Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #226 for April 27, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — When it comes to getting involved in a fierce argument, especially online, opportunities abound. Trolls, and people with nothing better to do, are busily provoking fights on every single subject under the sun. However, there is no need for you to become drawn into any of it. Your time and energy are far too valuable to waste on an endless exchange of angry words. It’s also currently possible for certain matters to blow up into something larger than their essence, with you accidentally in the middle of it all. You’d be wiser to keep a rein on your impulses, and choose your actions with deliberation and care. Remember that you can have profound and valid principles without any requirement to display them to others. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your ruler Venus is slowing down as it approaches the spot where it will station retrograde in a few weeks. Meanwhile, on Monday, Mercury enters your sign. Both events introduce a note of caution and of pause before reaching conclusions on a serious matter. However clear something might seem, the situation warrants thoroughness and triple-checking to ensure you haven’t missed any significant elements. In particular, what might seem to be black-and-white may well prove to be nothing of the kind. Therefore, even if you’re sure you know the truth, act as if you don’t, and be open to the possibility of error. Few important issues merely involve a choice between two obvious polar opposites. The world is usually much more complex. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $44. This reading focuses on a professional breakthrough toward the end of the year, and preparing you for this development. Venus retrograde in the spring is preparation. Mars retrograde in the autumn is preparation.

Ultimately this is a spiritual development, yet in reality we are talking about aligning your purpose with action, with a calling, and with an opportunity. Elements of the reading go out to a series of power steps in 2021. Read more.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, your ruling planet, is about to join the Sun in the most sensitive, delicate area of your chart. Exploring this region of your life can feel like being awake in a dream landscape. Circumstances you might believe to be immovable could suddenly look very different, or something you thought barely possible appear abruptly within your reach. Often, what really changes is not the external world but your perception. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this interesting territory. Your sign being mutable does not require you to perform constant feats of mental gymnastics. Should an occurrence surprise you, take whatever time you need to adapt to it and fold it into your understanding. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for pre-order at just $33. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end of the year. Get the best price by pre-ordering today. Thank you for your business and your trust.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — One of the many gifts of Mercury is discernment. It can add a sharpness that cuts through fog and obfuscation, and its focus will now aid you in working out a specific issue among your friends, or in wider society. There’s a condition, however: dump your preconceptions. You may feel as if you’re on to what seems like the truth, yet whenever you become certain, stop and consider. It’s entirely possible that there are more veils to lift. You can do this more easily if you keep in mind your unswerving devotion to the truth, no matter what form it takes, and no matter how long you’ll need to spend unraveling all the layers. When in doubt, verify. When you think you know, verify a few extra times. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The spotlight on your professional life continues this week as Mercury enters that region of your chart. What this event describes is an opportunity for progress. However, it may not come in the form you’re expecting. You’ll want to cast your net somewhat wider, and look out for anything that seems like movement — regardless in which apparent direction. The clue that reveals all will involve a sense of instinctive relief, or of greater freedom to act like yourself, which you might not even have noticed was previously lacking. Job roles sometimes have a way of dividing people into segments, becoming a “role” indeed in the theatrical sense. The best work includes, and retains, the entire person. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your ruler Mercury entering your 9th house, representing the higher mind, spirituality and aspiration, reminds you that you are a complex being. It may be temporarily convenient to ignore certain parts of your nature; it might feel more comfortable to squeeze yourself into a neat category, even if it feels like a tight fit. Yet eventually the part of you that’s sidelined finds a way to turn up at the party. It would be wise to embrace and welcome it before it throws in too many golden apples. In a way, this is at the core of many spiritual teachings: acknowledging the whole of you, including the bits you feel embarrassed about, helps you find your way toward oneness with all things, and thus to fulfillment. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A situation like the one currently pervading the globe is bound to provoke a variety of emotions in response, especially when it’s unprecedented. This is appropriate and usual. Whatever you might be feeling, the healthiest approach is to acknowledge it, even if you think it lacks reason or justice. You will benefit enormously from giving yourself the room to explore your reactions without turning on the judgment. Don’t feel guilty because you think someone else might be suffering more intensely than you, or because they’re in a riskier position. Everyone has to find their own means of working through this experience. Get out of your own way, take your time and trust your instincts. They will lead you right. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Amid this extraordinary moment, profound changes are sweeping through society, including within personal relationships. Mercury entering your opposite sign is urging you to forge a communication channel with a loved one, which runs in both directions. You stand to gain plenty of useful knowledge, both from opening up about your own feelings and experiencing someone’s response, and from listening carefully to others. Likewise, offering your unconditional support could be of substantial assistance to those who need it most. These are pretty intense days, with astrology to suit. Yet this also provides an unparalleled opportunity in terms of personal growth, and of creating strong, mutually helpful human connections. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current circumstances are calling on your ability to adapt, and to treat the unknown as a chance to explore. Your charts imply that you’re likely to figure out immensely useful ways to manage the day-to-day twists and turns — perhaps you’ve already developed some thoughts. First things first: you may safely ignore anyone who shows up only to criticize or dismiss while you’re doing the work; this also means you can trust yourself. Secondly, whatever ideas you come up with will probably be of real help to those around you, so offer them freely. The proactive and practical aspects of your outlook will be particularly refreshing to loved ones. There’s certainly a lot to be said for getting on with the business at hand. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In terms of your personal development, what’s most likely to challenge you right now is a belief or mode of thought, to which you are tempted to cling at all costs. This seems to relate to underestimating your capabilities in some way. Letting go of this concept will surely release a lot of energy. Why, then, is it so difficult to dismiss? One answer might be that you’re afraid of how powerful you’ll become if you do so, or of what others could think. Forget it. This is about truth as much as efficacy, and nothing but the truth will do. Besides, you owe to yourself the confidence and reliance that this act of progress requires. It is fully warranted. Your aims have been boxed in for too long. It’s time to widen them significantly. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The focus on your 4th house continues this week, as Mercury joins the Sun and your modern ruling planet Uranus there. This region represents the past, though also the foundation for who you can become, and where you are going. If there are former occurrences you need to heal from, doing so could be viewed as an act of justice for yourself. It’s certainly no quick fix, but then substantive personal growth generally isn’t. Nevertheless, you have the perfect right to seek inward peace, and to use your gifts. Part of the route, by the way, involves digging out and gradually divesting from attachments to other people’s approval. With enough practice, you’ll learn to place yourself firmly at the center of your universe. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It is a peculiar quirk of the human species that we have the capacity for self-consciousness and to guard ourselves, to an extent, from the whims of nature. Yet humans are still (as of this writing) flesh and blood, and even the most logical of minds still harbor the emotions and the needs of flesh and blood. When developing any idea, it’s important to stay alert to this, even if you think you can set your feelings aside. They are often more resilient than can first appear, and it’s worth keeping an eye out for clues, especially in your immediate reactions to changes or events. The point is not to secede entirely from your emotions, which is impossible anyway. It’s to understand them, and by extension yourself. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #225 for April 20, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — During this peculiar phase of our history, you are increasingly aware that now is not a time to hide behind false concepts or choose to believe something because it’s convenient. Treat your honesty as your best and most vital resource, especially when you’re speaking to yourself. Current circumstances are affording you an unprecedented opportunity to understand what is real, without any decorative veils. Get used to standing in that space of complete truth, and make it yours. Wednesday’s Taurus New Moon will help you focus on what is really important to you, what needs to shift, and what no longer serves you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun has now taken up residence in your sign, and on Wednesday the New Moon will occur. Your charts describe the potential for accelerated learning: a rapid series of truths revealing themselves one after another. You’ll want to be on the watch for these, and to practice holding open your mind as a conscious act. One factor you’ll need to watch for is the narrowing influence of fear. In particular, that means fear holding back your ability to explore and to trust, wherever that is warranted, and especially in yourself. Notice your responses to whatever information emerges: this will likely give you a great deal of helpful knowledge in its own right. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now pre-order your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $33. In this reading, Eric will guide you through the next phase of Uranus in your sign, now joined by Saturn in your house of career and aspiration.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Certain developments seem to have awakened old fears within you. You might think of this as a challenge you need to face so you can move forward: the knight blocking your path, offering a duel, or the lake you need to build a raft to cross. What this hurdle really consists of will be a concept you created in your head to help you in difficult former times, but which is now holding you back. The points where you meet the most stubborn resistance probably indicate areas into which you need to probe more deeply and bring to the light. Do this gently and gradually, like an archeological dig: one layer, one artifact at a time. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Wednesday’s New Moon in your 11th house suggests this is a pivotal moment for you in terms of your relationship to social groups and collective issues. That could include moving past certain elements of group consciousness, or updating your ideas on specific matters, or clearing some clutter in terms of your circle of friends and acquaintances. Regardless of how this applies to you, it is vital that any changes you make are in line with your most fundamental ethical principles, and in service to your dharmic path. Draw on the wisdom you’ve previously learned to guide you, and make your decisions carefully. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The astrological focus has now turned to your zone of career and status, with a New Moon happening Wednesday on Chiron’s discovery degree. This rare connection is a reminder that what you do is an extension of who you are. Said another way, your role in the world has complexities beyond what you draw a salary for. As many people now are discovering in some form, you are not merely your official job title, and your worth is more than just a dollar amount or a credit score. How far are you experiencing that truth in your daily life? If the answer is “not very,” consider how you might restore that balance. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Probably you have some vision of how you want your life to appear: some concept of the perfect job, relationship, home, and so on. Alternatively, there may be something specific you wish for at this time. How prepared are you to receive such a gift? Think this over carefully. For example, moving to a new location or job requires being able to let go of the familiar and enter new territory. Meeting new friends or potential lovers involves opening up to trust and intimacy, which means willingness to be vulnerable. Once you’ve ascertained what you want or need most, the next step is to start creating the room for it within yourself. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In a few weeks, your ruler Venus will station retrograde in your fellow air sign Gemini. Retrograde phases have a way of focusing attention on internal matters; that is, inside your mind. The Sun’s entrance into Taurus is an invitation to run some pre-flight checks on your emotional body, starting with how you are feeling in the moment. You can perhaps get a sense on what the upcoming retrograde means for you, and prepare the ground to help it flow as smoothly as possible. One idea that might help is not underestimating your capacity for healing and growth. You are very well able to forge your own spiritual path. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A potent New Moon this week in your opposite sign will help you explore your concepts of power relations and projection. To some degree everyone projects onto everyone else; the key is understanding when you’re doing this, though it’s also a matter of self-confidence. It’s important to recognize that you need no other person to “complete” you. You are whole in yourself, as is everyone around you. Nobody has the right to impose their framework on you; likewise, steer clear of any temptation to exert control over others due to insecurity. You have an opportunity now to address and communicate your feelings in a healthier way. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — At this moment there is a collective spotlight on health issues, including hygiene practices, diet and various habits. Your charts suggest this is a good week for you to consider your own routines and whether there’s anything you would like to alter. This isn’t about self-judgment, or striving for a robotically perfect lifestyle. Rather, place the focus on taking the best possible care of yourself and of loved ones. That would include, by the way, talking to someone should you have any problems or worries, and likewise offering a receptive ear when it’s needed. There is real power in people and communities working together to care for one another. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Sun is now in the area of your chart relating to creativity, sex and play, among other things. One theme 5th house matters tend to have in common is willingness to trust and to be open to unfamiliar experiences. Where resistance to this occurs, it’s usually driven by fear — and these are scary times for many. I’m not going to suggest you organize a Tinder hookup. Rather, what this week’s astrology is about for you involves gently enquiring into your fears, holding space for them, and finding ways to cultivate your sense of trust in spite of their presence. This week’s New Moon is the ideal backdrop for you to do precisely that. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Wednesday’s Taurus New Moon takes place in a rare contact with both your ruling planets, anticipating an event that does not culminate until next February. This is a chance for you to take stock and assess where you are heading. You may also get to deal decisively with some elements of the past that have been chafing at you rather stubbornly of late. One thing you will need to be relentless about for a while is divorcing your own material from that of others. You have plenty to occupy you without also being weighed down by someone else’s baggage. Make sure you hand it back to them — be gentle if necessary, but nevertheless be firm. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take care not to underestimate the reach of your voice. You may well have more influence than you realize; regardless, it would be wise to measure your words carefully. Treat everything you say as if it carries a lot of weight, which will be more likely than usual just now. Make a particular point of being clear, so that you are understood: this includes stating plainly when there is uncertainty. Here’s the thing: you currently have important and unique information to convey. People need to hear this, and they will listen to you, to the extent your message could well spread beyond your expectations. Therefore, get it right the first time. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #224 for April 13, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Telling the truth makes many people uncomfortable most of the time, and some people uncomfortable all of the time. Is that a reason to lie? Is it a reason to couch your truth in a press release, so as not to “offend” anyone? Let’s repeat two of those words: your truth. What you know, and what you’ve experienced, are yours to testify to. Speak in any tone of voice you want. You may speak to be believed, or to express yourself the most accurately, or in a way that you consider natural. You may also write your words. However, I encourage you to consider carefully consider any excuse for not doing so that approximates “I will make someone uncomfortable,” or “I will hurt someone.” It’s different if someone intends to harm or cause discomfort; that is not what we’re talking about. Your truth may be about how much you care. It may be about what you need. It’s always about who you are. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be keeping something from yourself. I don’t mean being in denial. The feeling is more like a dream you had that you’re trying to remember. It keeps tugging at you through the day. Sometimes that’s in the form of a feeling. Other times it’s in the form of an image. You might tune it out or get distracted. I suggest that you take the hints that are bubbling up from the deep part of your mind, reminding you of something that you need to know. Conditions are perfect this week for you to pause, and remember, and raise this thought to consciousness. It is likely to involve a subject so intimate you would never want to talk about it. Yet those are the topics that it’s essential to be honest with yourself about. Your awareness will take away the power they seem to hold over you. That is another way of saying that by admitting whatever this is to yourself, you take possession of yourself. Remember this subtle maneuver. It will serve you well for all of your days. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now pre-order your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $33. In this reading, Eric will guide you through the next phase of Uranus in your sign, now joined by Saturn in your house of career and aspiration.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This is an important few days to remember the difference between public and private. It is a thin, temporary difference. You might think of it as wet paint. When you apply a new coat of paint, it will eventually be durable, and ready to be seen and touched and leaned on, and washed off. While it’s going on, and while it’s drying, you don’t want others to mess up your work, or get any on them. The same is true for a certain personal matter that you’re working through. Your relationship to the outer world (by public, I mean the people you know, and potentially beyond) might be reluctance, fear of being exposed, some form of discomfort or desire to tell the world — anything but a neutral thought. I suggest you hold your energy, and work on your painting, in the seclusion of your studio — meaning your inner being; your feelings; your mind. Tap into what may be the profound pleasure of being vulnerable to yourself. You must give something up. You will gain much. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are not delivering a message; you are the message. Your art is merely getting out of the way all that stands between you and who you innately are. There are words involved, but mostly the example of your thought patterns, your choices and your actions. Evaluate everything on the basis of whether it is aligned with your calling or not. You may not know what your calling is, or think you don’t, and that may be a sticking point. However, the process of evaluation using your mission as a basis will help you figure out what your calling is. This will work whether we’re talking about an X-factor, something you know but don’t yet trust, or a deep agreement you have with yourself. In any of these events, the inner quest will be the same. I assure you that you most certainly have a calling, and it’s a potent one, whether you’ve discovered it or not, acknowledged it or not, value it or not. You do not need to struggle. Just evaluate. Ask yourself what is true for you. Think through each thought that you intend to connect to an action, slowly. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun is in rare form right now, which is saying a lot, given that it’s the Sun — a little star with close to a million known points orbiting it. Some of those little rocks and ice cubes mean more than others, and right now the power is ramped up. You must hold your spiritual center, and conduct yourself in a calm and thoughtful way. Be cautious if you experience any aggression at all, or obsessive feelings. Back away from whatever is triggering you and reflect on your circumstances for a moment. You probably have much more important things on your mind: for example, an urgent decision that you need to make. Here’s a clue about that: it seems bigger than it is; there is an exaggeration involved. It is merely a decision, though it’s the one that’s on the top of your priority list and must be treated as such. I suggest you work out your choice, and wait two days, if you can, and see if you still feel the same way. If you do, it will be a calm feeling, without pressure. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One of the dominant themes of your sign in this era is working out the way you tend to seek your identity within your relationships. Your astrology is now a full reversal from that position, though this is a gradual process of extraction and learning your independence. One potential obstacle is that to gain your mental and emotional autonomy, you would have to admit that you somehow were lacking in it before. If that is true, just admit it and move on. We are all subjected to endless conditioning by our families, which amounts to being conned into existing as someone other than who we are — and I do mean we; this is a culture-wide problem. You at least have tried to rebel within the system, or attempted to reform it from within. You succeeded to a degree, but it was a lot of work, and it didn’t entirely cut you loose from the conditioning. Suddenly you have the awareness and the tools, but you also have something else: a healing project that only you can accomplish, and for now, you must do this on your own. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It’s often difficult to tell if someone is presenting you with their true personality and thoughts, or with everything they’ve been programmed to be. You might notice the same theme in yourself. In your drive for security, you often take the route of conforming to what others expect of you — or perhaps better said, what was expected of you in the past. Those influences are strong right now; it’s like there’s a vortex trying to drag you back into ancient history. Be aware that this is not an influence of the present; it is one of the past. There are, however, other factors in your environment that are real and immediate right now. They are calling you to be present today, in this moment, and stand apart from whatever is trying to draw you back into ancient history. The feeling tone is entirely different. The immediacy of what you are experiencing may be different and present you with certain challenges, but it has a distinctly refreshing feeling. Not like a basement. Not like an attic. More like a meadow. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be mindful of putting anything resembling peer pressure onto someone, or anyone, particularly an intimate partner. That means no pressure to conform, or to do things the way they were done in the past. This may require you to step away or pause the conversation. Someone close to you is deep in an introspective healing process. They may not be sending out press releases about it, though. And at the same time, they are highly suggestible and can be influenced by what they believe others think. You might invest your energy in guarding their door, so nobody bothers them. It’s not easy when someone close to you is in a self-searching process; you might feel excluded, or like you’re not needed. Still, you need to offer time and space to anyone who needs it. Looking ahead at the astrology later in the year, you will be involved in a similar process. The wisest approach is to listen and take notes. Check all your prejudices outside. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be feeling many mixed emotions now. You also have options for how to be in the world, or how to feel, and for what to choose. Look in the direction of someone who may seem to hold out a kind of purity: of being, of purpose, of choice and of action. Allow their focus on their purpose, and their sense of resolve, to guide you in a positive direction. You may be experiencing deep passions, drives, and some anger. You may feel like you’re going to explode. It will help if you find a way to let off some of the pressure, in a constructive or at least benign way. The example being set for you is to tend to your inner needs; to call your awareness inside yourself, and remember who you are. This is not a dramatic or loud or bold thing to do. It’s so subtle you might not even notice when you’re doing it. Yet many factors are calling you to draw your energy inward, and focus there for a while. If you feel a door open, you may step through. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This thing known as spirituality is often mistaken for its accessories: candles and incense and books. It’s sometimes thought of as a tranquil or loving feeling, or a state of calm goodness and of peace and oneness with the world. That’s the Hollywood version. The actual journey to wholeness involves confronting deep personal challenges. This can be messy and painful, and the struggle can go on for a while. If you put that in the ad, it would not be appealing. Nobody would sign up. But what you’re experiencing now is not optional; you’re here, and you are being summoned to participate actively in your own healing process. For you, the bottom line is trust. The central issue you are learning to address is an injury to your ability to have faith and fidelity in yourself first, and others second. That is the order of operations. Start with yourself; there is nowhere else. But you do have help. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mars and Saturn in your birth sign may seem to be sending you conflicting signals, which may feel like a blend of charge ahead, and stay put right where you are. I am saying this in the spiritual sense, since at the moment nobody is in a position to fly to India and visit an ashram. You need an outlet for your energy and your creativity, which you have in abundance. The world may seem to be offering you the opportunity to make little origami flowers when you want to weld half-inch steel plates together. However, I reckon you will settle down some the moment you are involved with some activity that engages your intellect, and invites you to get into the flow of your thoughts. Gentle will work. Solitude will work. This is a good moment to take some time to yourself and do what you love, because you love it. Much else will melt away. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep your perspective. There are some distortions and exaggerations in your personal world. The big questions you may have can be addressed by asking relatively small ones. You can sort out the priorities for your whole life by addressing your priorities for any given day. Work from the small to the large; from the micro to the macro. Take care in the seemingly minor things, and that pattern will expand into the greater ones. If you address the matter of quality, the cosmos will address the matter of quantity and scale. Be precise in your thoughts and your speech. Yes, this is a matter of discipline, training and karma yoga. Yet there is also a practical matter involved, which is that what you do now, and how you do it, are what will be amplified and magnified as you move into the future. Therefore, do not aspire to any form of greatness or worldly achievement. Rather, aspire to do well what you do every day, and in particular, what you do today. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #223 for April 6, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — In order to resolve this thing known as authority issues, it’s necessary to become granular about what happened to you as a child. I do not mean claiming victim status. I mean understanding the way that you were treated, how you felt being treated that way, and what it means to you today. In therapy process, one thing that often has to be dismantled is loyalty to one’s parents and one’s family, which can obscure the view of what happened. And it can take years to unravel. The idea here is not to declare your parents or caregivers “bad people” but rather to recognize what occurred in some truly basic human exchanges. If you’re sensitive to your feelings, you will learn a lot over the next few days about what you may be carrying around from the past. This is not new subject matter in this stage of your life. Many different circumstances have been trying to get your attention. The most efficient way to work through this material is to be honest with yourself, mostly about what you already know. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A new reading by Eric Francis, now available for instant access.

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I cover Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uranus transiting your sign, a long-term event that’s been developing for two years, has brought out some of the deeper qualities of your personality. They’re the ones you usually keep off to the side, or are sly about revealing to yourself. These include the ability to make sweeping decisions, and to challenge your personal longstanding status quo. It’s good you had an extended warmup to all this spontaneity, which seems to have taken over the world in rather short order. Be aware that at the moment, Mars is about to make a square aspect to Uranus in your sign. Square means something that provokes action, or some kind of a response. It may come from someone you’re close to, such as a colleague, or other intimate partner. At this stage, the thing you don’t want to do is react, which would be to take action you don’t think through and cannot easily reverse. Given the prevailing tension on the planet at the moment, you’re likely to over-react, misread the situation, or connect something from the past that has no relevance now. Put the discussion on hold till you cool down. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now pre-order your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $33. In this reading, Eric will guide you through the next phase of Uranus in your sign, now joined by Saturn in your house of career and aspiration.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You seem divided between a reserved and inwardly focused spiritual path, and embarking on a quest for the Holy Grail. Both are true. And they don’t contradict. Now that nearly everyone is on stay-at-home, I suggest you read a book that covers both sides of the equation. Perhaps you’ve read it a long time ago. In my experience, it never gets old: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It combines the deep inner search with the outer quest for adventure and experience. If you have not read it, this is a book that has changed the lives of many — back when people were more open to growth and change, and changing in a way only a book can precipitate. The truth is that no matter where you may go to witness the Full Moon rising over a temple, or what faraway land you may visit, the journey is always an inward one. Remember this, as the forthcoming Full Moon stretches across one of the most exciting angles of your chart, where you are the most visible. Don’t be distracted from the real work. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun is currently arcing across the Aries, career and credibility angle of your chart, which reaches a peak with Tuesday’s Full Moon. Mars is making its way through the contracts and commitments angle of your chart, Aquarius. This is a situation calling for careful handling of the territory where your business relationships intersect with your professional reputation. You would be wise to keep them separate. Keep everything in its compartment. This setup calls for nothing other than top-level professional handling of your affairs. That means keeping private matters private, and discussing things with people only on a need-to-know basis. Make a policy of saying less to fewer people, which means keeping more to yourself than you usually do. Your most sensitive affairs are in fact contained within a strong boundary. You control the flow of information, and you control your image. If you remember that, you will be able to accomplish anything you sincerely set out to achieve. Make it worthwhile. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Keep your interactions with others as low-key and as cordial as you can. Slow down any engagements or transactions. Speed favors other people, particularly anyone you consider a competitor or antagonist. Going more slowly favors you. Therefore, take it slow, and keep control over the timing of events to the greatest degree that you can. Give yourself time to think. There’s very little that cannot be on a one- or two-day delay right now; and what is not, you have time to prepare for. As part of your speed control plan, strategy is your best friend. You are the one who can have plans A, B and C ready when you need them. Share them only on a need-to-know basis with others. This is not about playing spy but rather conserving and containing your energy. Do not dissipate your ideas; keep them, and develop and refine them until you need them. Make sure you solve on the spot any logistical problems you encounter, such as a device not working. In all matters, stay ahead. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One of the challenges of your sign is the way you tend to experience relationships as a means of finding out who you are. We all do this to some extent, though you specialize in it. Yet with Chiron in Aries, that has changed, and you’re being provoked to make your personal discoveries exclusively on your own terms, outside the context of a conjugal partner. That’s another way of saying that whatever your relationship status, you’re learning to be more self-defined than partnership-defined. The exciting and the daunting thing about this is you cannot go back, once you’ve gone past a certain point. That’s the point where you discover independence equals integrity: for example, taking the prerogative to make your own decisions on your own terms, or the desire to be financially independent. This is blazing strongly now, and if your instincts are urging you to be your own person — whatever that might mean — then you must do so as part of a well-lived life. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Once a year, the Full Moon happens in your sign, and this is the week. The challenge is to leave behind the struggles of the past, and those of the people you knew, and reach for something magnificent. You have the talent, and you are acquiring the finesse. As you aspire, and grasp at opportunities, and create them, there will be openings. They may be less immediate than you would prefer, though time moves quickly, and you want your cadence to be correct. Therefore, focus on doing what you do well, which is doing things well. Live your life on the “clean as you go” method of cooking. Tie up the loose ends as you encounter them. Mars moving through Aquarius, your solar 5th house, is encouraging you to be a little more brash than you usually are. You have a reserved or even conservative streak to you, and you’re now encouraged to push things a little. Pitch ideas and take a little thrill in wondering whether you’re accepted or rejected. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be cautious about getting on the nerves of the people you live with. I say this knowing that you’re most likely a gracious, sensitive person. Still, your ruling planet Mars making its way through the angle of your chart associated with family and housemates describes the potential for some antagonism, even if inadvertent. We’re all under a lot of pressure right now. The wisest way to proceed would be to keep to yourself most of the time, making sure you have healthy vents for your feelings. You definitely need to get outside during this whole cultural experiment, more so than most people. You also need some form of group interaction. Keep it light, and focused on the social element, though with a purpose. Notice the dynamics over the next few weeks. I would propose that anywhere things get itchy and scratchy, try the warm, fuzzy approach and you will get a much better result. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The times we’re living through are daring you to dive deep into your creative being: to challenge yourself, to take risks, for the purpose of self-discovery. Your soul is craving experience, in the form of some experiment that pushes you into a new depth of self-expression. That implies having something to express, and when you do, you will know how to proceed. Though this is daring for some, you explore until you arrive at the point where your creative experience takes on a life of its own. Then it starts to live through you and have its way with you, and you’re up all night, which you figure out because you see the Sun coming up. Maybe you now have the extra bandwidth to pursue some deep desire you’ve wanted to fulfill. Just having the time is not enough, though: you must be willing to try and “fail,” and to keep taking different approaches, until you thread the needle. This is worth allocating some resources to as well. You have heard your soul’s calling many times. You’re free to answer. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Do the right thing, rather than tell people you’re doing the right thing. Ethics and morals speak for themselves, and do not need to be advertised. Neither are they something to be proud of. Leadership is by example. Sometimes that example comes in words, though these always must be backed up by deeds, and by something more important, which is adherence to one’s values. Beware the possible tendency to do this in an overly assertive way. And be cautious of any self-serving agenda that you have not analyzed carefully. Your thinking is likely to proceed on two tracks at once: a true understanding of, and desire to support, the common good; and an “every man for himself” mentality. The two do not comport, and if you’re in any conflict, on any topic, you might sort it out using these ideas as a basis of your analysis. There are no easy answers at the moment, so proceed gently. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When Mars is present in one’s life, there may be a theme of free-floating anger. When Saturn is present, there may be a sensation of oppression or limitation. You have both planets in your sign now, and (for this and other reasons) you may be experiencing a tense mix of emotions. The best advice a competent astrologer will give where Mars is concerned is to find an outlet for it. That could mean a physical outlet (something with impact, like martial arts, or playing squash). It will include an emotional outlet (someone to confide in, rather than take it out on). And most importantly, you must not turn it inwardly on yourself. You will know you’re doing this when you feel resentment, guilt, any or aggression toward yourself. You will need to find the opening between bottling up and then erupting. Express yourself in tangible ways, on a regular basis. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mercury in your sign aligns with Jupiter and Pluto this week, which is the astrological way to say your perceptions are keen, and you will have excellent ideas. Make sure you proceed slowly enough to observe your own thoughts. Be aware of what problems you need to solve, and be on the lookout for solutions. Usually when a problem is correctly described, the solution is available if you align your mind with it. Given that Tuesday’s Full Moon crosses the financial axis of your chart, it’s likely that your thoughts will be preoccupied with matters related to money. That is understandable enough, however, it will limit your view of what is possible. Now, to grasp the possibilities, you might feel like you’re lying to yourself; for example, about accomplishing something that you believe is outside of your capabilities. Yet you have in the past done many things that required just a slight stretch. So you’re not deceiving yourself if you consider doing what you once thought “impossible.” Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #222 for March 30, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your ruler Mars is about to enter Aquarius, your 11th solar house, where it joins the newly arrived Saturn. In this extraordinary moment, that confers on you certain responsibilities. In some respects, at least, the buck stops with you. You might find yourself in a position of organizing the household, or setting an example in your local community. As you do this, be open to what others have to say, in particular when that involves sharing feelings or personal experiences. Take them into account. Listen carefully to advice, whether you decide to act on it or not. You have a general idea what needs to happen, in terms of the basics. Make sure you avoid the most obvious mistakes; this will help you keep on course. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are many variations of heroism, bravery and doing the right thing. Society may reward some of these disproportionately over others, though all of them count. Currently, your main field of action is not so much in the public eye as inside your mind. Specific feelings, whether rooted in the past or of more recent origin, are making themselves noticeable. Allow yourself the space and bandwidth to examine and work with them. With most of the world on lockdown at present, you more than likely have an opening to turn your gaze inward and make some gentle inquiries. Refrain from judgments; instead, step back from your usual mode of self-restraint, and receive and acknowledge what comes through. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Current astrology describes you entering a new phase of freedom and independence. More time and energy is now at your disposal, and thus more choice. You are also provided with the wisdom of your past experiences. However, Mercury in Pisces is inviting you to engage with alternative modes of thought, some of which might well be unfamiliar. Take a holistic view of situations, and be prepared to consider a range of perspectives as potentially valid and not necessarily mutually exclusive. Said another way, the cosmos has more than one voice, so it makes sense to keep multiple channels open. Pay attention to your internal compass as well, and note your dreams. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Trial and error is an excellent way to learn and develop, not least because you get interesting experiences as a side-effect. Your astrology is now inviting you to apply the wisdom gleaned from past mistakes, as well as to make some new ones. Our society has undergone major upheaval in recent weeks; one consequence of this is to open the way for many people to experiment with different hobbies, roles and circumstances. Your capacity for invention has a part to play here. Try an activity you’ve never done, or are not used to doing. Then do it a few more times. Then try something else. And if you sing a bum note or drop a stitch in the wrong place or add a bit too much pepper, consider it part of the fun. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Right now a lot of structures are being broken down, and suddenly many people have a chance to view things from a fresh perspective. You are no exception. Among the things undergoing change at the fundamental level are our relationships to one another. You now have an opportunity to examine what works, and what doesn’t work so well, about the various connections you have with others. As people adapt and balances shift, you’ll be free to experiment. Part of this could involve cutting through all the niceties and compromises, and discovering what (or who) you really desire. You might find you need to be more independent, or unearth a shared interest you didn’t know was there. Keep an open mind. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The current developments we’re experiencing are unprecedented for many. It’s been a long while since Western societies, at least, were on this kind of extraordinary footing. Yet it’s possible that you are more in your element than you expected; perhaps drawing on the legendary Virgo knack for organization. Whatever the case, your presence and likely your example are providing reassurance to others, and helping them keep sane and steady. Don’t underestimate the value of this, and do be generous with your wisdom. As you encounter new situations, trust your instinct and your internal guidance system. These give you a feel for the right response, and will lead you more accurately than anything else can. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In this unusual moment, you seem especially well placed to support those around you to make the best of their circumstances. Do not underestimate the importance of this responsibility. It might not seem especially dashing or heroic, though in fact it’s indispensable. You have a way of understanding people’s subtle needs, and you can answer them. Use your creative skills, and your ability to extract fun from just about any situation. In order to do this successfully, however, you must also do what’s necessary to take care of yourself, and recognize when you need to replenish your energy. Maintain your boundaries, and speak up clearly when you need space. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One technique people sometimes use to cope under pressure is to keep to what seems familiar. Familiar means comfortable, and comfortable means safe — to an extent. Where this can get tricky is when outdated concepts from one’s early upbringing can reappear. For example, placing certain judgments on yourself, or assuming you must behave in a particular way, or act in a specific role and none other. Your traditional ruler Mars entering your 4th house Monday suggests ideas along those lines might be tempting for you just now. Yet you’ve come a long way since you discarded them, and your resultant freedom is too precious to walk back. With some thought and effort, you can find a different route. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Acknowledge your feelings. Non-physical wellbeing might seem like a luxury in these times; yet it is still wellbeing, and related to the body. Often, people avoid confronting their emotions; often this is done without thinking, and needs and passions swept beneath the floorboards to reappear at a choice inconvenient moment. For you, this is not an option right now. You need to stay in touch with your various sensations and moods, and not judge them. After all, things are tense for many right now, and you’re not a robot. Do whatever it takes not to fall asleep. Keep a journal, make art, play music — whatever feels natural in terms of expressing yourself, and perhaps some new methods too. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn and Mars are both pretty significant planets for you. After Monday, both will be in Aquarius, your 2nd house. You have a particular mission, which in essence is to uphold your most basic and profound ethical principles in everything you say and do. By this I mean: act rightly, be kind, tell the truth. Amid all this chaos, it’s easy to feel such things no longer matter; yet in fact they’re more important than ever, and you are now being called to demonstrate this by setting an example. And note: you are not going to accomplish this within the social media colosseum, through judging other people’s performances. This is about your actions and decisions, which will influence what others do. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your recent experiences have endowed you with a lot of wisdom and grit, and no small measure of added chutzpah. With your traditional ruler Saturn now in your sign, you can begin to feel the benefit of this change. Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances many of us are now in, you are still likely to notice the pressure easing off. Use this to your advantage, and as far as possible to help people around you who might not be so well prepared for the current scenario. This could also give additional meaning to your previous struggles, and to the fact that you came through them stronger and better informed. Know when you don’t know; however, when you do, use it liberally. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Saturn entering your solar 12th house Monday is inviting you into a prolonged phase of holding space, and of walking with uncertainty and complexity. These are relatively natural states for you at any time, though just now the circumstances are ideal for you to dive even deeper. You might, for example, treat any serious question where the answer is not fully obvious as undetermined, if only for the time being. You might proceed on the assumption that there is definitely information you still don’t have, or a cognitive bias you’re not quite aware of. Tread lightly and carefully. Listen to your intuition, and also verify it; note information you receive, and also your internal responses, all with equal openness. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #221 for March 23, 2020

AriesAries (March 20-April 19) — On Tuesday, there is a New Moon in your birth sign. This event connects to the planetary pattern that’s driving the rather strange world situation. In other words, the Moon and the Sun line up with centaur planets Chiron and Pholus, which are connected to the lunar nodes. That might mean something to you but if not, you are plugged into the zeitgeist — exactly and precisely, and you’re placed at the turning point. That astrology describes the nature of the healing crisis we are in. You are part of the solution. Practice this in small ways. Begin with awareness: pay attention to what is happening in all directions. Continue with quietly being a catalyst, which is the chemical agent that facilitates a reaction and then can be fully recovered at the end. Practice the art of correct action. This New Moon is conjunct Chiron, though even more closely conjunct Salacia. That is where desire meets maturity. Stay close to your biological cravings, which are emissaries of the life force. Count that as an energy source, and use it appropriately. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Pre-order this reading here for the best price.

TaurusTaurus (April 19-May 20) — I had a feeling Uranus in Taurus would shake things up, but I was not expecting what we’re witnessing. While the value of financial markets may be going down, your value is increasing. While much of the world is shaking, you have the ability to be cool and steady. Your astrology and world events are calling forth something deeper from you, something you know is there and coexist with. Though it’s a level you rarely go to, like the boiler room in a ship you’re sailing on. You know it’s there, and you can connect to the power source in the form of thrust and drive, often without getting your hands dirty. I suggest you go down to the lower decks and check out the machinery of your personal dynamo. Turn your awareness within, and descend into yourself. Feel the energy, the heat and the rumble. Tune into the aspect of yourself you never, ever reveal to others, just long enough to make conscious contact. Then go back to doing what you do and being who you are. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

GeminiGemini (May 20-June 21) — One thing we can say about the world is that many people’s search for themselves has intensified in an unexpected and deeply poignant way. You are probably witnessing the full spectrum of what is possible regarding this search for self. You may also be noticing how any point along that gradient represents some potential for you to express who you are. The key idea here is that there is a wide diversity of possibilities, and you have the ability to set your vibration to any of them. So what you’re seeing and feeling is essentially an energetic buffet. It may at times feel like a freak show, or a tour of a military hospital, or an encounter with the pantheon of saints, in no special order. Use your skill of language to tell it like it is, to yourself (don’t worry about telling anyone else, unless it’s an intimate party you absolutely trust). Know that this is not about all of them, it’s about you. The spiritual key for you will be identifying the vibration level you want, and then stabilizing yourself there. Note, this should not be a struggle; follow an emotional path of least resistance. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

CancerCancer (June 21-July 22) — This is a moment for you, a moment when you can discover and enter your destiny. I know that is a potentially charged word, though I mean it in the sense of encountering and choosing what feels so natural as to be a calling you answer. To do this, you will need to shed a few skins. There is a kind of reticence, conditioned by various clobberings and threats and so forth to avoid existing on your true path. It feels dangerous, it feels like being naked, and then if you go there even a little, you may feel the guilt at betraying someone else. That’s worth a weekend workshop, though the essence is that to be yourself, you must betray your not-self in all the forms that it takes, and move onward and upward and do the thing you’re called upon to do. To respond to your environment in the way you’re being called upon to respond, which is an entirely enlightened way, and cool and level-headed and pausing with some amazement of the strange, fascinating quality at the moment. Align yourself, listen, and proceed. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

LeoLeo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You now have a glimpse of how much energy was building, that sense of a storm about to crack. This is a duty-calls moment for you. Whatever you’re doing, you’re a first responder. This might involve your family, your workplace, or an actual role on the front lines. Whatever you’re called to do is equally important. You don’t need to feel like you should be doing something else. Be impeccable in whatever your assignment is. Expressing this from the other side of the spectrum, if you’re doing fantastic right now, this phase of your life is not a break or a retreat. By all means catch your breath and stay in alignment with yourself. You have a job to do and you must do it well. If you’re in a more difficult position and your assigned role is survival, trust that you have a gift for pulling through. And if you’re in that situation, bring along as many people as you can, though one by one. You have resources and you have abilities. You have energy. Use it wisely, decision by decision. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

VirgoVirgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may feel the temptation to meet people wherever they are. I suggest you take the approach of meeting them where you are, because that is something you can know and monitor. Where others are at, you cannot be sure. If you think you’re sure, that’s a liability. So therefore, it would be better to leave your assessment of the spiritual location and condition of others as a variable: as a known unknown. However, there’s a potential issue: you may see what you want to see rather than what is. And if that’s happening, you’re unlikely to notice. So I suggest you put in a few extra layers of perception filtration. And, instead of focusing on others, which is a problem in itself, use your basic self-awareness techniques. Focus your attention on your emotional state, your bodily needs, and physical feedback. Then branch out to what your mind is telling you. Draw yourself into your core, and then gradually extend out from there. This will do a lot more than insulate you from propaganda. You will have plenty of information to navigate by. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

LibraLibra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be looking into the reflection of all you need to heal, all you struggle to understand, and all that you want to be in your ideal stage. And it may seem impossible, or so overly complicated as to be inaccessible. Still, maintain your awareness of what you are reaching for, as best you can. You at least have a direct view of what is so. Look right at it, though also make sure you look in other directions as well. Turn your head left and right. Look up and down. Look around the edges of what you perceive. Then return your awareness to what is right there before you. Rather than decide what you’re looking at, perhaps use a technique I learned from someone named Gurani Anjali: ask yourself quietly, “What is it?” This may be a helpful life lesson now, as we certainly have more questions than answers, though where questions are concerned, the simpler the better. Then pause, and listen patiently for a response. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Now that Saturn has moved into Aquarius and entered your solar 4th house, you may be feeling more grounded in your situation. For you, grounded is a positive development, as you tend to fly around a bit, and make things more complicated than they are. Yet suddenly you have a sense of how to state your situation in a way you understand. When you do, you might decide you’re better off than you imagined before. It’s true you’re facing a healing challenge. This is signified by Tuesday’s Chiron New Moon in your house of work and wellbeing. Where Chiron is present, there’s a need to proceed slowly and even meticulously. There are other influences that are pushing you to accelerate your thought process and your speech, and you may feel like you’re in a struggle between speeding up and slowing down. Really, it’s between choosing and not choosing. And at the very bottom, this is about who influences you, or who in truth you admit does not have the power to do so. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Now may not seem like the time to think about art or creativity, though I could imagine no better. Everything you do now must bear the mark of experimental art — everything, no matter how practical. You have stunning power of imagination at the moment, and you’re in the perfect place to connect it to your direct experience. Your chart describes you as a master of improvisation. This is about thinking standing up, while walking or juggling. If you have a need, it will be your creative mind that helps you fulfill it. If you have a desire, your ability to synthesize will help you make it real. You need to be bold, and that should be pretty easy at this moment. Two other pointers from your solar chart: put several approaches before spending money; if you need it, you’re likely to already have it. And it will help if you take an idea and think it through a few times, refine and improve it. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn has left your sign, beginning a kind of test run in Aquarius. Of all the people this will register with in a tangible way, you’re at the front of the queue. Though Saturn in one’s sign has a lot to offer, its exit after several years can feel like having a weight lifted off of one’s body or emotions. Yet all of the benefits it has to offer are equally or more accessible to you. You need the stability this transit is offering you, particularly through the Aries New Moon that takes place early this week. No matter what else may be going on in your life, you’re still subject to the same inner cravings, quests and struggles, and currently you’re in one related to claiming your identity. Or rather claiming it back from whomever took it from you. Often when this kind of revolution happens, it’s through a struggle of some kind. What you can do to your own benefit is to turn anything you may be confronting into a quest for expressing your true being. You are you — not who others tried to convince you that you were. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

AquariusAquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn entered your sign overnight Saturday to Sunday, which seems custom-designed to have a sobering, focusing effect on you. It’s akin to placing a lens in front of your ability to see, feel and experience yourself. Saturn distills the high-voltage, sometimes erratic quality of Aquarius into a slowly vibrating flow of information. You will appreciate this transit, which stretches into 2023 (and of which the current ingress is just a test run that lasts until July 1). Here are few clues. You can afford to be less certain — about anything and everything. It will do you good. You can afford to be more flexible. You are being invited to engage yourself in a maturing process that mainly will feel like burning off mental baby fat. Aquarius prides itself on its ability to reason, though this does not always happen. Saturn in Aquarius is the very picture of discernment, balance and easygoing sincerity. Let yourself be reminded of all you do not know, and proceed from there. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

PiscesPisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Over the weekend, Saturn made its first move into Aquarius. It will be there through July 1, and then return to stay in December. This may come as a relief to you, as it helps you find a private space within your own mind. Everyone is being made to take a step out of the social and public realms, and into the interior. You need time alone. So does everyone else, though it’s especially important that you focus your thoughts and feelings inward and work through a series of necessary adjustments associated with this transit. What you’re really doing is taking back space that is yours, which has been left abandoned for a while. Part of this will happen in the silence of meditation, some will happen in your sleep, and some with tools such as your sketchbook or your journal. You will recognize this space immediately when you arrive there. It will be as familiar as a summer cottage you have not been in for a few years. Tidy up, open the windows and put some soup on the stove. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #220 for March 16, 2020

AriesAries (March 20-April 19) — Set aside any notion of every man for himself, and remember your ethics. You also need to keep a lookout for people who are adopting that strategy. At the same time, there will be many opportunities for you to participate in a constructive and positive way, which will serve the purpose of easing your path through the world. The qualities to focus on now are cooperation and collaboration. We are so unaccustomed to doing this that our whole orientation as a society will need to shift. And before that, individual people will need to shift the fundamental ground of conflict we usually stand on, which is necessary to have our society that is based on competition. While you cannot do this yourself, you can decide where to invest your energy. That, in turn, determines the mode of leadership you embody. There will be relatively few people who are able to stay centered, take care of themselves, and set a positive example. It’s up to you to be one of them. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Pre-order this reading here for the best price.

TaurusTaurus (April 19-May 20) — While you’re experiencing the desire for greater freedom to experiment, be conscious of any jealous feelings you may encounter. They have a way of taking over, and guiding one’s evaluation of life, and one’s decisions. The philosophy to practice is live and let live. Remember, if you choose to explore beyond your usual bounds, that implies allowing others to do so as well. This is not a tidy little equation, though. The bottom line is your self-esteem, which in this form means not having your identity threatened by the choices others make. This will challenge you to find the solid ground within yourself, and once you do that is the place to stand. If there is one advantage to the present condition of the world, it’s that we are all living a little closer to the edge of existence. It’s now plainly obvious that life does not always go on as usual. And in that truth are potentially great blessings. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

GeminiGemini (May 20-June 21) — Remember your most cherished goals, particularly in the midst of any negotiations. Do not allow anyone to push you back, distract you, or convince you that somehow you’re being unfair. It would be unwise to fight or to push back too hard. Neither should you just cave in and give others what they want, if you feel it’s not the right thing to do. The way to proceed is to be gently persistent. Keep your own interests in mind. This is a form of selfishness, though I don’t mean in the ultimate sense of thinking others don’t matter. In fact others do matter to you, and that’s the thing you must be aware of. Your idea of the ‘other’ is so relevant to you that you can lose track of your own needs, desires and best interests. So, all you need to do is keep them in mind, by which I mean — really in mind. No matter what may be going on in the world or in your life, remind yourself of what you want to do the very most. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

CancerCancer (June 21-July 22) — Everyone is being called to leadership, though in many different senses of the word. With the Sun crossing the reputation and responsibility angle of your chart later this week — the 10th house, which for you is Aries — take the occasion to be at your very best. You have strength of character and a focused moral bearing that few possess. This exists for you as potential you know you can access, and in recent years you’ve been getting the message that there is no digressing from this particular calling. Now, you’re actually needed. The thing you don’t want to do is take a “save the world” position. Rather, begin taking note of your own state of being, your feelings and your basic needs. It’s essential that you begin with yourself, because the thing you’re teaching is for others to take care of themselves. From that perspective, you will see specific ways you may be of limited help. That is the idea. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

LeoLeo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It is particularly important that you take steps to guard your health over the next few weeks, which means not taking any needless chances. Do all of the basic things you know about that have the effect of nourishing your body and your spirit. I say this knowing the same astrology calling for you to cool down a bit is also driving you to push a little harder — hence, my recommendation. This may be a difficult balance to attain, though striving to do so will teach you how to keep your priorities in order. Food and rest are essential. Run through your agenda and cut back anything that consumes your energy needlessly. Be mindful of activities that require you to travel. Much of the shuttling around that people do is avoidable: not all of it but at least some of it. Notice how helpful removing even one thing from your agenda is, which is the thing to do when you get the feeling you cannot sustain your energy output. Then, focus on efficiency and economy. Those things exist, and are beautiful. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

VirgoVirgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The past few weeks have probably been quite a ride for you. Yet if one thing has come into focus, it’s your true need to see the world from other people’s point of view. This is easy for some and difficult for others. One thing I can tell you from my long adventures both in journalism and as an astrologer is that people drop hints about their perspective. They don’t just spill the beans and let it all out and reveal their cosmology. Yet those small clues can be genuinely meaningful and helpful, if you’re listening, and you keep them in context. People reveal how much they think their existence is worth. They reveal what they think is possible. They reveal how they feel about others. They reveal their needs. Yet you must listen carefully, and take these things under advisement rather than acting on them in a lurch. It is, under the best conditions, difficult to get to know people, though at the moment, you have an advantage here. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

LibraLibra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may somehow feel like you’re at the epicenter of an earthquake as Mars moves through Capricorn and makes your world shake and vibrate. That’s the best time to live in a tent, because if it falls down, you won’t get hurt. You can just put it back up. The equivalent of a tent is keeping things light. Your inner emotional environment may be amplified, which means things may sound and feel louder than they really are. So you will need to bring modulation to your inner dialog, and turn down certain voices within yourself that are causing you anxiety. Don’t shut them out; rather, keep them in proportion. There is a whole other inner reality that is speaking to you now, which I would describe as a deep and necessary calling. Some words from A Course in Miracles come to mind: “My happiness and my function are one.” Remind yourself of that frequently and the idea will come into focus. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars is on the move, which is significant to you as this is the planet that (actually) rules your sign. Yes, Pluto is important and is also in the picture, though Mars is the working end of the stick, and it’s definitely working at the moment. The thing to do is to get control over your words. This holds true whatever they are about: you want to be their master and not let them master you. That means planning what you say; it means writing thoughtfully, and editing. It means delaying pushing “send” or “publish” for as long as possible. If your temper is hot, refrain from speaking, especially in meetings or in public. Work out any anger you may be feeling before expressing yourself. You’re most certainly in a position to over-react. This will be all the more detrimental if you are right; your point will be lost. And here is the thing: your point is so strong, you don’t even need to speak above a whisper. So you can afford to pause; you can afford to speak less. You might not need to say a word. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re in a situation that you can make work for you, though this will be a conscious act, not an accident. There remains plenty that can go wrong, though the quality of your attention will be the single most important determining factor. You have many advantages in your situation, no matter how weird or difficult it may seem. And you may lack many of the disadvantages that are causing problems for others. In addition to having the deck stacked in your favor, and pretty much being the one in charge of your destiny, your influence is needed at this time, wherever you may be. Make sure you use your power in homeopathic doses. Let your presence alone have as much of an effect as possible. Your money may be influential. Living out your priorities will be especially so. There are many forms of influence and you have access to all of them at the moment. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Sun changes signs this week as a new season begins. That is always a time of concentrating your energy and consciously shifting the story of your life. Until Friday when this happens, you will need to proceed gently, slowly and with extra awareness. These last few degrees of Pisces can be slippery, and there will be a series of seemingly sudden shifts once the equinox happens. If you look around now, you will notice what you need to change. Anything that may seem to emerge out of nowhere will have already been on your radar for quite some time, so take a moment and scan your feelings and your instruments. Notice the things you’ve said to yourself at least five times, and get ready to take action on those very items. When the time comes, you will need to act decisively and with confidence. Yet that also means acting minimally, to get the effect you are seeking. Small moves mean a lot. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

AquariusAquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Well, the world has become quite the adventure lately, hasn’t it? You will have a much better sense of what’s happening and where you fit in after Saturn enters your sign on March 21st. This will be like replacing a lens, or putting one where there was none before. You will see things you have never seen, and be able to distinguish new features in what you’ve been looking at for a long time. This has happened before: the “pyramid on Mars” was not really a pyramid. Yet some people still believe it is. Though you cannot always trust what your eyes tell you, you will benefit from taking it into account. More than anything, though, you are growing, changing and maturing, and this is the new lens through which you are looking at the world. Saturn’s presence will present many blessings, and some appropriate challenges, which you are most surely ready for. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.

PiscesPisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is room for you in this world. Not only that, you have a purpose and you have a calling. You’re already aware of this, though the signal seems to be stronger at some times than at others. Over the next couple of weeks, you will be getting additional information about the nature of your new role. Listen to your inner voice carefully. Observe the world as silently as you can, standing back a little and appreciating what is going on. While there will be as many expressions of this astrology as there are Pisces in the world, the basic scenario is this: your signal is being increased, by which I mean the message that you broadcast to existence. And existence is going to respond as your thoughts ripple out. This may be on a microcosmic scale; it may be on some modest community scale; we may be talking about something on some mega scale, suited to your sign (which covers such things). Edit carefully; anyone may be reading. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #219 for March 9, 2020

You can also now find horoscopes by Eric on this page.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need some time in the sanctity of your own thoughts, to consider where you are at in life, and what you want. Various events keep extracting you into the world, particularly via the digital sphere. You have an important investment of yourself there, particularly social, and you’ve figured out how to have actual fun. I suggest you remember that there is much more to who you are, and recall other modes of social interaction that were, in prior times, deeply meaningful to you. Still, it’s like a magnet, and for you there is something stabilizing about how you present yourself and how you exist in these strange, electronic ethers. In your true inner realms, though, you access the deeper levels of your creativity, and your sensitivity. As Mercury changes directions, you will feel that draw into your inner ocean, or at least to the shore. If you hang out there, you will feel some relief from the pressures of the world. Music ameliorates. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Pre-order this reading here for the best price.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Freedom is an inner state of being, much more so than an outer one. Yet if you’re feeling restless and like you need to stretch out, take some tangible steps and do it. Even pushing one seeming limit of your life or your world will help you. I suggest social. Take a moment and consider what would be your ideal social environment, which means human environment. That feeling of wanting to experience a liberating burst directly involves your contact with other people, and your need to be accepted for exactly who you are. That is possible, though it begins with self-acceptance, or said another way, being at peace with yourself. I know this can seem impossible to a good few people, or so rare as to be a kind of dream. Even if you want to change and have a long list of things you want to change about yourself, making progress comes from boldly meeting the challenge of inner harmony. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is now stationing direct, after one of the longest, strangest retrograde trips in recent memory. They usually have a touch of weirdness; this one has spread its influence all over the world. Your little planet has landed in late Aquarius, which is your solar 9th house — that of your worldview, your big plans, and the elements of your faith. Certain persistent questions have come to a point where you may be able to phrase them in ways open to a viable answer. I suggest you focus your intentions on one particular goal or motive, and work with that for long enough to get a result. It is again time to rethink the whole notion of ‘career’ and ‘profession’ from the inside out. That means starting from your deepest creative impulse and translating that into tangible work. You might take that as “what do I like to do every day, and where do I like to do it?” Ask that question, without any prejudices about what is possible. Ask, and write down your honest answer. Then stare at it for a while. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Several different factors are working together to make you more visible and to power up your sense of purpose, in relationship to your surroundings. You will like this because you’re getting opportunities to take care of people in ways that are suited to your nature. While you have a conservative streak (what tantra calls ‘preserver’ energy), you’re also a little quirky and a tad particular. Let that work for you. You don’t really want to fit in anywhere; you want to take leadership doing what only you can do. Leadership does not necessarily involve being police chief or captain of the rugby team. In your case it means connecting to life so as to give you the pleasure of full commitment, and letting others see that such a thing is possible. Yes, there are always challenges associated with this, and true individuality often comes with a touch of feeling isolated. But take note, that is usually an illusion. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Remain true to yourself and to your purpose. Don’t let anyone distract you, or convince you of anything that is not true for you. Focus on the idea of what you want, and want to become; you don’t need to put as much effort into it as you may think. In fact it would help a little if you temper your drive to get things done, and focus more on being what you want to be. I know that in Western civilization, “doing” and “being” are considered the same thing, which is a theory that deserves to be tested. You can test it by experimenting with existing in the state you aspire to. You slip into this like a glove. There is no concern or anxiety involved, no more than in calm breathing. Most people think that if they work hard enough, they will get to a place where they are satisfied with their lives. You have an opportunity to start with the result, and then gradually backtrack into the appropriate level of activity. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re in the process of having a revelation about the nature of both a personal relationship, and a work situation. Once you see the scenario for what it is, you will feel much better; you will see how you have room to expand your sense of who you are, and stretch into a new reality. Belief presents one of the most serious obstacles in this world, whether it’s true or not. Once belief is seen for what it is, the alternatives seem much better: awareness, understanding, curiosity, and acknowledging your need for adventure. The world may seem like an exceedingly dangerous place right now. But most of that danger is coming through provoked emotions and a level of intellect best described as theoretical. In reality, many paths are open to you, and you remain in possession of your individual quest, and your individual karma. Count on the big scenario of the world taking care of itself. Focus on something specific to you. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be craving a daring experiment of some kind. Maybe it’s a financial experiment; the markets are volatile enough for someone who knows what they’re doing. Maybe it’s an emotional experiment, the choice to reveal your feelings to someone you care about. Maybe it’s a sexual experiment. Typically for humans in our moment in the world, these desires are usually suffocated under ten layers of denial. The available bandwidth seems to get narrower and narrower. Yet you’re not actually bound by it. Something, a feeling or desire, may break through to the surface, and if it does, you have the potential to experiment. This is about pleasure and sharing; it’s about investing yourself in an experiment. Contrary to nearly all of the sexual values of our world, no power over anyone else is involved. No value is exchanged except for what is inherent in the experience: what you offer, what you feel, what you learn. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You could be seeing a bold, simple situation as much more complex than it is. Perhaps this is due to your tendency to overthink most things to an exponential degree. Yet that often works out to be a means of rationalizing yourself out of your desire to have a far more interesting life. Have you considered the sources of the fears that trouble you? Have you considered how much better your life will be without them? What you will have to ‘give up’ is the false certainty associated with restricting your experience. Yet once you step outside of that, you will invoke a kind of vulnerability that is especially freaky these days. One generation ago, the things you want to do were for many people just simply the thing to do. It can be that easy, though the first attachment to let go of is needing the approval of others (mostly, surrogates for your relatives, or the actual people). Thankfully, there is someone in your life who is calling you to another place, another time, another kind of existence. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Take the opportunity to improve your financial situation. This is always driven by motivation. It’s not about luck; intelligence plays a role, though it’s useless if you’re not connected to an energy source — and you now have one. Relying on others for your financial wellbeing is not a good strategy for you. You are more the self-reliant type, though there are always points of contact. Partnership questions are therefore mostly a matter of structure. It’s better if you’re the one who controls the accounts, your cash flow and your spending priorities. It’s better if you set the agenda, and fortunately you have one. You’re in a better position if you don’t want money for its own sake, but rather to accomplish specific tasks, whether that means paying the electric bill, helping a friend or acquiring something you want. Connect dollar amounts to specific plans, and set structured goals. Once you get into the swing of intending to do something and then succeeding, you will want more. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This is a potential moment of clarity for you, when the fog clears and you can see into the distance. Inwardly, envision the sediment of your emotions settling to the bottom of the lake, and the water taking on a transparent quality. In this space, ideas will come to you. You will see through previously vexing problems. And you have the ability to get out of your own way, which you can refine into a method. Mostly what you stumble over involves questions of priorities. The word “priorities” means paying attention to what comes before something else, and this can be based on time, or on preference. You can resolve that easily by stopping and asking yourself what has to happen next. Get difficult or complex projects started long in advance, even if you begin with a few notes scribbled down. Gently get things moving, and keep your energy flowing. Even if you’re knackered or stressed, do your best to stay focused. Persist gently and your stress level will drop, and your energy will bounce back. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mercury stations direct in your sign Monday, combined with a Full Moon across the sensitive partnership and commitment angle of your solar chart. You may be asking yourself who you can really trust. That’s a good question. The answer is most likely those who demonstrate their trustworthiness, through consistently treating you well. Notice who is good for their word — that is, those for whom the promises they make matter. Take the opportunity to track your own patterns and guide yourself into being committed to fulfilling what you agree to. Today would be a good day to reflect and make a list of any unkept promises. Then reach out and let people know that they’re still on your mind, and you intend to fulfill them. You might find this goes further to calm your anxiety than anything else you can do. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week’s combined aspects are offering you many unusual opportunities. Stay where people can see, hear and feel you, and no hiding your light under a bushel. At the moment, you’re blessed with an unusual and appealing way of expressing yourself, so speak up when the desire fills you. The world is in a ridiculous state of fear and chaos at the moment, though you’re in a position to both work with the energies and make the situation work for you. Remember that you’re playing the long game. Therefore, remember that whatever you say and do today will have effects in the future. And at the same time, peer ahead and see yourself in a place you want to be, doing something you want to do, and keep taking steps in that direction. Even your seemingly modest moves and gestures can mean a lot; what matters above all else is your sincerity. You will be able to avoid most errors with a little calm reflection, in advance of making any decision, no matter how minor. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.