Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2017, #1153 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be thinking one thing and feeling another. Which is correct? Time will tell, though if you’re in a hurry to make up your mind, you’ll want to go with what you feel rather than what you believe. Evidence of that might come with the experience that no matter how hard you try to convince yourself of something, you don’t believe it. The attempt at convincing rather than the not believing indicates what your real position is. You have other evidence; you have many clues; this is not as complicated as you may think, though there’s a reason why you may be having difficulty accepting what you know: it would challenge your larger belief system. For most people, human nature guides them to alter the facts, or choose from among the facts, to prevent a belief from being invalidated. Yet you’re at the point in your hard-won maturity where you must go beyond protecting false ideologies. It’s time to shed those like a husk and learn to invest your faith in the truth of what you know. You’re at a distinct advantage over most people: you have actual priorities and values, and you’re willing to speak up about them. You’re even willing to be unpopular if you need to. Be confident in your own intelligence, and daring enough to speak truth to power, including your own power. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus returns to your sign on June 6, after making some fancy moves in Pisces and Aries through much of the spring. You may decide you have no idea what all the fuss was about. After a long and mysterious journey, you’ve arrived in a familiar place. Yet what you went through was not only meaningful, it was an irreplaceable, once-in-a-lifetime sequence of events that provoked something rare for the human race these days: a desire to understand yourself. This, in turn, extends into your partnerships, whether business or personal. What you must always remember is that your inner life influences your relationships more than it does for others. Unlike many people you know, you cannot conceal your inner reality and still be happy in a relationship. It just feels awkward, as if you’re living a double life. What you learned through your many self-inquiries over the past few months is exactly what you’ll benefit from sharing with people around you. This will lead to real conversations, the kind where you don’t know where they’ll lead. You might say that, for the purposes of your growth, anything that’s predictable isn’t real; it’s a contrivance. That is, in part, because nothing is actually predictable; but moreover, the attempt to make it so merely subtracts from your potential rather than adding to it. Therefore, stay in unfamiliar territory as much as you possibly can. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Gemini Birthdays, Gemini Rising:
Set Your New Moon Intentions with Your 2017 Reading
“2017 Birthday Reading was expansive and mind-blowing, and absolutely on the money in everything. You helped me immeasurably as I change and change and grow, and change some more. What a time!”
— Linsey
Dear Friend and Reader:
Earlier today was the Gemini New Moon: the Sun and Moon merging in your sign. It represents the ability to reconcile different forms of awareness, different viewpoints — even the ‘two different people’ you may feel that you are.
Do your inner twins usually get along? Or do you find yourself often at odds with yourself?
Finding that point of reconciliation is only one of the topics your 2017 Gemini Birthday Reading is designed to address. Eric understands that some very sensitive areas of your chart have some very powerful planets moving through them — and that you’re in a position to make the most of what is being offered to you.
Your reading is two 30-minute segments of studio-quality audio astrology, plus a separate tarot reading (video or audio) for your year ahead.
It’s like getting a chart reading and a life-coaching session all in one — for a fraction of the cost.
Eric offers these readings as a dependable resource you can listen to over and over throughout the year when you need a touchstone, a moment of guidance or just a steady presence to help you focus on your deepest needs and desires, and reorient on your highest potential.
“There is no way I can begin to describe how spot on you are with this reading concerning the place I have been finding myself in over the few years and in particular from last year onwards. Very astutely described! You say something I literally keep thinking whenever I find myself among people. You are actually quoting a very frequent thought of mine. This is stunning.”
— Alexandra Marx, Gemini
When you pre-order your 2017 Gemini Birthday Reading, not only do you lock in the lowest price we offer — you set the intention to begin your year with full, focused, integrated consciousness. With all that’s going on in the world around you, that’s a bold and empowering step.
Wishing you an excellent year,

Amanda Painter
P.S. You can also take advantage of the discounted price when you pre-order the 2017 Gemini Birthday Reading as a gift — for anyone with a Gemini Sun, rising sign or Moon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This month, in some form, family must be a priority. That doesn’t automatically imply your family of origin or blood relatives. Family, the original idea, involves the tribe, the extended family and the community. In contemporary terms, we call this ‘family of choice’. And too often, that family of choice includes only people we think we agree with 100% on every issue. You’re being called on to open up your belief systems, and to openly embrace people whose views you don’t share. Recent conflicts or disagreements have only served to underscore the necessity for being more open-minded. It’s not merely about being so tolerant. Rather, this is about being intelligent. You have a lot to learn from people whose views you don’t support, including (if nothing else) gaining clues about human nature. Yet there’s also something about your nature and the way in which you tend to contain both sides of every coin, even if you only look at one side or the other. A coin implies value, and yet such is worthless unless you present all of it rather than just half of it. Strive for a perspective that transcends the nasty oppositions that the world imposes on thought (mostly to the benefit of advertisers, who thrive on conflict). The word integrity is based on a deeper concept, which is integration; in this case, of yourself. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun enters your sign this month, followed hours later by Mercury. The message: you’ll decide you really did know what you were talking about, and what you were doing, all along. Yes, you’ll encounter some reasons to doubt your thinking, though don’t take them too seriously. Rather, use doubt as an opportunity to shore up your plans, do additional research and refine your timing. Most of what you need to begin, or whatever major moves you want to make, should probably wait until after the solstice on the 21st — by which time you will have worked the bugs out of your plans, and decided you’re worthy of things actually working out in a way you’re happy with. So, endure the bumps; work through the grind and the possible sensation that you don’t really know which way is up; let yourself encounter your self-doubt; and then be prepared for a breakthrough. Let yourself be led by passion and curiosity rather than by reputation or any concerns about your image. Take pride in the fact that you’ve built your career defying expectations and throwing conventions to the four winds. To the extent that you succeed in this crazy world, that will be your formula for success, as long as you remember what you can do so well but sometimes forget: be polite to the people who are helping you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You face the challenge of working out the balance between giving, receiving and seeking what you need. This can be a delicate equilibrium to maintain, especially with so many people in such a depleted state, and you having so many responsibilities. You know that you must take care of yourself; and at the same time, you take the idea of dharma seriously. That means “acting as if to hold the world together,” or said another way, making every effort to actually participate meaningfully in the lives of the people around you. This is a bold and necessary philosophy, and every now and then it calls for a cold, clear re-evaluation. You might ask: when you invest your energy into someone, what are they doing with it? Are they, too, building the world, and passing the gesture forward? When you direct your time, thought and motivation into an organization, have you considered its motives? What is its purpose on Earth, and whom is it helping? Are your most intimate relationships nourishing or depleting? You need dependable sources of strength. It’s clear that one of them is leadership and serving a purpose. Yet this month and this summer, you must go deeper, and make contact with a source of energy that you draw from the Earth, such as better food, time in nature, your own creative projects, and love that both gives and receives. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It’s time to take the bold step out into the open, where people can see you. The Sun’s transit across Gemini is a study in doing things right, doing them well, and being respected by those who are aware of you. That’s helpful, even if you have to tap into the competitive side of your nature. Then the next necessary step is meeting your audience. That’s the real challenge: the difference (for example) between writing a dissertation for an audience of three, and a book that could get into anyone’s hands. You’re ready for prime time. You’re ready to face the wider public, which also means to serve a larger audience. This may be professional; it may be social; it’s likely to be some degree of both. The thing to remember is that this is not ‘all about you’. It’s about a relationship between you and your human environment, which becomes the equivalent of a family. While Virgo is considered one of the quieter and more retreating signs of the zodiac, the cosmic map of your sign describes you as someone who thrives in any role where you’re relating to a group in an intimate way. This might include running the camp kitchen, organizing childcare for an activist movement, or figuring out how to host 25 visitors. However, the real subject matter is more likely to involve your ideas. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Summer is when your career tends to thrive, and this summer will be a particularly bold example. However, for that to happen, you’re going to need to balance recreational time with productive time in an efficient equation. One is gong to feed the other, and it’ll be healthy of you to motivate yourself to work with both the promise and the reality of a life worth living. First, you must master the art of being able to set up and get work done anywhere — measured in productivity and tasks accomplished rather than in time spent doing things. That will mean being task-focused: keeping a schedule and making sure that you’re flexible enough to handle the usual bumps and wobbles of daily business. If you notice yourself fighting with any of your business equipment, upgrade it; time is precious and frustration is pointless. On the recreational side, you’ll need to do things like plan a late start on the day after you’re planning a late night out. Then see how that goes. One last detail: you will need to enlist others in supporting you. Most people have jobs that they can turn off and leave behind. You have some professional calling in which you’re deeply invested, and which is depending on you. Gently involve everyone in that process, whether this involves respecting your space and time, or assisting you directly. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You might focus less on the details of finance within a relationship and devote yourself to increasing your professional revenue. There seems to be a conversation that’s gone on too long and that does not appear especially productive, despite a recent breakthrough. Where joint finances of any kind are concerned, the question to ask is: what do you actually owe anyone, and what do they owe you? What is the actual dollar figure? It might be zero; it might be more; it might be less; but the thing to agree on is the amount, and then move on to something more interesting. If there’s some discussion in principle, it’s likely to be a veil thrown over a deeper emotional or sexual matter. If that’s true, do what you can to distill that to its essence so you can really decide what it means to you. And the deeper question in your relationships is one of mutual support. Do yourself a favor and hang out with people as generous as you are. From the look of your solar chart, they are right nearby. Meanwhile, back to business: it’s time to take a holistic view of where your money comes from, where it goes and why it goes there. You must become a master of two issues: connecting your talent to your revenue stream, and then managing your cash flow impeccably. One key to this is building up your savings. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s challenging learning how to be easier on yourself and also more disciplined at the same time. Yet that’s the challenge you face at this stage, and fortunately it’s a riddle with a solution. However, you won’t be able to get around the need to pull out the stops and focus your efforts on something that may be difficult, and that requires a large investment of your energy. So the ‘going easier’ aspect of things may be about cultivating a state of mind where you settle in for the long haul and commit to both long days and a long growing season. This calls for a special mental outlook, where it may be necessary to disconnect from your desired outcome for a while, and invest yourself fully in the process. That will do two things: it’ll remove a distraction, and at the same time, open your mind to other possibilities for where you’re going, including something that appears to manifest randomly. The way the summer and autumn shape up, it looks like no matter how hard you work toward a specific outcome, success will come in an unexpected form, in an unexpected way. Therefore, you can use goal setting as a kind of guidepost, to keep you heading some general direction rather than going in circles. Just remember to focus on the quality and integrity of your work, rather than the goal. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You need a change in perspective and environment. This means shifting your emphasis away from things you must do, and people you must do things for. It means emphasizing what’s interesting over what’s boring; what’s new over what’s repetitive; what helps you relax rather than what’s hyper-focused. Fortunately there are activities and people calling you, and it would seem that you feel the resonance and are excited about having some fun. The question is, if you’re not ready to dive in, what’s holding you back? Is it a commitment to someone, which might carry an implied ‘threat’ to the relationship if you explore yourself in new ways? The nature of commitment, jealousy, and control in your relationships is a theme to consider carefully. You have the perfect opportunity to do that if you want to explore someone or something but feel like you can’t, you shouldn’t, or you mustn’t. Many people believe that these strictures are worth it, to get all the benefits of the relationship. It’s worth questioning carefully whether that’s really true, and what the real benefit to you is. There are commitments that yield freedom, and there are commitments whose primary benefit is constraining freedom and limiting one’s options. Yes, strangely, strictures are often experienced as a benefit, though this is rarely acknowledged. The question is: what life do you really want to lead? For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You might take this month and define your healing goals. Take these on two levels: the ones about repairing or unraveling what’s not going well, and determining what you need for an enhanced experience of wellbeing. Let’s consider part one, the repair side of the question. This might involve fulfilling a commitment to go to therapy, to reassess any medications you’re taking, and getting a handle on any physical issues that you want to address. They might include better diet, losing weight or more exercise. They might include addressing any persistent health matters that have been a distraction. Start with what’s easy and obvious, and focus on experiencing the benefits of commitment to the project. Don’t take it all on at once; you’re less likely to succeed. On the other side is what you need to live in a way that’s more compatible with who you are. One crucial thing is getting your work environment right. You spend a lot of your time there, and it has a profound influence on your state of mind. Think of your workspace as both home and healing space, where you must not only be productive, but supported in doing so. Take control of your environment. Remove what does not belong there, and add what you need (such as a reliable source of good food at work, and a place to rest). For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This month has two distinct phases: the Sun’s transit through Gemini (your 4th solar house) until June 21; and then after the solstice, when the Sun is moving through your fellow water sign Cancer (your 5th solar house). For a Pisces, this is a necessary contrast to work with, as these two angles bring out different aspects of your nature. During the first phase, it’s essential that you pull in and retreat as much as you can. It’s a time to honor your limits, focus inwardly, and catch up with yourself, particularly after what has been a ridiculously busy spring. There may be a whole side of your nature that you’ve had to neglect for the past couple of months, and this is the one to acknowledge and reconnect with. Most likely, this will call upon you to spend as much quiet time as possible, dwelling within your inner reality. Once the Sun reaches solstice, the energy shifts and you tap into the power of cardinal (action-oriented) water sign Cancer. This will bring out the expressive, passionate and creative side of your nature, in a kind of reversal from the inner attention that you’ve needed to give yourself. The more you draw yourself into your inner universe, and map out your private reality, the more energy you’ll have when it comes time to open up and explore the world around you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.