reached a point of no return when it comes to settling for unsatisfactory results. For your next amazing feat, it would be appropriate if you came to recognize a giant leap when you make one. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Nearly four centuries ago, John Donne famously averred that no person is an island. In our modern world Donne’s best-known assertion still holds water, but the nature of the container has radically changed. It’s easier to become isolated now. It’s also more difficult to be continuously visible. That being said, one thing has not changed. It remains important for any given human and all of humanity to belong. Having a way to both contribute constructively within and receive support from a distinguishable community is as essential as it has ever been. More than most people, you know what it takes for a community to be sustainable and truly functional in our era. It seems you both crave, and want to offer, greater meaning. Now would be a good time to seek or create a collective endeavor where that knowledge would come in handy for everybody involved. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Ours is an age when printed matter is an endangered media. Nonetheless, mystery novels still sell well enough to get published. Similarly, during a time when theater audiences are getting smaller, a well-crafted suspense will still fill seats. Even the most popular video games are basically puzzles of one type or another. Perhaps foremost among the pastimes that may still be called legitimately timeless are those that challenge people to figure something out. Maybe that’s part of what makes you (and probably your endeavors as well) so fascinating to others. Assuming that’s the case, there is one thing you should keep in mind should it occasionally be in your self-interest to remain interesting. A big part of what makes a challenge to the intellect so fascinating is the anticipation of a payoff. Therefore, it would serve you well to remember that nothing satisfies better than satisfaction. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 27, 2017


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Monday’s New Moon in your sign is a turning point. It’s as if you can finally set yourself free of the emotional mire that you’ve been wading through the past month or two. You’ll move forward without much need to look back, though I would propose one question before doing so: who were you trying to impress? Can you identify a psychological motive beneath that impulse? Look in the direction of your father, who might turn up in any male figure currently populating your life. You don’t need to impress anyone, though don’t pretend that the need is not in you. Be real with yourself and you’ll unravel this quickly. The main thing that holds people back from embracing the future is being snagged in the past. Being honest with yourself is the way to unravel that. You can do it, but it seems that more than anything, you want to do it.

Aries Birthdays 2017:

A Reading From Someone Who Sees All of You

“You really understand the complexity hidden behind the often-talked-about Aries traits and speak about them in such a way that I can see myself as I am now, while also beginning to understand how I might be able to grow and change in order to one day proudly wear those ram horns in a positive manner!”

— Beth Reineke, on last year’s Aries Birthday Reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you have an Aries Sun, rising sign or Moon, the world needs your beautiful ability to take positive action more than ever. Thank you for being you, and for being willing to get things started — whether it’s a new level of deep personal inquiry, a physical activity, or some kind of art or social activism that connects your individual life to the people around you.

Planet Waves

With Venus currently still retrograde in your sign (it will slide back into Pisces soon, then will visit you again), this is an ideal time to pre-order your 2017 Aries Birthday Reading.

Initially, you’ll receive two audio astrology segments (at least 30 minutes each) once Eric has recorded them. A little while after those have been released, we’ll let you know that the tarot segment is ready. You’ll also receive an extended written description of your sign. Note that you get the best price the earlier you pre-order.

“As always, thanks so much for your presence and your work. Your readings have been spot on for me and I have followed you for a long, long time.”

— Mary Hart, Aries

Eric creates these readings specifically to ease your concerns, point you in the direction of your highest potential and motivate you in the midst of these truly trying times. If you’d like to have access to a dependable resource you can listen to as many times as you wish throughout the year, I hope you’ll pre-order your upcoming Aries Birthday Reading while it’s still at the lowest price we offer.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There’s so much going on in the recesses of your mind. Taurus is one of the most restless signs of the zodiac, and this is an especially restless moment for you. You need to express this energy, and Mars in your sign is saying to work it out physically. That can include climbing mountains, walking, gardening, going to the gym, splitting wood, yoga, sex, or anything that gets you to express yourself in the physical world. This will work even better for you than it usually does, because there’s a direct connection between what you have going on in the deep recesses of your mind (mental, psychic and emotional movement) and processing those feelings through your body. The one thing not to do is judge whatever turns up. Right now there’s no bad or good. For your purposes, it’s all the same: a feeling is a feeling.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This has been a particularly wild couple of months, leading into a wild past week. Now would be a good time to slow down and begin a review process. Work from the most recent interesting development (which looks like it was over the weekend) and trace your way back to the beginning of the year. Pay attention to what happened, but also notice how you responded to what happened at the time, and how you feel about it now. The difference will be striking. One thing we can say with reasonable certainty is that this year has done wonders for your confidence. For some reason it’s easier to be you, however that manifests, especially around other people. You no longer have the need to feel self-conscious, but there’s something else. You’ve settled into yourself. You no longer have ‘an image’ and ‘a real you’. Somehow you’ve woven yourself together into one seamless being. Now keep practicing that and get stronger and stronger at it.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Recent weeks have arrived with some unexpected professional developments: improvements in your status, your pay grade and your sense of mission. There may have been some surreal moments scattered in. Yet you might be wondering if they’re really real: if these are lasting changes, or whether you’ll be back to the same-old. Monday’s New Moon in your career and reputation angle will be reassuring. There’s no going back from here. You will suddenly see everything that’s happened in its context, and it will make sense. The thing to do now is to build from here. However, rather than building upward — that is, being aspirational, reaching for new achievements or more visibility — build downward. Take care of your home. Feather your nest, including your sleeping area, tidying up your wardrobe and upgrading everything you can when it comes to food. You’ve accomplished quite enough for the moment: now’s the time to enjoy what you’ve created.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Hold to a steady course. Whatever revelations came out over the weekend, or whatever challenged your beliefs, or showed you some amazing new potential, hold steady. Persist in what you’re doing. Don’t be distracted by any bright, shiny objects, or by any notion that you could be doing something more glamorous. You certainly could be. It would also be less meaningful. Yet the road you’re currently on encompasses many of the possibilities that you want but don’t see yourself having available now. Indeed, it does so in much better ways, more solid, more dependable and based on your integrity. That’s the thing to keep your mind on: doing the right thing for the right reason. Regarding a question of shared finances, the planets advise to stick to your plans for all these same reasons. Don’t be lured by any promise of seemingly easy money. You have more honorable motives.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — However you think you did in the last round of financial negotiations, persist in your mission for an equitable arrangement. Such is possible, without too much compromise. You like your affairs to be stable, though more to the point, you like to believe that other people are comprehensible and fair-minded. Sadly, this is not always the case, though you’ve learned something recently that will give you an edge or an advantage. Where money matters are concerned, it’s not who you know — it’s what you know. But you must think strategically and understand the agenda of whomever you’re dealing with. You have something of value, and everyone knows it. So, be smart, be gentle and, most of all, be persuasive. Stick to the facts, and a little psychology.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be trying really, really hard to figure someone out. Don’t put so much effort into it. You’re trying to understand someone’s internal logic using your notion of what’s sensible. All you need to do is translate the universe into their point of view. They make perfect sense to themselves, from where they’re coming from, and all you have to do is figure out where that is and what they have on their mind. Think of it as a puzzle. Imagine you’re a novelist and this person is a perplexing character in your book and you just have to understand them. Alternatively, you could just live with the mystery for a while, as long as you remember not to take it personally. It’s not personal, meaning that whatever they have going on is not about you. That alone should help set you free.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Do what you can to settle your nerves and get some rest. Your chart has been electrifying lately, like you wrote a novel or shot a movie over the weekend. Now you need some relaxation, some comfort food and an Epsom salt bath and you’ll be ready to take on the world once again. This is going to be a big few months where your professional life is concerned. But the planets are cautioning you to keep yourself in balance so that you can be maximally effective. You might declare that your primary goal is to not burn out, which means ratcheting back your social ambitions one or two clicks. You absolutely must feed your creativity with recreation; but make sure that it’s the nourishing kind, with intelligent people rather than those who drain you. Pace yourself, pace your work, and take care of yourself like you’re a prized racehorse.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Please remember what inspired you and filled you with creative light over the past week or so, particularly the past weekend. Do everything you can to keep those ideas and, in particular, that feeling in your heart and mind. Creative ideas on the level you’ve been experiencing them are often fleeting. But if you get busy now, and let nothing stop you, you will engage the process of manifesting your vision. A rare alignment involving many factors — including the Galactic Core (rarely used by astrologers) — reveals that what you do now can plant the seeds of creation and quality of life for years to come. Indeed, you may have already reached the turning point you’ve wanted to find for so long, though you won’t know unless you actively cultivate your ideas and weave your dreams.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may not be getting outer results; for example, as obvious career advances or opportunities. Yet you are indeed making progress, building your talent and, most of all, becoming the person you have aspired to be. Focus your growth inwardly for now. Don’t worry about whether you’re recognized for what you do. Rather, recognize and invest in your own talent and your own potential. Do what you do with a focus on quality and integrity. Strive to be a master of your particular craft on the level of your own competence. Before long, you will get the recognition you deserve; and when that time comes, it’s essential that you be confident in yourself. Trusting your abilities has nothing to do with pretending, or with how you’re perceived. It’s an inner state of being that you can indeed attain.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There’s such a thing as faith. Before I try to define it, let’s agree that it has nothing to do with hope. It has nothing to do with belief. It’s not about proof, or assurance in any form. It’s not about being cocky or self-assured. Faith is a state of mind where you connect to your actual potential, with a calm, subtle certainty. As such, it transcends doubt. Indeed, it’s a state where doubt is reduced to a meek whisper, if it exists at all. And from there, you proceed with doing what you know you need to do, or genuinely want to do. Being clear in your priorities helps a lot. That’s not easy in this world of so many distractions and so many options, most of which are false roads. You can, therefore, start by asking yourself what genuinely matters the most to you, and letting that one thing be your guide.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Monday’s New Moon takes place in the financial sector of your chart. This happens just once a year, and now is the time. Over the past few weeks, you’ve had many experiences that have each taught you something about money and how to handle it. You may feel like you’ve been winning, or like you’ve been making mistakes, or perhaps a little of both. The important thing is that you be fully conscious of what you’ve learned and really get that into your mind and your body. In the world as it is today, the most important single fact about earning a living is knowing your function and fulfilling it. Initially, financial results may have no part in the discussion: being true to your calling is first and foremost. From there, it’s easier to see where you have a value to others. Be clear about one thing: ideally, your goal is to have others benefit from what you do as much as you do.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2017

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2017, #1144 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — One thing that’s fast going missing here in the internet age is something known as an inner life. You can think of this as the sanctity of one’s thoughts; a private inner experience of the world; a relationship with the ‘you’ nobody knows. One reason for this loss is an unwholesome obsession with appearances and glamour: looking like something at the expense of being that thing. There’s another problem: the internet has blown our minds inside-out. We expose ourselves, and we’re invaded, tracked, stalked and photographed. Despite all of this, you have an inner life. Your being extends inward further than it expands outward. Aspects this month will guide you in this direction: toward yourself, into a world of feelings, a dimension of perceptions you may not be able to describe. This may have a ‘scary’ feeling as you step from one form of consciousness to another. If you peer into your mind and see shadow and darkness, give your eyes a moment to adjust. Allow your inner vision to receive rather than pursue what you might see. What you’re likely to discover is a world of light, of ideas, of memories and of unfamiliar desires. It will be worth stretching past any fear, discomfort or strangeness, and allowing yourself to get to know your own being, and discover your inner life. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Aries Birthdays 2017:
A Reading From Someone Who Sees All of You

“You really understand the complexity hidden behind the often-talked-about Aries traits and speak about them in such a way that I can see myself as I am now, while also beginning to understand how I might be able to grow and change in order to one day proudly wear those ram horns in a positive manner!”

— Beth Reineke, on last year’s Aries Birthday Reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you have an Aries Sun, rising sign or Moon, the world needs your beautiful ability to take positive action more than ever. Thank you for being you, and for being willing to get things started — whether it’s a new level of deep personal inquiry, a physical activity, or some kind of art or social activism that connects your individual life to the people around you.

Planet Waves

With Venus currently still retrograde in your sign (it will slide back into Pisces soon, then will visit you again), this is an ideal time to pre-order your 2017 Aries Birthday Reading.

Initially, you’ll receive two audio astrology segments (at least 30 minutes each) once Eric has recorded them. A little while after those have been released, we’ll let you know that the tarot segment is ready. You’ll also receive an extended written description of your sign. Note that you get the best price the earlier you pre-order.

“As always, thanks so much for your presence and your work. Your readings have been spot on for me and I have followed you for a long, long time.”

— Mary Hart, Aries

Eric creates these readings specifically to ease your concerns, point you in the direction of your highest potential and motivate you in the midst of these truly trying times. If you’d like to have access to a dependable resource you can listen to as many times as you wish throughout the year, I hope you’ll pre-order your upcoming Aries Birthday Reading while it’s still at the lowest price we offer.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You tend to be a private person, and this is understandable enough. You have a clear line between what is your business and what you would feel comfortable with others knowing. Most of who you are is inside that circle. Yet as the next few weeks progress, you will be drawn out of yourself as if by some cosmic or psychic force. You may notice that you’re revealing what you would never ordinarily let out; putting into words what you might never speak; allowing people into your feelings in new ways. Why would you do this? For one thing, what you’ve got going on inside is too compelling to contain. It’s not that you need validation, but rather, when you encounter the world on the level of your deepest truth, you take an extra step in its direction. There’s a confrontation involved, which necessitates a deeper level of both experience and claiming who you are in the context of others. This is not about them. It’s about you. To be fully confident in who you are, you need to be confident in your identity, which comes through a kind of confrontation with the world. The private space of ‘knowing something is true’ will get you part of the way there. Then it’s essential to connect: and that’s what you seem to be reaching for. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you want to attain the highest levels of professionalism and success, it’s necessary for you to be vulnerable in ways not usually associated with a career. Emotional investment, cultivation of your talent, and the willingness to serve rather than to be seen are all involved. Your work cannot be separate from who you are; which is to say, in whatever you do. You’re an artist, and that calls for total investment, and taking a hint from your Gemini cousin Bob Dylan that a poet alone can tell the truth. It’s possible that in recent months you’ve become wary or weary of the drive for superficial accomplishment. Your chart is cautioning against falling for appearances and popularity, to the point where you may be openly rebelling against these things. Rather than rebel, draw yourself closer to the very thing that distinguishes you. Be not afraid to stand out, that is; or to be authentically different in a way that challenges you. The thing that you may be concerned is your fatal flaw is the thing to work with. For you that may feel like a longing to hear the true message of the universe, or the drive to connect with others in a common language you feel you might never attain or master. If you pursue the impossible, or even the improbable, you’re heading in the right direction. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Sometimes you come up with a plan, and sometimes a plan reveals itself to you, and you must respond. This month you’ll be at the nexus of where the two meet. You have your ideas about what you must do with your existence, and life seems to have ideas of its own. If you’re not strictly the product of your environment, it’s also true that your environment is only partly the product of your efforts. In order to find the correct blend, you’ll need to experiment. For example, you can set an agenda with no concept of how you’ll accomplish it, and watch what happens. You can let your life unfold without planning things in advance, and use your skills of adaptation and invention to develop seemingly random events into something that really works for you. One thing that remains true regardless of what approach you take is to keep on friendly terms with people in power. They are your collaborators, your facilitators and, in essence, your sponsors. Being friendly with them, and finding the points of contact, is not about kissing ass. Rather, you do your best when you’re working on the human level among other humans. Be truthful about your desires and your motives, and notice who responds supportively. Powerful people are protecting you, and have an interest in your success. Get to know them. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This month, you’ll need to take some time and resolve a prior emotional or sexual bond. If this is something that did not end well, you’re the one who will need to set aside your ego, extend the proverbial olive branch, and take the risk of vulnerability. This is a complex situation. All the people involved have brought an element of past injury to the scenario, which has little to do with those who are immediately involved. See the situation in that context and it’ll be easier to understand. You may have stepped away because it was just too complex, or because of some uncertainty about whether you were being told the truth. However, your personal truth is more important than some abstract notion of a valid point of view, and you’re now much more confident in who you are. In a similar way, ‘the situation’ is not what needs to be resolved: rather, you must come to terms with your own feelings and your own healing process. You may or may not get the full cooperation of others, though that does not matter. What counts is that you make yourself available for an exchange, without judgment. Then, as you do that, notice what happens: how people respond, what they say and, most of all, the contrast between what you remember and what you see now. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you find yourself strategizing how to get or keep a lover, take a step back. Using strategy is a sign of a closed heart, and what happens on the emotional plane cannot be planned or predicted. If you need a plan of action, try being real; which is to say, honest about your feelings. This is a matter of vulnerability. You might feel like it’s someone else who’s not quite open, though even if that were true, you could still respond by staying close to your feelings. If you discover that the past is in the way (such as resentment, guilt, or the feeling that you just cannot please someone), stick with those feelings, too. The real obstacle may be something from your own past entirely unrelated to what seems to be going on. Notice if you feel like you need to prove something to someone; notice if the discussion omits the emotional level; there would be reasons for these things. Ultimately, you will need to submit yourself to what actually means something to you: what matters, what makes a difference, or some motive you have for living and being, rather than being in a relationship. Any encounter between you and another person must be based on common ground, and your part in this is to know intimately the ground on which you stand. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Relationships need a purpose. That is to say, both parties to the encounter need a common reason for being there, otherwise the experience can degrade into something self-serving for people who are mutually using one another. Yet it’s astonishing how rare it is for people to work with a tangible shared purpose. Raising children and paying the mortgage can fill in for a while, though it needs to go deeper. You might ask yourself what the purpose of each of your relationships is — especially the thing you consider your primary relationship. If you don’t have one of those and are looking for one, you might ask yourself why that is. If the answer is companionship, what’s the nature of that? Is it about completing something missing within you, or is it the desire to co-create? Do you have some mutual purpose related to service? Do you have a healing agenda that you can share with a close partner? That would serve your purposes well. When we say love, we mean trust; and trust is about understanding that your presence in someone’s life is to make their life better, as is their presence in yours. As you orient on this, you’ll be taken to a deeper emotional level than you may be accustomed to going, especially in recent years. Hang in with this purpose, and with the people you care about. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Sex is underrated. Yes, it’s ridiculously hyped in some places, and thrown into the gutter in many others. Yet we might take a chance and admit that the source of life, the wellspring of existence itself, has a spiritual and creative purpose. Even so, between you and that state of consciousness are several obstacles. They all involve exploitation, from the most publicly displayed (selling everything from cars to drugs to vacations with some form of erotic bait) to the most private: all the injuries that we’ve suffered, many of them going back to childhood. I think there are two keys to tapping the power of sexuality: one is being open to it; the second is seeing it as the creative core from which all other forms of personal expression emanate. This is potentially controversial, though should it be? Embarrassment is no excuse. You would be well-served to open up to the nuances involved, starting with a careful review of your erotic liaisons the past two years. There’s something you seem to be urgently trying to let go of and to move beyond. Yet there’s something you’re wanting, needing and intending to turn toward. This is a point of inner contact that will melt away your fears and inhibitions and allow you to enter totally unfamiliar, perhaps frightening, strangely beautiful territory within yourself. That’s how you’ll know you’re making progress. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’ve been on a creative roll lately. Art and passion (closely related in astrology) are always a gamble, though you seem to keep winning every time you throw the dice. Over the next month, the level of personal risk involved in your creative expression deepens. You’re swimming upstream within yourself, toward a destination. The kind of vulnerability and sensitivity you may experience is the kind that everyone born under your sign knows about, and very few care to admit. Plunge in and go for it. The water is not nearly as murky as it may seem, nor are the questions you’ll face as overwhelming as they may appear. Yet there’s no question: the circumstances of your life, and the aspirations you’re being called to reach for, are summoning you to a new level of introspection and emotional contact. To reach into this place will require facing old pain, legacy material from your fantasy, and those age-old questions of whether you really belong here, and what you’re actually doing here. These cannot be accessed merely by asking, wondering or enduring. Yet you can liberate yourself by exploring, in earnest, the roots of your emotional being. If you’re an artist, your art will get better, and if you’re a lover, your love will grow. As a born explorer, this is one of your ultimate quests. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have a curious relationship to your spiritual life. It’s almost as if it hides from you, or you overlook it, while you’re busy pursuing it. This can have a number of effects, including a kind of detachment or separation between what you do in the world, and your sense of a profound truth you contain and cannot express. If integrity is important to you, and I reckon that it is, your inner life requires alignment with your outer activity. If you feel like there’s a gap between the two (by choice or by circumstance) that calls for some investigation. You might feel as if there are things you must do to ensure your worldly existence, which call for a compromise. That was never true, and it’s never been less true than it is today. What you hold as sacred, and what you know to be your ‘original instructions’, are the very thing that you’re summoned to live, to express and in a sense to enforce in your material and worldly life. If there seem to be levels of truth, that’s likely to be the result of the density associated with the various levels in your mind. As an inhabitant of this Earth, there are some things you cannot avoid; there are facts that are true on every level or dimension of existence. This is your starting point, not your destination. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Astrology teaches us something obvious that I’ve never seen in a self-help book or learned in therapy training: money and self-esteem are intimately related. We see this through the 2nd house in astrology, which classically is about cash on hand and available resources, and in psychological astrology is about your relationship to yourself. In your solar chart this is Pisces, which at the moment is populated by an interesting assortment of planets (most of them new discoveries since the 1970s). Now Venus is about to enter Pisces, and will conclude its retrograde journey mid-month with a conjunction to Chiron. This is about deciphering all the ways you hold back love and approval from yourself. Then you can learn a lot by answering those judgments in sane and humane ways. Nobody on our particular planet goes through life without some struggle over the right to exist. Aquarians in particular can grapple with a poignant sense of not fitting in. Yet as you figure out that this whole drama is moderated by your own state of self-acceptance, you will settle down and, in a sense, claim yourself. That means taking ownership of all your personal resources and talents; and that, in turn, is good for business and career. What you might offer to others must be yours to share, and that’s the essence of full ‘belonging’ in every sense of the word. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your sign stands at the threshold of endings and beginnings. And that’s exactly where many of the planets stand at this moment — distributed between Pisces, the Omega zone, and Aries, the Alpha zone. Yet with Venus in retrograde motion, poised to track backwards from Aries into Pisces, there would seem to be something that you want to retrieve before you proceed forward. On many accounts, a new phase of your life has already begun. Rather than plunging forward without reflection, take a little time and consider what you simply must take with you. You may not be aware of what this is yet, though I reckon you’ll soon find out. I can describe in a vague way by saying that you’re ready to retrieve a memory of your true being and your true purpose. Yet in classical mystical fashion, this is the kind of thing you can become aware of with a sense of profound understanding, and then forget just as fast. Now, when you remember, the thing to do is to maintain that awareness as a central focus of your life. As this consciousness dawns on you, do what you can to acknowledge, record and express what you discover. Said another way, you’re about to rediscover who you are, and remember what you’ve known all along. Make this real by making it the basis of all your decisions. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 20, 2017


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun enters your sign today, beginning the astrological year and a new season of your life. When equinox arrives, a surge of energy is released, which even the grass, the trees and the critters experience. Humans are growing less in touch with the passing seasons, though I suggest you get more in touch. The equinox will breathe energy into what’s already an extraordinary moment for you, with many developments brewing in your life. There are two plots developing. One appears to be taking you back to a past relationship or important phase of your life. Another seems to be propelling you into the future. These scenarios may not look related, though over the next few weeks, you can trust that the elements will come together. No matter what seems to be happening, remember that there’s just one story after all, which is your life.

Aries Birthdays 2017:

Happy Equinox! What Will You Begin, Aries?

“You helped me immeasurably as I change and change and grow, and change some more. What a time!”

— Linsey, on her recent Birthday Reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

This is an unusual time for Aries — well, for everybody, really. But anyone with an Aries Sun, rising sign or Moon has likely been feeling the standout aspect of this era in very personal and dramatic ways.

Planet Waves

I’m referring to the Uranus-Eris conjunction, which made its third and last exact contact (in this century) on Friday — just three days before the Sun reaches your sign for today’s equinox. Both Uranus-Eris and the Aries equinox signal the beginning of a new cycle.

But a cycle of what?

You have some choice about what to do with this energy, and what you begin with it. And you can be sure Eric will be looking far enough ahead in your upcoming Aries Birthday Reading to help you fill in the blanks if you’re feeling unsure.

As he put it recently:

“My job is to help you make the most of these transits. I’m also here to ease your concerns, point you in the direction of your highest potential and do what I can to motivate you. We live in truly trying times. So much is being asked of us. It’s not easy to live under these conditions.”

Eric adds:

“I have something for you; not only will it help you feel more positive, but it will provide you with a dependable resource every time you listen to it. If nothing else, you’ll get more than an hour of thoughtful, calming meditation and excellent music. Then in a little while, you’ll also get a tarot card reading (my original speciality).”

You can pre-order your 2017 Aries Birthday Reading here for only $19.97.

Initially, you’ll receive two audio astrology segments (at least 30 minutes each). A little while after those are ready, we’ll let you know that the tarot segment is ready. Note that you get the best price the earlier you pre-order.

Thank you for traveling with us, and I wish you a healthy and loving year.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Mars in your sign represents energy, commitment and some force motivating you to live fully. Feel every cell in your body. Notice your moods and your desires consciously. Get in touch with your passion and with your anger. Taurus has a reputation for trying to suppress both, and at the moment, the planets are suggesting that you stay with your feelings. Long ago, a Taurus friend revealed what I believe is the secret to happiness for those born under your sign: take care of your physical needs first, and all else will follow. That means taking care of food, water, sleep and other things related to your body. Practice this with the devotion of yoga. Speaking of: with Mars in the neighborhood, physical activity is a necessity. It does not matter what kind: dancing, martial arts or walking up a mountain. You will discover a formula for happiness.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your life may be relatively calm now, though over the next week or so, the pace of activity, events and social contacts will be picking up considerably. You may think you’re busy now; however, I suggest you ease back and take some quiet time, out of the limelight. Sort out your personal priorities, speak to your closest friends, and make some decisions about what’s important to you. Once the pace picks up, you’ll have the sensation that there’s no time to think. If you know that in advance, you’ll know what you want and what you don’t want when various opportunities present themselves. And there’s no question about it: that will be happening. When you meet new friends and find yourself on unexpected adventures, your old friends and quiet spaces of retreat become more important than ever. Treasure them, and remind yourself that they’re there.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun’s ingress into Aries early Monday puts you into the spotlight. Aries is your 10th solar house — the house of reputation, achievement and responsibility. Remember how hard you’ve worked to earn your reputation. Remind yourself that you’ve accomplished some brilliant and even unlikely things. And keep in mind that all of this puts you in a position of responsibility. You’re finally at a point where you see this as a privilege and not a burden. Part of why the world is in such dire straits is that so few people are willing to be accountable. I’m not sure what the resistance is, but that’s not your problem. Check over your work, make your decisions carefully and remember that your life influences and even impacts the lives of others. Your life is better for knowing and honoring this. Cancer is the sign of the family and the brood. You’re one of the adults in the room.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — For the past month, the Sun has been inching its way through Pisces, which for you is the sign of shared finances, emotional bonding, sexual passion and the place where all these things meet. From the look of your solar chart, this has been a somewhat complicated few weeks, where you’ve had to sort out various situations that really did need honesty and clarity. Now the Sun has entered your fellow fire sign Aries, moving into an angle of your chart where you are free to leave all that behind. Moreover, you can turn your mind and your aspirations toward some future possibilities that have been patiently waiting for you. The world has become a much bigger place while you were taking care of other things, and you have some beautiful possibilities waiting for you. Don’t worry about what to choose: that will be obvious when the time comes.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If we track the movement of the Virgo planet #1, Mercury, one thing is clear: you are determined to find your independence and your individuality. Most people want this on some level. What holds them back, though, are perceived needs that they think only others can meet. You won’t know if something is actually a need until you experiment living without it for a while; and finally you’re free to do that. You have enough basis for comparison to see that when it comes to meeting your actual needs, there’s something inefficient about relationships the way you’ve been doing them. For example, it’s not that helpful for people to heap expectations onto one another. It’s not useful to subvert your desires to protect someone’s insecurities. You know that you must take up the challenge of your own healing process, and engage with others who are consciously willing to do so.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It’s somewhat humorous the extent to which Librans value peace, quiet and a sense of balance — and the universe seems to be delivering anything but these things to you now. Your world is a busy place lately. There are many days when everything seems to happen at once. This is a truth of our lives. You, however, possess the intelligence to know that you have a true need for space and time to yourself. Use your wits and your leadership skills to arrange this for yourself. Do not ask permission; rather, get cooperation. Be bold about this. Make sure any responsibilities are covered for some time every day — weekday and weekend — and give yourself a break. Remind yourself how much tying up of loose ends you do for everyone. Pass some responsibility onto those who will benefit from just a smidge of self-reliance. Then declare yourself free to do nothing but read a book or look out the window, even for an hour. Regularly.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t fall for the line that Americans (or whoever) work too much. For you, work is where you find your identity. This is one of those Scorpio facts that you never hear mentioned. Work is profoundly important to you, and consequently you must have something to do every day that is 1) not boring and 2) actually meaningful, relevant and helpful to others. The net result will be that you’ll feel more solid in who you are; you will feel more real; you will live with purpose. More than overwork being an issue in our society, it’s the lack of meaning that’s the actual problem. And you have the solution: this I can tell from the extraordinary activity in Aries, the work and wellness angle of your chart. Refuse to cling to old routines and old habits. Keep awake and alert. What you want is looking right at you, and is within your reach.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Right underneath any pressure or burden you may feel is some extraordinary potential. This is akin to the Sun being blocked by the clouds; it’s still there — you just can’t feel it at full intensity. The clouds, though, are in your mind, and you have the power to clear them; to see through them; to disregard them entirely and proceed anyway. There’s a bold and beautiful light shining through you. Of all the signs, you possess the most direct spiritual connection, so strong that at times you must deny its existence. It’s time to stop doing that. Moreover, you’re now free to recognize that you are the agent of manifestation of the universe’s will. This is not so outgoing a role as one might think; the work is mostly done within, through seeking deep inner contact with your source, and making all of your decisions based on what you learn.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Sun’s ingress into Aries will be highlighting family-related matters, and will focus attention on your household. This region of your chart, called the 4th solar house, is also connected to emotional security. You’ve got a lot going on in this house — the conjunction of Uranus and Eris, the forthcoming meeting of the Sun and Venus, and Mercury doing many interesting things. You cannot find your stability in clinging to the past, or to the idea of security. You need a much wider sense of what it means to feel grounded and confident living on the planet. Let’s start with an intangible resource: your intelligence. You can feel safe because you’re smart and sensitive. But like all resources, you must use this wisely and with discretion. Use your brains to notice the gaps in your knowledge; ask the right questions; formulate the answers carefully. And please, try to let go of that habit of outsmarting yourself.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When you’re overwhelmed with data, there’s actually something you can do. Rather than trying to analyze all of it, experiment with pattern recognition. This is a low-energy approach to analysis, which mostly involves observation. Rather than putting your mind into four-wheel drive, relax and watch the events, ideas, information and people go by. Look at the statistics, if you have some, and notice the most basic trends: what’s growing, what’s shrinking, and where the energy is tending to flow. You might think of this as metadata, which reveals far more than the government wants you to know. From this analysis, you’ll be able to spot some issues you can respond to without much work. The thing not to do is “go by your gut.” You need actual grist for the mill. You need good data going in, so you get useful results on the other end.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a rather interesting time for you financially. In another example of the “what they didn’t tell you about your sign” files (or what they got totally wrong), Pisces is, by all rights, the master of finance of the zodiac. This has conditions, though, all of which may be met at the moment. For one thing, you must take the initiative and set financial stability or a certain level of wealth as a goal. For another, you must use your abundant creativity, tempering it with logic and what you’ve learned from experience. And rather than wanting money as a primary objective, you’re the sensitive spiritual type: you must connect it to some larger purpose that you’re here to fulfill. Money for its own sake is useless and often toxic. Money connected to a purpose is energy that can get a result that benefits you and the world around you at the same time — and that’s what you live for.

Planet Waves