Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 3, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It is said that faith can move mountains. I would translate that to: If you have faith in yourself, you can do nearly anything you set out to do, including what you thought was impossible. It would seem that at this stage of your growth, your ability to trust yourself and your abilities is being tested. However, unlike in some recent episodes of your life, this pressure is coming from within you, rather from around you. Your tendency to doubt yourself is again bubbling to the surface. If you tune in closely, you will notice that this is a form of fear, sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious. This, in turn, is messing with your motivation. The ability to dare is rarely considered an act of the imagination, though you might try considering that. Can you imagine the possibility of something manifesting, and allow that to be a source of strength? Can you have the flexibility adapt to the changing conditions within your mind and your emotions? A little is a good start. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Recent activity in your opposite sign Scorpio looks like it’s helping you clarify some situations involving close partners. If you’ve been able to maintain clear communication through this year of impressively complicated astrology, you’re doing well. Any improvements are not merely about attaining perfection; you’re in an excellent spot right now to make sure that there’s mutual understanding of everyone’s needs. You’ve been growing restless for expanded horizons for some time now, and you’re finally beginning to respond to that reality. If you keep the lines of communication open, and state clearly what you want and what you’re willing to offer, you will find that the world makes room for you as you stretch and grow into new versions of yourself. This will take some trust and vulnerability on your part, since you will need to accept that we care enough about you to aid and abet your process of becoming and emerging into new forms of you. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Current astrology is pushing and pulling you in many directions. You would be wise not to respond to exterior forces, for now. There is too much psychic and emotional interference for you to have any real clarity about what to act on and when. However, this would be an excellent time to pay attention to new information that comes your way, particularly if it challenges your prejudices and beliefs. The challenge with your current cosmic setup is that you will be inclined to believe what is not true, and to reject what has merit. There are motives lurking behind these choices, and you want to know what they are. That’s going to take some time, though clues are forthcoming. Mercury, the Gemini planet, is about to return to direct motion. If you pause the action in your life, and stop rushing so much, and listen inside yourself, you will get a burst of information as Mercury changes directions. Then, you will need to pause long enough to consider what it’s telling you. For now, you might practice the Course in Miracles meditation: I need do nothing. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re finally at a turning point you can understand, and can act on. This is a long-range process, not something connected to this week or this month. However, you’re getting the message right now that it’s time to orient yourself not just on new goals but on a whole new position in life. The feeling is more like finding or discovering yourself than it is like making radical changes. Saturn’s presence in Capricorn, your opposite sign (relationships, environment) is helping you set limits and also work within certain limitations. However, you might say that the theme of your solar chart, in total, is that necessity is the mother of invention. And now, you get to reinvent the direction of your life. You have an idea brewing; you are not just at a turning point, you may be at the place where the road branches. And while life is usually guided through decisions, at this time you may feel like your decision will come in the form of action. Notice what you do — not just what you want to do. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be inclined to push a limit or test a boundary, though before you do that, you might want to check on the impact or influence you already have. The chances are, it’s much more than you may think. In fact, you’re reaching people well beyond the horizons of your awareness (this, I can see from the New Moon conjunct the Great Attractor; see article above). When that kind of effect is happening, the place to focus your efforts is close to your core. Go for clear communication with yourself, an efficient burn of your energy. Stick with a few tangible goals rather than many scattered ones — perhaps even one specific priority. Focus on developing what you already have going on, rather than expanding into something new. You’re on a frontier, though it’s an inner edge that will help you develop yourself, not a thing or an idea; hence, sticking to what already has momentum and is a focus of your commitment. What you are doing is not about “it.” What you’re doing is about you. Remember. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your mind tends to have two settings — very narrow, and very wide. You tend to go into narrow setting when you’re focused on self-interest, usually in a form that doesn’t actually help you. You tend to go into wide mode when you’re focused on others, in a humanitarian spirit. This is about how you orient your perception of reality; your perspective is what changes, not the world. It turns out that wide-angle mode — big issues, concern about others and humanitarian spirit — is where you can help yourself the most effectively as well. So you might say that the distinction is not really narrow or wide, but rather helpful or not helpful. You don’t need to do much to take care of yourself, if you stick to the basics, like food, water, rest and setting your priorities. You will succeed if you specifically avoid working at cross-purposes to yourself. If you hear a voice in your mind telling you that you’re not safe, the chances are it’s a mirage. If your physical body bristles at another person’s presence, or at the thought of going somewhere, that’s probably something you want to investigate and respond to. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If you’ve made any questionable financial decisions the past few weeks, you still have time to reverse them, or mitigate the damage. This might include having sold yourself short in some kind of arrangement where you’re providing a service and are expecting fair pay. However, if employers or business partners are involved, you will need to have the discussion gently, and emphasize the positive contributions that you’re making, in the long run. If some potential error involved a purchase or a contract, you may still be within the time range when you can revise, or cancel the arrangement, or return the product. However, first, find out the latest possible time you can do that. Any recent decisions requiring re-evaluation need a fresh look sometime after the weekend, after Mercury has gone direct. Your mind is given to doubts at the moment, most of which are grounded emotionally rather than in objective reality. So don’t be so sure you’ve made a mistake — where both people and things are concerned. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This week’s astrology may encourage you to push all limits, though you will want to choose certain specific ones, not all of them. The simplest way to say this is that you know right from wrong. As long as you stick to doing what is right, you can pretty much take things as far as you want to go. The planets are warning you not to get involved in anything self-destructive. Now, by one measure, that would include most of American culture, so you will need to narrow that down. Stay sober in the times and places you need to be sober. Open up to intimacy with people you’re pretty sure care about you. If you’re going to make art using any toxic substances, be sure to vent the space. Be careful when handling fire, be it emotional or elemental. I guess what I’m saying here is have fun and explore — and also, know your limits, respect your own integrity and respect the law. That leaves you lots of room to have a good time, and a rather unusual one, at that. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week’s visionary New Moon in your sign (exact Friday at 2:20 am EST / 7:20:15 UTC) can help you bring out the very best in who you are. And it can bring out the worst, too, if you allow your insecurities to get control of you. One of the essential necessities during the coming seasons will be to maintain your sense of proportion. Keep your efforts, and your energy, close to you. Pay attention to what is going on in your home. Notice whether you’re responding or reacting in any situation, again, primarily at home though anywhere that an issue of personal confidence is concerned. Under the current astrology, it’s necessary that you maintain vigilance where any self-destructive tendencies are concerned. These would include any form of self-deception that you might practice, though this means you becoming the mediator of whether you’re being honest with yourself. Err on the side of caution; demand proof from yourself where your perceptions are concerned, if you are making judgments. And then practice forgiveness, as daily yoga. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may experience thoughts and feelings that seem bigger than you, right on up to what you consider overwhelming. You might tap into what feels like “the infinite,” or feel some presence of divine awareness working through you. Don’t take these things so seriously. Other aspect patterns describe a serious need to contain yourself, and to focus on the practical; yet others warn that you might be taking an unrealistic position and thinking of it as verified truth. This is not a good time to push limits when it comes to determining for yourself what is real. It is, though, an excellent time to experiment with your creative process, in whatever form that takes. The beautiful thing about art is that it’s neither true nor false. There is nothing to prove, and nothing that can be proven. When you feel like you’re alive and expressing yourself in your own original way, that is art. When you decide that you are right, and that what you think is true in any absolute way, that is dogma. Understanding this distinction will be most useful to you. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It would be a good idea to practice the notion that the best things in life are free. That will prevent you from wasting money, and at the same time, guide you to emphasize what is naturally available in your environment. The caution around finances should be coming through every daily horoscope in the world this week, with the combination of Mercury changing directions, and Mars meeting up with Neptune in your house of finances and resources. That’s reason to slow down the movie where financial commitments and cash outlay are concerned, with an additional layer of caution that such might be related to spending money to feel better about yourself, or to compensate for something you feel you’ve lost. Yet what you may not see is that what you perceive as a loss is really an opening that you would not have had otherwise. An opening is also a vulnerability, and you will need to treat this with care, and go out of your way this week to treat others with respect. Take on the burden of clear communication; take it slowly and carefully. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week’s extraordinary astrology influences Pisces Sun, Moon and rising perhaps more than any other sign, as a major feature takes place at the center of your zone of the zodiac. This aspect is Mars conjunct Neptune, which will seem to give you enhanced powers of perception, clairvoyance and intuition. Yet what you perceive through these channels is not enough information to work with, and it might even be wrong. And what you think you know is certainly not enough to act on without further validation, with additional need for caution coming from Mercury stationing direct later this week, just as Mars-Neptune is at peak intensity. Meanwhile, other activity in your house of accomplishment, responsibility and direction will have you reaching for some unusual success, or feeling like you can and must promote yourself in some way. You will be convincing, though the burden is on you to be honest. No actual success comes from anything other than integrity — not the way I define success, anyway. So you will need to monitor yourself and your environment carefully, and be sure to have a few people read anything you plan to publish. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 26, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s time to see the connections that exist between problems and their causes, and between people who facilitate them. Your participation in creating solutions begins with seeing your personal involvement in any situation that you might want to improve or resolve. Set aside any excuse about “victim blaming,” and get busy understanding your circumstances, using an honest assessment of the facts. This will begin with analysis though it will ultimately come down to understanding your state of mind and how it influences your personal affairs and your relationships. Note the distinction between blame and responsibility — one that is lost almost entirely at the moment, in nearly all public and many private discussions. Even if someone else is “to blame,” you may have 100% of the responsibility for solving the problem. The person who is blamed rarely does the work of rectification, and trying to make them do so can feel like hitting your head against a hard object. You are where the buck stops. Admit that, and focus on tangible solutions. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel like you’re in an odd situation, confronted by forces outside of your control, or larger than you can deal with. Yet you have an understanding of what you may be facing, because you have enough in common with the people involved to see through them. You already know who they are and how they think. In fact, you know more about them than they know about you (which is part of the original issue). Nobody is going to hand you a key that magically frees you from the constraints of your past. Rather, this is about you self-actualizing, which is another way of saying becoming self-aware enough to know that your life is your business and that of nobody else. Too often this is seen as some kind of privilege or luxury (“if only I could be free to live my own way!”). Yet it’s really the bottom line, physically and metaphysically. It’s not an option, no matter who may pretend that it is. No matter what the weather or the psychic conditions, you still make the decisions. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you’re angry with anyone or anything, the chances are it’s not about what you think. All indications point to something from the distant past bubbling up to the surface, disguised as something immediate. Therefore, pause before you express concerns with present partners or friends. Do so long enough to detach yourself from your immediate circumstances and start to investigate lines back into the past, primarily through your own feelings and memories. If you experience anger coming from your environment, do your best not to take it personally, but rather size up potential sources. This may prove to be difficult, especially if someone tries to make it personal in your direction, or involve you in something that’s not really yours. So no matter how you look at it, you will need to take some arm’s-length distance on your immediate situation, and contemplate matters long enough to get a sense of what is going on. That may take a few days. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — All spiritual matters come back to love and respect. There is no such thing as theology, despite the vast sections of libraries that house many books on the subject; that’s all speculation. Where love is concerned, there are just two kinds: grandmother love (unconditional at all costs) and telling the truth. Be aware of anyone who offers you any proposition where one person lies and the other swears to it, or where you look the other way when you see something that troubles you. It may not be advisable to take up the role of moral authority. Rather, know your own limits, know your own values, and abide within them. This especially applies to your own decisions and conduct. However, within your personal sphere, you have the ability to transcend your frustrations and actually work through the problems you see. Don’t get hung up on the past. Understand what you need to happen, and why — and then take action. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Creative approaches are almost always the result of addressing something that has already gone wrong. There’s another (less functional) approach, which is to collect problems like precious things, and sit on them like eggs, hoping they will hatch solutions (that’s more likely to be about holding onto the past). However, for best results in life, it helps to see issues before they arise, and address them preventatively. Therefore, if something seems to go wrong or get snagged, don’t just solve that particular problem. First, make sure it really is a problem. Then look at the potential implications and address everything in the environment that could cause a similar issue. Think of this as the “while you’re here” approach. If you fix a leak under the sink, clean out the cabinet at the same time, and then check all the other sinks in your home or apartment. If something is wired poorly (such as your desk), tidy up everything in the vicinity as you address the primary issue. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your situation is not as complicated as you might think, though you may have the notion that there is nothing but complexity. How you see things will shape how you respond to them. The actual underlying reality is somewhat less important in this case. It matters, but less than your prejudices and your judgments. Make an inventory of those, so you can see what’s blocking your view of what you really need to address. Look at your ideas about the “right way” the world should be, since those, too, obscure your view of the real issue. This will take some detachment, particularly emotional, and also some optimism. This may seem to be a stretch, since you have a tendency to get so absorbed, and to take a worst-case scenario approach to challenging situations. You will feel better when you make peace with what you cannot change. That, in turn, will help you to see what adjustments you can make. And for now, most of them involve your attitude or state of mind. The important decisions will follow soon after. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Allow any confrontations over the next few days to awaken you to your complacency. Said simpler, don’t take anything for granted — and notice when you’re doing so. You just don’t have that luxury now; the world is too uncertain, too much is changing, and you personally have a need to be alert and aware. Ideally, you would be a few steps ahead of yourself and of the people around you, anticipating what you need to do in the medium and long run, and setting things up for those moves to go as smoothly as possible. Yet there’s no way to do this without some form of envisioning the future, and not just that, but the future that you want. Even if you define the future as something different from the past, you must do your part to remove obstacles, particularly any mental blocks you may possess (and one of those distinctly involves looking ahead). It’s true that you’ve been disrupted so many times the past 10 years that you may believe nothing constructive is really possible to sustain. But now that is up to you. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There’s a reason people are so risk-averse these days, though only in their personal lives. At the moment it’s rather vogue to take risks for others, which means indulging in collective dangers (climate change, surrendering political power, and others). When you consciously take a personal risk, you also embrace the possibility of personal failure, though this is really a scrim. Looking behind that veil is something about the creative process, and any encounter involving honest sexuality — and that is a confrontation with your limits. That’s not exactly failure; rather, it’s an encounter with whatever stands (or lurks) between you and what you want to accomplish. That ‘whatever’ could include any form of insecurity or self-doubt; secrets that you fear might be revealed; or the idea that what some call creative really means exposing your deepest personal truth. You’re very likely to be presented with an opportunity to express yourself in some unusually deep way this week, and if you’re hesitating, now you have some notion as to why. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Monday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction is the only one in Sagittarius for this 12-year Jupiter cycle, so it’s an exciting day for you. It points to the substantial potential that is your personal resource for the future. Yet to tap that potential, you will need to look beyond any complications in your life stemming from the past. This calls for making a commitment to yourself not to perpetuate or entrench those situations, which is an act of daily devotion. That alone would be enough, if you could really do it. You have tremendous potential, and if you’re committed to being your own best friend, you will do everything in your power to remove the stumbling blocks from your path. It matters less who put them there, or what their intentions were. We’re talking about your life journey — your very existence. A development, discussion or situation may emerge this week that offers you a direct look at what stands in your way. Be bold about taking on the challenge, not of going around it, but of removing the obstacle entirely. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have protection around you, and substantial opportunities available, if you can keep your anxiety under control. This is a significant challenge for many people in our times. I wish there was more discussion about it, so I’m doing what I can here. Many people are living their lives along a kind of survival brink (little to no savings, for example). Others have kept secrets they’re afraid might come out, and which could have real consequences. And others yet experience bursts of fear that seem to have no connection to anything tangible, except the fact that the world itself is coasting along a brink that few people are acknowledging. When we ask the question, “what gives?” the answer is often: fear. There’s plenty to go around, and we’re vulnerable to it. At the moment, your astrology is pointing you inward, toward the source of all of your thoughts, emotions and ideas. You might feel like that’s the last place you want to direct your attention, though you will feel better if you fly into the storm. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If there’s something in your past that you don’t feel good about, now would be a good time to address it. By ‘now’, I mean today, this week and this month. Don’t let the opportunity for healing slip away. True, there will be others, though you’re in a particularly deep moment, where you can take personal responsibility for something, and also see the ways that your family environment contributed to the issue. Yet no matter what may have happened in the past, your own actions and choices are what will determine how you feel about yourself. It’s exhausting to skip over important details of your own life, to live with concealed truths, or to be running an agenda that you are embarrassed to talk about. Start with a commitment to be honest with yourself about how you feel and what you want. Then, no matter how challenging it may be, you will need to open your heart and open your mouth and speak honestly to others about your one reality. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have some bold plans and, if such is possible, many assurances of success. But this week, keep your plans to yourself, and sidestep any controversies that may emerge. If you’re in a leadership role, take it lightly, and make direct orders seem like you’re asking for a personal favor. If you’re dealing with those in a position of authority, be sure to gently press them for clarity about what they want and when they want it, and make sure those demands are realistic before you agree to them. Should any matters involving ethics come up, you’re the guardrail in the equation; you are the one responsible for being your own conscience, and that of the people around you. Too often people go into child mode and do whatever they feel like, regardless of the consequences. That cannot be you; you must be the one pondering the effects of your actions, and any that you take part in. This will leave you plenty of room to have fun and be creative. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 19, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your ruling planet Mars has finally found its way out of Aquarius and into Pisces. This will probably come as a relief, though you’re now also moving into deeper emotional territory — be prepared for that. Aquarius is an air sign; Pisces is a water sign. What may have seemed like an abstraction is now subject to being experienced as emotional and physical. That means going directly into the water rather than sailing on top of it. You may find yourself addressing subject matter that was much easier to avoid before, and I suggest you devote yourself to that directly. The thing to remember is that this really does not involve someone else, including if someone did something to you at some point in the past. The work is yours now; accountability does not exist outside yourself. This does not mean you are to blame; rather, it means that you are the one tasked with addressing your own healing process. That job belongs to you and nobody else. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may experience some kind of financial windfall or benefit that comes through your association with someone else. Check carefully and make sure that there are no strings attached, or problems that have not been noted. For example, check into the intentions of people who are involved with someone close to you but who are one or two degrees of separation from you. Be alert to possible technological issues associated with banking and finance, and address them promptly and thoroughly if you find any — documenting as you go. That means taking names and extensions during phone calls, getting email verification, printing those emails, and taking notes. You will need to verify facts and figures, and then check again in two weeks, and then two weeks after that. Mercury is retrograde, so that is your timing. Any matters you’re trying to work out now will need some consistent attention through Dec. 24, when Mercury is square Neptune. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury has changed to retrograde motion, in a slippery aspect to Neptune. This is your reminder to take nothing for granted. Small matters might be much more important than they seem; what appear to be large matters might turn out to be trivial. So you will need to use your discernment and your perceptive abilities. Above all else, do not revert to superficial or lazy thinking habits of the past, but rather keep your focus, and penetrate beneath the appearances of things and get to the deeper truth. This is unlikely to happen overnight, though what you learned at the end of last week will provide valuable information, even though it may not seem like that at first. This can be a beneficial Mercury retrograde experience if you pay attention to your surroundings and the people you find there, in particular looking for opportunities to collaborate. That means mutually beneficial relationships, where you provide an essential ingredient. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you have something work-related to get done by the end of the year, give it all the focus you can. While it may be impossible to set everything else aside, you can prioritize, and keep coming back to your number one mission as your primary focus every day. At least try to make some measurable progress on a daily basis. Progress might count as relatively little on any given day, perhaps a single idea that you take note of and begin to develop. The primary thing to track will be daily movement of some kind, and your efficiency. That includes making sure your time is structured, and that your structure is flexible. Be sensitive to when you’re going adrift, and to factors that tend to blow you off course — such as which people, which trivial tasks, and which personal tendencies you may have. For example, if going out to lunch breaks up your day, costing you productivity, then stay in. If you wake up earlier when you don’t drink the night before, and you need to be up early, then don’t drink. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There used to be an old expression that applied to people who are intimately involved — working it out in bed. The idea is that conflict could be resolved through wholesome sexual contact, which can have a way of subverting conflict and disagreement. It helps if there is mutual love, since that’s the source of the resolution, and the working out part comes down to the use of Mars: whether for desire, or aggression. What you want to be doing is converting any form of tension into something creative and mutually fulfilling. The tension is raw energy, which can transform into just about anything. Your role as a sentient being is to guide your energy into loving, constructive, helpful forms. So this could mean working it out in bed, or on the dance floor, or in your art studio, the martial arts studio, or on your drums. There’s an energy surge coming with Friday’s New Moon, and you can ride that wave to a positive place. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — All at once, the emphasis of the sky has shifted to the mutable cross, home of the sign Virgo. Mars has entered Pisces, Jupiter has entered Sagittarius, and Mercury has turned retrograde in Sagittarius. Then on Friday, there will be a Full Moon in Gemini. That’s a whole bunch of mojo coming at you from all directions, which could be arriving with confusion, frustration, or a sense of being adrift. Think of all the factors I just mentioned as externals. On the internal level, there are two specific things you must be cautious of. One is the tendency to make the same mistakes over and over. If you notice yourself doing that, pause and figure out what is going on. Disarm any sources of self-sabotage, by recognizing that you want to be a productive force in your own life. Notice who you may be angry at, and voice your concerns in a way that is not alienating. Last, I would remind you of the service orientation of your sign, which is often one of the saving graces of the whole zodiac. You want to do the right thing; make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus has turned to direct motion in your birth sign, and this will release a burst of energy into your awareness and your relationships. You’ve been holding back, or retreating inward, for many weeks now, and the tide has suddenly turned. This release of energy will come with some surprises, so be open to what comes, and see the benefits of the changes that come your way. You appreciate and even depend on stability, and it’s been challenging to have so much lack of predictability in your personal affairs for so long. By now you’ve learned to take advantage of the kinds of jolts that used to irritate you. That all said, Venus direct, opposite Uranus in Aries, is an invitation to take some elements of your life in entirely new directions. This could range from a collaboration to a personal relationship; someone might give you an idea, or you may be headed to Cleveland and end up in Boston, where you would be wise to take advantage of exactly what your environment is offering you. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The Sun and Jupiter have entered your house of personal finances, which may have you feeling like you’re in the chips. However, even if you’re feeling as if you’re abundant on cash, I suggest you dial back your spending and pay close attention to the numbers. If you’re planning holiday shopping, save that for until well after Mercury goes direct on Dec. 6, or you could end up wasting a lot of money. When Mercury is retrograde in a financial sector of your chart, restrict purchasing to what is necessary, and what is helpful, stopping short of making investments or spending on luxuries. Note that Mars has entered Pisces, which is another one of those cautions against spending too much. With that particular transit, though, you are reminded that the best things in life really are free. In the end, nobody cares how much your dress costs. It’s you they’re interested in, and at the moment you are especially appealing. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must be feeling a lot better with Jupiter in your birth sign. Definitely take advantage of your raised spirits and improved energy, though maintain a practice of being realistic. Or perhaps initiate one. You could be overrun by optimism, which on some days is a virtue, but which ultimately does not pay well, in a world where so much can go wrong. Therefore, keep a positive attitude, but strive to pre-empt problems before they arise, rather than wishing them out of your awareness. Troubleshoot whenever something seems to go even a little sideways. You’re under the influence and protection of Jupiter. Yet there are other influences that demand your focus and attention, and caution against letting anything go too far out of control. This week in particular, pay close attention to the veracity of what you say, and what others say. Be meticulous about making any commitments that you cannot keep, or that can wait until a less hectic time. Stick to the basics. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may have a renewed feeling that anything is possible. It is, though in your world at the moment, this is more like building with brick and mortar rather than code and pixels. Even if you’re involved in some kind of digital construction project, think of it more in terms of the physical world: something with tangible use, durability and a long-term vision. At the moment, the thing to watch is how you develop and play out your business strategy, as well as your relationship to people in power. Beware of any tendency in the direction of daddy pleasing or kissing up to people. There are better, more solid ways to establish common ground. One of them is standing up for yourself and giving your true opinion, without dripping with emotion. You will have plenty of energy to take on the world if you set aside the fight with yourself. It’s easier than you might think; the most significant motive is wanting to get something essential started, or finished. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mars has finally made its way out of your sign, after spending longer there than it has any time in the past 47 years. For many born under your sign, or your Moon or rising sign, the Mars retrograde of 2018 was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, for which I am sure you’re grateful. Mars has moved onto Pisces, though I’m going to keep reminding you to account for the ways you’ve grown and changed, lost and gained. You now get to move on to new adventures. One takeaway from Mars retrograde is that you must always be grounded in your deepest values. This can, at times, be a source of seeming conflict for you, though in truth, that translates to the work you’re doing around your self-esteem. What is meaningful to you must be allowed to express its meaning through you. As you do that, you will clear out layers of negative conditioning and express your clear ideas and intentions. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — With the Sun and Jupiter crossing the midheaven angle of your solar chart, this is the time to aspire to great things. Yet it’s essential that you pace yourself, and apply the principle of reduction to any process of expansion. That is, before you aspire to do more, it will help if you aspire to do less. Jupiter’s presence can give you the feeling that anything is possible — and it is, under the right conditions. Your main necessity, therefore, is to work with your environment to make sure that conditions are supportive of what you want to accomplish. This preparation and alignment with your environment is more important than the work itself, because it’s what makes the work possible. If you want to sail a boat on the ocean, you must know your vessel, and you must understand the sea, the tides and the weather. One is not useful without the other. In these weeks of Mercury retrograde, emphasize understanding your surroundings, aspire to do less, and allow your true intentions to rise to the surface. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Jupiter in Sagittarius Horoscope for Nov. 15, 2018

Jupiter in Sagittarius Horoscope for Nov. 15, 2018 (#1227) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’ve gained enormously in wisdom over the past few months, making discoveries about how your individuality mixes with the world beyond in its various manifestations. Now you’re preparing to take that knowledge into the deeper recesses of your mind, which is prompting a longterm reconsideration of your entire philosophy, and of what holds meaning for you. Likewise, you’ll probably want to review your aspirations and spiritual beliefs during the next several seasons, gradually forging a path that primarily upholds what you know to be true, and enshrines your right to self-determination. If there was ever a time when you could compromise your integrity or core principles, that can be safely consigned to the past. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — An essential component of embracing change, especially within oneself, involves embracing mystery and complexity, and apparent paradox. This can include confronting your own shadow material, or deep-seated emotions; which means being open to new information about who you are and what you might need or want, and not suppressing or denying any of it. If you’ve been prone to mistaken conceptions regarding any of those points, you’ll have the chance to deconstruct them, and gently rebuild a self-understanding that integrates all of you. Be careful of apparently simple answers to anything you’re puzzling over. This is likely to be a signal that you have somewhat more to discover before reaching a conclusion. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Jupiter is now in your opposite sign, Sagittarius, where it will reside until December 2019. This is your sphere of interpersonal relationships, and it’s also where your ruler Mercury is about to station retrograde. If your previous partnerships have been subject to any kind of pattern — if you’re consistently meeting the same kind of person, for example, or similar habits tend to form when you’re with someone — now is your chance to analyze the causes and, if necessary, break the mold. Jupiter’s influence may pique your interest in a different type of partner, or encourage you to experiment with new venues or hobbies. What you learn in forthcoming weeks could be considerably useful in helping you loosen any self-imposed restrictions. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The concept of altruistic service sometimes gets mistaken for a martyr complex, or false humility, or mendacity. Yet in its highest form, shorn of pretensions or pointless self-flagellation, it gives a fundamental sense of purpose to daily life in a way nothing else can quite parallel. This need not be mutually exclusive from the pursuit of your calling; if anything, the two would encourage and support one another. What it might help you to consider is whether you’re choosing goals, and methods of reaching for them, that are really worthy of you; how far you truly identify with your aims; and whether you need to rearrange certain aspects of your world, so as to make it easier to devote time and resources to what’s most important to you. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Jupiter’s yearlong visit to your zone of creativity, self-expression and fun should herald a new sense of freedom and the ability for you to engage in play, including play with a purpose. You might want to develop some new skills, or immerse yourself in your art form of choice. Be aware that any activities that might be seen as unconventional can attract the ire of the staid and the boring, though don’t let that hinder you. If you face pressures of that kind from bosses or other parent-like figures, perhaps consider finding a more congenial environment in which to explore your interests, or meet the challenge head-on if you wish to. At any rate, your time is your own; no-one can prevent you from being yourself.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — During the months ahead, you could experience changes in your relationship to your past, roots or family. You’ve possibly already noticed this beginning, and may have some idea as to where you wish to focus any re-evaluation process. Mercury retrograde should help with this, bringing certain facts into the spotlight. Look closely at any event or action that seems to resonate with phenomena from your early life, or from interactions with parents; notice what you’re thinking and especially what you’re feeling. Also, your concept of home might be altering or expanding; perhaps you’ll be fired with an urge to see more of the world, or resettle elsewhere. After all, home is a relative term; it could refer to a specific address, or the planet. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Is your current environment exciting enough? Do you feel sufficiently stimulated in your work, or in your interests? If the answer to either of those questions is anything other than a resounding ‘yes’, this may be your year to do something about that. You’ve likely already caught a glimpse of a new perspective on your capabilities; if you’ve previously underestimated them, chances are you’re much less inclined to do that, and quite right, too. Once this series of inner planet retrogrades is finally over, why not take up a class, or a new hobby? You might also visit some places you’ve never been to, or spend time with different people, especially if you’ve gotten into a habit of doing the same things week after week. Live your life. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You could see a surge in productivity over the next several months, with Mars and Jupiter working together to unleash your creative powers. You may find you’re able to turn ideas into a concrete reality with surprising speed. What this will perhaps require from you more than anything else is self-belief. In part, this means being willing to devote yourself to your ambitions regardless of how others might react, and regardless of any desire you may have to gain approval. If nothing else, this exercise will help you to value yourself and the gifts you bring to the world; though the more actively you work on supporting your self-worth and independence, the more your inventive mind can manifest satisfying results. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Sagittarius Birthdays and Rising 2018-19
A Window to Your Soul for Your Jupiter Year

“This note is just to let you know how wonderful I find your work — intellectually and spiritually. Your Fall Empathy reading for Sagittarius was a like a x-ray to my soul.”

— Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning author of Occult America

Dear Friend and Reader:

Jupiter has recently entered your sign for the next year. As wild and stressful as the world as been lately, Jupiter’s arrival means you’re entering a year of new experience, greater understanding of who you are, and inspiring growth.

Planet Waves
Eric, at his writing desk.

Chiron, the planet of healing, is associated with Sagittarius, and will be active in your chart this year — making its entry into your fellow fire sign Aries. This transit is about finding your identity through creative experiences, and actively developing your ideas. It’s time for the true artist in you to emerge, and Eric’s reading will support you in this.

What’s more: as you take advantage of the benefits that may come your way, you have an opportunity to share your abundance to mutually benefit those you’re engaging with. Jupiter is a key energy to work with actively to move your projects and plans forward.

Maximize your year of Jupiter: pre-order your 2018 Sagittarius Astrology Studio (formerly the Birthday Reading) for the lowest price we offer: just $33 for two audio segments (at least 30 min each) and a tarot reading covering your next 12 months. The price of the reading increases as publication nears.

“Like others have said, it feels personal to my life, even though you’ve interpreted the astrology off of a group chart. It’s awesome!”

— Chris D.

Note that Eric’s audio readings offer significant insight for your Sun sign, rising sign and Moon sign — and they make a unique gift for your Sagittarius loved ones. He keeps astro-jargon to a minimum, instead telling the story of your year in a way that is motivational, accessible, empowering and surprisingly personal.

Wishing you a year of abundance and discovery,


Amanda Painter

P.S. If you have any questions or would like to order by phone, please give us a call at (845) 481-5616.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter has returned to your sign for the first time in about 11 years, which probably feels a good deal like coming home to yourself. What has happened for you in that span of time? What have you learned, and where do you want to go next? You may already have an idea as to these points; however, make sure you have a grasp on the breadth of the possibilities; there could be many more options available to you than you currently perceive. The one place you can’t go is backwards; you’ve experienced too much to allow the wisdom you’ve gained to be wasted. Also, there are others who need sorely to benefit from your fresh insights and understanding. Don’t be afraid to set an example. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What do you dream of? Who do you see yourself becoming in the next few years? You’ll probably find yourself grappling with these issues in the approaching seasons. You might also notice that your intuition is somewhat enhanced, and that it’s easier than usual to access the deeper realms of your mind, and your spiritual nature, as if someone is shining a light into places that were previously hidden. Take a deep breath, and go exploring. As an earth sign, it’s likely that you’ll always have one foot on the ground; just be careful, like Ariadne did for Theseus, to make a trail you can follow back to the surface, especially if you’re not used to contacting these parts of yourself. Maintain your boundaries. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Thanks to the internet, the meaning of the word ‘community’ has in recent years been altered, no longer referring to a group of people necessarily within the same locale. In the months to come, you might also be revising your definition of a community, including what constitutes an ideal one for you. This would partly involve meeting and spending time with people who enhance your life, and vice versa. However, you could also think about the ways you can help improve your community, perhaps by providing a service or a gathering space for congenial minds. It’s likely there’s at least one area in which you have clout, expertise or a passion that you can bring to the table. Lead the way, and you’ll soon see who follows. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There would seem to be two particular things to note about Jupiter returning to Sagittarius, which is the region of your chart associated with career and ambitions. Firstly, this represents an opportunity to expand the reach and output of your working life, possibly through promotion, spreading influence or a change of focus. Consider what you’d ideally like to see take place, regardless of how likely that scenario appears, before taking steps to begin making it a reality. Secondly, you may find that your aspirations, and their fulfillment, become more closely connected to the expression of your identity on a profound level. This might feel something like discovering how all the various aspects of your life are neatly linked in a coherent pattern. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 12, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need to maintain your focus, which you will do by limiting the number of people you communicate with. That’s been a little out of hand lately, and you may be feeling scattered as a result. This feeling is the main thing to monitor, and keep bringing yourself back on track when you have important or timely things to accomplish. Your situation seems more complex than it is, and you will feel clearer in your direction as you prioritize and work your tasks in order of significance. What’s happening at the moment (among many other things) is that your ruling planet Mars is working through the last few degrees of Aquarius, where it’s been hanging out for most of the year. This represents a shift in your life pattern, and there are many loose ends to tie up. Yet it may feel like you’ll never get it all done, which could in turn lead you to not want to do anything. Don’t fall for that illusion, use your tools well, and take a break from social media. Right now, it’s a drain. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be feeling on edge as Venus, the Taurus planet, slows down and gets ready to change to direct motion in a sensitive area of your solar chart. You might be feeling some pressure on a relationship, though none of what you’re feeling is about anyone else. Rather, you’re in a phase of reorientation, which means finding your direction. If you’re willing to live with some confusion for the next week or so, which means not fighting yourself, you will get enough information to be confident in your choices. These are more personal than they may seem, and you’ll need to take a step away from the idea that how someone else feels is more important than how you feel. There’s also something about the “type” of relationship you might be in, though trying to size things up by category listing is not going to work for you either. Every experience you have with every person is distinct, and you respond to every person differently. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is close to its retrograde position, and that begins in about four days (Nov. 16). This is calling for you to be keep a sense of proportion and scale. You may have a tendency to see things that are barely relevant as being tremendously meaningful, and to miss things that actually matter. Generally, you can pay less attention to what seems controversial or has a feeling of polarization to it. Pay attention to things that come in from the side, or that seem to whisper. All in all, you will need to be a little less trusting, even a little less gullible, and give the truth time to emerge, before you decide what has validity. It’s unlikely to be whatever yells the loudest, or sows the most dissent. It’s not going to be the person trying to sell you something or convince you of anything. So you will need to tune out distracting influences and listen to your inner voice. There’s no rush to make any decision, and there are many good reasons to take it as slowly as you can for a couple of weeks. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Try not to get wrapped up in the problems of other people, and keep a focus on yourself. This isn’t easy for you, as it’s your natural tendency to be mother hen, event coordinator and grief counselor. Yet you have plenty of your own business to attend to, both personal and professional. You also know that future plans are calling you, and you have some loose ends to tie up before you can get to it. Therefore, focus on that, and persistently avoid the pains and frustrations of others, to the degree that you can. There is a limit to what you need to give. It’s one thing to offer an open ear and make a suggestion; it’s another thing to get emotionally involved. Yet this distinction has often proven challenging for you. This is a boundary issue, and an important one. Keep an eye on the line where you end and where everyone else begins. It’s not as thin as it seems, and it most definitely exists. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Pace yourself at work this week, and focus on people, rather than on projects. Make sure you get enough rest, particularly early in the week, because you will need your wits about you. The long process of Mars retrograde is finally drawing to an end, as Mars in Aquarius makes its way out of your house of relationships and into the much deeper territory of Mars in Pisces. As this transition happens, you will be vulnerable to the comments and the actions of others. Conflicts that you thought were in the past may arise, and if so, you’ll need to remember what you’ve already resolved and not let anyone lure you into forgetting. This will in part be a test of confidence, and also an opportunity to keep a handle on the fact that you are, in reality, a balanced and sane person. However, you’re apt to forget, in part because of your tendency to be so hard on yourself. That is destabilizing, and it has a negative influence on your relationships.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you find yourself making the same error repeatedly, you need to widen your perspective. It’s as if you’re looking at the world through the wrong end of binoculars, and everything seems smaller and more distant than it really is. The alternative is to take a wide view, and to notice the ways that all things are related or at least set in the context of one another — especially yourself. You are not separate from the world around you, even in those times when you may feel alienated from others. That’s only a feeling. Though you may have reason to doubt yourself, if you’re honest you will see that you have even more valid reasons to have confidence in your abilities and your place in the world. Don’t fall for the delusion that life is easier for other people — everyone has their specific form of struggle, and you don’t want anyone else’s. You’re much better off with your own particular challenges. You can handle them just fine. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — We’re now in the last few days of Venus retrograde, which is especially palpable for you because Venus is your planet, and this is happening in your sign. The Venus retrograde process seems to have gone on longer than it really has, which is because you’ve been grappling with questions that are concentrated and potentially unpleasant: in particular, matters of self-worth. Please note, however, that this question is a luxury. If you have time to think about it, you have the freedom to do so, and that implies the possibility for growth and movement: again, luxuries. When the question is one of necessity, you make immediate decisions; you decide that there’s a better life for you, and you do everything in your power to make it happen. I suggest you either be content with your lot in life, or engage the process of making changes. Those are your only actual, practical choices; if you try to linger between them, you will only experience the futility of inaction. Perhaps you have something to lose if you try and fail, though that’s true in any event. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your region of consciousness — Scorpio, and its ruling planet Mars — have been the focus of some intense drama this year, and now that is all starting to fade away. Jupiter has left your sign, which will help you put your life, your issues, and your needs into proportion. Venus is about to station direct, and will for a few weeks work its way back across your sign, which represents a re-evaluation of all the re-evaluating you’ve been doing lately. Remember that the message of this unusual retrograde was you having the opportunity to see and feel the world from the viewpoint of the people closest to you. Have you done that? Do you have more empathy for the people you care about, live with, love, or admire? Your own dramas tend to subsume your mind, though you’re past the point where that is practical, helpful or in any way productive. Place yourself on equal footing with those around you. Offer what you have, and receive what is given. There’s plenty to go around. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter has entered your birth sign for the first time since last showing up on Nov. 23, 2006. With the world moving in dog years, that was a long time ago, yet it may seem like those events and developments were much more recent than they really were. What was happening for you at the time? What challenges were you facing? How did you envision your life? Then, consider how that worked out over the next 12 years, right up until today. For context, consider the midpoint between now and then, which was June 11, 2012. This will help you frame the ways in which you use time, and give you a sense of its actual duration. That is a form of value. Time is the most valuable resource on Earth, because it’s the most limited, and the one thing without which nothing else is possible. With Saturn in your neighboring sign Capricorn, that is especially true: don’t squander your hours, your days, your weeks or your years. Use every moment well. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Take what happens in stride this week, and don’t feel like you have to rush to anyone’s aid or rescue. That could be you distracting yourself from your own pressing business at hand. Be cautious of the idea of sacrifice, whether as something you offer, or something you feel like you can demand from someone else. Everyone has their hands full at the moment, and the best way you can be helpful is to take care of yourself, and pay attention to the people in your immediate surroundings. If any assistance is needed, you will be able to offer yourself in ways that don’t place a stress on you, but which are in fact helpful. If you’re called to offer something significant, the clue that it’s the right thing to do will be that you don’t feel a sense of sacrifice. You will just know that you need to do what you can, or give what you can. That’s the mark of true responsibility: the knowledge that something is right. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Amidst much other planetary activity, Mars is making its way through the last couple degrees of Aquarius, the scene of the infamous retrograde through this summer. This is the thing to focus on: what happened this summer, what you learned, and what may remain unresolved. You may not be able to resolve it this week, though you can take a step toward doing so. Between Venus stationing direct and Mercury stationing retrograde within hours of one another, information will shake out of the ethers. In particular, you may get some insight into your own motives, or those of others whom you have encountered during this rare, curious and potentially tumultuous transit. Don’t just do that American thing and trample forward without looking back. Take some time and reflect, and make sure you are in possession of both the wisdom and the lingering questions of the past. Ignorance is no excuse, and is not any evidence of being alive. Wherever you may go, bring your curiosity and your power of observation with you. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mars enters your birth sign this week, after dancing around for nearly six months in your solar 12th house, Aquarius. This has probably dredged up all kinds of material for you, though most of it was unlikely to be your personal possession. The 12th is the house of ancestral baggage, and you’ve been clearing out a good bit of that lately. Mars enters your sign just after Jupiter has crossed the midheaven angle of your solar chart. Mars will grant energy while Jupiter will expand your sense of what is possible; the two work well together. Yet it’s essential that you pace yourself, even as you strive to achieve great things. You want steady, thoughtful movement, not instant results. Make sure that you consciously prioritize, which needs to be a daily activity, reviewed through the day. In particular, take it easy on the ambition/aspiration front during Mercury retrograde, which spans from Nov. 16 through Dec. 6. Double and triple check facts, figures and contracts, and take nothing at face value. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2018

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2018 (#1226) | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It may seem to you like everything is up for negotiation, but nobody knows what they want, and certain individuals keep changing their mind. The scenario looks a little like this: first, someone seems to want what you want, then they want something else. Then they have to think about that more carefully, owing to something their mother said. You may be left feeling like someone you care about makes no sense at all, which does not make it easy to relate. Fairly recently, though, you were in a similar dynamic, where you had little clue what you wanted, or needed, except that it was clear you needed your space to think independently and not be beholden to commitments, at least for as long as you needed to sort yourself out. Others may be less bold than you are about this need, which all people have. Someone more timid might try to persist with a policy of people-pleasing, while at the same time trying to do what is right for them — and never shall the two be reconciled. I suggest you make room in your life for people to make their own decisions, just as you need to do. Open up space for this, and do your best not to take things personally. Easier said than done, and worth working toward. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Some of the pressure you were feeling much of the year has let up, as Uranus has backed out of your sign and into Aries. This will give you an opportunity to reassess something that few people ever get around to: who you are. The forthcoming seven-year journey of Uranus through your sign, which you’ve had a taste of, will confront you with this question many times. It will help if you have some sense of your true direction, so that you can use this transit to bring out your deeper being rather than feel like you’re being changed, molded or shaped. Who you are is no surprise to you; difficulty arises when you go into denial of that fact, and try to simulate being someone else. Your true identity emerges from within you, not from an external frame of reference. And with Uranus in Aries between now and March 6, you have extra access to your inner world. You may notice that it’s a little chaotic in there, as if you don’t have solid ground to stand on. Yet you’ve gone through other changes before, even on this scale, and the truth is that there’s something entirely consistent about who you are — far more so than most people you know. You may be concerned this is the very thing that might change. Considering just that possibility will be informative. For example, change into what? Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Don’t take anything at face value this month. Anything includes anyone. This is not a matter of being suspicious, but rather one of letting the truth of statements be borne out before you commit yourself to action based on them. This will take time, patience and discernment. You’re perceptive, but often impatient, and are too quick to act in a lurch, because something sounds good, or feels good. Yet with Mercury stationing retrograde in a square aspect to Neptune on the 16th, you cannot take anything for granted. Your astrology is compounded by the delusional nature of our times: unverified information moving at the speed of light; Twitter feeds going by like the line at the world’s largest McDonald’s in Orlando, with about as much nourishment; and insecure people saying many things they don’t mean, and don’t know for sure. This is encouragement for you to slow down the metabolism of thought and of speech, and to question yourself persistently. Go deeper than you usually do, moving in layers, as is indicated by Mercury retrograde. Being ‘conclusive’ is a bad habit; it’s one of the true enemies of intelligence. You must keep an open mind at all times, which primarily means being open to the possibility of being wrong. Once this approach saves your ass a few times, you will find it a lot more appealing, and may even become an advocate. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Nov. 7 Scorpio New Moon looks like it might open some doors in your erotic life. Usually horoscope writers couch this in the term “romantic,” and I am specifically not talking about that: I’m talking about a form of sexual intimacy that’s much deeper than “romance” and which will require a corresponding risk, and at the same time, promise you something much deeper in the way of fulfillment. Yet in our era, this whole region of eroticism is the one that is most often shunned and eschewed. It’s treated like it does not exist, yet nearly everyone is drawn to some deeper realm of their desire, even if it slips in for a brief visit as you’re waking up, appears in your dreams, or shows up in intimate moments when you’re not expecting it. There is a taboo on knowing who you are. This is rarely called what it is, though it’s engaged by connecting with your deepest and potentially most secret desires. The alternatives are things like aggression, sleepwalking or frustration, and none of those are especially appealing. The astrology of the past six months may seem to have warned you off going too deep, or taking too many risks. Yet based on the most elemental makeup of your nature, you will want to get back in the water again. Be conscious about it, and please keep it real — not digital. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have to be confident in yourself before you can be confident in anyone else. Usually, the opposite presumption is considered true: the commitment to or from someone else is supposed to make us strong. Yet how is that possible? Your consciousness is the center of your experience. Even if you have perfect faith in someone else, that faith is coming from you. The place to orient, at the moment, is faith in yourself. Another word for that is fidelity, which is most often used in the context of marriage (and banking). So let’s start with the premise that all fidelity is to you: your mission in life, your existence, your happiness. This may be subject to an accusation of being egotistical, though the opposite is true, since the ego is an illusion and I am talking about something real: actual grounding in your true self, and what you’re doing on this planet, at this time. That may be the realest question you can ever ask, and it may make you quake in your boots, as the old saying goes, especially if you want to be wearing ballet slippers. Yet between the two may be some kind of crisis of faith, which I suggest you welcome. You will know that you’re in the right zone, mentally and emotionally, when you find yourself asking questions that you cannot easily answer. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It’s been an overwhelming year, perhaps even heavy, though help is on the way. Jupiter joins Mercury in your 4th house of grounding, home and family this week, to stay for a year. This will take some pressure off your mind, and help you prioritize what matters the most for you. That includes taking care of yourself, and it also covers resolving old material — drawing an “end to the matter” (borrowing from ancient astrology) in several important things related to your family, especially on your father’s side. The two are related: the living well bit, and the one about resolving the past. Resolved might not be the right word; displaced is a better concept, since what is old and dysfunctional must, in a sense, be outdone by something noticeably better and more worthwhile. This must start with where you call home. Jupiter through the 4th is what I think of as the “feather your nest” transit: making your home space acceptable to your physical body. Take the time to make small improvements, eat better-quality food, and do what you must do to feel confident. It matters less where you are, and more how you feel, no matter where you may be. The persistent challenge will be emotionally honesty. Listen to the stories you tell yourself, and check the facts. Make sure you’re correct, and that the elements of your version of events add up to something that makes sense. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The essential message of Venus retrograde in your sign is whether you’re going to run your life influenced by unconscious emotional forces, or by using conscious strategy and making decisions. First, though, you will need to differentiate between the two, and notice the results when you use one method or another. Here’s a way to focus the difference. One way seems like someone else is making decisions that you’re subject to, even though nobody else is around. Those will tend to be based on things like avoiding perceived threats and dangers, more than on creating something positive for yourself. And those fears will likely belong to someone else, which is a way of having you under their control. When you make your own decisions, you will feel the clarity of your own mind, you will notice yourself in a reasoning process, and you’ll sense the satisfaction of choosing for yourself. You need a plan — especially a financial plan. When you’re in control of your own money, you know that you’re sloughing off the influences of parents and other overlords. This really is the keystone to the bridge that will lead you into the next phase of your life. That, and speaking up when you need to, stating directly what you need, and never getting bogged down in guilt. That is an art you can master. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Bring All of You into Your Life, Scorpio

“All the readings for the signs I was born under, Aquarius, Scorpio and Aries, were right on. The Scorpio reading described my life right now and was much needed! Thank you!”

— Columba Genubath

With at least an hour of audio astrology available now for instant access (in two segments) and a tarot reading that will be sent to you a little later, your 2018 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading gives you the best of Eric’s 20 years of astrology experience, therapy training and investigative journalism to get yourself oriented and motivated for the months to come.

“Many thanks for this precious and profound reading. As a Scorpio Moon, Venus, Uranus and North Node soul, I definitely feel like this reading provides just the right impetus to finally have the courage to be myself.”

— Diana B.

You can listen to last year’s reading here, as a gift. Check Eric’s accuracy, and then order your new reading to get a better handle on your relationships, career, sexual energy, spiritual growth and healing, and more.

“My previous Birthday Readings have been very, very helpful. I refer to them throughout the year. The tarot readings have been particularly informative.”

— Carolyn Cornish

This reading also makes a thoughtful gift!


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may finally be feeling some relief from Venus retrograde now that Venus has backed into Libra, where it stations direct on Nov. 16. Before that happens, Jupiter leaves your sign and enters Sagittarius (Nov. 8). Usually, Venus and Jupiter in one’s sign are considered benefics, and no doubt you’ve gained in ways you have not noticed yet. However, while they’ve been present, you’ve also been under unusual pressure, both emotional and psychological. It may have felt like certain issues settling over you like a dome, or thought forms you could not evade or escape. Scorpio is an unusual sign in that, collectively, it holds all of the things supposedly civilized people are the most afraid of, such as the mysteries of sex, life and death. And this is partly why people respond so strongly to you. Jupiter moving through your sign has magnified these elements of consciousness, making you aware of them (whether you identified them, or not). What you may notice over the next few days and through the coming month is that these feelings evaporate, like they were never there. They’re still present, but will now go back to their earlier size, rather than the recent fun-house-mirror exaggerations you experienced. Venus, for its part, has been encouraging you to seek within yourself for answers. That is something you would be wise to remember. There is no “out there.” It’s all in here. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter enters your sign this week, where it will be for about one year. This is a homecoming of sorts, as Jupiter returns to one of the signs that it rules for the first time in nearly a decade, and returns to Sagittarius for the first time since it arrived last on Nov. 23, 2006. This is one of those transits that offers everything you ever wanted from astrology — in its potential form. With Jupiter, you’re the one who must make your mission real. You must activate your potential, make decisions, set goals, and determine to seek what you know is right for you. We could say that Jupiter describes what is possible — and that the other symbol of your sign, the arrow about to be let loose from its bow, represents the one-pointed arrow of determination, focus and direction. There’s not a rush to let the arrow fly, though. In fact, there is reason for caution: you are still too influenced by negative feelings and events, at the moment, to have a clear sense of what you want. And Jupiter’s long square to Neptune in Pisces could have you more optimistic about certain goals than is called for. So you will need to make a point of being honest with yourself about the downside to any possible endeavor, but also, aware that certain influences may be leading you to be unrealistic about particular factors. Facts, data and time are your friend, and the three will work well together. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may still be experiencing a struggle about whether you’re willing to offer yourself fully to what you want and need to do. The spirit of our times is to make a half-hearted effort and call it good, or to emphasize this odd thing known as comfort over the strength and guts that it takes to get anything done in this world. You may feel like your goal requires too big a sacrifice to make it worthwhile, and if that is true, then you need a more significant goal. You’re being called upon not to do something but to become someone. What you do is merely a facilitator or venue for who you’re becoming, and whether it’s large or small, meaningful or petty, brilliant or dull, you will be devoting your whole being to the process. This does not merge well with a predictable, safe, steady nine-to-five kind of existence. Rather, you will need to take risks that may feel dangerous and that will certainly push you out of any zone of comfort you may be in. You don’t want a safe space; you want a space where you can, and must, be real, with yourself and with the people around you. You will benefit from facing your fear, and rather than rising above it, burning it as fuel. This calls for the recognition that you may not succeed at what you want the very most. But that desire would be worthless otherwise. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The long, challenging and at times absurd transit of Mars through your sign ends mid-month. Whatever happened to you was in some way unprecedented, and nothing like it is likely to happen again. The last time Mars was retrograde in Aquarius was back in 1971, a time curiously like our own. So this has probably stirred up some old material, including family baggage (which is closely associated with Aquarius, though you won’t read this many places). Mars retrograde has highlighted the problem of anger, collective and individual, and more to the point, the struggle associated with addressing it. Anger also equals anxiety, guilt and any form of struggle associated with aggression or resentment, in whatever direction it may flow. This cannot be addressed in “the world,” since it’s such a deeply individual response to existence. Mars in your sign, including the 12-week retrograde, has compelled you to take a level of profound responsibility for what happens in your life, including how you feel and how you respond to events. More than anything, though, you’ve been compelled to have a bold reckoning with what you want. I don’t mean want, like a BMW. I mean want, as in want from your privilege of existence. And I don’t mean want, as in desire somewhat; I mean want as in you feel like you’ll drown if you don’t have it. You’ve learned a lot this year. Don’t forget it, by which I mean remember every day. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your deepest fears rarely come true, and no matter what you’ve experienced this year, that remains a fact of existence. It’s now time to focus your life in the most productive and constructive ways. Jupiter entering Sagittarius this week crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart, which will open up a world of possibilities you’ve never quite imagined. Yet you will need to rise above your own anxiety in order to take full advantage of this yearlong transit. This is not just the fear of things going wrong; most of what concerns you is lack of confidence. Neptune in your sign (an ultra-longterm visitor) can feel like a massive hole where your courage should be. So that’s the element to work with. The thing to remember is that courage is earned, not bestowed. That happens through conscious trial and error; doing what you’re not supposed to do; saying what you’re not supposed to say; and attempting what you think is considerably beyond your potential. Jupiter’s first point of contact in Sagittarius will be a square to Nessus in your sign, which represents an opportunity to overcome some debility inflicted on you by your family, or someone who abused your trust. The second will be an extended square aspect to Neptune, which seems destined to inform you that you genuinely know what is true and right for you. Let time prove your theory, rather than letting someone else disprove it. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 5, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Part of how we learn is through experiencing new circumstances, to which we then have to adapt. You’re likely to be involved in a situation that’s in some way unprecedented, and therefore calls for a fresh approach. Your response need not be immediate; hopefully you’re in a position to take whatever time is necessary and consider all the facets, including how you’re feeling. The prospect of a departure from your customary MO might, for example, feel a little intimidating; if that seems to be the case, try to figure out what could be behind that. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Relationships need trust in order to thrive. The current environment does not exactly foster the building of trust, though that makes it all the more crucial that we do so where possible. If you’re feeling doubtful about someone else, or finding it difficult to maintain faith in general, you might begin by considering your own behavior and words, and focus on bolstering your reliability. It’s very easy to stray into little deviations from the strict truth, if we don’t keep watch. Hold yourself to a high standard in that respect, and you’ll surely inspire others to do the same. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As an air sign, you need a certain amount of stimulus; if your daily life is feeling a little samey, you might be inclined to make some changes this week. It would probably be advisable, however, not to rush into altering anything irreversibly, especially where there are risks involved. Try instead to satisfy your creative or intellectual urges with the resources you already have. Consider how you can use your time or money more productively, for example, rather than trying simply to acquire more of either. If nothing else, this will be a good exercise in distilling your options. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week’s New Moon in your 5th house of art, sex and play should herald some fresh, fun ideas on these or similar themes. Be open-minded about what comes through, and don’t dismiss anything out of hand, even if it requires more faith than you are usually willing to bestow. That includes stopping any self-doubt you might be feeling from hampering you. Equally, be wary of unnecessary distractions. While it’s certainly tempting to allow ourselves to remain in a metaphorically somnolent state, it’s more important than ever to do precisely the opposite. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This part of the season is traditionally when the veil between the worlds of flesh and spirit supposedly grows thin, and when we honor our ancestors. One possible factor behind this in the Northern Hemisphere is that the nights are growing longer, giving rise to a general sense of turning inward. You’re now being invited on something of an introspective quest, in which you could explore and revisit your concepts of the unseen and the spiritual. Among other things, pay attention to your dreams, and notice any patterns relating to family traits and histories. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be feeling driven to get certain things accomplished, as if for a deadline. Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing; however, be careful not to push yourself beyond your capacity, or to try and do too much too fast. This isn’t only about preserving your wellbeing; you need to keep a pace that allows you to be clear, thorough and accurate in your communications, and take one step at a time. Hasty decisions may also be at risk of unforeseen snags, or of being suddenly reversed at a future date. You likely have more time available than you are perhaps aware of. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — People are not the best judges of their own merit, and many seem particularly inclined to put themselves down. You know better than to treat minor mistakes as irrevocable blots on your soul, though just at present you may be feeling somewhat off-kilter and unsure of yourself. You’re actually pretty grounded and clear on your goals, and deep down you know you are perfectly capable of carrying them out. Don’t allow your fears to take hold; if anxiety starts to plague you, remember that trusting yourself is not only reasonable but in line with the facts. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A rather special New Moon in your sign is bringing you a chance to reaffirm your relationship with the cosmos, and with the higher part of yourself. This will be especially valuable if you’ve been feeling a little lost and disconnected from your most profound sense of identity; though, given your astounding strength of character, that can never be taken from you entirely. As a Scorpio, you have the important task of keeping humanity in touch with issues we’d rather leave permanently on the back burner. That starts with being authentic and honest with yourself. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruler Jupiter finally enters your sign Thursday. You’re probably already experiencing the beginning of this, and it’s likely to be a gentle and gradual shift in consciousness, rather than a grand arrival complete with fanfare. It’ll almost certainly help if you allow these changes to happen at their own pace. Potentially you could also document them as you undergo them; this may give you a better sense of what this means specifically to you, and perhaps assist you in understanding more thoroughly all the strides you’ve made in the past 12 months or so. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Family and ancestral traditions can have a deep importance, and often we find ourselves adhering closely to them in times of uncertainty, for a sense of comfort if nothing else. The rules and customs of a social group can be likewise a source of relief. Yet if we try to maintain them rigidly, we can soon find ourselves bumping up against restrictions or limitations that might work for others, or have been well-adapted to former times, but for us simply don’t make sense. If you encounter this, try not to shy away from the cognitive dissonance; this can lead to necessary progress. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This week may see a leap forward, or at least a few steps, in the realm of your career or longer-term ambitions — if you’re open to the required changes. It would seem an issue that’s been something of a sticking point for you is being challenged in a pretty direct way. Whether you decide to alter your way of thinking is up to you, though reviewing your position would surely not hurt. In the end, this boils down to a question of what you consider to be fundamentally important, what your ultimate principles are, and where you really want to be heading. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Every living being has a place in this beautiful universe, and that includes you. It can be so easy to lose sight of that in comparisons with others, or in a maze of judgment, and then suddenly feel no longer a unique soul with divinity at its core, but instead ‘less-than’, or ‘sinful’. Yet in reality you know that to deny your own sacredness is to deny that of everything else. Or, said another way, however obscure or distant it may seem at times, faith in whatever deity or spiritual entity you swear by means faith in its power and presence within you. Honor yourself accordingly. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 1, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 1, 2018 (#1225) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It is becoming increasingly crucial that we don’t place too many barriers between ourselves and the rest of humanity. Whatever you feel, whether it’s elation or deep distress, or one of the infinite states in between, you don’t have to put on a mask, especially with loved ones. If you think you need some form of support, don’t hesitate to seek it from people you trust. In turn, you might be in a position to encourage similar transparency in those you care about most. We’re all much better off if we look out for one another. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You might be getting a sense that not everything is as it seems, or that something is foggy or unclear. It’s likely there is information you don’t yet have, though that will probably emerge over time. You may also feel as if someone close to you is not quite giving you the full picture. In the absence of anything more definite, it would perhaps be wisest to adopt a policy of trust. If there are new details to be revealed, they will transpire eventually; though if you have specific questions you might also try asking directly. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your ruler Mercury is now in shadow phase, though you have a couple of weeks before it stations retrograde. While this is an indicator that the pace may be starting to slow down for you, you don’t exactly need to stop the clock and freeze yourself in time until it stations direct. Be wary of feeling inclined to do that if things don’t quite happen at the speed you’d like. There is plenty of room for living your life regardless, and for continuing to broaden your horizons. Be open to possible new experiences this week. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Creative or self-expressive endeavors are likely to receive assistance from your more intuitive sensations and feelings. Pay attention to your dreams, and perhaps try not simply to record them but to consider in detail your emotions surrounding them. Playing word association games might help to draw out anything sitting below the surface. Notice when a smell or a strain of music produces a specific emotion or thought. Do what you can to recognize yourself as a cosmic being, and try to keep tuned in to your higher ideals. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In part everyone is socialized to depend on others for approval, rather than trusting in ourselves and following a moral code we believe in. Yet eventually it becomes clear that if we don’t appreciate ourselves, whatever we receive even from those we love best will not be enough to counteract the resulting self-doubt. You’re getting a window into the fact that you must be your own best friend. Learn to state your needs openly, and to respect your own wishes and abilities, and you’ll no longer need anyone’s sanction.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you’re experiencing a pattern of behavior or events, it’s possible that something in your past will be key to unraveling that and moving beyond it. See if you can make specific connections, and then notice whatever memories emerge. Unlocking them is likely to be a significant help in breaking through any habits you need to release. As you do this, remember that whatever concerns your wellbeing is important, even if it appears trivial to you. Don’t be tempted to keep sweeping these things under the carpet. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — One quality you value, which your sign traditionally possesses in abundance, is a sense of tolerance. You can be diplomatic even in trying circumstances, and find common ground with people who might seem undeserving of the effort, while not allowing anyone to cross the line or take advantage. This skill is becoming rarer and more difficult. There’s a lot of fear and hostility about, so we need to make connections where we can, and show compassion and love where it’s needed. Take pride in doing so, and do it courageously. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Scorpio Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Welcome to Scorpio Season — and to Your Reading

Ok, now that Halloween is out of the way, you can turn your attention inward — with the help of your 2018 Scorpio Astrology Reading. With at least an hour of audio astrology available now for instant access (in two segments) and a tarot reading that will be sent to you at a later date, it’s an ideal way to get yourself oriented and motivated for the months to come.

Are you new to Planet Waves and Eric’s audio readings? You can listen to last year’s reading here, as a gift from us. Check his accuracy, review your last 12 months, and then order your new reading to get a better handle on your relationships, career, sexual energy, spiritual growth and healing, and more.

Please note: when the tarot portion publishes, the price will increase a final time. I hope you’ll order soon to secure your reading at the current price — it’s excellent for anyone with a Scorpio Sun, rising sign, Moon or even other significant planets in Scorpio.

“Many thanks for this precious and profound reading. As a Scorpio Moon, Venus, Uranus and North Node soul, I definitely feel like this reading provides just the right impetus to finally have the courage to be myself.”

— Diana B.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Thanks to many centuries of cultural influence by a religion that exhorts us all to be ashamed of existing, acceptance of who you are, faults and all, can be difficult at times. Remember that none of us is or ever can be perfect, and try not to be unduly hard on yourself. Even the shadow, to use Jungian terminology, has its gifts. We place far too much emphasis on ‘repentance’ and self-flagellation, and not nearly enough on recognizing the good and the sacred that exists within each of us, and celebrating it. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — With Jupiter entering your sign in just a week, you may be feeling under pressure to get things in order so that you have a clean slate. You don’t need to rush, however, and certainly not to push yourself to exhaustion. Resist any temptation to compare your accomplishments with those of people around you, and instead recognize everything you’ve achieved in the past year, which amounts to something considerable. You’ve made real strides in learning to understand and trust yourself, and the fruits of that already show. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Many people are apprehensive about the future on a national and global level; given the content of the news, they have reason to be, though if we consider the progress we’ve made over the centuries, things look rather more hopeful. You may take comfort in this, and in the fact that wherever fear exists, there is also bravery. One thing you can certainly rely on, however worried you are right now, is your determination and strength to maintain your principles, and to grow wiser and more attuned to the divine within you. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This is a pretty pivotal time for you, though it may seem as if things are actually grinding to a halt, or even going backwards. Yet, just as with planets that are apparently retrograde, this seems really to be a simple matter of perspective. While there might be certain influences moving out of your life at present, consider that these could be factors you need to let go in order to make room for you to bring in new ones, which are designed to help you all the better. Let the changes play out, and see what’s there when the dust clears. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As the saying goes, trust in God but lock your car. Just now you are more than usually open to the promptings of universal fraternity, which is a beautiful thing indeed and not to be gainsaid, especially in the current environment of intolerance and hostility. However, you should not overlook common precautions. Certainly be willing to trust, but also be cautious about in whom and how far you place your faith. Keep yourself protected energetically; this may be counterintuitive, but it will help you maintain your sense of compassion. Get your full reading by Eric here.