Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2017, #1164 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The question of your relationships is about devotion. That does not imply monogamy or sex, or living together, or getting married, or being jealous, or even being together. What is strongly implied is making sure that you hold open the space for the right thing to happen. That might mean accepting the relationship in a new form; it certainly means consciously embracing the changes and the growth process of the people you care the most about. Yet the astrology I’m describing is not merely personal or private. It’s about your relationship to ‘the world’, which means to your environment and all the people in it. Right now this is likely to have some unusual properties, which defy the usual course of your romantic relationships. Take these opportunities eagerly; you will learn many deep and beautiful lessons as your habitual relational tendencies are altered by new experiences. There’s a dual question: what is the meaning of sex, and what is the meaning of non-sex? Take these slowly. Notice the erotic qualities of every exchange, especially those relationships which specifically exclude what we think of as sex. This will teach you more about the meaning and nature of your erotic life than nearly anything else. Hold space for this learning process. Hold space for the people in your life to grow, change and evolve. Hold space for reality to enter. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your creative fires are burning hot and clean. And your solar chart is revealing a devotion to your work that’s unusual even for you. This is the beginning of a long-awaited new phase of your professional life, one where the work itself is all that matters. However, you still have that one little skill you need to practice, which is the one about getting out of your own way; the one about not overthinking things; the one about trusting your process. They’re part of the same thing. It’s possible that the sheer strength of your talent, passion and devotion will get you past that little knee-high fence that your life story includes constantly hopping over. Yet when there’s so much energy moving, you’re running like a race horse: with precision, and where stumbling can be catastrophic. So keep an eye on that little fence. Make a habit of removing stumbling blocks before you get to them, rather than after. Establish the central purposes of your life, and then organize your life around fulfilling them. Your relationships will need to follow suit. You may find yourself investing your abundant sexual energy into other purposes, which is OK to a point, though with so much happening, and so much needing to be done, you simply must make room for human contact, for long nights together, and for good food. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Recent astrology, from the total eclipse to Mercury retrograde that’s about to end, have all challenged your sense of grounding and security. You’ve established a new relationship with your living space, with certain relatives, and with the experience of being alive on Earth today. If you can do one thing — be less judgmental, and more observant — you will release a torrent of energy. And in the process of doing what amounts to breaking an inner dam, you will feel safer. That must translate to much more than feeling secure inside your four walls. You have to take this into your outer environment. Many people are feeling really, really shaken up right now. They don’t necessarily have your power of eternal optimism, or your ability to see things from six viewpoints at once. You are, in a sense, a teacher of safety and of security merely in your gesture of feeling safe. Yet you need to go past that, and translate safety into belonging. This in turn translates to feeling confident enough to speak your mind and do your part, even in the face of what seem to be many reasons not to. When the Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd (the equinox) is when you will truly be summoned to courage and to action. Spend the weeks leading up to that in earnest preparation. Get your house in order. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your astrological sign (or rising sign) is one ideally suited for the art and craft of writing. Though I’ve never seen this in a book, it’s obvious from study of your solar chart, which emphasizes the sign Virgo right where it’s needed most, the 3rd house of communications. Virgo has been bristling for many weeks, and it’s especially strong now, with Mercury retrograde wrapping up, with the Sun present, and with Venus and Mars approaching. In recent history, computer programmers emerged as the most powerful people. In the world that’s rising, people who can write coherently, with accuracy, and with a touch of elegance will possess a skill that’s on the level of alchemy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t consider yourself a professional writer; devote yourself to learning how to express yourself in written language, and to do so well. This can only come with daily practice. This would include writing letters, emails and stories where you reread, revise and proofread three to five times. What we call writing is 90% thinking; and most of the time, that happens in the revision process. This is something entirely different from our dominant world of tweets and social posts, which are like popcorn compared to the nourishing, potent effects of crafted sentences, paragraphs and essays. The harder this is for you, the more you need to do it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“I have just listened to your Part 1 and Part 2 readings and I am amazed at how accurate it has been. Like you have a telescope watching me shed a skin and transform into a totally changed person in the last 10 years.”
— Pauline Jones
If you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon, how are you feeling about your vision for your life, and in what ways are you ready to take action toward it? On Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse in Leo signaled the second stage of whatever life-shifting process you’re engaged with.
The reverberations from the recent eclipse will keep rippling out and developing through the next six to twelve months — and Eric’s 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading will be designed to guide you through it all.
“The past few years have been very difficult on many levels and it has been the readings I get through you that keep me going. Always, absolutely right on, every one of them.”
— Rhonda

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The world, and your world, is still reverberating with the effects of the total solar eclipse that happened in your sign on Aug. 21. Whatever may be going on for the people in your life, you’ve arrived at a threshold of your journey on Earth. You may now see that the signs of this go back about two years; many events happened in preparation for what you’re experiencing now, and what you’re about to experience. Hang loose, stretch your body, and feed yourself well. Keep dedicated people around you. You’re entering a period of achievement, which will require that you have a high level of accountability — and that you bank on all of your skills. As events progress in the outer world, you will be focusing inwardly on an incredible process of becoming. This is the full development of what used to be called personhood. Most people don’t have this quality inherently upon being born. It’s learned, earned, claimed and re-claimed many times in the course of a lifetime. Some acquire it through loss, pain and sorrow. Some learn it consciously, by taking on the challenges of growth, by consciously embracing change, and by persistently seeking understanding of themselves. There’s nothing convenient about this, though in the end, you will only gain. In the coming seasons, vast new horizons of experience will open up. Welcome them joyfully. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The first astrology segment of your 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric is now published. This is a seminal year for Leo Sun, rising and Moon, especially with the upcoming powerful solar eclipse in your sign. Make this dynamic energy work for you — order your reading today.
Attention Virgo: Just one day after Monday’s exciting total solar eclipse, the Sun moves into your sign — bringing that energy signature front and center into your life, while it’s still fresh. Its effects will continue to reverberate and develop for months to come, interacting with a whole host of astrology central to your year ahead. Eric will be covering all the most compelling areas of your life in your upcoming 2017 Virgo Birthday Reading: relationships, career, creativity, family, healing and more. You’re invited to pre-order it now, while it’s at its lowest discounted price.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When Mercury, your ruling planet, stations direct on Sept. 5, it does so in the exact same degree as the now-infamous total solar eclipse that happened on Aug. 21. The eclipse created an opening, and now you’re about to find out what was really going on. This will, perhaps, take the rest of the month, because you’ll need to integrate a discovery that you may find quite unbelievable. The odd bits include how what you figure out was right where you could have seen it all along; and then, how you’ll have to consciously make sense of the discovery. What’s actually happening is that your mind is opening up in a way that’s never happened before. You’re becoming more sensitive to an inner source of information, which you can depend upon implicitly. Said another way, you are changing; the structure of your psyche is changing; you are, in truth, a much larger being than you ever imagined. Practicing using these skills, and being this person, will build your confidence in ways you’ve never imagined possible. The way that a shamanic teacher might phrase things, you’re entering into a new relationship to the vast unknown, which you contain. You must stand in a conscious relationship to the mystery of your existence. Let it be what it is, without the need to ‘solve’ or even resolve anything. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — When the Sun enters your sign on Sept. 22, it forms a conjunction to Vesta. Potentially the most interesting asteroid, Vesta says you have a job to do, to which you must devote yourself with your whole being. You might think of this as a birthday gift from the universe. That the Sun and Vesta meet up early in your sign, activating what’s called the Aries Point, describes the kind of impact that you may have. Yet you may be working behind the scenes for a while, and you’ll have to do some of what might seem like thankless work. Don’t worry about that part: all your efforts count. Between now and when this astrology starts to phase in around Sept. 18 (when Vesta enters your sign), do whatever mental work, housekeeping, karma-clearing and meditation that you need. Each day, make a little progress. Your inner life is particularly rich right now. You may be feeling the effects of many past experiences, in the form of processing them, or searching for their true meaning. If you put your exploration into writing, it will be more satisfying, more effective and give you some documentation to refer to. The form of this writing would be, “this is how I feel about [whoever or whatever] today.” Then do that day by day. After a few weeks, you’ll have a clue — and you’ll be free to move ahead. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Recent events have thrust you into the spotlight, and also made you subject to a degree of public critique. You don’t have an especially thick skin, so this is having its challenging moments. One way to handle this is to guide yourself into living with an unusual degree of transparency. With the people who matter, state your motives, your desires and your needs. Be willing to reveal what you would not ordinarily allow anyone to know, and feel how strong you are when you have no secrets. When Mercury stations direct on the 5th, you may get an extra push in that direction, so make sure all your words and deeds are honorable and fit for public consumption. The current state of our society is that everything comes out sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, there are people looking your way, with the expectation that you understand something they do not. If this isn’t true today, it’s likely to be pretty soon. You have a proverbial finger on the pulse of public opinion. There’s a shift in direction taking place, and your mind is already ahead of the curve. This started in mid-August, but now you’re picking up increasingly clear signals about what’s developing. The purpose of this is not to predict, and certainly not to be gloomy. Rather, your knowledge gives you and the people you care about a distinct advantage. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’ll need to keep a high level of influence, and at times control, over all of your projects and affairs. You’re in that spot where every detail must be aligned with your grand plan. The gel has not fully set, and you still have considerable influence over just how that happens. Focus on the order in which things need to be done, and laying the groundwork for the future through careful preparation. Focus on who your closest colleagues and allies are; now is the time to firm up arrangements. Several turning points to keep in mind are Mercury changing directions on Sept. 5, which will help resolve any tension in work-related partnerships, and get some additional cash flowing; the Sun’s ingress into Libra on the 22nd, which will raise your visibility and shift your priorities onto the big picture; and your ruling planet Jupiter’s ingress into Scorpio on Oct. 10, which will refresh your creative well and allow you to draw energy from a much deeper place. There are likely to be many people and many seemingly separate projects involved.
You are the conductor of this orchestra, because it’s your life and your vision being expressed. Just keep reminding yourself over and over again: this has nothing to do with your parents, except perhaps what you learned from them. You are the next generation. You are the future.
For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Are you wrestling with your conscience? Do you need to think about what is good, what is true, and what is righteous? This is preferable to doing the wrong thing, but I wonder what the questions or even struggle is about. You don’t need so much theory behind your approach to life, to love, or to work. You don’t need to plan as much as you do, especially if planning helps you feel less insecure. Nearly a decade of Pluto in your sign has taught you that everything forever changes. Yet you are the focus of change at the moment; though it’s a particularly challenging form of change since what seems to be most influenced is the structure of your psyche. What’s actually happening is that a personality husk is falling away, and you’re exposing something more elemental and much closer to your core. This is about direct experience, not any form of theory. In a short time you’re going to start making decisions, which is a basic level of leadership, and you’ll need to choose on the basis of what is objectively right more than what seems right for you personally. What is right is right, and what is true is true, and it’s time that you embrace a wider concept of yourself, something that’s all-encompassing and committed to your true mission, rather than your questions about it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There seem to be more alterations to your financial affairs than in a tailor shop during prom season. Yet you’re stitching together a coherent plan, and something with potential. What you need, though, is a more compassionate embracing view of your partnerships. You could do more with certain people, if you recognized how productive the relationships really are. You seem to have a firewall set up between your shared mission with certain people, and your ability to bring that mission to fruition. It’s almost as if you’re reluctant to consummate the marriage on the first night of the honeymoon. Sometimes hesitation is appropriate, though you would feel more confident if you really understood that your interests are not even vaguely separate from the people around you. You share purpose, you share resources, you share necessities. It’s only a flimsy Chinese wall that keeps you thinking there is some division or divergence. You’ll start to see the light when Vesta and the Sun move into your fellow air sign Libra in a few weeks. At that point, you’ll have a view from a higher altitude, though once you see the lay of the land, come back to Earth. Your services and indeed your inspiration are needed here, in a world that’s struggling for any reason to believe that good things are possible, and where people are struggling to have faith in themselves. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are suddenly many people in your life: various shades of partners, prospects, potentials, friends, lovers and a few who are deeply devoted to you. Give them credit for showing up every time they do. Make a special effort to see them as whole beings, with whole lives, which happen to interface with yours in a few key places. You possess something that most of them do not, which you might think of as a broad perspective on time, and a rather wide definition of purpose. You see the connections that other people so often miss. You see relevance and patterns where most others see only data, or trivia. Saturn has shifted to direct motion in your house of leadership and responsibility. This is focusing your drive to take responsibility for the whole world you live in. Vesta and the Sun are headed for Libra, which is about you being a master of resources. Even if you have an abundance, use it wisely, save for a rainy day, and plan your future investments carefully. With so many variables in play, you will need to be vigilant about staying in focus and on mission. If you’re willing to do that, apply yourself modestly, and have respect for the value of time, you are headed for an unusual period of achievement. Just remember, you didn’t do it alone. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.