Category Archives: Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2015

 Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s something unusually beautiful or momentous brewing, though you may not be able to focus on it well enough to predict. Plenty has been happening; you have been keeping busy and from the look of things, positive and involved with life. Yet there’s something beyond all that, as if hiding off to the side of another dimension. If you listen carefully you will hear the movement backstage. If you go backstage and look around, you will gain both insight and influence. The way to guide this event is to envision it. Imagine that you have been offered an opportunity to make one significant change in your life, yet something all-encompassing. You may know what you want to get away from, or what you want to replace, though the question is, with what? How would it look visually, and feel, viscerally? I know this is easier for some people than for others; and that most significantly, this involves giving yourself permission to exist in some form other than what you are now. That is the actual boundary that you stretch with a real experience of growth. You are not far from this now. There is some wild momentum moving in your life. The sensation is as if something you will thrive on is about to precipitate, seemingly out of nowhere. But it’s definitely coming from somewhere, or rather someone, and that would be you.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your charts are blaring out for physical activity, just in time for the weather to ease off a bit. So get physical. But that is not enough; this is a means to an end, and that objective would be tapping your mental agility and a new crop of ideas that has been growing in your heart and soul. You have an imagination that is so assertive and so potent that it can indeed infuse your body with energy. That, by the way, is part of what makes you into the lover that you are, the fusion of body-level with psychic level into one reality, which is you. Your creative process works the same way. In fact it’s the same process. At the moment, many desires and intentions are pushing their way through your consciousness, eagerly reaching for manifestation. There is so much brewing that you might find it slightly unsettling, which could, in turn, be an excuse to avoid it. I suggest you move toward yourself rather than away from yourself. Go in the direction of maximum heat. Follow your curiosity; that is the seed of passion. If you get to the point where you know you’re expressing passion, remember to follow the thread of your curiosity. The two are intimate and necessary elements of the same basic process.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have found a focus of devotion and I suggest you trust that. Devotion is profoundly important to human sanity. It may be the central organizing principle of consciousness, and you have it going on strong right now. It matters less what you are devoted to and more that you focus on that and experience it fully. It might be a person, a cause, a spiritual or religious concept or your creative fire. There’s a moving quality to whatever this is, as if the experience transports you somewhere, or summons you from far away — perhaps literally. Whatever it may be, focus the devotion and also the message that you’re receiving, or offering. Concentrate your power, as if in a circle, and tend to it from all sides — like a fire in a freestanding hearth. Look into the flames. There is a vision there, and I think it involves your life calling. True, you may have more than one of those, but this one stands above the others, its roots go deeper and it has withstood the tests of time. Gradually your vision will morph into an aspiration, and that may come to a peak with a long-awaited decision later in the month. Do not rush that. Allow the energy, your feelings and your reflections to percolate through your awareness. Do not wait; rather, tend your flame with care and patience.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your visions of the future may be flooding you right now, though it’s essential that you work from the practical side of things. Stick to the matters at hand, and the methods you trust, and make progress in small ways. They are not as small as you think, because each gesture of progress will help you gather your momentum toward some much larger encounter. The key seems to be one thing at a time. One sentence, one line of code, one photograph, one conversation. Let each of these be born with the sensation of contributing to the next. Be especially attentive to details, even if that takes a while. Those details might include color, feeling tone, precision in mathematics and the quality of what you say. Use your senses. Look and listen, and treat everything you touch with the care of a craftsman. As you do this, you may discover that you are working under the guidance of inspiration. Seemingly unrelated activities will emerge as part of a larger constellation. But don’t look for the pattern! Let it reveal itself to you. You know you are edging in the direction of fulfilling some of your most significant goals, and embarking on some new ones. By its nature and the scenes depicted in the stars and planets, this is a mysterious process, and that is part of the fun.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is a fine time to consider the nature of your agreements and commitments. This applies to agreements that involve an exchange of money, sex or conscious energy. These must be clear. You must be clear. Once you are, you will feel like you’re under far less pressure, as will those you associate with. Begin with an inquiry. As you proceed with this, you’re likely to discover where that clarity is lacking. Pulling things into focus may take a few steps, which will be easy enough if you work through them consciously. Note where boundaries are lacking, but necessary. Notice where old agreements or things taken for granted need to be replaced by new understandings. Notice how your beliefs are influencing what you perceive as reality. There is an accountability factor that will inevitably arise, and that is never an all-or-nothing thing. Accountability is a much healthier concept than fault or blame. It’s subtler and easier to understand in specific ways. This will help you set the terms of your new agreements, which must be designed to accommodate a shared vision of the future. If that shared vision, and shared underlying values, are not present, then that particular encounter may be null. One last thing: having things in writing is the essence of being accountable, to yourself and to others, and them to you.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You possess the truth you seek. Yet you may also not quite feel that way, and be pursuing a course of finding it outside yourself. That is certainly compelling enough; ancient sites, quests and journeys over the sea have been undertaken for millennia, for the purpose of discovering something that is ultimately about oneself. There is an illusion at work in your chart, which may be blocking your sense of what you know, while at the same time projecting that very thing into your environment and onto the people in it. It’s not that the people around you lack worth, or beauty, or intrigue. It’s not that they don’t possess some element of what you want. The value they seem to have is only the value you put on them. The wisdom they have, if you recognize it, is something you match with your own vision and knowledge. Therefore, seek inwardly and you really will find what you’re after. You might discover that the whole realm of existence you see around you is a kind of explosion of your own mind. And thanks to that, you have the ability to go to the source. If you’re going to do one experiment with the world around you, let it be with cause and effect. Trace every effect you observe to its point of origin. Notice the results of every action taken. Those will reveal much that is currently hidden.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are being gently tugged to keep your focus on yourself. I say gently, though there’s a persistence to this that has been present for a while; it’s coming into focus now in a new way. As there are currently fireworks exploding in your house of relationships, that may be a challenge, though it’s one that humans have faced persistently through the modern era. I would call this the ‘all or nothing’ issue. It involves an orientation on relating to others that results in a loss of inner focus. This creates the dual self — the illusion of the ‘relationship self’ and the ‘actual self’, which I believe is the cause of most misery and instability in relationships. I think the path out of this is to cultivate the mindfulness to be yourself at all times, attentive to your whole reality. If you find that your relationships dominate your existence to the point where you, or some central experience of yourself, is negated (rather than, say, enhanced), then I suggest you come back to yourself. You can do this before you have to break up with anyone or sign your life away. You can do this all the time, every minute, in the course of which you honor your reality and the reality that you share with someone else. It may feel awkward at first but it gets easier with practice.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A Scorpio rising friend told me recently that men sniff her as she walks down the street, and that she finds this annoying. I just laughed and reminded her what a compliment this is — that she personally inspires people to be in spontaneous contact with their primal, visceral nature. That nature is overflowing in your charts right now, brimming and simmering and emanating all kinds of luscious, lusty steam. This influences everything. Whatever you do, whatever you create, you’re going to be doing it with more passion and devotion. It’s as if your very presence ignites the colors and sensations of the world within the minds of those who are near you. Whoever you touch will feel the heat of your soul penetrating their skin. I might say you can trust this, though really it’s just about the only thing you can trust. The dimension of you that is the most refined humanity and that which is the most elementally animal are fused into one right now. I suggest you perceive the world through all of your senses, and your instincts, and your intuition. This will, if you let it, allow you to try things you’ve never experienced; to take chances with people in ways you never have; to dare to touch the heart and soul of the art or artistry that is so essentially who you are.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You will go a long way to ease the internal pressure you’re feeling by rolling up your sleeves and attending to the practical matters of your life. That might mean sorting out your accounting records for the past year, it might be writing a song, and it might be charging up your camera and doing a photo project. By practical, I mean actually hands-on, doing something that you want or need to do. This, rather than thinking about whatever that might be, or getting frustrated by seemingly competing priorities. If you’re looking for a starting point, choose either the thing you want to do the most, or the thing you need to do the most. Then do it for a while, and reassess your priorities. I’ll remind you that as one born under a mutable sign, you are inherently a multi-tasker. So you will naturally shift from task to task, though what you can master is the art of focusing long enough to have a satisfying experience and move that particular project along. Then you can move onto other things, and return to the original project while it’s still warm. The key is never allowing anything you care about to go cold. Return to things often enough to keep the embers burning. Then when you’re moved to do so, cast all else aside and dive into something for as long as you want. Needing to keep your life interesting is an asset.

If you would like to hear the first section of your Sagittarius, Aquarius or Capricorn birthday reading — or if you’re curious about what a birthday reading is — I have set up this page where you can listen free.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This month brings a sublime shift in the momentum of your life, which looks a little like this. Your emotional confidence is beginning to exceed the many changes you’ve had to make over the past few years. It’s as if you’re finally catching up with yourself. The whole journey of improving, repairing, renovating and healing can be a distraction from actually taking the chance and living in some way that you want to live. The process of constant adjustment, evolution and enforced changes can come with setbacks in confidence, or delays. Now your confidence begins to pull ahead of the work that you’ve done. This will facilitate your taking bigger risks, greater spontaneity and overall a greater sense of freedom. Looked at one way, you’re becoming your own inner leader rather than your own inner follower. You’ve been working up to this for a long time. There was likely some event in 2010 or early 2011 that sparked the process, though this kind of psychic or emotional momentum can take a while to gather. You’ve now reached a point where you can no longer live on the same emotional or intellectual scale that you had for many years before. You are pressing open from the inside. In the most ordinary terms, you have the feeling that you know who you are, though this is more than a hunch. We’re talking about actual confidence.

If you would like to hear the first section of your Sagittarius, Aquarius or Capricorn birthday reading — or if you’re curious about what a birthday reading is — I have set up this page where you can listen free.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be sure you have identified the center of your life, then tend to that center. This may be something requiring you to offer yourself fully to the service of someone or something. It may seem to distract you from other goals, though those goals are alive and well and simmering along. There is a higher purpose involved to what you’re experiencing, and in that you can have faith. You ‘re likely to be feeling this on some level. It may be subtle, and you may go through having faith in this service you’re providing, then forgetting that you have it, then remembering again. That is natural enough, though you would benefit greatly from focusing on this thing, what I am calling your center-focus. The process you’re going through is putting you in contact with an aspect of your nature that has always been present, always been part of who you are, but which has not always been accessible in lived reality. The part of this experience that’s really serving your growth is precisely gaining that access to one of your most valuable inner resources. I can see from your chart that you have big plans that go beyond this particular scenario. Notice that you may actually have the space and time to nudge those along. There is a lot you can get done with little more than a notebook and pencil.

If you would like to hear the first section of your Sagittarius, Aquarius or Capricorn birthday reading — or if you’re curious about what a birthday reading is — I have set up this page where you can listen free.

A Gift for Pisces: Many Planets in the Sea

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sun has moved into Pisces, beginning a new astrological year for this sign. As the zodiac’s last sign, Pisces is both the headwaters of the zodiac and the Delta of Venus — the beginning and the end of the River of Night. You might think of Pisces as the most complete sign, the most sensitive and one closely involved with transitions of all kinds.

And now is a time of transition — making an astrology reading one of the best gift options for helping the Pisces in your life move with confidence through the changes that are coming.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

I am about to record the Pisces reading for 2015, which covers birthdays between Feb. 18 and March 20, as well as everyone with Pisces Moon or rising. We are offering that reading at the lowest pre-order price now.


Here is one of the reasons, in addition to current activity, this year’s reading will be a particularly important resource for those with strong Pisces in their chart:

In one month there will be a spectacular total solar eclipse in Pisces. This is the time for Pisces to understand their astrology — and take advantage of what it’s offering. You are being encouraged to shore up your confidence, to aim high and commit yourself fully to your goals — and your happiness. I also have plenty to say about relationships.

As for the reading: I present two audio segments of astrology, each about 35 minutes long. In the third section, I cover astrology afterthoughts and then a tarot reading.

Overall, it’s easygoing and designed to offer encouragement and help you expand your vision for your life. I’ll include last year’s reading as well, and a live conference call where you can ask me any questions you may have.

You can purchase the Pisces reading at the pre-order price of $24.95.  We offer the best prices for those who get on board sooner. I plan to have this reading done by the evening of Monday, Feb. 23, so the pre-order period will be relatively short.

Thanks for tuning in, and thank you for trusting me as your astrologer.


P.S. Remember, my birthday readings make excellent gifts, and this reading is for you if you have Pisces rising or the Moon there. If you are born under a different sign, please visit the reading store.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Ultimately you can, must and will do what you want, and that may make some people around you nervous. You are naturally susceptible to the viewpoints and opinions of others, and you must not allow yourself to be blown off course by those with strong opinions. It is, however, in your self-interest to have others allied with you and in service of your goals — and self-interest is potentially a sticky topic for a Pisces. I suggest you wash that off and get real about what serves your agenda. The necessary second step is to figure out how to get others thinking on your frequency. I would remind you how persuasive you can be, which in part accounts for others feeling destabilized by your drive and your intensity. For some, persuasion will involve appealing to their altruism. For others, you may need to appeal to what would be profitable for them. Others will best understand the language of mutual benefit. You are blessed with the gift of insight, as long as you can get some distance on any situation or any person. You have this gift for a reason. Tune in and you will be guided what to do, what to say and how to make the best decisions. Your options remain wide open, and there are people who are eager to assist you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2015

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be getting involved with people in new ways. This may look like a rearrangement of your social life, perhaps as canceled plans, then other things coming up spontaneously. You may find yourself in different social circles, or arrive somewhere and say gee whiz, how did I get here? You’re in the midst of a reshuffling experiment, and while you’re there you can have great fun. Yet what I see happening is that you’re engaging with people in a different way, for a different purpose. That new purpose obviates certain kinds of social activities and opens you up to other ones. The difference between old and new will seem like you are relating on a lighter but simultaneously more meaningful level. There is a focus on authentic communication. You’re able to express and evoke from people opinions that they might not ordinarily share. Energetically, the shift within you may feel like this. Normally you relate through Mars, which has a distinct polarity. Currently you are relating through Mercury, which has many possible valences, and thus, can relate on equal terms to more people in more diverse ways. If there’s a focus on language, much of that involves a different type of listening — the kind that evokes trust, because people get that you understand and that you care.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re getting a chance to experience what it’s like to be driven by a purpose you are fully confident in. When that happens, there is a certain ease involved because you don’t have to think much about what to do, or why. There is often conflict involved in the need to consciously prioritize, and if you ease into this experience you can take a ride on the sensation of what it’s like when what you have to do is so obvious there is no question about it. Though some of this is driven by an idea or a task, really a deeply compelling factor is how you feel around certain people you’re surrounded by. You have one of the most palpable, distinct experiences of connection going for you right now. This is connection that has a purpose extant on many levels, though the deepest level is the human bond that, for whatever reason, exists on a truly deep level. I would point out one thing, that for most people, it’s rare to experience a social bond that embraces love, purpose and a sense of mission. I think that once you tune into this reality, you will never want anything less. And since it’s something you ultimately contain as a capability within yourself, you have no need for anything less — and you may discover that a great deal more is possible.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Belief is a power that I suggest everyone be familiar with the workings of, and the effects of. I would rate belief as anything from a necessary psychological tool to a volatile chemical capable of conjuring many strange effects. The problem with belief is that it’s often taken for granted. You might think something is true, not know how you got there, not notice what possibilities you’re pre-empting and therefore have no way to test your theory. Belief too often goes unnoticed and therefore unquestioned. Mercury moving retrograde in Aquarius is provoking you to inquire into something you may not have noticed you were carrying around. It looks like a mental pattern that was acting like a perceptual filter. That filter was creating a bias in your observations. The beauty of the moment is that you’re getting some evidence of the existence of this thing, through some kind of glitch or interference — for example a disagreement over something that seems ridiculous. Or it might be that your bias comes into focus when you bump into something that makes it obvious, potentially by showing you something else that’s far more important to you. It is this encounter that sends a ripple through one particular belief and as a result, all of your beliefs, proving that it pays to question them — and even just to observe that they exist.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Pay attention to your various transactions, be they monetary, sexual, social, barter or business. There is a lot of movement going on in the house of your chart associated with all of these things. While you might get the feeling that you are vulnerable to some kind of exposure, what you may really be feeling is a mental or psychic penetrating power that you have into the affairs of others. Using this gift properly is not about minding their business, it’s about minding yours. Knowing the mental state and the intentions of the people around you is vital to your success. That awareness is in itself a form of currency, and it will be worth considerably more the more comfortable you feel with yourself. Another useful thing to remember is the extent to which you’re not actually driven by money. You like money — it’s good for things like food, heat, warm boots and helping people. But that’s different from being driven by it. The thing to remember is that other people may indeed be motivated specifically by monetary impulses, and you are in a rather priceless teaching moment where you get to demonstrate through some simple gestures that there is something much more important, useful and beautiful. That would be actually caring; offering your energy for some inherent purpose; and acting as if to hold the world together.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It seems that despite an inconvenience or some external need to rearrange your relationships, you’re feeling an outpouring of devotion to the people in your life. This is coming along with a sense of blessing, as if something truly unusual is happening to you — something unexpected that you know will change you forever. The most vivid sensation coming through your charts is a kind of abundance. This is rooted on a nonphysical level — what you might call spiritual or perhaps emotional. Yet it’s having a way of overflowing into other aspects of your life, such as the seemingly more material ones. A few different equations may be at work — such as when you find out how little you really need, you figure out how much you have. Or when you give of yourself, you can find out how much you have. Or how you will tend to love who and what you take care of, and discover that there is plenty (of whatever) to go around. The idea coming through is that to experience that abundance, you merely need to practice it as a way of life. You may have those moments where you wonder whether that’s really true, and when in doubt, test the theory. The proof will come from the experience, and I trust that will be compelling enough to shift your perception of existence.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may need to consciously focus yourself on staying on-task with work, and in harmony with your intimate relationships. You may not be sure which is a distraction from the other. In truth, neither is a distraction and both seemingly different facets of your life are offering you something unusual right now. On one level this seems like a question of balance. It’s as if you have these tasks requiring one kind of focus and setting, and those other things you do, which require a different kind of focus and setting. Seen as different, they will tend to compete — if for nothing else, for your time and energy. But that competition involves a deeper conflict than may seem obvious on the surface. The solution is to guide yourself to the common ground of all your experiences, which is you. You are not two different people, the ‘relationship person’ and the ‘work person’. You are one entity, and the common ground of all your experiences is the ground of your being. If facets of your life seem to take energy from one another, reach for that terrain your life is built on. Once you get there, you will feel like you’re standing on a solid hilltop, where previously you may have been trying to balance on an idea. From there, you may notice you feel far less pull and tension.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — So much of some things, so little of some others. The odd bit is how fast the proportions change, never seeming to find equilibrium. You are often able to get closer to a stable place by being willing to give up certain experiences, even ones you love the most, by reminding yourself it’s only temporary. You’re not the only one going through this; the entire society around you, and your community on every level, is on this wild ride of nothing ever stabilizing. You, at least, are experiencing a conscious overflow in many areas of your life. Right now you have some incredible wealth in a dimension where many people feel the most frustration — meaning. In fact you have so much meaning that you may take it for granted. You may think it’s just weird when people relate to you the ways they feel that they exist without purpose. Rather than wonder, go directly to relating to others on the level where every detail of life has inherent value. What you may recognize as particularly insane is that the greatest shortages seem to occur relating to love and work — potentially the two most fulfilling areas of life there are. Love often relates back to sex, and work relates back to creativity. That is the direction to guide things, closer to the original impulse that grows the whole garden.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One reason self-esteem is such a difficult issue to get a hold on is because of this other thing, called projection. Most people look to others for validity of who they are, for affirmation of their worth. Yet when others reflect that worth back to them, it doesn’t necessarily align with how they feel inside. The result can be a weird differential, a gap, a disconnect. Is this person lying? Are they making things up? Are they just passionate about everything, and I am coming along for the ride? I suggest you experiment with considering the appreciation that others feel for you as actually saying something about you. Imagine, for a moment, that it’s a source of information, of verification, and a kind of lesson in life. More than that, when someone is excited about you, you get the opportunity to explore yourself. True, you’re exploring in the context of another person; but when you do that, you’re really swimming within your own consciousness, and your own possibilities. Everything you experience becomes your own. I suggest you be generous about reflecting that back, as confidence, as happiness and as consciously offering your journey as something that others around you can get a taste of. One thing you may be aware of is that when people have a mutual experience, it changes both of them. Yes, indeed — that’s the idea.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Conventional astrology would say that Saturn in your sign may be describing certain limitations or boundaries. I would say that Saturn, particularly in Sagittarius, is describing your potential. What you may be feeling is that what you want the most is not going to ‘just happen’. When Saturn is present, optimism alone is not going to do the job. Saturn in the style of Saturn is the willingness to make an authentic effort, and not being deterred because results may take a while. Effort is less about an arduous exertion of energy. It’s more about focusing your mind, your intentions and your interests. Along with this, the concept of ‘boredom’ must be revised into, ‘time available to invest in the result I’m seeking’. Delay becomes an occasion to troubleshoot — or the opportunity to do something else. Sagittarius is a sign known for its fast pace. This quality has a way of breeding distraction, and often a frustration with being spread too thin. Saturn’s presence in your sign is a direct calling to concentrate your efforts. It’s offering some instruction that you must consciously think about the ways you use and structure your time. Most of all, it’s the reminder that you are the only person who can take command of your life. You no longer have any need to give that power away.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The message of your chart seems to be: there is no value other than inherent worth. In other words, the notion of ‘secondary value’, such as, ‘this is useful, and it can be sold’, is (at least temporarily) out of the question. That idea would be revised to ‘this is useful’. Yet what we’re really talking about is your inherent worth, which in turn translates to your devotion to being alive. You’re being called inward, to respect your own inherent worth, as your most vital asset. Said another way, I’m talking about respect for existence, commencing with your existence. What’s so interesting about how this appears in your chart is how quickly that respect radiates out into your community. It’s not a secondary effect — it’s right at the origin of the idea. One of your reasons for being on Earth, I would propose, is to experience directly the way that you are integral to your community. It is not the same without you and you are not the same without it, because you are one and the same. Now, one possible sticking point is defining community. I would say: it is anything to which you are connected in an integral way. For that reason, I suggest you offer yourself, count yourself in, and understand the mutual nature of the relationship.

Aquarius Birthday Reading Available for Pre-Order

Dear Aquarius:

Tuesday you experienced a New Moon in the first degree of your sign, and on Wednesday Mercury stationed retrograde in the middle of your slice of zodiac pie. Your solar year is off to quite a start, and chances are you’re devouring your 2015 annual readings, called Cosmophilia — but there’s always more hot astrology to talk about!That’s why, if you really want to dig deep and see your life from a new angle, it’s worth it to listen to your 2015 Aquarius birthday reading as well.

With the tremendous annual edition off his plate, Eric will be able to really zero in on the finer points of what makes you tick — and what could either wind you up or ease you along this year. Your birthday reading will cover new material, making it the ideal companion to the annual.

Planet Waves

Plus, birthday readings from Planet Waves are the only readings we offer that come with a tarot spread, which covers the themes from a more visual, intuitive place. Eric always includes photographs of your spread, using the gorgeous and otherworldly Voyager Tarot deck by James Wanless.

This reading will be recorded in stereo-quality audio, downloadable for multiple listens, and also comes with access to last year’s reading so you can check Eric’s accuracy and review your year. As with other recent readings, you’ll be invited to participate in a live call-in program where you can ask Eric questions about the astrology for Aquarius in greater depth.

You can pre-order your birthday reading now for just $24.95a savings of $15 off the published price. As one client has pointed out, “ridiculously affordable” for the level of quality.

Thanks, as always, for supporting Planet Waves. We wish you all the best and are glad to be serving you in 2015!

Yours & truly,


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One of the most distinctive shifts from the old year to the new year is that of externalization. Saturn, the primary planet that serves as a reference for Aquarius, has changed signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius, in essence emerging into the light, and into a space where everyone can see you. Looked at another way, you’re being given a chance to learn a new method of leadership, one where it’s no longer lonely at the top. One where you lead by example rather than by authority. One where you are immersed in an environment where the thing being expressed and exchanged is meaning. It’s difficult to quantify the magnitude of this shift, though I recommend you explore the new territory you’re in with some eagerness. What I suggest you remember is that if you’re relating to people on the level of meaning, that meaning comes from you first. Where there is dedication to a purpose, that starts with you. The flame you radiate is your own inner fire. Therefore, tend to your hearth, and notice its warmth. More than tend to it, speak to it and listen to the response you get — as if you’re approaching the Oracle within yourself. Over the next few years, the scenario that develops involves the discovery (or confirmation) that your inner point of contact is reflected in the deeply significant role you play in the lives of others.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Step out of your own way and allow your radiance to light up the landscape around you, and guide others to you. You need to make no special effort; you merely need to be available and observant. It’s likely that you would underestimate the influence you have on others, which is why I suggest you look, and be open, rather than try to guess. Because you’ve decided to step up to challenges perhaps greater than you ever have, the way you relate to others is essential. Few people accomplish much alone. People whose minds are rich with ideas, in particular, benefit from the support of others who are able to carry a vision in a creative way. You in particular place a high value on collaboration. This is less about getting others to do work for you and more about what is possible when different approaches combine to form something more brilliant, more original, more helpful. I suggest that you put some trust into how much nourishment other people receive just from being around you. Now in particular, you’re focusing a creative energy reaction that pulses out into your surroundings. This is vividly noticeable given that it’s set amidst a world of entities, many of which merely drain energy. You offer heat, light, nourishment and a measure of reassurance to others. But don’t believe me! Look and feel.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2015

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are way ahead of yourself, even though you may have this crazy idea that you’re lagging behind. Like any inventor (that does seem to be your role these days), you have more ideas than you can put into practical use on any given day, though now you must embody the principle of cooperation. One sticking point here seems to be the idea that nothing of any worth is accomplished unless some people are exploited. But it’s time to question that one. Cooperation is voluntary. That voluntary factor is also an important step out of false individuality and into true autonomy. So you don’t have to feel bad about asking people to collaborate with you. However, you will need to be aware of any murky psychology that emerges once people form any kind of collective, or share in any goal. Remind people that it’s a privilege to partake in anything larger than themselves, and to work toward goals that benefit the whole community. Some of the more unusual psychology will be your property alone, focused on the theme of your early environment. What, exactly, happened when the child you once were tried to get people to cooperate with you, or with one another? That set up some negative expectations, and it’s time to let them go in support of better outcomes. If you can, so can everyone else. That is leadership.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One by one this month, planets make their way across your midheaven — the angle of your solar chart that describes your highest goals, your achievements and your reputation. This is calling on you to take on a leadership role that you might think is not quite in your nature; however, at least in astrological fact, it’s the essence of your nature. Have you tuned into the fact that you’re a leader in whatever you do, even if you never hold yourself out as one? You lead by example, and you lead with the quality of your ideas. So I suggest you start with being bolder, more vocal and more articulate about what you’re thinking and what your priorities are. Follow that up with careful observation of the people around you, and several rounds of listening. The chances are that whatever you’re doing is going to require two revisions before it settles into a stable form, and this process takes you into mid-February. Till then, hang loose and allow your ideas to evolve. Look at things sideways, from different perspectives and from the opposite point of view. Your tree-like stability sometimes resists that process, though trees are exceptionally responsive to their environments and more communicative than nearly everyone imagines. Among the many people offering ideas, there will be a few gems. Look for them with your eyes, and feel for them with your hands.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This year it looks like your relationship life settles down enough for you to actually keep track of what is happening. There’s still plenty going on and you will need to devote yourself to understanding yourself and others as a way of life. The difference is that now you have a sense of what the process of your relationships is all about. First, they are indeed extensions of yourself. Second, what they ‘extend’ into your environment is your process of making contact with your deeper self. You have experiences with others that seem impossible to have on your own. That’s not strictly true; but it’s easier to see certain things when they are projected outside of yourself. One of those things is how people actually grow and transform. You have seen people address some of the darkest elements of themselves, take a huge step and emerge in a different place. In some ways you’re less confident about being able to do this yourself, though the fact that you know others can and do take these steps is proof of what is possible. That is, it’s a demonstration of what is possible for you. Events early in the month in one especially important partnership will enable you to get underneath the surface layers of personality, ideas and opinions. On this deeper level, you can access authentic change where it really happens, at your emotional core.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s simply not true, as you often believe, that others are stronger than you, or more persistent. They may however be more inclined to use force, and you are especially sensitive to that. You also expect people to be connected to their feelings in a way similar to yourself, though that rarely turns out to be true. I suggest that if you find yourself provoked into any kind of confrontation, wait for a few days before responding. Pause, listen and observe. Most of all, feel. The situation is not what it seems, and anyone who is acting up or dramatizing something is likely feeling as if they have no power (which is not true, and don’t fall for it). For you, the message can be an affirmation of your own strength, and your power of faith. The sign Cancer is famous for its cycles, owing to your close connection to the Moon. Now you get a chance to hold steady (as a general rule, it would be wise to wait one month before making up your mind about anything). Once the early drama sorts itself out, it will be clear who owes what to whom. Said another way, someone in fact has a debt to you, and once that becomes obvious, it will be clear that some form of payment or at least acknowledgement is due. In the end, however, that transaction must be voluntary.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Get a handle on group dynamics, since this is the most important theme of your life right now. Everything is affected: all kinds of groups, from those of family to friends to work and their various crossovers. The key here is an exchange that happens on the level of the collective, rather than a bunch of individual transactions. There is a larger entity involved, and within that entity, everyone must be clear and open with everyone else. Unlike bees and ants, who must adopt a hive mentality centered around one leader, humans have the capacity to live in mutual community, where individuals are all consciously aspects of one another. A number of other factors indicate that this is a ‘get serious’ moment around anything related to your creativity, children and sex. You could say it’s a time to understand the role of pleasure in your life, and how that in turn influences your ability to be productive. Looked at another way, you must take full responsibility for your creative power and its results. The thing is that now, pleasure and productivity are no longer solo activities, or contained in one-on-one partnerships. The good news is you don’t have to take any burden on your shoulders exclusively. The learning challenge is seeing (and experiencing) yourself as fully integrated into a group process. It needs you, and you need it.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your ability to focus is a gift and a privilege. Your intelligence is also a gift, and a key to the universe that you possess and can use at any time. There have been times when you’ve perceived yourself as the victim of these things, mainly because you’ve perceived them to alienate you from others socially. That no longer seems to be the case. Brains and beauty are coming back into style. You’re no longer surrounded by weirdos who have to prove how different they are, or what geniuses they are. Your environment is now populated by people who value their connection to others, and who recognize you for who you are. The sticking point, if there is one, is self-criticism, often taken to excess. The point of contention is that you still may not take well to those who are easier on themselves than you are. You may perceive this as weakness, lack of discipline and lack of self-awareness. You’re probably correct in your perceptions, though that bears no relationship to being gentle on yourself, or on others. Do everything you can to keep your point of view wide and inclusive of all perspectives. Tap into how others receive information and intuition — you have a lot to learn from them, and what you learn will greatly benefit your worldly goals and your inner growth agenda.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Events this month will contribute to the sensation that you’re at a tipping point. You have figured out that an approach to existence has reached the end of its useful life. The theme is independence from the structures of the past, including your concepts of family and relationship. I would include every structure you’ve taken for granted, including your notion of what makes you safe. The truth is that nothing but your thoughts contributes to your sense of safety; if your environment is involved, that is associated with the value that you place on certain factors. Anyway, the confidence you’re feeling is real, and it’s closely associated with making the choice not to hold yourself accountable for the actions of others. If you’re feeling better about yourself, that’s about making up your mind that you alone are the assessor of your worth. I suggest that you start to move forward the moment you realize you’re ready to do so. It looks like you’re suddenly taking an idea or creative vision more seriously. From another point of view, you may be observing that something you’ve long dreamed of is now actually possible. It always was, though how you look at such potentials makes all the difference. Devote yourself fully to this thing, whatever it may be, and check in on how much progress you’ve made by mid-June. You’ll be impressed.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Saturn has finally left your sign, which is offering you freedom and flexibility you have not felt in a long time. It’s as if a weight has been taken off of your shoulders. The thing about these kind of developments is that the effects tend to be short-lived. The way to maintain the feeling of lightness is to remember how much you had to do in order to get there — and keep doing whatever that was. If people need to put you under less pressure, that’s because you’ve stepped up to your known and agreed-to commitments consciously and willingly. If you’re actually responsible for yourself and your actions, you don’t need a boss or parental figure telling you what to do. These are old themes — as old as you are, and because they span the generations, actually far older. It may have taken your entire ancestral lineage to produce you, who has figured out that you are responsible for what you say, think, do and feel. You are responsible for what happens in your environment. But this only becomes a burden if you pretend it’s not true — then suddenly you’re under everyone’s thumb. To really be free, you don’t have to live up to the expectations of others. Rather, you must set high standards for yourself and exceed your own expectations on a regular basis.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Attend to practical matters first. Let form follow function. Let content dictate form. Attend to your responsibilities in the order they come due, and while you’re at it, get ahead on longterm projects. You may be feeling like you’ve been released from an invisible bubble. You may feel like suddenly people are noticing your presence, your talent and your wisdom. Definitely invest some energy into social affairs, though keep your focus on what you know needs to happen; on what you want to make happen. The special beauty of this moment is that your most intelligent ideas will translate easily into something tangible, whereas in the past they might have seemed too abstract to do much with. In a similar vein, each step you take toward any worthwhile goal supports all of your goals. It’s not merely your imagination telling you that your long-range objectives are within reach if you concentrate your efforts and take the necessary steps to get there. You have seen the power of negative thinking waste your energy and derail your peace of mind. That is becoming a thing of the past, though you may have one last run-in with a point of view that you know you’re done with. The key to the puzzle that seems to vex the human race: take absolute responsibility for your own thoughts, and move on fast.

 Have You Pre-Ordered Your Capricorn Birthday Reading Yet?

Dear Capricorn:

The Sun is making its way through your sign now; in fact, this weekend it directly encounters the Uranus-Pluto square, shedding some light on that era-defining aspect. It’s astrology that’s uniquely personal for you, given Pluto’s long journey through your sign.

Planet Waves

But that’s only one piece of what’s shaping your life in the coming months — and Eric will cover all of your most pivotal astrology in your birthday reading.

Note: this reading is not the same thing as the 2015 annual edition.

In fact, Eric works hard to make sure you get another layer of your story, offering you a depth of insight you won’t find in other online astrology offerings. Plus, birthday readings are the only readings from Planet Waves to feature a tarot spread using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and interpreted by Eric.

You can pre-order this reading now for only $24.95 ($15 off the published price), and we’ll send you the access info as soon as it’s ready. If you’re wondering what to give anyone in your life with a Capricorn Sun or rising sign, look no further.

Yours & truly,


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve been putting off decisions about money, you will soon know exactly what to do. Do your research and get your plan of action together. Consult any necessary advisors. There will be some matters you can attend to during the first week of the year. However, should there be any additional preparations necessary, I suggest that you wait until after Mercury stations direct on Feb. 11 to implement any actions. The more money is involved, the more important it is to wait out Mercury retrograde. This is less about superstition and more about allowing additional information to emerge. The nature of Mercury retrograde is to flush out hidden information. It’s also to find the weakness in the system; the two are often related. Meanwhile, the recent sign change of Saturn is encouraging you to tune into yourself for all of the information you need, on nearly any subject. No doubt you have plenty of data in your hands and will soon have more. In the end, the final check on any decision is your intuition. As the next few months progress, you may find yourself losing interest in what anyone thinks on any topic of actual importance to you. Pry yourself out of that every now and then and reality check with one or two people that you have come to trust over the years. The final call is always yours.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are entering The Year of the Peak Experience. Such is the thing you want to do all the way; the full distance; scaling the actual mountain rather than riding on Space Mountain. A number of factors describe this, though one is letting go of an obsession with consequences that seems to have stalked you for a while. This has been an excellent exercise in accountability. You have, if you’ve been in tune with your astrology, learned how to think things through. You’ve figured out that what you do now influences what happens later. The whole time thing can be annoying, but at least it’s dependable and can be put to productive use. Even as you experiment with more daring people, places and experiences, you still have a diversity of safety devices in place that will keep you from running off the rails — and at times you may need to override them. For example, you may be more conservative than usual in financial and sexual matters, having a tendency to fear the worst. You may check your intuition regularly, seeking facts to support your hunches. In order to succeed at anything, you will need to take some risks. The good thing is that those can be conscious choices rather than involuntary reflexes. That and a modicum of intelligence is all anyone needs, and you have plenty more than that.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — No need to wonder what has become of your insecurities: the mighty Saturn has taken its place at the top of your solar chart. This is your moment to take command of your life, and by extension, all the affairs over which you preside. Pisces has big dreams, though few know the extent to which you are driven by the desire and indeed the need to achieve something real. However, in recent years it hasn’t been that easy to concentrate your efforts. Yes, there has been a bit too much going on, and events moving faster than you could keep up. Mainly there has been a confidence issue. Thankfully you’ve grown tired enough of it to want to get over it — and that’s most of what it takes. Part of your confidence issue has involved concerns about being accused of the profit motive. I realize that not every Pisces aspires to be Jesus or Buddha, but most people born under your sign put service first, pleasure second and profits last. Your current phase of enhanced leadership directly involves focusing the drive to make money at what you do. You don’t have to play the game of society’s cognitive dissonance on this issue. Whatever their theoretical philosophy, everyone likes to have money in their pocket. All the better if it’s earned with a clear conscience, as yours most surely is.

Top 5 Events of 2015 (and your December horoscope)

Note, this extended monthly horoscope is available to all readers, registered or not. The extended monthly is usually part of a Core Community Membership to this website. –efc

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you made it through this much of 2014, you experienced some of the most wrenching astrology in recent memory. The cardinal grand cross of January and April, combined with Mars retrograde and some strategically placed eclipses, earned most of the current year the rating of whiplash machine.

Photos in this article are all of the Coxing, a stream in Ulster County, the only stream I’m really interested in photographing. Photos are all along the Grandmother Land in High Falls, NY.

I’ll start with a little refresher of that. In the background of all astrology in our phase of history is an era-defining aspect called the Uranus-Pluto square. This started warming up in 2008 when Obama got elected and the banking and mortgage collapse happened.

It really got cooking in 2011 with Fukushima, Arab Spring, the Occupy movement and countless other too-intense news events that year. And it had (or will have) a total of seven exact contacts between early 2012 and early 2015. This aspect is an extension of Sixties astrology, in that it’s part of the same cycle, the Uranus-Pluto cycle, that instigated that most interesting era of the mid-20th century.

The evolutionary force of Pluto combined with the revolutionary impulse of Uranus, and the blend illustrated an outpouring of energy of nearly every shade, color and temperature.

Nearly 50 years later, those two planets are at first-quarter phase, an extended drama that begins to resolve in 2015. What we experienced in 2014 on two separate occasions was other planets getting into the action — Mars and Jupiter, which basically brought the sensation of that aspect to the front of awareness. That was the grand cross of January and April 2014.

Continue reading

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There is big business moving in your chart, and right at the same time planets come storming through your house of achievement and success, Saturn makes its first move into Sagittarius. The theme is ethics. Seen one way, your astrology is perfect for you to take a success-at-all-costs approach to life. It would probably work, remembering the ‘all costs’ factor. Saturn, for its part, is saying that you must be mindful of the spiritual ground you stand on, which would include (for example) the relationship between what you achieve and how you get there. It would include making sure that every statement you make is true for you and also for the person hearing the message. Yes, planets are strongly hinting at a time of boldly claiming your power, your talent and your authority. Yet unlike most business situations, the final result when we do the calculus on your chart comes down to do the right thing for the right reason. There is one other element: If you encounter a voice of parental authority, whether in the form of guilt, some religious regulation or a personal hangup with success, listen carefully. I suggest you take notes and map it out. Nobody else can tell you what’s right and what’s wrong, though voices from the past are trying to hijack the issue. It’s not up to them — this is your call.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have the sensation that something is out of balance, though the way it looks in your astrology, you’re working to put that very thing into balance. Yet you might not feel that way while it’s happening. The changes you want to make are drawing you in like the vortex that they are. In truth you are catching up with yourself. You are closing the gap between what you were told about yourself, and the reality of who you actually are. You have made a respectable investment in clearing out karma, clutter and beliefs to which other people are attached. There are two parts to the equation of what you’re doing — identifying and letting go of what was not true or has served its purpose, and taking full ownership of what is true for you based on actual understanding. The catch is how unstable you might feel through this process. Internally and externally, large forces are at work. This may have you feeling like the substance of who you are is not strong enough to stand up to existence. I would offer this — the seeming substance of who you are not is what is threatened. What you were in the past, what you believed, what you thought you wanted, will crumble under the changes. Who you are is what will be revealed for its enduring strength and vision.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You will need to put extra care this month and into January into all matters of a joint financial nature, taxes, investments and shared resources. You may find this irritating or challenging, though I suggest you devote yourself to the tasks at hand. The thing to avoid is rebellion, whether in words, actions or even thoughts. Go along with the program and your process of tidying up the past. People of power and influence may be paying attention, and your job is to make sure that you do what you’re obliged to do. The most positive aspect of this is that once you clear this material out of the way, you will have a much lighter approach to existence. In addition, the relationships that are involved are struggling under the burden of too much in the way, too many unresolved commitments and a corresponding energy drain. Events this month are your invitation to get clear. You may be nervous about this because you’re fearing that in the process, something will have to give. What is actually happening is that everyone is learning how to give and how to receive. The underlying skill that will make this possible is listening. Learn to do it and do it well. Listen carefully enough and you will get actual insights, and convey the idea that paying attention actually helps. Absolutely radical, I know.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Calmly watch the world and observe the subtle fact that you’re in a position of power. You will have to do some sorting out what that power is, how it manifests and how you may use it, but the fact remains, you are in a strong place. This will be helpful information when you get into that moment when so much is happening that you have no idea how to handle it. Come back to the core concept; come back to the egg. Your strength is not power over anyone else. It’s based on having a wide perspective and also on confidence coming from the inside-out. You may think that everything else, everything going on around you, is so much more substantial, so much more tangible. But that does not translate to meaningful, or to longterm influence. It will help if you get in the habit of speaking second rather than first. It will help immensely if you focus your intuition on what is being said to you, and figure out the message under the message. Then you can unravel the psychology of the people around you, and once you do that, you will be unstoppable. Meanwhile, you have an assignment, which is to notice the ways you’ve done things the same way and had the same result. New information will provide the means to new methods and, consequently, new effects.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Get ready for an adventure — artistic, creative, erotic, childish, challenging, risky — and remember to pace yourself. You can be as bold an adventurer as you want, as long as you remember to sleep at night and eat real food. I know that what often seems like the most fun involves being up 24 hours a day, neglecting one’s health and otherwise going over the deep end. You may be inclined to do that, though I am looking ahead to the charts after you come back down to the ground, and they are suggesting a conscious approach to whatever bold thing you do. In essence I am saying to take a balanced approach when you will have lots of opportunities not to do that. Perhaps as encouragement I can offer the idea that you will go deeper, learn more and get more accomplished if you do the food/water/sleep thing than if you don’t. The kinds of edgy adventures, experiments and thought excursions indicated by your charts will benefit from presence of mind. Much of what you learn will come across in subtle ways, in hints and in cues. Plus, in anything risky there is at least some potential danger, and the way to mitigate that is to be present in your own mind and body. That said, your astrology really is calling for a bold and fearless approach to it all.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What does it take to unravel conditioning, guilt and resistance? What does it take to be the person you are every minute of the day, with no pretense? Usually it takes a process. For some people there can be a breakthrough or sudden awakening, and ultimately no matter what the process or lead-in may be there is that moment of choice, of full awakening. Your chart suggests two parallel experiences, as if you’re digging a tunnel from two sides of the river. From one side of the river is a trip through your conditioning, which is resulting in heightened awareness of your environment. You may have some shocking insights as you take this journey, and you may figure out that your perception is mostly the result of past impressions. At times they may seem impossible to escape, but once you see them you’re most of the way there. From the other side of the river, you are determined to express yourself. This is the external side of the journey, where you are setting yourself free to say what you want to say and make what you want to make. No matter how you look at this experience, the ultimate point of arrival is the same thing: not being trapped in the past. To most, this seems like a pipe dream or an absurd notion. To you it’s a necessity.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — We all live in ‘the environment’, which we usually think of as the air, the water, the neighborhood, the cityscape or some other external factor. You’re about to be taken on a journey through your mental environment. You will have the option and the ability to see how real, or unreal, it is. Yet real or unreal is not the actual dilemma. The dilemma is the relationship between inner and outer. To what extent is your inner environment influencing or even controlling your perception? The boundary between inner and outer may seem extremely thin at times, and at others, it may seem like it’s as wide as a canyon. The thing to do, while you have an excellent opportunity, is to experiment. Is it really true that when you smile the world smiles with you? Is it true that when you’re feeling depressed you cannot tune into happiness in a sincere way? How powerful is the mental filter? This question matters a lot, because if the answer is, ‘It controls everything else’, then you may decide that you need to learn how to master this element of yourself. Or at least, you may decide that you need to master the art of exploring your own mental environment. Events over the next few weeks will facilitate that, as long as you remember that everything you perceive is not necessarily what it seems to be.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This month a pressure you’ve endured for quite a while starts to come off of you. You might also think of it as an external support system. Its absence will be an experiment, and a test of how strong you’ve become. You may not feel entirely confident, similar to the end of healing a physical injury, uncertain whether you’re up to who you were before. Yet this experiment is about going far beyond who you were, and it’s about exploring and developing new forms of strength. In the past, you have put great reliance on your emotional power to get the world to bend to your will. What you are learning is how to reason carefully. You have also been able to sidestep the idea of self-reliance, in part due to your ability to take part in structured entities and know how to work within the tribe. Yet Saturn making its first foray out of your sign this month is an indication that you will be learning some significant ways to be self-sustaining and emotionally independent. This also translates to a greater degree of freedom, which often you’ve been willing to sacrifice in exchange for certain social bonds that have sustained you. This will be a gentler process than you may think. Yet it will also be more meaningful and more necessary than you believe.

Pre-Order Your Sagittarius Birthday Reading Now For Best Price

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you have a Sagittarius Sun or Sagittarius rising (or have Sadge loved ones), your solar year just began with the ultimate ‘start now’ symbol: a New Moon in your sign just hours after the Sun made its entrance. And that was only the beginning.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

In just less than a month, Saturn makes its first foray into your sign — about a week before the start of the New Year. This is a total change of energy and shift of emphasis; as a Sagittarius, you appreciate new frontiers and adventures. If you’re skeptical about Saturn, remember that it actually offers a wealth of gifts; they just tend to be the kind you make yourself, metaphorically speaking. And they’re gifts that last.

Your birthday reading is available for pre-order now for a reduced price. Beat the holiday chaos, and enjoy some peace of mind knowing that as soon as Eric finishes the reading, you’ll be able to access it.

Your reading will consist of two half-hour (plus) segments of astrology, plus astrology afterthoughts and what seems to be everyone’s favorite — a tarot reading using the Voyager deck by James Wanless.

Two excellent extra features round out the package: access to last year’s reading, so you can check Eric’s work and check the progress of your life; and also a live call-in program so you can ask questions about what Eric covers and (to some extent) your own astrology.

If you’re friends with a Sagittarius, this reading makes a beautiful gift they’ll use and truly love. All Planet Waves readings are recorded in studio-quality audio, and can be listened to on any computer or mobile device.

You can pre-order the reading now for $24.95.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This month, Saturn enters your sign for the first time since Nov. 12, 1988, when the prior Saturn in Sagittarius phase ended. Since this promises to be big news on the Internet, here are some time details, then one thought: Saturn enters your sign on Dec. 23, then retrogrades back into Scorpio on June 14, 2015, and finally settles into Sagittarius on Sept. 17, 2015 (where it will remain for two years). As for that thought: You’re entering a time of transition. Part of what will make that real is focusing what you’ve learned about yourself since this time in 2012, and taking that to heart. In particular, the central topic is the nature of fear and how you respond to it. You might say we live in the age of, ‘I know a lot, but I don’t do anything with the information’. You are entering the age of, ‘I must use everything I know about myself’. In essence, this is the time of mastering your accountability for yourself, which means being accountable for that elusive thing known as self-knowledge. This is the thing you’ve been waiting for. You may not think so, but as this quality of existence begins to pick up momentum, I think you will get the idea. Central to the theme is being the master of your own life. Yes, you can do it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If this isn’t the most interesting month of your life, it will likely come up on the top 10 list. It may be challenging to hold your center. You may feel like some vast change is about to sweep through your world. The astrology illustrates a scenario where you are surrounded by a vast amount of activity and energy, yet you appear holding yourself steady at a still point. Let the energy move around you. Allow yourself to be central rather than peripheral. Allow yourself to be the one sought after rather than the seeker. Allow others to be changed by you, without imposing any plans or intentions on them. There is so much momentum carrying you and your whole environment that you don’t need to. You will feel sane and stable if you observe rather than explain, if you allow your attention to expand rather than reacting to what others are saying or doing. I know that on Earth this is all easier said than done, but that’s true of just about anything. This will be worth the relatively small effort, with the greatest reward being the recognition of how many options you have open. To succeed at this you must do one thing, really — resist the temptation to rebel for its own sake. Speak softly and clearly when you truly have something to say — and trust that you will be heard.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Don’t let the pressure get to you. Keep your sense of humor. Get as much of your work out of the way before the holidays as you can, and give yourself a little space to live and breathe. Make sure that you plan plenty of time alone, get enough sleep as if it’s as important as oxygen or food. You are processing a lot. By that I mean that many of the revelations of past years are starting to make sense to you. Their truth and relevance is catching up with you and you are catching up with them. Yet this may be overwhelming, and I would propose that you need a vent. It might be a creative vent, an erotic one, or some time-shifting experience that helps you shift your context. Remember this if the inner pressure gets to be too much. While it’s also true that you have many worldly responsibilities at the moment, that is about to shift, and shift suddenly. You will still possess your influence, your insight and your modes of participation, but the burden of responsibility and perhaps of leadership is about to let up. I suggest you move with that, which for you will be a matter of trust. You have accomplished a lot the past two years, and I suggest you reflect on that with some true appreciation.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re about to get a taste of a kind of success that you may have decided was in the past, or that existed only in theory. You will not get there alone. What you are doing now, however, will take you further, and has a tangible quality that you may have been lacking. You are certainly someone who is motivated, even driven, by your dreams — though that is not nearly enough to satisfy you. From the look of your chart, what you want is accomplishment, which brings me to the ‘not alone’ part. The wealth in your life is the people in your life. This is not a fact that’s lost on them, and neither is their respect for you as an organizing principle. That, if anything, is how to think of yourself, rather than (say for example) as an achiever or leader. Your job is to pull the scene into focus. Your role is to propose purpose and to serve as a stabilizing factor in what is clearly an increasingly chaotic world. Your own stability will come from your ability to dance with the chaos rather than to resist it; and to gather energy rather than have it be depleted from you. To this end, food is a critical factor right now, as is water in all forms. Yet the real message of your charts in this rather large moment is to notice who is around you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November, 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Something you’ve recently learned or discovered about yourself now must be taken to heart in a relationship situation. Self-knowledge is the basis of any agreement you have with another person, and when you gain some of that (or what looks like quite a bit) it will necessarily influence your agreements with others. Or rather, it will if you are paying attention, and if you want to live sincerely. You have long known that you could not fit yourself into any situation or partnership that is smaller than you are. True, it’s the way of the world to try to cram ourselves into these situations, though such a compromise will eventually fall apart. You might start from the premise that no compromise is possible — not, at least, on the specific matters you have identified. And then what? Well, one solution to that puzzle is that you proceed as an individual on your own terms, and others will get to enter your life as individuals on their own terms. A relationship is not two people living as one, because in truth that is not possible. It’s two people acknowledging their mutual existence, respecting one another for their similarities and their differences. If this sounds like walking over a cliff, it’s because maturity is in short supply these days, though from the look of your chart, you are being called to tap into your deepest reserves.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How you feel keeps changing, and that is the key to progress. If you are aware of the changes, then by definition you are aware of how you feel. That is the essence of your ability to direct the course of your life. All your other senses count, but your physical contact with your body and with your environment will provide your most intelligent guidance. That is a moment-to-moment reckoning with reality. You may be looking straight at the illusion that your existence is somehow about all these other people. They are involved, that’s for sure, though not quite in the role that you think. For one thing they don’t have the power to limit you. To the contrary, their role is to provide support, structure, and at times something to resist specifically so that you can assert your individuality in a meaningful way. There’s a big difference between doing this in theory or in fantasy and trusting people enough to stand up to them with your ideas. You don’t need to be defensive about this, though that temptation will exist. You also don’t want to put anyone else in a defensive position. Rather, you can assume an affect of neutrality, or of making an inquiry in the pursuit of truth. Set aside right and wrong for a moment, and allow your ideas to mingle with those of other people, and see what develops.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — For about six months, a topic has been on the agenda of a close personal relationship. It rises to the surface and then disappears. Sometimes it seems easy to consider; other times it seems too personal to talk about, and it’s the thing to avoid. Yet sooner or later you need to clear the air, with yourself and with people around you who in truth have a right to know what’s on your mind and share what is on their mind. In an intimate relationship, everyone needs to be listened to, otherwise it’s not really intimacy. Said another way, avoiding the most meaningful topics is an excellent way to turn down the level of contact, a way to make intimacy less intimate. Once you check for that factor and make up your mind how you feel about it, the next step is to have the conversation. You may feel intimidated by the weight of the past, or by how much there is to heal, when you write it out like a shopping list — though that is not how healing works. The larger questions all involve trust, and how to consider what has happened in the past. They are closely related. Trust is built and maintained, in a delicate process. Part of how that happens is that everyone involved demonstrates through their actions that they really have learned from history. That, and there are no more agreements to deny or pretend.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is a risk involved in everything. You flirt with this; it’s time to embrace it. It’s understandable enough that you’ve been cautious lately. You may have been knocked on your heels by some unexpected factor, and you needed time to review and revise your plan. What is essential is that you gradually draw yourself out of that aversion, use what you know and begin to take some calculated chances again. The key here is strategy, which you need to honor on every level — financial, creative, psychological and most of all relational. One central question is, what’s the role of others in your life? You might also ask what is the role of others in their own lives? These days you have a tendency to draw to you people who are fundamentally self-centered, and I suggest you learn to spot them before they gain any ground on you. It’s true that everyone needs to take care of themselves; everyone needs to eat. By self-centered I mean at the expense of taking care of anyone or anything else, and in particular, you. You will recognize these people energetically because you will feel depleted by them, and never truly nourished. Take the chance and move on quickly. You need partners who share your values, who share your ability to take care of others, and who can be self-focused with a very broad concept of self — all of us here.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s not as complicated as it seems. It will be, if you try to analyze your emotions, and re-analyze them, and expect everything to add up to the same thing every time. To me, your solar chart says the place to start is to set limits, including limits on yourself. If you feel any competitive or jealous vibes, that is the place to start. If you feel resentful that you cannot express some deeply held need or even a basic feeling, that’s the place to set a limit, in the form of knowing that such cannot persist. If there is a need for leadership in your environment, everyone must play their role in a cooperative way. The challenge of your astrology seems to be finding a balance between being the center of your own world, and being part of the wider world. That balancing point involves being clear what you have to give. You are in an excellent position to offer support and affirmation, even though it’s clear that you are facing certain distinct emotional challenges. Yet as you acknowledge and work out these matters, you must stay a few levels above them, and a few steps ahead of them. Your planning must involve your probable emotional and physical state if certain conditions emerge, and include a plan to avoid those conditions. Be clear, especially with yourself. Be professional, including and especially in your own home.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Maintain your clarity of mind. There are forces in motion that are way larger than you, and they seem to be in operation in all areas of your life. You are not going to control them, but there are more and less appropriate responses. The more appropriate responses all begin with applied intelligence. Rather than being about how smart you are, this is about what you do with your information and your observations. It’s about what information you use to inform the choices you make, and knowing when you must make those choices. I assure you there will be moments when a decision seems too difficult, without enough time to think about it carefully. That is why you must be aware of your environment, prepare in advance to the extent that you can, and most of all, know yourself. The sensation of time as pressure is something to consider. Rarely will any perceived shortage of time be as urgent as you think. What is vital is that you set a structure for time, and work with a plan at all times. Set a deadline for everything. If you have to make a decision, make an inquiry and determine how much time you reasonably have. What feels like you have an hour may turn out to be two days. What feels like forever may be one week. Clarity of mind translates to time is of the essence.

Scorpio Birthday Reading Now Available for Pre-Order

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you’re born under the sign Scorpio or have Scorpio rising (or have Scorpio loved ones), this is going to be an intriguing year, one of the most meaningful in a long time. Three planets enter your sign the same day, followed by a solar eclipse.

Planet Waves

That is an exciting solar return — a homecoming. In addition, Saturn finally makes its first moves out of your sign later in the year, and transitions into Sagittarius. This is a total change of energy and shift of emphasis.

Your birthday reading is now available for pre-order at the lowest price.

I intend to do the reading next week, which consists of two half-hour (plus) segments of astrology, plus astrology afterthoughts and what seems to be everyone’s favorite — a tarot reading using the Voyager deck by James Wanless.

Your reading includes two excellent extra features — access to last year’s reading, so you can check my work and check the progress of your life; and also a live call-in program so you can ask questions about what I cover and (to some extent) your own astrology.

If you’re friends with a Scorpio, this reading makes a beautiful gift they’ll use and truly love. All of my readings are recorded in studio-quality audio, and can be listened to on any computer or mobile device.

You can pre-order the reading now for $24.95, and I plan to have it ready for you by next week.


P.S. If you have not yet visited the new Planet Waves website, you can sign up for a complementary Introductory Membership here. This will give you access to many of our regular columnists and other features, and offers a glimpse of what a full subscribing membership offers.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You must continue to be careful with your money, though if you are both cautious and shrewd, you can come out well ahead by one month from today. Financial literacy is something that’s sorely lacking in a culture that’s supposedly all about money. However, ignorance is not your friend, not now and not ever. Presently, there are practical matters that need your attention, but the larger theme seems to be a question of honor. I know those don’t usually count for much, especially where money is concerned, though at the moment this is something that matters a great deal for you. Honor translates to impeccability. It means that all your actions with money and finance must match your stated values, including how you earn and how you allocate your resources. It’s essential that you work with a plan, and with full knowledge of how much you have at any time. Money is a measurement of power, though few people see it that way; it’s more often a place where they feel disempowered or cut off. Nobody who is good at handling or manifesting money got that way by accident. At minimum it required a decision and at most a long series of experiments, challenges and lessons. Do your part to help yourself. Get serious about your finances. Get real about how important this is to you and the people who depend on you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There is a sober quality to your charts this month, though it may take you a little while to catch onto that. You will the moment you get your mind out of the clouds, and away from any idealistic visions of how things might be. There are times for idealism and there are times to be fully focused on what is happening right now. If you want to unlock the potential of your moment, if you want to have it be more than a dream or a potential, I suggest you take the grounded and steady approach to your life. What is required the most of you is commitment. Not the words or the idea, but steadfast action, sustained over time. There are days when you will need to be content with less progress than you know is possible. That is why you will measure your progress in longer stretches of time than a day, a week, or even a month. When things seem difficult you must not allow yourself to lose your gumption or to choose what seem like easier options. Easier is not necessarily better, though there will be times when you’re sure that it is. In just a few weeks, Saturn will begin the process of moving from your sign to Sagittarius. Saturn has been a consistent guide and mentor to you, and in the remaining time that Saturn is in your sign, it’s necessary to internalize the Saturn principle, which translates to self-leadership.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be under pressure to get your life together, as if the responsibility gene has woken up. To me it looks more like the ‘be true to yourself’ gene is kicking you from the inside. You might say that’s the most significant responsibility you have, and at the moment it seems to be shocking you to your senses. Aspects this month may be sending you the message that this is your last chance to accomplish something of real meaning. It’s not your last chance, though it’s worth respecting the finite nature of time, and of a lifetime. Opportunities are temporary in their current form. They may reincarnate as something else, though the opportunity you have now is an original. You might be wondering if it makes sense to proceed based on a sense of frustration or limitation. For example, if you don’t resolve it before you make a move, will you carry that sensation with you into your next endeavor? There are two distinct schools of thought on this matter, one being that you begin something new exactly where you left off from the previous endeavor; therefore, never make a decision from a point of frustration. Another is that such a place offers you the necessary leverage, friction or motivation to break out of your inertia. Those moments are indeed precious, and I think they can be rooted in true strength.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You must keep your cool at all times. There will be times when this won’t be easy. You are potentially the most volatile ingredient in any situation, and in every one of those situations you have something to lose. It is of course a blight on our times how many people live like they have nothing to lose, which is creating an increasingly reckless society. You at least know you have something at stake. You can remind yourself that you depend on your friends and your allies, and that you would have little to show for your efforts had you not had their cooperation in the past, and if you don’t have it going forward. So you have a good reason to be aware of, and to adjust, your responses and your tactics. One way to know you’re in jeopardy is if you ever get the thought that you can go it alone. That may be your one warning, valid because it contains the idea that the people around you are expendable, and therefore, it does not matter how you treat them or how they feel. Yes, it can be burdensome to think about everyone and how they are doing, all the time — and I assure you that such care and attention could save your career, your reputation, your business or an important friendship. And if you stay alert and even-headed, you will have opportunities to solve problems and regain your creative grounding.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I suggest you read a little about transactional analysis. That’s the form of therapy that developed the concept of transactions wherein people play the role of adult, parent or child. Everyone is involved in these transactions all the time, it’s just that they are rarely called what they are. Your job this month is to maintain the posture of adult. In that role, you need to relate to others as adults when possible. That is the easy part. Then comes relating to those acting like parents and children in a way that is appropriate, and wherein you don’t come out of the adult role — the place where you are stable, sane and fair-minded. People know how to play games designed to get one another out of adult role. People are, for example, constantly setting up situations where they must be treated as children, in a real sense compelling others into parent mode. You must be aware of this, not fall for it, and if you do, get back to your centered, present, adult mind as soon as you can. This is going to take some focus, as there will be situations wherein you will need to be rather bossy. With them, I suggest you do an adult thing and make sure that you establish, by agreement, the priorities and how the pecking order has to work in order to meet pre-established goals on time and in good form.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — What is it that you said you’ve always wanted to do with your life? When exactly do you think you’re going to do it? There is something in your charts saying that ‘when’ is right now. There’s something reminding you to connect your longterm vision with a point of focus — that is, to envision, to look and to actually see. That might feel like a beginning, but the truth is you began long ago. What you have in your hands is a moment when you can gather your principles all in one place, and recognize their validity. You have an even rarer moment when you can see the shape of time, and work with it. It is vitally important you recognize consciously that you have a future, and that your future is your most precious resource. It’s even more significant that you become aware of your vision, and that you connect it with these other ideas — the future and the shape of time. As you know it is easy to squander time, and that translates to being easy to squander a lifetime. Every force of nature seems to be guiding you in a better direction, that of embracing your potential as real, and honoring your own journey on Earth as a matter of integrity. This is not as dramatic as it seems, though you may have to establish some new patterns of consciousness. Like all journeys, that begins with a single step.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Events this month will be surprising and most of all you will surprise yourself with what you are capable of. You are likely to accomplish things you never imagined possible, which relates to emerging as someone you never quite thought you were. This will require more than ‘being real’, though in the most essential sense of that idea, it’s exactly what you will be doing. Yet this is more like being real in the way that you never thought possible. You seem to have gathered the idea that if you are bold and stand out, that will ultimately have an alienating effect on the people around you. You have the potential to discover an approach to life where asserting yourself fits a social pattern that helps you and everyone else. I will give you a clue how this works. Note the tendency for people, government agencies and countries to resort to aggression as the first resort rather than the last. The cosmic law of your chart says that you can do anything about which you can speak openly with others. Establish communication first and act second. Maintain a dialog. Make sure that you speak and listen in more or less equal proportion. And more than anything, don’t try to hide who you are. Assume that you are immediately recognized for who you are, and be that person all the time.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There’s no limit to what you don’t know about yourself, which you notice every now and then. This makes some people nervous, and it makes some people into artists, writers, musicians and philosophers. Those born under the sign Taurus live with a special version of what I would call the Persistent Mystery of Self. It can have a way of driving you, whether forward or in circles, though the impulse is not always so conscious. This month two eclipses influence your chart in profound ways. The first, on Oct. 8, seems designed to relieve internal pressure that has been bottling up for a while. This could manifest as a revelation about yourself, as a personal crisis or both — you can be less attached to the form it takes if you know why it’s happening. The effect will be to help you settle down emotionally and feel better in your skin, perhaps after a little storm. The next eclipse, on Oct. 23, takes place on your relationship angle. You may experience a similar phase of transition in an intimate partnership, though this is designed to bring you closer. Remember that many people don’t want to be closer to others, for whatever reason. It’s always helpful to know thyself, then encounter the other, and that is the arrangement. You do seem committed to your current path. Keep your faith.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be facing a persistent question about the role of sex in your relationships. Cultural mythology on this subject would make any anthropologist’s head spin. We could at least begin by saying that sex plays an important role even in ‘non-sexual’ relationships, for countless reasons, but at least one that you can relate to: People are curious about one another. And there are lots of people who turn you on. But there are no provisions for that in The Rules, and denial is no longer going to work for you. The thing to remember all the time is that you are a biological entity first, and a socially conditioned entity second. So let your biology and your curiosity speak. Notice who is noticing you — these days, plenty of people are –and maybe experiment with that being OK. You don’t need to make excuses for why you supposedly don’t care, especially if you actually do care. There is a zone in life and in your chart where healing and sex meet and blend, and for several different reasons, that zone is under focus right now. Any emotional, psychological or spiritual question deserves a thoughtful review of how your sexual feelings, experiences and values influence that matter. This of course all points directly to your relationships with others, and the question of how real you can be, which is another way of saying how honest.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’ll get more done if you work collectively rather than individually. You might forget this just when you need it most — so I suggest you remember just at that moment. Let any struggle that lasts for more than an hour be a reminder to get the help of other people who may know more than you, have greater resources or more patience and experience for a particular task. Don’t worry if you have to pay them; that is what money is for, though you’re likely to find assistance that can be done as seva (selfless service) or in-kind (you help them later). In any event, the thing to do is ask rather than pretending to be a lone wolf, or thinking you have to go it alone. Once you do, a whole world will open up — a world of passion and creativity, and one where taking certain kinds of risks makes sense and is the thing to do. It will help if you express your goals in a way that appeals to the idea of serving everyone. It’s true that this goes against the prevailing ethos of our time: every man for himself, helping others is pointless, and everything must be done for personal profit. The steps you take this month will guide you and the people around you to a higher level of awareness and more meaningful involvement with the world.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Most people are constrained by what they believe is possible, or rather, what they believe is impossible. Over the next few weeks, all of that is about to go pop. Things you never imagined in the realm of possibility will emerge as something you can do right now. Embrace the idea that in truth, anything is possible. You don’t even need to ‘believe’ it, or see how you could get there. You must only get out of your own way, and refrain from trying to convince yourself that something cannot be done. Along those lines, it would help if you elected not to subject yourself to the influences of anyone who is telling you what is not possible, particularly if you know they are coming from the place of their own injury. This can be challenging, since so many people think they have a vested interest in convincing others what cannot be done, or protecting them from the possibility that their dreams won’t come true. Be mindful of this and learn to recognize this viewpoint when you hear it. Your world is opening up. Your horizons of space and time are widening. Your sense of who you are is arising before your eyes. You need not debate this with yourself; rather, step into the future with calm confidence and you will see that you’re standing on solid ground.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be more emotional than you’ve felt in years, wondering just how everything you were sure you had worked out is suddenly reminding you of its existence. While it’s true that some of what you’re feeling is a calling to deeper healing, other experiences are more like reviewing an extremely vivid book of the history of your life. Even though you have made immense progress resolving the past, and doing what my Virgo friend Paloma calls “cleaning the tree” of your family of origin, it’s necessary that you stay close to your roots. This is because your roots are your connection to the Earth, and therefore your connection to your own strength. But as you know, this connection takes you deeper than any ordinary concept of the ground, and shifts your awareness to what you might call the cosmic ground of existence. All of your experiences have served to deepen your ability to feel, and to make contact with what many other people would consider to be entirely extraordinary. Therefore, treat all of your experiences and all of your inner feedback with respect and even a bit of reverence. As this phase of your journey continues, it will grow deeper the more conscious you are. It’s heading very steadily in the direction of a discovery of yourself, about the true nature of the past, and your deepest origins.

Love A Libra? Pre-Order the Libra Birthday Reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’ve begun a new season: the Sun is in Libra and the equinox and Libra New Moon are behind us. But you still have the opportunity to pre-order the upcoming Libra Birthday reading for half the published price.

If you’re a Libra by Sun sign or rising sign, or a Libraphile (you like the whole concept, your partner or one of your kids is a Libra, etc.), you will love this reading.

It consists of two astrology sessions and a tarot session, plus a live call-in discussion (date TBA; the discussion is recorded for those who cannot attend the live event). These conference calls have been a productive and fun way to learn about astrology and how it affects us.

You also get access to last year’s reading to check Eric’s accuracy, and to review the past few seasons. In   addition, your reading includes an extended written sign description.

I invite you to take advantage of some helpful, eloquent and spot-on astrology at an incredible value — or share it with a loved one as a birthday gift.

Here is your half-price pre-sale offer.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Stay close to your roots. Stay close to the person you have always been — the one you have come to trust. You often forget that this being resides right inside you, below your various circumstances, ideas about yourself and most of all, your relationship scenarios. One particular bond could become volatile and unstable; this will compel you to locate and to stand on your foundations. Yet you might want to consider the ways in which not doing so has contributed to that instability. You are at the point where losing contact with your self-respect can result in a nearly immediate shakeup in your life. The remedy, then, is not to ‘fix’ the relationship but rather to move closer to your core. This will have the effect of putting you in a calmer state of mind, and helping you see that there is nothing to fight about; there is no real controversy. Still, you may imagine that others want to dominate you, and that the only way to prevent that is for you to dominate them. I suggest you try a different approach, which is taking a wholly positive, constructive view of the situation. Your battle cry needs to be something like, ‘How can I make the most of this?’ or ‘What can I offer this situation?’ Your ability to do so is a dependable and immediate metric of your self-worth.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be wondering when things are going to change; you may start to think you’re going backwards rather than making progress. You may seem to lose sight of an important goal, or some crucial idea that you’ve been developing. Fear not. The astrology of the next few weeks is certainly mysterious and will leave plenty of people guessing. Yet as those weeks unfold, you will discover that something is brewing under the surface, and that something is likely to manifest on the day that the Sun ingresses your sign, which is Oct. 23. Now, this leaves a question of what to do if you find yourself in a zero-gravity space, or feeling like you’re unable to think clearly. Your chart says that you will get maximum value from getting lost in your work. Proceed with what you are doing, with full devotion, authentic passion and a healthy dose of curiosity. Imagine that you have no need to think about what’s coming next, nor any desire to do so. Keep yourself focused on the task at hand, which over the next two weeks is likely to get more interesting and take on a value of its own; that is, to be interesting for its own sake. You could call this art or science in its most essential and sincere form, which is the setup for an inevitable breakthrough.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars is transiting your sign all month long, and it’s making 17 conjunctions to everything from asteroids to centaur planets to the Galactic Core. Translated into English, you more resemble some kind of superhuman mutant than your average person. You may be feeling your strength more profoundly, as well as your doubts and your seeming imperfections. I assure you, however, that what you’re experiencing is distinctly human. You’re being called, or perhaps compelled, to notice a process that has been underway for years. You usually get some sense of this around the time of your birthday. Now you’re seeing and feeling something that may be vaguely familiar, but which you’ve never quite perceived acutely. One manifestation of this journey has been an inability to focus a clear definition of who you are, a clear sense of identity. You cannot even fake it, which I would say is a beautiful thing. You may, however, feel like as you experience each one of these seemingly different facets of who you are, you’ll be looking for some logic or some unifying theme. That would be you. The dreamer is never separate from the dream, no matter how many forms it takes. The perceiver is never separate from perception. The artist is never separate from their art. Follow this thread and you will emerge in a space where this is so obvious that it’s funny.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — From time to time, or all the time, you may be feeling like you’re about to explode. You must be careful with this. You are indeed experiencing some profound internal movement, which is provoking you to question and investigate every aspect of desire. If you have not recognized this yet, I suggest that you weave together the many clues that you have. If there is an issue involved, it’s how much you conceal from yourself. This is not a joke. From the look of your chart, it would be fair to say that you conceal (or try to conceal) very nearly everything from yourself, as if doing so would somehow protect you from it. But now the action of Mars, one of your special agents, is provoking every one of your desires, your instincts, your secret issues and most of all, your ambition. The thing to remember is that you cannot pick and choose. To have your power, you must confront your shadow material. To have your strength in the present, you must confront your past. To embrace your desires, you surely must confront your fears. Not doing these things has been stirring up all kinds of chaos in your heart and soul. This is putting you under a lot of unnecessary pressure, and cutting off your true strength. Set yourself free and take a good look inside that vast, extremely interesting inner space you contain.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There is nothing wrong with you, though something seems to be sending you that message. From the perspective of your solar chart, this appears as a thought form, probably something you picked up in childhood and that has had a grip on you ever since. You might find more than one of these ideas, and they might be clinging together in what psychology calls a ‘complex’. Events early in the month are likely to propel you to awareness of this issue, and to propel you to escape velocity. By now you have figured out that what I’m describing is a wholly internal situation. It’s not even vaguely caused by your current relationships; rather, your relationships follow the rules that you set for them. And now is the time to revise those rules in a truly radical way. In this process, it’s essential that you use words to express yourself. I recognize that words are not perfect and cannot express anything perfectly, but what they offer is evidence of your thought process. They allow you to track the evolution of your ideas about yourself. Your ideas manifest in a way that you can review the next day, share with others, or state as a tangible vision. Words can be edited, which means revised — which means you get to re-vision yourself with each successive draft. Words are images. Words are maps. And they hold the power of healing for you.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For months the theme of self-esteem and money has been dancing around the charts, and it’s about to dance its way over to Pisces. This month’s astrology describes a revolutionary turn of fortune, as if you finally make contact with your real financial power. There is an inventive quality to this, and the thing to remember about any process of invention is that it involves experimentation until you get to the breakthrough point. Therefore, don’t be discouraged by any past ‘failures’ — they were the necessary ground to tread, an initiation process, to get you to where you are today. Indeed, it would seem the only thing that could stop you is the conscious choice to give up, and fortunately there are other factors in your chart that are leading you forward with a real sense of adventure. Adventure is not a trip to Disney World. It’s this unpredictable kind of thing, with ups and downs and challenges and a sense of independence — a sense of quest, with an unknown destination — and that’s exactly where you are right now. Just remember that your financial liberation is an essential element of the story, part of which includes exploring, and reminding yourself just how radical your values really are. There is a direct relationship between that and whatever you define as success. If you want a working definition of self-esteem as the concept applies to you, there you have it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The chaos factor you’re experiencing may be the result of clinging to an idea about yourself — some point of identity, which feels like insisting on ‘I am’. This has its effect whether one claims to be a doctor, married, cool, pure, gay, straight, trans, smart, stupid, old, young or any other descriptor. One problem with ‘I am’ is that it changes, and right now it’s changing rapidly for you. This may be making you nervous enough to hold on tight — to anything. ‘I am’ rarely describes the deeper and more meaningful level of existence; indeed, the insistence on identity can serve to obscure much else. Your existence is an adventure, a fact that is especially true now. Yes, you need something you can refer to for stability. A relationship will not serve that purpose, especially if that relationship cannot contain the discoveries you’re making about yourself. So what does that leave? It leaves the quest that you’re on. Define yourself by the adventure that’s before you, and within you. Define yourself by the questions that you ask. Know yourself in your immediate experience, by perceiving what is shown to you — and then gradually recognizing the perceiver. Consider the notion, “I am the mind of the senses, the consciousness of creatures.” Who is that mind? Who is that awareness? This is who you are.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How risky are ideas? For many people they are terrifying; notice how distinctly unpopular thinking is. Notice society’s tendency to censor, to control, and to spy on what people say. But does that really mean ideas are actually risky? Well, they can be, in the sense that they are the precursor to progress. I suggest you take all the risks you can muster when it comes to thinking for yourself. To do that, you might need to tune in to the ways you were conditioned not to think for yourself, which includes everything from unquestioned prejudices to going along with the crowd to believing something is true because a parent or partner says it’s true. And herein lies the trap — the fear that if you dare to be original, or to question consensus reality, you will be cast out of the tribe. That’s about the last thing you have to worry about now; you are more likely to be considered in a position of leadership, specifically because you possess and use your capacity to think, and to think creatively. Here is a formula you can try, which can turn problems into solutions: Catch yourself every time you go into safe/narrow/prejudiced mode. Pause right then, and prompt yourself to question. Step over the nonexistent barrier and consciously allow your thoughts to unfold.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Sex is communication. Whatever else it may seem to be — recreation, reproduction, creativity, commerce — on the deepest level, it’s an exchange of feelings, energy, contact and words, all inherently communicative. When there’s any kind of breakdown around sex, from antipathy or cheating to violent assault, you can count that as a failure of communication. When you notice one of those, the first thing to do is to get the conversation going. The semantic origins of the word communicate are “to share, divide out; impart, inform; join, unite, participate in,” literally “to make common.” That’s the thing to reach for. This concept could be the basis for an entire course on sex education, suitable for adults or children. Think of it — common ground as the basis for relationship. What a radical notion. You are being drawn into that common ground right now, and it may seem on the surface to be about some form of romance or partnership. That would be true if the world were rated PG-13, but it’s not. Biology runs things on our particular planet, and that topic usually gets an XXX rating. Now, there aren’t usually many words spoken in those awesome little 10-minute features, and it’s up to you to bring some form of a dialog to the table. Not the bedroom; that’s not the best place to talk. The kitchen table is much better.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — When people say the word ‘commitment’ they usually mean ‘control’. This is not always true; in the most functional situations, commitment obviates the need for control. But in its shadow form, there is usually an expectation that someone is going to give up their power to someone else. I suggest you keep an eye on this, in whatever direction the energy may flow. Make sure your primary commitment is to yourself, and make sure that you’re open with yourself about how you feel about any given situation. Identify your needs without guilt, hesitation or resentment, then set about getting them met one by one. Honesty with everyone is central to this process, which always begins as responsiveness to your inner dialog. Now, you might notice how much of that involves the attempt at self-control — and you might notice that there are forces at work in your psyche that are saying it’s time to cut loose. This may especially be true around your work or profession. You seem tired of being hemmed in, and ready to accomplish something much greater than you ever have in the past. You do not need to revolt or reinvent your life. I suggest you do what you know works well, always with an original flare, and the revolution will come to you.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Though the Sun has moved on to Virgo, he has very courteously left Jupiter in Leo for the next 11 months. Going back years, there have hardly been any slow-moving planets visiting your sign (Saturn was the most recent one, and that was between 2005 and 2007). You now no longer need to feel like you must make something from nothing. You now have your own little solar system to play in, a planet 1,200 times the size of Earth, with 67 confirmed natural satellites. Jupiter is opening up a profound source of knowledge for you, though rather than being some form of abstract information, I mean direct wisdom. The idea is not to learn this wisdom but rather to become it. This may seem like a stretch for you, but this is the specialty of Jupiter — to broaden your horizons, to widen your mind and to open up a field of potential that you never knew existed. But this is more than wide; there is depth and a concentrated flow of energy revealed by the aspect pattern that Jupiter is making. That is depth you can access, and energy that will flow directly to you. There is no skill you cannot learn or apply. There is no problem you cannot solve. It is essential that you remain open and as free from negative thought patterns as you can.

Virgo Birthday Reading: Pre-order Now for Lowest Price

Dear Virgo Sun or rising:

Summer may be winding down, but your solar year is only just beginning. Eric will have your Virgo birthday reading available next week — making this the perfect time to pre-order for the best possible price.

Eric’s birthday readings work beautifully for your rising sign as well, so if you’re Virgo rising, you’re invited to take advantage of some helpful, eloquent and spot-on astrology.Your reading includes a live question-and-response session with Eric (date TBA), archived in case you cannot make e live event.

These conference calls have been productive and a fun way to learn about astrology and how it affects us. You also get access to last year’s reading to check Eric’s accuracy, and do a review of the past few seasons. And your reading includes an extended written sign description.

You can lock in the current price of $24.95 by pre-ordering now; the price will increase to $34.95 on Monday, and then increase again to $49.95 upon publication. If you’re not a Virgo, this will make a beautiful, lasting and inexpensive gift for any Virgo in your life.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — At this time in your life, some of the most important soul-level work you can do involves sexual healing. This process has been in progress for about six years, since Pluto entered Capricorn, your solar 5th house. Pluto describes what one author famously called “the evolutionary journey of the soul.” Normally the 5th is the place we seek fun and pleasure, though you have Capricorn in this house, which can act as a reservoir of past conditioning. It can store up shame and guilt from past generations. And Pluto is now opening the barriers that contain those fossilized emotions, all in the interest of setting you free. As this happens, it’s essential that you remain aware of what your body is feeling. You may be tempted to take the process to the mental or abstract level. You may be tempted to go to the astral or fantasy level. I suggest you stay grounded, as in bare feet on the ground. It’s essential that you take risks, especially some that you’re the most averse to. More significantly, it’s time to go past the expectations of purity that you think others have of you. Most of these are in your own mind, and they tend to create aversions to both risks and to pleasure. To open pathways to relating, creating and feeling good about yourself, this is where to invest.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Focus less on appearances and more on saying what you really mean. You might even consider forgetting appearances entirely and investing everything into speaking, and living, your truth. I normally would not cast this in such polarized terms, though these two concepts are often mutually exclusive. Appearances are usually designed to conceal the truth. You have a choice to make, though it may not be so starkly clear now as it’s likely to be around the time of your birthday. The decision involves not just whether you want to live with a veil thrown over your reality, and therefore isolated from others, but also why you would want to do so. You are more transparent than you think, and it would support your concept of integrity to be seen and known for who you are. This is for you, not for anyone else. One happy result will be you’ll have more energy to invest in what you love the most dearly. Yet there is something deeper at play here, which is your need to have an open conduit of communication with others, one that is based on actual vulnerability. I recognize how scary this is, especially in our moment of social history when the climate is chilled to below freezing. Others may think this works fine for them; you need warmth, contact and most of all, honesty.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s possible to be motivated by both ideals and money, but don’t confuse one for the other. It’s possible to take profits gained through more conventional motives and invest them in what you consider socially relevant, though this usually requires a level of care and discipline that most people only ever dream about. You might ask what gets in the way of translating what you think of as materialistic into what you hold as spiritual — that is, what values, or what conflicting desires. I suggest you check in with whether you hold back when it comes to your own stated commitment to make the world a better place. Are you concerned that it’s futile, or that it will take too long to make a difference? It may be true that you’re doing everything in your power to stretch beyond your limits and make a positive contribution, but only you can know that for sure. Be aware that a deeper level of motivation is starting to wake up and make itself known. It’s a kind of calling that can only be answered by taking action — not in the future, but right now. Here is the catch: right now has to last a long time, because only sustained action gets results. For that to happen, you really have to be in harmony with yourself and with your deepest motives.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — All this energy you’re feeling is not just coming from you. Some of it is; your brain and body are running hot. You definitely burn food into calories that fuel your nerves and muscles. Yet you’re also tuning into other sources of power and strength, which you might think of as coming from beyond you, or from some aspect of yourself as yet unacknowledged or undiscovered. I suggest you leave that particular theme an open issue, and observe the ways in which you’re inspired, motivated and guided to action. Notice what forces conspire to assist you. Observe whether plans you made long ago are gradually coming to fulfillment. This may have the effect of getting you to consider what you want in the future, not on the basis of whether you think it can be attained but rather whether you think it is the right thing for you. What’s most exciting is how the concept of ‘right for you’ is merging with the notion of ‘right for the world’. One thing our entire society struggles with is the problem of separate and competing interests. If a higher power or superior intelligence is helping guide and coordinate your life, one of the first places you’ll be taken is where there’s efficiency, and where your personal efforts support, and are supported by, the efforts of others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Laced throughout the literature of spiritualism and occultism is the notion of religion as a kind of science. The idea holds that there’s a true religion, or that if religion is practiced truly, there will actually be a result. This may not manifest for you so overtly, though it may show up as a devotion to purity, to sacrifice, or to the notion that faith must in some way make sense. You’re a more organic person than this. Yes, I see the appeal of the idea, because the human psyche can be chaotic, and you are in an extended phase that often seems to carry the message grow or die. That is not neat or tidy, though I suggest you not succumb to the idea that your growth somehow depends upon your becoming a perfect person, or living your life perfectly. What you can have, and have plenty of, is faith in yourself. The beauty of faith is that it’s not dependent upon any precursor; there is no test you must take in advance. It’s just somewhere you allow your mind to go. You know you’re there because you have less to worry about, rather than more. You know you’re there when your intellect relaxes a bit and accurate information starts coming back to you. You know you’re there when you feel more confident but you don’t necessarily understand why.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mother — the enigma, the force of nature, the essential thing to leave behind. By leave behind, I mean various things, such as ‘not allow to run your life’ and ‘resolve the issues that you inherited from her and her mother’. I also mean the role of mother, when that role is more or less finished, or when it’s ready to transform. Yet here is what really needs to transform for our whole society — the family as the authoritarian mini-state, borrowing from the words of a great 20th century philosopher. If we want any scant possibility to live on some shared level ground with one another, or to explore any collective form of leadership, we must go beyond the model of absolute authority that is then internalized into perpetual inhibition and approval-seeking. Father plays a role in this, though in our generations that more often involves being absent or only partially present than it does the former ‘father knows best’ model of family. This can still manifest as the disembodied, nagging conscience — what another philosopher called the superego. You need order in your life. Anarchy will not suffice. But neither will the absolute rule of law, emotional or otherwise. The thing to remember is that personal autonomy requires maturity and an evolved sense of responsibility, though one that does not demand answering to someone else.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Set out to do your very best work this month — that which you’ve always wanted or needed to do; that which you could not accomplish before; what you have considered improbable or impossible. A rare connection between Chiron in your sign and Jupiter in Leo (among other planets) is opening up a conduit that could grant what seems like miraculous powers of creativity and achievement. Yet because Chiron and Jupiter are the main players, and since this is astrology we’re talking about, the process is not automatic. You must bring your intentions, your energy and your ideas. You must bring yourself to the work every day, and resume as soon as you can if you must skip a day or two. The effort factor is what will be reduced or made more efficient, and rewarded by a tangible sense of progress. Yet I suggest you not look back — look forward and work steadily. Focus your goals one at a time, and keep your sense of perspective. By that I mean work with a meta-goal and notice how your individual projects relate to one another. There is a pattern that will start to emerge, and the pieces of the plan will begin to fit together. You may feel like you’re bringing in knowledge or wisdom from somewhere else, and there’s no harm acting as if that’s true.