Category Archives: Monday Morning Horoscope

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 23, 2017

Love this horoscope? Read all Planet Waves horoscopes by Eric Francis. You can sign up monthly or for the full year.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Some say it’s safer not turning your fantasies into reality. The wisdom of tantra would say that you’re only safe doing so, because the imagination is slippery and unwieldy until you focus your feelings on what’s solid and verifiable. True, one takes various risks doing anything physical, though it would seem that’s why we all incarnated in bodies. Why dream about art when you can make art? Why imagine how a photograph might look, when you can create that picture? Why pretend to know how good something might feel, when you can go explore the experience and find out? Well, there’s a good reason. Entering a space of physical emotion means that you open yourself up to the full spectrum of feelings, including the potential for pain and fear. Many prefer to avoid those possibilities, or become nervous when things get a little too real. Yet you want and need to be real.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your wildest hopes and dreams are actually possible, though it helps if you know what they are. You’re finally starting to figure out that you don’t need to count on the worst happening. You see your own potential. Yet in order to dial in the deeper and bolder possibilities, you must allow yourself to be different, and to stand out from others around you. It’s one thing to know you’ve got something else going on; it’s another thing to step into your true identity no matter what others may think. When you’re really growing, that threshold of not caring what others think is a great place to arrive. You can feel like you finally have your priorities in order. You might also shock yourself with the recognition of how much energy you’ve invested in trying to conform to expectations that have absolutely nothing to do with you. The excellent news is: you no longer need to live that way.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury’s current link to Neptune is bestowing you with a touch of clairvoyance. Listen to your hunches, particularly around matters of career and finance. You really can see around corners and peer through walls, if you will look, and use your subtle senses. What may surprise you is how much you care, and how deeply touched you are by what seemed to be something work-related. The depth of your feeling and your desire for the right thing to happen represent a calling for you. Your need to participate, and to offer your energy, are providing you direction. You’re getting to feel what it’s like to actually be needed and to have the opportunity to do something that’s both necessary and beautiful. Feel within yourself for confirmation that this is the right thing. Sit quietly for a few minutes and ask; consider carefully what you hear.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — A close partner is likely to provide you with information that you are looking for. You’re more inclined to trust only what you personally discover, though what you learn is close enough to count as such. What you discern from any source, you still must consider and assimilate. You seem determined to take your life in a new direction. You seem obsessed by your need for trust rather than fear to direct you, and that’s the way you’re being guided. One result will be a new sensation of emotional freedom, like you have your options open and have space available to stretch out and explore. Let that need, rather than attachment, guide you. As you open up, you’ll be called in the direction of your deepest passion. Give yourself permission to follow: to be in love with life, in love with your potential and in love with yourself.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun is now in your opposite sign Aquarius, which looks like it’s taking some pressure off of you. It’s also reminding you to ask for the help you need, and to remember that many hands make light work. People love you, and they’re willing to provide support to make your life better and easier. Ease is the very thing you need the most. Taking a relaxed, calm approach to your affairs will remind you that you’re safe, and help you to notice how many caring people are around you. If you allow your energy to flow, everything and everyone in your environment will seem more relaxed and open. You may find yourself deeply moved by the feeling that people care, and that life does not need to be such an uphill struggle. So, be honest about what you need, and take any opportunity to share something you have, or to share yourself.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Most people accept that if you’ve been hurt in the past, you should be more cautious in the present. If opening up creates vulnerability (that same logic goes), maybe it’s better not to open up. Yet you know better than that. Your current situation is inviting you to let go of those things that have happened which you don’t want to happen again. It’s not necessary for them to be repeated, and you can choose to let go of painful situations without shutting down or closing yourself off to the love and affection of those near you. Support others in being the best people they can be, by holding space open for their most positive potential. From that space of being open and suspending judgment, it will be easier to feel whether you belong in any situation. Just remember: you don’t need to run toward someone, or run away. Genuine emotions are involved. You’re in a deep place; move gently and intentionally.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have all the confidence you need. You don’t need anyone to give you permission. You don’t need to know any more than you do; you merely must use your abundant knowledge and experience. If anything, the real lesson of what develops over the next few days involves you figuring out just how much wisdom you possess. Remember that whatever may have happened in the past, every new situation is unprecedented. Using even the most refined skills is a creative act, because you must respond in the moment to what is new about that occasion. You are in a quantum healing zone. Keep your mind fresh and alert to everything and everyone in your environment. You’re approaching a moment of deep exchange, where you discover you have what someone needs, and they have what you need. Be generous and open up to receiving sincerely what you’re offered.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The challenge you face is nothing more or less than stating your needs honestly. That’s all that stands between you, your deeper pleasure, and honest commitment. You need to defend your point of view or what you want; you don’t need to be demanding. You merely need to be real. That may be challenging enough because you must work your way through some denial or emotional fog. You may need to override your concern that being honest did not work well in the past. I would propose that the real sticking point is guilt: that if some negativity enters the equation, it’s because you feel bad about making your needs known. That guilt has a way of messing up the vibes. It’s not necessary; though stepping beyond it can take some courage, and learning how not to feel guilty about not feeling guilty. Keep it simple; love will guide you past all of that.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You remain well-supported, grounded and strong. You’re also unusually sensitive, and may find yourself reacting spontaneously to influences in your environment. Remember that the crisis of any family member or living partner is not necessarily your crisis. Pay attention to that boundary. You may feel inclined to be of assistance. You may have just the healing balm or reassurance that someone needs, though you would be wise to keep some emotional distance. Not a lot, just a little: just enough to remember that you’re in a facilitating role. One thing you can do is advocate for justice where you notice that advocacy is needed. Your voice will matter. Your opinion can make an actual difference. This will be all the more meaningful if you get no personal benefit from the outcome.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Trust what you say. Trust that your words are helpful and meaningful, even if you didn’t plan to say quite that thing. This is not always easy, especially if you have a tendency to be confident in the moment when you open your mouth, and then regret what you said a little while later. The challenge you face is to trust all the way through: when you feel moved to speak, and after you’ve said your piece. This is what it means to have actual faith in yourself. How do you get there? If you practice being moved by love every time you take action, you can fall back on that. If this is your habit, you’ll know that what you say is motivated by healing. Therefore, be gentle, and be real, and listen to how others respond to you without judging those responses. Be available to take part in any conversation that you start.

Ongoing Inspiration for an Unpredictable Year

“Planet Waves readings have always been exceptional, illuminating my interior landscape. They provide ongoing inspiration for those times throughout the year when I feel curious about circumstances of the moment. Bless you, Eric.”

— Zlatka Sirakova, on a previous Aquarius reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

On Thursday the Sun entered your sign, beginning a new solar year for you. As Eric explains in one of your upcoming readings, your true calling is leadership. But if you don’t currently feel like a leader, what do you do and where can you find sound, inspirational guidance?

Planet Waves

In two segments of audio astrology and a tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, Eric will guide you through the major themes and subtler points of your next 12 months in your 2017 Aquarius Birthday Reading. Your reading also includes an extended description of your sign.

“I never gave Sun sign astrology much credence until I opened myself to your readings. Thank you!” — Mary, on a previous Aquarius reading

If you have an Aquarius Sun, Moon or rising sign, you have some significant options now and going forward. But you’ll need to activate them consciously. This might mean focusing on your self-esteem, your sexuality and relationships, your career, your spiritual health and healing, or another facet of your life. Your Aquarius reading will touch all the most important bases.

You can lock in the lowest discount price Planet Waves offers (only $19.97) by pre-ordering your 2017 Aquarius Birthday Reading here, and step into your new year.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Astrology Editor

P.S. Your audio Birthday Reading makes a perfect compliment to the written readings of the 2017 annual edition — in fact, Eric approaches the two types of readings very differently — and it makes an amazing gift.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You know what your priorities are. Most people do. You have the strength and independence of spirit to act on what’s important to you, without making a big drama about it. The potential point of conflict is what you must give up to gain something that you want. You might ask yourself if this is really a sacrifice, or whether, in the alternate, you would be shorn of something you really don’t want. This, too, is a matter of your priorities, which have changed in recent years. You can make today’s decisions based on what was important in the past, or what is important today. Getting clear about this can represent a genuine moment of clarity. Why is it worth being alive, today? What values have remained consistent through your entire life? Just recognizing this will be a revelation.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have the option to stay open — perhaps more open than you’ve ever been. You have it in you to increase your sensitivity and your passion, and therefore to live more fully. You’re keenly aware that life has pain, loss and strife, and that many people are in pain. It’s not possible to be open to some of life; to be open at all, you must be open to everything, and you know that intuitively. You have the option to be a true artist, to remain sensitive and alive and stretch into life more fully as you do. You would do this out of respect for your own existence: live more fully and celebrate all of life. Extend yourself and be a friend to everyone. Remember above all that your example is vitally important to the people around you. What you say matters, though how you respond to life and how fully you offer yourself to existence matter more.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 16, 2017

Love this horoscope? Read all Planet Waves horoscopes by Eric Francis. You can sign up monthly or for the full year.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Work with people behind the scenes and you’ll have much more influence over the flow of events. You don’t need to reveal who is helping you, though you would be wise to seek assistance if you need it. This might come in the form of ideas, intel or a direct advocate who works on your behalf. Your true strength, however, will come when you remember to take a moment and ask for help on the inner, invisible or spiritual level. Summon your own strength and healing gift. It makes a difference to ask. Rather than pleading, simply state your request for the outcome that you want. Be courageous and declare your sincere desire for the best possible outcome. Then, trust yourself and the flow of events. While you’re at it, you may notice that someone is seeking your assistance, particularly with something you’re specially suited to offer. Your heart will guide you on what to do.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are demonstrating what is possible, which is teaching you about the beautiful things your own creativity can accomplish. Yet at the same time, you’re serving as an example for many that it’s possible to live your life your way. This has a liberating effect on others. If you devote yourself to the greatest good for all concerned, you’ll discover there’s no limit on what you can accomplish for yourself. This collective approach takes you to the roots of your true spiritual calling. You can live for yourself in a way that benefits others. You can support others in a way that detracts nothing from your life. You are well aware of the pain and struggle that competing interests and win-lose situations create. You’re also aware that none of this crisis is necessary, though it takes creative people to come up with solutions where everyone comes out ahead.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is now working its way forward again through your solar 8th house of contracts and agreements. The implication is that anything you signed up for or otherwise agreed to in recent months can now be renegotiated. Consider carefully which contracts or promises, whether formal or informal, are not working for you. Then figure out what, exactly, would be preferable or acceptable; and then propose that, and see what happens. It may be that everyone involved wants better terms, or that your counterpart(s) have some needs of their own that they want addressed. You’ll probably never know unless you speak up. This astrology relates to business and financial agreements, though it also potentially describes the terms of a sexual relationship. You don’t need to do things the way your grandparents did. You and the people in your life are free to do whatever you mutually agree to. And you don’t need anyone’s permission to be yourself.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The asteroid goddess Vesta has returned to your sign, where it will remain through early May. Right now Vesta in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn are face to face, which is reminding you of certain deep commitments that you’ve made to yourself and to others. The beauty of Vesta is that if you hold open the space for something to happen, usually it will. Rather than being about an urgent kind of need or motive, the commitments of Vesta are made real by a process of allowing and encouraging. Through this, you will get a look not just at how but also why your relationship patterns differ from those of the people around you. You serve a purpose in the lives of close partners different from anyone they’ve ever experienced. Your relationship patterns are unusual, though they exist for a reason that you will discover is loving, beautiful and sincere.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel like you have so much to work out that you don’t know where to begin. Don’t let your mind get lost in the seeming complexity of your circumstances, or overwhelmed by how much feels unresolved. You don’t need to have all the answers or solutions for everyone, and you must pause and remind yourself what really is not your problem. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, you need to set some boundaries. If you notice yourself being called upon to make sacrifices that don’t seem fair, take a step back and reconsider your viewpoint. When the Sun enters your opposite sign Aquarius in a few days, you will find the present moment much more interesting than the lingering problems of the past, particularly those that are not your own. You like to have clear understandings with people, and you’re free to emphasize those relationships where there is a genuine mutual consideration.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — With so much happening in your opposite sign Pisces, you may feel like you have to disappear or be overwhelmed. Perhaps take the opposite approach and dive into the fray. You can afford to take bigger risks than you think; by which I mean social, creative and erotic experiments. You’re more conservative by nature than you may imagine yourself to be, by which I mean averse to what seems like taking chances. However, the little kid in you wants to have some fun. You seem to be feeling curious and you want to express that. You’re not going to go off the rails if you do — though you’re likely to discover something completely unexpected that will influence how you see yourself, and experience yourself. Any actual creative or amorous experience requires entering unknown territory. Then in that new and unpredictable space, you get to respond on the spot. That’s art; that’s love.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You can think of your life as a study in what you have to offer rather than in what you need. You can try this approach no matter how much you may imagine you’re lacking, or how much abundance you currently have. Pass the good vibes forward. Make sure that the basic needs of everyone around you are met. If someone mentions a problem, find out a little more; there’s likely a way you can be of service. It’s one of those basic metaphysical facts that you discover your abundance through sharing it. You have considerable influence in setting the tone of your environment, particularly your work environment, and this influences many people around you. Pull open the blinds, water the plants, make sure there’s fresh coffee, and keep the positive, friendly and flirtatious vibes going around. They will come back to you in many ways.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’re walking that delightfully fine line between fantasy and reality. You seem to know what you want, though as you consider it and focus your ideas and make the possibility real, you may be feeling a little edgy. I suggest reassuring yourself with the idea that everything you do with passion is contributing to your healing process. I know that most notions of healing include the smell of rubbing alcohol, or perhaps aromatherapy, in a treatment room. You can take a wider view of your life and of your growth process. You can take a wider view of your devotional practice. You were born to celebrate the beauty of life. Remember this, from the poetry of the goddess: “all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.”


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The more confident in yourself you are, the more generous you’ll be with close partners. The more insecure you are, the more likely you are to hold them to a standard and to be picky about the details of what’s happened in the past. Notice that you are the variable. Your point of view shifts how you perceive, and therefore treat, the people you care about. Therefore, focus on your self-assurance above all else. You may be feeling more emotional than usual; more oriented on your needs rather than your desires; more sensitive to the views of others. You can experience these feelings with no corresponding need to defend yourself or to assert yourself. You’re not usually the one who needs the reminder to be more objective and detached from your feelings; that’s your specialty. Today I’m here to remind you to take a deep breath and a step back, and remember that people care about you — and that you can be confident of that fact.

Planet Waves

Got a Capricorn Sun, Moon or rising sign? Don’t be the last of your tribe (yes, that is the name for a group of goats) to hear Eric’s audio preview of your next 12 months and beyond.

Get Instant Access to Your Capricorn Audio

Eric has published the two astrology segments of your 2017 Capricorn Birthday Reading, in the midst of his work on this year’s annual edition. He designs the audio birthday reading so it takes a different approach to your astrological forecast — making it an amazing complement to the annual that you can listen to now.

The tarot portion will be recorded in the near future. Once the tarot portion of the reading publishes, the price will increase again.

You can still order your 2017 birthday reading at a discounted price of only $24.97 — and get instant access to the astrological inspiration you need today to begin 2017 on the right foot.

“It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening.”— S.R., longtime Planet Waves fan


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may not feel inclined to put your thoughts into words. From the look of your astrology, it’s all either way too personal, or way too confusing. Yet you need to bring the personal forward into your personal encounters. And one dependable way to get un-confused is to lay out what you’re thinking in front of you where you can see it. Start with the basic facts. Ask yourself where you stand with each of the important people who are now in your life. Consider the feeling of your environment. As you do this, you’ll begin to clarify your thoughts, which will make it easier to put your perceptions into words, which will help. You might take up the morning pages routine from The Artist’s Way — free-write three pages a day, every day, which you don’t read for a month or two. You need techniques like this to keep your mind awake and alert.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One thing you don’t need to worry about is your public image. Sure, it’s almost always useless to concern yourself with what people think (especially since they so rarely do). However, at the moment, you’re perceived as something of an exemplar: one committed to doing the right thing, for the right reasons. If you have the feeling that your life would be easier if you didn’t have to do this, you are correct; and that’s a good sign. Keep taking the high road. Do the right thing instead of the popular thing. Maintain your policy of being friends with those who are unpopular or who are getting a raw deal. Your example of living as one who is true to your own values counts for more than you know. Carry on. Don’t worry about whether you’re making an impact. You are, where it counts the most — in the lives of individuals who respect you.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you could take a look at an astrology chart, you would see so many planets in your sign that your head might spin. Pisces is currently the center ring of the astrological circus, though there’s one aspect that stands out: Mars is conjunct Chiron. It’s rare enough that Mars comes to your sign (every two years), and rarer still that Chiron is with you (eight years out of every 50). Now the two are focused into one idea, and for you, this is an initiation into spiritual warriorship. Your recent and present experiences, what you’re learning, and what you discover, all point to you taking a bold step into a new dimension of your reality, and a truly new phase of your life. Focus your mind, think carefully, and act with precision. You are being bestowed with a new element of power, which in itself is neutral. You have the ability to use your gifts to heal or to harm, and in this you must be fully conscious. Make no assumptions. Be willing to walk the narrow way, celebrating as you go.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 9, 2017

Love this horoscope? Read all Planet Waves horoscopes by Eric Francis. You can sign up monthly or for the full year.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You now get a chance to run with your plan, and it’s likely to be an excellent one. You can presently activate some concentrated, hot idea, probably related to your profession, career or vocation (however you think of it). This involves Mercury stationing direct in Sagittarius and soon storming into Capricorn, your house of success. Here are a few reminders that will help you succeed. One is that you need to focus on the practical elements without letting your vision cool off. This is a skill that you must master; the most important learning goal of Aries is sustained effort over time. Another is to remember that your public presentation is about your reputation and how you deliver your message. The two are related. Stick to matte finish rather than high gloss. Focus on getting the job done, with quality and consistency. A little stagecraft may be necessary, but only a little, at the right time.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re past the point of your feelings being negotiable. You feel how you feel; you are who you are. Yet flexibility helps, as does letting go of minor grievances and controversies. Once you have your priorities in order, your actual feelings matter more, and you won’t feel a need to defend yourself. You do need to be clear, as a conscious act. Venus is close to Neptune right now, and you may think that people can read your mind, but most of them need the facts and opinions spelled out. Remember to communicate with each person you’re working with a little differently; tune into who they are and adapt your style. This includes how you relate to friends, who may be seeking out your counsel more than usual. You’re in one of those moments when people are projecting a lot of fantasies onto you, and someone may be idealizing you. Forgive them their illusions and take in the flattery.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Many people around you right now are part of your spiritual family. It’s as if you’re becoming aware that you travel with a soul group, which includes people you’ve been with lifetime after lifetime. This is your real family; these are the people who share similar spiritual goals, who are likely to be people you can count on as collaborators in your seemingly worldly goals. Look and listen for the feeling of ‘common origins’. Tune into the extent that someone lives as if they belong on the planet at this time. Notice the values you share, and what makes you happy. Sometimes, though, people are part of your spiritual family who seem to have nothing in common with you; you just know you’re part of the same soul group. Once you’re there, it’s an easy step to recognizing the common ground and common origins that all humans share.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Everything about your relationships is going through a transformation. This is not about the individual people involved. Rather, you’re becoming aware of how the ground on which your involvements with other people stand has shifted. You’re finally catching up with yourself on these changes that go back more than five years. You must rise to the occasion, step up, stand up, speak up and look eye to eye with people. When you’re sincere, you activate a fundamental equality and mutual respect. You don’t have to stand up to people for the sake of standing up, or to prove your validity. Rather, listen to what means the most to other people, and consider what means the most to you. The common ground you share is the place to explore first. Then there’s room for everyone else’s highest priorities. For you, one of them is peace of mind. You need to trust existence, which is not always easy — though people can do a lot for one another in developing that trust as something real.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re on the edge of a creative breakthrough. It looks like you have the idea, and are both prepared and committed to developing it into something real. Keep in mind that ideas go for ten bucks a case. All of their value is found in their development and use. This is where you have a real advantage, because your concept is visionary; and going forward, the emphasis on practical matters is available. Yet you must remember the seed idea at the center of what you’re doing. Remember why it’s so beautiful. Doing the day-to-day work of developing even a relatively small project can completely distract you from its original qualities. You must supply the fuel to keep your passion hot as you proceed through the worldly details rather than visionary ideals. Then you plant a little of that vision into everything you touch and everyone you speak to.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Sometimes events beyond your control can teach you how much confidence you have. When you simply have to do something whether you think you’re qualified to do it or not, that’s the perfect place to build your faith in yourself and in your talent. You don’t get there by doing what you already know how to do, or by managing things under ordinary conditions. So if things get a little weird and you must tap into your deeper resources, be happy for the opportunity. One skill you’ll be calling upon is your political gifts. You actually can handle people who are concealing their motives, or who are trying to deceive you in some way. You don’t even need to let on that you’re aware that’s what they’re doing. Another skill you’ll need is the subtle sense of when to take a chance. Life is not an action film, but there are moments you have to leap without looking.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Keep your mind on the big plan, your larger goals and your more challenging tasks. It will be easy to get bogged down in petty details and interpersonal politics, most of which will take care of themselves. It’s true that the fine points matter, and it’s true that you like to tie up the loose ends. You’ll have a chance to do that, but it won’t be worth much if you’re not grounded in your actual mission. Focus on building foundations and setting yourself up for long-term success. Work with the people you rely upon rather than the ones who cannot rise above the level of personality. You will thrive on adult relationships. This means encounters where people have an investment in being responsible to one another, and express fidelity to goals larger than their individual lives. This is the value to pay attention for; it’s the one you will thrive on, because that deep sense of purpose feels so good to you.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Who benefits when someone feels stuck, angry or depressed? Who in the environment thrives on the creative and sexual frustration of others? Be sensitive to this question and you will make some vital discoveries about yourself. Your struggle to express yourself and to flourish into who you are may involve your fear of threatening someone when you succeed. You might say that in the politics of your relationships, there are ways in which you keep your strength (whether erotic, artistic or other) in check because it’s politically expedient. This does not help you in any way. You don’t work out the relationship and you don’t get to express yourself. It’s clear that you’re deeply craving certain experiences, even if only to try and see what happens. If this makes anyone prickly or jealous, you need to evaluate the relationship and what you’re doing there. Small indicators (such as how you’re treated, or treat others) point to much deeper problems. You must decide if you really want that in your life.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be feeling edgy, though your life is pretty stable at the moment. You have your options open, and you have some excellent ones to work with. Treat this time in your life as a point of maximum leverage. Tune into the goals that seem important to you now. They are likely to be the same ones that will be relevant in 10 or 20 years. You know what you want, and you have the passion to make it real. Now comes the long journey of investing in yourself: in cultivating your talent, in directing your finances toward your personal business plan, and most importantly, in focusing on what is really significant. The beauty is you know exactly what that is, and you can actually do it if you want. If you don’t focus on instant rewards, the ones that develop over time will seem that much more worthwhile.

Capricorn Birthdays 2017:

Get Instant Access to Your Capricorn Audio

“Remember this: the central transit of your life, the master transit, the planet that’s the central processor of your astrological computer, is Saturn in Sagittarius in the 12th. For the next two years, everything is playing a supporting role, or in some way modifies, describes or elaborates it.”

— Eric Francis Coppolino in Vision Quest for Capricorn

Dear Friend and Reader:

Are you getting the hang of having Saturn in your 12th house now? It’s a tricky place to have it, but expert assistance is available.

Planet Waves

Eric has published the astrology segments of your 2017 Capricorn Birthday Reading, in the midst of his work on this year’s annual edition.

He designs the audio birthday reading so it takes a different approach to your astrological forecast — making it an amazing complement to the annual.

“Great audio as usual. Thank you for brightening my little attic rooms with your lights, Eric!”

— Catherine Pape

The birthday reading includes two audio segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) plus a tarot reading — which will be recorded a little later — along with an extended description of your sign. You can access all parts of the reading as many times as you wish throughout the year.

You can still order your 2017 birthday reading at a discounted price of only $24.97. Once the tarot portion of the reading publishes, the price will increase again.

Still not sure?

Feel free to review last year’s Capricorn Birthday Reading (as a gift from Planet Waves). It’s a great way to check Eric’s accuracy and integrate what you learned in 2016, so you can focus your vision for the year just beginning.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have every reason to feel confident. You can push and stretch and exploit your capabilities. You can take charge, you can test limits and you can hold people to their commitments. Yet in order to truly feel alive, you must allow yourself to be vulnerable. This is what will give your life meaning, and what will allow the inspiration to flow into your experience of work or accomplishment. The way to start is with the words you say. Speak from your heart and make sure people know how much you care about them and how much you appreciate them, and remind them that you value their presence and loving support in your life. No matter how successful you are, you won’t feel human until you can home in on the human experience of trusting the people you love. This will teach you to trust yourself, which is the basis of all true confidence.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re moving a whole lot of karma. It’s as if something old and stuck is giving way, cracking apart and leaving you free to think and stretch out. This process is going to go on for a while. The theme of the next four seasons is about you going through a spiritual transformation where you burn off the residue of the past. You will emerge as a clearer, more open person, with greater access to your talents. You seem intent on wanting to make an impact on the world. The process you’re going through is deeply personal; and, at the same time, there’s a connection to your community. It’s as if you must go through a certain kind of change first, in a rather open and transparent way; and this takes some people along with you. Rather than worry about your impact, focus on the sincerity of your personal transformation, and keep others involved in the process. That is indeed impact.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Trust your feelings and where they guide you. This is worth writing on the bathroom mirror of any household that includes a Pisces person. However, it’s especially true now. You have little else to guide you, which is actually fine, because you’re so sensitive at the moment. Even if you’re one of those rare but amazing extroverted Pisces, keep your awareness focused inwardly. Tune into each situation and bring out the talent, skill or personal gift to suit your circumstance. You have ready access to every facet of who you are. And at the moment, you’ve got no reservations about presenting yourself to the world as the distinct individual that you are. Let nothing distract you: not the opinions of others, or how they may respond to your passion. The way you will activate the considerable healing power that you have available is by pushing limits and violating taboos, regularly.

Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 2, 2017

Love this horoscope? Read all Planet Waves horoscopes by Eric Francis. You can sign up monthly or for the full year.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your profession is about what you have to offer the world. It’s your way of nurturing the community. Yes, there’s the achievement aspect; yet ultimately you accomplish great things based on the gifts you give. That includes your time, your productivity and your ideas. Focus on that rather than on the power aspect and you will come across to potential employers as a genuine asset to them.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The meeting of the Sun and Pluto in your house of aspirations says it’s essential that you take the long-term view. Even if you must get yourself set up with something immediately, consider the way in which it fits the much longer story-arc of your life. You thrive with proper structure, yet we live in an era when many of the most dependable ones are crumbling. You must provide this for yourself. Work from your highest vision, and plot the steps that will get you there.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury has been moving backwards in your house of contracts and negotiations, and will station direct on the 8th. Until then you may feel like you’re experiencing more alterations than a tailor’s shop before prom week. Be patient with the process. Take things one step at a time, and evaluate everything on its own merits. It’s essential that you make no promises you cannot fulfill, or offer anything that you cannot absolutely deliver in impeccable form.

Don’t forget to sign up for our Four Winds daily almanac. Get the best free daily report on the internet. You may sign up at this link, and share our newsletter with anyone you wish. Here’s today’s edition, which includes a daily birthday reading, a daily overview, aspect listings and other features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It may seem that others have most of the influence and advantages, though that’s an illusion. When you meet someone, look them in the eye, say hello and remember that you’re both human. This will keep the interaction on level ground. We all have our strengths and weaknesses; we all have our needs and our assets. Remind yourself that you’re a solid, competent person who can rise to any challenge, and proceed with calm self-assurance.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are two aspects to any career: the outer play of prestige and achievement, and the actual work that you do in the course of the week. Right now the planets are emphasizing the second. Potent activity in your 6th house of day-to-day business is saying you must attend to the details of whatever you’re doing, and get it right the first time. Get the proofreaders, the fact-checkers and the BS detectors into your game. Run every document past people with 10 years more experience than you have.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Creativity sometimes looks like a fantastic painting or stage presentation, and sometimes it looks like connecting the right idea to the right problem. In your solar chart, art is expressed mostly in practical ways, and you want to emphasize that right now. Keep your mind and your pencil sharp, and look for clever, small adjustments that help you make the connection or get the job done. Do not repeat what others have said to you without verifying it first.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Someone who may seem a little strange or eccentric will offer you an idea worth its weight in pure platinum. Let people provoke you, listen to their arguments, and evaluate their ideas, no matter what you think of them. As one born under the sign Libra, you have a talent for presenting radical ideas in perfectly eloquent terms. One of these seeming oddballs could become a valuable partner in business, enterprise or career.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your words have impact. This is especially true now. Measure them carefully and deliver them gently. It would be wise to have someone you know you can trust go over your ideas on an important task and refine your presentation. Keep your ego out of it. Sand down any barbs, and make sure that what you’re saying comes across clearly. Stick to the basics, and use writing as a practical craft to get the job done.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mercury will move to forward motion in your sign on the 8th, and it would be wise to delay the signing of any contracts till then — later if you can. It will be easy to delay things because everyone is feeling the effects of the current retrograde. Anyone who pressures you into making a commitment before that time, or before you’re ready in any form, is not someone you want to work with. Better opportunities are in the offing.

Attention Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.
Capricorn Birthdays 2017:

Begin Your Year On the Right Track, Capricorn “The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.” — S. R. Dear Friend and Reader: With Mercury currently retrograde in your sign and the recent Capricorn New Moon on Dec. 29, this is a prime moment to reflect deeply on what has been an unusual year. Hopefully there have been many points of healing and growth for you to celebrate in 2016, along with any trials and tribulation that came your way.

Planet Waves

And it’s hard to think of a better way to celebrate a new year of life and learning than with a Birthday Reading by Eric Francis. Eric offers easy-to-grasp yet nuanced ideas: practical insights you can put to use immediately in your life. Yet he always has one eye on the longer-term energies shaping the story-arc of your experience. “You covered all the bases of relationships, sex, career and general energies with great balance. Thanks for your work.” — Sherry-Lee For only $24.97, you can order your Capricorn Birthday Reading today. This price includes two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), a tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and an extended sign description. You can access and replay the reading as many times as you wish. Note that the price will increase as publication nears. May you find some inner stillness and peace of mind amidst the world’s chaos as you begin this New Year. Thank you for being part of Planet Waves. Yours & truly, Amanda Painter P.S. This reading is designed to work for Capricorn Sun, Moon and rising, and makes a thoughtful gift for your Capricorn loved ones.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may be hesitating about making a decision about what you want to do with your life. Hesitate away! With Mercury moving backwards through your sign, you’re on the path to making a discovery, and with the Sun approaching Pluto, it’s going to be a big one. You might start the month with one goal, and then as the days unfold discover that you’re ready for an entirely different career. True, you don’t like to lurch or leap, but you do seem to be onto something brilliant.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You must watch the financial aspects of any professional arrangements that you make, and watch them carefully. With so much activity in Pisces, your sign of money and resources, you have a lot to offer — and also a tendency to sacrifice your own interests. Therefore, pay attention to this aspect of the discussion. Career is about a lot more than what you get paid, however, and that’s a reminder to make your next job one that really, truly matters to you.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — When presenting your talents, focus on what matters to the person you’re speaking to. You have many assets; you have many skills; you can do nearly anything. Yet in an interview situation, or when designing your portfolio, what matters the most is what matters to the person who is taking an interest in you. Tailor what you offer specifically to the situation involved. You’ll soon have plenty of opportunities to be the multifaceted person you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the world there are two main forms of power: official and informal. Official power would be the president of a college, who gives orders and must be obeyed. Informal power would be the most popular student on campus who gets things done because people like him or her and are willing to help. People tend to over-emphasize official authority and forget about informal lines of influence; you must remember both. On any question you may have, or task you want to accomplish, a combination of both is necessary. When dealing with people who have actual control, it’s necessary to work with their official capacity and their human aspect. That means listening, being helpful and doing what you’ve agreed to do (and a little more). Tapping unofficial power means keeping your ear to the ground so you have up-to-date information. And it means making sure that your allies are ready to help you when you need it.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Faith is more than just belief. That’s the thing about it. And it’s more than hope, more than wishing, more than dreaming. But what is it? It’s the thing you need the most, and it’s difficult to describe by anything other than its results. Faith contains healing power. It has the ability to reach from one mind to another, transcending the body-level of communication. It’s about aligning with your highest truth that, in turn, aligns with something that’s wider, deeper or more powerful than your individual strength — and then you tap into that greater strength. It’s possible to get there; many people have, and many are right there, right now. You might say that faith is the opposite of fear. It is love that holds the world in a safe place, and can be directed toward specific situations and people. Just remember, it’s easiest to identify by what it’s not: neither hope nor desire nor wishing nor dreaming.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You appear to be headed for a breakthrough in a negotiation process where you may lack any clear advantage. Don’t let that deter you. Consider the wider circumstances that surround your situation. Consider everyone involved; ask yourself what’s motivating them, what they want and what they need. Then you will understand the actual position you’re in. Two factors will work in your favor. One is information. Learn everything you can, whether it’s from reviewing your own notes, research, or asking for information from others. Discover everything about every person involved. And then ask people older and more experienced than you what they think. Listen carefully to the opinions you disagree with the most vehemently: they are likely to hold the very best clues. You’re trying to do something that will require some thought: rebel and fit in at the same time.

Don’t forget to sign up for our Four Winds daily almanac. Get the best free daily report on the internet. You may sign up at this link, and share our newsletter with anyone you wish. Here’s today’s edition, which includes a daily birthday reading, a daily overview, aspect listings and other features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There’s no predicting most other people right now. The best you can do is work with existing people in your life to focus their most basic commitments to you, and to keep the lines of communication open. Whether they will show up for more is anyone’s guess. The best thing you can do is to keep your own house in order, which means honoring your top priorities. The less you count on people right now, the better. Nobody is truly self-sufficient, though it’s possible to be less dependent on others, and to focus those dependencies on people or businesses that have proven themselves to be reliable partners. At the moment it may seem like you’re treading water, or trying to hold things together. Take it lightly. This won’t last forever, and soon enough you will be focusing on the next great thing you are ready to accomplish. For now, conserve your energy, do what’s necessary and stay right with yourself.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt, though now would be a good time to make sure that people prove themselves. This is not about being mean or untrusting; it’s about taking care of yourself. Your situation is somewhat complex right now, particularly at work. There don’t seem to be any problems you cannot solve, nor challenges you cannot rise to. Yet any person in a position to assist you can also hurt you, particularly for the next month or week or so. That translates to taking it slowly before handing anyone your keys, your password, or care of your kids or critters (especially them). So, screen people carefully, and test them on small projects before you give them bigger ones. If nobody is up to the task, do it yourself, or wait till you find someone appropriate. This goes for all facets of work. ‘Tis the season when mindfulness is essential.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Art usually happens by accident. The same holds true for most inventions and breakthroughs of thought. Of course, you do your bit. You show up in your studio or at your workbench every day that you can. You work on solving the problems that you think you understand, as best you can. You can practice music the way that you always have. Then, remember that the most likely place to make a real discovery or to come up with something original is when you make a mistake of some kind. It might violate the rules or your expectations, but it’s different, and it’s unusual. In this way, the usual process of being disciplined is the setup, and then the thing that goes wrong, or differently, or in some unexpected way, is the result. Therefore, don’t be afraid to be unorthodox, or to stretch and bend and blend colors, notes and ideas. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. They can have brilliant results.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It seems like you need some passion in your life. Currently most of the energy that would become some form of love or creative expression appears to be getting burned up by worry. Most of that, in turn, seems to surround family issues or shared living arrangements. You must look out for your own interests first, and not be distracted by others who want to hand you their problems. They may have done so in the past, and they may know how to push your buttons, though that doesn’t mean you have to go along for the ride. Anything involving your own children, if you have any, requires special handling. You probably consider them a direct extension of yourself, though be aware of the ways that can be used against you, and play a clean game. Back to my original point: you need passion, not distraction; you need love, not the kinds of political games people seem to be playing.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Are you living your past desires, or your present ones? I mean this in two areas of your life: sexual relationships, and your creative aspirations. Go back to age 16 and ask yourself what you wanted. Then pick a date halfway between then and now, and ask yourself what you wanted. Now consider what you want today — and whether you’re satisfied with your life. If you’re not, I would propose that you need some new desires; some new goals; some new reasons to be alive. You’re in a perfect position to update your files: to determine that certain older objectives and reasons for being no longer serve you, and to come up with some new ones (which you probably already have). Then you need to be brave enough, and take yourself seriously enough, to do something about it. To have progress, you must welcome change. There are two parts to that: goodbye, and hello.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The fewer financial moves you make for the next few weeks, the better. I mean, really, keep it simple and do only what’s necessary. First, you must conserve your resources. You have plans, and your talents are worth a lot, though no matter — efficiency is always in order. One thing you can do is to spend less, and work with what you already have. If you need to buy something, the chances are good that you already have something that will do the job, or someone can loan you what you need for a while. Don’t be afraid to ask. I’ve said many times in this column that we live under the delusion that money can solve all problems. Well, most problems are actually solved by thought, ingenuity and the willingness to do some work. One thing that’s in order right now is taking an inventory: of what you have, including your talents, as well as what you owe to anyone. Give that a few weeks and get some real data to work with.

Attention Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.

Capricorn Birthdays 2017:

Begin Your Year Beautifully, Capricorn

“The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S. R.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last week was the Capricorn Solstice, when the Sun entered your sign. Whether it was the shortest day of the year or the longest day where you live, it’s the beginning of a new season — the last season of the astrological year.

Planet Waves

Hopefully there have been many points of healing and growth for you to celebrate, along with any trials and tribulation that came your way this year. And it’s hard to think of a better way to celebrate a new year of life and learning than with a Birthday Reading by Eric Francis.

Eric offers easy-to-grasp yet nuanced ideas: practical insights you can put to use immediately in your life. Yet he always has one eye on the longer-term energies shaping the story-arc of your experience.

“You covered all the bases of relationships, sex, career and general energies with great balance. Thanks for your work.”

— Sherry-Lee

For the discounted price of only $19.97, you can pre-order your Capricorn Birthday Reading today.

This price includes two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), a tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and an extended sign description. You can access and replay the reading as many times as you wish. Note that the price will increase as publication nears.

May you find some inner stillness and peace of mind amidst the world’s chaos as you celebrate the solstice. Thank you for being part of Planet Waves.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. This reading is designed to work for Capricorn Sun, Moon and rising, and makes a thoughtful gift.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Self-discovery never ends. You never actually ‘figure out who you are’ — but you can get to know who you are, and what your tendencies are, here in the world of forever changes. In these weeks you may make some startling, informative or genuinely useful discoveries about your tendencies. You don’t have to do anything about them; just note what you’re learning as you learn it. Notice and make friends with the process of change. Make friends with uncertainty. Being ‘certain’ is often rife with false security. So, too, is the desire for anything to be so-called permanent. The continents drift around the globe. The North Pole was once a tropical region. The Great Sphinx long predates ancient Egypt. Change is your friend, and the easiest thing to change is your mind. Let’s put it this way: if you’re going boat shopping, you don’t need a yacht. You need a very sturdy, dependable little fishing boat. Then get up every day and see what you catch.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Do not, repeat, do not let anxiety get the best of you. Your chart suggests you may be worrying to the point of obsession. This may not be about anything in particular; it may be what shrinks call generalized anxiety. While I cannot describe the astrology fully in this short space, it involves the dog-and-pony show going on in your adjoining sign Capricorn (perhaps read this week’s Cap reading for additional insight). Relax and feel the passage of time. Remind yourself that you’re an intelligent, hardworking person who has the adult power to solve any problem you might become aware of. Keep in mind that as one born under the sign Aquarius, the keynote of your sign is cooperation. That means being open to helping others, and being open to assisting when you can. Your community is your most vital resource. This is true of everyone, but each of the signs has its special theme, and this is the theme of your sign. Work that for all it’s worth.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Don’t fret that the world seems to be such a mess. It is, though what you’re witnessing is part of a necessary transition that was going to happen one way or another. You have your role in the process. Indeed you are intimately linked, both spiritually and structurally, to this next phase of developments. You have your purpose; now you need only to focus on making it work for you. Over the next few weeks you’ll have some opportunities to consider your sources of professional income. You might start with an assessment of where your financial support has come from in the past year. You will see some patterns, and you’ll be able to develop the ones that are working. Here’s the one thing you need to remember when considering your professional options. As a Pisces, your work must be spiritually compatible with who you are. You cannot go against your deepest values. Seen one way, that narrows your possibilities. Seen another, it vastly expands them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Cooperate with people of power and influence in your life, even it if means temporarily setting aside your personal goals. Collaboration is the key to your success, and your astrology is suggesting strongly that you take a long-range perspective. This means investing your energy in demonstrating that you’re helpful and reliable to people more advanced in their professional activities than you are. These people become your professional network, which can serve you for the rest of your life. Developing such a network is not merely about knowing people’s names or collecting business cards. It’s about establishing common cause, and supporting the projects of others because you can. Many people these days are asking how they can make their living doing something they love. The answer to that is to start by learning skills and making yourself useful. Worry less about getting paid and more about getting established, and being good at what you do.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Opportunities of a social, creative and professional nature will come to you from odd angles where you may not have been looking, such as right next to you. Often people look for these things at a distance, or consider them far-off possibilities. Your chart suggests that people like neighbors, colleagues and existing partners will have something for you — such as ideas for how to make your life easier. For the next few weeks, easing the pressure on your mind and removing some of the purely repetitive work will be helpful. Yet there’s the question of where you’re going from here. Revisions and updates to your existing business or creative plan will serve you better than scrapping anything and starting over. There are facets of what you deal with that are simply annoying, or that you never seem to get right, and those are the ones to address first.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Set all of your commitments into pause-and-review mode. You seem to have various contracts, agreements or understandings with people that need a think-through. For some of these, the issue boils down to dollars and cents. The numbers simply must add up, or nothing else will work. For others, the question is one of willingness, particularly your own. You have time to consider this, and it will be better if you bring the question to the front of your mind rather than having it lurk and linger at the back. Can you deliver what you’ve promised? Do you want to? If the answers to both of those questions are yes, then you may have a third question that’s not so easy to articulate. Going forward with your plan will require you to change and deepen. You might feel like you have to give something up to gain something else. Yes, you will need to give up the past to gain the future.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your relationships are a map, and they point you to an inner door. That door is guiding you to a level of psychic and emotional healing. If you remember that it’s not your relationships that you’re working on but rather your own growth and maturity, things will be a lot simpler. If you make your own growth about other people, you’ve entered a paradox that is difficult to get out of. Yet those other people hold clues, and you’ll gain significantly if you’re listening. Over the next few days you may notice that the lights are coming on, and you understand much better how you relate to people and what you can do to get along with them better. If you’re willing to ask honest questions and be open to answers, you will discover that you have plenty of common ground with those you care about. There will be points you don’t agree on as well, though these are not necessarily deal-breakers.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Focus your efforts. Rather than trying to get everything done at once or in time for the holidays, choose one project that simply needs to happen, and focus on that. It may be the one that nobody else wants to do, or that has resisted your best efforts. It may be something that’s been delayed a few times. Clearing up this one bit of stuck energy will help get things moving. Remember, though, if you feel like you’re working too hard, or like your effort is going nowhere, change your strategy. The chances are you’re missing some vital information. It might relate to some technical aspect of what you’re doing, or you may not understand why something has to happen. In fact, there’s a chance that it’s not necessary, or that there’s a workaround that solves the problem even better. Take the time to do some research, and ask for help if you need it.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re approaching a point of total honesty. You might feel you can go even closer, which is true. For now, though, you’ve revealed enough, and you will benefit from a deep review of what you’ve said, what you’ve heard, and how you feel about it all. With Mercury stationing retrograde today, you might take these next three weeks to consider your current developments. At the heart of the question is your sexual truth. You now understand that you are who you are. It’s not so much that you ‘cannot change’, but rather that you don’t want to. You seem to have gotten the hint that there’s great pleasure in actually being who you are. And there’s little point being anyone else, unless you feel like wasting years of your life trying. It’s true that others have the choice of whether to accept you or not. And like you, you can bet that they’re committed to being who they are as well.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The planets now emphasize family matters, yet you don’t have to get caught in the dramas of others. Where family is concerned, this can be difficult to discern. Someone can try to make their issues into yours, though that doesn’t make it so. You might take as proof the fact that your buttons can get pushed, or that people seem to have the power to upset you. This is the very thing you now have the opportunity to address. Consider that any family weirdness is like flakes of ancestral DNA bursting to life. People around you are living out facets of the past that are so distant in time, nobody actually remembers their origin. You have the option to see all of this for what it is, summon your maturity, and move on with your life. The controversy is that you’re betraying your family. Well, looked at that way, you have to betray either them or yourself. They’ll get over it.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — At a certain point, you’ll want to reveal your whole sexual reality. When that time comes, you might feel ready or you might have to take a leap. That means revealing who you are, what you’ve done, what’s happened to you, and what you want. It feels good to do this; that’s the nature of intimacy. However, you may fear that someone’s ego will be hurt by knowing the truth about you. Actually, it’s much more personal: this is about you. By going deep into your personal reality, you summon up old material for healing. That takes courage, and few people go here willingly. The result will be to release old pain or self-blame that you’ve been holding, and that feels good. Pleasure begets healing and love brings up everything unlike itself. So as you get realer and realer, you’re likely to have those moments of release, and of wanting to go deeper. This is about you, not anyone else.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Dream big to get big. Why size? Does size matter? Yes, for a Sagittarian it does. Or perhaps better said, your ideas need to find their correct proportion and their correct scale. And that is likely to mean scaling up. You may feel limited by issues around financing your ideas, though that is a matter of planning. It’s a matter of communication and of outreach. Meanwhile, there are many small steps you can take that utilize resources you already have, in the way of people, community and physical needs. One problem with the current world philosophy is the belief that everything can be solved with money. However, cash is useless without ideas about what to do with it, and it’s more often wasted than not. Think efficiently. Use what you have well. Get one or two intelligent people involved. Then figure out what you actually need, and you’ll get ideas how to fund the project.

Attention Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.

Capricorn Birthdays 2017:

The Inner Vision Quest Continues

“In any event, Saturn in Sagittarius in your 12th [solar] house is the best image I can think of for inner vision quest. It’s about gaining insight. It’s about seeing into the dark. It’s about learning that you contain a vast inner space, and that space is not empty. But what is there, you can only discover by actually going there and not avoiding yourself.”

— Eric Francis in the 2016 annual Vision Quest reading for Capricorn

Dear Friend and Reader:

How has your quest to know your inner space been going this year? Are you feeling ready for a boost, for a new page to the map or for a reminder that you really, truly can travel the path unfolding before you?

Planet Waves

Between the movements of Saturn and the upheaval associated with the Uranus-Eris conjunction, I suspect you’ve been on an accelerated path of adaptation and growth. Or perhaps you’ve been engaged in a rather consuming struggle, and could use a hand.

As the astrology of this past year flows, develops and morphs into 2017, your 2017 Capricorn Birthday Reading will offer the insight, perspective and inspiration you need to lead your life creatively. Perhaps even boldly.

“As you can see, everything you said in this reading was completely and absolutely spot-on for me. I have followed other astrologers, had readings done and still keep one in particular as my personal astrologer, but no one, even her, as much as I love her has been able to better articulate the past, present and future possibilities as clearly as you have. I am astounded by your passion and talent. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with me. It has been a tremendous help to me over these last few years of very difficult decisions and changes.”

— Debra MacFarlane, on last year’s Capricorn Birthday reading

For the discounted price of only $19.97, you can pre-order your Capricorn Birthday Reading today.

This price includes two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), a tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and an extended sign description. You can access and replay the reading as many times as you wish. Note that the price will increase as publication nears.

Next week, the Sun enters Capricorn for the solstice. As you celebrate a new season, celebrate yourself, too, for making it through one heck of a year.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. This reading is designed to work for Capricorn Sun, Moon and rising, and makes a thoughtful gift.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a concept I learned in Hakomi Therapy training, which they call ‘efforting’. It describes a counseling room phenomenon where the therapist or the client is working too hard emotionally or intellectually to get a desired result. You know, the conversation that goes on too long, or that seems to get nowhere; the problem you keep banging your head on; the person who you cannot convince; the question you cannot answer; the habit you cannot let go of. Often this gets conflated with ‘having integrity’ or ‘working on yourself’. I suggest you be cautious about anything that’s draining your emotional or mental energy. The solution is unlikely to be doing more, but rather to stand back and do less. The mere acknowledgement that ‘this is harder than it’s supposed to be’ is an excellent start. There’s something you’re missing — information you need, or a shift of perspective. Start with the obvious. What do you really want?


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You know that you have to love yourself, though this often exists as an idea rather than as a feeling. The idea is a starting place, though the feeling is what you want. Often something gets in the way of your positive regard of yourself: some inner voice, some doubt, some question that nags you. If you’re experiencing that, you need a strategy for how to handle it. The chances are that it’s coming from the distant past, which means something you were told in childhood, or memories passed down from parents and grandparents. You don’t have to take on their psychological burdens. You don’t need to take on the role of oppressor, standing in for people who said or did mean things to you or to your older relatives. You live in a different world, you’re a different person and you have more options open. One of them is to seek understanding rather than accepting your supposed lot in life.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Desire is controversial. Merely allowing yourself to explore the idea of freedom, by which I mean freedom to feel, can provoke others. Yet you’re reaching for this like a plant’s leaves reach for sunlight, and like its roots reach for water. There’s no changing this fact about you, certainly not now. And it’s not as easy a path as many people make it out to be, because the freedom to feel implies taking responsibility for what you feel. And that, in turn, implies making choices and taking responsibility for them. Only you can determine what is right for you, and in the end, others may have little say as you respond to the truth of your heart. Do not be deceived by those committed to deception. Just remind yourself that you’re on your own journey, which will take you deeper into your healing process, your self-awareness and your creative passion. Go boldly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Belief is one of the most fragile ways to think. Yes, it’s convenient to take things without questioning them; though consider how often you’ve believed something that turned out not to be true. Your astrology this week is about questioning your own presumptions. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself boldly what’s really true. Then toss what does not check out, or what you prove to be wrong. Doing this will bring you closer to your personal truth: what you actually know about yourself, and have discovered to be correct. One potential obstacle is when you run into the deeply rooted ideas of your parents. Most of what you believe without questioning comes from them, and yet your loyalty to your family might make it seem impossible to make up your own mind. It’s not impossible, and you will be doing everyone a favor by thinking for yourself.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Refine your leadership style until it’s invisible. That is, take charge in subtle ways and devote yourself to making sure that the right thing happens. This will involve the coordination of people and the structuring of time. Measure your success by the overall success of the organization you’re involved with. This, by the way, is inherent in the nature of Taurus: a kind of highly-structured collectivism, which counts on collaboration. You might think that this conflicts with your highly individualistic tendencies, though I would say the opposite is true. Your ability to work independently and to take responsibility for your own outcome is precisely the kind of leadership by example that the world needs. You’re not in this life to be mom, dad or the government among your peers. The other options are artist and artisan, and they suit you much better.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You get a fresh start this week, though you are likely to be carrying over some business from last week. No worries: now you get to use the Full Moon Clear-The-Decks method of astrology. Tuesday’s Full Moon takes place in your sign, which will help you resolve any stuck issues, move any stuck energy, and motivate any creaky, squeaky people. Remember not to argue with anyone. Merely keep the discussion focused on action, and move things along. You have unusual persuasive power right now, and you also have certain points of leverage that will help you focus on your goals. Oh, that bit: be clear about what you want to get done. Check in with higher-ups to make sure that your goals are aligned with theirs; don’t run wrangle over anyone else’s agenda. You have the passion and the intelligence to make the outcome work for everyone.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Tomorrow’s Full Moon in Gemini will help you resolve some mysteries about yourself. I’m talking about the kind of situation where you might think one thing, and then feel like precisely the opposite thing is true at the same time. The resolution is not one way or the other; and it’s not morphing both sides of the debate. Rather, you’re being taken to a new level of thought, one where the seeming contradiction is irrelevant. This is truly a transformational experience, one that will take you through a series of discoveries during the next four or five days. You might think of this as getting to know yourself, yet really you’re becoming a somewhat different person as you go through this. All the different experiences you want, and the different people you seem to contain, do in fact add up to one thing, which is you. Most of what transforms itself is the illusion that you’re anything but 100% aligned with who you are.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may need to look beyond the confines of committed relationships to get the contact you need. This may be in the form of an honest conversation, which is not actually in violation of monogamy but which may feel like it. This highlights the differences between — and the confusion between — intimacy and sex. Ideally, you would be able to say anything to anyone; and you would be open to hearing what anyone has to say to you. Yet here’s the discovery: communication and mutual understanding are sexy, and they lead to erotic feelings. In the world where appearance seems to count for everything, and listening seems to count for so little, who would have thought? Now you get to take the opportunity and the risk of being honest about who you are and what you want. The universe is listening. Are you?


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Here in the age of extreme sports, exhibitionism and energy drinks, most people are caught in their own self-restraint. It’s as if the answer to everything interesting, unusual or challenging is automatically no. What’s that about? Well, engaging with new experiences, and new people, changes a person. That bit about not knowing what to expect is the moment where you open yourself up to your potential. And that’s the moment you’re now in. You seem to be luring yourself into responding to your own curiosity or desire. You seem to have something unusually intense on your mind, which feels like burning and craving. Often it’s easy to subvert those feelings, such as by denying them or delaying responding until the opportunity passes. Whatever option is now open seems way too good to pass up. And why would you? That’s a real question.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re starting to get a taste of what is possible. Your new life is much more exciting than it’s been many other times. You’re more independent, and you’re willing to stand up for that independence. It helps that others are in a similar place, needing their freedom as well. So if your relationships have not been ‘normal’ recently, there are good reasons why, and those reasons can work for you many ways. All the usual modes of relating seem to be changing rapidly. It’s possible to cling to the past, or to invent something that works for you. Clinging to the past won’t work so well these days; though considering what you actually want and need in your whole life, not just your partnerships, will work brilliantly. Start from scratch and consider what would make you happy — and be real about what freedom you would need to have that happen. The door is open.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You can afford to be more confident about money. You know enough to know that planning, structure and discipline go a long way. This is important whether your cash flow is a stream, a river or a waterfall. There’s another side to the equation, though, which is what you’re worth. I mean this in the pragmatic sense of how much you get paid. There are two ways to make significant money in Western society: one is to run a scam, and the other way is to make yourself useful. The more useful you make yourself, the more money you can make. This involves noticing needs in the world, and noticing what your skills and talents are. Putting them together is this thing called business or profession. Work this equation aggressively. Think it through from as many directions as you can. Define ‘useful’ for yourself and work with that definition consciously.

2016-17 Sagittarius Birthdays

Your Own Personal Journey, Sagittarius-Style

“Great audio as usual. Thank you for brightening my little attic rooms with your lights, Eric!”

— Catherine Pape

Dear Friend and Reader:

What potential does your next year hold? Are you starting to set your intentions and envision what you want, or are you feeling desperate for a sign that your life can get better?

Planet Waves
Hubble Space Telescope image of the Lagoon Nebula, located in the Sagittarius constellation. Photo by NASA/ESA/J. Trauger/JPL

This has been quite a year. And while Eric will not exactly predict the future in the 2016-17 Sagittarius Birthday Reading, he does offer a useful framework that you can build on and explore — one full of tools, inspiration and reassurance for your relationships, your healing journey, your career and creativity questions, and more.

If you could use someone to shine some light in your life, look no further.

To remind yourself of just how heartening and empowering these readings are, you’re invited to listen to last year’s Sagittarius reading as a gift from us. Check Eric’s accuracy, and chart out just how far you’ve come this past year.

“About a week ago I went back and listened to last year’s Sag report and was blown away by how it seemed to describe my personal journey.”

— Sagittarius customer via email

The price for the new reading is only $24.97 for two segments of nuanced, yet accessible, audio astrology and a vibrant, intuitive tarot reading — but it will increase at least once more when it fully publishes.

This reading works for Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks, and makes an amazing gift. You may pre-order it here.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Astrology Editor


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may feel as if the universe has trimmed back your plans. Yet it’s often necessary to reduce, minimize and conserve energy before you can experience a growth spurt or enter new territory. Take the long view here. Start to prepare for developments that can come to fruition in late January. By prepare, I mean really prepare: know your goals; have some idea how you’re planning to get there; and give yourself the basic things you need. And please don’t be deterred by the many people around you who have a full-time occupational commitment to being lost. You are not part of the dazed and confused generation. You are, rather, a serious person who is intent on your own success. Step into those shoes without delay. Bring your full professionalism to everything that you do; be the first into the office and the last out. Be willing to do whatever it takes to maximize your talent.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Years ago I learned something in Hakomi Therapy training that has served me well ever since. When addressing an intense emotion, approach it from the edge rather than diving into the middle. It’s a little like standing next to an open fire; you can feel the heat and smell the smoke at a safe distance. Now, some would say that this alone represents significant maturity: the ability to take some distance on your feelings. Yes, we can all get drawn in, and it’s pretty easy to lose control. However, you will be at a significant advantage if you keep a handle on yourself and notice what you’re feeling rather than giving into it entirely. Keep possession of your mind and you will have access to real ideas about how to manage your life. Lately this translates to managing change; which is to say, making peace with the fact that change happens. Stay one step ahead of yourself and it’ll be much more fun.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Don’t let anyone mess with your confidence. By that I mean you can safely ignore the critics and be flattered that they have anything at all to say. Yet whether someone thinks they approve of what you do, or thinks it should or should not be popular, is not the place to be getting your self-assurance. Most good ideas are by definition ahead of their times, and are not usually considered even vaguely worthwhile at the time someone comes up with them. You must have confidence in what you are creating, developing or building; that’s to say, to accomplish this, you need to foster your confidence in yourself. The best way to do this is not to talk yourself out of it. Proceed each day and remind yourself that you’re doing what you came here to do, and that you have every right to succeed. This is not a matter of opinion. It’s much closer to biology. You belong on this planet.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You must bring all of your assets to whatever you’re doing. This includes your skills and your talents; what you’ve learned from negative experiences; and what you consider weaknesses as well as your strengths. Making your way in the world depends on bringing all of who you are to the challenges of your life. The more honest with yourself you are, the more confident you will be. The more you try to hide, the less confident you will be. In this way, you can turn any seeming debility to your advantage. The very best way to handle insecurities is to challenge them directly. Do the thing you’re the most afraid of. Speak to the person who makes you nervous. Take charge in a situation that you know needs to be sorted out and made right. One step will lead to another. With each mistake, you will learn how to get it right, and how to spot similar issues in advance.

Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Belief is useful to the degree that it’s flexible. It’s even more useful if it’s acknowledged for what it is: a notion of what might be true. More often, belief is like a shield against truth, or the inconvenience of having to find out. This week, make no compromises in this regard; play no games with yourself or with others. You’re likely to encounter information that challenges what you believe, and this is an opportunity to make some adjustments. Be willing to discard what you discover not to be true. Be willing to embrace the new reality that you face. If it seems that precious ideas are being taken from you, or like your bubble is being burst, stand back from the process and open your mind to learning. You are growing much faster than your present beliefs can contain, and you therefore need to expand your mind to embrace who you are becoming.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re not being asked to make any unreasonable compromises. The more you resist, though, the less reasonable they will seem. At the same time, your astrology is all about your taking leadership. Your chart is unusual in that your idea of taking charge has a collective or group approach. You will still need to set a clear example, which is one of cooperation and of listening. Let other people provide you with their ideas and their input, and then craft an original response based on what you’ve learned — and on your own best judgment. In a real sense, whenever you’re in charge, you answer to ‘the people’, though the people don’t always understand the necessities you or your organization face. So keep the conversation going; keep the floor open to comments; and remember that nothing you decide will be popular with every last person. Take the word of naysayers with a sprinkle of salt.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — In the realm of sexuality, too much emphasis is placed on power and pain. Too little is placed on communication, pleasure and healing. You have the ability to shift the conversation toward loving, creative ideas. You can set the agenda; though if I may give you a clue, here’s how it will feel when you do: like you’re venturing into taboo territory — and that’s because you are. It’s perfectly acceptable to cast relationships and sexuality in terms of victimization. Where people tend to panic is when things get sensitive, and where the only valid path involves honesty. You get to lead the way. In any discussion requiring two or more people to open up, be the one to speak your heart and soul. Take the risk of vulnerability. Admit your desire. Admit what you need. Offer your assistance in any form that you can give it. One such place would be your willingness to let go of jealousy as a form of gospel truth.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Lately you’re in the role of getting people together. This is the proverbial herding of cats; of building consensus; of getting people to agree that there is such a thing as the common good. Hey, someone has to do it. Remember, the idea that we all might share some common needs is not agreeable to everyone. Sometimes one person will try to block a plan that benefits many others, for no good reason. Here is where you’ll need to be a master politician. The chances are, anyone who objects to a plan wants more input. Therefore, listen and incorporate their ideas, but only as relevant. Focus on the positive; keep your emphasis on listening; make sure you know what is truly necessary, and gently guide the outcome in that direction. Remember that you can always use power where persuasion won’t work, though it would be better to avoid that. Coffee and sandwiches work better.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you want to have fun, then you must be willing to push your boundaries and take some personal risks. Don’t worry about your dignity. Go out with your hair a mess and notice how warmly people respond to you. You don’t always have to be seen as someone who has everything together all the time. Your astrology is suggesting that you hang a little loose, and give yourself permission to do what might not please the abundant parental figures that populate the world. Speaking of: who is playing that role in your life? Who, in your mind, might be concerned if you have ‘too much’ fun, or get friskier than usual? Check your relationship agreements carefully. Remember that if you have to ask permission, you’re not relating to other people as adults, nor are they to you. The deeper theme of your project of having more fun than usual is about establishing level ground with the people who surround you.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have an opportunity to have one of those delicious conversations wherein you bare all and discover who you are in the process. In the midst of such an experience, the inner game is: don’t hold back. Go toward what you might be reluctant to say; rather than running from what might be embarrassing, try going toward it. The deeper truths and the greater pleasures are concealed right behind that veil. There is unusual satisfaction in standing in your truth. I don’t mean the truth of being right, but rather that of being who you are; of owning what you feel. Those close to you will either respond in kind, or they will be frightened. On the long journey to personhood, you will be dealing with those two options fairly regularly. You are, in truth, doing people a service by opening up and being real, as this is a powerful example to set. But don’t do it for them — do it for yourself.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may find it challenging to say what you want to say. A few things may be happening, one of which is that you’re having some difficulty putting your message into words. You might feel it’s too large or encompassing to communicate accurately or meaningfully. Consider that you won’t ever get it ‘perfect’, and that you don’t need to. You mainly need to capture the spirit of what you feel and relay it as best you can. Then guide the conversation onward, even if it takes several days or a week to get there. You’re working your way through some layers, down toward something that resembles a core truth. Rather than being some concept or abstract idea, this is about you discovering who you are in the process of trying to describe who you are. Follow your feelings toward that core inner truth rather than your words. It’s true that words count, but not as much as what you’re feeling.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It will help if you take a diplomatic approach to family or household issues. You’ll save yourself grief, time and effort if you sidestep any contention or controversy, and avoid provoking it as best you can. The fuss leads nowhere, and you have it in you to take a clear-headed approach to the question. The thing to remember is that you’re not a child. This is something that it would help all people to remember all the time, as most negative reactions come from the perspective of being powerless (like a child). Remember that people value your presence in their lives for a reason. Keep that reason in mind, and quietly, subtly, use it as leverage. If you’re going to explain to anyone why something is in their best interests, only do that once. Anyone who doesn’t get it the first time needs to be approached differently.

A Gift for You — and Your 2016-17 Sagittarius Reading

“It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R.

Dear Friend and Reader:

As we enter the last month of 2016, it would be understandable if you feel like you’ve been put through the wringer. It’s been quite a year on the global stage. Hopefully you’ve had some satisfying accomplishments, points of growth and personal joys to celebrate and learn from along the way.

Planet Waves

To help you take stock of your individual journey these last 12 months, I’m inviting you to listen (or re-listen) to your birthday reading from last year, as a gift from Planet Waves.

Check Eric’s accuracy, refresh your memory and position yourself to fine-tune your trajectory. Then pre-order your 2016-17 Sagittarius Birthday Reading.

The current price is still only $19.97 for two segments of nuanced, yet accessible, audio astrology and a vibrant, intuitive tarot reading — but it will be increasing.

“I’m looking forward to the Sag birthday reading as well as the annual. I always appreciate your advice and unique point of view.”

— Josh

Note that as Josh indicates in his comment above, Eric strives to make the birthday readings and the Planet Waves annual edition distinctly different readings. This means that people with birthdays or rising signs this time of year get experiences of a breadth and depth equal to that of the signs in other seasons.

This reading works for Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks, and makes an amazing gift. You may pre-order it here.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Astrology Editor



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be conscious of where you direct your energy. Your words and your ideas have more impact than you may imagine. Resist the temptation to argue on your own behalf, especially if you know you’re right. In that case, let the power of truth do the work for you. You might say, “I don’t think you’re correct,” or, “Let’s take a deeper look at the facts,” though that’s not quite arguing. Stay in control at all times. Your vibes are more persuasive and have more impact than your words or your ideas at this particular point, and that’s very persuasive indeed. Given that, you might take up the causes of those who don’t have your voice or your power. This can include in your intimate relationships, where you recognize subtle (or not-so-subtle) injustices and speak up on behalf of the underdog. Take the occasion to notice any way you might be being unfair to others and correct that first.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You would be wise to address the notion that you must be pure, or perceived as pure. You know you’re not; everyone else knows you’re not; and there’s no such thing as purity except maybe in an air-locked laboratory or in the mind of the pope. But purity is different from integrity. And someone as intense as you are, with opinions as strong as yours are, needs integrity. But what is that? I think of it as having the various parts of yourself in agreement with one another. It’s about noticing when you contradict yourself. There’s the bit about having the same expectations for others that you have for yourself. And it’s about letting your deeper truth out into the room rather than having to stuff it down into the dark. There seems to be something you absolutely must reveal about yourself, and it will prove that you might not be ‘pure’, but you possess genuine integrity.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s probably not worth fighting with others, though it’s a temptation. Instead, proceed with your agenda. You are your own master, as long as you maintain the standard of basic responsibility to others. That’s different from doing what they want, or even thinking you have to stop and think about it for too long. It’s also different from trampling over anyone. You must carefully find the middle way, and then proceed with confidence. Part of that confidence is trusting yourself. That seems to be a sticking point lately. Confidence is based on understanding your motives. This one theme is perhaps the most challenging aspect of your current astrology, and the issue isn’t going anywhere soon. However, you will respond to a process of seeking an understanding of why you do what you do, and making peace with that reality. Self-deception is toxic in any form. Once you get clear on what’s driving you, you will be more compelling to everyone around you.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You must make your definition of success. Once you do, you’ll know what you must do to get there. Make sure you have a definition that encompasses not just financial success (which is actually the easiest kind to attain), but things like peace of mind, and your ability to bring your true being into your work. Until you get there, I suggest you define success as covering the basic necessities of life, of art and of business. Do you have space to live and work? Do you have food to eat, and to feed your kids and critters? Do you have water for washing, drinking and tea? Do you have an internet connection? Can you get through the day? If you answered yes to these questions, you’ve made the top 10% of the human condition. Now, play your advantages. Use your ideas, your wits, your commitment and, most of all, your time.