Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 29, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are an adult, and would be wise to remember that the things adults are privileged to do come with risks, and also with rewards. Most things in this general (and rather large) category of experience have the power to change you, if you bring yourself to them fully. You’re being drawn into some deep experiences these days, with all of the activity in Scorpio. This may include being close to someone who is on a personal quest, which is having a way of taking you with it. It’s vital that you focus on your own purposes, and your own personal mystery, and not be too distracted by the affairs of another. If this is a question about the availability of a past partner or love interest who has come back into your life, the only way to tell if this is a lasting situation is to give it time. Rather than clinging in any way, stay in the moment, be open to experience and let the future take care of itself. Get your full Aries reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Recognize the impact and the influence that you have on others. It’s deep, and it can also be a distraction. The only things you owe to other people are being truthful about your emotional and sexual reality (in all cases, appropriate to the level of intimacy that is involved). You’re on your own quest for independence, which means owning the prerogative to feel how you feel, and experience desire in an honest way. Where being truthful to others serves you is as a clarifying solution. Often being real about your feelings can “skunk” people — that is, give them an experience of who you really are. That, in turn, can create distance, or it can create deeper intimacy. Usually, the right thing happens: skunk medicine means attracting the right people, and repelling the wrong ones, based on the scent of your personal truth. Being real moves matters along, and has a way of setting you free from the past, which is an important purpose for you now. Get your full Taurus reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be cautious of any situation where there appears to be a tease involved — which could relate to money, or to the promise of work, or to some erotic situation. If there seems to be some promise made, where the fulfillment angle of things is sketchy, you might step back from the situation. Promises are not enough — and over the next few days, you might refrain from making any, as well as accepting any. Instead, keep the lines of communication open. Suss out the interest level of others, particularly if they’re in a position of leadership. Any work situation is a relationship, and that means there must be an exchange that goes beyond money. Listen and feel for signs of your own desire to be involved with something. If the rewards are too far in the future, that’s not a promising sign. If you’re interested in something for its own sake, that is a promising sign, on your part. Just be cautious if you encounter a tease factor, in anything you may do this week. Get your full Gemini reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Currently there is truly unusual cosmic activity in Scorpio, which is your 5th solar house. The morph of the 5th and Scorpio is about creative, experimental sexuality, which could overflow into your artistic pursuits and adventures. Given the diversity of planets directly involved (Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Atlantis, Tantalus and Jupiter), this setup could have many manifestations. Let’s take the theme of the 5th house as superseding all others. The 5th presents the challenge to most humans of proceeding in the spirit of exploration and experimentation. This is best led by curiosity, which adult life has all but extinguished. Those whom we call creative are actually more often curious and uninhibited about pursuing the hunger of their own mind and feelings. Curiosity is about a relationship to the unknown. You would want to know, which means starting from the place of not knowing, and wanting to find out. If you perceive this as dangerous, you will be in conflict. Any supposed ‘danger’ is likely just a perceived threat to your boredom or the predictability of your life. Get your full Cancer reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re at a vitally important tipping point in your life. This alignment has been brewing for a while. You’ve been chasing it, or it’s been chasing you. The central theme is allowing for spontaneous change. This could mean change of identity, or of activity, though I reckon it’s much closer to the center of who you are. The theme is your ability to experience change itself, as a welcome entity; to embrace the willingness to experiment with reinventing yourself; and to connect your identity to your purpose in a direct way. Just about every question or hesitancy that you may have relates directly back to whether you think you feel secure. This is not a state of material reality but rather of your inner emotional life. When you feel confident in yourself, you will typically be more daring. Now, though, you have the opportunity to be daring when you may be feeling less than self-assured, or more likely, ambivalent. That alone must never stop you from actively participating in your own existence. Get your full Leo reading here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The core theme of your solar chart remains focused on what you say, or do not say. This translates to what you admit to yourself, or do not admit. You may have the sensation that by admitting one particular fact of your emotions, you will set in motion a series of events that changes your life irrevocably. This is likely to be exaggerated. Yes, one thought, or one statement, or one idea, can have tremendous power. However, when you find yourself backing away from an idea, that’s a sure sign you might want to turn around and go toward it. People play plenty of “I don’t want to know” kinds of games, even within their own minds. But denial is not your friend. It’s not now, and it never was. Wisdom is your friend; so too is knowledge. When you encounter the seemingly dangerous thought, that’s the time to reach for your notebook or sketchbook and mark the paper in some legible way. Do not update Instragram or Twitter. For now, keep it to yourself, so you can cultivate the idea actively — whatever it may be. Get your full Virgo reading here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be obsessed over financial matters, though I assure you that’s not really the issue. Your ‘true worth’ is a metaphor for something else. It’s not $50 or $500 an hour, that’s for sure, though this confusion is commonplace in our current version of the world. Your true worth can only be accessed when you’re true to yourself. Doing so can shake you up, and get you to make a decision, which is why it so rarely happens. This involves the abandonment of various ‘shoulds’ and allowing your actual needs, desires and intentions to percolate right to the surface of your mind. Your values are not set in stone, or set at all. Your life is an inquiry, an adventure, an investigation of reality. It’s not that the truth changes, but rather that you are in the process of getting closer to your core, and closer to the possibility of making a real discovery about yourself. The question as I read it is this: what would you want, and what would you prioritize, if nobody else’s opinion mattered? Get your full Libra reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your life may feel like one revelation after the next, one crisis after the next, or both. By now, you could even have the feeling that you’re learning something about yourself. Your awareness is, in some significant ways, pointed inward, as Venus continues its retrograde motion in your sign. Yet the deeper question is one of power: that elusive thing that is so easy to covet, and to imagine will give you something that you don’t have. The problem, though, is that it’s so rarely the real thing. More often, people who refer to this term or concept are talking about force, or the ability to manipulate, or knowledge that can be used for its leverage rather than its ability to enlighten. Since — if you are on a sincere growth trajectory — you want none of those things, you might consider what they’re a substitute for. Perhaps that is self-knowledge, and the ability to understand yourself well enough to make choices that work for you. And in that, few people ever get it right all the time. It is, however, worth the effort. Get your full Scorpio reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You will feel better when Jupiter arrives in your sign on Nov. 8. However, for the moment, it would be worthwhile to really experience the once-in-a lifetime astrology that’s happening right now, with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all in your 12th house. The 12th usually has an intangible quality, like the void where all of your secrets about yourself end up. That, along with family secrets, ancestral material, forgotten people and missing people, as well as socks, lighters, and guitar picks. Now, however, your 12th is overstuffed, including the presence of your ruling planet Jupiter. This describes some unusual potential, which is gestating as we read/write. What do you feel coming? What is your sense of the possibilities? Can you consider them openly, with all of the chaos and consternation in the world? Your worst fears are rarely true, which can also be said of your greatest hopes. However, at the moment, you carry some unusual protection, you have access to your own hidden wisdom, and you’re in a good position to consider what you want to do with this rapidly approaching next phase of your life. Think generously. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pay attention to who and what you’re avoiding, particularly, any time you say, “I don’t have time for that” (meaning, a person). You may be substituting projects for people, seemingly because they are so pressing. Yet the underlying matter may be an avoidance of contact with people you feel vulnerable to, or even potentially so. This is a sly and slippery subject in our world, where there is seemingly so much to do, nearly all the time. However, this appears to be one of several barriers that you have put in place, which you can justify a number of ways, including having “good boundaries.” The thing is, functional boundaries are flexible; they open and close, lock and unlock. That includes time, which is the ultimate framework of our reality here on the Earth plane. Another is priorities: notice what you suddenly have all the time in the world for the moment it shows up as a possibility, and ask yourself how and why that is. It’s a basic fact that you need people, and they need you. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You must dance with your desire, your assertiveness, your aggression and your anger. All of these things exist; one can deny them but that does not make them go away. By dance, I mean move with the rhythm of life, sensitive to the movements of those around you. It’s not always appropriate to pick someone up or spin them around; sometimes it is. Be aware of your circumstances, how the people around you feel, and what they want. That does not dictate your needs or wants in any way, but rather will allow you to feel your way into opportunities for collaboration and mutual benefit. Be graceful when expressing your desires, which also means clear in your movements and your intentions so that people can count on the fact that you’re being real with them. In dance, one must lead, or follow. Even when following, you must be firm and attentive, rather than limp. When leading, you express confidence and act as a guide, without being pushy. Keep your ears on the rhythm and move with your whole body, not just your feet. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s still too soon to see most of the benefits of the unusual events of the past year, though they are beginning to manifest as wisdom and a new depth of spiritual integrity. That’s another way of saying being in contact with yourself. This is never something you can just take for granted. It’s a state of being that requires constant upkeep. Ethics are never a given; there must be an ongoing evaluation of what is right and what is wrong, who is impacted, and that line where your responsibility ends and someone else’s begins. That said, prior to what we might call a period of accomplishment, you have some deep questions to ask yourself, and investigate thoroughly. One is the way in which your mother’s psychology impacts you to this day. She has left you with a hidden legacy, which tends to cloud your ability to have a vision for your life, and to be your own ally when it comes to matters of power and authority. There may have been some wisdom contained in her position, though that does not undo the damage. Only you can do that, beginning with awareness of the issue. Get your full Pisces reading here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 25, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 25, 2018 (#1224) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — When you think you’re looking at something objectively, be wary. None of us are brought up in a wholly sterile environment. Our culture is rife with underlying prejudices, which we cannot escape entirely. This doesn’t mean we are incapable of good decisions or open minds; just that a purely clinical point of view is not so easy to attain as one might think. We also tend to judge and therefore sideline our emotional responses, though these are perfectly valid. Consider what you might be hiding from yourself. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How often do you rely on others to set the parameters of your self-worth? As Venus retrograde in your opposite sign forms a conjunction with the Sun this week, you may find yourself asking this or similar questions. Be on the alert, additionally, for clues that you might be limiting your estimation of what is within reach, and projecting that restrictive quality onto someone specific, or the world in general. If you’re feeling hemmed in, that may be your cue to start thinking outside the box. Don’t wait for permission to move forward. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The week ahead will likely go a good deal more smoothly if you focus on the resources you already have; what is tangible and immediately available to you. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing dreams and ambitions; however, we must also live our lives day to day, and to some extent this is easier to do cheerfully if you are actively grateful for the blessings you enjoy now. If you have a roof over your head, running water and a regular source of food, those things count. If you can look up and see the stars at night, that’s another. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For you, providing for those you care about affords a deep sense of satisfaction, and contributes infinitely to your emotional wellbeing. Of course, I’m not simply referring to financial provision here, but things like a hot meal, a listening ear and some friendly words of wisdom. Artistic expression is another way to offer something to the world. It’s true that altruistic sentiments are not exactly fashionable, and some may suggest you should curtail your generosity or channel it in a different way. You don’t need to listen to them. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The astrology this week will probably shine a spotlight on part of your emotional world. Don’t be afraid to explore what you are feeling and take the chance of understanding that side of you more completely. You might even try wearing your heart on your sleeve to a greater degree. Some may react critically to that approach, but that’s their business. It certainly need not stop you forging a better and more honest relationship with yourself, and showing the world an example of what it means to be open and sincere.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — In one part of Pride and Prejudice, the playful heroine mocks the hero by suggesting he prefers not to speak unless he has something to say that will amaze the whole room. Many of us contain, in some way, this wish to appear sophisticated or relevant, which can prevent us from saying what’s really on our minds. The current group of planets in your 3rd house of communication can help you better comprehend the reasons for what you choose to say and what you’re withholding. Imagine how it would feel to speak without any reserve. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun-Venus conjunction in early Scorpio this week may seem a little like an extended birthday season for you. Perhaps you’re feeling somewhat more stable in terms of finance or security, or just more aware of the good things around you. If so, you might benefit from finding a way to pay it forward — that is, to do something kind for others who need it. This doesn’t require you to compromise any hard-won gains, and you will almost certainly feel enriched by it in other ways. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Scorpio Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Your Audio Reading is Ready!

“The Scorpio reading is absolutely amazing (my Venus is in Scorpio). I actually felt it was pretty accurate given my love life.”

— Emily Rose

Dear Scorpio (or Scorpio Rising) Reader:

Eric succeeded in recording the two astrology segments of your 2018 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading Monday night. This means that when you order, you’ll get instant access to at least an hour of his expert inspiration, motivation and trouble-shooting for your next 12 months.

With Venus still retrograde in your sign, and Jupiter about to leave Scorpio and move into your 2nd house, the timing could not be better.

And when you order now, you’ll lock in the current price. When Eric records your tarot reading at a later date, the price will increase a final time.

We used to call these “Birthday Readings.” But so many people have let us know how well they work for their rising sign or Moon sign (or, like Emily above, their Venus sign) Eric decided to change the name. Don’t worry — it’s still some of the most personally relevant astrological guidance available online.

I wish you an enlightening and transformative year,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you know and love a Scorpio, this reading makes an amazing gift.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — After the recent Full Moon you may have become aware of a certain mental challenge you’re facing, like a puzzle waiting to be solved. The answer is not likely to be especially simple; however, figuring this out could well provide you with significant leaps of insight, and may also release a lot of tension. You are moving toward a clearer sense of your own intentions and your mission, and this exercise is potentially a key part of that process, drawing you closer to yourself, your identity and your strongest beliefs. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As your ruler Jupiter approaches your sign, which it will enter on Nov. 8, take some time to recollect what the past year has taught you in terms of your most deeply held feelings, dreams and secrets. You’ve come to know this part of yourself perhaps better than you ever have, and may consider the work you’ve done as a solid foundation for the months ahead. Now you’re getting ready to switch gears, though you don’t have to bolt out of the gate by any means. When you do, it’ll be with a fuller and more substantial trust in who you are. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s true that you have ample justification in relying on your personal strength, grit and willpower, all of which have been known to keep you ploughing ahead through many a challenging moment. If there’s a zodiacal embodiment of the phrase “keep calm and carry on,” Capricorn is definitely in the running. It’s not easy in such circumstances to admit that one is in need of support. If that does happen to be the case, however, try to open up and let your friends help you. If nothing else, it will cultivate trust and sharing, of which we all need more. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to have reached a turning point in terms of your career or fulfillment of your ambitions, which involves releasing something that has not been serving you lately. More than likely, this is of a nature that restricts you from claiming a part of your identity, or at least displaying it in a workplace environment. You need room to cultivate and express your more refined tastes and sentiments, to bring your innate abilities to your role, and to develop your mind. This would probably be a good time to stop pretending any different. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Imagine following a spiritual path in which you are the sole arbiter of your daily practices and the rules by which you live. You set the ethical standards and the manner (if any) of ritual or worship. There is no authority higher than yours; no written guidebook; no compulsory attendance — and also no peer pressure. What principles would you set? What would you hold sacred, and what forbid? The answers to these questions could shed a lot of light on your feelings, what is truly dear to you, and the things you genuinely believe. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 22, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It will help if you’re unusually open and conversant about things you usually keep quiet about. That would include all the taboo subjects, but particularly revealing the truth about your desire nature. A group of planets in Scorpio is about to be joined by the Sun on Tuesday morning, which will illuminate the angle of your solar chart where you have plenty to talk about, but might be least inclined to open up. What you may be sensing is that if you talk about what’s on your mind, and what you’re experiencing emotionally, you are inviting change. This would include change to some of what you think are your deeply held values, and a degree of rearrangement in the dynamics of your relationships. Yet this is movement that will come no matter what, whether you’re secretive or coy or reluctant to share — or whether you open up and reveal your innermost reality. It’s just a matter of how much choice and influence you have, though that takes courage. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Close partners can meet you as you really are, if you let them. That will be the challenge: to allow them into the changes you’re experiencing, your evolving perception of yourself, and your morphing role in the world. You are not shifting as radically as you think. Mostly, you are considering the possibilities of who you are, and who you want to become. This will be less like changing and more like revealing your personal qualities that were always present within you. You are more willing to take risks, and the people who care about you are more likely to meet you in that place, and to play along. Therefore, you can afford to be bold, and bring your experimentation to a conscious level. Consistency is important in the world, particularly in our rather unstable time in history, though you can afford to be a little less predictable. Every morning when you wake up, take some time to decide who you want to be and what you want to do. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Consider the wisdom of your actions; that will be the issue, in hindsight. Did you use the knowledge that you had? Was your response to developments and events proportional to their relevance? Were you responding from an exclusively emotional frame of reference, or did you bring your reasoning abilities into the discussion? You have time to decide these things now, before events come to a peak. You do, in fact, know what you need to know, and you can discover any facts or perspectives that you might need. Be sensitive to “when you don’t want to know” something, lest it somehow disrupt your plans. That’s the very thing you want to know, and any mental shakeup you might experience will lead the way to more creative and strategic thoughts. Those could come at any time, by the way, as the peak of Venus retrograde approaches over the coming week. Ideas that may not seem to be worth much at first glance may turn out to be brilliant, so be alert. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Though life on the planet is way too chaotic for people such as yourself who genuinely value peace and quiet, good things are happening. And you will get the benefit as long as you remain open and available, which can be challenging in our particular moment. So you will need to keep your signals clear, and be sensitive to when you’re being offered something, and when you’re being asked for something. Even though those may seem like opposites, they do have one thing in common, which is the potential to get an exchange going. That will present you with an opportunity both to offer and to receive, and it will be helpful if you are able to do both as a conscious act. You have plenty to offer, and that’s the side of the equation to focus on. Any creative enterprises you might involve yourself in over the next few weeks will thrive, so do what you can to give those space, time and love, i.e., tune your guitar, or carry your sketchbook. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to be in pursuit of a turning point that keeps eluding you. The closer you get to it, the less available it seems to be. This might be a decision, a break in your routines, a shift in your life pattern, or the need for some change in your environment that facilitates your progress. This will come in a form different from the one you were expecting, or developing. The real thing you’re chasing is your idea of who you are. The first thing to remember is that — add bold italics — who you are is an idea! And so your self-concept is vitally meaningful. Does it align with the underlying truth, or are you struggling to live out some inaccurate, untrue, notion of your existence? The problem here is that towering castles of sand can be built up around false ideas, and fear-based identity structures can be built on sticks. These have no substance other than the attachment you invest. Let them go. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have a lot to say, and I suggest you say it before you explode. Contrary to current popular mythology, this is not all about rage and disadvantage. You have many observations of the world, you have actual ideas, you have helpful knowledge to share. Don’t be overly dramatic about this. Writing on a napkin is a good start; capture ideas from emails; if you post a reply to an article, capture the text, and begin to develop it. Most ideas seem small at first; as any successful writer will tell you, the craft is in the development and expression, and this is an organic process. I suggest you not chase the big payoff, but rather recognize how subtle true originality really is. Therefore, to engage your creativity and expressiveness, you will need to be patient. And you will need to be circumspect: look at your situation from many angles, from close to the ground, from above, from all around, and in different kinds of light. The truth is not a thing. It’s a point of contact. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You might have finances on your mind, which would be appropriate. The essence of your success is understanding your mutual needs with the people around you, and you’re getting a lesson in that now. I explain this often: doing business means dependably providing something that people want or need, in exchange for money. It really is that simple, though of course you must be dependable, and maintain a structure that supports your enterprise. That is where most people fall short. They typically need the structure to already be there, and tend to neglect the necessary maintenance. In our time and in our society, we have many options available that did not exist recently. For example, 20 years ago, it was a big deal to accept credit cards; now anyone can. This and many other innovations have made it easier to do business. What has made it more difficult is a collapse of certain mental structures, ethical structures and motivation. These, you must supply. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Friday is the peak of Venus retrograde — what’s called the interior conjunction of Venus and the Sun. (Technically, the word is ‘inferior’ but I’ve amended that.) This looks like some kind of revelation, a discovery, or a breakthrough. The essence is taking ownership of something you thought belonged to someone else. There are different ways to describe this — such as “calling in a projection.” This is not an easy concept to understand, though the simplest way to say it is being accountable for feelings that you thought belonged to someone else, or that you assigned to someone else when they were really yours. It’s about doing something that is most definitely not in style right now, which is being fully responsible for what you feel, for how you perceive the world, and for understanding your own motives. Essentially, you are looking for something you have not revealed to yourself, or admitted to yourself. It won’t be hard to find. This is not about them; it’s about you. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You will be able to unravel a mystery this week, something that may have puzzled or even vexed you for a long time. This has been brewing as if in the next room, though seemingly nowhere in sight. You will, therefore, need to look, listen and feel in the subtle dimensions of your awareness: your dreams, your intuition (which is never fearful), your fears (as separate from intuition), and something or someone that was lost that’s now manifesting in some way, including as the ability to let go or some signal that it is time to let go. Notice how you feel upon awakening, as much as you might focus on the content of a dream. Consider the notion of “lost love,” how you have responded to relationships changing in the past, and how you may have held on to your feelings. You are more sentimental than it may seem from the outside, though now is the time not for sentiment but rather for emotional honesty. That will give you some freedom to be yourself. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What seems like a complex issue comes back to your family, and is not so complicated after all. Don’t be deceived by the feeling that it is; rather, map out “what is so” — your circumstances as you know them to exist — and check that map against a schematic of your family of origin. One of the central questions is “how did things come to be the way they are?” You can apply this like a meditation to any topic, theme, question, circumstance or issue in your life, though an interesting and worthwhile place to start will be your family. Every family has its story of “how we came into being,” although usually it’s sketchy and in parts and, in a sense, mythologized. Through the holiday season, you may have several opportunities to speak with your older relatives. Get them to share stories about your family and the early days, so far as they understand and describe them; and remember, this is perception and lore, with some reality mixed in. Gently press for specific bits of history, with the details, names, dates and places — and write it down as soon as you can. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are struggling to let go of certain personality tendencies, and I suggest you give yourself credit for succeeding quite well so far. If you could go back in time and slip into your self-concept of 18 months ago, you would see what I mean. You have made much more room for you to be who you are; you’re likely to feel more liberated and free to make choices as a result. Yet this has not exactly been a passive process, particularly this year. Part of how you learn who you are is to assert yourself. People who do not bump, scrape, grind and in some way make contact with one another do not find out who they are. Avoiding conflict is the surest way to avoid enlightenment, growth, maturity or this elusive thing known as adulthood. This does not mean whacking people on the head or picking needless fights. Rather, you’ve discovered that it’s necessary for you to stand up to challenges, and to stand up for yourself. And that, in fact, has been enlightening. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Where do you invest your faith? Think of it as a resource that you can use for a purpose. You can do anything you want with it. Faith is your fidelity: your trust. This is starting to sound like a bank ad. And it’s true that plenty of faith is placed in money, such as investments that are supposed to make us prosper. Others say their faith is in God, but don’t have a direct relationship or direct experience, so that would qualify more as belief. And there are some who have faith in God that’s the result of experience. Others put their faith in magic: If I do this, I will get this result, though there may be no established cause and effect, or even known correlation. Some put their faith in the future. Others invest it in their fellow humans. So let’s start with the question, which I would challenge you to answer through direct observation of yourself over the next seven days or so. Notice when you feel strong, and when you feel weak. That will tell you most of what you need to know. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Oct.18-25, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 18, 2018 (#1223) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the digital environment, it would seem people are increasingly being judged on what they say, rather than on what they actually do. In some instances it’s becoming rather difficult to speak one’s mind without the strong temptation to add a preface, a disclaimer or an apology. You might wish to be considered a member of some particular group; be wary of any pressure to adjust your language, and pay close attention to the way others are using theirs. Try to avoid saying anything that does not accurately reflect your thoughts. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are often far more possibilities in life than the ones with which we are usually presented. In relationships, for example, people are encouraged to ride the proverbial escalator, and measure their situation in terms of pre-defined steps. You know there are many other ways to look at things, and your ruler Venus may be awakening you to some of them. If someone else wants to move things along according to their own parameters, you don’t have to accede to their wishes; instead, show them how many options they, and you, really have. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You understand yourself and your intentions better than you or others might suppose. You are also aware that having an ultimate goal in mind does not necessarily require every action you take to be hell-bent on its accomplishment. Among other things, you need time simply to be human; to relax, meet friends, enjoy hobbies and so forth. If you’re worried about doing this, consider intervals of rest and recreation as useful in terms of sustaining your long-term drive and enthusiasm, in the same way that a good night’s sleep supports your health. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — By now you are likely aware of the difference between your true identity and feelings on the one hand, and certain people’s opinions or ideas about you on the other. The past few months have shown you how vital is the need to express oneself honestly, regardless of what might be expected or how some might react. You are not obliged to pacify anyone by conforming to artificial cultural norms. If you have a sense of fear or tension at the thought of being yourself, try to figure out what is behind that; then focus on how you could overcome it. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You might consider this week as almost like an extra New Year; in various aspects of your life, you may be starting afresh, or have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. If you have any habits, practices or commitments that are constraining you in some way, this is an optimal time to move on from them and form new ones. Make sure, when deliberating on this point, that you lean on the side of improving your overall wellbeing and taking steps toward reaching your potential. One clue to accomplishing this is that those two intentions are unlikely to conflict.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — A crucial part of your healing and growth process at this time is developing the ability to say what you really think and feel. Note that this doesn’t simply mean speaking everything that happens to be on your mind at that moment. In some ways, that can mask what’s going on at a deeper level. The first thing is to understand your emotional responses — especially if you feel provoked to react to something immediately. What’s that about? The second is to recognize that your feelings are valid, and you have every right to give them conscious expression. Get your full reading by Eric here.

“Today I was listening to last year’s reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year’s reading; I’m so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I’m okay and actually very excited. The past few years have really been building up and my life has been a pure reflection of it all throughout the years…this reading is so inspiring.”

— Rhonda Benson, on a previous Birthday Reading

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready.

Listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — As we often stress on this site, ultimately you are the only person who can determine your identity, how you view who you are, and your most passionately held values. Yet this does not mean you need to seclude yourself from all possible influence by others. In fact, one of the ways you learn about yourself is through where those deeper parts of your being interact with others, and your experience of such encounters; genial as well as provoking or tense. You might, for example, observe this when you make art, or make love, or simply make conversation. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Do you have a Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising sign? Catch the lowest price we offer on your two segments of audio astrology and tarot reading for your next 12 months: pre-order your 2018-19 Scorpio Astrology Reading here. 

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Past challenges have a way of intruding themselves on present life, to the extent that sometimes we can feel as if we’re being dragged back there. You may have been noticing similar sensations fairly recently; perhaps especially a feeling of succumbing to former habits of mind, or fears you’d rather have done with altogether. This week, you may suddenly gain a new perspective on these visitations; in rediscovering the thread of your current reality, potentially you’ve actually found a way to overcome whatever might have previously held you back. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Over the next few weeks, a specific phase of your life will be drawing to a close, with a new one forming. Hopefully you’ll begin to feel more confident than you have in perhaps a few years. In part, this is about reaping the rewards of the groundwork you’ve assiduously prepared. The only thing that can get in the way is any fear you have of changes to your way of life. It’s sometimes scary to emerge into the light after a while in the shadows, so to speak; yet this is a legacy you’ve created for yourself, and you’re entitled to enjoy it. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s not always easy to know when you’re doing good work, especially in stressful or busy periods; and one can very quickly lose heart if in doubt. If this sounds familiar, try taking a little time to celebrate your recent achievements. Praise from others might certainly come in useful, though ultimately your self-worth, as the name suggests, can only be set by you. Try to look at your accomplishments from a somewhat detached point of view, and be wary of applying any rule that you would not also use with someone else. You must treat yourself fairly. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Remember that fulfillment in the arena of your career and ambitions can only really be complete when you are using your inventive abilities, in as full a capacity as possible. Some workplaces certainly require one to suppress one’s innate talents; if you are in that situation by necessity, make sure at least some of your free time is spent pursuing one that is worthier of you, whether through art or a different skill. Above all, you should not consider the unique luminosity of your mind as anything other than a gift, and a precious one. Cultivate it all you can. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may be finding yourself consistently deciding, this week, between following the loftiest and noblest impulses of your nature, and obeying the opposing drive to throw all your toys out of the baby carriage. Lapses come to us all; nevertheless, where you have the power of choice, try to choose wisely. This doesn’t mean you have to be a saint. What might help is if you refrain from doing or saying what you could later regret, and instead try to look at a specific issue from as broad a perspective as you can accommodate. Chances are, you’ll spot something you missed. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 15, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It can be easier than you think to misinterpret what someone says or does if it falls outside of your expectations; even (perhaps especially) when the person is close to you. We all have moments when our buttons are pushed and we feel a strong urge to lash out. Try to avoid reacting impulsively, and try to set out with an attitude of trust, and giving others the benefit of the doubt until there is incontrovertible evidence that you should do otherwise. If you get a sense of being provoked, weigh carefully the consequences of any possible response, remembering that there are things you cannot undo once done. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uranus in your sign may already be working its influence in your life. At times this can feel exhilarating; at others, downright unsettling. At heart, Uranus has a knack for bringing the unexpected, and waking us out of complacency or stagnation, much like cats do in the morning with their unsuspecting humans: you might want to stay in bed, but that cat is going to get her breakfast. The accompanying challenge is to make the best out of each day even when things don’t quite go as planned, which will likely take practice. Over the coming months, you’ll have the opportunity to get used to this new way of being. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keep your mind on what’s most important to you. Distractions are ubiquitous and most websites these days are rabbit holes. You have too much on your to-do list to lose time wandering in a labyrinth of links, or getting stuck in arguments with random online entities who are too entrenched in their viewpoint to engage in a rational debate. In addition, be wary of any impulse to compromise the accomplishment or goal you’re seeking in exchange for an easier one, even if that might get you quicker rewards. You have the capacity to reach for the skies, and if you maintain your focus you’re very likely to get there. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Like many people these days, encouraged by seven- or ten-point lists and therapy-by-soundbite, you might be inclined to seek quick and simple answers to any challenges you may be facing. It’s not necessarily the case that every real solution to emotional or spiritual issues must by nature encompass many years. However, that work which in particular involves breaking out of early programming is often complex, multi-layered and long-term. This process can even be life-long. Yet keep forging your new understanding with the universe — if for no other reason than dedication to finding the truth. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In almost all the consequential choices we make, and a good many of the lesser ones, there is an ethical element: a decision as to whether we obey our ego, or listen to our higher beliefs and impulses. There is, unfortunately, no metric for determining which is which; one way to suss this out in a specific case is to weigh up each option and see how it makes you feel. That will help you trace where the ideas originate, based on similar choices you’ve made in the past. Try to keep an ear out in general for the voice of your conscience — which is not, by the way, the same thing as guilt — and consider the guidance it offers. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week, try to figure out what it is you’re not saying. That includes any time you mount your hobby-horse and wax lyrical on a subject you know well or are passionate about; any time you feel provoked into an argument; or any time you experience emotions that seem too strong to articulate. These are all ways we trick ourselves into not communicating what we really need, want or feel. Even if the difficulty seems impassable, there’s usually a way to break it down into bite-size chunks. Consider what you already know. Write down as much as you can, if only for yourself; then get to work on the analysis. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

“Today I was listening to last year’s reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year’s reading; I’m so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I’m okay and actually very excited. The past few years have really been building up and my life has been a pure reflection of it all throughout the years…this reading is so inspiring.”

— Rhonda Benson, on a previous Birthday Reading

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready. Listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus seems to be inviting you to view the world in all its rich complexity and nuance; to notice the subtle interplay in the colors of the sunset, to hear the movements of sound and rhythm in music, to see and feel the endless variety in permutations of the human character. It’s very easy to look at any issue simplistically, in binary terms; however, the reality tends to be rather different. Try to view any topic under discussion from as many perspectives as possible, and comprehend likewise the multiple layers of feeling and thought underpinning your own response. This is seeing things as they really are. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Uncertainty is not an easy sensation with which to sit, and introspection is not an especially comfortable task. Yet the recently completed retrograde of your classical ruler Mars has given you some practice at looking within and holding space for ideas you might not previously have considered. Mars has now handed off this task to Venus, retrograde in your sign until it re-enters Libra Oct. 31, then stations direct mid-November. Part of this next phase of operations for you involves reviewing the boundaries between you and the world: where your life intersects with others, and at what point you establish your separate identity. Let these ideas develop for a while. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There are plenty of problems in the world that need fixing, and thus plenty of causes you could take up. However, be discerning in your choice of where to devote significant portions of your energy. In particular, watch for language or imagery designed to sway the emotions rather than engaging you in rational dialogue. You need clear information on the issues, and it’s perfectly okay to decide that you don’t know enough and need to learn more, or to examine possible flaws in an argument, however well-intentioned. Your own experience of the world is also a perfectly valid, if not intrinsically complete, source of data. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — As part of a culture steeped in the Abrahamic tradition and infused with Greco-Roman values, pretty much everyone in the West is brought up in fear of that nebulous beast known as sin. In an orthodox sense, this is a concept that goes far beyond that of actually harming people: it includes natural human impulses and feelings that we all sometimes have, such as pride in our achievements, or desire, which has the effect of making us all guilty in some form. Whatever your personal beliefs, or whatever you might think of such ideas, perhaps ask yourself how far you can benefit from an ideology that operates mainly through shame. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you feel yourself getting caught up in a heated discussion, try to take a step back and cool off, until you regain your equilibrium. There are certainly times when anger or passion are appropriate responses, though in the arena where such conversations are normally taking place, it can be difficult to avoid wasting energy on an argument that ultimately goes nowhere. Similarly, engaging in these forums is a neat method of distracting oneself from one’s personal journey and healing process. Try to ensure that your intellect holds the reins as much as possible, and don’t hesitate to withdraw from a debate if you need to. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep doing what you must in order to maintain your wellbeing, emotional and physical; this is a crucial yet often underrated factor in spiritual and personal development. Take sufficient time to yourself, and continue to be discerning about the company you keep; you would benefit from those with whom you foster your most intricate relationships being wise, cordial and helpful. Most especially, their presence should improve your self-esteem and confidence rather than denting it. This is also a useful principle to apply to food: try to consume what nourishes and sustains you, rather than makes you groggy or moody. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Let people be honest with you. This is a choice — as much of a choice as to speak one’s truth. Be open to listening, and to sharing your feedback — though keep that part modest. The thing to remember is that people’s story is not necessarily the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But that does not matter, really, because all statements are symbolic. Symbols stand for something else. What you need to listen for is that something else: what is being represented? Is it a feeling, an opinion, a concern, an idea, a challenge? One way to listen interactively is to say, “I hear you saying [whatever, which you state in your own words].” Then keep listening, for the correction. One thing to consider are the ways that someone might be speaking your truth for you. So keep asking yourself whether anything you hear is personally relevant for you. You might find that people will have a way of revealing your secrets to you, or putting into words what you cannot usually say. If any such material comes up, take the occasion to speak openly. Venus retrograde in Scorpio will offer you opportunities to share what was previously concealed, and to reach a deeper level of intimacy with yourself and others. You can follow this gently to unusually deep places, and learn easily what is otherwise difficult to grasp. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This year’s astrology, including the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, is here to help you prepare for the long-term presence of Uranus in your birth sign. That began in May; it will retreat briefly for the winter, and commence for the next seven years in March. Uranus in your sign suggests the rapid, ongoing emergence of new ideas of who you are. The recent Mars retrograde and the current Venus retrograde seem designed to shake you loose from your preconceptions, prejudices and concepts (such as of self and other). This, in turn, will help you shed your skin each time the moment arrives. Most of what people are is contained within their ideas, and right now, all of yours are being subjected to a series of tests and verifications. That does not mean they are all wrong; rather, that you need to be bold about evaluating what is true for you, and not be afraid to ask any question — of yourself, or of another. Venus and Mars retrogrades have been running what you might think of as test scripts that will facilitate just this kind of inquiry. You are being presented with circumstances that invite the ongoing questioning of what seems like reality. And at the moment, it’s particularly easy for people to grasp where you are coming from, even if it does not feel that way. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are no longer subject to what other people think you should believe. You never were, though it was difficult to feel your way to a point of independence. This largely involved your reticence to be controversial or to seem aggressive by challenging people — even if that challenge came only in the form of you being you. Events this year have shown the futility of this approach; circumstances have taught you that you have no choice but to assert yourself, if you want your mind to be free. Conflict, challenging people, and challenging yourself are how you figure out who you are. You cannot live in avoidance of conflict, on the level of ideas. That would be the equivalent of putting a bag over your head, and calling yourself a visionary. You must say what you see, and not be afraid to be challenged, to be wrong, or to call out what is obviously false. This does not mean being a jerk, though it will help to cast off any fear of being seen that way. You can be friendly, funny, and argumentative, and still be a good sport. It helps if you don’t take yourself so seriously that you can’t take being made fun of. Your sense of humor is the most useful talent you can bring to any discussion of reality. See the humor in everything. That’s a sign you’re perceiving the world with an open heart. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Current activity in Libra is encouraging you to settle in and make home. If you’re happy where you are, then that’s the perfect place. On the home front, the place to start is to take charge of your kitchen, your food supply, and the preparation of meals. This is the center of any meaningful concept of home, particularly for you. Take the role of the one who nourishes and nurtures, as an active practice of karma yoga. Give this six months, till the vernal equinox, and then re-evaluate your life, your relationships, your sense of grounding and safety, and your sense of home. When it comes to intimate partnerships, begin by considering inwardly any concerns you have. This is different from stuffing them down. Quite the opposite — you’re hanging out with any issues in an active and conscious way, seeking first within yourself for the source of the conflict. You might decide that you have some accountability or at least the ability to resolve things on your own in a way that sets you free. However, you might notice that you have an actual concern you want to raise, and the time to do that is after you’ve done an accountability check on your own. Projection is a serious problem, and you are the only one who can do something about it. Account for what is the product of your own mind and feelings, and you will be a lot happier. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must take care of yourself: rest, food, sunshine. That, and just the right amount of work, which could be a bit more than most people are capable of. Then, intersperse generously with rest, food and sunshine. It will also help if you gradually remove sources of conflict from your life. You have seen the toll it can take, on your productivity, and on your ability to feel good. A great many people live with conflict as a way of life, or in some way depend on others to disrupt the flow of their existence. To the extent you thrive on chaos, for whatever reason, it’s time to eliminate that. This includes choosing friends and partners who are respectful, because that’s a better way for you to live. These things need to be long-term commitments. There will be some delay between the time when you rotate the wheel, the rudder moves and the ship begins to turn — so the sooner you start, the better. Part of why removing conflict is so important is that you will make room for supportive people, who demonstrate their love and appreciation of you. Don’t be afraid to turn this into direct support, and ask for the help that you need, when you need it, or better yet, well in advance. For example, take leadership and make sure the workloads that surround you are reasonably distributed. You have amazing vitality, though you are not invincible — nor do you want to be. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When you think of wealth, think of food. When you think “bottom line,” think food. Your bank account is one thing; what you are able to eat is another. The beauty of food is that there reaches a point where it costs less to eat better, especially if you’ve been eating out of the house a lot. Organizing your life around food will require you to do some adjusting, restructuring and rethinking, and you will be happier, healthier and probably wealthier for it. Then, there’s a related subject, though it might not seem that way, which is your ability to speak (or write) your personal truth. This will require a process of discovery that is currently well underway. A series of aspects with the retrograde of Venus are offering you a rare opportunity to be courageous, to be self-inquisitive, and to find words for what might otherwise, at other times, seem impossible to express. The concept of secrecy, as you experience it, needs to come under careful review. Nothing is ever really kept private; the question is whether it’s expressed in useful, wholesome ways, or ways that are toxic and self-defeating. At this time in your life, you have a profound need to learn how to be articulate, about what matters the very most to you. That means developing the ability to speak from your center, though particularly gathering the focus and discipline to be able to express yourself in writing. For the benefit of your health, sanity and strength, there is no substitute. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

A Libra New Moon and a Reading Like No Other

“I am truly amazed at the accuracy of these readings with the current events of my life.”

— Denise J.

Dear Friend and Reader:

We began this week with a significant New Moon in Libra. It was conjunct the asteroid Ceres — goddess of the harvest and of nourishment — making this a potentially key time in your year.

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready.

“My previous Birthday Readings have been very, very helpful. I refer to them throughout the year. The tarot readings have been particularly informative.”

— Carolyn Cornish

You can listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here. And if you need a little background, you can listen to last year’s reading here, as a gift.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed or set adrift by recent events — or if you know a Libra who could use a little astrological TLC — I hope you’ll take advantage of the current price on your Libra reading before Eric records the tarot section. The world may feel challenging right now, but we’re with you.



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Current planetary movements involving your birth sign describe Libra as the sign of individuality and introspection rather than the sign of relationships. This is in part associated with Venus retrograde in your neighboring sign Scorpio, which describes a deep journey of self-awareness for you. Yet it is this inner exploration that will bring you to a new place of contact with others. Even so, you must contract before you can expand. Your self-awareness must always be the property that leads you through any situation you find yourself in, because your “self” is the only thing you have that could possibly relate to the world. So in this sense, self-awareness involves monitoring your environment and how you respond to it. This implies a much larger concept of self than we normally mean when we say the word. Yet the prevailing lesson of Venus retrograde seems to be that you and your environment are so closely related, you can consider them the same thing. Still, the most dependable information will be found within yourself; and this, in turn, provides you with incentive to notice how you feel and what you’re observing at all times. This is not so much a chicken-and-egg matter as it may seem. Notice how your perception of the world changes when your mood changes. Your feelings have the power to bend objective reality, so you may as well stay in contact with them. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s often difficult for people to see, and to feel, one another’s perspective. This leads to many needless misunderstandings, conflicts and disagreements. You are now in an unusual position to feel the perspectives of others as they feel them, or close to it, needing little explanation. All you need to do is focus and pay attention to how you feel, when considering another person’s reality. The thing to note, in the first instance, is that how they feel will be different from how you feel. You may not be able to understand what you’re feeling from an intellectual perspective. Just noticing the contrast will be helpful. If you are engaged in a dialog, you can make contact statements, which would be mellow: something like, “I get that you’re agitated about this” or, “You seem worried.” Whether you say anything or not, your ability to empathize, by itself, will be supportive. Meanwhile, following the recent Mars retrograde in the family and security angle of your solar chart, you are not willing to have the terms of your life dictated by others, and you’re bold enough to speak up. When you are feeling where people are coming from, it will become obvious how little you need to say, or do, to assert your independence. Mostly, you need to be yourself, and give people the space to be who they are, and never argue the case for your own freedom. You don’t have to. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You will have a more positive outlook once Jupiter has ingressed your sign on Nov. 8. Until then, you can make the most of things, and you have plenty to work with. The most helpful thing you can do, to that end, is to take responsibility for your feelings. The current social trend is for everyone to hold everyone else accountable for how they feel inside. This is not helpful, because it’s not true. Your feelings are your responsibility, which is good news because that means you can influence your emotional responses, evolve how you feel, and understand the inner conditions leading to any particular response you might have to any situation. Said another way, taking responsibility for your feelings is a fundamental step for emerging from any form of victim consciousness that you might experience. It will also help you address fear, once you recognize that nearly all of it is an internal experience having nothing to do with an actual situation in the world. Jupiter ingressing your birth sign will help you figure out how little you have to worry about, and focus on what actually matters. Yet in the month before that happens, it will be an excellent exercise to sort out what is coming from inside you and what is coming from outside. This is a real question. It may be the only question. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What has your life been like, in this year of Saturn in your birth sign or rising sign? Old-school ideas about this transit describe it as a time of enforced maturity. It could also indicate the sensation of being held down, on practical matters or emotional ones. Yet for this transit to work its wonders, you will need to take full ownership of it. The message of nearly any Saturn transit is to internalize what Saturn represents. First, that means taking responsibility for time: or, you might say, taking possession of your life on Earth as a finite thing. Then there is taking up the matter of authority as an inner function rather than an outer one. Saturn becomes your friend when nobody has to tell you what to do. Yet the cautionary side of this is that people can become harsh masters of themselves when Saturn is in the neighborhood. People can be much more strict with themselves than anyone else ever was with them. Whatever else may be going on, and whatever you may need to accomplish, you need to give yourself flexibility, room to maneuver, and room to make mistakes. Saturn is an influence associated with what we learn and who we become in the long run, not the short. This is associated with character development and also with your understanding of time. Under the influence of Saturn, time must become your friend and ally rather than an enemy that stalks you. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Anxiety is one of the most serious problems the world is facing right now, particularly here in the Western world where people have a little less to worry about than many other places. Many, many people deal with anxiety, more or less effectively. I bring this up now because you have both Saturn and Pluto in your 12th solar house, and that can be a formula for stress or panic. If you know this, you can have a model of what it’s about and how to handle yourself. You will also be able to tap into the resources that are involved. Both planets in Capricorn, and Venus retrograde in Scorpio, describe distinguishing what has been passed down to you through the generations from what is actually your self-acquired personal property. I suggest you make a long-range plan of sorting this out (and, it’s a topic I’ve reflected on in many annual readings for your sign, which you can find here, open access). However, there is one immediate thing to be aware of. Mars in your sign has entered new territory for the first time since going retrograde many months ago. Mars will lead you to strive for what you want, and to push people, a little and sometimes a lot. That can come with a backlash of guilt. This is the thing to watch. All guilt is the product of a childhood dynamic. It does not mean you’ve done something wrong and certainly does not make you a “bad” person — though that is the feeling. Pay attention to how you feel at the end of the day. Let yourself off the hook, offer apologies if necessary, and connect your feelings to how you were treated as a kid, and how you responded. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This year has brought many changes to your circle of friends, how you’re viewed publicly and how you see yourself as a member of the community. Yet these changes are secondary to the inner work you’ve been doing, associated with Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Though you may not see or feel it yet, there are few transits that could do more to set you free from your inhibitions, your fears, and your inner pressure to conform. Conform to what exactly? Whatever line people are expected to toe, however that manifests for you. Given that the Mars connection is 12th house (ancestral material) and Aquarius (family of origin material), what you experienced — whatever it was, and it may have been weird — has involved setting yourself free from the karma and the ideology of your family. Given that this involves the 12th house, the experience itself, and your sense of liberation, could well be a little below the level of full awareness. However, it might also be plain and in your face, requiring only placement in proper context. The sex question is vital: the idea that you’ve somehow been set free from the negative patterning of the people who raised you, and whatever weight of the past they carried. However, set free is only the beginning, and it’s a real commencement only if consciously claimed by you. You must plot your way forward, and take each step as a wholly conscious act. You are not all those other people. You have your own place, your own time, and your own way. Keep reminding yourself of that. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 8, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — This has been an interesting year so far, to say the least. Though you are now on more solid ground, particularly when it comes to interaction with others it would probably help to be cautious, and to remember that it’s neither appropriate nor possible to depend on someone else to bring specific outcomes into your life. Be prepared to listen and to compromise if there is any tension, especially involving jealousy or clashes of ego. Work with your partners to find a mutually beneficial solution, on an ongoing basis; there is plenty of time. Get your full Aries reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If someone is acting strangely, or does something unexpected, it’s unlikely to relate to anything you’ve done. Rather, more probably, there are hidden causes. You may, however, be in a position to hold space for others to experience and express any underlying feelings. Don’t try to force the issue: let people come to you in their own time and way. They surely will, if you can provide an environment as free from judgment (and pre-judgment) as it’s possible to get. This is almost always an invaluable service to afford another person. Get your full Taurus reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Sometimes it’s useful simply to let one’s creative energy flow, and see what transpires. At other times, it’s best to have a clear aim in mind, even if you need to review it periodically and alter course. It would probably help at the moment to be sure you know what you want to achieve, and that you are making strategic decisions on where you focus the majority of your efforts, rather than following your nose and hoping for the best. If you’re feeling an instinct to rebel against establishing boundaries, try to work out where that might be coming from. Get your full Gemini reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It often takes time and a lot of conscious work to become reconciled to past grievances, or to accept that certain things happened and one cannot go back to correct them. This is especially true of matters involving family: much of the time, this is home to the more difficult knots that take some unraveling. At some stage, though, it can be necessary for our own peace of mind to acknowledge that the past can’t be revoked, and that we can still make the best of the present. There’s a lot of love and support available in a family of choice. Get your full Cancer reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — At various stages in our lives, we rub shoulders with people whose acquaintance we didn’t choose — such as neighbors, or in-laws. The tension over a boundary fence or a Thanksgiving table has become almost archetypal; and these days it’s tempting to form up along party lines, and feel alienated from those on the opposite side. We need a better way of relating than this. You may be in a position this week to set an example in establishing some common ground, and building a tentative bridge. Make use of your sense of compassion. Get your full Leo reading here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Being too exacting with oneself can create a kind of inertia: however promising an idea sounds, it might not get past the first hurdle or two, because it’s not coming out fully formed. Try not to fall for this trap; rather, commit to doing the best job you can, and then get on with it. Where possible, cultivate faith in yourself and your abilities, and give yourself the space to grow. It’s tempting to place validation in the hands of others, but regardless of how willing they are to encourage, this won’t go far unless you’re open to being your own best friend. Get your full Virgo reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

A Libra New Moon and a Reading Like No Other

“I am truly amazed at the accuracy of these readings with the current events of my life.”

— Denise J.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Monday night into Tuesday there is a significant New Moon in Libra. It’s conjunct the asteroid Ceres — goddess of the harvest and of nourishment — making this a potentially key time in your year.

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready.

“My previous Birthday Readings have been very, very helpful. I refer to them throughout the year. The tarot readings have been particularly informative.”

— Carolyn Cornish

You can listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here. And if you need a little background, you can listen to last year’s reading here, as a gift.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed or set adrift by recent events — or if you know a Libra who could use a little astrological TLC — I hope you’ll take advantage of the current price on your Libra reading before Eric records the tarot section. The world may feel challenging right now, but we’re with you.



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week’s New Moon in your sign accompanying Venus newly retrograde implies that over the next few weeks, you might be reviewing your relationship to who you are. You may be asking yourself some profound questions regarding your identity, and your vision for who you wish to become. The issue of wellbeing is perhaps central to this — especially if, at times, you tend to ignore your needs in favor of supplying succor to others. Try to look for the scenario in which you can do both, and don’t be afraid to clarify what you need. Get your full Libra reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In a culture that often meets desire with shame or guilt, it’s not surprising that many people conceal their deepest, most compelling passions even from their own everyday thoughts. What would it be like if you could visit your desire nature without any sort of judgment? What ideas might you acknowledge to yourself? Venus and the New Moon are inviting you to plunge into that space now; remember, one of the delightful things about fantasy is that you can do anything you want in the confines of your mind. Give a loose rein to your imagination. Get your full Scorpio reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be pondering some changes, particularly in terms of your place in the world and among your community. One point you might wish to consider is whether your current skill set is being fully utilized, or if your time might be more efficiently employed. If you wish to learn an entirely new discipline, that’s another question you could decide on. Keeping your ideals in mind may be a useful means of focusing your thoughts. Also, if you’ve been putting aside a specific ambition because of present commitments, try reviewing that now. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It would seem many people tend to regard those supposed to hold a certain amount of power in society with almost innate suspicion and some hostility. Part of this perhaps involves the natural inclination to revolt against authority. Yet it’s worth remembering that our parents or our bosses, for example, are human like ourselves; the same goes for people in our lives whom we see as more privileged. In these kinds of relationships, as with anyone, it helps to understand that you’re interacting with a whole person, and treat them accordingly. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Do you sometimes criticize yourself unfairly, or insult yourself in language that you’d never dream of using on someone else? Do you ever apply impossibly high standards to your actions or thoughts? Many of us do this, forgetting that we need kindness and mercy just as much as everyone else. Try to be more equitable in your treatment of yourself. Pay attention to your emotional wellbeing, and to how you speak to yourself: if you usually frame something negatively, what happens if you flip the script to focus on your strengths? Remember, you contain a divine spark within you, and can trust you are capable of serving the greater good. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As a Pisces native, you probably understand better than most how we all depend on one another, and how much friendlier the world is if we act in the spirit of cooperation rather than competition. The tendency of modern society is to see things in the binary language of the digital plane; yet we have not quite lost all sense of nuance or subtlety, and you especially have the ability to see through the veil of polarized thinking and oversimplification. Keep on maintaining and honing your mental clarity — just now, it’s a gift of incalculable value. Get your full Pisces reading here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 1, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Recent developments in your chart are supporting your ability to discover a solution to a healing-related matter. The chart image looks like you’re able to enter a space of twilight sleep and peek between the worlds, and glimpse at exactly what you need. Yet this will depend on your receptivity above all else, and your choosing not to jam your frequencies with false solutions. Pay particular attention to early morning dreams, the kind you wake up from in the 4 am range, when the world and the psychic fields are quieter. The information you need is right in your mind. You may get it in a series of small “transmissions” that contain one or two items per visit. In this zone, you also have the ability to shape who you want to be. You may notice that you can tap into a kind of pre-existing archetype of yourself, one you aspire to but rarely see. Get your full Aries reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Notice what it’s easier to say when you’ve had a glass of wine. There’s an old (as in very old) expression, “In vino veritas,” which means that people are more likely to speak the truth under the influence of alcohol. Assuming you’re not in recovery, I suggest you do this as an experiment, if you happen to like the stuff. But not, however, with any subject matter that’s particularly important. The idea, wine or not, is to consider your inhibitions, and how you manage them. There would seem to be something you want to express or reveal to an intimate partner. This may be an entirely affirmative admission, of a desire, a feeling, a need, or a loving thought you want to share. It’s the type of thing requiring some vulnerability on your part, and here is where in vino veritas might come in. It would be better if you do this in a clear state of mind. Take it slowly, and don’t be attached to the outcome, as much as humanly possible. Get your full Taurus reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Juno, one of the original four asteroids, is making an interesting maneuver in your sign. It reached Gemini on Sept. 29, and stations retrograde on Oct. 12, in the first degree. This is an invitation to unravel your ideas about monogamy, jealousy and attachment. You won’t get to the bottom of the matter, though you peer down, as if you’re in a glass-bottomed boat. What’s down there, under the surface? What expectations, what unresolved experiences, and what hopes for the future? The question would seem to be, how much of your impulse to be monogamous is driven by a desire to be with one partner, and how much is influenced by jealousy? That could be your own jealousy, or your fear of a partner’s jealousy if you spend time with someone you want to get to know (whether sex is involved or not). The point here is not to “get over” your jealousy or feelings about it. The idea, in the worlds of Dane Rudhyar, is “the revelation of unconscious energies and submerged psychic structures.” Get your full Gemini reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Do what you can to bring people together, even if in modest ways. Contemporary American culture is about driving people apart. It is considered open season on whatever people deem bad, with little thought or consideration. This is not going to serve the world, and it’s not serving you. Start, if you like, with even a small group of three or four people. Do that Cancerian thing you do so well, which is to put on the Ritz — just make sure that everyone has to contribute something, for their own good. The shift I’m talking about here is from “service economy” to
“community,” which means having life be a bit communal. We all have plenty to share, and the gift economy must reach out in all directions and touch all walks of life. So, be generous, and be welcoming, and also be open to receiving any assistance that you need, and that others are willing to offer. Get your full Cancer reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Libra Sun is making a trine aspect to Mars in Aquarius. The image is one of you being in the position of negotiating your way through any potentially thorny situation. You will, of course, need to keep a positive attitude, the better to tiptoe through the briar patch of society’s current obsession with being cranky, judgmental and negative. This is a good job for you, and it’s a good time for you to be doing it — though remember, this may be on your own behalf. Take care of that first, and make sure you’re on solid ground and in good standing with those you will reach out to on other topics, potentially a community issue that dearly needs attention. You may be wondering what, exactly, people are so worked up about. Gaze on that with some amazement, as if it’s a strange marvel of nature, and don’t let anyone wear you down. The fact is, most people have little clue how good they have it. Get your full Leo reading here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It is worth devoting yourself to what you love even when it does not seem to give you much back. Studying music, you might have to practice scales for hundreds of hours before your melodies sound like much. You might need to write and rewrite every day for years before your point comes across, and the words don’t feel like bricks. You might need to fill many sketchpads before you get an idea for a piece you want to make life-size. And it could take years of gradual softening and introspection and experimentation before you start to access your deeper erotic feelings. All of this is worth doing, and focusing on, with gentle discipline, love and ever-increasing awareness. Don’t worry if you don’t seem to get a result. That is not the point, certainly not under the influence of Vesta and Saturn. Rather, it’s far more worthwhile that you make space and time for what you want and then fill that space with your love and attention. Get your full Virgo reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

Instant Access to Your 2018 Libra Astrology

“Eric’s uplifting, thoughtful commentaries and imaginative cosmological worldview gave me great comfort during the depths of an extremely painful episode. He was my friend in absentia, as I am his in spirit. Thanks for all you do at Planet Waves.”

— K.S.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last week the Sun entered your sign for the equinox, which was promptly heralded by a rather incredible Full Moon in Aries, your relationship sign. To honor this rather potent astrology, Eric recorded the two astrology segments of your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (previously called the Libra Birthday Reading) — and they’re available for instant access.


Although he has not yet recorded the tarot portion of this audio reading, he plans to soon — which means you have limited time to lock in the current price of $44 for the full reading (plus an extended description of your sign, and photos of the chart and tarot cards).

Some of the themes Eric has identified in your next year’s astrology include being shaken loose from the priority structures of those around you (particularly regarding your relationships and finances); designating a space that’s entirely your own, as defined only by you; and truly learning to live in the present, not in the past. You can hear Eric discuss these themes in this audio sample.

“I’m ‘addicted’ and these recordings make great educational options on a 17-hour flight!”

— P. Hoback

Also on the agenda: some thoughts about what the retrograde of your ruling planet, Venus, has in store for you. Venus will move in apparent backwards motion from Scorpio into Libra between Oct. 5 and Nov. 16.

Remember, if you give the 2018 Libra Astrology Studio to a loved one as a gift, they’ll get instant access to the two astrology sections — and we’ll send them an email when the tarot portion is ready.

Wishing you an amazing year,

Amanda Painter

P.S. Whether you have a Libra Sun, Moon or rising sign, you can get a lot out of Eric’s audio readings. Listen to last year’s Libra Birthday Reading as a gift to find out for yourself!



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus, your ruling planet, turns to retrograde motion this week. The image in your solar chart is one of deep personal reevaluation. Most of the lives we live are designed as a kind of wallpaper glued over our real questions about ourselves and existence. You’ve reached a turning point, and your new direction is deeper within yourself. Why are you on this planet? What do you feel that you have to share? What is your mission, and when will you take yourself seriously enough to act on it with the total commitment necessary to bring it into fruition? These are the questions of Venus retrograde, which lasts between Oct. 5 and Nov. 15. Fortunately, at the end of this particular phase of searching, there would seem to be a fairly simple resolution. You are holding the answers you need, right within yourself. All of your searching and preparation will point you toward one deep resolution and then making a few decisions that you’ve long known you had to make. Get your full Libra reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Many struggles in our lives are associated with not being able to see and feel life from the perspective of others. As I write, I am looking for words that describe “viewpoint” that don’t imply vision. (The word “perspective” comes from a Latin root that means looked at closely.) What you need is not going to be provided by the cool, detached visual sense. Rather, it will be about taking in and actually feeling where someone you care about is coming from, in the emotional sense. You need to understand how they experience their total human condition. This will require, at first, a degree of embrace and acceptance of another that may be unusual to you. All matters of power must be set aside, because that will only serve to corrode delicate trust. It does not matter how you actually feel about this person, whether they are the love of your life or your worst enemy; your business partner or some kind of competitor. This astrology applies to everyone in your environment. Get your full Scorpio reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have protection from everything except your own intentions. Therefore, you must always strive to do the right thing, even more than usual. That is the part that you alone must handle, and handle with the utmost awareness of your influence over your own life. The imagery in your astrology is about being conservative with your values and your choices. That means acting with discretion. It means setting aside any notion that all is fair in love and war. It means refusing to tolerate any form of cruelty, no matter how subtle. This is a time in your life when you are establishing a tangible moral code that you will live by for the rest of your life. This is rarely enough done, and it’s also never done merely from theory, and it cannot be a precept. True morality is learned from hard experience. Yours must be flexible enough to handle the complicated lives that we are soaked in at the moment, and be wise enough to penetrate the ambiguity that is currently fogging over our minds and our society. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You will need to live with certain mysteries for a while, particularly regarding how your relationships seem to turn out different from how you plan them. What you must remember at this time in your life is that Saturn in your sign — and the fast-approaching Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 — will be holding you to a hard line. Saturn raises the karmic stakes for everyone involved. Matters of ethics, of truth and of impartiality must be handled with the utmost awareness. It is likely that, during this time, you will need the guidance of those older and certainly wiser than yourself. All important decisions must be made on a delayed basis. There will be no bending your interpretation of events to suit your purposes. You will need documentation of everything you state as a belief. And when you don’t understand something, hold your mind open, and be observant. Do not make up a story. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Make sure you take good care of yourself this week, and persist in doing so. Get things started right: emphasize self-care as much as you are inclined to emphasize work. This simply must become a way of life for you, and this does present certain challenges that you’ll need to meet head-on. Food, rest, getting outside and, most of all, making sure you have and indulge whatever special thing makes you feel the most human. Also, with Saturn and Pluto in your solar 12th house, you will need to be aware of your anxiety level. This is off the charts in society as a whole, as we live our lives as if perched on the roof of a fireworks shed and have noticed a little smoke coming out of the corner. Much of your anxiety will relate to what you feel you do not know. Therefore, one result will be awareness, beginning with self-awareness. Meanwhile, keep learning and observing and connect the dots in pencil, not in Sharpie. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take a scientific approach to all things. I say that knowing that a man regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century, our fellow fish Albert Einstein, got his best idea intuitively, while walking on a flight of stairs. But then he had to follow up with the mathematics, and the experiments, and peer review by other scientists. By scientific approach, I mean knowing what can and cannot be proven; what can and cannot be established in facts; knowing what you know and do not know; and being willing to be proven wrong, in the interest of establishing the greater truth. Science always involves a delicate balance between intuition and firm knowledge. The two must support one another. What cannot be proven must be honestly recognized as such, though held open for potential validation. The truth itself does not change, though the road to it can indeed be winding, and long. Get your full Pisces reading here.