Category Archives: Horoscopes

Planet Waves Daily Horoscope for June 1, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Avoid situations where power is involved. You’re likely to respond emotionally, or overreact, so steer clear of transactions involving authority. Step outside, take a walk, leave early, hang up the phone, or whatever it takes. On Monday you will have much more clarity.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may find yourself asking deep questions today, though guide yourself back from any dark thoughts. Your soul is calling you, though that usually has a light-hearted feeling, even if you are being challenged. There is a future; it includes you; and you will find your way there.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Gemini Birthdays 2018-19:
Are You Ready to Emerge Full-Strength, Gemini?

“It has occurred to me before that your understanding of Gemini is quite extraordinarily precise and I meant to give you that feedback but never quite found the right moment. There is always such wealth of information in what you broadcast.”

— Alexandra Marx

Dear Gemini Friend and Reader:

What did you see by the Full Moon’s light on Tuesday? What are you feeling compelled to do, and what do you think about it? Tuesday’s astrology was just the tip of the iceberg; as Chiron and Jupiter make big moves this year, your personal and community relationships are set to evolve in unique and exciting ways.

Planet Waves

Your solar year is getting off to quite a start in other ways, too, as Mars prepares to station retrograde in your fellow air sign Aquarius in less than a month. If you’re looking for an hour or more of Gemini-centered audio astrology to help you look ahead and stay on your toes throughout the next 12 months (or longer), I hope you’ll pre-order your 2018 Gemini Birthday Reading while it’s still at the lowest price.

“Eric’s readings have helped me so much over the years, to overcome insecurities, difficulties and hard times. His readings have helped steer me through some of the roughest days and beyond. I have appreciated his calming, positive and practical counsel. I am amazed at his ability to do what he does.”

— Mici B

Eric will cover such topics as Chiron’s move from Pisces to Aries, Jupiter’s approach to your opposite sign Sagittarius, and much more. This valuable reading is designed to equip and empower you for your solar year ahead and well beyond — through two audio segments of at least 30 minutes each, an extended description of your sign, and access to last year’s reading.

At only $33 for all of that, this reading also makes a beautiful, useful gift for your favorite Gemini loved one. Please note that the price will increase as Eric gets ready to publish the reading, so don’t wait too long.

Wishing you a dynamic birthday season,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you prefer to place your order by phone, please feel free to contact us during Eastern business hours at (877) 453-8265, or (206) 567-4455 if you’re calling from outside the US.

P.P.S. Did you miss Eric’s written readings for the year ahead in the 2018 annual, The Art of Becoming? You can snap up BOTH your 2018 written reading for Gemini and the 2018 Gemini Birthday Audio for only $55 here. It’s an incredible deal for a wealth of nuanced, accessible, practical insight you can start using immediately.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It is easy to express anger, and usually destructive. It is difficult to be honest about what you want, and usually productive to do so. You will have a choice today between what makes you angry and what you sincerely want. They are not the same thing. They have different feeling tones.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep it positive — whatever it takes. Walk away from what you don’t want, and directly to what you want, including who. The setup of your chart today and through the weekend is about patterns establishing themselves and taking hold. Therefore, do what you love and toss the rest.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Count on certain people for their dishonesty, and also for never quite owning up to it. That would make sense, wouldn’t it? However, what you can count on is you being real. That is worth money, it’s worth grief, it’s worth an annoyance. Be real with you and take no BS from anyone else.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Take the slow, persistent approach to getting your message across, and also to establishing your authority. Your title and position mean little; what you know, and the bonds you share with others, are the source of your true power. Focus on the people who build your strength.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In order to win, you must not be afraid to lose. I’m not an athlete so I don’t know how the sports pros do it; however, from a spiritual standpoint, it’s essential to make peace with all possibilities, and then focus on the one you want to happen the most — and do it.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be gentle with your words today. You may be feeling some sense of betrayal or like you’re just not appreciated; that is more likely to come from past associations than from current ones. So make sure you don’t take out issues from the past on people you now love and depend on.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Don’t get into any negativity where money is concerned. What looks like a big deal today will seem like nothing tomorrow; in fact, what appears problematic today will feel like an opportunity tomorrow. So have some fun, take a deep breath, and let the new day dawn.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Today’s Moon-Pluto conjunction may have you feeling as if you’re all alone in the world. That is not true, though it may seem that way if your definition of ‘the world’ consists of one other person — and it’s likely that one person is much closer and more available than you think.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) —
Today’s perfect aspect between Mars in your sign and Mercury in the most creative zone of your chart is saying that you have an excellent outlet for whatever you may be feeling. Don’t let your anger or resentment eat away at you. Rather, do something brilliant and bold.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The planets are now arranged in what’s called a ‘grand trine’ aspect, which has a presence in all of the water signs. This is a moment to choose your exit from whatever it is that you don’t want, and embark on an entirely new path. Let the old end, and allow the new to begin.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.
Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.


Monday Morning Horoscope for May 28, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most describe karma as a thing from the past, when what’s usually happening is that people manufacture it by the barrel. That’s another way of saying harming oneself, which in your current situation calls for avoiding what you know causes you problems or even confusion. This may take some effort, though even your most basic, sincere efforts will be quickly rewarded. Soon after comes the conscious embracing of your healing process. Once you make the shift to having something positive to engage with, and having a goal to work towards, you will feel even better. The next few days are likely to come with the revelation of what you need to do, and a reminder not to make the same mistakes over and over again. Start with considering carefully what you put into your body, and any circumstances under which this happens, including who tends to be with you.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are embarking on one of the most interesting times in your life, by which I mean adventurous and exciting. There is an energy of beginning, of expressing yourself, and of inventing yourself as you go, that’s surrounding you. You will want to make sure your relationship partners are fully cooperative with this process: that, for example, they are not intimidated by the fact of your growth, or by the possibility of your not being your usual highly predictable self. There will be no controlling you in these forthcoming seasons and years of your life. All that will work are collaboration, cooperation, and standing back with some awe at who you are becoming. This, however, may present some challenges for you, since you like to know who you’re going to be from one day to the next. We could sum that up by saying: you will be someone in a constant state of self-discovery.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Reach For Clarity With Your Gemini Birthday Reading

“I am very happy with my purchase of the Gemini report. It speaks volumes to me. I truly do appreciate the time and consideration you’ve put into it. Your work has always offered me food for thought, options to consider and clarity when needed. Thank you very much for what you do and how you present it.”

— Victoria Bouet

Dear Friend and Reader:

With so many outer planets transitioning into new signs, many people are feeling confused and uncertain of what will happen next. As a Gemini, you may be more comfortable with change than most: you understand that your best bet is to work with the turns in the road. Yet it helps to have a map; and there’s a handy one available in Eric’s forthcoming 2018-19 Gemini Birthday Reading.

Eric will cover such topics as Chiron’s move from Pisces to Aries, Jupiter’s approach to your opposite sign Sagittarius, and much more. This valuable reading is designed to equip and empower you for your solar year ahead and well beyond.

“I am so happy to receive the guidance from these readings. The ability to view my life from this lens makes it so much easier for me to understand and accept certain views that are uncomfortable for those around me.”

— Kristin W.

Your 2018-19 Birthday Reading is designed to be clear, focused and user-friendly. It will comprise two pro-quality audio segments of at least 30 minutes each, along with access to last year’s reading and an extended description of your sign.

You can get all of this for our fantastic pre-order price of just $33; note that the price will increase as we get closer to publication. This reading also makes an excellent gift for the Gemini in your life.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott

P.S. If you prefer to place your order by phone, please feel free to contact us during Eastern business hours on (877) 453-8265, or (206) 567-4455 if you’re calling from outside the US.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Tuesday’s Full Moon takes place in your opposite sign Sagittarius, and it highlights a particular relationship that you may still be struggling to understand. There is a dynamic involved, where events are set off that in some way seem to be predestined or where the roles are scripted. Someone keeps making the same errors over and over again, but seems oblivious to this fact. There are two ways to get a handle on this — and you can, by the way. Method one is to do so mutually: to wake up together, to agree to make changes for one another’s sake, for the sake of the relationship, and for your sake as individuals. The other way is that you choose to awaken and you make adjustments that are designed to benefit you alone. There is nothing wrong with acting in your own best interests; in fact, it’s one of the most important skills you can learn in life.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You must conduct yourself with the utmost maturity as the next few days unfold, using everything you’ve learned in recent years. And you have learned plenty, particularly regarding matters where the world around you appears to be backsliding. A false conservatism seems to be taking over, and it’s often dressed in progressive garb: that’s to say, the illusion of making progress veils a deep commitment to go nowhere. This is not your trip. You’re not about doing things because everyone else is, particularly at this stage of your life. You must do what you know is correct, no matter what anyone else may think. You need to evaluate all of your agreements based on what aligns with your deepest values, and your most basic way of conducting yourself in the world. You have an excellent sense of what is right for you, and your deepening role as a community leader means expanding this to knowing what is right on that level as well. Let courage lead you.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will need to take anything anyone says about sex with approximately a pound of salt. This includes everyone from close partners to friends to what you hear through the gossip circuit. The Sun, which rules your sign, is about to make a square aspect to Nessus, which can stir up the part of people’s mind that thinks only nefarious thoughts where eroticism is concerned. You may contain some part of this; it would be better not to feed it, and to stand clear of any self-judgment or gender rage, both of which are running at pandemic levels these days. People are people. Desire is healthy. We all know right from wrong, and anyone pretending not to is making believe. In this world, it may not be easy to stand in your truth, but it’s the greatest strength you possess. And strength increases with practice.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Take the warm approach rather than the cool one, or the cold one. Cool is just another form of cold, by the way: a gloss as slick as ice and about as friendly. Warmth is human. It is mammalian: furry, soft, cozy, and ready to embrace other critters lovingly. Remember this if things get a little weird. Your humanity is your point of grounding, and that means responding to everything and everyone in as loving and nonjudgmental a way as you can. This will take your full awareness, as this week’s Full Moon is likely to stir up some consternation and confusion in your environment. You are involved in your own transitions, and your own growth process, and it will be essential that you not be too self-absorbed or self-interested. The ends, for example, do not justify the means. In fact, whatever you may do, or experience, it’s all about how you play the game.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your birth sign and your opposite sign Aries are so loaded with planets at the moment that you may have no idea what to make of what you’re experiencing. It looks like a lot; the collection of newly-discovered objects would only be familiar to scientists at the Minor Planet Center, save for one: Chiron, which is now in your relationship house. When Chiron is working that angle, relationships can feel like they are going crazy, for reasons you just cannot grasp; though the chances are you’re doing better than you believe. Yes, there are challenges, but you have a resource, which is facilitating your ability to translate what you hear. So make sure you do plenty of that; your language skills, and reasoning skills, are essential to work with at this point. So, too, is your canine discernment: is this human friendly, or hostile? If you find yourself growling, you know the answer.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One thing you definitely don’t want to do is get into any new financial arrangements anywhere around Tuesday’s Full Moon, or until the dust settles; and that’ll take well over a week. You simply must get the facts on whatever situation you’re involved with, and make sure those facts represent the bottom line of what you choose to do. Eventually you will be responsible not only for what you know, but for what you don’t know, so you would be wise to keep an inventory of both. Facts include figures; they include dates; they include the opinions of people who know more than you. In short, facts and figures include everything that’s not supposed to matter here in the Twitter Age, and exclude all of the emotional turmoil, chaos and soggy opinions that make our special time in history what it is.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week’s impressive Full Moon in your birth sign is conjunct the asteroid Karma. This seemingly cryptic word has been thrown around a lot. Let’s go to a reliable source for an English definition: the Online Etymology Dictionary by comrade de plume Doug Harper. He leads with, “in Buddhism, the sum of a person’s actions in one life, which determines his form in the next,” followed by, “action, work, deed; fate.” Hence, your deeds are your fate. It appears in Old Persian as kunautiy, which means he makes. In our world, to make is the action that you may take. So to me, you are in a moment when your actions are extraordinarily important. As one born under the sign of the centaur, and of the galaxy, you are tapped into unusual power that multiplies your actions, your efforts and even your intentions. What you say, what you do, what you think, and who you are all matter — tremendously.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are under some remarkable pressure right now: to grow, to change, to become, and to let go of the past. Of all the possible actions your astrology is describing, clearing space in your life is the one thing to do. Pluto has been paving the way; though, for some, Pluto can manifest as drama, as seemingly external pressure, or as a kind of subconscious nag that it’s time to grow. Saturn brings this to a much more tangible level: the level of people, places and things; of actions taken or not taken; and, most of all, of respect for boundaries. That means knowing where everyone else ends and where you begin — which is one of the most touchy subjects in existence. The mere fact of asserting a boundary can be seen as a violation of someone else’s boundaries. These days, merely being who you are can be thought of as some kind of offense. Don’t fall for it.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The planet to watch is Mars. We are now about one month from what promises to be an exceedingly interesting (there is an Aquarian word for you) retrograde in your sign. I’ve already written a few articles about this; you can read two of them here and here. Please educate yourself about this event, which is unprecedented since 1971 — a time in history much like our own. Mars retrograde in Aquarius will push the single most important theme of your sign: the encounter of individuality and conformity. Mars means business. Mars knows what it wants, and its sole purpose is to make that happen. And Mars is about to run against the grain of society to assert what it knows is right; in the process the patterns and structures of society will change. This is no time to be on the side of the majority, meaning the majority of the people around you.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is the week to be at your most professional; to maintain full awareness of your environment; and to navigate your way through the networks of the society you inhabit. Your actions matter; your decisions have impact; and you must use your Pisces gifts of clairvoyance and perception to identify truth and distinguish it from illusion. This will present challenges only if you are picking and choosing based on some unconscious preference that you have for things to be a certain way, and only if you’re not willing to stand in your own reality. Therefore, be the strong, clear-headed person that you know you are in truth. Meanwhile, remember that at heart, you are a pleasure-seeking Pisces. Life is not worth living if it’s not good. Attend to business, and make sure you celebrate, share, and appreciate the blessings you have co-created with existence.

Eric is rapidly moving out chapters of The Sacred Space of Self, our 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Order your copy now to secure the lowest pre-order price — it will increase at midnight on Monday night, May 28.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2018

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2018, #1203 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you have ever suspected that you are different from others in some significant way, this will be the summer when you test your theory. First, your ruling planet Mars will be retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of groups. This presents a picture of you doing your thing your way, and seeing how others respond. Your purpose here is not to shock anyone or to stir the pot; your purpose is to be yourself. This will teach you how to handle yourself in public situations, and build your confidence. You will learn how to extinguish gossip. Go through this consciously and you will emerge in a position of social leadership. You are empowered by Chiron, newly in your sign: the planet of healing and also of individuality. Chiron will teach you to be a maverick: a person who does what you know is right, no matter what the current trend may dictate. Mars retrograde is what you might call a short-term experiment. Chiron is a long-term visitor to your sign, and you will be using the results of the Mars retrograde experiment for the decade or so that Chiron is in your life. Prepare by paying especially close attention to social situations. Listen to what people are saying, though never repeat it. If you must, go directly to the source, or seek to debunk rumors promptly. The truth is all that matters.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Questions of where your private affairs mingle with your professional and community life may rise to the surface over the next couple of months, though these matters are, in their entirety, your private business. You do not owe anything to public scrutiny; your business is yours alone. The fact that we may live in the age of the internet and everyone expects everyone’s life to be inside-out is irrelevant. Still, you will need to conduct yourself impeccably, and make sure you understand every rule before you break it. Know where and with whom power is vested, and ensure you work with that information. You will need to lead by example, in both your intimate life and your public life — and the place where the two meet, which is your family (where that odd mix of public and private seems to originate for everyone). Handle matters of partnership directly with anyone who may be involved, never with third parties. Go direct to the source, and be willing to hold yourself accountable for your own actions; which would be suitable enough, because you most certainly are. If you recognize that your whole life and all that happens are an experiment in getting to know yourself, you will have your priorities in order and be able to state your position much more clearly.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Reach For Clarity With Your Gemini Birthday Reading

“I am very happy with my purchase of the Gemini report. It speaks volumes to me. I truly do appreciate the time and consideration you’ve put into it. Your work has always offered me food for thought, options to consider and clarity when needed. Thank you very much for what you do and how you present it.”

— Victoria Bouet

Dear Friend and Reader:

With so many outer planets transitioning into new signs, many people are feeling confused and uncertain of what will happen next. As a Gemini, you may be more comfortable with change than most: you understand that your best bet is to work with the turns in the road. Yet it helps to have a map; and there’s a handy one available in Eric’s forthcoming 2018-19 Gemini Birthday Reading.

Eric will cover such topics as Chiron’s move from Pisces to Aries, Jupiter’s approach to your opposite sign Sagittarius, and much more. This valuable reading is designed to equip and empower you for your solar year ahead and well beyond.

“I am so happy to receive the guidance from these readings. The ability to view my life from this lens makes it so much easier for me to understand and accept certain views that are uncomfortable for those around me.”

— Kristin W.

Your 2018-19 Birthday Reading is designed to be clear, focused and user-friendly. It will comprise two pro-quality audio segments of at least 30 minutes each, along with access to last year’s reading and an extended description of your sign.

You can get all of this for our fantastic pre-order price of just $33; note that the price will increase as we get closer to publication. This reading also makes an excellent gift for the Gemini in your life.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott

P.S. If you prefer to place your order by phone, please feel free to contact us during Eastern business hours on (877) 453-8265, or (206) 567-4455 if you’re calling from outside the US.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The matter of belief is one of the most pressing issues of our day. We live in a time when to believe something is to think that makes it true. I am not sure where the subtle elements of proof, substantiation and credibility went, though you will want to claim them back. David Bowie in one of his earlier songs admonished his fans, “Don’t deceive with belief,” suggesting that to believe something is a form of a lie. Be careful what you accept into your mind, especially if you notice that others are taking a trendy idea as some kind of mandatory doctrine. You may want to stand up to this, if you need to, or if it feels right. But you can do yourself a service by not allowing belief to be a standard for anything. Stick to the available facts, and dig for the ones that are less available. Understand that people are usually motivated to take spiritual or religious positions most often because they are avoiding the two bottom lines of life — sex and death. You don’t need to guide other people to that level of the discussion, though you would profit immensely from doing so yourself. Take that chance. Examine these bottom-line values, and the way in which they drive your personal quest for reality: the more boldly the better.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This phase of your life is about clearing debris out of the way. You’re chief of the karma squad, and your mission is to wrap up old business so that you have the freedom to live the life you want. This can be intense work, though it is satisfying, and it gets results. The more integrity you have, the better you will feel, so this is a process of building your strength and learning how to feel good. One issue you will want to track closely involves the way that you allow others to set the terms of your most intimate relationships. It’s as if you feel you must live up to some community standard about what is supposedly right and wrong regarding how you relate to others. However, once you have established mutual consent with your partners, nobody else needs to be involved with your commitments or process of making decisions. And to the extent that you are, the discussion would rightly include how you feel; all matters related to sex; and having a grounded understanding of your financial situation. It’s OK if one person contributes more than the other, as long as everyone is cool with that. And, in all matters where intimate partners are concerned, strive to be transparent. The book Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton (the original, not any derivatives) will serve you well.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In both family and professional matters, you will be in a position of leadership this summer. That, in part, means you are going to help defuse controversy and disentangle conflict. Yet be careful not to apply too much force in doing so; rather, gently coax people into seeing reality for what it is. Work on the level of values. Start by getting people to agree on what is important. Therefore, let others state their priorities, and collect that information. Meanwhile, you must know your priorities and understand your own motives, and begin to look for points where the various themes align. This will not happen overnight. It could take a couple of months of patient listening and discussion before you start to get to a point of resolution. Notice the ways that peer pressure is playing a role. The whole world seems to have degraded to a 4th-grade level akin to South Park, though not usually as funny. You need to be the adult in the room. Not the parent! That is a whole different comportment. An adult recognizes the power and the energy of children; a parent cops an attitude. The goal of an adult is to bring the whole discussion to a mature and thoughtful place. The goal of a parent is to get control, which inevitably fails. Thankfully, you have options.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your sign is most often associated with being effective at work, rather than creativity. You’re the organized one, the problem solver and the workhorse. However, at the center of your taskmaster is a hot, molten core of creativity. It’s this core that you will be searching for as you rearrange your work patterns this summer. Don’t expect much to be the same from day to day; use your skill as one who can adapt and evolve your methods. Yet always remember what drives your efforts and what inspires you to excel. It’s not merely the desire to get things done; it’s the desire to create a better world. And that is a work of art if anything is, fraught with all the perils attending the creative process. For years now, you have been getting the message to honor what is at once your passion, your originality, and your quest for meaningful work. Now you’re about to be drawn in that direction like you’re being carried by a riptide. While you’re keeping your mind on the algorithms and the procedures, and the social politics and what the boss wants, stay busy inventing the best way to do things. See the world as you know it can be, rather than what it seems to be today. If something is really a problem, there is a solution, and the solution is an opportunity.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have resources: important ones, which can get you through anything. For years now, you’ve been drilling down into the ground, establishing your independence and your stability. It’s time for you to put this all together and step into the challenges you are the most eager to engage. This will mean letting go of old goals and coming up with new ones — or acknowledging the desire you’ve been toting around for years on end. Take them out of your bag and put them on the table. Open your secret box of ideas you want to develop. Get out your bucket list and pick three items, and do them soon. This may all feel risky, like you have to acknowledge something deep and urgent in order to take the step and bring yourself to a new place. You may feel like you have to violate every rule you think you have to live by. You may need to go against the grain of what your friends think is right, particularly those who are engaged in some kind of creative profession. Often they are more bound by convention than they let on, and that is precisely what you are ready to challenge. Set out to do the thing you want to do the most, especially if you think it’s impossible. Then you’ll feel a lot better.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Of all the subjects we must address here in the Western world, family seems to be the most vexing for the majority of people. This tends to get more intense the more independence that you want, whether it’s the freedom to move about the planet, or the freedom to think and feel as you do. They amount to the same thing. Family patterns spread into every facet of life: such as anyplace there is a group present. When you experience a group, you may notice that people fall into familiar roles — someone is like your mother, someone is like your father, others may resemble siblings. You can start by seeing these roles for what they are. Identify people not just by who they remind you of, but also how you feel when you’re engaging with them. Do you feel small or insecure? Do you feel confident and happy? Do you lose your appetite or need to open a window? Do you feel welcome in their presence, and taken care of? Notice these things with everyone you encounter, and wherever you may go. Part of shifting these patterns is seeing them, and part of it is about establishing new modes of communication and interrelation. This is much more on the feeling level: not the words you say, but how you feel saying them; not the words you hear, but how you feel when you are listening.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One of the most serious problems the world is facing is the deterioration of literacy. This has effects on every level; because literacy is about our ability to reason, to record the past, to express new ideas and, most significantly, to have a sense of right and wrong. Once words and syntax lose their meaning, it’s not long before we’re losing our minds, and our collective grip on reality. That, if you look closely at the world, is exactly what’s happening. You depend on literacy, in its widest sense, to keep your bearings. The structure of ideas matters to you. Logical flow matters to you. What things mean in the context of one another matters to you. We are all experiencing the impact of “new media,” an environment where a tweet might be thought to replace a book and, therefore, a flimsy idea might be thought to replace a solid and tangible one. You will be doing some adapting of your thought process to this new environment, though don’t get too swept up in the tides of change or alleged progress. Remember that, at heart, you are a traditionalist. Progress is all well and good, as long as there is some solid core of respect for the nuances of thought, for ideas that matter, and for the human condition. Said another way, progress is no excuse for disrespect.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’ll be doing some financial rearrangement this summer, or finishing such a task that you may have begun in early 2017. Yet finances are a reflection of one’s priorities. The record of the money you spend is a mind-map of what you think matters. Rather than trying to change your mind, study the map. Observe how you think, and where you notice your thinking has lapsed. Pause when you run into perplexing questions. For example, you might wonder why you made a certain decision, or why you have a pattern of similar decisions. Pluto has been in your sign for a decade, and Saturn has been with you since last December. These are two influences that are likely to come with some significant changes in the trajectory of your life. Yet these may have come so frequently for a while that you thought you were just following the contours of the landscape. However, when you consider these shifts in direction, what do you notice? If you had to plot your course on a map of the landscape, how would that look? How you handle money, and your twists and turns of fortune, and how you think about your role in the business community, are all part of this. In total, what you’re looking for is evidence of your maturing process. Take that question right into the present moment.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) —
This summer, Mars will be retrograde in Aquarius: significant news for anyone with a major placement there, be it Sun, Moon, rising sign or cluster of planets. One challenge you may face is how to use your energy appropriately. You need to know where to apply your will, your time and your money, and where to back off. You need to decide when to fight and when to walk away. Most of all, you must decide what you want. This is the real question wherever Mars is prominent. Though our society seems to be all about fulfilling desire, that’s not really true, so far as I have observed. It’s true in the context of what we think we’re allowed to want, within narrow parameters. It’s true in the context of what we think is not going to ‘offend’ others who are not actually involved or affected. So one project for you is to notice yourself experiencing desire, and then notice how you respond to peer pressure, both from outside yourself and in terms of what you think others might think. Observe when you find yourself playing to rules and, worse, going against your own values in order to please someone else, in theory or in reality. Should you feel like this is potentially dangerous territory, you have some protection. The Moon’s South Node will be hanging around Mars all summer long.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Amidst all the tossing and turning that is life on the planet in its current state, you are being called to consider your long-range vision for yourself. As a Pisces, you’re already blessed with the wide view, the long view, and the cosmic perspective. So it’s likely that you’ve been considering your next direction for a while now. Based on a study of your ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, this is likely to take three forms. One is your notion of your sexuality, which is intimately mingled with your cosmology. Second is where you want to travel. Have you gone anyplace for a while? Jupiter in Scorpio is encouraging you to take a trip sometime soon, and also to dust off your list of places you absolutely must visit. Third is where you’re heading professionally. When Jupiter enters Sagittarius later in the year, it will enter your 10th house of reputation and success. You may not exactly feel like your star is rising at the moment, though a lot will unfold over the next six months, and you will be in a position to actualize some of your dearest aspirations. You must know what they are in order for that to happen. They’re the ones that might seem too good to be true, or the ones your parents said were impossible. That’s the place to begin — and soon.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.
Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.


Monday Morning Horoscope for May 21, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may feel as though you’ve stepped into some kind of unusual social situation that you just don’t understand. You may feel like you’re in over your head, or that elements from the past are driving you more than what is immediately in your environment. Yet you must maintain your confidence, while at the same time remaining aware of your perceived weaknesses. Pay special attention to any bad advice that may have come from your mother, or any attempt she may be making to control your life (whether or not she is in-body). Some of this may focus on an aspect of your sexuality that you’re concerned will, sooner or later, emerge into the light, at which time it must be confronted. Don’t spend your time waiting. Deal with your most intimate issues directly. Practice radical honesty (a book by that title is worth reading) with yourself first, then with others.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Mercury is cautioning you against exaggeration in any form. State matters in their most basic and elemental way, leaving out the emotional content. That may not be easy, though it will help if you make a list of the known facts, the suspected facts, and what you’re certain you do not know. Once you organize your thinking in a way that subjects things to logic, you will have a much clearer view of your situation. Financial matters are a high priority, though not so much as you may think. What’s more critical is that you spot the errors in your thinking, and do what you can to correct them, which is what the straightforward analysis I’ve suggested will probably accomplish relatively easily and painlessly. And once you’ve attained a state of clarity, be certain that you update your files regularly, and keep a flexible point of view. Nothing stays the same for long these days.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Reach For Clarity With Your Gemini Birthday Reading

“I am very happy with my purchase of the Gemini report. It speaks volumes to me. I truly do appreciate the time and consideration you’ve put into it. Your work has always offered me food for thought, options to consider and clarity when needed. Thank you very much for what you do and how you present it.”

— Victoria Bouet

Dear Friend and Reader:

With so many outer planets transitioning into new signs, many people are feeling confused and uncertain of what will happen next. As a Gemini, you may be more comfortable with change than most: you understand that your best bet is to work with the turns in the road. Yet it helps to have a map; and there’s a handy one available in Eric’s forthcoming 2018-19 Gemini Birthday Reading.

Eric will cover such topics as Chiron’s move from Pisces to Aries, Jupiter’s approach to your opposite sign Sagittarius, and much more. This valuable reading is designed to equip and empower you for your solar year ahead and well beyond.

“I am so happy to receive the guidance from these readings. The ability to view my life from this lens makes it so much easier for me to understand and accept certain views that are uncomfortable for those around me.”

— Kristin W.

Your 2018-19 Birthday Reading is designed to be clear, focused and user-friendly. It will comprise two pro-quality audio segments of at least 30 minutes each, along with access to last year’s reading and an extended description of your sign.

You can get all of this for our fantastic pre-order price of just $33; note that the price will increase as we get closer to publication. This reading also makes an excellent gift for the Gemini in your life.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott

P.S. If you prefer to place your order by phone, please feel free to contact us during Eastern business hours on (877) 453-8265, or (206) 567-4455 if you’re calling from outside the US.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — For you, at this moment, the truth is a matter of survival; especially professionally. Any short-term gain that may be had by frosting over some gritty aspects of reality will not serve you well, or serve you for long. You don’t need to spill your guts, though you do need to account for all of the available facts, and do so in a way that you’re prepared to support, and vouch for. Most days it seems the world has gone into the post-truth, post fact phase of evolution, though sooner or later there is accountability. The Sun entering your sign late Sunday puts a spotlight on you, making you more visible than usual and connecting you with many people in an unusual way. You’re about to discover that everyone is connected to everyone else; and that there is, in truth, just one topic of conversation that must be addressed. It seems like more, but that’s not true.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — At all times, check in with your inner kid. For some people, he or she is deep beneath the surface. For you, your kid is likely to be right where you can see, feel and speak with. This facet of your being is not necessarily the one to make decisions, but it is someone whose opinion you should value on any topic. When I say child, I don’t mean impetuous child, but rather one who looks at the world more honestly than adults do; someone who is capable of being impressed, and also incredulous. Someone capable of curiosity, and of being real with others, and not worried what the consequences might be. Your child is probably in some kind of face-to-face relationship with your inner parent; though, in psychological terms, the inner parent is the least dependable, least reliable and least honest facet of the psyche. Trust your kid. Follow your curiosity.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun has entered the friendliest and most social angle of your solar chart, which is Gemini. As this happens, you may find yourself in the midst of about 10 different conversations you were not expecting to be in, and some that you have no desire to be in. However, you will also be in a fantastic negotiating position, particularly if you take the approach that you’re interested in every facet of the story. Don’t do this randomly or casually, only in situations where you’re truly committed and have some personal investment. It’s a helpful way to work out conflict, should that bubble to the surface. And where you must make decisions, take every opportunity to slow down the process and gather information from every available source. Information is your friend; knowledge is in actual fact power. You are responsible for what you know, and for what you don’t know. So, find out.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun has entered the most visible angle of your chart: your solar 10th house, Gemini. This is your power angle; your reputation; and your ability to occupy two careers or professions at once. What’s so interesting is how many other planets there are in the very early degrees of the signs. This is something that influences everyone, though I’ll offer some details here. The Sun will be making aspects to Chiron, Uranus, Pallas, Venus, Transpluto, Typhon, Pholus and Mars; all within about 48 hours (through Wednesday). That is a lot of activity. Your ability to handle many things at once, and to process a vast amount of mental data, will come in handy. The place you want to stay grounded is on the level of earth and water: the feminine elements. You will be spending lots of time ‘in your head’, and you need to spend some time in water, near water, in nature and with critters.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus and Pallas Athene are encouraging you to take charge; though you need to know which approach to take, with whom. All in all, the theme is friendly, though the difference is how much emotion to bring into the conversation. Some people will need a more matter of fact, brass tacks approach; others will need a little more coddling or seduction. Regardless, you can get what you want, though you must be aware that there are many moving parts, and the game board has been rearranged somewhat radically since where things were at even just two weeks ago; very little that applied then applies today. So you must do your homework, update your files, and make sure that in all respects you’re dealing with the most recent information. I was going to say recent and relevant, though certain factors that seem trivial could prove to be deeply meaningful. So take it all into account.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There are certain people who just cannot stop lying; to make sure you’re not one of them, hold yourself to a high level of truth in all that you say and all that you write. Yet there’s another side to this, which is what you accept as truth into your mind. Fraud and deception is a game that requires two players: a deceiver, and a believer. For a while, the believer is absolved of responsibility, since fraud is a self-concealing crime. However, at a certain point you will be working with enough information that you can easily assemble the parts and pieces, and align the layers. Pause before you make any decisions that are irreversible.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Actions have consequences, and you must be aware of when you’re being tempted to do something that is out of alignment with your personal truth. Don’t even bother. Walk the other way. Forget about how much money, sex or paradise you may be offered, or may seem available if you do this thing. Forget it. Stick to truth, justice and your personal constitution. That’s where the far greater rewards are to be found, whether spiritual or material — and for you, they are closely related. Yet it’s always wise to remember that yours is an economy that runs on love and not on money, particularly now. That’s where to put your emphasis: on who and what you care about. If someone is close to you, draw them close, take care of them, share what you have, and allow an exchange to happen. Not online robotic fun, but in-person, human fun.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Many factors in your environment will seem to provoke you, though it’s your option what to do. Much depends on whether you’re able to relax, explore and experiment. The alternative to that would be attempting to control, withhold, or suppress your energy. This is, in a sense, a test of whether you place a kind of false morality above your natural desire to live. You may be experiencing this as a titanic battle, though it’s between “sides” of a debate that do not exist. You are one unified entity. You don’t need reasons to allow yourself to be creative and breathe. You are alive. That is reason enough. What you might question are any reasons you’ve given yourself to hold back, to resist or to delay having the fun that you want to have. By fun, I don’t just mean the transient kind. I mean the life purpose, fulfill your dharma kind. If you are afraid, I would ask, what are you afraid of? Does it exist?

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mars in your sign suggests that you are in possession of considerable power: you can throw lightning bolts if you want. What matters is the feeling behind them: is it passion, or aggression? Is it a friendly feeling, or a hostile one? Are you intending to create or destroy? You can do any of those things, and it’s imperative on you to choose. Yet these are decisions not often made; they happen on what some people call the unconscious level, and that rarely leads to much that is constructive. As your power increases, so too does your level and intensity of awareness. You must be aware from moment to moment, and decide from moment to moment. As the next few weeks progress, this will evolve from being important to urgent to mandatory; so you may as well tune in sooner rather than later, and claim full possession of your strength as a matter of daily living. Because it is.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may feel uncertain whether to stay at home or go someplace, though you can do some of both. The Sun has just entered your solar 4th house, your private and most secure space; and you will feel better if you tend to, take care of, and spend time at home. However, Jupiter is also in your 9th house of travel, making a spectacular aspect to Neptune. So in a sense it does not matter what you do, as long as you have fun doing it. And remember the credo of all true travelers, which is wherever you go, you find yourself there. Your inner theme these days is getting clear about the true nature of fear, and how it originates inside of you. It’s difficult (but understandable) when you place the source of fear outside of yourself. Yes, there are factors in your environment that you must deal with, though that’s the point: how you address them largely determines what they are, and what they become, which is to say, what you are, and what you become.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 17, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Even the most outgoing of people needs somewhere in the world where they feel at ease, and can fully relax. Keep that in mind this week. You might be feeling exhilarated by all the shifting ground, which is in many ways advantageous. Eventually, however, you’ll want something more stable to emerge, on which you can build trust and reliance, and from which you can venture into unfamiliar worlds, knowing your base remains exactly as you left it. Spend some time inhabiting it in forthcoming days.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Planet Waves

Taurus Birthdays 2018:
Your Reading Is Published and Available for Instant Access!

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric recorded the 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading last weekend. Infused with the earthy, juicy richness of Beltane, your two segments of audio astrology are sure to get your solar year to an ideal start — whether you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Taurus.

If someone close to you was born under the sign of the bull, why not treat them to this reading as a gift?

Uranus brought its high-voltage energy to Taurus this week. Taureans like to move at their own pace; the presence of Uranus offers a reminder that when you’re the one to set that pace and instigate change on your own terms, you’re a much happier person.

Eric covers all the important points about this transit, and offers a wealth of insights, strategies and unique perspective to help you go with the flow and keep from getting stuck. You get at least an hour total of astrology (in two segments), plus access to last year’s reading and an extended description of your sign.

Order your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading here for only $44.

Happy birthday, and here’s to the unexpected gifts of Uranus!

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — No doubt you know the superstition that if you make a wish over birthday candles or unidentified comet-like objects, or whatever, you should not then communicate said wish to anyone. This possibly has its roots in a magical theory that suggests to verbalize something is to diffuse its power. Whatever the merits of that concept, you might actually be wise to do the opposite this week. Your ruler Venus’ change of sign is lending a certain charm to your words. Simply asking may well carry you far.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’ve made some pretty good decisions recently in terms of taking charge of your life. This week you should begin to feel the benefit in terms of improved resources or self-esteem. That blessing will only be increased if you actively cultivate your sense of trust and value in yourself, your instincts and your motivations. You simply have no reason for insecurity or doubt, and especially not for guilt. The minute you start to feel any of these creeping in, treat them like guests that have outstayed their welcome.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Given that several planets have lately changed signs, you might understandably be wondering what on earth is going to happen next. Fortunately, Venus entering your sign Saturday indicates a moment in which you can draw a line under a certain tense episode. It might seem like everyone has been trying to claim a part of you, or to affix a label to you. It’s a good thing you’re not so easy to categorize. Love, nurture and nourish yourself in all your beautiful variegated colors, and never mind what others say.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Don’t let any uncertainty you feel regarding the state of the outside world stop you from being who you are. That especially includes your natural tendency to warmth and generosity — qualities which are needed in abundance. Keep right on leading by example. If you’re concerned that someone might be imposing on you, check in with your intuition before deciding how to act. It’s possible there’s more to the story than you realize. Be prepared to give the benefit of the doubt where you can.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There is, as you’re no doubt aware, a sense of safety in keeping to the shadows. Potentially you feel that you operate best in the background, or blending in like a chameleon. Yet there comes a point when this no longer works, and it’s necessary to stand out, or stand up, and become fully visible. This week would appear to be that moment for you. The astrology looks to be urging you to count yourself in, and to accept that you have a place in the scheme of things that’s uniquely yours. Time to be seen.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your ruling planet Venus is about to enter your realm of career and ambition. If you’ve recently felt uncertain of your prospects, or not quite prominent in your workplace, now the spotlight appears to shine directly on you. Remember that what was true in the past does not automatically follow in the present and future, especially when you’re not dealing with the same people. Don’t let any doubts from former times get the better of you. You can overcome them pretty easily, and you definitely should.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In recent days, someone in your life may have questioned or challenged specific beliefs you hold. I appreciate this can feel quite discomfiting, the more so if you felt your position to be rock-solid. However, it would seem to be part of a personal growth process that could reach a turning point in the week ahead. If you follow it through, you’re likely to wind up with a significantly broadened perspective, which can only serve you. Therefore, take courage, and seek the gift of understanding.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you find yourself negotiating this week for something you want, or in a position to request it, remember the difference between assertion and aggression. The latter often springs from desperation or fear. Your charts suggest that you don’t need to feel either, because you have something valuable to offer; probably in the form of a skill of some kind, or unique ideas that you alone seem to produce. Have faith in yourself, and allow this to feed into a confident and friendly demeanor.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your relationships are about to receive a boost of some kind — whether that involves meeting new people, extending intimacy with someone you care about, or similar. Remember that, more often than not, the first step to receiving what you desire is to ask for it. For you, that might also mean coming to terms with the fact that you can do so. Deal methodically with any guilt: it certainly does not serve you, and is pretty unlikely to be grounded in any kind of realism. Be with people who support you in loving yourself.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) —
The entrance of Mars into your sign commences what’s likely to be an extended period of discovering yourself through knowing what you want. This will probably play out in a variety of different ways. This week there is a spotlight on your routines and habits. What would you change up, if you could? This might be as simple as rearranging the layout of your home, or where you spend the most time. Regardless, the important thing to note is to set no limits on your imagination.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If lately you’ve felt any self-doubt or anxiety about your place in the world, Venus changing signs this Saturday should help you put these notions firmly in their place. All you need to do is maintain a firm faith in the truth of who you are, and let the light of the heavens flow through you and into your creative works without interruption. You have too much to contribute for your gifts to go unseen. Trust your inner compass: it has guided you right until now, and will surely continue to do so.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.
Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.


Monday Morning Horoscope for May 14, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’ve lately experienced a major gear shift with Chiron entering your sign last month. Now Uranus is about to leave Aries and enter Taurus, and your ruler Mars will move into Aquarius soon after. That’s a lot of change in a short period. I would suggest you take each day as it comes, first of all, to get a picture of where things appear to be heading. The pattern may take a while to become clear and focused. Additionally, you might find this transitive process more congenial if you keep in mind the changes in your life you want to see, and consider ways you could bring them to life, however unrealistic this may seem. Your understanding of what is and is not possible may soon be very different. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Planet Waves

Taurus Birthdays 2018:

Your Reading Is Published and Available for Instant Access!

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric recorded the 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading last weekend. Infused with the earthy, juicy richness of Beltane, your two segments of audio astrology are sure to get your solar year to an ideal start — whether you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Taurus.

If someone close to you was born under the sign of the bull, why not treat them to this reading as a gift?

Uranus brings its high-voltage energy to Taurus this Tuesday, May 15. Taureans like to move at their own pace; the presence of Uranus offers a reminder that when you’re the one to set that pace and instigate change on your own terms, you’re a much happier person.

Eric covers all the important points about this transit, and offers a wealth of insights, strategies and unique perspective to help you go with the flow and keep from getting stuck. You get at least an hour total of astrology (in two segments), plus access to last year’s reading and an extended description of your sign.

Order your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading here for only $44.

Happy birthday, and here’s to the unexpected gifts of Uranus!

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — On Tuesday, Uranus finally enters your sign, accompanied by the Taurus New Moon. To say this is likely a revolutionary moment, in which your understanding of who you are is about to be utterly transformed, would probably turn out to be an understatement. Of course, it won’t happen all at once; and there is emphatically room for your input: that is, your conscious building of self-confidence, self-esteem, and your ideas about who you actually want to become. Just don’t allow anything to limit the reach of your imagination. You already know that if you plant a seed you have the strength and patience to nurture what grows to its full height. Trust yourself. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When you live in one home for a long time, it’s virtually inevitable that clutter starts to build; then, when the time comes to move, you realize you have a larger collection than you ever remember seeing or using. Uranus is about to visit a region of your chart associated with your psychic depths and intuition, which may resemble nothing so much as an internal housecleaning. To begin with, this may feel a little tempestuous and discomfiting; but it’s likely you’ll soon notice the additional freedom of extra mental space, and the inspiring freshness of new concepts. Be gentle with yourself, and let your understanding be developed and restructured one day, and one idea, at a time. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Uranus is preparing to move into the area of your chart where your community, friendships and social life reside. To some extent you may have already experienced or anticipated some of the changes this heralds. Your intuition may prove valuable in this regard; though there is something to be said for going with the flow and trusting that, while you remain consistently true to yourself, any unexpected challenges should work out for the best. After all, sudden changes that begin by feeling disruptive can turn out to be blessings in disguise. Remember that you always have control over the decisions that you make. In a way, this is the important part, and all else is merely details. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week begins an extended period during which there may well be big changes in your career path. This could take any number of forms. You might suddenly find yourself in a senior management position; or switch jobs entirely; or retire from all worldly things and wind up living in a cave. (Okay, maybe not that last one.) Here’s the thing: security at work is perhaps more important to you than you’re sometimes willing to admit. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’ll possibly turn out to be crucial that you don’t allow any assumptions about risk to prevent you moving forward, or moving on. If an opportunity arises, you should at minimum consider whether to take it up. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Uranus is often considered a disruptive influence. Yet for you, its transition into Taurus may — at least at first — mark a time of slowing down a little, enough to ponder the deep questions that perhaps you’re asking even now. These questions hinge on the philosophical concept of life purpose and spiritual ambition: what you hope to accomplish, who you wish to become. Uranus could well give you a decisively different perspective on some of these issues. One thing that’s particularly important for you to remember, though, is that you have as much right to form your unique answers to this fundamental puzzle as anyone. Don’t deny yourself a seat at the table, for any reason. Your life is your own. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The 8th house is one of the most mysterious and intriguing. In a way, it’s a liminal space: a melting-pot containing associations with both internal psychology and outward relationships. For you, this is the home of your fellow Venus-ruled sign, Taurus, which Uranus will enter on Tuesday for the first time in 76 years. Along with Chiron newly in your 7th, this could certainly give you a whole new perspective on your partnerships; there is also potential for some deep healing — this could be particularly useful if you need to express yourself with greater confidence. Be open to your real desires and aspirations, even if you’re inclined to dismiss them. Uranus has a way of revealing hidden paths. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There’s a phenomenon known as the ‘relationship escalator’, which suggests that partnerships in our culture are supposed to follow a specific script, along the lines of: dating, then cohabitation, then marriage, then kids, and so on. This may satisfy some; others find it rather dull. You have enough insight, at least, to tell you that the vastness of human variety cannot and should not be boxed into such a narrowing pattern. Indeed, once it’s identified as such, imagination quickly reveals that there are uncountable numbers of different options. Uranus entering your opposite sign makes for an excellent chance to consider some of them, and perhaps even to experiment with one or two. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Even in the wealthiest parts of the world, where fundamental needs are usually met without difficulty, many people find their daily life somewhat stagnant. As a Sagittarian, you may have already found ways to prevent yourself from feeling like this. Uranus, however, could well offer you the chance to make alterations on a grander scale. That means actively creating a situation in which boredom is pretty much a thing of the past. This could come through a new career opportunity, or a change of location, or something else; either way, consider yourself free to be bold about satisfying your sense of adventure. You of all people know life is too short to waste any time. Do what excites you. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Uranus in Taurus is likely to spark up your inventive abilities, possibly in ways previously unknown to you. It’s as if someone is giving you free use of a fully stocked art studio. If there is a particular creative medium in which you enjoy working, or that you’ve always wanted to learn, now is perhaps the best possible time to hone or broaden your skills. The important thing here is doing what makes you feel alive and curious; there will be plenty of time to produce something concrete from what you learn. Try to avoid being too oriented on results; simply focus on expressing the vital flame within you — that which makes everything it graces a gift of your unique soul. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — From the look of your charts, having Uranus in your 4th house appears something like suddenly becoming a world-class bullshit detector. Your mind is already pretty sharp to begin with; by the end of the coming phase in your life, it’ll probably be able to cut steel like paper. For best results, turn the spotlight first on your early life and how far your caregivers shaped your notions of who you are today. After clearing up anything you need to in that respect, you will be in a position to examine the present world, and perhaps become an example to those who need reminding what facts look like. Only remember that the more honesty you practice, the easier it will be to notice where others are not. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It would seem that Uranus changing signs may enhance any work that you perform in the role of spiritual teacher. You could find new methods of connecting with your higher instincts, or simply discover that your ability to access the divine realms, or to disseminate what you learn, is somehow stronger. Many people could clearly use a touch of guidance just now. This doesn’t exactly require you, by the way, to pack for Delphi and revive the Pythian oracle (though that could be fun). If you need a place to start, begin by understanding yourself better; what you can do, and what you want to do. Cultivate your awareness. Perhaps most importantly, live in a way that sets an example to everyone. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 3, 2018

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 3, 2018, #1200 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This week sees a major Aries Point moment in the form of the latest square between Chiron and Pholus, on the day of Beltane. With Mercury now fully out of shadow phase, this is an ideal time for shaping the information you’ve gained into a constructive form. Consider everything you’ve learned as a resource, which you can now apply to whatever major project you have in mind. Keep a positive and grounded attitude, and you should be good to go. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.


Taurus Birthdays 2018:
Happy Beltane, Taurus!

“Just to compliment your marvelous work for Taureans again this year. What you write is supportive and comforting. It is as if you were right here, observing and knowing me.”

— Michael

Dear Taurus Sun, Moon or Rising:

Even amidst the juicy upsurge of Beltane energy, you may already be feeling the reverberations as Uranus knocks on the door of your sign. Taureans are supposedly uncomfortable with change — though, really, it’s a lot subtler than that. When the changes are necessary, yours is the sign with the power to understand this, and to carry it through, from beginning to end.

In your forthcoming 2018-19 Taurus Birthday Reading Eric will help you harness that strength, and use it to forge the world you want to see.

With two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) you’ll get the motivational coaching, insight, reassurance and practical tools you need. You can download the audio to listen as many times as you like, and you’ll also get an extended Taurus sign description.

“You have an uncanny knack and precious gift to be able to zero in on what is real and current in our lives, Eric. Thank you for being you.”

— Priya

Make the most of Eric’s gift to focus your life for the next solar year and beyond. Pre-order your Taurus Birthday Reading today to secure the lowest price.

With best wishes,

Amy Elliott

P.S. If you’d like to listen to what Eric had to say last year for your sign, you can do that here at no cost. Note that this reading also makes a great gift for the Taureans you love.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to have begun stepping up a gear in terms of growing into your power. It’s as if the universe has dropped some clarity in your lap regarding a part of your identity, of which you may have been unsure or unaware for a while. This is almost certainly an ongoing quest, so make no assumptions and keep up the exploration. Uranus on the brink of your sign may indicate a forthcoming time of self-reinvention, yet it’s important first to know who you are now. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your intuition can be pretty powerful at times, and this week it seems to be unusually keen. Intuition is a commonly undervalued skill, and I think there’s sense in Agatha Christie’s assertion that it’s often really an impression based in logic or expertise — that is, the mind simply processing what you already know into an informed perception. Either way, it would seem yours has something to contribute at present, so be sure to give it a seat at the table. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you were previously feeling somewhat constrained or your progress hindered in some way, you should now feel able to move forward as usual. There might be some rebuilding work to do, especially if you need any form of healing. One thing to keep in mind is that, while memories of the past have their value, former times are not for living in or dwelling on too much. Document what you need to document, and then turn your mind consciously toward the future. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have a rare opportunity at present to stand out in your chosen career. It’s likely you’ve prepared the way over some time, and the acclaim you now appear able to receive is surely no more than you’ve thoroughly earned. That said, it’s also true that a little charm applied now may go a long way. That might seem irrelevant or trivial compared to the amount of work you’ve accomplished, and indeed it is. However, there is no harm in simply being gracious and friendly. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Part of the reason we must each be our own lodestone is simply that each of us is limited in our vision, by virtue of living at least to some extent on the material plane. Trying to reach the Divine through a human intermediary is a little like setting off a smoke machine in order to see more clearly. I recognize that trusting oneself most of all can feel risky. Do it anyway. There is nothing better able to point you in the right direction than your own feet. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Lessons from the past can sometimes lose traction when it comes to translating them into present actions and future aspirations. This week’s astrology, however, suggests that a penny is in the process of dropping. A relatively small occurrence, such as a memory suddenly seen in a new light, may prove to contain a valuable piece of information. I would recommend that you hold the intention to make any needed changes, and then simply keep your eyes peeled for clues. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — From time to time pretty much anyone needs to be able to unwind and spend time with loved ones. This is surely true of you also, though recently the daily grind, or a rather intense project, may have superseded that desire. Do whatever you need to do to restore a healthy balance between work and play. This may include some planning and reorganization, though it’s worth the effort. In the end, both you and those you care about are likely to benefit. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Whatever you currently have on hand, now would seem to be a good time to organize and optimize your daily routines. In particular, look for pressure points; that is, times of the day, or the week, when you’re at the greatest risk of feeling overwhelmed. See if you can delegate some tasks or spread them out a little, by planning ahead. In astrology, what you do regularly is connected with your wellbeing. That could be a useful message for you just now. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What will it take for you to accept that it’s okay to be yourself? Ultimately you cannot be anyone else, no matter how hard you try to suppress your nature or how determined others might be to reshape you. Your uniqueness is not there so you can make your friends comfortable or appease your parents. One way to find your voice might be through your creativity. We all possess this in one form or another. Think of what makes you curious, and what makes you passionate. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The things we tell ourselves are often shaped in unrecognized ways by our parents or former caregivers. Listening for the sometimes-subtle early messages that can make their way into your inner monologue can take time and patience; but learning to distinguish them is an invaluable skill. This week, if you catch yourself in the act of self-criticism, try to understand whose voice is really behind it. Then you can far more easily tell them to shut up. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A part of you seems determined to carry the entire world on your shoulders. Noble as that endeavor may be, springing as it very well might from the innate generosity of your spirit, it appears wise to hold off for now. Terrestrial planets are pretty heavy. Just think of all that iron in the middle. For this week at least, it would probably be more sensible to lift only what you must; and if you find you need help, which we all do sometimes, it’s perfectly okay to ask. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.
Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 30, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Chiron in your sign certainly offers profound and extensive healing opportunities. Yet I appreciate that sometimes it can feel like an exacting schoolteacher, the sort who would always notice one’s errors and seemed to exist for the very purpose of doing so. Chiron has been called the ‘inconvenient benefic’, which I think describes its teaching function succinctly. With Juno now also in your sign, you might perhaps be inclined to dismiss the ‘benefic’ part of that phrase. I suggest you hold space for it, and continue to allow yourself the room to adjust. You are in fact more than capable of mastering the subject of your personal growth. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Planet Waves

Taurus Birthdays 2018:

How Will You Dance with the Unexpected This Year, Taurus?

“Awesome, so uplifting and so ‘IT’ — a wonderful birthday message.”

— Eryca Willinger

Dear Friend with Taurus Sun, Rising or Moon:

In just a couple weeks, Uranus will enter your sign. As Eric described in your Taurus annual reading for this year, “Uranus transits are exciting and a little nerve-wracking. There can be the sensation of a constant buzz running through your mind and your feelings, along with an ongoing dance with the unexpected.”

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

He goes on to explain that, “the alchemy of Uranus and Taurus will create some interesting, exciting effects. If you allow it to, it will bring out the best in you. It seems that to do this effectively, with the least struggle and the most adventure, you need to identify as an agent of change rather than as one who resists changing.”

As you might imagine, in your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading Eric will be doing his best to get you prepared, limbered up and excited to meet Uranus on solid ground — the kind of ground upon which you can move and think with agility, respond to the unexpected with grace, and initiate new adventures with confidence.

In two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) you’ll get the motivational coaching, insight, reassurance and practical tools you need to get this new phase of discovery and growth started on the right foot. You can download the audio to listen as many times as you like, and you’ll also get an extended description of your sign.

“It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R.

If you’re new to Eric’s audio readings or would like an in-depth review of your last year, please accept the gift of last year’s Taurus Reading here.

Also, please note that when you pre-order your Taurus Reading early, you secure the lowest price we offer. The price will increase as publication nears — and then again after it’s published.

Wishing you the best in your role as an “agent of change,”

Amanda Painter

P.S. As always, the 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading makes a fantastic gift, sure to be valued by your favorite Taurus friends and family members.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This week’s Full Moon arrives at what seems to be a pivotal moment in your identity development. You’ll soon have Uranus in your birth sign, and perhaps are already beginning to feel the seismic movements in your mental landscape. I suggest you go with the flow to an extent, and most especially don’t get caught up in what you think you know at present. This also means that you need not limit your flights of imagination. Once you’re aware of the possibilities, you’ll then have an opportunity to start afresh, to knock down anything that’s acting as a barrier, and to reshape your environment into one that works far better for you. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — A change would seem to be brewing in the depths of your psyche, which as yet is probably not making itself known in your demeanor. With Venus in your sign, you’re likely to come across as your usual friendly self, with a dash of added charm. Even in yourself, you might not notice much of a difference to begin with. You may find it playing out in little ways, though, such as moments when you are simply unable to tell anything but the bare unvarnished truth, without the little finesses or hyperbole. The point of this process is to help you better stand in your power; the more you assist it actively by refusing to compromise yourself, the easier it’s likely to be. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Tonight’s Full Moon in Scorpio takes place in degrees whose Sabian symbols discuss community and what that actually means. One thing many people are likely to discover in some form during the forthcoming nine years of Chiron in Aries is that when we place limits of any sort around our concept of community, we all too often end up with a clique instead. There is another option: to view the whole Earth as our collective home, and all of humanity as our brothers and sisters. This path ultimately means living honestly as your whole self, and refusing to compromise that for the sake of conformity, or for a sense of belonging. Arguably, this is a lesson we all need. Keep it close by this week. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be about to make progress or changes in your career. Be patient: what’s approaching may still need some simmering time; and though from your perspective all the materials may seem to be in place, the astrology suggests that some elements have yet to emerge. Be prepared also for some developments to be sudden or random-seeming. A good rule of thumb may be simply to continue doing and being your best, and keeping expectations (though not aspirations, desires or wishes) in check. Even if your environment does become a little erratic, that’s no requirement for you to be the same. One last: it may help if you keep a discreet tongue, and pay careful attention to people and events around you. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are slowly coming to realize that there is no such thing as half measures when it comes to spirituality and the pursuit of higher ideals. That includes having the confidence to state your needs and know that you have the right to at least ask, even if the circumstances are not always optimal to meet them. Humility is a deeply important and necessary virtue in this imperfect world of ours, but it only carries you so far. There is a line we all must draw at which humility becomes a lack of self-respect. Be clear on where that is for you; and if you find you’ve been crossing it, I suggest you make a commitment to stop doing so, now and forever. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Making a commitment almost always carries a degree of uncertainty or risk, since people and circumstances change; or sometimes we don’t initially know all the facts. What at first seems like a perfectly reasonable point of agreement can eventually become a tie that chafes. Often this is a sign of personal development: we outgrow the restrictions that used to seem more like guardrails. In part, this shows that the only true security is in one’s integrity and commitment to oneself. If a contract or promise is no longer working for you, at the least you might subject it to a close review, in order to know the reasons and your potential options. Then do what you believe is right. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s important in relationships to be open to the possibility of change — in one’s partners or in oneself. It helps if a relationship contains sufficient space and freedom for those involved to grow on their personal path, as opposed to holding anyone back. As Uranus prepares to shake up your opposite sign, remember that one essential ingredient in all partnerships is communication. Don’t be afraid to ask when you need clarification, to state your needs, and to listen with an open heart to what loved ones are saying. Be aware when you might be carrying patterns from early life or previous experiences into the present day. We all do it from time to time; recognizing that is a sign of maturity. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — For healing to really work, there often has to be a sense of discomfort; which is probably what’s behind the folk concept of medicine always tasting bad. Openings for healing can also appear suddenly and unexpectedly, which might feel disruptive, especially for anyone who thinks they don’t need it. There is nothing wrong, however, with the idea of healing being a lifelong process. Particularly in an environment where quick, easy answers are considered optimal, long-term and involved holistic work may seem unappealing. Nevertheless, it’s almost invariably worthwhile. It helps if you’re willing from the first to take in the bumps and hurdles as well as the smoother parts of the journey. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Just as most if not all of the things we do for fun, such as games or sex or messing with paints, can be turned to a higher purpose, so too can we make a career doing what we love best. This is perhaps one definition of the term ‘vocation’. It would seem you are now being called to consider this question for yourself. Is your work, as the saying goes, a daily grind? Or is it a labor of love, or self-fulfillment? You might think of it as the difference between suppression and expression. If you’re feeling at all hemmed in, there may well be something you can do about that. Make a plan, and then take one step at a time, as gently and organically as possible. You should feel your wings stretching. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have a chance to set yourself free from the vestiges of past challenges and habits that don’t serve you — perhaps more than ever before. We all owe something to our roots, our ancestors and our early existence; these inevitably help to shape our adult selves. There’s a difference, however, between respecting that fact and allowing it to trap you in the past. A change in perspective may help you recognize when what you thought was a kind of security turns out to be a wall through which you now need to break. Take courage, and have the confidence to form and stand by your own opinions. Honor your wisdom and integrity: they are more than sufficient. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is a contrast often upheld between the idea of justice, on the one hand, and mercy on the other. Justice in this sense relates to following the letter of the law; applying similar rules regardless of personal circumstances. Mercy represents a more thoughtful and loving approach: one might condemn or correct the error, but love and forgive the person committing it. At present, our culture is abundant with those seeking and fighting for justice, while mercy is all but forgotten; perhaps because behind it is the inherent understanding that we are all flawed, and that we are all connected. In this you have the capacity to shine, and to lead by example. Start with yourself. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.