Category Archives: Horoscopes By Sign

Sagittarius 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
An extraordinary New Moon in your birth sign on Dec. 13 is pushing you to express yourself, your whole self and nothing but yourself. This is often a risky venture on our planet, where we like to think that most of the people who tell the truth end up martyrs. I am not merely suggesting you tell the truth or lead the people or lay out a philosophy that could benefit many, based on the challenges you have faced so bravely. I am suggesting that you live your truth without compromise. Now, doing that also means living the truth of the aspects of yourself that you may not like, or that compromise your peace of mind. It includes being real about the history that led you to where you are today. Being real, however, does not mean acting out. It more suggests acting on — which can include opening yourself up to the healing and contact that you need. Sometimes it’s the darkness in us that can lead to a sense of isolation; and fact one of your life now is that no longer needs to be true. And if it ever did, it no longer matters today.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

The question surrounds the role of a particular relationship in your life, which you seem to be seeing with about as much perspective as looking backwards through opera glasses. However, there is about to come a moment when you flip your perspective and get a clear look at what you’ve been experiencing. You may decide you like it a lot. You may decide that you are in a situation that’s more complex than you realized. Here is a simple way to tell: make a list of everything you have not said to whomever this situation involves. Take some time, for example, an hour or a day, to make sure you’ve thought of everything. How long is this list? And what is on it? What is your reason for not mentioning everything you’ve not mentioned? Now for phase two: what do you think has been left unsaid, coming in your direction? How would this person respond to being asked to do the same inventory? The thing that would make any situation in your life new and different is what you don’t withhold — love, pleasure and what is really true for you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

The Sun’s upcoming opposition to your ruling planet Jupiter is a moment of reckoning for you. It represents you breaking a kind of deadlock or loggerheads with yourself, and will allow a confrontation with the notion that you are somehow bound by the expectations of others. The only thing you can really be bound by are your expectations of yourself, so in one gesture you’re setting free yourself and the people you care about. The thing is, you seem to be taking to heart what others say, and you’re unusually susceptible to their influences at the moment. Part of what happens over the next few days is that you actually see and feel the ways in which you may have allowed yourself to be herded into a corner. Despite your persistent quest for freedom and your love for having space around you, this happens more often than you may care to admit. The first step on the way to getting out is figuring out that you’re there. Then, if you can do that, the next steps may be obvious.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

If there is nothing holding you back, then what is holding you back? At this point, it’s likely to be the feeling that you’re not on solid or stable ground with yourself. So I would ask, can you get accustomed to the fact that the Earth is moving? Can you accept that as a fundamental truth of existence? (The Earth really is moving beneath you, literally and metaphorically.) Many factors in your astrology suggest that there is no certainty, and that nobody can hand it to you. Yet this also means that you are standing in a rare, and beautiful, opportunity to embrace the potential contained in an actual review of what you think, what you feel and what you value the most. In other words, questions are more valuable than answers, in part because they lead you to an open-ended place. If your phase of questioning is to end before you embark on your experiment, that’s a little like buying a set of paints, putting them in the closet and waiting for them to dry out before you make a painting. The uncertainty you feel is an experience of your potential — as is any self-doubt, or anger at yourself, at your past, or for that matter anger at your parents. You seem to be pulled between the desire for total, radical independence at the same time you’re aware that every aspect of your life contains subtle or overt interdependencies with the rest of existence. This is less of a paradox than it seems.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

You may finally be feeling like you have your life in order. Many questions that lurked beneath the surface of your existence have resolved themselves, or are now out in the open as more practical issues about what to do with what you learned. I suggest you keep this as your focus — focusing on the things that mean the most to you, in a disciplined way. You have so much energy that working with it consciously is imperative. It’s too easy for you to get so distracted by socializing, popularity and various other shades of glamour that you can forget your purpose. The truth is, it’s taken you long enough to remember — and forgetting is the last thing you want to do. It’s time to remember, and it’s time to remember by applying yourself to what you want with your full devotion.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

A lot is brewing inside that wide-open space you contain. Your imagination may be running away with you. The astrological picture is one of passionately emotional fantasy, the sensation of astral contact with others, or a driving urgency to connect with yourself. If you’re on the edgy side of these emotions, you may be experiencing fear, self-doubt and uncertainty about existence. It’s possible that you’re feeling lonely and craving contact of a kind that you cannot describe, much less admit to someone else. I would propose that all the emotions I’ve described here are part of the same thing. Fear and passion are closer than we usually admit. They can masquerade for one another, they dance with one another, and one can lead you to the other in unexpected ways. You are safe feeling all of these things. You are safe in your longing and your desire for contact. It is safe to imagine anything you want, whether you think it’s possible or not.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Desire is the activating principle of the universe, at least where humans are concerned. This is one reason why honest desire is so taboo, and why it’s so often shuffled into pointless materialism rather than true aspiration. Because both expressions of desire manifest and focus energy, both come with a mystical sensation. Few people would say that acquiring a pair of shoes is some kind of spiritual experience, though the same basic laws apply to self-understanding, gaining worldly knowledge or expressing yourself in a way that has meaning to others. Simply, you know what you want and you concentrate your energy in that direction. Often, it will actually happen, or at least something interesting will develop. It’s just that where physical objects and even money are concerned, the methods are fairly obvious and direct. Where spiritual matters are concerned, the guiding principles are less tangible, though it’s helpful if you keep love and desire in the same gesture. Your chart tells me you can now distinguish these levels of experience — and choose the one you want. Here is a clue: if it happens to be about shoes, the message is about where you will walk in them.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

Events over the next week or two will give you the opportunity to experience the world from the viewpoint of someone else, which is rare indeed, particularly for you. Too often you assume you know what others are thinking or feeling, when your perspective could easily be motivated by convenience. What you observe will have the power to change your mind, which you’re capable of doing, though at the same time you may be clinging to a certain position or opinion as if your life depended upon it. Actually, your happiness depends on seeing that there are alternatives. One thing you’re good at doing is having a sense that you live in the wide world — though this will either inspire you to feel extremely powerful or deeply insignificant. I won’t even say that the truth is somewhere in between; neither of these are useful points of view. People close to you have feelings, and some have deep feelings — a fact that can sometimes make you pretty nervous. Embrace this truth, and you will find yourself experiencing less alienation and more harmony.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

As the days go by, the forces of society increasingly draw people outside of themselves. Whether people are gazing into little rectangular crystal balls, obsessed with fashion, obsessed with romance, chasing sex or success or fixated on something they despise, in our current era, the prevailing direction of flow of consciousness is outward. For you, the pull is in the opposite direction — into yourself. This may be happening to a degree that is unsettling, though the result will be to make you a more settled person. It’s true that there are still externals to distract you. Yet your inward draw is much stronger, and it’s likely to increase in intensity over the next few weeks until it gets not only your attention, but your full devotion. Of particular concern are resolving any ways you’ve been living a double life, which could include any tendency to exclude people close to you from awareness of what you think or do. Yet there is something else going on, which is being real about your tendency to compartmentalize and hide information from yourself. This kind of detachment can allow you a measure of temporary freedom, and helps you suspend awareness of certain ethical or emotional responsibilities. However, you’re no longer in a position to pretend that these emotional influences or factors don’t exist, or to make believe that you don’t know what you know and feel what you feel. It doesn’t matter how popular you are. What matters is that you’re real with yourself and with others.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

You may be making one discovery after the next about what is going on in the depths of your psyche. This is at once liberating, pleasurable, painful and daunting, or perhaps these sensations are coming in waves and various combinations. Most of all, it’s necessary, particularly in an era when the most powerful psychological force is denial, which is another way of saying ‘keeping secrets from ourselves’. Now, there are a few factors to be aware of at this juncture. One is that the deeper you go, the more you may encounter a new kind of loneliness. As you keep going, you’re then likely to discover a new kind of self-presence, which you have, in the past, had a tendency to cover over by involving yourself with others. Now, no other person can get in the way of your relationship to yourself, and further, I strongly suggest you select people to be with on the basis that they not only ‘support’ but actively encourage you in your relationship to yourself. Here is the catch: there’s a degree to which they must be left out of that very process, which means that jealous people are not your friend. Far from it.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

The sky would be the limit, if you would take off your blindfold and see that it’s there. You could run far and fast, if you would only notice that your shoelaces are tied together — and untie them. You could assert yourself and get what you want, if you would notice the way that you are clinging to what you think makes you secure, mistaking it for integrity. One thing I’ve noticed working as an astrologer is that many people are in love with what holds them back. There is a human tendency, which I don’t really understand, to value the things that ensure we’ll never aspire to be more than we are. I suggest you investigate the ways you may be doing this. This includes noticing how and when you count yourself as the underdog, and also when you believe that this puts you at some disadvantage. In reality, the primary conflict you’re in is with yourself. I suggest you own that fact and leave others out of your struggle; this way, they will be available to support you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Your sign has a reputation for devil-be-damned, though in many ways you’re more cautious than you let on. You now run the risk of going to the other extreme — forgetting the cautious side of your nature entirely — and you could lose control of some important part of your life, at least temporarily, if you don’t keep a handle on your intentions, the facts, and the decisions that you make. One vulnerable spot is home structure and family, which are under some stressful aspects. The fact that you may feel lonely or isolated is not helping matters. Still, I suggest that you moderate and focus your energy rather than boldly assert or over-extend yourself. You will still be bold enough even in vigilant mode, though you’ll slow down the movie enough to make better decisions, which will mean fewer complications. There is a significant question about what is true and what is not, and I strongly suggest you keep that out in the open where you can see it and remember that it’s there.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Know when you’re coming from belief, and when you’re coming from knowledge. Somewhere in the high 90th percentile of people live like they have no idea what I am talking about, though you cannot afford the luxury of ignorance. I say this because you run the risk of being driven by belief, at the expense of what is true and verifiable. It’s not any excuse that many believe “there is no such thing as the truth.” That’s a good assignment for students to discuss in postmodernist philosophy class. I mean verifying in the most practical ways what you believe against facts that you can identify. I mean reading the fine print, reading between the lines, and remembering what people say to you. I also mean belief in the biggest sense — for example, your relationship to your cosmology. I’ve only heard about five hundred people tell me they weren’t influenced by religion, while they spend their lives acting out the irrationality, guilt and obsessive conduct that can have few other sources. Therefore, reconcile your ideas about life with the actual facts about how you treat people and how you want to be treated. One thing about beliefs is that they tend to be fixed like epoxy, or change every 10 minutes. I suggest you be suspicious in either case, and engage yourself in a reasoning process of evolving your ideas consciously as new information becomes available. Don’t just move on and forget; remember where you’ve been, because before long, it will become significant.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

You’re embarking on an extended phase of psychological housekeeping. This may involve ‘cleanup’ from years, decades or generations of ordinary living and perhaps some neglect as well. You could say that this is a time of revealing your secrets to yourself. One aspect of your nature is that you tend to see yourself as a simple person with easily understood motives; what you’re about to discover is the complexity of both who you are, and what drives you to be that person. Said another way, there’s a lot you don’t know about yourself — and you’re now on the way to finding out just what that is. There are facts of your life that you can no longer deny, and I would propose that this can come as a relief.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

You’re in the process of figuring out how much fun you can have, if you get this pesky thing known as attachment out of the way. I know, most people cling to their attachments, even beyond being attached to them. This is similar to being in love with being in love, only it’s less fun. You of all people have the ability to slip right into the space of nonattachment, which is not about giving things up one at a time. Rather, it’s about making contact with your cosmic origins as a direct emotional and psychic experience. While few of us know with certainty the full nature of our journey through the universe, you have the ability to feel the essence of that journey and to embrace it, even if you only do this occasionally. Feel the essence of everything, particularly yourself, as being in motion. Everything is transient within time, though the planets are aligned such that you can feel that transience, and experience both the freedom it contains, and your ability to make contact with others in the midst of the kaleidoscope of your life.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You have a lot going for you — though I suggest you carefully avoid being too full of yourself. This can come up in subtle ways, though one thing that would help is if you check in with others, find out how they’re doing and listen to what they say. By all indications your own life is on solid ground; you have the respect of the people you work with and you have respect for your own talents. I suggest, however, that you let others do all the praising, while you invest yourself in paying attention to what’s influencing the people you care about. You could easily project your own sense of success or accomplishment onto them, or worse, be seen as someone who is competitive with the people you love. In any situation where desire is a factor, make sure you carefully take everyone’s wants and needs into account. The more you do this, the more others will be willing to give you what you want — or rather, the more they’ll feel the opening to do so.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

You’re your own best ally and your own worst obstacle. I suggest you notice when you trip over yourself, and make a point of getting out of your own way. Part of how you do this is by going through your goals and working out any conflicts that may exist between them (such as time conflicts, priorities of what to do with resources, and getting clear in your thoughts about what’s the most meaningful thing to do first). I suggest you monitor the way that any delays are related not to something logistic but rather to an emotional hangup of some kind. You’re at a point in your life where asserting yourself in a bold way may seem dangerous. You may be wondering whether you’re perceived as a person of solid character. You may be thinking about what others think of your motives. I suggest you put that all out of the way and focus on staying clear with yourself, and knowing what motivates you and why. There is one other question, which is this: on what ground do you build your self-esteem?

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

I suggest you spend some time among friends and at social gatherings this month (though you usually don’t need someone to tell you this). With planets and a series of eclipses heading into Scorpio — the most mysterious angle of your solar chart — you’re likely to be more introspective than usual. This, in turn, may transform into a necessary obsession; you may become more curious about your inner workings than ever. As you take this journey, very few people will be able to accompany you, and you won’t know who they are until they actually show up. Ultimately in truth, this is something you will do on your own, though for the next month or so, it’s as if you have one foot in each world — inner and outer. That will make for some interesting contrast.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

If you’re feeling rebellious, I suggest you pause and ask yourself why. It seems like you’re in an agitated emotional state, something verging on panic, though it looks more like subtle panic, if such a thing is possible. An outer manifestation of this might be feeling cramped in a relationship situation, as if you’re overcommitted or feel like too much is expected of you. In truth, you’re the one placing the expectations on yourself. You may also have the feeling that you’ve revealed more about yourself than someone close to you has, though I suggest you consider carefully whether this is really true. While you have the image of ‘what you see is what you get’, your astrology suggests that you’re a lot more secretive than you want anyone to believe. Therefore if you think that someone you care about is not being forthcoming, make a list of all the things about yourself, your experiences and your desires you haven’t mentioned. It’s true that you’re entitled to your privacy, though that’s not really a valid path to intimacy — if that’s what you want.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

In all that you do, look for the experience of common ground. That might translate into the most ordinary situations right into contracts or negotiations. Your ability to form a mutually beneficial arrangement is easier to reach than it may initially appear. The Leo New Moon is your invitation to initiate discussion of commitments or agreements, as new information will continue to surface. Do your homework, though trust your intuition on which agreements are good and which need further consideration. You may need to get under the surface before you feel any solid confidence. Your emotional attunement to all facets of the situation will be clear, if you pay attention. Settle into yourself and listen for your inner guidance, which will come as a tug in what you know is the right direction. There won’t be any fear, doubt or guilt. Rather, you’ll notice just a simple nudge that feels right. Once you get that, follow it. Keep your agreements clear, straightforward and detailed; if this involves business, have all angles out in the open in written form, leaving nothing to assumption. You will know you’re in the right place when the theme is the greatest good for all concerned. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Be mindful of expecting others to make sacrifices for you — or for any inclination you may have to make a sacrifice for the sake of a relationship. I am not suggesting that you refrain from being generous, but rather that you notice when you have to give something up rather than offer it as a gift. You’re in a phase of your life when you’re exploring not just actual human encounters but also your concept of what a relationship is. I think that for you, the first question to ask is, “What is a friend?” This is not the kind of thing you ask yourself once and be satisfied with the answer you get. It’s something I suggest you ask yourself all day, every day for a while, and see how your answer evolves.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You may be finding it difficult to get a read on where a colleague or partner is coming from — or to figure out where anyone is coming from, for that matter. I suggest you be wary of lofty principles and rules for living, and translate everything into basic ideas that you understand. If you cannot do that, the chances are it’s not especially important now. You might, however, keep tabs on what you don’t understand, because over the next few days, as Mercury changes directions, you just might figure it out — and wonder why you hadn’t seen the obvious. This is another way of saying give the people around you room to experiment with what they believe. Rather than agonize over whether you think it’s true or accurate, step back and let them go through their process. The more ridiculous you think someone’s opinion is, the more distance I suggest you give them. You will be surprised at the results, when they figure themselves out.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

You might want to admit that you’re out of your element. Not totally out — but enough that you don’t have your usual focusing power. You have something else, however, which is the strength of a relationship that may finally represent a departure from so much of what has happened in the past. There is a delicate balance in this situation. You wield a power that you don’t fully understand and may not even be in possession of. Meanwhile, you have those moments when it seems to you that everyone else has all the power. That one perception is the defining theme of your past relationships. It’s not true, though it will seem to be true until you fully possess the influence that is yours. You have a clue what I mean, and I suggest you begin with a gentle, experimental approach.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

A partner or friend may be exceptionally reactive over the next few days, and I suggest you avoid doing what aggravates them. I am not suggesting you walk on eggshells — only avoid doing what you know will work against everyone. That said, you cannot control anyone else and you may simply need to back away and allow them to have whatever kind of reaction or response they are going to have. In that case, your patience and willingness to make space for them will be helpful. For whatever reason you seem to present some difficult challenges for this person. You put them in contact with some of the things they fear in themselves the most — though if they can get past that layer, their experience of you will be an actual experience of spiritual growth. Be patient — and practice the very flexibility and open-mindedness that you keep insisting they show to you.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

Your life would be a lot easier if you start from the premise that you don’t understand the changes someone else is going through. This will get your past perceptions, opinions and ideas about the relationship out of the way, and grant you the ability to do the one thing that rarely ever happens: to see someone else clearly in this moment. You may seem to be the one that’s changing, though a lot more is going on than that, no matter what anyone else may say or accuse you of. It’s way too easy to go into blame mode when it comes to intimate encounters with others, and you can do yourself a big favor by setting that aside, and noticing when others are doing it to you. In fact, you are changing, someone close to you is changing, and the whole relationship seems to be taking a step into the abyss. This will be less stressful than what you’ve been through recently.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

Others close to you may seem to have all the advantages, though you have a lot you can learn from them. You’re also seeing your own potential reflected in the choices they make and the ways which their lives are improving. I suggest that you guide your energy toward the healing needs you’ve been identifying and working with in recent years, using this moment to commit to going deeper into your most pressing life questions. You may find that certain close partners are both willing and knowledgeable enough to guide you through certain levels of yourself that you’re less than comfortable with. One pressing question is the way that family dynamics manifest in your life, particularly when you find yourself in a group of people. In a word, this is about trust. While you may have the idea that you can go it alone, that’s not really true, though everything depends on your ability to trust both yourself and others, in that order.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You may feel like you live in a glass house, but it’s more like the hall of mirrors. You will be here for a while, so I suggest you get acquainted with what you’re looking at. Or rather, notice that what you project outward will account for most of what you see in front of you. This is usually true, though it’s particularly vivid now. If there’s a message underneath the surface, it’s focus on yourself if you want to change your life. Though there’s no point trying to change others, few people actually remember this. However, the results you get will speak for themselves. If you change your mind or your point of view, the reflection you’re looking at will change — though like when you’re looking in a mirror, it may be in the opposite direction.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

The funny thing about many of the old descriptions of your sign is that they say you like to skip over the details, yet there’s that side of you that obsesses over them. I suggest you refine this down to a short list with fewer than five items, then go back to the thing you’re so good at — envisioning the whole scene. It’s time to develop the talent of knowing when you’re in which mode, detailed close-up focus versus wide-angle view. The wide-angle means sketching out a vision that takes you out at least one year from today, with direct continuity from the present moment. Think in terms of your broad goals, and certain focused goals. The idea is to consider these things in principle, rather than in terms of specifics, or proof of what you can accomplish. Also — with Mars still in your 10th house for a few days, I suggest you solve three persistent problems at the rate of one per day for the next three days.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

It may seem like the emphasis of your life is shifting to your relationships, though the fact that’s overlooked is that your relationships begin with you. You bring how you feel about yourself into every encounter with someone else. We tend to make these experiences about how we feel about the other, yet your feelings about who you are, and how you relate to yourself and your presence in the world, is the one thing that moderates every encounter you have. No matter what may be happening within your partnerships, I suggest you keep the focus on your own growth and happiness, recognizing that without that factor, you have nothing. It’s also time to cease the habit of building your identity on another person. This is unfamiliar and indeed terrifying for many people — the prospect of being who you actually are, with everyone.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

You can see the potential in a certain relationship, and the benefits of liberating yourself from the attachments of your past. Yet it’s vital that you be realistic rather than idealistic, which means use what you know. If you find yourself feeling powerless, look for the ways that you’re not actually putting your knowledge to work. Meanwhile, if you’re going to be idealistic, at least know something about your ideals. Limit yourself to three of them and be specific about what they are. That’s another way of saying know what you want, then check everything you might be inclined to reach for against that list, to make sure you’re using your time and energy wisely. This will help you discern the difference between a false desire and an authentic one. Meanwhile, if any of your ideals get popped along the way, be grateful for that fact. You need solid, dependable ones, made of real substance, not the kind that are like soap bubbles.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

You may be feeling something unusual, for you — being daunted by the presence, the talent or the passion of someone else. You’re usually the one who nobody can touch, the one people look up to and who seems to have some kind of superhuman quality. Now you get to feel what it’s like to have someone like that in your life, someone you admire profoundly and who you know is having a deep influence on the course of your life. Now is the time to let your relationships — this one, and others — feed you. You’re not in a submissive posture in these situations; indeed it is your strength that is allowing you to have the ability to be stable and secure enough to actually receive what other people are offering. This really is the key — receiving. There is not a therapist alive who will deny that people struggle with this, though if you’re aware of it, you can end that struggle now. Life is holding out some of its richest offerings to you right now, and will be for the foreseeable future. Open up and allow yourself to embrace them fearlessly.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Let the bravery and innovation of the people around you be your inspiration and your guide. You have a lot to learn from them, and you’re blessed to know a few people who are truly doing innovative things. I suggest you concern yourself less with your own originality (that will take care of itself, in the end) and more with learning how others do things, especially when you notice they do them well. Observe the skills involved and the spirit of the endeavor. You understand by now that many of your most significant relationships are working partnerships, and if not that directly, ones in which ideas are exchanged. This is a perfectly viable purpose for other people in your life. Romance is severely overrated; dharma, or the path of correct action, deserves far more reverence than it gets.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You may wonder what is happening to a particular relationship — but I suggest you leave your fears behind you. Yes, you might have the feeling that things are slipping out of control, but what good has control done for you or for the people you love? What you’re about to experience is the first step in a concentrated series of transitions lasting into late June. One message of this journey will be that control is a null concept. You will be reminded to take nothing for granted. And you will see how far simple trust can take you in your most intimate relationships. I know that most of the time we define these encounters as places of exchange, where if things are going well, we both give and get. The relationship environment of your life goes beyond mere exchange, and enters the dimension of alchemy. You have a role in someone’s life that you don’t understand — and cannot fully understand until you see the results. You don’t need to do much, except for participate when you feel the opening and invitation to offer yourself.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

It’s better to regret the things you’ve done, rather than the things you haven’t done. Looking up the author of this quote, passed on to me by my Sagittarius yoga teacher Zosha, I discovered that it was being attacked as shallow and unphilosophical. As an astrologer who works with people at their points of decision, and also through their phases of being stuck, I propose that it’s pretty good advice. The refusal to dare slowly drives many people insane. Over the next few weeks, many opportunities are going to make themselves available to you. Some — not all — of them will be once in a lifetime, though what they will all have in common is that they are part of what is defining this moment of your personal history. Yet there’s a bigger story unfolding — a global story, something about humanity being at a threshold, and something about your participation in that experience. At the very least, pay close attention to what you hear when life is calling you.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Set your course toward something more than survival, or enduring a less-than-perfect situation. In fact you do endure and you do make the most of your circumstances, though the time has arrived to take a more generous approach to existence. I would call your attention to a possible feeling or notion that a particular realm of emotional contact is somehow off limits to you. By that I mean emotional on the erotic side of the spectrum, where the deepest exchange is possible. There are many factors that could lead to this fear, though none of them actually limit you: the only things that do are your own unacknowledged beliefs. When you discover one of those beliefs, which might poke its head up for a fleeting moment, take a good look at it and ask yourself what it is. Then make up your mind about whether it’s true. The past may be the most dependable predictor of the future, but if you make that a way of life, nothing will ever change.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

You’ve been incredibly patient for a Sagittarius, especially during the past three months. You haven’t lost any ground — everyone else has been involved in their own version of working through seeming setbacks. I know that you keep getting handed these tests of your focus and attention to detail, and yet you may be discovering that it’s within your nature to work things out until they are just exactly right. This comes with a certain kind of pleasure, and the feeling of control — though when the moment arrives to let go and take your chances, I suggest that you do so boldly. You may soon encounter what looks like a narrow opportunity, the kind you have to fit sideways to get into. Yet you’re more likely to experience that as an invitation than as a deterrent.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

You’ve been incredibly patient for a Sagittarius, especially during the past three months. You haven’t lost any ground — everyone else has been involved in their own version of working through seeming setbacks. I know that you keep getting handed these tests of your focus and attention to detail, and yet you may be discovering that it’s within your nature to work things out until they are just exactly right. This comes with a certain kind of pleasure, and the feeling of control — though when the moment arrives to let go and take your chances, I suggest that you do so boldly. You may soon encounter what looks like a narrow opportunity, the kind you have to fit sideways to get into. Yet you’re more likely to experience that as an invitation than as a deterrent.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Projects that have been on hold will move forward rapidly this week. The past few months may have felt like you were a horse at the starting gate of a race waiting for the gun to crack so you could burst forth. A kind of limbo settled in over your life surrounding your projects. What had the sensation of being stuck was in fact a building of energy, which is releasing in a series of stages. In terms of work and creative projects, proceed steadily and methodically. This will keep you from exerting energy in too many different directions. Energy spread out laterally is often wasted, yet energy focused like a laser can carve and craft and shape the world to your desires. This same formula will influence your personal life. Focus on the situations that you want the most, and that you think will be the most fulfilling — not on the rest of it. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

There is a difference between starry-eyed romance and friendly, creative passion. It’s a distinction I suggest you take note of, because it’s one of the central themes of your life. From one angle of your chart you’ve got this strong pull into the identity as the perfect partner. Yet to do this, you have to ignore or put a veil over some of the more conflicted feelings you have about that role, one of the most significant of which is the way it tends to compromise your independence. You have another option, which is a vibrant kind of creative collaboration, which leaves the portals open to wider possibilities than you can have in a conventional format of relationship. Keep in mind that the pull between what is considered normal and acceptable and what is considered unusual can create plenty of conflict, especially if you involve yourself worrying about the ways that others might judge you. Borrowing from Erica Jong, I’m talking about the difference between being half of a relationship and a whole person.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Progress in one’s career is rarely a rapid process. True, some of the most visible careers are the ones that go off like meteors: for example, those of young celebrities, many of whom seem to have done little to deserve the kind of money and adulation that’s poured all over them. This can be frustrating for those whose success is incremental, or is in fields that are considered less marketable than fast food or smartphones. You’re not letting that stop you, however. What you’re doing has inherent value — both to you and to the world around you. If the cash-in-instantly factor is not there, something else is, which is the feeling of integrity. It’s essential that you view your ‘small’ successes as successes. Note when your direction of travel shifts in the direction of what you want. Remember that persistence over the long haul is more effective than one or two big achievements. Yet despite all of this, when you are recognized for something, it’s crucial that you be gracious about that, and pause for a moment and reflect on what you did, how you did it and why anyone actually cares.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

If you’re feeling more settled within yourself, you can be sure you’ve worked out a complex issue that had you standing at the intersection of work and career, wondering which way to turn. Life is different when you feel good about who you are. Yet you still may be hesitating about a professional decision — which is a situation that’s bobbed to the surface many times in recent years, and which you’ve probably had enough of. Remember that the word ‘career’ means running a course, but your life is not a race. I suggest you look back at your trajectory over the past two years, and see where you’ve actually gone, as opposed to where you thought you were supposed to go. You’ll learn something from a careful review of your decisions going back to 2010. You have a decision to make about what to do next — and it will serve you well to have that be an informed choice, and by that I mean informed about what you really want to do with your precious time.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

You’re at the point where your plans are starting to materialize, and maybe even bear fruit. But I suggest you make an offering of pleasure, in the spirit of Beltane (which for everyone else is around May 5 but for you is all of the coming month). I suggest you do things that celebrate your abundance: a gathering or two of your true friends and supporters, an investment in your career (such as a new piece of gear) and an update of your business plan. There’s one other — in the spirit of Beltane, I suggest you offer at least one experience of erotic pleasure to the Earth, the Universe or the Goddess (however you think of it) as a fully conscious affirmation of where you want your life to be going. Celebrate healing, freedom and most of all, the fact of being alive.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

In her book Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey draws a distinction between intuition and instinct. That contrast gets clearer every time you think it through, though at first it deserves some explanation. Instincts include things like the urge to defend yourself, to avoid ‘dangerous’ neighborhoods or to hoard food. Certain levels of sexual feeling could be called instinctual, because the body is doing its thing without much guidance. Intuition, on the other hand, is a subtle incoming message. It’s something we receive, rather than something we already are. For example, if you have two possible routes you might travel, you choose one over the other because it feels right — that’s intuitive. If you’re trying to solve a complex set of problems and you have one idea that influences them all, that too could be called intuitive. AAB suggests that part of the evolutionary path is to gradually grow from being instinctual creatures to intuitive ones, and your charts suggest that’s the process that’s being accelerated for you in the coming weeks.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale.

You are being called to take a risk in a situation that seems to be pushing you over the edge and way out of your comfort zone. As scary as this may seem, this is an opportunity to ‘re-birth’ and reinvent yourself creatively, sexually and personally and reignite passion in a way you never thought was possible. Just because something didn’t work before doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea; in going back to the drawing board you can find a new solution to an old dilemma. As torn as you may feel between your head and your heart, stay in the moment with whatever is igniting passionate feelings or fear, desire, anger or rage. Rather than try to rationalize your or another’s behavior, understand that people do crazy things when they are in love or feeling cornered. Your feelings may be real but they are certainly not reality, which if you look around you is more abundant than you have feared. Let your passion lead the way and don’t allow others’ doubts to stand in the way of what you know in your heart to be true. Rediscover your inner child and you can be liberated to lead the life that brings you greater joy, purpose and material comfort. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

Take advantage of this moment; that advantage is that you have some perfect opportunities to ground your ideas, to put them into solid form, and to integrate them into your career plan. If you don’t have a career plan, this is the time to make one — based not on what you wish you could do but rather on what you actually do, what you love to do, what you express the desire for by taking action. Clean up old plans, with no attachment to things that don’t work, are not fulfilling or don’t meet your needs. You’re not going for perfection here, but a general sense of correctness. Good enough means worth investing your precious time and energy into. Yours is a fire sign, which means you’re a brilliant initiator with excellent ideas — but your disadvantage is your tendency to be so in the moment that you don’t consciously build a foundation for the future. What you’re doing now is part uncovering and dusting off the old foundations, part repairing them, and part building new structures.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Your work speaks for itself, that’s true, but don’t expect that to be persuasive when it comes to others investing in you. Far from being ‘not worth it’, the issue is that people rarely recognize quality when they see it. As the one who is being true to your values, make sure that you’re the one who is the dependable investor in yourself. Think of this as a process of building the image and the reality of self-sufficiency. While it’s true that there is no actual autonomy, there does exist a state where you’re more dependent on in-house resources than you are on those external to your direct influence, and that is the longterm direction your life is taking. Obviously resources will flow in your direction; that’s the nature of business and art. Yet the ones you want are the ones you don’t have to pay back. What you’re creating is yours outright, and I suggest you embark on a Buddhist meditation of seeing the value of what you do from a detached place, so you have a chance of recognizing that more objectively. When something turns into cash from any other form, that is a conversion of energy — the actual ‘making’ of that value is what happens long before that.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

The time is nigh for you to let go of your old ideas about your personhood — or anyone’s — being associated with relationship status. That’s the relic of another era, and for the most part it’s only served to the detriment of humanity. Relationship status is used for many purposes, ranging from ‘acceptability’ to certain communities to the appearance of decency, no matter what someone really does. It’s a way of signaling social status (married to the ‘right’ person) and as various dog whistles for unavailability, availability for surreptitious activity, and most of all, an acceptable form of relationship to our parents — no matter how many times they got divorced. This all amounts to a sham. You are acceptable for who you are, not for your status or who you’re with. The thing is, these programs run so deep they verge on impossible to see and unappealing to question. Sooner or later you will figure out that you are you and that your life is an experiment, and that’s likely to be sooner than you think.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

You’re going to be in a bold mood to experiment as the month unfolds, though I suggest you think before you act. To you, that may feel like hesitation, and if that’s the case, then I suggest you hesitate before you act. The difference, however, is that thinking is an active process of reflection, not merely momentary fear. I suggest you parse out the potential consequences of any particular adventure. From the looks of your solar chart, you may be feeling like you have no limits, therefore, I suggest you be the one to set some conscious limits, or at least moments of review. You can easily get drawn into the energy fields of others, through various forms of erotic play and romance. Make sure you have your wits about you. Simply put, there are some choices that take very little time but which have effects that last a really long time.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

You may fear you’ve hit rock bottom with a situation that threatens your sense of emotional or financial security. But a New Moon in the angle of your chart connected to security, and your home base, suggests no matter where you’ve felt out of your depth, there is opportunity knocking on your door. It may call for persistent work on your part but you aren’t looking for a quick fix. More to the point, the situation calls for having faith in yourself. As long as you keep a healthy level of discernment, you can rise above your insecurities to see what you can do to work your way out of a situation. Then even if change is slow, it will be lasting. Be honest about the situations and relationships that drain on your health, energy and resources. You don’t need to feel defensive, but do negotiate boundaries that help you feel safer within your connections. Your family and those you consider your family (even if all they offer is emotional support), are a bottomless well you can drink deeply from — allowing you to rejuvenate your spirit as you gather strength to greet another day. Above all, trust you’re being buoyed by a divine force and what is emerging is a lesson in learning your spiritual depth — which is endless. Have faith that as long as you are committed to living your best life daily, you can invite in the greater flow of financial and emotional support you need. — By Priya Kale

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

You don’t need anyone else’s approval to make a decision. You may not recognize that you’re even seeking that approval. It may come in the form of ‘thinking like someone else’ or imagining what they would do. I suggest that you think like yourself, align with your own desires and needs, and make the decision that’s right for you. There’s a good chance that someone you know won’t agree with you, but what difference does that make? That person doesn’t have to live your life. As soon as you focus on your own intentions, and get centered about what is right for you, you’ll see how little the feelings of others matter. That said, if you can discern emotions from facts (both yours and anyone else’s), you might gain some clarity based on the actual data you become aware of. It will be an excellent exercise for you to stick strictly to the observable, verifiable facts. This won’t interfere with your intuition — it will only strengthen it.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

You need to apply effort, but a certain kind that to you might feel passive. The idea is to slip into the flow, and know when you’re there. You’re in one of the richest and most abundant creative moments for many moons — though this also has a potentially disruptive quality if you don’t ride the tiger just right. This is why I am suggesting a move-with-the-energy, no-resistance approach to what you have to do, and for engaging with the thoughts and ideas that pass through you. Definitely keep a notebook, and remember that not everything is worth acting on — but nearly everything will be worth considering, and some will be worth developing. Ideas for career development may have to wait, but it’s never too early to prepare with knowledge, strategies and most meaningfully, with a vision for what you want to do. Remember, visions develop in layers, and are combined of adding what you want and removing what you don’t want.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

The concept of ‘home’ has become elusive, as people become increasingly transient, as the family structure changes and as home — the building itself — has become the subject of a vast political and economic scandal. As well, the notion of what it means to feel ‘safe’ on the planet has changed and changed radically. The things my friends and I used to do as kids, unsupervised, would get some parents arrested today, while others neglect their children with bald, outrageous impunity. All of these questions are potential topics of Neptune ingressing the home and security angle of your solar chart. Yet the question is deeper and more personal: what do you need to do in order to feel like you’re safe on the planet, or in your home? You may come up with a long list of possibilities and I bet many of them would be valid. But I can sum it up in two words, if you like: emotional boundaries.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

Does it matter what the boss thinks? No — if you set your own standard of excellence. Speaking as a boss, I can tell you that’s the one thing I’m looking for in the people who work for me: self-regulated quality control, and clear internal motivation to grow and improve. If you fire up those qualities in yourself, and find your own reasons for being motivated to do good work, you will set yourself free from a whole bunch of external bossiness in your life. Pay attention to the details of what you’re doing, and notice the implications of decisions you make and you will find yourself enjoying some actual autonomy. Unless, that is, you work for a petty tyrant — in which case you might just need to cut yourself loose from that situation sometime during the next three months. One thing I suggest you not do during that time is attempt to be in charge of anyone but yourself. That comes later.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

What defines your sense of self-worth? Is it success? Respect from your peers? Wealth? Your relationships? You’re in the process of discovering that it’s really none of the above, which will arrive with the sensation of setting you free from something that has long felt like a trap. Don’t forget what you learn today and this weekend. Only you have the power to define your worth, though sometimes you will discover this through a process of reduction. In other words, as you let go of every influence that did not work, or that was incorrect, you will eventually figure out that you had the right idea all along. The key to your longterm happiness is reaching a balance between radical self-sufficiency and healthy dependency. If you learn toward independence, you will make room for a more natural exchange of support. Yet if you lean too far in that direction, you will push others out of your life.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You’re about to have an opportunity to develop your financial resources; that is to say, to either make money, get a gig, or tap into some existing resource that has more value than you think. The key to financial success, for you, is grounding. You don’t necessarily like ‘the material world’, and you know that there’s more to life than that — but when it comes to money or wealth in any form, your success will come from a practical, planned-out and in some ways traditional approach. As the next few days develop, I suggest you take any conversations slowly and patiently, particularly with bosses or clients. Small successes can lead to much larger ones, though you must take things one step at a time, no matter how brilliant or innovative an idea or proposal might be. Make no assumptions, and keep a close eye on the timing of commitments.

Scorpio 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
No matter how complex you are, or what you’ve been through, you’re in an excellent position to have true companionship. This may come in the form of new friends or openings with long-standing friends and/or lovers. You have the option to open nearly any conversation with anyone, and by that, I mean the discussion of real subject matter. There is only one little condition, which is that you be willing to be forthright and vulnerable. Your sincerity is the elixir that opens up the portals to a deeper place. Your willingness to investigate and question your values is what makes it safe for others to do so. And you do have questions, as far as I can see — questions about what is really important to you; questions about why you’re alive; questions about the nature of existence. It’s usually easy to gloss these questions over; it’s easy, most of the time, to pretend they don’t exist. But not now. The questions are there, they run deep, and you will benefit from going deep with others into their true nature; into your true nature.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

To get out of the mental knot you seem to be caught in, you need to think beyond yourself. This may be difficult for a few days, because there is currently a kind of exaggeration effect in your astrology where changing your mind can feel like giving up everything. Or, you may have this idea that once you come to terms with one specific thing about yourself, or a particular fact of your life, there will be a cascade effect and one thing will lead to another as you gradually go out of control. You’re probably right about that. All it takes is one realization about yourself, one moment of truth, to get you to make a series of necessary changes that have in fact been long overdue. This particular psychological configuration is why so many people spend much of their time being ‘stuck’.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

You can afford to be generous with yourself — that is, generous offering who you are and what you have. Among the life lessons I would actually file under the category ‘spiritual’ is the one about not knowing how much you have until you share it, and this is what your charts have developed into as 2012 draws to a close. Challenge the feeling that you must withhold from others, or keep what you have to yourself. Listen to the voices of your parents instructing you in this particular way of life. You have many examples of how this does not work, though few dare to draw from the well of their soul and offer themselves to others in the spirit of something bigger than we think the world has to offer. This will teach you how abundant you are — and how much life has to offer you and everyone.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

I can barely begin to imagine the ways the current astrology is manifesting for you, though the sense I have from your solar chart is that you’ve never felt stronger or more determined to participate in the world as a functional adult. That’s just fine, as long as you keep your sense of humor. That is your key to the humility that will remind you that you’re human, and keep your Scorpio water moist and humid rather than having it all evaporate. I suggest you spend as much time as possible on The Onion’s website and make sure you catch a few episodes of Stephen Colbert, someone capable of raising sarcasm to the level of inspiration. There is another side to humor, pointed out by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who notes that humor means taking things lightly rather than with a heavy heart. I think that these days, cultivating both forms would serve you well, particularly in writing. I always consider a bit of well-wrought comic relief, irony or a satirical eye evidence that the author was actually awake whilst typing.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

The time has arrived to distinguish you from your ideas about yourself. You may not be the first kid on the block to succeed at this, so don’t expect a keg party in your honor. Yet what is likely to happen is that by experiencing yourself differently, you will see the world differently. This is most of the issue, right? The willingness to see, to envision and to experience the world as different (particularly, as different from the one that our parents imposed on us)? Yet to embark on this requires consciously embracing instability, uncertainty and the unknown — not the flavors of the month these days. Both your ‘ideas about yourself’ and ‘yourself’ are powerful concepts, though they are different kinds of concepts and need to be distinguished from one another. For some, this is about sorting out the appearance of something from the underlying reality — the press release from the contentious meeting where it was written, and where much else was said. For others, this is about distinguishing where you are now from where you want to be in the future. And for others, this is a question about how the past weighs on you, and may drag you back to a time and place that no longer exists. All of this would be much easier, were you willing to take the risk of rejection. That implies having little to no influence on what people think of you. Then, you could be honest with yourself, and proceed on that basis alone.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

You may feel like you don’t understand yourself, or like you have so far to go before you do. If that’s what’s going on for you now, I suggest you take it as a reminder of how far you’ve come. Yes, your questions are real, and they may seem to lead to more questions rather than simple answers (or any answers at all). Yet while you’re doing this, some things are available to you that are not available to others who do not get so deeply involved with the mysteries. One thing is that your self-inquiry provides you with energy that will fuel your passion and your art. You are capable of being free from the kinds of judgments that ensnare so many people. Perhaps most significantly, you can groom this into curiosity that gives you a truly interesting life. If there’s a catch, here it is: this all becomes valuable and life-affirming to the extent that you put it to use. Guide these feelings into some tangible means of expression, thought or relating. For the next few weeks, writing may lead you to some deep spaces. Be generous with yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Teasing is not a way of life — and if you find that you’re going in that direction, you might want to reconsider. By teasing, I mean offering anything to yourself (particularly an emotional or erotic experience) but not coming through; using your appeal to lead anyone on, for some ‘other purpose’; or any situation where your presentation and your intention do not align fully. I suggest you avoid teasing yourself with what you want, a kind of drama that reenacts a family situation (playing out in your own head) about what you’re ‘supposed to be’, versus what you actually want to do. You may be trying to lure yourself with promises, or with various benefits from a proposed compromise, all of which are likely to leave you just out of reach of fulfillment. I suggest you take a more straightforward approach to your desires, and those of others. If you set an ethical code, “Someone’s desire is not an opportunity for me to focus power,” you and the people you care about will be a lot happier. There’s another side to this — your desire is not an opportunity for someone else to focus their power over you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may feel like some big change is imminent, and very likely, you are correct. You can think of this as a test of your flexibility and resilience. By now you know the ways that you tend to get rigid, especially on the emotional level of your consciousness. However, your methods of trying to contain, control and suppress your feelings are getting old, and it’s time to question your motive for trying to do so. The more you’re able to flex, the better you will be able to make the transition you are by now facing. Meanwhile, you need to be extremely conscious with money — and that means honest. Look at self-serving tendencies with a skeptical eye; it’s not the virtue that it’s sometimes made out to be, and I suggest you be especially mindful if you find yourself rationalizing anything or diving into spendthrift tendencies. Your money has to be a spokesman for who you are and what you value. Consider every transaction a vote in support of what you want to create for yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

On Nov. 13, there’s a total solar eclipse in your birth sign, the first in more than nine years. Though there are numerous other factors influencing you this month, this by far is the most significant. Eclipses are about shifts in continuity, sometimes subtle, sometimes radical. I would say they represent ‘change’, but these days that’s a meaningless word. It’s a special kind of change, involving things that have gone on so long you’ve taken them for granted. This could include emotional patterns, certain facts about your sexuality and most significantly, the ways you communicate with yourself and others. Your charts present an image of you passing through what would normally be a ‘veil of forgetfulness’, only this time, you remember who you are. Not only that, you remember the support, love and trust that surrounds you, much of it coming from far beyond the Earthly realm. Yet in the aspect of your life that’s located here on Earth, one implication is that you’re experiencing the drive to rebuild your integrity. It may be painful, at first, to consider the ways that your words and actions have not been in alignment — then after a while, you’ll figure out that every time you discover one of these fractures is an opportunity to make amends with yourself and by extension, with others. It will help if you come to terms with the fact that, for many years, not everything you’ve believed was true. And that, you will discover, is very good news.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Structure is no more an impediment to your dreams than a car prevents you from driving someplace. Yet to have the freedom that a car offers, it took focus, ingenuity and dedication on the part of inventors and engineers — and the driver had to get access in the form of buying or borrowing one. You’re in approximately the same place with your life right now: you cannot have the freedom of expression you dream of without some structure and discipline around your goals. Daydreaming may feel liberating, but it’s really a distraction, and a form of boredom. Yet it seems that the moment you get close to the point of embracing some firm path or pattern and applying it to what you desire, fear takes over the equation. You may change your point of view when the Sun ingresses your sign Monday. Notice how much you get done next week, and remember how good it feels.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You may be starting to figure out how isolated you’ve felt (and for how long), now that you are getting a little relief. At least you feel some substance to your presence in the world; for too long you existed like a ghost, even at times feeling unable to take up physical space, or willing to admit that you exist. You may also be feeling a new sense of responsibility to yourself, which involves rising to a level of authenticity that you’ve been uncomfortable with for quite some time. The question is, what exactly were you hiding, whether from yourself or from anyone else? My sense from your solar charts is that you’ve been holding a certain edge to protect you from getting in too deep. This makes any emotional risk feel like putting all your chips onto the table. But unlike in a poker game, you might want to ask yourself whether you have more to lose by holding back your feelings, or by expressing them. Often the laws of spirit run contrary to the laws of the material plane — and you are in just such a situation.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

The question is not what others believe about you, or what you think they believe about you. As you’re figuring out, it’s what you believe about yourself. While it’s possible that you may be having your doubts about something, be mindful if you hear yourself protesting too much. Do you really have something to defend? Do you need to establish how different you are from someone else, or everyone else for that matter? One question your charts are sketching out is: how do you know when your perspective is narrow? Let’s say you feel broad-minded, though in truth you’re not quite there. How would you know that? One way would be to question nearly everything you say, think and feel, or at least subject it to some scrutiny. Ask yourself, “Is that really true?” And rather than taking the answer, notice how long it took you to come up with that answer. Assessing whether an idea or perception is valid can take a while. I suggest you hold off judgment for as long as you can, and let the information filter in.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

You are approaching one of the boldest ‘get serious’ moments of your life, a process spanning nearly three years. When you get to the other side, you’ll have acquired additional self-knowledge, privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. This is about Saturn in your sign, which arrives on Oct. 5 and departs in early 2015. I’ve described Saturn in your Sun sign (or in your rising sign) as an extended phase of coming to terms with yourself. Said another way, this transit is about becoming your own inner authority, something that few people ever do — and which is much likelier with Saturn in your neighborhood. One sad story of our society is people refusing to grow up; other people continue to have authority over their choices and even their opinions. Saturn in your sign can feel like authority figures or seemingly more powerful people imposing themselves on you. This is a reminder to take authority over all of those aspects of your life, and many more where you anticipate this kind of involvement by others. There are structured and organized ways to do this. Many people have described therapy as a kind of ‘re-parenting’ process, at the end of which you’ve taken over the role previously delegated to them. This is what I’m talking about, in whatever form works for you. You have to answer to some authority — whether you provide it, or whether someone or something outside yourself shows up and imposes it on you. The choice is yours.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Saturn’s ingress into your sign opens an extended phase of what one astrologer once described to me as ‘coming to terms with yourself’. That’s a kind of reconciliation, an understanding, and an exploration of your potential and your limits. Though they’re not usually considered compatible ideas, your potential and your limits are closely related; they’re aspects of the same thing. You might think that your limits are a description of your outermost potential, though I think that they show you what you can, and will, go beyond. Therefore I suggest you look at everything as an opportunity. When you reach a spot where you think you cannot go any further, that’s the place to reach beyond. Use your intelligence, use your determination, use your desire — use everything to your advantage.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Your charts describe the way in which you’re striving to be, or at least to experience, the opposite of what you are now. This looks like a healthy expression of your creative imagination. It’s also a viable way to explore the tension that you’re feeling, which is a kind of inner standoff between two different emotional realities. It’s as if you feel entirely like one of them in one moment, and entirely like the other in the next moment. Which is really you? How can they both feel so vividly true? Consider the possibility that you contain parallel realities. They can coexist like separate dimensions, each of which is valid when you’re in it. Rather than trying to reconcile them against one another, be fully in each of them as you experience it. This will feel a lot better than trying to compel yourself to reconcile them. Both are valid, even if one seems to exclude the other. Be fully where you are and what you’re feeling in every moment and understanding will come.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You have every advantage now — particularly if you know what you want, and focus on that. It seems that a high priority is making a particular relationship work, or getting that relationship started. My impression, however, is that you’re figuring out that your most important relationship is to yourself. That means living differently, especially given Scorpio’s famous desire for involvement with others. Though you’ve been here before, this is likely to feel like a radically new orientation for you, as you shift your identity away from ‘relationship partner’ and in the direction of ‘whole person’. If you’re doing this sincerely, then you will likely be experiencing some sensation of being in unfamiliar territory. However, this is not the time to say ‘I tried being myself, but it didn’t work, so I went back to whatever I was before’. Rather, it’s time to stick with the feeling that you need to stretch, and ultimately, to let go of something, in order to be 100% you.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

Do you have this feeling that your life is balanced on one extremely delicate self-doubt? It could be anything, though I suggest you get out your microscope and see if you can find any traces of self-doubt that are influencing your life. I can name two potential (as in likely) categories: one is the lack of approval by a parent or parental figure (likely to be father), interfering with your sense of what you’re capable of, or whether you’re respectable. The second (and potentially more complex one) may involve doubts about whether you’re in fact ‘suitable relationship material’. If you’re working with that one, remember that it didn’t come from nowhere. You didn’t make up the criteria against which you’re attempting to reconcile your self-worth. However, you did take it on at some point, though if you want to let it go, it’ll be helpful to know where it came from, in part so that you can assess the credibility of the source. You’ve begun a phase of your life wherein you will be carefully considering your past tendencies in relationships, whether they serve you now and what to do about them. At the moment, some very telling information is available.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

This month and next, energy begins to collect in your sign. Mars has just arrived, which will be followed by the North Node, Saturn and then the Sun. These planets are conspiring to push you to a new level. This is not an extension of the metaphor of the frog in the pot of water that’s gradually being heated up. Because Mars is the first planet to make a move, the temperature is going to rise quickly, and will be joined by different shades of energy: the North Node’s intensely soulful quality; Saturn’s focus on commitment and structure; and the Sun’s gift of self-expression. Stay perky, keep busy with meaningful priorities and make sure you pay attention as you acquire each of these new tools. They are yours to work with. Rise to the occasion.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

Make sure your emotional approach to others is gentle, and not an ambush. Be aware of the intensity that others may perceive in you, but which you may not have noticed in yourself. Yet you might also question why you are carrying this energy. Your astrology suggests that you might be feeling fragmented, or lacking focus — though not lacking at all for drive. That sense of fragmentation, if you’re feeling it, could lead you to overcompensate with push energy or raw desire. You don’t need to do this. Your supercharged state is noticeable and attractive to others; I suggest you work on focus. Get clear what you want to do, and refine your agenda as you become aware of it. This will help you groom subtle inner conflicts out of your psyche, which in turn will help others feel you as a unified being working with a clear purpose. As a result, you will know intuitively to be less aggressive. Assertive is all you need, such as saying hello and cordially introducing yourself to someone you want to meet.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Much of your emotional-body experience is dictated by your personal philosophy. In other words, you feel what you think is true. This viewpoint ties back to childhood; attitudes adults dictated as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ were based on verbal and physical clues designed to make you feel a certain way. During your early life, you learned to hide your feelings as a result of negative responses from adults. Those emotions became buried deep, and now you only touch the tip of the iceberg when you connect to them. To go deeper, try to remember some of those experiences. You don’t need to work them out as much as you need some clue that there is a matter of depth involved, and that the depth may point you to the past. As you do this, it’s vital to remember that how others responded has more to do with them than you. But you didn’t know that at the time. Now, however, you’re getting help with shaking loose the conditioning which led to these buried and crystallized feelings. As this material becomes accessible, acknowledge how it does not dictate the manner in which your present emotions will be received by future partners. This will take some courage. You have not fully sat with these emotions for a long time. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Monitor your anxiety level carefully this weekend and for a week or so beyond. ‘Monitor’ means be aware of, and I say that because it may have a tendency to be operating in the background, where you are not noticing it. Fear that you experience may be projected onto a topic having nothing to do with your actual concerns. In light of this, I suggest you sort out what you’re really concerned about. When in doubt, apply the Course in Miracles lesson, “I am never upset for the reason I think.” This will be especially helpful if any anxiety reaches the level of paranoia. Whatever is showing up on the monitor display known as ‘consciousness’, behind the scenes, you are under some psychic pressure. It’s as if part of your mind is being squeezed, or perhaps more accurately, you’re trying to pass something through your psyche, and it’s encountering resistance. That resistance may feel like fear, which can show up in a diversity of forms. This process has two transition dates — Aug. 15, when Mars makes its conjunction to Saturn; and Aug. 23, when Mars enters your birth sign. Please remember those dates.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

Are you really under as much pressure as you think? I suggest you get a handle on that question. At the moment you’re likely to be feeling an enhanced drive to succeed, or to stand out. Yet in your ambition you could easily make an error in judgment that will lead to anything but success. Therefore, over the next few days, it’s imperative that you choose your words carefully, and not make any moves prematurely. In other words, when in doubt, delay. You seem to be formulating a plan for a career move of some kind, which could work out brilliantly for you, if your timing is correct. Now is the time to clarify your plan, and the steps you need to take. Work on getting the language correct. There’s something about the enterprise I’m describing that feels like mixing oil and water — which may turn out to be metaphors for creativity and authority. Remember that seen one way, authority means authorship. And this brings us back to clear words and clear ideas, which must support your goals, or be set aside.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

If I had to describe your phobia-du-jour, these days it seems to be that we don’t live in a fair world. Well, that’s true, though the thing to consider is how you can access justice. That word means fairness, and it has as its root the same concept as adjustment. Therefore, if you’re feeling fear, think in terms of what you can adjust. This will require you to see two or more sides of any situation that you’re in, and be able to reason each one through; said another way, it’s good to be able to argue both sides of the case. Yet then there’s the issue of these emotional spikes you may be having, which can seize you at odd moments. When you get to one of those places, stop and reflect. You can go a long way by being willing to change, and to accept change.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

Your current situation is presenting you with a test of your leadership abilities. That translates to putting to work a skill set that includes communication, negotiation and psychology. The first step is going to be sorting out the motives of everyone involved (including your own). Then you need to go one level deeper and understand the insecurities of everyone involved (including yours). Basically, there’s a risk of those insecurities taking over the situation, unless someone can see through that and sort things out. That would be you. Now, you won’t be any good at understanding the motives and the insecurities of others unless you understand your own, so that’s the place to start. You also need to be the one who holds the overall goal clearly in mind. One last thing — for the foreseeable future, beware of the involvement of alcohol in the workplace, and among anyone in the company after work. Pay attention to this. Clarity is not optional.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

You can turn the mental or emotional pressure you’re feeling into a brainstorm. The psychic radar known as astrology looks like you might be stressed, even to the point of panic attacks. Don’t be fooled by the subject matter: remember that energy is energy, and the first skill of the Scorpio Jedi is directing all energy into a constructive, creative or healing force. By all energy, I mean everything from passion to anxiety, from desire to curiosity. The key is going to be remembering this when the energy manifests in some form you would not prefer — and keeping your head on. Meanwhile, I would maintain a good vibes posture. Walk away from arguments. Remind yourself how safe you are (and if you’re not, make a decision), and remember that the light you hold around yourself shines out into the world.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

The sky is the perfect setup for fantasy scenarios — that is, as long as they don’t involve Cinderella and Prince Charming. Recent changes in the astrology are opening the door for you to explore fantasies that transgress what you normally do, or deem acceptable. A partner, lover or friend may be considering the same kinds of experiments that have been running through your imagination. One question is: who should lead the way? I will say this: the astrology strongly suggests that women or those with a strong feminine orientation are feeling particularly bold, though not saying much about it. If that’s you, I suggest you speak up. If you’re in a position to influence someone else, set up the situation so they can state what they want openly. The free will factor is important, as conscious choice is going to be the basis of feeling safe and secure enough to act on some truly unusual and adventurous desires. The key through all experiments is keeping communication open.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You’re having an influence on a number of situations much larger than you, though at this point you might not see how that is working. The astrology suggests you have the ability to tip the scales on situations that are hanging in the balance. Yet there’s a larger matter at stake, which is your ability to maintain a sense of the interests of everyone involved. In a sense, you’re the guardian of justice, and I suggest you only devote energy and attention to outcomes that are authentically fair. You have the ability to sway things any way you want, though the karmic stakes are a little higher than you’re accustomed to. If you’re not fair with everyone in your life, you will discover how unfair people can be to you — which is silly, considering how much you both have to offer.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

By now you’ve figured out that you feel better, and get along better with people, if you take a less critical attitude. You’re an analyzer by nature. There’s a way to do that gently, which includes keeping your sense of humor, and refusing to assume the worst. Yet there is something else I truly hope has come across, and it’s not too late. Where you see the need for improvement in the world, you can actually devote your energy, your love and your resources. Yes, this involves taking a chance, and it involves being willing to extend some extra focus. Yet the real ‘risk’ is shifting from a negative orientation on the state of the world to a positive one. You have little right to expect the world to become a better place (however you define that) unless you’re willing to put yourself into that project. It’s pretty easy to identify the ways that provide mutual benefit, and I suggest that you mediate on the concept, ‘the greatest good for all concerned.’

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

We’re now just weeks away from the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect. As I’ve written, this is part of the cycle that set the theme of the 1960s (from approximately ’62 to ’74), and if you were born then, this is a special time in your life. One difference between then and now is that astrologically speaking, a lot more people know what’s happening. Another difference is that what to do is a heck of a lot less obvious today. We can no longer depend on a simplistic analysis of global problems or think that sticking daisies in the barrels of rifles is going to end the wars. You have a cosmic assignment: changing your mind about many things you’ve taken for granted nearly all of your life. Your old modes of thought no longer serve you, and the pressure has been mounting to make some long-overdue decisions about the course of your life. You may have a grandparent who was a better example than your parents or other authority figures. You, however, have more (and better) options than he or she did.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Precision is the key, particularly when you’re among friends, or in public, or projecting your thoughts into any public forum (the Internet included). I mean precision of thought, speech and action, which are directly related. What you say has impact, and it will be attributed personally to you — so be mindful of being even vaguely aggressive or critical. Instead, make a point of being helpful and constructive, pointing out what is good about the world and the works of humankind (such as your friends and colleagues). If you must point out anything wrong, save it for the calmest one-to-one discussions you can create. I suggest, however, that you do triple-diligence when it comes to collecting your facts and understanding the circumstances behind anything you perceive. Meanwhile, I truly suggest you put your energy into visioning what you want to create in your own life. That’s not about all those other people — it’s about you.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

One of the most interesting things about the way that Scorpio’s solar chart is arranged is that the sign Gemini falls on the 8th house. Let’s take those concepts one at a time. The 8th is about surrender in all its forms: death, orgasm, deep commitment, the movement of wealth between people and generations, and many kinds of situations over which we seem to have no power. It’s also the place where some of the best things in life come into our sphere of reality — and now you have a truly rare, magnificent event there. This signifies an inheritance that is not the result of death but rather the result of life itself. One expression is about feeling what a profound gift your relationships are. Yet another is actually experiencing in a direct way how meaningful you are to others. On one level you know this — and on another you waste too much time on your doubts and your insecurities. You don’t need them; they are not real, and you have a much more valuable emotional asset that is making itself known to you.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

You have two possible modes of action right now — quietly, from the background, and boldly, from within your ideas. Yet they have one thing in common: the less you assert yourself, the more influential you will be. Even when you’re directly offering an idea or explicit instructions, lay back a little and let people come to you; allow them to feel the effects of your presence. Another way to say this is, you don’t have to do much, or anything at all. Plenty is in motion around you. You’re having a profound influence on your environment from several different angles. They almost all involve processes you set in motion a long time ago. If you’re going to do one thing boldly, this is what I suggest: evaluate one particular contractual situation carefully, and make sure that everyone benefits.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You seem drawn into a situation where you will need to let go of some of your own priorities and work with those of someone else. There’s a way to do this without giving up your power, which is about working with the common interests you share with the people in this situation. There are plenty — and there is also the potential for everyone to benefit substantially based on those mutual interests. In actual fact, life is not a game of “every man for himself.” If it was, we would not build towns, cities, universities or farming cooperatives. But there is a commitment involved. In this case you may feel that you’re making that commitment to a certain person or maybe even to an idea, or a values system. In truth what you’re doing is committing to your relationship to existence. That’s a little like saying you’re reaffirming your promise to live your life fully, only it’s a lot bigger.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

One of the rules of our society involves what I will call mandatory exclusion. For example, imagine you’ve been single for a while, and you meet someone you like. Then the next day you meet someone else that you like. There would seem to be some unwritten law that says you can only choose one of those people, to the exclusion of the other. Into this mix is often added guilt and shame in a diversity of formulations. Now, let’s consider your here-and-now reality. You are curious, or so it looks from your solar charts. Your imagination is on fire. You may be so consumed with desire that you doubt your ability to think clearly, and thus to make a good decision. Here is an idea to consider: You have the right, and the ability, to experiment without making a ‘permanent’ commitment in the process. This is, however, less about the expectations of others and more about what you’re willing to allow yourself to experience and feel.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

In order to be in a relationship with someone, it’s necessary to be at peace with who they are, which covers many levels of existence. It’s also necessary to be at peace with what their existence reveals about you, which is another way of saying being comfortable in your own skin. That said, I would propose that you be careful and aware in any situation where you have a long list of misgivings. The solution to everything is not to fix it or work it out or make it better. Sometimes the solution is to recognize that there’s an incompatibility, and use that as your new starting point. And, sometimes you will actually find yourself in a situation where you can know that there is a connection that can develop. Remember, though, that the first step is to get over your own insecurities, which I know is a tall order on this particular planet at this particular time. Yet events this weekend seem custom-designed to help you do just that — and then make a decision about where you really stand.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

What has seemed like an impasse in your life the past few months is about to burst into more movement than you’ve experienced any time lately. You may feel like you’re exceeding your speed limit or some unspoken agreement that seems to limit your happiness. No such agreement is binding you today — though it may seem like one is, if you worry too much about how others perceive you. This is a message you’ve been getting over and over again — focus on people, not what you suspect their concepts might be. If you have a mission to accomplish or a role to play, the opinions of others matter not — the only thing that you need to concern yourself with is feeling confident you’re doing the right thing. You should know — you’ve thought about it long enough.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

A close partnership is currently offering you much in the way of stability and nourishment. The challenge for you is slipping into a state of receptivity. Ask any therapist and they will tell you just how many people struggle with receiving, because receiving implies being open. I suggest you think of this less in terms of being vulnerable and more as allowing someone to walk with you. This is a simple idea. Your emotions are a complex layered web that often seem too murky and interwoven for you to be able to separate and explain. Don’t let this overwhelm you. Start small — your partner or someone you care about is not looking to see the entire web of your emotional sphere at once. Begin with the uppermost level, the piece you understand most clearly. This will provide you with the confidence you need to relinquish a measure of control over the outcome. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

Do you want your relationships to be easy, or do you want them to be real? I suggest that you see things in terms of these two options, at least initially. By real I don’t mean difficult; challenges usually show up in the context of denial or resistance rather than by a conscious embrace of what is so. However, I suggest you notice the way that you tend to make other peoples’ issues into your own problems. Being real also means being real about knowing where the edge is between you and somewhere else, and knowing when it’s appropriate to cross over that line. Clearly you are being drawn into a deep situation of some kind, if only by your curiosity. The place where a warning should go off is when you find yourself adopting problems that simply are not your own, on the excuse that you love someone. The thing to focus on is creative purpose and a kind of calm, centered passion about life itself — not the relationship.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Expect people to treat you differently. That’s to say — you can release them from their past opinions of you, which is a burden that both they and you carry. The nature of the burden is that when people are locked into their old ideas of who a person is, that leaves no room for who they are in the present moment. We all know how much people seem to walk around with their minds made up about everything and everyone. You have the power, at least, to create a liberated zone where this is possible. Inside that space, you will notice that you have the freedom to set some new goals for yourself, and to admit some new desires, ones that in the past you feared might have conflicted with what others thought your life was supposed to be about. This is the liberation you need the most: to be able to define your purpose, irrespective of what all those people in the past might have thought, and shorn of any perceptions of others of who you’re supposed to be today. This may feel daring, but it’s not as dangerous as you think.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

Your sexual desire nature these days is coming more from your femme side than your macho side, though it’s no less fierce for being receptive. Indeed, you may feel like the ocean that will never fill up. I think it’s fair to wonder what you’re supposed to do with all of this desire: what’s the point? What’s the purpose? The answer to that question would seem simpler were what we think of as ‘erotic’ not perceived as something separate from everything else. What you’ve been experiencing the past few weeks is curiosity about yourself; you have learned a lot, and what you can explore now is what it’s like to express yourself. Don’t worry — neither your life nor Western civilization will collapse if you venture into more daring territory. To test the waters, proceed with words and ideas first — spoken to other people, not just in your own mind.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012.

Mars — the oldest of the Scorpio planets — finally stations direct this month, and I trust that by now you’ve figured out who your friends are, and who they are not. You’ve had a few false hopes dashed, and have replaced them with some practical plans to do the things you want the most. If you haven’t arrived at that step, make a list of three things you’ve always wanted to do, and plan to do them this year. I suggest that you get to at least one of them by the time this month is over, and the other two by the end of June. Get some momentum going. The key to wish fulfillment for you is to be specific. Know what you want, in particular. Forget about why you want it — that may be the thing you discover last.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

One key theme of your life right now involves what you believe, and why you believe it. You seem to be figuring out that many people live inside a cage of their own assumptions, which you have discovered in the process of gradually escaping from such a place. Yet the process of freeing yourself is ongoing, one illusion at a time; one belief at a time. Today’s subject is glamour, or the art of appearances. Or rather, the art of false appearances, which are rooted in false beliefs. And: what are they? Have you been figuring out how they influence you? Yet there’s a much better question with a deeper answer. What is false is generally designed to conceal what is true, and what’s true is your friend. As you peer through the mists and wash away the layers of what is starting to look obviously, ridiculously untrue, you’re discovering something about yourself. It’s starting as an idea — and it’s about to evolve into a decision and ultimately into action. Yet while you’re here, I suggest you look for the motives for the cover-up.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale

A situation in your life or at work is pushing your boundaries, or it may be your health that is a concern right now. You may fear you’re going to run into trouble, but the fears in your head are often far worse than the reality of a situation. You can either chase your passion or let your fears chase you. You can theorize something forever and drive yourself crazy about the best way forward. But at some point you will have to learn through experience. What is unfolding now is asking you to let go of expectations (especially negative ones) as you move toward your most optimistic vision. There is a solution staring you in the face, but it may not be what you expected. To recognize and seize it, let go of your beliefs or thinking you know how things work. Be curious, open minded and willing to learn and experiment a little. As alone as you may feel at times in your experience, you are not. There are loyal partners and people on hand willing to help and support you. Trust a process of change as you consciously reach for solutions, and you can make great progress. This is your lesson in learning to take each day as it comes and live life on its own terms. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

You must be thinking: there has got to be some kind of conspiracy. You keep meeting the same kind of person, who has the same basic problems. The world of demented relationships, denial, pills and attempted glamour stretches from the trailer parks to the suburbs of every city to Hollywood, in an unbroken line of connection — unbroken, that is, except for your need to break free. There is a force deeper and more powerful than the prevailing sickness of our culture that is drawing you deeper into your core. You might think of this as a quest for your inner healer, the aspect of your psyche that knows you so well, and that knows how to turn struggle into strength. I’m not sure you’ve heard it in those words, but I think that this is the essence of healing. There’s a reason so many spiritual texts say that all things work together for good; I would propose that they must be worked, together, for good — and that what serves your healing will ultimately serve the healing of the people around you. We see every day how humans can be an adverse influence on one another; it’s time to consider how we can build a community of mutual witness and positive example.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

The thing to go for is not acceptance or approval — it’s the full indulgence in your creative process. There is no audience, or you don’t need one; what will serve you best is the spirit of experimentation. Imbibe experience as if it’s a form of nourishment. Embrace your mistakes as turning points that can send you in new directions you never would have noticed otherwise. While you’re exploring, you may notice there’s a critical voice in your mind, that seems to be shining on you like a projector, complete with soundtrack. However, I would propose that if you notice the critics in your mind, remember that’s exactly where they are. You cannot necessarily silence them, but what you can do is make a conscious choice what voices you listen to. Meanwhile, others around you are available to offer their full support — not as an audience but as peers and potentially as collaborators. Their perception of you is more likely to be the accurate one. I doubt you could think of any ulterior motive they could have, other than to endorse your happiness and affirm your existence.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

I suggest you not push the health campaign, workout routines or dieting right now. What you need is balance. At the moment there’s no escaping the amount of work you have, but at least you’re into projects that you can use to bring out the best in you. At the moment to balance that you need the right amount of the right food, and just enough physical activity to let off any mental or physical tension you may be carrying. However, I suggest you not stretch too far in that direction; the pull will be too much for now. Rather, listen to the signs that your body is sending you; pay attention to the foods it’s asking you to eat and make sure that your physical space is clean and orderly. That will save a lot of energy and help your efficiency. I also suggest that you invest plenty of energy getting the opinions of others — and that you not take too much credit for what you get done. Point out the contributions of everyone else. Work in a spirit of service, and thank everyone for their shared effort and influence.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

This can be a really interesting, as in gorgeous, month for sex — though it will help if you remember the difference between giving and receiving. Yes, they are closely related and some people ‘get’ pleasure from that of others, but there are still differences in the energy flow when you offer and when you open up and receive. The difference can resemble that between inviting yourself to someone’s house, or extending a gracious invitation. It can be as daring as being available to explore someone’s fantasy with them, setting aside your own scenario and playing the role that is the most fun for them. As for receiving — there is a certain generosity in truly embracing what another offers you, and that is something I suggest you cultivate. For you, in a similar light, there is no such thing as ‘too generous’.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

A New Moon in your 5th solar house — the house connected with taking chances, and with pleasure — is asking you to dive into your heart to discover the magic lurking in there. This may feel like a huge risk, but neither love nor creativity ever came without its risks. And in truth you have more to gain than anything you fear losing. Creatively, sexually and romantically this is a renaissance, allowing you to rediscover yourself like no other time in your life. A partner is with you every step of the way and the more you can let go of your fantasies or illusions of love, the more you are likely to discover this is indeed the real thing. A relationship has more to teach you about yourself and life in general than you realize. And the more you are able to dissolve your fears, the more you will see the relationships that you can trust and have time and again proven their worth to you. Be honest with yourself and you can emerge refreshed, renewed and healed, ready to face a new day, creating your experiences of life daily. You may not be able to bottle something up and hold on to it forever. Life was meant to be lived and in truth — all you have is now. If you can surrender to how you feel in the moment — this is the kind of sublime experience that will last for eternity. As the Beatles sang, “In the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make.” Dare to dive deep. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Your life has presented you with many ideas and possibilities lately, though often falling short of the best possibilities actually materializing. That said, your imagination has been venturing into some daring territory and you seem to allow yourself to consider some of the saucier possibilities, at least in theory. As the Sun enters your fellow water sign Pisces over the weekend, you’ll either have opportunities to go beyond merely thinking or imagining, or you’ll feel more compelled to actually experiment. You’ve yet to discover whether what you feel in potential and what you can actually manifest will have much in common. There’s always a difference — we’re talking about two different realms, one of which is a lot more dense than the other, and where there are actual consequences of action. Just as with your imagination, it’s a good idea to open up to what you’re not expecting. That’s the one significant contact point between ‘fantasy’ and reality.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

One theme of this season is discerning what you think from what is true. Thoughts are powerful in that they have the power to subsume the mind. Whether you believe in ‘manifestation’, thoughts are creative, and they can also be destructive. It’s not a coincidence that the most destructive ones are those that are not true, by which I mean, the ones that are based on fear, attack or have no basis in verifiable reality. Yet one challenge you face is discerning those thoughts from what is real for you. The easiest way to tell the difference is going to be by the results. What leads to a creative outcome was a creative thought; what leads to conflict was a destructive or deceptive thought. To use this method of discernment you’ll need to track your mental process, through the actions it leads to, and then observe what happens. Think of this as observing yourself, which is a vital skill any time, but especially with Mars traveling retrograde for the next few months.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Many have noted the difference between the sexual experience we have in a fantasy and the one we have in reality. What happens in actual 3-D reality is different than what happens in fantasy mainly because more than your intent is involved, and there can be physical effects, influences or consequences of the actions taken — much less likely in the imagination. That said, most people don’t even bother to try their fantasies, and then on the rare occasion when they might, there can be a setup for disappointment if it does not live up. This is one reason why I suggest trying every fantasy at least three times (three-way sex, same-sex experience, s/m experience, etc.). Once is not enough to get the feeling; things can go wrong, and you or someone else might be nervous. Everything takes practice and acclimation. I mention this now because Neptune in Pisces is about to stoke your fantasies big-time, and Chiron in Pisces is saying that this comes down to experience — real experience based on real curiosity.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

You think people are a lot harsher toward you than they actually are. I mean, I’m not there; I’m just reading your astrology, and I’ve known a few Scorpios here and there. It seems that you might project a certain ‘critical factor’ onto your friends, assuming that you’re being judged or scrutinized when this is not true. I suggest you test the theory in a somewhat oblique way, which is to be encouraging of everyone around you. Affirm what they want, what they do and what they accomplish. You don’t have to be sugary about this — saying yes, and taking opportunities to lend your actual, physical, material support, will teach you a lot. I am suggesting that you personally take action to reverse the dynamic that you may perceive in your environment. Notice when you give support or affirmation and when you withhold it. Notice the role that jealousy plays in your interactions with others. Most of all, notice how good it feels to say yes.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

What do you believe? And why do you believe this? And what are the ideas surrounding success and failure you need to let go of? You’ve been obsessing about something, and the time has come for you to pull your head out of the sand and face the truth. This may scare you, but in truth reality is a lot sweeter than you think or fear. Financially as well as within a domestic relationship or situation, you have more support than you realize. Consciously let go of expectations and assumptions, especially the negative ones. If you speak for what you know to be true, you can reclaim your power in a situation, freeing you from a worry, bringing you the security you’ve yearned for. Hint: that sense of security originates with you. As you feel safer, you will experience the world as a safer place, where love feels more natural. You will be more likely to notice what you want rather than what you don’t want.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You may be noticing an odd sensation in your life, as your ruling planet Mars slows down to a retrograde. This may feel like the soundtrack is out of alignment with the frames of the movie, or like the air (or your mind) is getting a little thick. I suggest you take the cue and slow down. This is not the time to blaze forward, but rather, for a careful reassessment. Mars retrograde lasts between Jan. 23 and April 13 — which will give you a chance to look back on the past two years, and moreover, to prepare for the astonishing events of mid-2012. Take this opportunity to work out any hangups, disagreements or conflict over the most important thing you can do with your mind — deciding what you want. Remember, you don’t have to make all your decisions at once. You have some time, and I suggest you use it consciously.

Libra 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
I suggest you take every opportunity to get out of your head. You are immersed in a world of ideas; some are friendly, some are creative, and some represent the darker shades of existence. ‘In your head’ means thinking and thinking with no sense of resolution. ‘Out of your head’ can mean a few things — one is out into the world, the 3D world of experience. It can also mean into some form of expression, which would be both exciting and therapeutic, and lead to other adventures. There is a lot to be said for the imagination. Arm-chair travel is a real thing. But to have some fine, exotic experiences, you actually don’t need to go far. In fact, some of what you want is coming in your direction even as you are heading toward it. There is a meeting place, and it’s not necessarily that far from where you’re sitting right now. Meanwhile, to the extent that you are using your mind, do so in a creative way. Use pictures. Use words. Use sound. Your mind contains the deep pool known as your imagination — a truly beautiful thing.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

You seem to have made up your mind about yourself based on some poor treatment, negligence or abuse that happened to you in the past. This point of view may ‘inform’ you at certain points, especially when you want to take a chance on an intimate experience. The chance may seem extra risky due to the potential that someone would abuse your trust. Note also your possible concern about what might get out through a social network or some form of gossip. The question here is: are you trying to hide something? Are you trying to cover a perceived vulnerability, and in doing so, do you block off the kind of experience that you can only have by being vulnerable? Leaving the whole matter unresolved can become a kind of a hedge that you use, much like people use the excuse of having a partner to make sure they don’t meet anyone new — having nothing to do with their existing relationship. Be honest with yourself and get to the bottom of this. You will be much happier.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

You seem to be making up your mind how you feel about yourself. It’s a complex matter, isn’t it? I assure you, despite war, famine and strife, this is one of the most challenging situations that humanity faces — how we feel about ourselves. It’s made more complex when everyone from your cousin to your mother to the Audi marketing department wants to get in on the game. Having misgivings about yourself makes you weak and susceptible to manipulation by any of those parties. Here is the thing: in getting strong and clear about this, you run the risk of being a little too harsh on yourself, or putting up a kind of emotional barricade to keep out certain people and to block yourself against feelings that don’t contribute to your happiness. If you do that, you might get the feeling that you’re trapped in a relationship with yourself. While it’s true that your relationship to yourself is the one affair you cannot leave, feeling trapped in there is no consolation. I suggest you open the door, just a little, and let in some light and sunshine.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Are you feeling confident, or afraid that the ground is going to drop out beneath you? Is it time to embrace the people in your life, or are you making more excuses to keep them at arm’s length? What you’re going through is certainly deep, and it’s stirring up some old questions, some fear and many of your old reasons to keep people at a distance. That said, I don’t think there is a time when we’re actually ‘ready’ to be close to others. Rather, I would say there may be a time when we understand that everyone is a work in progress. Part of that progress is the willingness to accept your insecurities, not as a permanent part of who you are but rather something you experience. To accept your insecurities implies revealing them in intimate situations, which in turn implies giving people power over you. Here’s the problem with this point of view: if you see your life as a power dynamic, you’re living in the world of politics rather than human emotions. Part of your Libra karma is to understand what one professor at my university called ‘the politics of love’, which includes the politics of your early-childhood environment. That may have been a rigid world, based more on expectations than on compassion. You have the awareness and determination to see the implications of the past on your life today, and to work them out. I would ask: what’s that inside your velvet glove? Is it an iron fist, or a warm, loving hand?

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

The direction of your life and your love is into yourself. Yes, this raises many issues, from your investment in relationships, to your fear of abandonment, to your ongoing quest for self-esteem. Remember, this is subtle — it’s easy to forget, especially if you get distracted by projects or adventures. Try to maintain self-awareness of what you’re learning about yourself on the deepest levels, and bring this into everything you do. You have a truly unusual opportunity to build emotional confidence, as well as to experience yourself directly outside of the context of close personal relationships. Being your own person — emotionally, sexually, creatively and every other way you can imagine — takes practice, and it’s the kind of learning you must apply to every aspect of your life. There’s an irresistible pull drawing you inward. Honor that and anything is possible.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

For Libra and Libra rising, I’ve been developing the theme of self-esteem in recent columns. This is because Saturn, the Sun, Mercury and a recent total solar eclipse have been dancing around the sign next to yours — your solar 2nd house, Scorpio. As a matter of psychic structure, Scorpio is the region of the zodiac that holds the keys to how you feel about yourself, which includes the ways you can learn to feel better about yourself. Because Scorpio is involved, you have the special karmic mission of ‘self-esteem’ translating to making peace with some of the deepest matters we encounter in a physical lifetime: the mysteries of sex and death; questions about our cosmic origins; and the often contradictory nature of the human emotional body. Because the questions go so deep, they are not your average matters of self-respect. Yet what this gives you is profound access to your humanity. Libra is one of the most creative and multifaceted energies on the wheel of life. There is a reason: you are drawing from a deep well.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

How you feel about yourself, what you feel about yourself — this is the nature of your quest now. I say this knowing that you are experiencing dark and light spots, many questions and a quest for self-discovery. Everything in your life surrounds this investigation — and that’s what it is. On one level, you’re experimenting with your identity, and how you project yourself into the world. On another, there’s a kind of emotional vortex that’s opening up, where you can immerse yourself in some of the deepest questions about the meaning and value of your existence. Imagine you’re sailing around an island, looking for an alcove that’s difficult to spot, and that few people ever find. Then you see it, and then you go in, not knowing what you will discover. Go in gently, honoring the fact that some of what you find will be frightening, some will mystify you and other elements will embrace you passionately. This thing known as a ‘self’ is vastly complex, and you no longer need to deny or avoid that complexity; this is your moment to indulge in its beauty, which is the beauty that you contain within you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

If you’re the master of yourself, you will be able to negotiate and navigate your way through an interesting maze over the next week or so. Indeed, the situation seems like the perfect setup for you to rise to the occasion and demonstrate your self-confidence and faith in yourself. I suggest you worry less about how you are perceived and instead focus on bringing your true self into your encounters with others: that is, no facade, no masks, no white lies — and at the same time, be realistic about who others are. Guide yourself to treat others in kind, as they treat you, and appreciate these opportunities for a sincere exchange with unusual people. You have an opportunity to get to know yourself, and to be confident in the person who you normally keep a few layers in and who wants more than anything to be expressed in the world. Conducting yourself this way can come with moments of loneliness or isolation, though if you encounter them with an open heart, you will move through them into a space of clarity, strength and passion.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

You will need to be impeccable with money and resources for the rest of the year. This includes making no commitments you’re not sure you can keep, or that you even suspect you might not be able to keep. You’ll also need to preserve what you have as a conscious act. As you do this, a lot of information is going to come your way. There will be certain specific facts that prove to be useful, though the thing to look for is the overall pattern. This will take some time to develop, and you may find yourself wading through plenty of murky water before you arrive at several moments of clarity. Take these one at a time, and watch the pattern of what you learn from these developments as well. Any sense of needing to rush is entirely artificial. Rather than resisting the urge to push forward, devote your energy to learning, and in particular, learning about the way in which resources are as important as money, or more so. ‘Resources’ includes your skills, your reputation and your ability to relate to others. It would also include your relationships with resourceful people, and all those who care about you and have demonstrated over time that they are willing to lend support to your cause. The communication piece — listening, and learning to speak in a clear, focused way — may be the most significant of all. In a sense, it’s the key to everything else, and the most meaningful tool for establishing both your credibility, and your creativity.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Do you want a relationship, or do you want some opportunities to experiment and explore? Over the past couple of years, circumstances have guided or pushed you in the direction of the unknown. You may be feeling like you’re on an edge of some kind, and I would not be surprised if you’re feeling a little more fear than usual. If so, consider this. There seems to be some aspect of yourself that you’re reluctant to reveal to others, while at the same time you know this is the most meaningful thing about you. It’s also likely to be an attribute of yourself that would help you connect with others in a nourishing way, were you able to be open about it. Consider the last couple of days of the Sun transiting your sign to be a kind of incubation phase, while you make contact with whatever this element of yourself is. Get used to the fact that it’s there. Then once the Sun enters Scorpio on Monday, you will feel the beauty and value of what you possess.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

Monday’s New Moon in your birth sign indicates not just a new chapter but also a new volume in your life. Yet you seem to be ready to move forward less trusting of intimate relationships than you have been in the past. This coincides with a commitment to get to know yourself better, including plumbing down into the shadowy world of self-esteem. One thing to remember about ‘relationships’ the way they are generally arranged is that they tend to be designed to help us avoid the deeper questions involving how you feel about yourself. Relationships even become a substitute for self-esteem, but you’re long past having another person in your life just to prop you up. Yet you will pay a price for that privilege, which is focused, steadfast devotion to the cause of who you are. That will involve admitting what you feel comfortable with about yourself, and what you don’t like as much. When you feel the strength of admitting your weaknesses (beginning with yourself), you will feel a lot better being authentic in the presence of others.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

If you find yourself facing a problem that can’t be solved, state the problem differently, until you’ve conceived of it in a way that’s more amenable to resolution. It’s true that there are very difficult problems, though what you seem to be facing is the loss of faith in yourself rather than some external situation to which you cannot adapt. Yet there are moments when it may be difficult to tell the difference. I suggest you focus on the faith aspect, understanding the ways that your perception, and your personal history, are influencing how you’re perceiving the world around you — and one person in particular. You may perceive their life one way and not understand how they might see it differently; the same is likely to be true for how they perceive you and your choices. Still, this is a situation where you fear you might get hurt, and where you can easily get caught in your worst expectations. You have learned how powerful it is to be honest with yourself — which is far more important than whether anyone is being honest with you.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

There’s always a difference between theory and reality, and you’re about to find out what it is — in reality and not in theory. Through most of the month, your ruling planet Venus is trekking across Virgo, where you do lots of contemplating, ruminating and a very precise kind of fantasizing. Toward the end of the month, Venus emerges into your sign, where it starts making aspects to planets that have already been stirring a revolution in your life. You’re likely to see how little a real-time experiment has in common with all of your (admittedly) fascinating concepts and plans. You can expect the pace of events to pick up rapidly. You can expect to go deeper into questions that have been nagging you, though about which you have only skimmed the surface. And there is something about allowing your relationships to change you. I suspect this may be a sticking point for you, as one of your goals is stability and change happening only in a controlled environment, and only with your consent. That’s more for the laboratory, and you’ll be there for a little while longer; then comes an extended field experience. As you’re going through all of this, a new theme emerges in your life, which is: understanding the reasons you do and do not respect yourself. Most people know there is something called self-esteem, but what exactly is it made of? How does it express itself, in its positive and negative manifestations? In the long run, everything hinges on this — and I do mean everything.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

This month’s New Moon in your birth sign opens up a new phase of your life and of your relationships. Yet there’s a specific focal point, which is moving forward remembering that you don’t have to make up for the emotional inadequacies of others, or tell them who they are, or provide stability when they act like they don’t know. The heart of the matter is a caution about ‘bringing out’ who another person is, or helping save them from their personality chaos. You have your hands full figuring out who you are, what you want and what your purpose is; doing this for anyone else right now would qualify as a significant distraction. Yet there’s a lot you can learn from the ways that people ‘search for’ themselves: in particular, what doesn’t work so well.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

What do you identify with, within yourself? Your personal assets? Your problems? What you’ve accomplished? Your relationships? You’re bigger than all of these things combined. This can be a challenging lesson to learn, since one at a time these different elements of experience tend to take over consciousness and our sense of identity. Yet none of them are really you. Yes, they all give you clues, and those clues point to something deeper, bigger, vastly more significant than any transient experience. You can, however, use these experiences in interesting ways. One is to notice what they all have in common. Look for the underlying motive, need or desire that connects the many seemingly different experiences of your existence. Trust that there is a common thread, use your imagination and see if you can figure out what it is. You can also experiment with the sensation that everything is a mirror, or that consciousness itself is a reflection — and if that is true, what, exactly, is being reflected? You may wear a thousand masks, but someone is behind them all.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You may be wondering what’s brewing behind the scenes, though you could just as well look at what’s obvious. I know there seems to be a strange kind of pressure leaning on you. Various planetary factors describe a crisis of maturity. This makes sense given how that’s been the theme of your life for most of the time that Saturn has been in your sign — particularly now that this phase is coming to a close (Saturn leaves your sign on Oct. 5). Here is the thing to remember: You’re bigger than the parts of yourself that you don’t like. You’re bigger than your problems. You’re stronger than any disruptive influence that comes in through a relationship. It’s easy to lose sight of that. Yet keeping this in focus is a key element of this sometimes-elusive thing called growth. At the moment, however, you’re in a kind of blind spot, which gradually opens up over the next few days. Remember to take the issues one at a time, start slowly and build momentum.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

One reason most people stay out of public view is insecurity. The mere thought of people being able to see them, or see the work they do, is enough to inspire nearly anyone to hide in the house. You don’t have that luxury now; you’ve stepped into a kind of spotlight, even if this is only among your closest friends and associates. You may be feeling some tension about what people find out about you, and how being noticed and observed will change who you are. When you’re making adjustments, I suggest that you err on the side of being a little more real. While cloaking yourself or retreating may seem to work to alleviate temporary discomfort, consider the longterm effects. Anything you choose to conceal now you may have to reveal later, and until you do, you’re likely to worry about it. Therefore, I suggest you be yourself — and get used to the feeling of gradually opening up and exposing yourself to the minds of others. You have more going for you than you think, though you have some progress to make developing your confidence in that fact.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

The Sun is about to enter your sign, which is the beginning of your solar year — and the next four seasons promise to be one of the more extraordinary times in your life. You will discover the ways in which you fit into the larger scheme of existence, and you’ll see how many of the decisions you’ve made leave you free to do just that. That larger scheme is a work in progress right now, so I would remind you that you don’t have to ‘be settled’ or ‘know what you’re doing with the rest of your life’ in order to increase your participation in what you discover is most meaningful to you. In fact, feeling slightly unsettled, and a bit daunted by your own possibilities, would be a much more adventurous, and practical, way to greet your new year.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

I suggest you make a list of all your unfinished business with everyone in your life who truly matters to you. You’re drawing to the close of a major phase of your life, as Saturn gets ready to leave your sign and enter Scorpio. This phase dates back to 2009, when Saturn first entered your sign. I’ve described it in the past as a time of coming to terms with yourself. If you were born in the early 1980s or the mid-1950s, it also coincides with a life passage called your Saturn return (no matter what Sun sign you were born under). The themes of these Saturn events include embracing maturity, grounding your life in a purpose, setting boundaries and dealing with what are sometimes called ‘authority issues’. Yet as a Libran, part of coming to terms with yourself means coming to terms with your intimate partners, and your philosophy of relationship. Notice whether you’ve outgrown anything lately; that’s the feeling of not being able to fit the person you are into the idea of what a relationship is that, for a while anyway, served you well.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Relating and relationship are two essential ingredients for you to live what feels like an emotionally rewarding life. They are not the same thing. Relating is something you do with everyone; relationship implies some level of mutual commitment. It’s a connection to which you apply your need for balance and harmony. You bring these same principles to your working dynamic and reputation. Others’ perceptions carry an emotional component for you. Their approval is important; so is being liked and accepted. You may have concerns that others are questioning your reputation, though this seems to be unfounded. Your natural sense of fairness is widely respected even if those around you do not vocalize it. I would pose a question for consideration: if all eyes were on you, how would you use the opportunity, and what message would you communicate in terms of your most precious career goals? In essence, that is the situation you find yourself in. Notice how smoothly conversations, deals and proposals proceed when you are shining your most radiantly. Trust that in making moves to assert your agenda, you are not tipping the scale out of balance, rather moving everyone along with your vision to a place of greater harmony for all involved. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Venus, your ruling planet, has changed signs for the first time since April; this week, it ingressed the career, reputation and life mission angle of your chart, which is the sign Cancer. This is likely to be stoking up your ambitions, though I suggest that your boldest quest is going to be doing what you do with total commitment to creativity and passion. Remember that you have a professional life that runs in cycles: of interest, of dedication, of emotional contact with what you’re doing. Yet everything you want, reach for and accomplish has one thing in common: that would be you. I suggest that you get clear that your calling in life, and the work that you do, are not things separate from you; they are expressions of who you are — whatever you happen to be doing, or whatever you want to do. Over the next few days you may get some ideas how to take that journey deeper, and a clue about what you can accomplish using the miracle of collaboration.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You’re beginning to emerge from a challenging time in your life, when it’s seemed that you could get very little right. I suggest you set aside that feeling — whether it’s true or not — and consider the ways in which you have come through a kind of initiation phase. Imagine yourself looking back on this time in your life from a distance of 10 years. Consider the before-and-after factor; what was your life about before this year, and what did it become in the years after? Well, you get to decide that second piece, though remember that you’re at the fulcrum right now. It’s easier to point yourself in the direction you want to go now than it will be, say, in five years. The first step is getting a sense of that new direction. I suggest you consider this on the basis of what you would do if you had exclusive authority over your life, along with what you’d do if you really felt comfortable in your own skin.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

This is not the month to push your luck, your relationships, or the patience of anyone in a position of authority in your life. It is most definitely the month to use your Libra talent for balance, which I suggest you do in the form of ultra-high consciousness of the balance factors in your relationships. Asking, giving and receiving need to be in proportion. You have a polite way of being demanding, and it’s time you notice that for what it is. One self-study project can be learning how to extend yourself above what you think is expected of you. You’re likely to go through a series of inner responses to the feeling of doing that, which will land you in the place of: the more you give, the more you’ll realize you have.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

There is a difference between justice and revenge, and now is the time to sort that out. You seem to be angry at something or someone — perhaps a situation where a partner is playing it so cool that you can see your breath even in the afternoon heat. It’s important that you keep expressing your feelings, to someone you trust who is willing to listen and give honest feedback. You’re running the risk of your anger building up over the next few weeks, then bursting out suddenly — all in all, an unhealthy scenario. This isn’t necessary, if you can stay in contact with your feelings. Look for opportunities to vent pressure before you find yourself in a spot so tight you don’t know what to do with yourself. ‘Venting’ would include creative expression, sexual expression, some form of physical activity and — probably more important than anything — sharing how you feel in a safe place with someone you trust is objective and has no agenda for you.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

First of two thoughts: I suggest you consider the value of your image. It may actually be worth something, and more meaningfully, worth something to you. How you’re perceived actually has a bearing on your life. You may be involved in a series of adjustments to make sure that how you present yourself to others is consistent with who you actually are; your current solar chart is a study in sincerity. Being authentic saves energy — a lot of it, too. Second: this is the time to appreciate your friends, and let them know how much you care about them. Of all the things or circumstances in the world that have actual meaning, the people who have demonstrated that they’re there for you are at the top of the list. Count yourself among the most fortunate people on Earth if you understand the concept ‘trust’ and if you have even one person you know in your heart is a friend.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

You may be noticing an exaggeration effect: of desire, need, restlessness or any other focused emotion. You may be feeling more independent than usual. If you do, be aware of your environment. You are surrounded by forces much larger than you are. It’s not that you cannot move, flow or dance with them — you just need to be conscious of what you’re doing, which includes what you’re thinking. You are an autonomous person, though currently this has some limits on it that are calling for a disciplined approach to life. If you start to experience resistance, tension or blowback from your environment, I suggest you rein yourself in a little and investigate why that might be happening. It’s true that certain people in your environment are the ones who seem reactive, though this is a dynamic response of two forces responding to one another. What is the cause and what is the effect? In your life, you’re the primary cause.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Now you’ll get to see if everything you’ve been worrying about for so long was actually real. At least when you look at the very short list of things that actually turn out to be problems, you’ll have the determination to resolve the issues. However, avoid ‘solving’ things in such a way that causes you to go out of balance, thus creating more issues and the need for more effort. Assert yourself gently. Keep your mind on the whole-system known as your life. Rather than putting energy fast and furious into the small elements of what seems wrong, consider ways you can make many improvements with a few focused decisions. The key word is focus — a solid understanding of what you want to do and how you plan to do it, rather than committing to pouring out your energy.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

This week’s planetary activity includes several changes that influence your sign: your ruling planet Venus stationed direct; Saturn stationed direct in your sign; and Mars is ingressing your sign. All together, this looks like the release of stuck energy combined with a lot of new motivation. You may want to leap forward all at once, though I suggest taking things one step at a time and proceeding methodically. The energy and motivation provided by Mars don’t come with guaranteed good judgment; that’s something you have to provide for yourself. It will require some reflection and adaptation to your new emotional environment. As priority one, I would suggest keeping your focus on balance. Make sure those scales of yours are equally weighted, and notice how little energy it takes to tip things in one direction or another. Take the time to observe how little energy it takes to get the job done.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

Putting up resistance to what seems like a chaotic relationship influence is not going to work. What will work is doing your best to stay in balance, which calls for flexibility and seeing your options. Resistance, that is, fighting something or tightening your grip, will have the opposite effect — that of knocking you off kilter. I am not suggesting that you condone anyone’s inconsiderate conduct, rather that you do something other than fight it, and you have options. With Venus, your primary planet, still moving in retrograde motion, it may take you a few more weeks to see what those choices are. One of them is to notice what it is about someone that you find challenging and then work out those same attributes in yourself. The thing that may be most irritating is when someone insists they don’t know who they are. Beneath any certainty you may feel about who you are, there are some questions that if asked sincerely will have rich rewards.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

You have room in your life, and in your mind, only for what is authentic and valid for you. You could say that this is about believing only what is true, though in support of this, I suggest you consider the possibility that ‘belief’ is not actually a value. Rather, it’s more like a substitute for one. Base your viewpoints and opinions on what you observe and can document, and make sure you question those things on a regular basis. This is less about questioning your assumptions and more about figuring out when you’re making them at all. This will help you foster radical discernment, and inspire you to dismantle your illusions — neither of which are especially popular on iTunes. Yet as you devote yourself to these things, you will meet others who are dedicated to both the truth and their personal truth — which often comes with the character trait of being able to change one’s mind.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

One (often unspoken) definition of ‘spiritual’ is asexual. This is particularly true in Christian culture, where Jesus, Joseph and Mary are all presumed to be virgins. Yet it extends into many other religious frameworks, where sex is the very thing that is suppressed in the name of holiness. Is there anyone who hasn’t noticed how weird this is? It is entirely backwards, a violation of natural cosmic law in support of imposed social organization. Yet you were created by sex, as was nearly all life on our planet. Religion then comes along, ascribes this all to God and charges fees for the privilege — then tries to inflict guilt if we appreciate nature for what it is. That, however, is what you seem to be doing. Your true nature is burning bright — the nature of your existence and of existence itself. You may feel like your beliefs (or those of your family) are being challenged, and if so, let the challenge begin. You don’t need beliefs because you have access to something direct. This may be shaking the structure of your mind, and if cracks form in the walls and ceiling, all the better for seeing the light shine through.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Conflicting beliefs are one of the world’s most toxic causes of anxiety. Conflicting belief systems make it even worse — such as if you try to follow the dictates of science, religion and your family all at the same time. Yet I would take it further — the notion of a belief is the thing that we need to question, and your astrology is putting this issue under a microscope. Deep beneath all of these beliefs, there is something that’s true for you. You might think of it as your true cosmic religion — your actual point of contact with existence, which is not about believing anything. Indeed, it transcends anything as flimsy as something anyone could be convinced of. At the core of this is your knowledge of who you are, which is the source of your strength and confidence. And some tangible, life-giving information from this core being is on its way.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

A world of possibilities is about to open up to you, though you may be so involved in your current commitments that you can’t see any way of making those possibilities real. However, most of the truly spectacular astrology of the next month takes place in the angle of your chart that speaks about longterm plans, so I suggest you take the long view. That always starts with holding a vision. You will be amazed when you see how efficiently a vision translates into manifested reality. Keeping that in mind, this would be a great time to get clear about what you do not want, and gradually resolve each of those things one at a time. You might notice that as you do this, you will discover that some of those aspects of your life are nourishing you beautifully, and if that’s true, you can keep them.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

I suggest you be open to receiving. There is plenty coming your way, though you have the choice whether to allow it in or not. One reason you might hesitate is because vulnerability means you would have to be open to any possibility, and while you sense many wholesome ones, there are a few of which you’re somewhat less trusting. You can still be open and use discernment. You can be aware without being suspicious. You can choose what you want from among the many options — though I suggest you choose what you truly desire. For that to happen, it will help if you make some decisions, or at least refine your ideas about what you want. Closer to the central point of your astrology, it will help if you’re open to the generosity of others. It’s true that there always may be better opportunities available, and nothing can stand in their way except for your own doubts.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

The thought process of someone close to you seems to be encountering you as an obstacle. Being an accommodating person, this is not an easy situation for you to be in, though you know that you have to hold a limit or set a boundary, and you’re conducting yourself in a way that is arguably mature and grounded. Remember, though, that you’re a work in progress — and just how much progress that implies is something you will discover soon enough. Meanwhile, when someone approaches you with an idea, please be open minded. You don’t have to respond like a parent talking to a child; you can take a more playful or experimental approach. Imagine that you live in a vastly larger world, among more people with whom you are truly in affinity. Imagine if you really lived the truth that anything is possible. Then, you might recognize that any idea could potentially be a brilliant idea.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

An old expression goes, “You cannot be fully committed part of the time.” Therefore, allow yourself to be fully committed all of the time. Set aside the idea that life is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and recognize the ways that your different talents, ambitions and favorite activities support one another. Right now many people are living with the sensation of ‘so much to do, I don’t know where to start’. Therefore, the most meaningful thing you can do is start, and keep track of where you are with each item on your agenda. Gradual progress on each item on a daily or weekly basis will be enough — for now. There will be a time when you select certain projects or goals and really accomplish something, but that moment is still a few weeks off.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

For an agreement to be mutually beneficial both sides entering into the exchange must give and receive. This doesn’t have to be an equal exchange, but more of an equivalent one, based on what’s possible for everyone involved. As long as everyone feels that the contributions are fair, then that is fair enough. You can think of jointly profitable contracts in terms of a word you know very well — balance. Your special sensitivity to this aspect of life (not everyone has it) is one of your resources you have to offer to your current situations. With a short break in personal planet retrogrades, now is a good time to consider any contracts or agreements you’ve been delaying. You’re in a unique position at the moment to see all angles of the issue, and help craft an agreement that benefits all parties. More importantly, you now possess all the knowledge you need to make a good decision. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

What seems to be a block is really a question of seeing your options and alternatives for what they are. If you project into the long-term future, there seem to be two paths you can take, and at times you feel the pressure to commit to one of them even before you’re sure where it leads, or what you might be giving up. I don’t think you need to rush any decision that involves finding your true life path. The options you see today are not your real choices. The contradictions and paradoxes that are influencing you now, no matter how subtly, will be replaced by more satisfying questions as the season unfolds. Polarities that today seem to contradict one another will have a way of resolving into something entirely new, and this will shift the way you see yourself and the world. So if things don’t make perfect sense right now, don’t waste your energy stressing, or trying to put together pieces that don’t fit. You will soon see that the edges of reality are more flexible than they seem.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Do your beliefs help you feel any safer on the planet? You can test your theory by getting clear what you believe, where there is no evidence to support that belief. I know this is asking for a lot of self-reflection, and for intense honesty of a kind that’s pretty rare. Whether you feel safe is the question right now, which includes within the private confines of your mind, with the way you relate to someone close to you, and how you feel within your physical environment. You’re more likely to notice an unsupported belief by accident. For example, you encounter an ‘issue’ and you figure out that a series of assumptions got you there. Or you discover that you really were being dragged around by a religious value that you hadn’t identified as such previously. Or you find yourself acting in a way similar to much older relatives who you know are disconnected from reality. It’s easy to forget these discoveries when we make them. I’m suggesting you notice them, and remember them, and then go on a hunt for both their origins and their effects on your life. If the term ‘being your own person’ has any meaning at all, examining these themes would be included in its meaning.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You can afford to Be Here Now. Just because you’re being here now doesn’t mean that certain elements of the past or the future are not truly significant. To the contrary, you are committed to letting go of an old way of life, and you are finally figuring out that you can plot your own course and actually get somewhere. Yet the only way to do anything about the results of the past or your plans for what might happen next is to observe what is happening within your mind right now, and in your immediate environment. You may be obsessed with making things add up or make sense — I suggest you ease back on the approach using logic and focus on making your environment beautiful. For example, rather than organizing for its own sake, motivate yourself with the promise of a more pleasing space to work in. If you keep yourself busy with various beautifying projects, you will set a record for how much garbage you clear out of the way.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

Venus begins its journey across Gemini this month — where we will all experience the Venus transit of the Sun in early June. That’s two months away, but it’s an event so rare that you’re likely to be feeling the energy rising now. The theme, for you, is healing a false split in your mind. At some point, what was considered ‘spiritual’ may have divided off from what is considered ‘unspiritual’. Usually this kind of moral divide involves love and sex, which is constantly cast in an aura of impurity. However you may have decided in the past that this is not true, you’re now at the point where you can embody the message fully, and then continue with your life from a new place of confidence. Affirm with the full power of your faith that love is all that matters, and proceed as if that alone is true.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

Venus, the planet most often associated with your sign, is about to enter Gemini, where it’s going to become a star player in this thing we’ve been calling 2012. Speaking in broad terms, you’re in a transition phase that will take you through August, and which will have a peak in early June. There are many surprise encounters along the way, enough that it would be wise to not take any dilemmas you currently may face, or that you encounter, too seriously. Just notice them for what they are. At this point you cannot see the whole picture; it’s likely that you’re not defining the problem in a way that matches reality, hence my suggestion that you wait for further information. The resolution to any issue you may be dealing with will arrive in the form of a ‘third option’ that you haven’t identified yet, and this will open up a new dimension of what you believe is possible in the future. In the time between now and then, one growth project you can involve yourself with is making a note when you discover that you possess conflicting beliefs. Those are a lot more problematic when you don’t know about them; once you spot them, they lose most of their power. Yet you might want to figure out where these differing viewpoints came from.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

Just when you think you know someone well enough, they do something completely out of character that has you re-thinking a situation. This may be unnerving, but ask yourself this: what do you have to lose? You don’t have to rush to make a decision, but something you once thought was impossible is now opening its doors to you. Consciously let go of attachments to the past or the way things have been, or expectations of what form something might take. As long as you are being honest with yourself about what you most value in your relationships, you don’t need to fear being manipulated or taken advantage of. Your relationships, as unpredictable as they may be, are taking you far into the future. The less you cling and the more freedom, trust and acceptance you can offer others or another, the easier it will be to form the kind of relationships that offer you the emotional and tangible security and commitment you seek. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

If you’ve ever been in therapy, maybe you got to this point once or twice: you realize that the complicated psychology of other people is too much to deal with, and it’s not your problem anyway. As an antithesis to the games people play, both with themselves and with others, you merely have to notice how people treat you, including whether they mean what they say. You can cut all the games short by using these basic criteria. It helps a lot if you stop trying to understand the seemingly complex and sometimes self-defeating motives of others, and focus exclusively on what drives you. As you grow to understand yourself better, others will become increasingly transparent. Some people are motivated by the desire for communication and community. Others spend their lives avoiding this. While it’s never really possible to sort humanity into two distinct camps, people tend to lean one way or the other. Now, think of this as the one question you have for yourself: Which is your preference, and how do you express it?

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Recent losses, episodes of stress and various disruptions may now be revealing themselves for the gifts they contain. Yet you may not quite be trusting yet, so take your time and listen carefully. It’s true that one or perhaps many aspects of your relationship situations is a work in progress. Yet beneath that is a stable foundation you can build on, and depend on. Make sure you notice this, because it’s the real gift of your involvements with others — the ways that are a demonstration of your common ground and the common values that you share. If you have one reason to feel safe despite the looming sense that one change after the next is acting on you, this is the one. Be confident that your addition to the environment is wholly positive, and is perceived that way by the people you care about. Simply put, you can ignore your doubts and treat your fears merely as psychological or spiritual subject matter to work through and learn from. Whether you’re accepting the gifts that come to you or viewing any changes as an adventure, there’s neither room nor need for fear in your life.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

This is a complex time in your life and in particular, your relationships, though I would remind you that you’re the one in control. I say this because, sooner or later, everything you accept into your life comes down to a decision, and while you will definitely arrive at a series of decision points, I suggest you take them up on the soon side. That is to say, don’t wait until you think that something has gone too far. Run every circumstance through the filter of your actual boundaries whenever that situation arises, and make your adjustments incrementally rather than all at once, at the ‘end’. The key to avoiding being stressed out is never letting anything get too far. This will require you to stand up for yourself, which I assure you won’t tarnish your image as a reasonable person. To the contrary, certain people in your environment will feel reassured that you’re asserting yourself and your needs when you actually need to.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

In the coming months there will be a lot going on in your relationships, though despite the many surface-level changes and some jarring events, you can depend on a level of structural stability. That’s the thing to count on when the momentum starts to pick up and you wonder where your life is going all at once. You’re not really going anywhere other than where you put your feet. Motion is not the real issue, anyway — your astonishing sensitivity is. Therefore, if you find yourself responding strongly to things that loved ones say to you, or to the events that seem to skate out of your control, I suggest that you ground in yourself, pause and filter out some of the external factors. If others cannot feel you quite so well, you can at least start by feeling yourself and gradually putting those feelings into words someone else can understand.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

As much as it may have been your experience lately — life need not be an endless struggle swimming upstream. Although you may have your doubts about something, there is no reason for you to project them on everyone you meet. Keep a healthy frame of mind and you can be blessed with intuitive insights. Then you can find fresh solutions to any situation at work or in your life that have gotten a little stagnant. Although change may have been slow in coming, you can trust this is the solid kind of change you’ve been hoping for. You have more support than you currently realize and even a relationship that once left you feeling high and dry has greater potential to offer you. Look for opportunities and you will find them. The possibilities are truly endless. A New Moon in your 6th solar house is bringing you closer to living the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of. But this will require your active participation in life and its process. Where there is doubt, dip your toes in life and test the waters, then you can decide the direction you would like to turn in. What matters is that you live a life that is deep and fulfills from your soul, right down to your toes. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

You’ve been through a tense few weeks, and you may not be feeling any more confident or like things are heading in any better of a direction. I promise you, however, that you will be able to pull back from the edge and that you’re not being pushed into anything you cannot handle. And events over the next few days will do a lot to reassure you that you’re not as close to the edge as you thought. You’ll feel more assured once you know that, and you’ll also feel less alone. There have been several moments the past week where you felt like you didn’t quite belong on the planet, but now even in the midst of similar circumstances, you seem to be aligning more closely with a source of nourishment. Also I would remind you — and you soon may discover — that you’re not alone in any way. But this will be more obvious over the next few days, as the Sun finishes its run through Aquarius and opens a few doors for you. One thing to keep in mind is that not only is there no rush; you’re in an important time of completions. Take those one at a time.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

Mars retrograde (now through April 13) is about you turning a corner in your relationship to fear. The thing about fear is that it seems so real, yet it so rarely works out to be true. Have you ever noticed that? Here is the thing about fear that is true, in my experience: it points to an energy source. What could be creative potential is converted into something, heavily tinged by the negative elements of the imagination, and something ‘unreal’ is created. The objective your charts seem to be describing is learning how to convert fear back into something creative. This would start first with feeling the fear or inner tension, acknowledging the inherently neutral nature of energy. Then notice how you color it one way or the other; how you make it into whatever it is. Though it’s emotionally difficult, stay with the feeling a little longer than you might otherwise, so you can get to the good stuff.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

You may be feeling like you’ve gone all the way out to the edge, though with an unusual feeling. It’s like you’re having a dream of walking along a narrow walkway much higher up than you’re used to being, yet you’re not scared. If this were a dream, the meaning would in part come from the experience of the altitude but mostly from the feeling of not having any of the usual fear of altitude that you might have in such a delicate situation. If you tune in you may discover that most of your fears are operating in reverse. The things that might normally make you nervous are making you bolder. You know you live on the edge of time, but you’re somehow not concerned about time running out. This is a healthy way to approach your fears and your perceived limitations — as things that might be there but which don’t particularly bother you, or which are optional.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

It’s time to notice the relationship between vulnerability and anxiety. For many people who strive to be whole, loving and authentic, this is the very thing they stumble over. Currently the planets are arranged in such a way to illustrate a certain point — that point being that anxiety is one thing and vulnerability is another. They seem to be more closely related than they are, and if there is a relationship, it’s not cause and effect. More often it’s circumstantial: fear and openness happen in similar times and places, though for different reasons. Try to see each of these things as its own entity. You will learn about your fear if you consider the nature and causes of that emotion; you will learn about how to be open, and how to handle yourself when you’re vulnerable, by exploring that sensation. If you confuse them or think of them as one experience, you’re likely to miss learning benefits — and the pleasure that comes with a bit of emotional freedom.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

Events this week are asking you to confront the past and let go of your attachment to it. What this really means is letting go of an idea you have about someone. This may not be easy, but relax long enough to stay in the present and you will see your strength in the light of all you’ve been through. As you more consciously confront the shadows cast on your early life, you can reclaim it and your authority to live your life by your rules. Use this opportunity — and the space you’re clearing — to create a more colorful reality with this newfound power. You may be making up your mind to trust a situation even though you have no real proof of why you feel this way. As long as you are being honest with yourself and are in no denial of the lessons you’ve learned, you can trust your judgment and be guided by the love you feel. Give your shadows their place, and then freely dive into the soulful pleasures stirring in your heart.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

How far will you go for love? You may be inclined to think that you’ll go too far — however, the dream you’re following will soon lead you to a new feeling, emotional experience or depth of healing. This may feel a little like going down the rabbit hole, but unlike the one that Alice discovered, the dimension you’re entering makes a lot more sense and is better suited to your nature than the brainy abstraction (or odd psychological tension) of the past few days or weeks. The theme of your life shifts clearly and somewhat boldly in the direction of healing, though what you may have forgotten is the extent to which that, for you, involves imagination and creativity, rather than some kind of technique. Both you — and your relationships — need space to move in, space that is reflective, sensual and creative, rather than adorned with too many ideas or chilly intellect.

Virgo 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
Mercury, your primary planet, has finally left the degree where it began its retrograde dance for the past two months. This is leading you directly to a moment of emotional clarity. For the next few weeks, you have the opportunity to see how, exactly, it works out that you feel under emotional siege so much of the time. Much of why this happens involves the persistent effects of certain seemingly long-gone situations, which are not actually so gone. They exist within you and within the realm of karma. It would be incorrect to call this an illusion, since the effects are real, though when you finally see through it you will realize that it had a kind of unreal quality. You have to look directly at it, with a measure of detachment, and actually feel how old this struggle is, and how far back it goes. If you plan to be visiting any relatives (particularly on your father’s side of the family), you have the perfect opportunity for study. Note how easy it is to get dragged into the negativity. Once you learn to stay out, many doors will open.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

What is that little voice in your mind telling you? I have a clue: it’s trying to tell you something specific. This is not about a ‘general message’ coming through, or summing up the meaning of life in a platitude or two. It seems like you’re searching for a precise bit of information, like that information is trying to find you, and closer to the point, like there is a predestined meeting. In particular, you’re seeking some information about yourself, mainly to confirm or deny something that you have become aware of in a relationship or partnership situation. I am making an educated guess when I say that this has been puzzling you for at least a month, and you may be wrestling whether you’ve been informed of a limit you cannot bypass, or have been informed of what is your lot in life. You may think you’ve reached the edge of your potential based on conditioned limitations or the expectations of others. The roots of this perception are complex, and they have a long history. The answer you seek, or that is seeking you, will turn out to be relatively simple. Listen carefully. Listen for the obvious.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

You finally seem to be making some progress on the whole “too cautious to be a passionate lover” thing. Bit by bit you are dismantling the structure that contained your desire, your curiosity and your vital force. You’ve come far enough in the process of setting yourself free to feel that it’s possible and you know how good it feels. It looks as if what you’re doing is cutting yourself loose from the persistent guilt that always seems to have lurked around your sexual exploration. That has not stopped you from doing it, but it has slowed you down and mainly it’s compromised your pleasure. The problem with guilt is that it makes a person feel as if they are wrong, which seems to validate the emotion. This is the basic con job involved, and once you know the game it’s a little easier to subvert. Remember that guilt is always inserted into a person by others as a control device. I would remind you that your ancestors, right down to your parents, are entitled to a grand total of zero influence over what you do, who you do, what you like and most of all what you want.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

If you are hesitating, make sure that it’s not to avoid provoking the insecurities of someone else. There are many reasons to pause, reflect and to use your power judiciously, though one of them is not acting out a childhood fear that someone more powerful than you will be scared by your potential. I have a suggestion. Try on the world from two points of view. In the first, imagine that everyone around you is threatened by your existence. Make no exceptions — imagine that every response or reaction is the result of a threat that someone else feels, and it’s all about you. In the second, imagine that nobody is threatened, that everyone embraces you, and that anyone’s apparent response or reaction to you is all about who they are and has nothing to do with you. Practice this for a little while and the difference will start to become stark. I suggest you develop sensitivity to when you’re trying to compensate for what you think are someone else’s potential reactions to you. Notice when you cut yourself off and therefore don’t give yourself a chance to get anywhere near full expression. Notice when this whole dynamic is influencing your decisions. There is another way to be — though it calls for a mix of self-awareness and bravery. If at any time you feel yourself compromised, add one or better yet both of these ingredients, and see how this shifts things. Note, there is an efficient way to access both in one gesture: curiosity.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

I’ve been doing a series of interviews with my readers about how they feel about sex, and what they think about it. One impression I am getting is how vital it is that we know where we stand with ourselves, and that we be willing to push the edges of what feels good, of what we need and most of all, what we want. Your solar chart tells me this is a topic that may be on your mind. It seems like you may be wanting to come to terms with, or understand in a deeper way, something that you’re not so sure about. You may be wrestling with a question from your past, or some element of your erotic psyche that is making you question yourself on a deep level. I recognize this may be uncomfortable at the same time that it’s deeply alluring and inviting. I know that sex and sexuality are sold to us as controversial. I can tell you that when you are settled with yourself in this aspect of your life, you will feel much better — and you have that opportunity now.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

You are reaching into the meaning of honesty, in particular where your emotions meet your communication in your relationships, and where this shapes your experience of yourself. All of these things exist within a dynamic energy system: that is, all of the forces shape one another and the movements guide one another. You can think of this as exploring within yourself for the space of perfect honesty, the spot where you can admit to yourself exactly what you feel. Explore gently and when you find the warm current, follow it in. And then — if and when the moment is right — use words and feelings to reach to another person and make contact. They don’t necessarily have to be present in your space; long-distance modes of communication count. And even if this experience is wholly ‘self-contained’, spoken to no other, the sense of completion and inner communion will be palpable. I believe that it’s this inner self-immersion you are craving, and each time you go there, the feeling will ripple out into your environment.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may be figuring out that you now have to focus on one goal, and hold yourself to it firmly. You may also be figuring out that any struggle to do that has been emotional rather than pragmatic. You have the knowledge, skills and experience you need; that’s not an issue. Your crisis of confidence is clearly the thing to pay attention to, and this is an emotional situation. Actually, it’s likely to be your psyche calling attention to a condition that has been responsible for bouts with instability over the years, and which it’s now time to outgrow. If you make a list of all the times your emotions influenced your thought process, causing you to overreact, withdraw trust or even turn on someone you care about, you will see what I am talking about. You can look at this as an emotional habit that it’s now time to work through. This won’t happen overnight, though you can go a long way by coming to terms with an opinion or orientation on relationships that would not stand the test of truth. You may be facing in its direction right now, and you’ll see it if you open your eyes.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

This month we return to a theme that’s arisen periodically over the past few years: your relationship to your ancestral past. You do seem to be here on a mission, though it’s difficult for you to separate your particular calling from the views of so many others who have imposed their intentions on you. Some of this is from the distant past, some of it’s from your family of origin and much of it is filtering in from various teachings you’ve been exposed to over the years. At the moment you seem poised to do something daring, and that you haven’t quite done before: go beyond all of that theory, and reach your awareness into the core of who you are. You don’t need these other influences, they no longer serve you, and to the extent that anyone thinks they need you to do their bidding, they’ll get over not having you as their agent. Here’s the thing: on the way to finding out something that is absolutely true for yourself, you will go through a process of discovering what’s not true — and that may be a little unnerving, especially as you realize the negative influences they’ve had. Remember you’re doing this in a time when there’s a prevailing philosophy that ‘there’s no such thing as the truth’. There’s another notion that the truth is whatever someone can get someone else to believe. As you’ve no doubt noticed, these become excuses for many to abandon integrity. You have a different agenda.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Many people have fantasies of writing down their deepest secrets, and a second layer of wanting others to read them. You would be amazed the dance that people do with themselves: writing under fake names, hiding things on their computers, writing things and then burning them, as well as experiencing all kinds of fear about what would happen if [whatever]. The planets are now aligning in such a way that’s facilitating your being unusually honest with yourself about these intriguing aspects of your life. You have room to explore, to go deeper than you ever have before, and to feel the strength of expressing your vivid truth to yourself. If you encounter fears, blockages or apprehension of any kind, I suggest you keep going, because the best stuff is going to be on the other side of those seeming barriers. Then comes the question of sharing. You might fear that if you’re truthful with anyone, a conspiracy against you will erupt. You are right about one thing — there is a conspiracy, and it’s known as LIFE.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

Keep your focus on your own finances and your own resources, and make sure that the confusion of others doesn’t cloud your thinking. You’re more independent than you think, or than you let on to yourself. No person is actually self-sufficient; we all depend on an exchange of resources. Yet in this particular instance, you run the risk of giving up your power to someone who may not have a plan, and who in the worst-case scenario may be a kind of crazymaker. Therefore, keep your business to yourself, focus on what you want to accomplish, and reveal facts to other people only on a need-to-know basis. You have some significant opportunity on your hands right now; you have enough of what you need, in terms of material assets, to bring your idea to life. Part of your quest is seeing that fact, and part of that is not thinking that other people are necessary for you to take your initial steps. Include others only when absolutely necessary.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

I admit to wanting to sniff nearly every Virgo I meet, so it is true that I am somewhat biased. That said, Venus has just entered your sign, and it’s in a position to make contact with many other planets. This setup has you at your most attractive right now, and whatever you may be feeling, or thinking, I assure you that people are noticing you, they are curious — and they may want more than a little sniff. Now, a few words of caution. You will miss the fun if you’re caught in self-critical mode. I assure you, few people care about or even notice what you think are your worst flaws. Second is, please don’t presume the answer is no before you’ve even engaged the question (though what, in truth, is the question?). Last: do your best to stay out of survival mode. At the moment you are a magnet for all the good things in life, though you’ll put out the sweetest vibes the more self-loving you are, and the more you let your self-love spill over into the affirmation of others. You may make them a little nervous with your beauty; leave an opening, which is to say, be friendly and smile with your eyes.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

From time to time, you’re subject to bouts of what feels like emotional chaos, insecurity and deep questioning. This can compromise your happiness, and at worst, limit your ability to function in the world. In truth, these episodes are about your inner spiritual life, which means it’s deeper than you may think. If the issues were just emotional, it would be a lot easier to address them. Yet you can count yourself lucky when you have any real insight into your situation, or meet anyone who has an actual grasp on what you’re going through (rather than speculating or guessing). Your sign is said to be earthy, intellectual and focused on rationality, though the truth is that you have your vital roots in the world of spirit, a dimension that most of the world denies the existence of. My sense is that you’ve been processing the issues using your intellectual capacity as best you can. However, to effectively learn from, grow from and actually cope with what emerges over the next few weeks, you will need to go directly into the deepest available level of your psyche: your core spiritual identity, or what you might think of as soul level. There’s a lot of competition for what that really means, though I can say at least this: soul level embraces everything and does not deny anything. Therefore, any feeling or memory that comes up for you is normal. Soul level is oriented on the greatest good for all concerned. And there are no problems that don’t come with solutions — as long as you state the problem in a way that makes sense.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

I was about to write that it’s not possible to devote too much energy to self-esteem, though if you are, I suggest you ask yourself why that is. I’ve said many times that in terms of personal psychology, the self-esteem deficit is one of the most serious problems we face as individuals and as a society. You’re in exactly the position you need to be in to make some bold progress on this seemingly intractable issue — but to do so, you need to be unusually honest with yourself. I suggest you start by questioning and even stopping the things you typically do to make yourself ‘feel better about yourself’. This might range from any form of self-improvement technique to the designer handbag. You might also include accounting for the influences of medication, on the chance that might be involved. Treat these things as cover-ups for both the real problem and the real solution. They interfere on two levels: one is a physical obstruction, and the other is a matter of where you invest your faith. You don’t want to feel good about who you are; rather, I would propose that what you want is to have faith in yourself.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

Saturday’s New Moon in your birth sign is about developing self-esteem. New Moons represent the commencement of a new cycle, and in your own sign this is distinctly personal. The self-esteem question may surface first with the feeling that something is missing. You may discover that you’re looking at yourself in a narrow, biased way. One of the first steps you’ll take in getting to a better place is opening up your perspective, and taking a more balanced view. I suggest you gather the information that you need to do that, rather than allowing yourself to be backed into a situation where you feel like you’ve got no choice. If you start to feel like you have just one option, the very first thing to do is make up other options. This will help you exercise your best skill, which is your flexibility. You have others, of course; using your skills and talents is the best way to cultivate them, which is to say, use and develop them — and as you do, one positive result will be the actual feeling of self-respect.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

You may be feeling like your whole childhood is in your face — your raw emotions, your cosmic questions, your expressive enthusiasm for life. Mommy, daddy, siblings, aunts and uncles, the babysitter — the whole lot of them — may be showing up like ghosts haunting your bedroom or your most sensitive inner spaces. This notion of the past occupying our lives is one that never gets enough consideration, though these specters and memories from ancient history can be looming presences. Sometimes you cannot see them; you can only feel them. At the moment, they may feel like fear — in particular, the fear that nobody in the world is actually trustworthy. You may be concerned that if you concentrate too much power and/or talent in your own hands that you too will cease to be worthy of faith. You may be concerned that if you’re too happy, others will be envious and take advantage of you. I suggest you figure out where these (or any similar) thoughts came from. I don’t think you made them up, and I imagine that you don’t want anything like this getting in the way of your happiness and your peace of mind.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

You’re at a turning point, and it involves understanding how you think. The time of ‘keeping secrets from yourself’ has long passed any usefulness you thought it had. You might well ask whether it’s even possible to conceal something from yourself; there’s a word for that, and that is ‘denial’. But let’s use the first, perhaps kinder, phrase. Right now everything hinges on how you handle this secret you’re keeping from yourself. By everything, I mean a lot more than you think is possible from a relationship to a single idea, fact or thought form. It’s functioning kind of like an energy dam, and once you clear up this misunderstanding with yourself, your energy is going to flow like floodgates have been opened up. If you can be honest with yourself about who you are and what you want, you may find yourself noticing that it’s distinctly possible to embody that much more easily than you thought. Self-awareness is self-becoming.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012.

Continue to do less and rest more. Much is going on in your subconscious mind which might manifest as the feeling of psychic tension, or stress in your mental sphere. Then the pressure eases off, bringing a heightened level of focus and increased energy. Concentrate these new energy reserves on your personal interests, and hang out where you resonate emotionally and have a feeling of community. Set aside extra time to partake in these topics and activities. You’ll likely make contact with people who share these similar interests with you. When you meet individuals with similar passions, place more emphasis on the connection you’re building and less on what they can do for you right now. A strong network is grown from an intention to connect with the other person. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be more noticeable than usual to people around you. Utilize this time to actively pursue meetings with strategic relationships. These individuals will provide much in the way of support, assistance, knowledge and connections — and along the way you will meet up with people who will provide mentorship. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

It’s now safe to trust your intuition again. It may have felt like a defective product recently, though really it’s neither. However, Mercury and Neptune have not been able to agree about what is true, though they seem to be getting along a little better. As for intuition: in truth, this is your ability to be in harmony with yourself. Yet as some studies have pointed out, it’s also based on sensory clues and common sense. That doesn’t make it any less useful, or rare, and for you a key attribute of this gift is what some call ‘women’s wisdom’. This is a mix of what your body tells you, what has been traditionally time-honored, and knowledge of the natural world. The thing about intuitive messages is that it’s okay to sit with them for a while. You don’t have to act on them immediately, though some come with a recommendation for when it’s necessary to get busy. Take a little while to feel your choice — then proceed with gentle confidence.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You’re in unusual territory in a relationship or partnership, and it may be difficult for the next few days to be clear who is really coming from what point of view. First, account for your own position and keep track of your own motives. That may not be easy, but it will be essential; the integrity of a relationship — and your part in that relationship — depends upon it. We are in a time of history when there’s not really an understanding of the word ‘honest’. This is related to the concept of honor, and that’s the very thing that’s at stake right now. I suggest you refrain from making any promises or commitments over the next few days, and instead emphasize maintenance of the ones you’ve already made. If you discover there are some things that you cannot come through on, you will have a few days early next week when you can have that discussion. Make sure you take responsibility for any over-commitment or misunderstanding on your part.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

I know it’s the peak of summer where most of my readers are, and that’s not exactly good for motivation — though you’re in a point in your life when it’s time to make serious progress on your professional development. You may be doubting this very thing, or be caught in some kind of paradoxical thought-loop about what you want to do, what you don’t want to do, and what you need to do. I have mentioned before that you tend to have a kind of double life where your career is concerned; that fact alone leads you to waste time wondering what to do. I suggest you set aside that mostly intellectual debate and start making some progress toward one actual goal. If you cannot decide what is the most important thing, work on one thing that you know is meaningful toward you, and stay focused on it till your birthday — then re-evaluate. The thing you choose to pursue may be a new inspiration that emerges from owning up to a fear lurking in the back of your mind. Pay attention — this could set you going in a very interesting direction.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

One key to happiness is learning from your mistakes. This is a skill in itself, and indeed it may even qualify as a talent. The extent to which you master that skill reflects how serious you are about living your life fully. Learning is one of the best ways to save time. When you have a reason to learn something, do it well: truly get a grasp of the subject matter. At the moment, I suggest you slow down where a career or professional matter is concerned, pause making decisions, and study your relationship to authority. That means people who seem to have authority in your life (including benefactors) and situations where you’re personally responsible for something. The lesson? How not to be guided by your insecurities, or said another way, how not to be afraid of yourself, or your power to make decisions. If you make a mistake, figure out what went wrong, and start over.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

I trust that it comes as a relief that Mars has left your sign. If you’ve been wondering why you were going through what you were going through since November, this transit may not account for that though it vividly describes the feeling of having to question every dimension of your existence. You’ve had to examine every element of what you want and why you want it. Said another way, you’ve been through what I can describe as an integrity check, which has included stress testing, investigating your health, and most of all, figuring out that it’s correct for you to want what you want. Now, your mission is to trust what you’ve learned. You may be moving from a place of having gathered considerable confidence in yourself to one where you may be more ambivalent — though if you call your mind present and remember how hard you’ve worked to learn what you’ve learned, that ambivalence will be meaningless.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

I am here with another reminder that Mars is about to leave your sign; that happens July 3. Mars has been in your sign since Nov. 11, 2011 — almost nine months running. This transit has made you aware of the infamous Virgo self-criticism thing; there were many times when you actually grasped that if you didn’t do something about it right then, you would lose your mind. In essence, you’ve learned to temper your aggression toward yourself, and have been participating in the world’s most effective anger management program. In truth we’re talking about energy management, and now that you’ve figured out how to stop fighting with yourself, you have a lot more energy available to take on the challenges of the world — and you have some beautiful ones awaiting you, especially as you step into the next phase of your life’s work. This is not about your career; it’s about going beyond your career.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

You may have a tendency over the next week or so to say some unusually revealing things in public. My read on this is to go with the flow, even to the point of what you would clearly define as being excessively emotional, sentimental or even getting into topics that you would consider embarrassing. Your primary goal is authenticity, and with that in mind, it’s better to err on the side of being real and then address any consequences later. This is really about stretching the boundary between who you are and who you present to the world — and to do that, you have to figure out where the edge is. If you start to have those experiences where you regret what you said because you think it was too honest or weird, you’re heading in the right direction. Your own reaction will be many times stronger than that of anyone else. The boundary, by the way, is the result of your fear of what your mother would think. Clearly it’s time to stop worrying about that, though it’s often necessary to break the rules first.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Be careful not to take on all the troubles of the world — or to take personal responsibility for starting the revolution. Rather, allow yourself to be revolutionized, and give yourself permission to participate in the ways that work for you. What works will be what takes you out of your safe zone, particularly of your ideas. At the moment you lack the ability to isolate yourself from challenging ideas by making them abstract. Indeed, you have the ability to take everything personally. That’s why I suggest you emphasize learning and participation rather than taking on anything larger than yourself as a huge burden or mission. If you’re actually called to take action in a larger way, you will be the first to find out about it — and you’re unlikely to be alone. The salient message of your astrology is to observe, learn and engage yourself in ways that are nourishing to you, then gradually embrace your leadership role with that as its basis.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

You never set out to conquer the world, though you’ve always been guided by a sense of purpose. That is now being elevated to a sense of mission, which means tangible goals that you go after with passion and the presence of something that approximates destiny. If you’re not feeling that now you will be feeling it soon. I have been describing one of the key elements of this for a while: noticing what your many other previous and current projects have as a common factor — seeing the spirit and essence behind what you do, no matter what it is. There is one other factor: letting go of your attachment to place. This is one of the strongest attachments that a person can have — their home; their familiar community; their local friends; and invoking the fear of being transient and ungrounded. Often this includes the presence of their family (sibs or parents). You will benefit from unleashing your wanderlust and your ability to have anyplace on Earth be home. Even if you don’t let go of your home base, you will build your confidence and security by traveling as far and wide as you can, particularly if you don’t stay in hotels but rather visit the homes of other people.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

There’s an expression I love that I often hear from Australian people — “put your ears on.” Your charts suggest strongly that you’re looking for direction — I suggest you listen for it. These days, listening is a learned skill. As far as I’ve seen, it’s one of the most clear indicators of awareness. The information coming your way could take many different forms, but what they have in common is sound. It might be music, it might be something you overhear, it could be the sounds of nature. Pay particular attention to erotic vocalizations (your own or those of anyone else) and notice how you feel when the sounds are entering your ears. I am suggesting that you open up to the rich textures, vibrations and guidance that can come in through this sense (and its related extra-sensory realm), though this will take practice. The result, however, will be making contact with a new kind of confidence. As the next few eminently interesting weeks develop, listening will lead naturally to expressing yourself in new ways, with the operative word being new.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

What is the difference between religion and spirituality? Usually, religion is about itself, and spirituality is about exploring the nature of existence, and in particular, of your existence. Religion is about the values that are put on you, or enforced by some form of authority, and spirituality is about you determining what is meaningful in your relationship to existence. Yes, it takes a lot to stand up to outside influences, and to decline the many opportunities we have every day to sell out our power, our passion, our deepest values. You can at least count on one thing: you’ve cultivated a dependable relationship to life. Said another way, you have built a solid relationship to yourself. Anytime you feel guilty for doing what is right for you, you can be entirely certain that you’re hearing an antiquated voice of authority trying to con you out of what is not just rightfully yours, but what is in truth all you actually have: existence itself.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

You’ve been cautious about expressing what you want, and about acting on it too boldly — and until now that has been a wise policy. You might say that your desires have been fermenting below the surface of your consciousness, as you’ve worked out the calculus of what amounts to commitment. For most, wanting something, someone or an experience is more like a whim. Your desire nature moves your whole being, and that is what’s happening now. You may have the sensation that you’ve been aggressive about what you want, though I suggest this really isn’t true; for quite a long time you’ve been involved in trying to figure out what direction to go, and giving yourself permission to make a decision. Let that decision guide you; let it be a point of orientation. This will set many things in motion, and eventually you may notice that what you want is moving toward you. It will change in the process: be open to that when you finally meet up with whatever it is.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Your instinct when it comes to sudden change is to hang on even tighter to what you know as tried and true. That is not to say you’re afraid of change, more you hold yourself to such high standards that you want to ensure a ‘perfect’ outcome — and in your eyes that is done through controlling every aspect. Lately, your ability to find the tried and true methods of the past may feel compromised. This might feel like a sensation of being out on an edge with no map back to stable ground. Resist the urge to scramble around frantically for something to grab. What this experience is leading you into is the idea and the reality of flexibility. You’re learning how to bend and how to move with the flow of events. Once you do this, you might notice a seeming paradox: how well adapting blends with your love for preparation. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

Mars has stationed direct in your sign, and the Sun has just entered your fellow earth sign Taurus. Mercury, your ruling planet, is positioned so that you may be able to clarify some issues that have been putting a relationship under some stress. In short, your astrology is a lot happier now than it was a week ago, and I wonder how you’re doing in light of this. If issues that you thought you resolved show up again, I suggest you resolve them using a squeegee and not a shovel. You’re most likely dealing with the residual cleanup, not a recurrence of the central issue. The past few months have been an extremely productive time for some, but have come with more complications than seems necessary. The way to put that behind you is to pause before you assume the worst about anyone or anything. Remember that you have the capacity to solve any problem you can identify, and the talent to develop the many ideas that have come to you this year.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Mars has been retrograde in your sign since January, which may have run you out to the end of your tether. Overnight Friday to Saturday, Mars changes to direct motion, and you get your answer to the question, ‘what gives?’ Yet unlike our typical (Western world) response of leaving problems mostly solved or being satisfied with questions that are mostly answered (or worse, accepting an answer that just sounds good), this is your opportunity to work through this particular personal material thoroughly. This weekend brings a significant turning point; make sure you’re moving slowly and consciously enough to feel it. Yet between now and early July is a time for you to make sure you tidy up, summarize and most of all put what you’ve learned into practice. Yes, give it that long. This does not allow a lot of time for delays — you have, in fact, exactly enough time to consolidate your accomplishments and move on to something extraordinarily productive.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You’re going to learn something about yourself and your role in a relationship, something that started coming out in the wash midweek. You’re also discovering something about an intimate partner. The important thing is you remember these discoveries. I only say this because your chart suggests this might be one of those fantastic intuitive bursts that vanishes like a flash and a puff of smoke. You have some significant decisions pending in your life, and you need accurate information to inform them. Since that information really must come from you, that’s the place to pay attention. One reason that’s so vital is that your psyche may not be done spewing out disinformation, in the form of (erroneous) self-criticism, (misguided) attempts to improve yourself and moments where you lapse into forgetting who is who. In these moments, you need to remember what you’ve learned in the past few days, and remember it well.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

Over the next two weeks, two different inner planets station direct, both of which influence you directly. The first of the two is Mercury, your ruling planet, which stations direct in Pisces — a region of your chart associated with your intimate relationships. There is an additional theme associated with agreements and contracts in those relationships, and it looks like you’ve slowly, too slowly for your taste, been working out some deep question here. Then on April 13, Mars stations direct in your birth sign. What you worked out as an idea you now get to express in action, gradually at first, then with more determination. The charts describe a picture of you building your resolve, from the inside out. You come to a deep understanding, perhaps not sure what to do about it — and then you gradually put it together. What you start now you’re likely to complete in the first week of July, when Mars finally leaves your sign. I would say there’s no rush and no excuse to waste time.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

Change is moving through your world, awakening you to your power of decision, and how you feel when you use it. You seem to be figuring out that the movement of time is a fact of life; you can trust that recent developments in a situation associated with your work environment are evolving constructively, despite how it may look certain days. Rather than fight your way out of this, it may be wise for you to retreat to a place of greater safety so you can regroup before you move forward again. It would be great to do this letting go of any fears of being taken advantage of. You don’t need to rush a process, only to acknowledge your desires, and let go of guilt or expectations of how things ‘should’ be. You are coming to a deeper understanding of yourself and others and can re-negotiate important relationships in light of the developments taking place, allowing you to open up to new levels of trust, prosperity and feeling supported. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

There’s a delightful little drama that’s been developing in your sign, involving Mars retrograde. For the details, you will need to read the articles on the Planet Waves blog, but I can sum up here. Mars retrograde is taking you on a journey into yourself, and its most recent stop was a visit in the land of how convoluted the psychology of sexual desire can be. This plays itself out in your relationships as a constant crisis of faith, self-criticism and a kind of perfectionism that you’re seeing doesn’t get you anywhere. Yet this is not the destination of Mars retrograde — this transit goes deeper, to the point where Mars opposes Chiron in Pisces. This puts you in contact with a core layer of yourself: with the source of your power and also of your pain, which are closely related. The key to growth, as you may know, is learning from everything and taking any experience as a means to self-knowledge. Keep going past what you think you don’t know; past what confuses you; past what makes you doubt yourself, and follow the story deeper, day by day.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

You cannot change your beliefs as easily as you can choose to believe what you know is true. This converts the matter to one of choice rather than something you’re subject to. As you do this, feel the power of your authentic passion as you crack open the influences that were inflicted on you in the past, and notice what’s inside them. Beneath all the control drama is what that control was supposed to be keeping in check — your drive, your independent spirit and your sense of autonomy. Remember that if you ever happen to feel any guilt about being, or wanting to be, autonomous. Notice whether you can trace any emotion to some religious value or teaching — and keep that thought conscious. You might ask yourself how it happened that someone else’s belief became so influential in your life, if only to serve as something that prevents you from taking action. On the deepest levels, this really is about control. You’re taking back control of your life from those who would try to constrain not just you, but everyone. This happens one person at a time, and it has to start from inside, which means with you.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

People love you even when you don’t feel at your best. The only thing that really changes is your ability to receive love. Therefore, practice receiving. I know that it’s easy to make the argument that many people in our culture (and others) practice a self-centered and superficial approach to life. But what’s really going on at the core of that? I recognize that many people feel unworthy of love, but when you peel that back even just one layer, what’s in there? I would propose there’s something about the ability to receive. Yes, that’s directly related to one’s sense of worthiness. Though we might seem to be in chicken-and-egg territory here, I believe that when we’re cut off from emotional nutrients earlier in life, we might decide it’s our ‘fault’, whether that comes from child-logic or from having no other probable explanation available. Being open to receive from others who are happy to give to you would teach you something about how to treat yourself — and the time is right. As in right now.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

Celestial activity in Pisces spells a new start for your relationships, and one relationship in particular. But who is it that has you under their spell now? And can you trust going deeper within a connection that seems almost too good to be true? The key here is definitely for you to trust your own instincts rather than idolize another or put people on pedestals, which will surely leave you feeling disillusioned when you discover their humanity. It would help if you took off the rose-tinted or dark glasses. View a situation with clarity and discernment, rather than project suspicion or elevated optimism. A situation is promising but be wise, keep your eyes on the long-term, encourage honesty and you will see the truth. This calls for your skills of negotiation rather than defensiveness or feeling like you have to keep your guard up. Also maintain awareness of your values, boundaries and keep a sense of perspective on what is emerging. Then you can be guided toward making the kind of connections you trust, that touch your soul deeply, and expand your world as you make your way to the top. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

There’s quite a bit of activity in your opposite sign Pisces, and with the Sun on the way that means there will be even more energy (and people) in your environment. I am sure that plenty of the opportunities seem appealing and some seem really intriguing. There’s just one little problem: if you’re in one of those moods where you don’t know what you want, then all the options and opportunities can seem meaningless — and heck you might not even notice that they exist. Thing is, most of what you have open to you now is open to you now, not another day. So I suggest you have a talk with yourself and either decide what you want, or what you’re willing to experiment with. Part of how you can find out what you want is trying something, or someone, new. Despite whatever you may be feeling, or whatever frustrations you may be feeling associated with resolving a past issue, there are people around you who have some of what you want — and if they’re not there yet they are very likely to show up soon.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

You would be wise to pull your punches over the next few days — that is to say, meet aggression with something other than aggression. This won’t be easy but it’s definitely possible. If something makes you angry, start by shifting perspectives and figure out where someone is coming from. Merely empathizing with them will have a healing effect from the outset of the discussion or encounter. You will then be less inclined to think or act in a way that is self-judgmental — which is one of the best ways to defuse tense situations. You are the one who is dealing with the inner-violence dynamic. The person you’re connecting with is working through a mix of an identity crisis and self-deception. Therefore, be honest with yourself, listen with care, and set the example that there’s another way of looking at the world. Once you actually observe and acknowledge that, the whole relationship will shift.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Neptune embarking on its long journey across your relationship sign Pisces on Friday is an invitation to see the deeper potential in your encounters with other people. You can afford to be a little more idealistic than usual because Chiron is already there, keeping an eye on practical matters, focusing your awareness and making sure that the endeavor of every relationship is oriented on healing. With Neptune, the thing to embrace is the seemingly fleeting nature of reality, as perceived by the ego. In truth, what you’re getting are glimpses beyond the veil of normal consciousness, and examples of how to get there more dependably. The question of your relationships now orients on you being true to yourself first, which is the prerequisite to any other form of being true. You would do well to ask why this is even an issue at all. Most of why we are so obsessed with denial is because of moral judgments on pleasure. In the current structure of society, pleasure is acceptable only as an escape from pain. Yet that won’t get you through the door — you know, the opening you want to go through so dearly.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

Mars stations retrograde in Virgo on Monday, which is a somewhat famous event in the astrology of our lifetimes. There hasn’t been an all-Virgo Mars retrograde since 1965, and it was an extremely eventful time in history. For you this phase, lasting through April, is a review of how you handle your will; said another way, it’s a question of what you do with your strength. One thing this retrograde seems poised to teach you about is the ways in which you use your power against yourself (and what to do about it). Another turning point involves how you might go about correcting something within yourself that you’ve identified as having outdone its use. One thing I would suggest is that you’re not alone. One mode of self-improvement is the “fix yourself” model. Another is the “look to a trusted example” method. Exemplars are never 100% pure positive examples; often they present a mix of what you want and what you don’t want. But there is someone in your life who understands your situation better than you do, mainly due to their experience and perspective.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

If you’re feeling like a part of you is dying, it’s natural to want to cling to all you once loved. We do indeed create our reality, or most of it, even though it’s not always clear how. If that reality currently seems a little too much to bear, look for the blessing. You can deny a truth to the world till you’re blue in the face, but you can’t deny it to yourself. There is no shame in admitting that your childhood desires for yourself, what you want out of love, life, and even your creative goals are changing. It may feel risky, but you don’t need to compromise your values. Just dig past superficial desires and be honest about what truly matters to you in your heart of hearts. Then you can unearth the golden nugget: your authentic potential. Let go of an old desire, and you will see how beautiful life can really be right here, right now, if only you surrender to it. You are unearthing and reclaiming your Self now — the real dream you can live.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

There should be a word for ‘fear of depth’ or perhaps paranoia connected to curiosity. Anyway, neither of those will be particularly helpful right now and either could become a pretty big detriment. Therefore, go deep, and encourage your curiosity. You’ve been on a project the past few years of gradually letting go of your inhibitions. Now is an excellent moment to both take advantage of what you’ve learned, as well as to go deeper and experience something new. Your sense of adventure may be mingled with some questions about whether you’re exceeding your proper boundaries, or some code of decency you’re being held to but that nobody had the courtesy to inform you of. There are no actual rules and regulations, and to the extent there were, Pluto — currently your best friend — has taken care of them. All you need are basic ethics and your ‘common’ sense.

Leo 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
The creative process is calling on you to take a chance and change the world. That’s what creativity does, and it’s what sex does. Or looked at another way, these aspects of life are about creating new worlds. Clearly it requires a measure of what some would call arrogance to do this. James Joyce associated being a novelist with playing God, because you control the whole universe of the story. Yet there is another perspective, preferred by many writers (including J.R.R. Tolkien) — what is created starts to take on a life of its own. Either of these situations calls on a high degree of ethics in the creative process. While it’s necessary to take risks, it’s also necessary to observe the law of unintended consequences. This is the responsibility piece of creativity, and while it’s necessary to pay close attention to this factor, you also know that there is only so far you can take it. You must use care and intention through the process, then at a certain point, you have to let the flaming arrow fly.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

Numerous indicators in the astrology continue to remind you to pick the locks, open the windows and tear down the walls that separate sexuality and mysticism, or what some would call God. If you start from the point of knowing that the division is itself false, and was introduced into thought as a kind of virus, with an agenda, that makes things a lot easier. The division starts with any moral position on sex whatsoever. Let me state this another way: sex is not a moral issue, and anyone who says it is has a control agenda. Sex is an experience of pleasure, a way to learn about yourself, an experiment, a journey, a matter of personal choice, a mode of creative expression, a way to explore your connection to someone, a way to mirror yourself in someone, and an offering of yourself as witness, mirror and container. It is not a moral issue. Morality potentially enters where there is deception and where autonomy is violated, but there are more practical ways to work through these problems, should they arise. Meanwhile, a passionate mystical experiment is calling your name.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

Your charts describe a creative explosion on the one hand, combined with the productivity of Stephen King on the other. The thing is, you will need to put these two seemingly different elements together. This is good astrology if you’re someone who tends to live a split life, for example, between your creative passions and your work responsibilities, or between your career and your kids. You have the energy and the focusing power to get it all done. So I suggest that you invest your time and energy into what matters to you the most, since the ability to work so much and so well, having so much fun, does not arrive every day. You will be better guided in your choices for where to direct your energy by using your intuition rather than following a preconceived agenda. In fact, part of what you will discover is the ways that you can change your work patterns to increase your efficiency. Under this kind of setup, seeming mistakes can count as happy accidents that teach you a better way to do things.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Nobody in this world should be excluded from healing, and in the end, nobody is. Yet you may need to balance your desire to include everyone with the understanding that some resist, some go kicking and screaming, and others have another agenda entirely. The most significant theme to focus on is your own healing agenda; if you’ve ever wondered when the perfect time would come to do this, you’re standing right in it, right now. Here are some themes as I see them: how do you handle your need to belong to the world around you? (Some options are: conforming, collaborating, communicating or coveting.) How do you relate to the past? (Some options are: destroy it, reinterpret it, regret it or learn from it.) How do you handle your obsessions? (Some options are: self-control, hyper-focus on your immediate environment, or eating your brain alive with anxiety.) How do you handle your violent tendencies? (Some options are: take them out on yourself, collect weapons, play sports, argue with everyone.) Most significantly, what is your concept of relationship? Does it include or exclude others? Are you basing your conduct on a commitment to freedom, or retreating into jealousy? The implication of your chart is that relationships are the most significant focus of your healing process right now, which will, sooner or later, include providing both an example and a safe space for others. In this regard you are far more influential than you may suspect.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

As you take care of the details of your home, perhaps digging yourself out of some physical or financial disarray, I suggest you consider as deeply as you can what it really means for you to feel safe in the world. I say this recognizing that there are many people who have not felt safe for one minute since the day they were born. Others have grown up in the midst of so much turmoil that it’s difficult for them to have enough of a sense of what safety feels like to recognize it when it comes their way. Still others associate violation, pain or chaos with a kind of psychological ‘safety’ that’s really just a form of familiarity. There are a scant few people who actually know what it means to be held. Current aspects are inviting you to sort out where you are along this spectrum. You’re verging on a breakthrough of understanding what it really means to feel safe in your environment — particularly emotionally. I would remind you that part of this involves knowing where your boundaries are, and knowing when you’ve reached one of them.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

There is no place like home, and home is a feeling as well as a place. The feeling these days is about clearing out space, both psychic and physical clutter of the past. Whether you start with three-dimensional space or emotional space, opening up one is likely to lead to the other. Cleaning closets is an emotional process, whether it be subtle or profound. When you’re moving energy on the inner planes, you may just find yourself cleaning out the attic or digging out the basement. In all respects, think of this as claiming back what is yours, and taking control over your environment. You may start to get the sensation that you’re looking for something specific, which you’re not certain even exists. It may be a physical object, a memory, a feeling or an idea — be open, and treat anything you’re doing as a simultaneous inner and outer exploration. Notice how you treat things or feelings that evoke negativity in any form. Pause before you ‘throw anything away’ with the conscious intention of seeking understanding and making peace.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may be regretting a chance you took, particularly on an investment or some form of speculation, but I don’t suggest you judge too quickly. The effect in the end may not be the one you were planning, though you don’t yet know how it will work out. Just because you may be having regrets doesn’t mean that you were wrong, or that the effect will be negative. Any doubts you may be having are not an indication of an actual problem, though they may be an investigation to go back over your thinking and check for errors in the paperwork, a little like a proofreader or auditor. Make sure you collect your documentation and have a clear sense of where you stand before you call attention to any potential concerns. The planetary setup looks as if a creative opportunity will come from this process, though you will need to give it time and patience and not be guided by an emotional reaction. The less fear you allow to influence you, the more your creative mind can have its way with your situation.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

Is this a moment of settling down, or of upheaval? The astrology for your sign this month presents two distinct scenarios, and how you respond to it will depend on a number of factors, one of which I will call your density level. This isn’t a concept I’ve used in my column before, so I will explain. Think of increased density as contraction, fear, resistance, denial and the feeling of being stuck. Think of lighter density as expansion, a sense of flow, flexibility, alertness and the sensation that you have the ability to choose. Taken on a denser energy level, the astrology of this month could be jarring, threatening to your security and come with the sensation that changes are being imposed on you by outside forces. As you go to lighter, less dense levels of awareness, the astrology will feel more like being in the right place at the right time, putting down emotional roots, and taking the opportunity to make productive, necessary and long-overdue changes. Looked at in the best light, the approaching combination of astrological factors describes a time of distinction between the past and the present. You’re being set free from negative attachments, seeming obligations and a whole raft of family karma. This is an amazing opportunity for you, except for one thing. It’s entirely too easy to be attached to a low-density level. It’s easy to be attached to the past. Therefore, focus on raising your vibration — and keep your mind focused on a vision for the future.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

It seems like you’re about to discover the truth about a family secret, something that’s potentially eluded you for years. This comes right around when you’ve made the decision to take charge of your personal affairs in a new way. You’ve always been one to assert leadership in your relationships and your ‘tribal’ surroundings, though not like you’re experiencing now. You appear to be making peace with how you’re emotionally motivated, which is at the seat of your ability to make and keep such deep commitments. Yet now, you’re doing something truly admirable, or you can if you want: intervening in the process of the generations going by. You have set a limit on something, with the purpose of opening up a clear space for something else. You know that these two things cannot coexist; just like being functional has a way of contradicting dysfunction. And, behold: truth contradicts secrecy.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You may have some idea that you think is going to wreak havoc on people’s minds, if they were to hear about it. This has another side to it: we’re starting to figure out that we live in a world where we’re being spied on. Can you imagine every time you send a text message or email that it appears on some computer screen somewhere, or is stashed away in a database for future review? In either scenario, we have to make peace with the idea that our thoughts all have a public dimension. One’s individual mind is the connection point to something more: whether it’s an individual listener, a community or ‘the public’ (whatever that means for you). I know this has the potential to make some people extremely self-conscious; others thrive on the potential that their thoughts might have a wider influence than your average gossip, and that someone actually might care. That, by the way, is a true fact.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

People must do what they must do to work out their karma and their commitments to others. Plenty of it has nothing to do with you, though it can take some experience to learn how not to take any of it personally. Meanwhile, you must guide your life based on your own values, and at the moment, you know just what they are. It’s easy to get knocked off center or out of balance when others don’t show an interest in what means the most to you, though I suggest that the most direct way to making contact, and having that contact returned, is to keep your focus on what you want to be the core of your life, on what you truly value. Doing so can feel like an enormous risk — or perhaps at the moment, like an irresistible dare. I suggest, however, that if you’re going to take the chance, you not measure your success based on what others think. Measure your success based on what you think — particularly about your willingness to dare. At this phase of your life, it’s crucial that you affirm yourself, and step away from seeking the affirmation of others. Those who do offer their positive vibes of their own accord are your authentic friends.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Saturn’s ingress this month into Scorpio, your solar 4th house (security, home base, family) is about the use of space, and its relationship to your emotional grounding. Scorpio is a somewhat strange energy to have on your house of security, since it’s all about plunging into the deep dark waters of the psyche, and coming out a different person (something you do fairly regularly, and you’re safe knowing that you can). Seen another way, it’s the image of living with a swamp in the basement of your house, wondering if you’re going to get swallowed, or if the whole house is going to sink — and calling that shelter. Saturn making its way through this region of your chart for the next 10 seasons is about getting onto dry ground. It’s about shoring up your foundations and clearing out inner space. As part of this journey, you’re going to stabilize emotionally, which will be good for you and the people you care about. As part of this emotional stability, you will be doing an inventory of family influences from your early childhood, and making sure that you have them contained and confined to your own inner space — this way, you won’t pass them on to anyone younger than you are. One of the over-arching themes of this transit is learning how to feel safe. The combination of Saturn and Scorpio may conspire to do this in strange ways — but if you work with these influences, you will get the job done.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Keep going and you’re bound to get results. You may be experiencing mixed feelings about that idea, since you know that you’re exerting more energy than you need to. You may also be stalked by the feeling that ‘everything has to change, all at once’. While that’s going on, you may have the feeling that you’re mired in something that’s consuming your energy unnecessarily, though you don’t necessarily know what it is. You might feel at the same time like you’re pushing against an obstacle that seems like it’s outside you, but which is really part of your own emotional makeup. Yes, there is a lot going on at once. But it’s all one experience, and I suggest you step back and see your current circumstances for what they are. You’re in a truly adventurous dynamic with your environment. You’re changing it, and it’s changing you. You’re currently the one in the situation whose ideas can have the most positive influence. Therefore, stay on that level — of being open, and of respecting what comes through your mind and hopefully ends up being jotted down for reference and elaboration in the immediate future.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

I know this sounds strange to say, however, feeding your doubts does not build your confidence. Understanding your limitations and working with them would be the counterpart to that. Confidence translates to faith in yourself. You know you’re working with confidence when you can stand up to a challenge, rather than worrying about whether you’re going to be able to get it done. Still, emotionally, you may be walking a fine line here. You may feel like every time you do something vaguely bold, you pay for it in insecurity and uncertainty. Note carefully the presence of any guilt that you may feel, or shame that may be associated with feeling ‘too’ ambitious. If you’re picking up any of this toxicity, I would propose that it’s associated with the feeling of exceeding a boundary or challenging someone’s authority. Look into that and remember, taking authority over your own life usually implies taking it away from someone else — even if you didn’t know they had it.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

Your financial situation is now intimately linked to your creativity, and this may have you on edge. It’s always easier to assign success or lack thereof on external conditions, such as ‘the economy’ or whether your particular talent is the thing that people are paying for these days. That’s a consideration now, though it’s a relatively minor one. Even in ‘good times’ most people have to put their best foot forward, if they want to be rewarded for doing something that really matters to them. I don’t know anyone, no matter how talented, for whom this is not a delicate spot. Fortunately, your deepest personal resources — your intelligence, your ability to come up with ideas and your gift for communication — are directly connected to your revenue stream. Cast off the idea that you get paid a fixed amount for an hour of work. Consider that the quality of your ideas, and your gift for applying them to real-life situations, is what will translate into greater abundance, and satisfaction with your work.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

Focus on keeping an open mind, especially about what you tend to resist the most. When speaking, imagine that everything you say on any topic or any person is actually a statement about yourself. This will keep you tuned into your thought patterns and how they reflect your ideas about your own existence — and your potential. If you do this, you’re likely to make a discovery about yourself, which I could describe generally as something that’s extremely obvious that you hadn’t put together yet, even though you had all the information you needed. When you tell other people about this discovery, they’re likely to say that they knew this all the time and figured that you did, too. Note, this is not the revelation of ‘something bad’ about you. To the contrary, no matter what the topic, you’re likely to discover a reason to appreciate who you are, which anyway is always the theme of this time of year, though right now, at this time in your life, you’re in a special moment of transition.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012

The past few weeks were a period of reassessment, as Mercury retrograde has been buzzing around your Moon (and it’s still close by). House cleaning of your inner space took you from cleaning out the cobwebs in the basement to refinishing the shutters in the attic. That’s a lot of ground to cover moving through the different levels of your emotional landscape. At times it felt like you were living in a Salvador Dali painting with doors in the walls and stairs that went to nowhere. You’ve been able to take stock of your emotional patterns and reactions, letting go of outdated responses. Quite a bit of space was cleared, making room for new methods of expression. Before you begin installing the new emotional fixtures, the work crew needs a short break. Spend the early part of the lunar month resting and recharging; sifting through inner layers drained your energy reserves. Mid-month an experience helps you turn an emotional corner from where you’ve been the past few weeks to where you are going. A new set of feeling patterns will quickly form in the spaces you’ve been uncluttering. This process will be accompanied by the feeling of snapping into place right after you wondered whether anything would ever fit. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Mercury just stationed direct in your sign, so you may feel like you’re coming to some conclusions about the many things you’ve had on your mind the past month or so. I suggest you think of them more as observations and studies-in-progress, because over the next three weeks, Mercury repeats for the third time a series of aspects that it’s already made twice since late June. The difference now is that you will feel less tentative about taking action in the places you know are calling for your attention — and there are a few. The difference is that you are likely to discover that your decisions actually take hold and move along the story line of your life. It’s also a lot easier to do, decide and breathe when your anxiety level is at low tide, and at the moment this is something you have in perspective. Everything you feel is energy; everything is an opportunity to make a decision.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

Over the next few days, you have access to a power source that may seem like an infinite well of creativity. This is so potent you may want to approach it with respect. One way you can do that is to avoid acting on a rebellious impulse. And while I am normally an advocate of curiosity, I suggest that you monitor that particular thought form with care and caution as the week progresses. Your curiosity is so powerful right now that you have to handle it with the care of a laser. It’s a force that can activate all kinds of processes, including some that you may not find so easy to bring under control. Therefore, in addition to curiosity, I suggest you monitor your motives, and that you be clear what you want to learn, experience or discover. You also need to do something that’s exceedingly difficult for most humans, which is monitor when your judgment may be off, or when you may be working with incomplete information. When either of those conditions is true, pause.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

What is the role of jealousy in your life? The question comes up right around when the Sun enters your birth sign this weekend. There seem to be two competing forces at work: the desire to include as many people as possible, and the desire to exclude whoever you don’t really like. Said another way, one energy source is guiding you to be open, loving and experimental and another energy source is saying, take control. These are incompatible, and you may be having some trouble figuring out which is the trustworthy one. If you set aside the subject matter and just sniff the energy, it will be a lot more obvious what to choose. Also, notice that you may be dealing with a prejudice about someone or something, rooted in a recent past experience. If you let that judgment go, you will find this situation a lot easier to understand. As for jealousy, how would you live if you and the people close to you were immune? Tell yourself the truth — what would you do?

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

Mercury has been in your sign since June 25, and it will be there through Aug 31 — longer than two months, owing to the fact that it’s about to be retrograde for the next 24 days. If I may suggest something bold, this is an excellent opportunity for you to use and develop your mind. You would be amazed how rarely this happens. If you are doing something and you encounter resistance, stop and use your mind. One thing to avoid right now is anything with the feeling of pushing a rock up a hill. If you want to accomplish something but you feel like you lack the confidence, stop and think. If you do, you’ll notice that you have more than enough experience to achieve what you want — if you remember to use what you know. The extent to which so many people forget or refuse to keep their mind in the ON position is astounding, and you will benefit handsomely from remembering.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

The Sun is about to make one of its two annual square aspects to Saturn, and this is about focus and discipline. You don’t need to pour it on all at once; over the next week, gradually gather your energy and set a few clear goals. I suggest these goals be a little more ambitious than you think you can accomplish. I recognize you’ll be doing this at what is a pleasantly social time of your life, and you value the company of the people around you. That’s where discipline comes in — and not giving in to peer pressure (for example, someone randomly accusing you of ‘working too much’). In fact there is time for everything, if you keep your priorities in order. Meanwhile there are certain people in your environment who will be supportive and available to help, particularly with ideas they’ve thought through so well that you’ll both be surprised by how useful they are.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

Have you ever been on one of those scales in a science museum that tells you how much you would weigh on the surface of another planet? Now imagine a more elaborate version of that same display that would allow you to feel what it’s like on another world. That’s what your astrology is giving you right now. Check for several distinct properties — there is less gravity. There is an unusual blend between dreamtime and what you previously thought of as reality. As a result, the energy field is less dense — which includes the realms of human psychology and your physical surroundings. Changes are easier to make; you have the ability to peer into and even through things that previously seemed opaque. The whole experience may pass by you as if it’s a dream; it’s up to you to pay attention and remember what you experience, which is in truth a demonstration of what is possible and indeed available all the time, if you tune your mind to the right perspective.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

A combination of factors is suggesting it’s possible to increase your income while cutting your expenses. Part of doing this well is about seeing opportunities for what they are, and over the next few weeks some new ones will be coming into your life. Rather than assume that something is or isn’t a real offer, give it time and see what develops. Second, you are learning to be shrewd about your cash flow, and to do this I suggest you spend money on what actually gets results. That’s to say, if you focus on what actually benefits you, providing you with something vital, you will notice how much you spend on what does not benefit you. That’s the place to trim back. To do this may require more thought than you’ve given to ideas like ‘benefit’ and ‘provides something vital’, which generally does not include anything fashionable or for that matter, anything anyone else can even see. Note, dependable information is crucial now.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

The chances are that by the time you read this, you’ll already be moving ahead with your plan. I suggest you treat this a little like surfing or hang-gliding: a somewhat dangerous but compelling activity that utilizes forces more powerful than yourself. That’s the thing to remember and respect — what you’re doing goes beyond your own personal power. In such situations, the thing to look for is how you can influence the developments rather than take control. Your influence is real, and it can be potent; control is an illusion, and it will likely backfire. Therefore, lean in the direction you want to go. Trace the trajectory of your recent movement, and see if you can figure out what direction that indicates you’re traveling. Think in terms of your immediate, intermediate and long-term objectives. Any correct choice you make now will have the quality of supporting all three.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

Those born under the sign Leo (including rising and Moon) are almost all people who are admired and looked up to by others. You might still feel like lil’ ol’ you, yet there is indeed something about leadership and natural respect that you have as a gift of your birth. Do you fully appreciate how influential that is? One of the most significant crises on the planet right now involves leadership, particularly on the ‘unofficial’ or social level where you’re the most adept at it. The transit of Venus is bestowing you with the gift of charisma, though there is also something about communication skills and something even more — ethics. You have the ability to put into words what is right and what is not so right. And you have the ability to demonstrate something that the world needs to see: how to live in a way that eliminates jealousy and competition as a way of life. You can do this because you’re confident in yourself, but also because you know that if humanity keeps driving its train powered by these two nearly useless emotions, we’re going to come off the tracks.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You don’t have to be anyone you’re not. That’s the beauty of this moment. Who you are is not only adequate — it’s amazing. For the next few days, experiment with the feeling of having to live up to nobody’s expectations. You can be less visible, less vocal, even less helpful. This will help you center yourself, which will give you more energy to do whatever you want. One theme of the next few weeks (of utterly extraordinary astrology) is you finding your true relationship to the world around you. Many of the things that influenced you in the past are no longer valid or necessary. The world to which you’re forming a new relationship has never been a more frenetic work in progress — but there are patterns developing, and if you notice them you will be able to slip into the flow with much greater ease than ever before. To the extent that you’ve ever discounted the value of your intelligence, I suggest that’s the first thing that’s going to change.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

You have some kind of professional opportunity that’s developing — and it looks like many people can benefit from what you do, or what happens to you. Please don’t make the mistake of doubting what’s possible. The truth is that anything is possible, and right now you’re a magnet for potential. One key is to think large, or larger than you might. I’m always surprised by how small many people’s concept of big turns out to be, so I suggest you amplify the scale of your idea by an order of magnitude. What works for you, and what always has, is to stay close to the core of what your life means, and what you want to express. What’s happening for you is not about success as usually defined by those with a mind for business. The theme is artistic integrity, contact with your values, and your natural role as a leader. What you’re leading with is your concept of what actually matters to you the most — so remember to put that first, foremost and perhaps, only.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Emotional fulfillment really is the challenge here in the Western world. Nearly every external influence we encounter is designed to stoke desire, often to the point where we don’t know what to do with ourselves once one of those desires is met by what might satiate it. I suggest you figure out what to do, if you’re wondering, or if you find yourself pursuing one ‘need’ after the next. Your solar chart illustrates the image of a life that, if not perfect, has many of the necessary elements for contentment. What you might need to do is assemble the ingredients in a mindful way, or at least notice their presence. Often the experience of reaching for more is about reaching for something in the past, which in truth you cannot touch. Yet what surrounds you now is a bold comment on what is possible. Compared to the state of affairs many other places on the planet, you are doing very well. The more open you are to receiving, the more you will feel that.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Before achievement is reached, a period of buildup occurs. Many times, work is done without necessarily fast advancement. That’s not a popular idea in a society where people line up to buy lottery tickets, but it’s a true fact. Real accomplishment is not instantaneous, but rather based on exponential growth. This type of progress appears to remain static for a while, though there is quiet multiplication going on behind the scenes. When the process reaches a threshold there is a burst of energy that moves events along quickly. Your projects, many which have appeared stalled, are approaching this point of acceleration. As the pace increases, maintain focus on the details. Harness the increased energy by applying it back to your work. Feed the tree, and remember your purpose. What you’re doing is producing work that has a long-lasting quality. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

If you’ve been feeling unusual potential but don’t feel like you’ve had the ability to manifest it into something real, that is about to open up. In a word, the way to get from here to there is leadership. I can break this down to three ideas as they express themselves in your current solar chart: one is perspective. It’s essential that you have an overview of your environment, including what your colleagues and those ‘above’ and ‘below’ you are doing. Two is values. Make sure that what you’re doing is consistent with what you believe, and what you are willing to stand for. If you do this, you won’t have to worry about your reputation. Third is nourishment. In your current incarnation of leadership, you need to feed the tree without depleting yourself. Fortunately you have a lot to offer, particularly in the way of ideas and inspiration. If you find yourself blocked, pause and invent a solution. There is no limit to the information available, and you will be told everything you need to know.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

The Sun opposing Saturn looks like you’re going through a test of your ethics. This comes on top of a long, careful quest to determine your true values; to figure out what’s actually important to you. The two are related. It’s one thing to figure something out in theory, and another when the time comes that you have to put your idea to work in a real-time situation. The scenario looks like you must make difficult decisions, having been confronted by a limit of some kind, be it your time, your energy or some external factor. Before you spend too much time figuring out what to do about that, I suggest you check for where you have additional resources that you hadn’t thought to apply to the situation. Most of the time (contrary to the messages of advertising) when you need something, you already have it. In this situation, though, that ‘thing’ isn’t a thing — it’s an approach to the question; you might think of it as applied science, as opposed to theoretical.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You may not have unlimited energy, but let’s not quibble over the details. You can compensate for when others fall short, and it’s a great thing that you have the mojo and the dedication to do that. Yet you’re still in the process of learning to do things entirely for their own sake. Your part in a plan or project is your part, without regard to who else has a stake or investment in the gig. The more you’re able to focus on your role, the more you’ll be able to develop your talent and the more strength you’ll have. In fact what you’re doing is integral to the entire enterprise, and you would be wise to focus on what you know are the most important goals — and to doing better work every day. You’re gradually approaching a kind of test or checkpoint, where your devotion and healthy respect for authority will come under careful scrutiny — most particularly by yourself. Keep your focus and mind your agreements. They really do matter.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

You’re figuring out that you have to take initiative when it comes to manifesting the life you want, and one of the ways you can do that is to make space for it. I mean actual physical space: clearing out a room or a corner of your apartment; a table dedicated to something; striking the set on a prior project and leaving it empty for something new. You can do something similar with time: leave free time for yourself rather than scheduling everything down to the tenth of an hour increment. Open space and time represent potential, and I can tell you from experience that this can be intimidating. There is that sense of facing potential that can feel like confronting an abyss. Yet it’s exactly this sense of openness, a kind of blank page in life, that you need to help you create something new for yourself. That something is waiting to meet you, as long as it has the space available, and the time. This is not something to rush. Start slowly and build a little at a time, gradually letting it take over your life.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

You are being liberated from a situation that has long had a grip on you, yet despite a certain advantage you have, you know that the key ingredient can come from you alone: courage. That involves giving up an attachment to something you are accustomed to, whether metaphorically or literally, as you experiment with your vision. Use fear to your advantage rather than being troubled by it; one way to do that is to recognize it’s an energy source that you can tap into. You may have your doubts but avoid being too judgmental of a situation or even yourself and your worth. You may never have all the answers, but if you are philosophical, keep perspective and summon your highest and best Self in any situation that unnerves you, you can find a way forward. And you can trust you are not alone on this journey — a partner who comes from a very different world is familiar with the territory, inviting you to a whole new world of possibilities. Be bold, spontaneous, optimistic, have faith and you can make unimaginable progress. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

I have a couple of experiments to propose for you, around the theme of money and value. Experiment one is take some cash out of the bank, if you can. Take out more than you would normally carry — as much as you can afford, or as much as makes you a little nervous to have. Carry it in your pocket and don’t spend it. Feel it as potential that you can use at any time for any purpose you want — but leave the possibilities open. Experiment two is to consider your value in any way besides monetary. Keep this as close as possible to the surface of your thoughts. Consider the influence of your ideas, the value of your time toward a goal, the value of your help to others and the appreciation that they may feel for you. Then, exert some of that influence. Make an idea known, that you might ordinarily keep to yourself. Help someone when you have the option not to. Contribute to a group project by adding your energy. As you do all of this, note the differences between money and value.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Others are far less inscrutable than they seem. The feeling that you’re looking at someone who has the capability to transform or change their appearance does not change the underlying substance of who they are. Take that as guidance to bring out the most authentic qualities you have, including your goals, and use every tool at your disposal to put your plans into action. Think through your highest goals, particularly in a professional situation. The seemingly most ambitious and valuable ones are those most likely to succeed; that’s the way your chart is set up right now. You may have to override some annoying inner message in order to think big, though it’s clear which one is true. If you want to give any nagging fears a voice, cut back on waste and do one last check-over of the details, thank your anxiety for doing its job and go back to arranging the world on the largest scale you can imagine. Your best plans aren’t really individual; many will benefit from your success, which I know you find appealing.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

There’s no need to wrangle over a money issue. Your fiscal conservatism is at its most committed right now, to the point where I suggest you do what you can to avoid paranoia about money. At the same time, the values of others may seem extravagant lately when in fact they match your own values a lot more than you might recognize. I suggest you let key partners or loved ones have an influence on you that you can use to balance out any concerns you may have. However, this all goes deeper than money. You’re in an exceptionally beautiful moment to work out and let go of certain judgments about yourself that have contributed to some unhappiness in the past. These include various shades of being imperfect or not good enough. If you’re going to embark on a self-improvement campaign, you might start with cutting yourself some slack so you have actual space to make the changes that matter to you the most. You’re correct that impeccability is a meaningful agenda item, though how you get there matters.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

Deep surrender within a sexual or financial relationship is what the planets are calling for now. Yet this may be a situation in which you feel powerless, as if you’re swimming through shark-infested waters. Really it’s much better than that — the things swimming around are actually dolphins. There is wise counsel on hand now that can help you navigate your situation and what may currently feel like the dark night of your soul. But to trust that, you have to be willing to trust yourself and the experiences life is offering you. Your success and the gifts you have to offer this world are a direct result of your life experiences — so be grateful for these. You can lie to the world, but you can’t lie to yourself. And if you chase money, shallow desires, or try to hide from the truth, you will end up being disappointed. Seek and offer transparency, and most importantly be honest with yourself. Then you can decide the advice you want to take on board and the relationships that are worth going deeper within. Situations don’t make or break you; they simply reveal you and you can trust a situation is evolving. You have a chance to rebirth yourself now, and change the course of your future as you re-emerge with a true awareness of who you are at your core — an eternal being on a mortal journey. Keep the faith. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Over the next few days, the Sun is going to work its way out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Before it does that, it will make a trine (flowing 120-degree aspect) to Saturn. This is the story of working out a relationship issue, though you’re the likely partner to come up with the idea, and it may be the solution to a problem that nobody has noticed yet. Even if it seems to arrive at one ‘last minute’ or another, it’s not too late, as long as you notice what there is to notice and put the information to work as soon as you know about it. There is a risk that you’ll tell yourself this will be worth something tomorrow, and you’ll take care of it then. But what you’re about to get is specific information for a precise purpose and time. From there you can move onto subtler matters of emotions and what it means to connect with others. Once the Sun changes signs on Sunday, the premium on clarity and honesty with yourself goes up. The Sun conjunct Neptune suggests you may be trying to deny or idealize something. Balance that out with some realism.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

Your relationships are in a delicate spot, and you can help yourself immensely by being the person who defuses any tension and lets any seeming insult roll off your back. This may not be easy, because you’re almost as edgy as certain people around you — almost but not exactly. This is all going to come down to communication, which means being a specialist in understanding everyone’s motives: certain individuals around you, certain dynamics as they manifest in a group, and of course keeping a pulse on your own inner currents. Here is the thing to remember — life is more flexible than you remember it being any time in the recent past. Opinions are subject to change, facts are subject to reinterpretation and any situation you may encounter has many negotiable points. What will make that flexibility available is creativity: that is, imagination, seeing the possibilities, and knowing that any problem has a solution waiting to be discovered or invented.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

You seem to be grappling with a question about how others perceive you. You may think that you’ve inadvertently misled someone into thinking you are who you are not. Or, you may feel like someone sees something in you that you’re not sure exists. I would turn that around; imagine that the truth of who you are is transparent, and that the people closest to you are not only capable of seeing you for who you actually are, they want to do so. What you have is an opportunity for an unusually intimate and revealing exchange, which may or may not be sexual; you will know which way to take things, and that question — considered so urgent and pressing most of the time — will have little of its usual weight or urgency. You have available one of those rare moments when intimacy is the true source of energy, which leads to many possible expressions. The ‘lesson’ if you could call it that is how being authentically yourself is the most fruitful way to live, and the easiest, and the one most likely to lead to peace of mind.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

In a few days there will be a New Moon in your opposite sign Aquarius. This event is a reminder that you need to include more of you in your life. If you follow the teachings of Jell-o pudding, you can declare it “me o’clock” and have “time to yourself.” Yet the actual challenge seems to be about seeing every aspect of your life as something where you not only should be included but to which you are in fact integral. At the moment, however, this involves a lot of other people. When you’ve integrated yourself in that integral way, you may wonder what is left: what time, what space, what freedom to choose. I can tell you one thing from your astrology — you’re looking at the world with a blind spot in your vision. When that shifts, which it’s about to do, you will see that your involvements hold the key to your freedom. There will be an art to seeing just how that works.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

You may be obsessing about work, or a situation you care deeply about that you think is out of your hands. Rather than fret about what you can’t control — since worry never solved anything, or hardly anything — recognize how much you have to give and what you have the power to do. It really doesn’t matter what you do, rather how alive you feel each morning when you greet the day. Be conscious of what motivates and drives you, and let go of what is no longer working. The love and financial support you need is indeed present, but it will require you to move past pride or mental resistance and have honest conversations that deepen your trust. As long as you are not being blinded by shallow beauty, or being too rigid or picky, you can open yourself wider and heal something that has been irritating you for a long time.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You need to strike a balance in a relationship situation between idealism and cynicism. That balance would come in the form of ‘none of the above’, which is to say, not trying to form a compromise between the two. Rather, a spirit of working from common ground, common values and a shared vision for what is possible will help you make the most of your situation. I suggest you give this at least a week or two to work itself out, as your emotions are currently under the influence of some form of projection. When Neptune leaves your opposite sign early next month, you will gain a more realistic perspective, and a lot more breathing room. To sum up, you have made a long series of compromises that it’s now time to begin reversing, though this will not happen overnight. It may take years, but it will help immensely if you know the specifics of what you’re working with, and what you have gained along the way.

Cancer 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
You have taken considerable territory in your professional life this year, and even if you don’t feel that way, I assure you that the space is open. The key is balancing being different, innovative and iconoclastic with sufficient grounding that you can count on yourself to get the job done well. Yet there is also something here about recognizing the power that you perceive others to have, and in particular, their power over you. Simply put, most of the time, they have that power because you think they do. The most important thing you can do to ensure your longterm success and happiness is see all the ways in which the world really is built on level ground. I know this can take some careful looking, though mainly it requires maturity. Emphasize the human dimension. All these people around you have one thing in common — they are people. This is the reason they are approachable; it’s why you can get over your habit of being intimidated by talent, reputation or power. You may not have the same potential as everyone you meet, but they can remind you that you have your own potential.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

You can get a lot of work done this week — in fact, you may be able to wrap up everything you have planned for the rest of the year. However, I would encourage you to slow down, prioritize the top most important projects, and focus on quality. That translates to maintaining your intellectual and spiritual impeccability, in a moment when you may be in a minor crisis over doing just that. There’s no irony involved; moving through this territory carefully is the whole point of the astrology you’re under. I can sum it up fairly simply — when in doubt, get real. That is to say, get real about what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling and most of all, what you want. There is a chance that with a little reflection you will see that it has less to do with what you accomplish and more to do with existing with full awareness at the intersection where pleasure meets healing. This is a bold space, and the thing to be bold about is your imagination. Pleasure is healing, and you can allow this idea to soak into everything you touch.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

The year ends on a passionate note — with an aura of finality and transition. Use this energy to bring to a close what is ready to end, and to rise to the occasion of what you want to create. Once again the story of your life is finding your confidence in the presence of those who seem to outshine you, or have more power. Yet you possess something that is all your own, which is authentic sensitivity. Don’t hide this under any veils of denial — keep your feelings where you can access them. Remember above all that you’re driven by the desire to nourish and care for the world. In that same spirit, make room for others to take care of you. Receive their gifts graciously. Remain open and you will start to see all of the good things in store for you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

The recent eclipse in the most sensitive angle of your solar chart looks like it stirred up some, well, I was going to say energy, but what I really mean is information. Secrets do not stay secrets forever, and I suggest you celebrate this cosmic truth. The beauty held for you in things being revealed — within yourself, by others or to others — is about being a unified critter. Concealed information splits you into pieces. Divisions within your life and those of the people around you tend to pit you against yourself. In a time when relationships matter to you more than ever, you need to be your own best friend, which means operating with one agenda that is tuned to your own best interests. The eclipse comes with the lasting message that you cannot keep secrets from yourself. You cannot divide your character, and you cannot be anyone other than who you truly are. I think from now on, this learning agenda will be a lot easier.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

The world is your mirror. It is therefore the place to extend any compassion or appreciation that you have discovered on your journey to wholeness. Selflove emerges from your center, though if it’s to be meaningful — indeed, if it exists at all — it will extend beyond you into the gentle embrace of the people around you. One indication that you’re doing this is that you find yourself treating people on equal terms. The usual hierarchies and pecking orders of life give way to the understanding that we are all on the same journey, that we all contribute to one another’s lives, that we all reflect one another. While I am not suggesting that there is absolute equality among all of your relationships, they are a lot less different from one another than you may imagine. And the one thing they all have in common is you. In this way, the compassion that you offer to yourself extends out to others the moment that you feel it — unless you feel threatened and choose to hold back. I suggest you notice if you’re doing that, because when you hold onto defensiveness, attachment, fear or guilt in ‘someone else’, you’re really holding onto it within yourself. They want to be free from their pain, and want to be close to others, just as much as you do. For anyone to feel secure in this world is as meaningful as your own need to. If you think you take risks, consider that others may take even greater risks. If you want the privilege of vulnerability, extend your hand. Take off your glove first.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

Remember that sex is an experiment. It’s also an interesting morph of expressive, relational and introspective. It’s not always easy to get your partner onto this page, or to find someone who is — and it’s easy enough for you to forget. Yet right now this experiment is calling you in a profound way. It’s as if your fantasies are aching for exploration and expression, yet you are wavering in your balance between ‘external’ and ‘internal’ focus. This may manifest as questions about what you will and will not say — about what you want, need and want to do. I recognize the potential delicacy of this situation, and the edge you may be perched on. What I suggest is this: get clear with yourself in words, over a series of days. Describe to yourself what you want, preferably in writing or recorded, that is, in a form you can retrieve. Then take the leap and share it with someone you trust. This may or may not be the person you would prefer to explore with; the first step is to transcend your inhibition about sharing. If you notice fear or shame, work with these things consciously, and tap the erotic energy they contain.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Next week’s total solar eclipse is a reminder that you have a potent desire nature, and that it’s directly connected to your emotional body. For you this eclipse is a sexy chart, full of tension, curiosity and craving to explore. There’s also the theme of what you allow yourself to have, what you share with others, and the subtleties of the ways you withhold. Indeed, this chart is like an experiment in the differences between allowing and denying; offering and actually giving; wanting and receiving. I would caution you that this subtle discussion is often plastered over with various social rules (not wanting to be seen as a slut), culturally-acceptable motives and values that deny the emotional and sensory levels of experience (such as being turned on by money), and a general prohibition on curiosity. This is the day, the week and the season of your life when curiosity is your best friend. And if you have another best friend or two, you can create a space for, and share, that curiosity. It’s a force of nature — as are you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

Humans excel at keeping secrets from themselves; this is called denial. At the moment, all sorts of alarm bells may be going off, cautioning you to affirm your truth rather than ignore or minimize it. You will hear them if you are listening. They may manifest as fear, insecurity or even as panic episodes. You may also be speaking to yourself in physical symptoms (potentially relating to your lungs or thighs), or a sense of nervous restlessness. Any of this might be easy enough to push back under the surface of consciousness, though instead of doing that, I suggest you listen to what your mind and body may be saying to you. Stuffing the messages down will not help, while letting them out may be challenging or even painful at first — and then come with a great sense of relief. There seems to be some emotional issue that you’re struggling to face, but which is looming on the horizon as some destination you will inevitably reach. It’s not as bad as you think — and in truth, the actual confrontation is with yourself, not anyone else.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

If you find yourself going deeper than you feel safe in an erotic situation, remember one word: healing. That will help you focus, and it will give you a basis of both purpose and communication. You can pretty much assess everyone and everything on the basis of their affinity with this concept — including yourself. There’s the phase of this experience where pleasure itself is a kind of necessary balm. Yet the experience continues from there. The whole experience is a vehicle to take you deeper into a kind of hidden realm, which may involve dealing with certain matters that (for example) your parents did not address and which were passed on to you. Yet there is something deeper than your immediate lineage that you’re about to address, and that is part of the reason why you may be feeling out of your depth (particularly around the time of a total solar eclipse on Nov. 13). You seem to be dealing with something much larger than yourself, and if you know that, you will both not feel so overwhelmed and you’ll also have a line of approach to the territory. You seem to be involved with a situation that started with the intent for one thing, then in a series of steps you didn’t know you were taking, became something else, as if you encountered a kind of emotional or psychic undertow. To proceed from here, you will need to take one step at a time, making one decision at a time, based on the best available information you have.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

It can take some perspective to figure out how much damage religion has done to you — especially if you don’t think it’s done much damage at all. In my view, the most serious problem with religion is the way that it takes control over the most sensitive matters of the human experience: for instance, sex, death, cosmology, values about money and who is allowed to relate to whom. This is all packaged up as God’s will. The question of the hour is, how would you have your life be, if all of those rules were suspended? What would you believe, if nobody told you what to believe, or tried to enforce your views with guilt? By the way: the presence of guilt in any area of life is clear evidence that religion has been through the territory. That any of these aspects of life could be made into a moral issue is evidence of the same thing. I’m aware it can feel destabilizing to challenge any of this, and often guilt is the first emotion to rush in. This time, however, I suggest you greet it with some healthy skepticism.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You would have no need to feel secure, were you not in some way feeling threatened. It’s a lot easier to figure out what will make you feel safe if you’ve addressed the nature of what you believe makes you unsafe; in fact you might decide that there’s no threat and that you need nothing at all. Reassess your situation sooner rather than later, because you’re investing a lot of energy into avoiding something that’s not actually a problem, and potentially creating a situation that could become one. Describing your solar chart another way, you seem to be obsessed with structure, as if you want to put a container around something that would otherwise be free. There is an alternative, which is to open up communication on the theme or topic that you think needs to be confined. These probably feel like opposing impulses within your psyche, and that may be causing you some conflict. Once you open up communication, first with yourself and then with anyone germane to the discussion, your sense of conflict will ease back.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Sex is one of the most powerful forces on Earth, and arguably the one used most recklessly. The time has arrived — and you may have felt it coming for a long time — to keep a handle on this power, to use it in a focused and mature way, no matter what anyone else in the world may be doing. Typically people jump between extremes of purism and thoughtless indulgence. You need more than a ‘middle way’. Rather, sex and sexuality offer us the most when they are experienced as natural, integrated into life in a holistic way. When sex becomes about the transaction of power rather than the expression of creativity, you can be sure things are out of balance. The solution to this would be waking up your imagination, though also understanding the ways you might be feeling insecure that would lead you to seek power in the first place. In relationships, I suggest you go for containment rather than commitment. That’s another way of saying that instead of making promises or holding anyone to theirs, explore within a space that you consciously share.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Heed early warnings, especially where sexual boundaries are concerned. This isn’t about saying no; it’s more like saying maybe, until you understand your environment and everyone’s involvement in your life. Then, do what’s appropriate based on your understanding of your situation. At first this may seem like you’re having a limit placed on your fun. Actually two other things are happening. One is a limit being placed on the new karma you incur based on choices you make. Whatever you encounter is sufficient for a moment of reflection, and to put you on notice where you need to be more vigilant. Second is that you are about to discover ways to channel your vital force in a more structured way. In a sense, you have to get organized about what you want, and make sure you are also aware of what you don’t want — then make your choices using this as your guide. The thing to bear in mind all the time is that whatever theory of relationships we may subscribe to, sex leads to something deeper. That depth could be love, and it could be a diversity of other means of human bonding, connection or entanglement. Saturn is the lord of time, and it’s essential that you use time to your benefit, in order to save time. Taking a little while to test the true nature of your relationship to another person, before you dive in, would be well advised in this moment and for the next couple of years.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Risk and reward — the time has come to balance these. This includes being willing to take risks for the rewards that you want, as well as being willing to delay gratification while you take the necessary steps to keep your life functional while you build what you want. What both of these have in common are the idea of a conscious, long-term goal. There’s the implication that you have a diversity of responsibilities, and that these must be taken into account simultaneously, when they seem to conflict. The ability to embrace contradiction and paradox is one mark of maturity, and this is a core theme of your life now. To do this, you can no longer assess things strictly based on how they feel; adding logic is what will actually get you from one place to the next.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

You’re ready for some deep nourishment — which is different from your average, everyday kind of nourishment. The best way to have this need fulfilled is to admit you have it, and remain open and aware, rather than in a state of frustration. I know there’s a taboo against admitting need — whether we (as in we humans in Western society) fear being perceived as that dreaded thing ‘needy’, or whether we fear some compromise of our image as being fully satisfied. Forget your outer image, and I suggest you be mindful of the interplay of you and your self-image. It’s time, I believe, for you to acknowledge directly what you want, and what you know will nourish you, first to yourself and then to someone with whom you may share something so intimate. If you enter territory where there is shame, embarrassment or guilt, you know you’re in the right place. These things are almost always veils thrown over what is the most meaningful, what is the very hottest and ultimately, over who you know you are inside.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

Focus your mind, and center yourself emotionally. I understand the challenges of doing so, given the current planetary setup. It’s as if you’re living underneath an invisible reservoir of things to do that keeps spilling its contents onto your head. What is not increasing is the time you have to accomplish all these things, so I suggest you ramp up your level of organization and basic maintenance. You’re wrapping up one phase of accomplishment (though it may not feel like that yet) and are about to take up a whole new agenda. Based on this information, I suggest you begin to set aside all new activities associated with the old agenda, focus on wrapping up what you’ve taken on, and then prepare to move on to a new phase of experience. Focusing your mind will work; criticizing yourself will not, and it’s vital that you not only know the difference, but act on it. Devote yourself to what must be done each day, and make sure you feed your spirit along the way.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

Current aspects provide the perfect environment for making substantial progress on anything that involves thinking, organizing and problem solving. If there are any writing projects you’ve been wanting to do, this is the moment not just to start but to fully engage yourself. You have access to at least two distinct levels of your mind, that I suggest you consider individually. One involves what you can think of as ‘everyday’ material, perhaps related to business functions and creative writing you would have others see. Another level offers you access to some of your innermost secrets, and this is readily accessible right now. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to say that you could not, or that you’ve struggled to get clear, try again in earnest now. I suggest you explore this particular dimension with no thought of the censors, and with no concerns that it might be read by someone else. The point of this experience is an unfiltered, direct expression of who you are and what you have to say.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

You’re accessing a deeper level of feelings, whether they emerge from within you, or you consciously reach down into yourself to access them. This will start slowly and then reach a peak toward the end of the month. Remember that any fool can be intense. It takes a mature person to guide intensity into something beautiful and useful. If you can do that, you will access a deeper level of your potential, which will serve as an invitation to much deeper pleasures to come. Maturity involves making choices; those choices are best guided by priorities that are in turn guided by your values. This is a fancy way of saying do what is right for you. However, since most people find that impossible, I thought I would break it down into a few steps.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

If there’s any tension between you and someone in a position of authority, check whether the playing field is level. Or rather, get an understanding of the ways in which it’s not level — in particular, noticing whether you slant things in a way that doesn’t work for you. You may not want to ‘play the game’, though does it really work to sacrifice your standing with people you perceive as being in a position of authority? How does that reflect on those who look up to you in any way? I suggest you consider carefully how your actions set you up for how you’re treated by others. Being rebellious is pointless at this time in your life; being inventive, innovative and most of all collaborative will work beautifully for you. One way to see how pointless top-down models of authority are is to see what it feels like when people rebel against you, then you recognize that you set that example. The way to be authentically powerful is to begin with respect: for people, for their feelings, for commitments, and most of all, for yourself.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

For all the care you provide for others, you desire the same in return. Well, you may not desire it so consciously but you know you need it. I suggest you begin the search for emotional sustenance and security where it matters most — from within. Taking over responsibility as your own primary emotional nurturer means assuming the role of mother, though in a friendly way. I suggest you not worry if you didn’t have the best role model of what a nurturing mother looked like growing up. You innately possess the instincts and natural understanding of how to love well. Love and affirmation are a feeling; a state of simply being which does not require you to ‘get it right’. These are organic processes that move you half way there just by attempting. Look first to yourself for acceptance and confirmation of worth, while reminding yourself you are precious and your vulnerability is beautiful. The idea here is not to push your self-sufficiency but rather to get you into receiving mode (from yourself first). Then as for your secondary support system, your tribe, consciously choose those individuals based on values that matter to you, not whether they are conveniently around. Determination of these people involves laying yourself bare to them in doses and seeing how they respond. Those to keep close are the ones who consistently walk with you through your emotional space, leaving their judgment at the door. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

There is creativity and there is mature creativity; the difference is akin to that between infatuation and solid friendship. While you cannot fake or force maturity, you can access the parts of yourself that are the most centered, and where you’ve learned the most from experience. One clue that you’re there is that you will feel a focused sense of authority over yourself, rather than a push or quest to be someone or something. Another is that you will respond with sensitivity to the circumstances of others, no matter how difficult or painful they may be. That’s usually natural for you, though you might not want anything or anyone to harsh your mellow. The best way to do that is to transcend the source of drama within yourself. Returning to the theme of creativity: in a similar way, I suggest you draw from a deep spot, and resist any temptation to be casual or glib. The result will be something truly authentic that will change you and — perhaps just a little — change the world.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

How are you feeling after this week’s Full Moon? There was, and still is, a theme of focusing your financial plans, and getting clear in any contractual or tax matters that you may be looking at. Taking action sooner rather than later will save you energy and effort. The interests of more than one person seem to be involved — check in with your relationship to a group, family or organization. Though you may be tempted to put the needs of others above those of yourself, this isn’t the week for that. I am not advocating unmitigated greed; I am suggesting that you keep your priorities in order, and make sure that your books are balanced and your financial house is tidy before you devote yourself to the needs of others. There would be one exception to this: you may be depending on the success of the whole group or organization for your own success, in which case I suggest you focus your priorities to that worthy objective.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

Take this month and sort out your investments, your cash flow and your overall financial picture. Really get a handle on what you have in assets (including non-cash assets) and what you have to deal with in terms of debt and other liabilities. Look at the whole picture on one page or spreadsheet and see if it tells you anything new. You may not want to make actual changes till later in the month — at least not till after the New Moon of Aug. 17 — though if you do a thorough assessment and set some goals that require you to stretch, you’ll be able to improve your financial situation considerably. If there is one big message here, it’s about aligning your values, your activities and your ideas about money. Your values are the root concept.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

Recent events have served to level the playing field of your life, giving you a more accurate perception of who has what power, and why. One result is that you’ve figured out you’re more influential than you think, which is a good thing because we’re talking about your existence. This would be a good time to consider any additional encumbrances that you have. It no longer serves you to be carrying around all of the unfinished business of the past — or to live with the feeling that you are. While you may not be able to resolve everything, all at once, there are one or two core issues that bind together nearly everything that troubles you. Over the next few days you will be able to recognize what these issues are and how they influence everything else. By focusing on what’s most important, you’ll be able to unravel what has seemed like a knot with no beginning or end. One clue I can offer is that this involves your sexual confidence. This question holds the key to your self-esteem, and your ability to see others at eye level.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

You may be feeling hemmed in or backed into an emotional corner. If that’s true, it’s essential that you keep your cool and take stock of your situation before you react or even respond. What you may be perceiving as a negative situation could easily be an opportunity for cooperation, lending itself just as well to a creative response. That’s all a matter of perspective — and how confident you are. I would propose a litmus test for your own life: if you have options, you’re safe, and your situation is workable. If you don’t like the options you have, be creative and think of new ones. If nothing else, the astrology of the coming week or so is designed to spur you into action on some of your most meaningful goals. This can feel like having a fire lit under your ass, or it can feel like responding to the call of destiny; the choice is pretty much all yours.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

Mars has changed signs into your solar 4th house — the one associated with your security base and living environment. This is an excellent time to get control over your physical spaces — though while you’re doing that, it’s also time to consider the issue of safety within your physical spaces. Let’s take that concept as a full-spectrum idea. This includes the emotional dimension and the quality of communication you have with anyone who so much as enters your private space. It includes doing a check for toxic substances: I recommend a purge of your garage, storage closets and under-sink areas. Every one of those products is more dangerous than you think. Mostly though I suggest you consider whether you are emotionally and sexually free. You may be feeling a push in this direction — and you may encounter some resistance, whether it’s from within yourself or whether it comes from a relationship partner. Follow your instincts, and understand what any resistance is really about.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You now get an extended opportunity to see what you’ve been missing. You’re used to keeping yourself entertained with certain stories about who you are and about the nature of your personality and certain deeper psychic levels. You’re about to discover that no matter how well you thought you knew yourself, you were missing approximately half of the story. What’s more interesting is that you’re likely to remember that you’ve actually thought of this all before; you just forgot that you noticed it or figured it out. Therefore, take a circumspect approach to everything. Check in with as many viewpoints as you can think of. Some of your best guidance is going to be coming from your dreams, which will be an effective way to look into your blind spots and dark corners.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

The bigger the challenge the higher you will rise to meet it. This is a moment of full engagement for you, though notably it’s subtler than it is dramatic. Indeed, drama is the last thing you want right now, and the first thing to defuse. Once you’ve done that, go for the soul connection. This feels like a point of contact that goes deeper than what people say their goals are, transcends appearances and even ideologies, and reaches to a level of core understanding. Normally we preoccupy ourselves with every other dimension of relating to people. The planets are aligned such that you are positioned for a breakthrough on understanding what this whole business of soul relationships is about. I don’t exactly mean your soul ‘mate’ because you’re likely to have more than one. I mean a perspective on existence that is readily accessible to you right now, and which has the power to ease your way in life like nothing else can.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

You may be familiar with that edgy region of consciousness right between the dream state and ordinary awareness. You’re working that edge these days, as the Sun makes its way toward your sign, preceded early next week by a truly interesting New Moon in late Gemini. You are in fact between phases of your life, though the more exciting thing is how a crack between the worlds is opening up and inviting you to peer inside yourself. The message that’s coming through right now is that you’re connected to everything, and at the same time, you have your own unique role to play in the world. You’re likely to get some specific information about this over the next few days. Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem to be a ‘large’ role — you are in possession of specific information that will be useful to others. Bide your time and take careful notes: you are approaching a real discovery.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

You have many opportunities for exchange open to you. Don’t worry if at first they don’t seem like the kind of plunge into the impassioned abyss that you’ve been longing for. When you’re wading out into shallow water, remember, it can get deeper suddenly and unexpectedly — and it’s likely to do so. Yet you won’t be out of your depth as long as you stay in communication with yourself and anyone with whom you’re closely involved. Communication begins with the prefix co, which means it should go both ways. Be responsive to what your own psyche is telling you. Be responsive to your environment. And notice what the people in your environment are telegraphing as individuals and as a group. The group dynamic is the one to watch with utmost attention — there’s a lot going on there, and you’re a more significant influence than you may think.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

One of my Book of Blue model friends, an actor and artist named Heather Fae, and I made up a mantra during a photo session one day: Free Phantasy. We decreed that the realm of one’s erotic imagination is rightfully an anything-goes space. Anyone you want is subject to the whims of your imagination, as is anything you want, no matter how inappropriate or unavailable it may seem. Within the space of consciousness, we have an innate right to think and feel whatever we want. It helps if we dare to allow anyone to think or want anything they want about us. We don’t have to advertise this fact — only admit that it’s likely to happen and not waste energy resisting. When we allow the imagination to run wild, it’s inevitable that we’ll arrive places that violate various social morals or ethics. Most people spend enormous amounts of energy pulling back or censoring themselves, which in turn can lead to conflict and even paralysis and sickness. Anything goes means anything: darkness and shadow are part of our psychic experience on Earth, and can be sources of pleasure and authentic healing of a deep inner split that you no longer need — and that in truth no longer exists.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Going deeper into your relationships is starting to come naturally to you, depending on one basic approach: being more yourself. Gradually over time, this has worn down your resistance to expressing and receiving actual feelings, as well as what seemed like the resistance of others in their approach to you. Now something else is emerging: healing an inner split that you may be discovering, even as it resolves itself. Indeed, the discovery is the sign that you’re making the progress on healing, so you have no need to worry about it. The reunion of you with yourself will manifest most noticeably in your relationships, where old problems with attachment, dependency and over-use of structure will seem to melt away. Though this transition might not happen overnight, it has started already — and you’re close to the tipping point.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

Sunday’s solar eclipse will help you let go of the negative expectations that have dragged you down for so long. I realize that life is not exactly a walk in the park these days, with all the stresses we face and far too much uncertainty, confusion and stupidity in the society of which we’re part. Yet you can support your own cause by allowing your fears and insecurities to be drained out of your psyche, as this eclipse suggests they can be. If you want to facilitate the process, do your best to relax. For now, all you need to do is allow. At least for the next few days, ease off on the pressure to achieve. If you have to do anything, do it in the most relaxed way possible, and when you can, gradually recognize that the things that have been sources of anxiety in the past don’t have to exist today. Practice being bigger than them, which should be easy, because you are.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

This is the weekend to spend as much time as you can out of the house. Circulate and socialize. Be your natural, expressive and emotional self. Notice the people around you and notice who notices you. Take any opportunity to be around people you’ve never met before, and stand in your confidence as you make one discovery after the next, and open yourself up to being discovered. If you’re someone who digs the Internet, take at least two or three occasions and put out something vividly real about yourself — what you consider your best creative work, your true vision or your deeper feelings about the world and where it’s going. Share your talent for the pleasure of doing so. We are in the midst of some rare astrological conditions that will help you send a vividly clear signal to exactly the right people. And while you’re doing that, keep your ears on and listen for what comes back to you.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

This weekend’s Scorpio Full Moon is an invitation to new adventures. The thing about adventures is that they’re not predictable, and there’s often a mix of experiences — though as you’ve learned in the past, it’s silly to let that stop you. It seems like one challenge you’re facing involves acknowledging what is past, and allowing it to be so. Any factor of ‘this cannot be’ or ‘I cannot have this’ is very likely the result of your reaching backwards, rather than embracing the future with an open heart and an open mind. There is also a fear factor involved, or rather what more accurately looks like the fear of fear. Said another way, negative expectations always work against you. While it’s a good idea to ground your positive expectations in something solid, the negative ones serve no useful purpose. They do reveal something useful about your relationship to history, or what may turn out to be ancient history.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

Something special happens this month — the Scorpio Full Moon coincides with Beltane, to the day. The chart looks like you become a magnet for many things that exist outside you or your personal space, that you would like to invite into your life more closely. This is absolutely positively the time to stay visible and be social, and to approach anyone you’re attracted to with confidence. Not everyone is going to respond — but that leaves many other possibilities. Keep the conversation moving. There’s an old rule about cocktail parties, where you’re supposed to circulate and not speak to anyone for more than five minutes. This allows you to taste the energy of many different people, while keeping the social environment light and flexible. From these encounters you will notice who you want and who wants you. Go for mutual — really, truly mutual.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

As the week progresses, spend time out of the house meeting new people. You are in a period of forming new bonds and connections with individuals, groups and the environment that contains them all. I understand the world is filled with a lot of groups whose purposes range from meaningless to having ideals and values that do not support yours. Yet you only need to discover what will actually serve you, which is relatively little in contrast to the whole. And, there is another process in motion — a subtle shift is bringing more individuals into contact with an idea you embody. You could say there’s a tribe bonding together around unhindered acceptance of each other’s true self as the thing of mutual value. Proceed from a place of seeing each new person you meet as a possibility for connecting with a larger group united by the idea of caring for one another. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

This weekend’s Taurus New Moon describes how your financial opportunities are expanding. Taurus is situated in one of the houses in your chart most closely associated with sources of income, and this is an area of your life that has been flowering during the past year — or at least the potential is there. I am aware that money is a huge sticking point for many people, and it’s not any easier when every time you look at a news website there is more economic bad news. If you’re the exception to the rule, it won’t be because you’re lucky — rather, it will be because you know what you want, and you know an opportunity when you see one. When you do, I suggest you act promptly, make a commitment and take action. You have already thought this one through five ways from Friday. You have sorted out the details; you understand the risks; you know what’s required of you.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

There’s no crisis — only a minor disturbance, and from that, you can learn a lot about how to use a challenge to create an invention. You seem to be working out some kind of mental puzzle — maybe several of them — which all point back to one basic idea: how you think. It’s special for an entity to be aware of its own awareness. It’s a kind of reflexiveness that distinguishes certain kinds of individuals, in particular, the ones capable of conscious change, because they are capable of being self-aware. An untrained mind is cumbersome. You are starting to learn some mental discipline, and you may have discovered that mostly means guiding rather than pushing yourself. As one born under such an intensely emotional sign, a significant element of discipline is the ability to detach a little, and not be carried so far, so fast, by your stream of feelings. Yet all of this is secondary to one truly useful discovery you’re about to make about yourself.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

Consider yourself a torch-bearer — not in the symbolic sense, but rather in the sense of someone who is carrying both energy and a visible light in the world. You may not be certain in the ways you’re doing that, though I assure you not only that you are, but also that you can do it more effectively. The key concept here is devotion — the force that moves you from within, with beautiful dependability. You may have to clear a lot of things out of the way to do this; certain things you want to do may lose priority as a result. Yet you’re able to focus your efforts on something that matters to you and to many other people. I would propose you’re doing a better job of this than you think, and that you have the opening to devote some of your energy to the things you’ve set aside. Make sure that one of these is the thing that’s supposed to be the number one priority to a Cancerian — your home.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

If you’ve ever wanted to advance your career, or launch a major new project, the time is approaching. Through April you have a series of gateways that are related to an idea or revelation you had in late March. This may not be a new idea, though what I see is that you’ve finally figured out how to put the pieces together into something that’s quite original for you. It’s crucial that you implement your plan in stages between now and late June. Don’t try to do it all at once; start with the basics, or with one solid core element, and gradually begin to refine and modify as you build. You can expedite matters by working within a small group, if that group is focused clearly on your goal, and understands it well enough to help with the refinements.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

What are you the most devoted to? You can measure partly by way of noticing what you do every day — and by what you want to do every day. Both are dependable metrics. Yet I would put the question another way as well: what are you willing to give up everything for? For what activity, mission or purpose would you trade it all in? I mean this mainly as a thought exercise: if there is indeed something that would be so amazing, so much fun, so incredible, that you would ‘sacrifice’ everything in your known life, you should know about it. Then, once you know about it, you might want to find a way to get moving on that aspect of reality without having to give up everything — just what you don’t really want. You might want to make a list of what you would gladly give up just for its own sake. I recognize the time pressures we’re all under, and how inflexible life seems to be here at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. Yet change happens. We do create goals and sometimes we even get there. Remember that.

Weekly Horoscope #896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale.

Professionally, you are breaking new ground, yet you may still have doubts about an opportunity that is being presented to you. Or it may be that others still have their doubts about the viability of an idea or your plan of action. Trust yourself and your power in a situation, rather than seeking acceptance or validation from others. You have what it takes to be real, and that is expressly what this task calls for — for you to be yourself. Also look closely at your mother’s ambitions for herself, and the things that held her back from achieving some of these. You are your own person and don’t need to give in to or subconsciously recreate the same power struggles that she did. You are a trailblazer and have a unique contribution to make to this world. As you stand in the prime space between the past and the future, you’re beginning to figure that out for yourself. In letting go of what you once thought success meant to you, you are freeing yourself to live your true potential. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

Success is an ongoing experiment — not a destination. Remember that this week, as the experiment proceeds in some interesting directions. To facilitate this, I suggest you stay vocal and visible. Announce your existence to anyone you want to make contact with, particularly people you look up to or admire. I suggest that the transition be a respectful approach to a colleague or potential collaborator rather than ‘fan mail’. Investigate organizations that you might want to be involved with — merely on the basis of the affinity that you share with them. If you look, you will see people, or networks of people, with whom you want to share your energy. None of this may get immediate results (but then it could very well). The one key is approaching from a place of openness and curiosity rather than attachment to an outcome; you’re in an environment of ‘expect the unexpected’, which actually means that the likeliest outcomes are not on your list. This one fact is good for at least half the fun.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

In the current political debate over sex there is the underlying assumption that sex isn’t spiritual. Have you noticed that? Making pleasure a moral issue in any way denies not only that it has some inherent right to exist, but that you’re somehow questionable as well. That might be true were we to define ‘spiritual’ as ‘that which does not approve of sex’ (or the emotion of desire). But if we define spiritual as ‘all that’s natural and real’ and factor in the spirit of freedom that’s supposedly our guiding principle as a society, that would clearly point to other conclusions. You’re someone for whom these connections are inborn, intuitive and interesting — sex is so much better when the natural associations are allowed to be what they are. There are all kinds of control agendas afoot right now, and your role is to subvert their action within your own life. Whether you tap into the highest levels of ethics or the most elementary common sense, liberty means leaving one another be. It also means you’re free in the midst of any debate, and not merely free to be powerful; I mean free to choose your pleasure.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

Be on the lookout for news about your professional life for the next few days and indeed the next few weeks. You’re in an extended phase of developing both your career aspirations and your reputation. And now the immediate astrology is making contact with the longterm astrology and there is a synergistic effect developing. I have a few suggestions for how to make the most of this. One is consider your goals a work in progress. Second, focus on what you’re the most devoted to. That may mean what you do the most of (that’s one way to tell what you’re the most devoted to) or it may mean shifting your priorities a little so that you give some of your energy to something you want to do or create, and be persistent about that for a while. This may be something you gave up at a certain point in the past, and now want to reconnect with or devote yourself to. I suggest you consider some of your most persistent desires and make sure that they are getting some of the energy they deserve. Keep the flame alive; add the fuel a little at a time, and tend the fire around the clock.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

Achievement does not come easily to you; you care too much about your fellow humans to lie, steal and cheat — the usual ways people find ‘easy’ success. That said, you’re in a moment where something special is about to open up, and it looks a lot like some kind of vibrant, beautiful success at something that’s deeply personal to you. But I would add a few words of caution. It’s still possible for you to make mistakes, and small mistakes can go a long way toward taking the momentum out of much greater possibilities. Therefore, no matter how brilliantly you’re doing, pay attention to every step and every communication. I’m not saying be stilted; I am saying be aware, correct your errors promptly, and understate your achievements. Pride is unbecoming of true success, and the world is watching.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

Pisces is the sign in your chart associated with faith and with long journeys. A New Moon in this house is setting your sails on a journey likely to take you across the oceans, be they metaphorical or literal oceans. This is a spiritual quest unlike few others in your lifetime, leading you to places you may only have dreamed of or that you didn’t even know existed. Whether this is literally or metaphorically, think of yourself as an explorer on a quest for a higher sublime truth. What you need to take with you now is an open mind, a sense of perspective and a philosophical approach on all that is emerging which will allow you to absorb a greater truth, elevating and expanding your consciousness; this will act as a beacon of light and wisdom leading your way forward. Enter this phase with the curiosity of a child without preconceived notions of what you might find. As long as you are willing to explore your ambitions, you will discover abilities within you that you didn’t even know you had. You can also trust you have and will make friends along the way, who are supportive of you and above all keep faith in a higher power that guides you. You are being liberated and if you could go anywhere, where would it be? This much freedom can be scary, but it is also empowering if you remember that ultimately your journey is your destination. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

With the Sun about to enter your sympathetic water sign Pisces on Sunday, there is some relief on the way, though till then I suggest you keep your focus on partnership issues, particularly where a group or organization is concerned. You may have figured out that there are too many people in your life for your comfort, and too many of them have access to you and your resources. You cannot just walk away but you can get clear in every situation where there is a need to be clear. Once the Sun changes signs, that’s your clue to spend some time away from the reservation and see what’s going on somewhere else. This will provide a change of scenery and put you into contact with people more in harmony with your nature. One advantage I’ve discovered about getting near the ocean is that it’s possible to see out to the horizon. You can look at the water and in a glance, know the conditions of the atmosphere. Whether you do this metaphorically or physically amounts to the same basic thing.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

This week’s Full Moon may still have you feeling like you just got off an entire afternoon on the teacup ride. Clearly, you’ve taken a few steps to renegotiate some of the more sensitive situations in your life, yet you likely figured out how much more you have to change. One particular situation where push came to shove contains a lot of good information for you, and I suggest you do some data mining and make the most of what you learn. There is something fundamental you can discern about your own nature and that of someone close to you. We may be talking about your relationship to a group. The truly important thing to focus on is how to make sure that your values, opinions and sense of presence do not take second place, or get swallowed by, some entity seemingly larger than yourself. Yet the way to distinguish yourself is not with how ‘different’ you are, but with the power and beauty of your gradually awakening sense of self-worth.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

There is a difference between the mental sciences — reason, rationality and authentic intellectual creativity — and spiritual exploration. The two rarely work independently of one another. We all know this. Intellect without some inspiration will put an insomniac to sleep. Inspiration and even love without some grounding in cohesive thought can lead to huge struggles and misunderstandings. You may feel some inclination to experience these two elements of life as separate ‘things’. Yet since both are products or results of consciousness, they point to something deeper. What is that something? We’ve all heard the expression, “I think, therefore, I am” — though often without realizing how brilliant it is. We could add, “I feel connection, I experience beauty, I sense something larger than myself — therefore, I am alive.” Yet what is back there, deep in you, doing all this thinking and experiencing and feeling and noticing? It all points back to something, and that something is trying to get your attention.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

You may be concerned that if you want to renegotiate a partnership situation, you’ll be giving up the whole thing. Whether this is true, or whether it’s an idea you have, amounts to the same thing — a feeling you have that could influence how you make an important choice in a partnership. I suggest you look at your history and see if you can find parallel moments, or one parallel moment, where you encountered a loss because you wanted to make a change, that would be helpful. Yet there seems to be something else going on: your need to let the past go. That this is easier said than done is not news to anyone, but discovering why it’s so challenging would qualify as an actual breakthrough. Here is a clue: What we call letting the past go involves two parts: one is reckoning with what happened, and the second part is embarking on something else. Which is harder for you?

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

A conversation this week is deepening your understanding of a relationship, revealing a sweeter reality than the one you’ve been clinging to. We tend to subconsciously base our expectations of relationships on the roles enacted in our childhood by caregivers, that is, until we get tired of running the same old dramas. What is the subconscious imprinting you need to let go of? You cannot control others, nor can you erase the past. But you can consciously let go of expectations, past resentments, anger, and fear and acknowledge your desires and needs to yourself first. Then you can be warm rather than scalding, and ask for what you need rather than demanding it and creating tension. You are in a process of building trust. Be less critical, keep an open dialogue and you can have the financial support, as well as the deep intimacy, trust and acceptance you need from a sexual partner and those to whom you are connected in flesh and spirit.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

Pay close attention to what aspects of a relationship or partnership situation are working, and which are not. You don’t want to wait around to find out what happens when you’ve got all the information that you need. Meanwhile, there are ways that you can contribute affirmatively toward a positive outcome. Much of what you’re dealing with in one particular involvement are your ‘hidden tendencies’ coming to the surface — tendencies which I would imagine you would let go of, if you could. The time has come to evaluate everything you say and everything you do on the basis of whether it adds or detracts from your quality of life and your quality of work. Many factors are compelling you to rise to the occasion of your life, as it is today — not how it was yesterday, or how you wanted it to be 10 years ago.

Gemini 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
You’re starting to see the light about a relationship or partnership situation that’s been a persistent mystery. You’ve figured out this situation in layers. Yet how exactly did you miss the obvious for so long? You’re in a good position to figure that out as well; this is the piece that’s 100% about you rather than being about anyone else. It involves your need for security, which has a way of leading you into situations wherein you don’t exactly end up being so safe. The safe place is not a situation; rather, when you find it, you will discover that it’s your inner orientation. This seems difficult or even impossible for many people to learn, though every factor in your chart is pointing to precisely this fact. Once you understand what projection is, it will be easier to see how your confidence or sense of belonging outside yourself not only distracts you from where that confidence really resides; you also miss opportunities to share with others as a result of making them into something they are not. This is no longer necessary.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

There are many levels of honesty, though they contain one another. The one to monitor now is emotional honesty. This is to say, are you feeling what you feel, and are you admitting to yourself what you feel? I mention this in connection with a particular relationship situation, which is trying to get your attention — though you may not be hearing the bell through the fog. I suggest you listen, and feel. You need the information that is trying to come through to you now. If you find yourself doubting anything, or pretending it does not matter, that’s the time to pay attention. But this is subtle, as you have to notice when you’re not exactly noticing, which is a form of double mindfulness. In the moment you wake up, you will make a discovery about someone that can change the course of your life merely for being willing to notice, and reveal a potential in you that you have long denied — and will be unlikely to let slip away ever again.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

It is often said that the truth hurts, though it’s much better at healing. The issue that often arises, though, is what you do with your fear of hurting someone because you tell them what you really need, feel or want. If you’re in a position where you need to do this, I have a few suggestions. One is remember that ultimately, you don’t need anyone’s permission or understanding. However, the benefit of a consensus is that it protects the integrity of the relationship. Real consensus is reached by a meeting on the level of the underlying values, not just the matter at hand. Also, I suggest you factor in the social conformity piece of the puzzle, which may be a central influence within the situation. The idea of ‘hurt’ may involve the fear of not being accepted. Yet there is a deeper layer: I suggest you be keenly aware of the unresolved pain that others may be carrying, even as you embark on your own commitment to a new level of healing. You don’t have to be a slave to that pain, or fix anyone — just be aware of your environment.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Actively cultivate your vision, both for your own life and for the world. Then hold that vision gently, and take a conscious step every day in the direction of expressing it. To do this, it will be necessary to look beyond what you think of as the potential in your current relationships. Whether you think of that potential as limited or extraordinary, whether your relationships are inspiring or distracting, there is something more that you have access to. At times this thing I’m calling a vision feels so subtle you can barely bring yourself to admit that it exists, much less to accept that you can manifest it. Other times you may engage directly in the controversy and sense of difference that seizes the world. And at yet other times you can feel the actual power contained in your vision, including the subtlety and the controversy. They are all part of the same thing. What I am saying, though, is that to bring this in fully, you need to look beyond the parameters of your current relationship involvements, whether personal or professional, friendly or hostile. Those relationships may, at some point, factor into what you do, and they may provide you with suggestions about what you want or don’t want. To attain your potential, you must be willing to take leadership, and for a while, that may mean accepting being misunderstood, or perceived as a threat to the security that others usually enjoy in your presence.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

I suggest you do an inventory of what you have said and committed to in the recent past. You’re about to experience a surge of what looks like crusading energy — and now is your chance to keep all your promises. Or at least it’s your chance to keep the ones that you want to keep, though I suggest you politely acknowledge the ones you don’t want to keep. The idea is to focus your energy on a few projects rather than many. It would be asking too much of a Gemini to get your ambitions down to one thing. Therefore, do what you must to condense your energy and rid yourself of unnecessary distractions. I suggest you do this as a conscious project. One clue for where to focus may arrive in the form of an unusual creative collaboration.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

You seem to be making a profound decision about yourself, though I suggest that as a metaphor you imagine that you’re putting on a glove. That’s the feeling — it’s a choice, and something that you slip into, contoured to who you are and what you want. It facilitates your dexterity rather than getting in the way. You can apply that image to everything you’re trying to work out in your life right now. The slipping in and the dexterity are emotional rather than physical — though the most physical aspect of the experience involves your use of time, and the way you fit your priorities into time. The conscious use of time is one of the distinguishing factors of maturity and adulthood. Factors in your chart are informing you that the time has come to get a handle on this aspect of your life, which also translates to knowing your priorities and then being in emotional harmony with them. The emphasis is indeed emotional; the hand slipping into the glove is your emotions fitting snugly into your mind.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Are you being driven by a false sense of survivalism? It may be disguised as defending your values, though I suggest you question whether you’re motivated by fear. This may be pushing you (for example) to believe the side of the story that goes against your interests. In any event, you need to be more skeptical of your point of view, at least for a few weeks, and be open to what facts come your way. Give everything and everyone a fair hearing, and allow an opportunity for reconsideration. Your tendency at the moment is to believe what sounds convincing rather than what is true. You may even forget that there’s a difference — and when that happens, usually there is something behind the scenes driving the impulse. This might be wishful thinking. You might be resisting looking within. You might prefer your fantasy over reality. In the end, there is no power in illusions.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

There’s no predicting the way a partnership matter will turn out in the end, though one thing is clear. It will take some focus to sort out the truth. As well, you will have to use scrupulous honesty to sort out your own involvement, and to assess the accuracy of your perceptions. Until you do that — and it may take weeks, rather than hours or days — I suggest that you refrain from saying or doing anything that might complicate the situation. Now is the time to pull back and observe, and most of all, observe yourself. You may believe that others are presenting you with an uneven playing field or a moving goal post. Yet it seems to be you who must focus your real objectives, desires and needs, and be realistic about whether your current circumstances can provide you with anything that might fulfill them. For a while, I suggest you consider anything you might say about someone else to be true for you. That will have the gradual effect of ensuring that you will say less, and that when you do, you will speak carefully, clearly and with a true measure of objectivity.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

Maintaining one’s independence is challenging in relationships, especially in a world where we seem to have two options — taken and not taken. Taken often involves signing a 100-page contract, and not taken can come with the sense of being a non-person. You’re finally seeing the futility of this, yet there doesn’t seem to be an easy way out of the paradox. It would be a cruel world where intimacy came only at the expense of a hostage situation, though for too many people this is what happens nearly all the time. You seem intent on going beyond this limited reality, or what could less politely be described as an emotional trap where your own needs and desires are used as bait. If you’re seeking your freedom without the corresponding sacrifice of closeness, make sure you notice those moments when freedom seems like a dangerous, unstable state of existence. Those are your best indication that the door is actually coming unlocked. Usually, an overwhelming sense of responsibility and the daunting prospect of failure, contribute to the sense that the fewer options one has, the better. Lately, however, you’ve become aware of a fact that verges on metaphysical: you are a distinct entity in the universe, responsible for the course of your own existence. You may be feeling it as a struggle for survival, and I assure you that your quest is precisely that. Don’t let anyone convince you of what is not true, but more to the point, don’t convince yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

It’s essential to know what you want from your relationship experiences, and what you want to offer. The emphasis is now on exchange. It’s also on taking certain factors seriously that you have neglected before: particularly the essential element of sexual healing that is such a strong theme in your relationships. It’s usually easy to pretend this one doesn’t exist — though not with Saturn in Scorpio pushing this to the point of immediate necessity, particularly since the Sun is about to arrive on Monday. It’s time to note certain facts of existence, and begin making decisions about how to approach them. Until then, I suggest you take advantage of a rare aspect which will help you find people in your environment with whom you’re in affinity. This will work on nearly any subject, though you have an opportunity to put it to use to make contact with others on this singularly avoided topic — the necessity for sexual healing. This theme will extend into your circle of friends as well as your family. If you’re feeling inhibition, get over yourself, and do what you know it’s time to do.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You seem to be struggling to understand someone else’s point of view, in light of recent unexplainable decisions they have made which have impacted your life. I think you already know where they’re coming from, and what you’re really trying to do is make sense of what appear to be contradictions between what they’re saying and how they’re treating you. This is not a situation you have to obsess over, and you could do yourself a favor by taking what you’ve learned to heart and moving on. Sooner or later, however, you’ll have to deal with your own difficulty trusting. There are days when it seems that every time you take a chance, you face some unexpected consequences. You would be surprised how much of this situation could be addressed by initiating a personal policy of direct communication. Make clear statements, ask when you have a question, and take account of what you learn. You’re acting as if you have secrets to keep, or as if your own motives are under a veil of some kind, when this is hardly the case.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Your survival instincts are pretty sharp right now, but don’t outsmart yourself. You would be premature to determine that someone is acting in bad faith, but on point to admit your doubts and seek out more information, as needed. It takes a wise person to know when they don’t know, and I suggest you cultivate this skill and the easy willingness to do just that. This is particularly true when it comes to assessing the motives of others, particularly now. You’re usually pretty good at this one, though at the moment it’s as if there is a cross in communication, a mistaken impression or a blind spot. This makes it especially hazardous to presume intent right now. Listen to what people are saying to you; I mean listen to their words and consider the context and inferences. Take everyone at face value until you have a reason not to (and one potential reason would be aggression). If you don’t understand something, ask, and if you need additional details or if you require someone’s help unraveling their thought process, ask for that.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

One role that Jupiter plays within our solar system is to absorb stray asteroids and comets, and as a result there are fewer that might strike the Earth. Currently Jupiter is in your sign — and there’s boundless energy coming at you from your opposite sign, Sagittarius. You’re subject to these incoming influences, which will arrive in a diversity of forms, and what they have in common is high energy. Some will be obvious and bold; others will be subtle, and change you in ways that you would never have predicted. As for the obvious, this may come in a diversity of offers to play, to engage with different beliefs and to wage a social crusade or two. As for the less obvious: pay attention when others are inviting or enticing you to compromise your ethics or to rearrange your moral structure. Such may come in the form of “well, now that I’ve had you do this [against your ethics], you may as well do this [even more against your ethics].” Remember that you become like the people you have sex with (this is based on a direct transfer of energy), so if you’re wondering why you’re becoming the way you are, pay attention to who you’re waking up with. The thing to remember is that for the next two months, you’re going to be deeply susceptible to influences that come from outside yourself. The key to managing this is choosing which of these influences to accept, and which to reject — at the first possible opportunity.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Your sign is associated with the health of the lungs, though I would take the story a little lower on the totem pole — your pelvis and any function associated with it: for example, your reproductive health. We live in an era when this topic has become a political bonfire, but it’s distinctly personal. It relates to how you feel about your body; what you do with and how you take care of your body; and what you tell your children. Now is the time to take care of all necessities related to reproductive health, as well as sex education. Start with educating yourself, going deep enough that you get answers to all of your pending questions. Then, make the information easy enough to understand so that you can relate it to your partner(s) and any young people who need to know.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

In order to understand the nature of a problem, you will need to take a chance. That may mean considering possibilities that seem risky, or point to potentials that you don’t want to consider. When it comes to understanding psychological and emotional dynamics, many people will avoid an idea because they don’t like what it implies. I suggest you treat anything like this that you encounter as opportunities, and even as low-hanging fruit. Meanwhile, I suggest you ditch the notion of a ‘happy childhood’, if such a thing influences you. Childhood is extremely complicated, we tend to forget most of it, and in truth, it’s never easy. Embrace the complexity of what you went through, and the contradictions involved, and recognize the fact that there are parts of you that are still aching from some of what happened. You’re also very likely to be carrying the pain of your parents, and at the moment, what your mother passed along to you is high on the agenda to be looked at, understood and resolved. Said another way: you are ready.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

Get ready for the pace of your life to pick up — and for an adventure that will take you through next week. This may translate to a wild ride, though in order to keep some control over your affairs, I suggest you stay a step ahead of yourself. Nearly anything or anyone that you’ll encounter is already in place, pretty much where you expected it to be. If you think things through, you’ll be able to eliminate most of the elements of surprise. That will leave you clear to consider your responses. I suggest that you err on the side of saying less rather than more; and that you take fewer chances with what you say and do. That’s going to be the challenging point, as you may be inclined to take bigger risks than are appropriate, given the challenges associated with the situation. I suggest you proceed slowly, taking one step at a time — and responding rather than reacting.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

You may be wondering what you have to give up in order to make someone happy, though I would ask whether any such arrangement can succeed at making anyone happy. I suggest you also do a little self-investigation and see where this is coming from. Everything has an origin, and this particular thought form is not an exception. One way to consider what you’re experiencing is an investigation of your relationship to authority. Any sense that something must be so, that is, the idea that anything is compulsory or will be enforced, relates to how you perceive authority. On this topic, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion coming through, seemingly from outside sources. If that’s true, I strongly suggest that you focus on your own needs, feelings and creative fire. Temporarily subtract everyone else and their agenda (or what you think their agenda is) from the picture, and see what you’re left to work with.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

You’re on the verge of a professional breakthrough, though you may not feel that way. You also may not recognize it when it happens. Indeed, you may have the sensation that you’re making far too little progress rather than taking a step forward, so I suggest you be extra vigilant about what you experience. I’ll give you three examples of how this might manifest; if none of them are specifically accurate, consider them metaphors. One is that your sense of weakness or lack of confidence manifests in an unexpected way. This might involve making emotional contact with someone you thought you had to impress. Another expression could be how revealing a vulnerability resonates with people you work with and deepens your relationship, opening up a sense of mutual respect. One other possibility is how being present for your own feelings, and unusually honest with yourself, stokes your confidence and allows you to do something you thought was unlikely or even impossible. To sum up, make friends with what you think of as your weaknesses, because they contain some of your greatest potentials.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Your emotional perspective, the filter by which you experience and interpret situations, changes like a photographer changing lenses — often. This makes for an interesting way to live for you, keeping your mind and emotions engaged, but at the same time it can be challenging for partners to understand how you will respond today since it may differ wildly from yesterday. Motivations for slipping from one emotional state to another may feel obvious to you, but those around you struggle to see your reasoning, a fact you may not notice. Helping partners understand you better will lead to deeper emotional intimacy in your relationships. Step one is to understand yourself before sharing your intricacies with someone else. I propose an exercise: sit down and talk into an audio recorder expressing your different emotional viewpoints and states. Play the recording back and take notes on the overlaps and points of contact between the seemingly different perspectives expressed. The commonalities will indicate some of your deepest needs; aiding you in verbalizing to a partner why you react certain ways in situations and what you are looking for from them. An already strong partnership will grow deeper from these efforts on your part. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Mercury has finally stationed direct. I experienced it like the lid being lifted off a boiling pot; the drop in pressure and temperature was palpable. I trust that the transition has given you the opportunity to take notice of some basic facts that you may have been denying. You will now have the ability over the next three weeks to revisit your observations, and reconsider some of your decisions, as Mercury will make several aspects for the third (and last) time of this cycle. You may not reverse yourself, though one way to know if you’re paying attention is that you start to see things differently. Your perspective is different from what it was even two or three months ago, and as Mercury makes aspects to Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, if you’re really looking, the world around you will look and feel different. This is because you are making deeper contact with yourself. Be especially mindful, however, if you find yourself trying to convince yourself of anything.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

As a Gemini, it’s difficult for you to get your life, or your mind, onto solid ground — and the current astrology is throwing one curve after another. However, the place where you can anchor yourself is with your words. This is always true for one born under your sign, however, now that language is being reduced to either biased spin or two-sentence chirps, I can not say this more emphatically. For the next week, Mercury will be slowing to a station, holding a long, exact aspect to Neptune. This rare event is a personal message to gather your thoughts and your creative vision, and to focus your mind — in writing. I don’t care how little time you think you have. Stop several times a day and write in your journal, and/or your blog, and/or develop a short-term plan of action (preferably all of the above — and if you don’t have some way to express your ideas to the community, now is the time to create one). You will feel better, your mind will relax and you will orient yourself on a new flow of income.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

Once again you’re getting a sense of the value of words. Yet I think you may need to increase your perception of that value, equating it with your entire reputation. Promises, spoken commitments, inquiries and statements of fidelity — in many ways your life hangs in the balance on these things. You are indeed judged by your ability to tell the whole truth, and to both speak and write with a measure of objectivity. This all might mean less were you not a Gemini, whose main form of focusing power and transacting life force comes through what you speak and write. That we live in a society where it’s considered normal to lie, not just in advertising and political speech, but also casually in conversations with nearly anyone, emphasizes the point. This is not your karma. Yours, rather, is to embody the truth that you’re as good as your word, and that your word is gold.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

You seem to be brooding over something when, by all rights, your life should be going pretty well. The central issue seems to be a struggle over something that’s shaken your confidence in yourself. I would ask, however, whether it was your actual confidence that was shaken — or your false confidence. I know that it’s not typical to think, Wow, that sequence of events really took a toll on my false confidence, but if you ask me, that’s the basic scenario. One aspect of this is doubting how smart you are, or how useful your knowledge really is. You would go a long way through clarifying those questions. You will go further by developing and deepening your mind. By this I mean reading and writing. Modern society’s concept of intellectual nutrition is the equivalent of high fructose corn syrup. This isn’t good for anyone, but you in particular need more — and you need it now. You need to read, you need to write, and I suggest you do so daily: not about yourself, but about the worldly subjects that interest you the most. Then, you’ll figure out how smart you really are.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

It’s time you recognize the value of your words. Indeed, I suggest you consider that what you say and how you say it are your most precious assets. If you were to keep that firmly in mind, you might say less, and you would ensure that any promise you make is something you’re fully prepared to honor. While Mercury is retrograde for the next few weeks, I suggest you consider any commitments you have that you haven’t come through on yet, and make a plan for what to do about them. You can renegotiate rather than renege; the most vital thing is that you have a clear understanding with whomever you have an arrangement, or with anyone to whom you’ve made a promise. If you go through your life systematically and settle your affairs with people, you will proceed differently when making commitments in the future. And remember — everything you say is a kind of promise.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

You’re at a peak of sexual power right now — which may be granting you some unusual charisma in every other area of your life. Your chart suggests you can have any fun you want, including access to people you might never have imagined possible. There’s just one caveat: impeccability with your words, and how they express your feelings. It’s not enough ‘to be honest’. What you want is to be precise. Your charts are so potent right now that you run the risk of not caring what other people might feel, how they might respond to you, or whether you will have exactly the influence you want. Yet if you honor the need for that precision, you will avoid most or all of the negative effects that can arrive when sexual energy is exchanged, or political power is used. Your longterm reputation is at stake, which is not a caution against having some serious fun; rather, it’s about making sure that fun is beneficial to everyone.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Jupiter is now in your sign for the next year — and that suggests some bold adventures are coming your way. The key idea to work with is different. If you have a choice between options for what to do, try the unfamiliar one. If you want to read, try an author you’ve never experienced. Stretch the bounds of your mind, approaching problems from new points of view. You have a lot to learn from older people who are not your parents; they have different information, a different agenda and no power over you except for what feels authentic and persuasive. Yet the thing to remember is that all roads lead to a spiritual question. That question involves the nature of your existence and the extent to which it’s possible for others to dictate who you are. You no longer need that kind of influence, correct?

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

You can now receive the benefits of something that you’ve been in possession of for a while. It may not be a thing, however — it more resembles a value that you hold close to your heart, a promise you’ve made to yourself or an idea about existence, which you’ve now decided to take seriously. You have every reason to be positive about whatever you’re committing to, or embracing your commitment to. It’s true that you have not fully let go of certain old tendencies, and you’re being reminded of certain qualities you possess that involve your ties to your parents. However, the center of gravity is leaning in your direction, and the faith that you possess is the thing that will get you past any of your doubts or perceived weaknesses. Therefore, you’re correct: this is the time to make all the progress you can, which by the way is more than you think.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

Some of the year’s most significant astrological events take place in your birth sign, the latest of which is Jupiter arriving earlier in the week. The Roman incarnation of the chief Olympian god, Jupiter is a complex influence, but I can say a few things. One is that this will provoke you to be more creative, to go deeper and to reach further with your mind than you have in a long time. You need to expand your sense of who you are, and Jupiter is here to help you with that. By that I mean this is the year you realize you are more encompassing, with more influence, and in some ways the center of your community. At the same time Jupiter will seem to magnify some of your issues, which you can count as a helpful influence because you need to see them in order to set yourself free from them. Remember that, because every other force in the cosmos seems to be offering you something similar: the gift of resolution.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

How much do you want to be influenced by someone else? Keep that question in mind; once you imbibe any influence at all, the effect could be a total and unexpected transformation. If you’re encountering someone you perceive as famous, you might want to consider your relationship to their notoriety. Does it serve as an example? Is it useful? Are you starstruck? Or are you able to set it aside entirely and meet them on mutual ground? That would be the best possible scenario, though this may require you to project yourself into the future a bit, and to imagine the person you’re striving to become. No role model is ever 100% what we want to be, and other factors indicate that you’re feeling more deeply than usual about your own goals and values. The most useful modeling you can do right now involves adapting learning methods that help you focus on what is most important to you.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

No doubt you’ve noticed that the pace of your life has picked up considerably since the eclipse in your birth sign that happened nearly two weeks ago. Events as they are developing will only concentrate the flow of experience, even to the point of putting you into a kind of time-warp. Tuesday’s Venus transit of the Sun happens in your sign, which is another way of saying it has personal meaning for you unlike for anyone else. It may even be occurring within a few days of your birthday, though in any event, what develops in these very days will influence your life for many years to come. There’s something here about recognizing yourself in your whole, undivided state, at one with yourself and your desires. There’s also an eclipse of the Moon in your opposite sign Sagittarius a day before the Venus event, which suggests that you have the ability to see past your attachments to others in a realistic way. This will allow you the freedom to take on the challenges of living in a way that is unencumbered by the past — or which, at least, keeps the past in perspective as something that has already happened. Many, many exciting and unusual things are to come — all of them supported by the cosmic gift of self-awareness.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

The Sun enters your sign on Sunday with some real fanfare — a solar eclipse on the very first day it’s there. This is hinting at a year of rapid advancement and many changes. While it’s too early to make specific plans, you can help by getting clear with yourself what you want. Once you know that, you will have a basis for making every other decision. Remember your desires don’t have to be ‘finalized’ in any way — you just need to be aware that you want some things and you don’t want some others. Other factors indicate that any secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself are about to come out in the wash. Those could include what you really want, versus what you thought you wanted; how you really feel, versus how you thought you felt; and ideas that might have occurred to you but that didn’t get a second thought. Self-knowledge is your best friend right now. Collect what you learn over the next few days — it will soon come in handy.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

The sky is warming up to a series of rare, amazing and most of all beautiful events in your sign, and your opposite sign Sagittarius. Have you felt the vibrations approaching, and the pace of events accelerating? I suggest you not worry if certain elements of your life seem unstable, uncertain or on the brink of some unexpected change. That said, you may just be feeling the approaching astrology as a sense of adventure. My suggestion as we approach these events is that you hang loose. I suggest you remain as flexible as possible, and surround yourself with people who make flexibility a way of life. There’s no way you can really plan for what’s coming, and in times like that your superior skill of human adaptability is your best asset. Keep looking at things — as in people, events and most of all, yourself — from as many viewpoints as you can. Move forward using curiosity like the bright headlight on a train, and know that nothing can stop you now.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Loyalty is only worthwhile to a point. The thing to ask yourself is, in being loyal to someone else, are you betraying yourself? This could be about anyone, though your charts suggest that the situation involves an authority figure, or a parental figure, of some kind. Consider this question carefully, because it illustrates a distinction that’s often blurred or even obscured entirely in the global crisis of self-esteem. I suggest you question the matter of authority, to begin with. If someone has this distinction, how did they get it? Did you grant them any power, did they take it, or was it in the fine print of the relationship agreement? It’s not too late to get out your magnifying glass and read the text carefully. And you’re right on time to make sure that even when you encounter or engage with someone who seems to be more powerful, or in a high station in life, you maintain your position as a fully-fledged human being — but only if you say so.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Gaseous elements cannot be touched, felt or examined without special equipment. But if that gas is brought into solid form, you can hold the material in your hand. This is happening to a number of ideas that have been just beyond the reach of your awareness. Like the process of centrifuge, this material is getting stirred up so fast that the critical pieces of information are able to crystallize into solid form. What is taking shape are ideas surrounding your calling in life and others’ roles in the development of that process. Your life is your own, though others are available to help you. For you, any discussion of an idea involves more than one concept or perspective; your mind works best by seeing things from multiple points of view at the same time. I suggest you work with this multiplicity of your highest goals and achievements and not see them as mutually exclusive. Not only can they co-exist in your life at the same time — they support one another. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

Over the next few days, you may get the feeling that you understand your fears better than you ever did. These may arrive in waves of psychological insights that shed light on certain factors from the past. When this process is flowing, you’ll be able to make connections to certain elements of your experience and your behavior patterns in this era of your life. Looking at your solar chart, I would propose a few questions. To what extent are you carrying around someone else’s sense of loss, disappointment or grief? Can you see how this has shaped your life? Your life is about what you have to offer. The more you offer what you have, the more you will discover what you possess. One of the few ways to feel safe is to experiment with the feeling and see what happens. I know this may seem like doing things backwards; you might think that one acts safe when one feels safe. Feeling secure is a matter of experience.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

I’m looking at your chart thinking: this has to be an interesting time for sex, or at least your ideas about sex, and discovering what you want. That’s something you’re fortunate to have available, and I suggest you use it to your maximum advantage. Yes, there is an uncomfortable edge, as if you’re having to stretch in a direction you’re not totally sure about: in particular, how it feels to respond to the erotic power of someone else. There may be an element of simultaneous attraction-repulsion. If you’re experiencing that, look no further than yourself for understanding. Your responses are all about you, no matter who else may be involved. Any sensation of approach-avoid can indicate the presence of hidden guilt. You may be worried about what ‘someone else’ would think if they knew what you wanted, or were experiencing with such pleasure. Go past that and see what’s on the other side.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You may have all the pieces of your plan in order, yet may be lacking the confidence to make your first moves. You have time to collect the various elements of what will constitute solid emotional ground, just remember — even when you have them all, you may not feel like you’re standing on concrete. What you’re seeking is motivation, and you’ll get there more efficiently if you figure out why you’re hesitating. It’s not because your plan is bad or poorly thought out. Rather, you seem to have an attachment to something in the past, and this is acting like a snag. You’ll know this is true if you’re involved in what feel like endless emotional details. This kind of obsessive thinking can eat most of your energy and all of your gumption. Make sure you understand what happened in the past, and take the steps to resolve it if necessary. Those events have nothing to do with what you’re developing now.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

You may not know why you’re feeling uneasy, though that doesn’t mean there’s a good reason for it. Still, you have little to lose by being just a little extra cautious over the next week or so. Apply that to all the usual modes of honoring the precautionary principle. If you notice a smoke detector has a low battery, put in a new one. Regard the low-energy nightlight as one of the great electrical inventions ever. Rest when you’re overtired, especially if you’re driving or doing anything potentially hazardous. These are just good habits to be in, but there’s something else offering benefit, which is being mindful of your environment. I suggest you do this as a zen-type exercise. Notice everything. Clean or put back into place everything you touch. Patch leaks and tighten up anything loose. Finish up any projects that you left for a later date. Do this for its own sake, though I assure you, you will learn more in this process than you ever learned from a book.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

Mercury is retrograde through April 4, and the few days surrounding that date may come with some turbulence, particularly in leadership situations or your professional life. Two suggestions may help you navigate these waters. Don’t push; rather, turn gently, and feel the movement of the currents around you. Second, insist on total honesty with yourself, and settle for no less from the people around you. In the spirit of ‘not pushing’, you may simply need to disregard the views of anyone who you discover lying. Or you may need to gently call them out. If the situation involves someone in a position of authority, be clear, be direct in a gentle way, and note how the perception of your authority or responsibility is influenced by your actions, though without that as a specific goal. Summing up in two words: Listen carefully.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale

“People are strange, when you’re a stranger. Faces look ugly when you’re alone,” sang the Doors. People are strange indeed and although your world is expanding now there is a part of you that doesn’t entirely trust a situation that seems to be taking more than it is giving. An unexpected development calls for deeper confidence on your part, to move boldly forward even when another part of you is retreating. Current developments will work in your favor if you use them consciously rather than taking events passively. There is more freedom here for you than any sacrifices you fear you might have to make. You may have your doubts about a friendship or situation that touches a little too close to home, but this is no reason for you to feel alone or afraid of what is unfolding. As crazy as people may act, take them at face-value and let your sincerity and best skills lead you, as you grant others the trust, acceptance and freedom they need to be themselves. Expectations are a disappointment waiting to happen. The opposite action would be to have faith in people and see what they do when given the chance. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

You cannot control how people perceive you, so you might not want to put too much energy into pretending that you can. You can have a lot more fun being yourself with no particular attempt at spin or image control, and noticing how other people respond. Push the bounds of what’s considered appropriate. Say what you don’t usually dare to say, and go one layer deeper. You may find yourself in unusual company, as in among people you don’t usually hang out with, and also entirely different kinds of people than you’re accustomed to. The truth is you’re a lot more like them than you may think. You are one of the slightly odd, eccentric, creative critters that people look up to because they have that extra edge of freedom. What your charts are suggesting is that now is the time to embody that in a bold way. There is indeed freedom in not caring what people think, but at the same time learning something from how they respond.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Now is the time to be a politician, and I mean that in the best sense of the word: someone who can work any situation for maximum benefit, who can work the crowd and who is in control of their image. I suggest you boldly advertise what you think is your best idea, and give those discussions time to propagate. Gradually certain specific goals you have will gain popularity, and those will in turn fit a larger pattern that will follow the scheme of bigger plans. If you’re working with others, don’t delegate the part of your plan that involves public contact. You’re the one for that; you’re the one with the charm and the charisma. In particular you have the gift of being able to engage anyone in any conversation, which has a way of building trust. More to the point, you’re the one with the idea. Even if someone tries to persuade you to have second thoughts or give equal weight to alternatives, trust where you’re going. The so-called alternatives will make handy places from which to adapt improvements and enhancements to your far-superior plan.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

You can safely let the tensions of the week go. It seems like people around you were feeling a bit revved up and expressive at the same time, and their reactions may have left you feeling some shade of insecure. Or rather, they may have affirmed certain pre-existing insecurities you’ve been experiencing, which in turn date back to old material. It’s strange when something someone says in the middle of your adult workday relates to some feeling you had when you were five years old, but it happens. There’s a significant relationship between what you have experienced in the past and what you’re experiencing today, though it’s here for a reason — so you can work it out and get yourself free from any snags that have persistently held you back. I will give you one clue from your chart — you don’t need to be popular to be successful. But you don’t need to be unpopular either. It would help immensely if you feel good in your skin.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

This is a magnificent moment to both shine and do so in a way that is actually unique, meaning unique to you alone. You have no obligation to conform to anyone — you never did, but the temptation is always present. I don’t suggest you be different for its own sake, but rather that you have a license to celebrate and pursue your dreams while honoring your integrity as an individual. This shows up many ways, but most vividly in your freedom to have your own viewpoint of a situation, which may differ from every single person you know — and especially in pursuing a quirky, unusual and rather daring dream that you’ve been keeping to yourself for a while. The beauty of the moment is that you are already the person you wish you could be; now all you have to do is get out of your own way.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

An extraordinary New Moon in the angle of your chart associated with career and reputation is setting you on a journey of discovering your dream mission in life. You may feel like a goal you have is rather elusive. But rather than set your sights on success, go deeper to investigate what feels good to you in your soul. If you chase your 15 minutes of fame, you will likely get it, but then be disappointed. Clarify your ambitions and consciously let go of illusions of success or superficial, shallow ambitions, ideals of glamor or maintaining some kind of public image. Then you can sharpen a vision and focus your energy on a goal that truly has substance beyond what is currently apparent. This is also something that can have a greater real impact than you imagine, and this New Moon is bringing you a sense of this. You have benevolent support for your most soulful ambitions, and even from partners who may seem distant or too far to reach. But ultimately you are the captain of your ship and only you can decide what is worth your energy. You may have had your fair share of disappointment and what you consider to be “failure.” But these have all been a process of learning, and you don’t need to let your past stand in the way of who you are becoming. As long as you are anchored in self-awareness you can chart your course and navigate your way toward the success you’ve dreamed of. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Your current focus on your professional life is about to intensify — and you’re about to see whether your hard work has finally yielded any actual results. I have two suggestions. One is that you not only act and dress the part of success, but stand fully in the character of success. This is not merely about changing your affect; it’s about an internal shift where you orient on your goals. That said, there is a certain element of stagecraft that will come into play over the next week or so, where appearances will count for more than they usually do. You will be in a spotlight of some kind, and it’s essential that you work with this factor. It will count in both your visual appearance, the way you present yourself in spoken words and in writing, and most significantly the vibe that you put forward. Certain aspects indicate that you might be inclined to bend the truth or present two sides of a story; this is not the time to play any games at all with your integrity. Be clear and make sure there are at least two people close to you with whom you can reality check.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

As you’ve figured out by now, most spirituality has nothing to do with spirit and most religion has nothing to do with anything Divine. The substitute or the excuse is not the reality, though there are many who would — and do — confuse the matters. You cannot afford to be confused, though at the moment it could happen easily. The most likely entry point for misunderstanding is going to be false belief, so I suggest you subject what you hear and what others try to persuade you to an extra high level of verification. This would count for anything that you find is emotionally disturbing or where you get the sensation that you’re shutting down because you’ve encountered some information. That shutdown sensation may be precisely the clue you need to know that something is simply wrong. But doing nothing about it is not a useful option. At the very least, a clear decision is called for.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Neptune now joins Chiron on the angle of your solar chart associated with achievement and reputation. For most people this would be challenging, because Neptune is difficult to grasp. But you’ve always had Pisces on this angle, and Neptune and Pisces are good friends. Chiron is currently on this angle as well, and Neptune and Chiron function well; you can think of Neptune as the paint and the idea, and Chiron as the discipline and refined talent that will help you express what you want. There is a catch, however. Some of the most amazing energy is focused in an aspect of life that you may not normally feel so ambitious about. Perhaps it occurs to you that you may create something special or leave your mark on the world, but in truth, do you? Now you have two compelling, longterm influences in this house. To accomplish anything, you will need to work diligently over a number of years. You will need to respect your own ideas. Most of all, you must be the very example of ethics.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

The issue of whether you feel safe on the planet is the essence of the forthcoming Mars retrograde for you. In our time of history, when it’s impossible to feel too threatened and when there’s no such thing as a long enough password, and when (as The Onion put it recently) 98% of Americans are afraid of 98% of Americans, feeling safe is an act of faith. Fortunately, that’s the very door that’s opening for you right now. Ultimately, all the reasons you can give yourself for not thinking you have enough, or contemplating all that could go wrong if you take action, or all the seemingly external pressure you’re under, add up to very little. You will end up trusting your situation because you don’t have any other choice. Now, if you can work backwards from there, you will see that you have more reasons to trust what is actually true than to trust your anxiety, which only misleads you.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

Powerful changes are taking place beyond your control, particularly in a financial situation or sexual relationship you fear you cannot live without. Confront any fears you may have honestly and investigate your values surrounding sex, marriage, money and commitment. You can then consciously uproot those that prevent you from going deeper within a commitment and exploring the beautiful opportunities beckoning on the horizon. Our world can be harsh, but as long as you play fair and are conscious of your own motivations, you don’t need to fear being taken advantage of or losing anything or anyone precious to you. If you are feeling a sense of loss right now, trust this is creating space for something rather heavenly to enter that can enrich your life, lifting your spirits and heart. Financially as well as emotionally you’re on solid ground. Loosen your grip and you can be liberated to discover just how blessed, loved and safe you truly are.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

At the moment, you seem to be at the mercy of what a partner is going through — and you probably think you have little influence over the outcome. The more appropriate thing to be wondering about is whether you want any influence, and if you did, what exactly it would be. The situation seems more clearly designed as something you will have to adapt to, which is another way of saying you’re dealing with a force much larger than yourself. What you experience may seem on one level like you’ve reached a turning point in a relationship, but what’s really happening is that you’ve arrived at a point of no return in your own life — and the relationship is just a reflection of that. Remember the Serenity Prayer, and remember that the most important part of that is ‘the wisdom to know the difference’ — and I would add: then you have to use that information well.

Aries 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis

You have seen the ways that working with precision and high focus benefit you. Now the focus is on ethics. This is a bigger problem, because in our current version of the world, good work is sometimes rewarded, while honesty is not. But you’ve reached the point where you no longer have a choice in the matter. Looking at your charts, one could say you’re under too much scrutiny to involve yourself in any kind of monkey business. This matters a lot less than your conscience, though it may be that the spotlight you’re under is making you feel like you had better pay attention to your image. Go deeper. Consider the influence of your actions, your choices and your point of view. It’s much more significant than you may think, and people are picking up on a lot more than your appearance. It is your thought process that counts the most now; how you work out the logic of right and wrong. It’s clear that you have big ambitions. Make sure you get where you’re going with sincerity, kindness and respect.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

Just because something is dressed up in ‘spiritual’ terms or spoken by an allegedly holy one, that does not make it true. What is said or written by the Dalai Lama, an eminent scientist or a venerated author is not true just because they said it; it has to be true on its own merits. By the same logic, something spoken by one allegedly stupid or insane is not wrong because that person said it — it too must be subjected to a test that’s more rigorous than whether you believe it. You have the intellectual and intuitive discernment to assess what you hear or read, and I would propose that this is the time to use it. Is a product safe? Is a claim that someone is making actually valid? Does an idea hold water? Your mind and your intuition may disagree at first, but if you subject all incoming information to rigorous scrutiny, it won’t be long before the two are in agreement.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

There is ambition, and there is aspiration. Ambition is associated with hubris — the tragic flaw. It’s about gaining advantage at any cost, including one’s integrity. Aspiration is about the desire to grow, to excel and to succeed. Now is the time in your life when you have the opportunity to sort out the difference, which is not so well understood. While this has been developing as a theoretical issue for a while, now the ‘what ifs’ are starting to manifest, and you can examine the results of your choices and your actions. The key difference between ambition and aspiration is that one requires suspending personal growth and the other requires that you involve yourself fully in it. It is easy enough to push people into doing what they don’t want to do; they are used to being taken advantage of. It is challenging to think ethically, and to consider the greater good in every decision you make. I suggest you pause and do just that, because you are entering a moment of instant karma, where it all comes back to you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Being weird is not enough. Having no fear of being perceived as weird is essential. This will help insulate you from any misguided impulse to sacrifice your individuality or conform to what some authority figure wants you to be, and I assure you that the temptation will be there. Yet experiencing the tension between ‘rebellious’ and ‘conformist’ is not enough to guide you, on its own. You must do something subtler, which is trust that your self-guidance is more effective than anything any ‘leader’ could provide. Worship of authority is one of the most common forms of the mommy/daddy drama that adults, by definition, have resolved and put behind them. Getting clear about these things will allow you to step into the bold place of being an actual creative person, rather than an iconoclast. Of course, one persistent icon does need to be taken off of the altar, and that is your self-image. Remember that actual self is stronger, more influential and more beautiful than any mockery of it could be. Therefore, avoid glamour, fashionable trends of belief or doing anything for the sake of appearances. If you can do this, you will guide yourself deeper into the confidence that you are the only leadership you need. To many this will seem like a dangerous place, and it just may be. I suggest you equip yourself with a few more tools. The most important one is honesty, by which I mean the willingness to know yourself, and call something what it is.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

Everything is not true, though the power of belief can be persuasive. Yours is especially so right now. Make sure you believe what is true, and in order to do that, you must subject your perceptions to some scrutiny. There’s an intricate relationship between what you believe, what you believe is possible and what you want. As you filter out what is not true for you, you will make room for what is. That will help you focus a vision for the next year of your life. I suggest that you use an unusual celestial alignment to reach for your biggest, most significant, or most dearly held aspirations. As you clear the little stuff out of the way, and let go of outdated plans, you’ll become aware of the gems. These are the ones to develop; they are fertile seeds.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

For a child, work is play. That’s the space to get yourself into as you reach for some of your best accomplishments of the year, or indeed the past few years. It will be easier to use astrology to describe this. There are two things going on in your solar chart right now. One is that Mars is about to reach your midheaven, the career and achievement angle in a chart. Pluto has been there for a while, warming up the territory; Mars (the Aries planet) arriving there represents some tangible, conscious move on your part. There is the potential for you to over-reach or push a little too hard on the power attribute of Mars conjunct Pluto, so I suggest you take it easy and focus on the work at hand rather than making it about you. Meanwhile, the meaningful asteroid Child has arrived in your sign. This is suggesting to appreciate the moment you are in, to look at the world through young eyes, and to maintain what Buddhists call beginner’s mind. There are several ways these points could interact: at worst, childish tantrums or control dramas, and at best, a fresh, ongoing appreciation of work well done.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

It’s time to take the high road, no matter what anyone else is doing, saying or trying to convince you of. By that, I mean a peaceful approach, and one that’s connected to the ‘something much larger than yourself’ that you’re likely to be feeling right now. Stay in contact with that feeling, and the perspective that it can offer you. This will help you see the personal events of your life in context, including how you respond to people in your environment and how they respond to you. You seem to be grappling with a question of sincerity, perhaps on your own part. If you’re feeling uneasy about anything, ask yourself if you’re in denial of what should be an obvious fact. Then ask yourself what might be motivating you to feel this way. Is it wishful thinking? Are you afraid to admit something? Are you concerned you might offend someone? Whatever the reason may be, keep your wide perspective. Remember that we are in a kind of dance of growth and evolution and that everyone is involved, including you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

What is someone close to you going through? More than you may imagine. And this may be more than you want to address if somehow your actions are being associated with any problems or instability that someone close to you is facing. Your actual level of responsibility remains an open question, so rather than coming to conclusions I suggest you check back over the past few days (or longer) and investigate the ways you might be accountable. Take responsibility for what you know is yours, which includes making different choices. That’s both a gesture of integrity and of goodwill. However, this situation goes deeper; there are other influences, some of them involving pain from old psychological scars. It may take someone you care about some time to identify the cause of their pain; the best way you can support that process is by not seeking attention, not offering ‘spiritual solutions’, and generally keeping your suggestions to yourself. Instead, pay attention to what is going on for you. Investigate your own past — there is likely to be a parallel situation in your own life, and you will benefit from taking care of it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

The time has come to go beyond belief. In fact, I suggest that the moment you find yourself ‘believing’ something, that’s the time to question it. By this, I mean ask yourself a series of questions, check every fact, and persist in going deeper, over an extended period of time. You’re about to encounter a situation where this kind of mental rigor will be essential both to your happiness and your financial wellbeing. The setup is essentially that you’re headed for making a decision that seems good at the time, only to doubt yourself, only then to find out that you have regrets. You can avoid this whole thing by pausing and getting the facts now. I recognize that this kind of attentiveness can be off-putting to others. Having information is a form of power, and refusing to go blithely on belief, or simply to accept others at their word, can be off-putting. You might feel guilty for challenging others. The most important thing you can do, besides having some healthy skepticism, is to be polite. Persist in seeking specific facts and numbers, which will take a few more weeks (into early December or a bit longer). Meanwhile, if you’re moving forward about anything and you still have your doubts, slow down the move. Build in some delays, and hold your cards until your knowledge starts to reach a tipping point. That’s a moment of truth, and it’s better when this happens before you’re committed to something you can’t get out of easily.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Why oh why is sex such a secret? I know enough about the history of sex to be aware it’s been this way for a while, and across many cultures. The topic of what people do naked, or think about doing, or want to do, almost always has a taboo over it. Yet the conspiracy, the cover-up, the dishonesty and the impulse to power that we see in our society certainly have a special place in the trophy room of history. Right now it would seem as if you’re trying to contain something about yourself, something you’re concerned others, or someone in particular, might discover. Though this may have an answer that seems obvious, what exactly is your concern? What do you think will happen? I suggest you spend the weekend getting clear about what exactly you’re fearful of. I also suggest you ask how you would respond if someone close to you had a similar concern about your discovering something. Once the Sun changes signs to Scorpio Monday, you will feel how good it is to let the light into dark places.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You have unusual access to the secrets of loved ones and partners. You may simply be aware of what they’re thinking and feeling, as well as what they’re not saying. Or, certain factors may be conspiring for them to divulge long-concealed information to you. The question is what you do with that information, since it evokes the concept ‘knowledge is power’, and provides a certain basis for decisions that you didn’t have before. I suggest you keep your options open and not make any decisions that would be difficult or impossible to reverse. Trust is the thing you want. As part of that you can trust your own influence over your most intimate circumstances, including where emotions, money and creative potential are at stake. One reason to bide your time is that you’re still in the process of coming out of denial about certain facts of which you’ve been in denial, and the tables may turn soon enough, requiring you to depend on the goodwill, compassion and fairness of others. What you put out will come back to you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

You may not be where you want to be. You may not even know quite where you are or where you’re headed. It’s almost as if some odd wind of fate has delivered you somewhere unfamiliar — literally or metaphorically — and you have to reorient continuously. Start with your immediate surroundings, getting information from those who may be more familiar with the immediate environment or with recent developments. Avoid emotional or financial survival mode, and try to see your situation as a kind of open-ended adventure. The primary theme is trust — trusting yourself, the people around you, and what seems to be a situation where you don’t understand why your options feel so limited. Actually, the only real limitation is a narrow perspective that you seem to get caught in. This may involve the feeling that a partnership matter has turned dark, though I suggest you do your best to stay optimistic and to keep the conversation going with partners and loved ones, particularly where money is concerned.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

The time has arrived to carefully consider the role of religion in your life, in society, and in the place where the two meet — which is where you make your most personal choices within the context of society. Your charts tell the story of someone who goes from making their decisions more or less autonomously, to then suddenly making them in the context of numerous outside influences that vie for which of them will run your life. One of those seemingly outside forces is religion, as if you have some kind of stunning awakening, conversion experience or revival of belief. This could be productive, and who knows, it might be, though your charts describe a scenario of both getting high on power and also of restricting your emotional and erotic freedom in the name of purity. I suggest you start with the notion that there is no such thing; even under laboratory conditions, actual purity is rarely attainable. Within the psyche, there is so much churning around and such a mix of elements that denial would be a more suitable word. I suggest you save yourself a lot of conflict and remember that you’re human. As such, you have both sexual impulses and also the impulse to a relationship with the mysteries. We’re basically forced to convert ‘the mysteries’ to some notion of God or higher power, who invariably wants you to be a better person. It’s time to question whether any of this is really true.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

What is a healthy level of dependency in your relationships? There are two ways to answer: one is whatever degree feels helpful and functional, understanding that we need one another. The other is the level of dependency that supports your pressing agenda of being a more independent person. You have many options open along these lines, though what I suggest you remember is your drive for freedom from codependency (choose your definition of that word) and the many reminders you’ve had that you’re on the right track with this agenda. At the same time, notice the many ways that relationships as we think of them are often places where giving up independence is one of the first requirements. You’re walking a fine line in sorting out this material, though I am sure you recognize the time has come to work this out.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Whether a relationship or partnership holds any promise as a long-term involvement remains to be seen — though events certainly seem to be moving quickly at the moment. The speed of developments is not a fair indicator of how things might work out in the future, though how you and whoever else is involved move through the sequence of changes certainly is a valid indicator. This is a real-time experiment, under field conditions; this is not about speculation or theory. You’re actually in the territory you want to be covering, and this experience will come with excitement, sense of risk, the emotional exchange and being turned back on yourself to process the experience, basically all at once. Pay attention to how events develop, how you feel about them, and what you notice about the dynamics of the relationship. Notice whether you feel the truth is being told, pay attention to how responsive others are and how you feel at the end of the day. I suggest you take notes, because there are too many details to remember them all. This is one situation where the end really is written in the beginning.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You may feel like you’re using your work as a distraction from relationships, though the things you need to address with partners will be presenting themselves soon enough. It’s likely that they will take initiative, though you’ll need to do some sorting out to determine what’s really on the minds of the people close to you. Take some time; give yourself at least a day or two between learning something and deciding what it means. Meanwhile, you seem to have a lot on your plate, in terms of what you need to get done, and you may have the feeling that time is closing in. There are a number of projects that have a one-week time frame on them, though several that you will need to complete by the end of Friday (or Saturday at the latest). That means you’ve got to prioritize, based on relative importance, and on which projects have been delayed the longest. Once those are out of the way, you’ll feel better.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

This is a good time to consider your situation from a spiritual perspective. To do this you will need to explore not just the concept of ‘spiritual’ but also your relationship to the unseen world, and the way that your beliefs influence how you experience this. What I see in your chart is that there are some false beliefs that you accepted, or that were foisted on you, that bear no relationship to your true sense of God/the cosmos/your higher self. Well, none except that they stand in the way. So this process starts with an inventory of what you believe, which in turn can lead to an inventory of what you know. You can also make a list of all of the properties you believe God has, and then investigate how this contrasts with what you walk around telling yourself from moment to moment, or better still, what beliefs prompt you to take action. Here is a simple equation: What you act on is what you have faith in.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

You may notice your sex drive coming back — or coming on strong, if it hasn’t gone anywhere. Either way, I suggest you stay in contact with whatever process you went through earlier this year, which in part involved some unusual healing experience, and which in part involved changing how you think. You learned something about yourself, something that may have presented you with a real challenge, and it involved the intersection of where your sexuality meets your mental and physical health. The emphasis has been on the well-being side of the equation; it’s now shifting in the direction of being more erotically adventurous. I suggest you review what you learned — and keep it in mind as you experience the adventure of the next four or five weeks.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

After many months of delay, discomfort and frustration, you’re at a point where you can open up your energy, feel who you are and allow others to do so as well. Yet while Mars in Scorpio is offering you the opportunity to merge with others, I suggest you stay connected to your sense of who you are. One thing you’ve gained during the past year is a new sense of your own presence on the planet, and some clarity about how good it feels to remain centered. This is difficult to gain and easy to lose, so I suggest you be clear that, as good as it may feel to merge with someone else, keeping a focus on your inner awareness is a higher priority. Said another way, no matter what you may have with anyone else, spend some time alone, spend some nights sleeping alone, and invest energy into taking care of yourself. And if you happen to not have that kind of company and you want it, focus on being open to your desires, and on taking that sometimes scary step from fantasy to reality. What is reality? It’s something you experience, that you can describe.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Understanding your desire, then applying it to intention before letting that aim inform your actions, brings continuous energy flow and a feeling of grounding. Currently, you’re working through a seeming obstruction to your desire-intention-action pathway. You may be feeling an inner push to act on a relationship matter without knowing why you want to. This disconnect between desire and action may be leaving you feeling frustrated. I suggest you ease up on both your relationships and expectations of yourself. Internal blocks will naturally dissolve over the coming weeks, but require patience as situations work themselves out. Place important conversations and decisions on hold until after the New Moon. Information becomes available which will aid you in knowing what you want and where you wish relationships to go. Specifically, your needs in terms of partnership structure are changing to better suit your authentic self. As you make new realizations regarding yourself, you will be freed up to then act in an important relationship. This process brings a greater realization of how to step into your authority to be the conscious architect and artist of your life. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Whatever else you may have in mind, be careful to avoid a showdown. There are many ways to handle your present situation, and that would be the worst option. The best option is some form of diplomacy, which requires a healthy respect for authority. Part of that includes staying within your authority in any partnership or relationship matter, and not assuming privileges that you don’t have. Therefore, make sure you err on the side of humility for the next week or so; be deferential but not patronizing. You may start to get the feeling that the pressure is mounting during that time, and that’s your cue to take a breath, observe, and make sure that you’re taking things one conscious step at a time. Whoever you’re dealing with is feeling more vulnerable than you may be aware, and your gentleness and conscious choice not to push or bring matters to a head will be greatly appreciated.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You need to find a creative outlet, or use one you already have. This could be to address some anxiety or concern that’s troubling you; or you may have an idea or desire brewing, though you’re not sure it’s worth acting on. Whatever the energy source, your solar chart says it’s time to get it out. Your doubts seem to be as active as your curiosity is, so there may be an element of daring or courage required. A straightforward reading of your current aspects describes acting on a fantasy or desire. This may be something you have to tease out of yourself, or persuade yourself to stop pretending you don’t want — though if you’re too persuasive you may end up talking yourself out of it. Lead with your curiosity, which means curiosity about yourself. If you have a playmate to explore with, be open about the fact that you want some help playing out the scene you’re envisioning, for your own sake. This may involve role play that casts you as someone other than who you’re comfortable being in ‘real life’ — but who you’re burning with curiosity to experience.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

Act now to avert an unnecessary standoff in a relationship. Notice that there’s some pressure building. There needs to be a vent for that energy, and it has to be handled consciously so that it doesn’t turn toxic. Notably, responsibility for this situation may seem to rest with a partner; you have been collecting evidence of that. Yet you’re in the scenario as a kind of provocateur. Therefore, I suggest you listen rather than provoke, and take steps to ease the intensity rather than ramp it up. I suggest you be diplomatic and respectful. If you hear yourself saying, ‘But this would compromise my independence’, take a long pause and ask whether you want the relationship at all. If you don’t, sabotage is not the answer. A negotiated agreement is best — though that’s true in any event.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

You have the gift of healing, though you may not think of it that way. Yet an unusual event or development in your life may help you understand how this works. All healing involves release from the past. Often it happens when we reach a point where there seem to be no viable options — and then suddenly one manifests. You could say that the process begins with refusing to admit that something is a ‘no win’ situation. The sense of a trap is an illusion, and it’s the one that you have to see through — though it’s also a hint that you’re close to the solution. Then, ask for help from your higher power. Another thing to remember is that healing comes from within. If the healing situation is about you, then that connection would be from within you. If you’re assisting someone else, the connection that resolves the situation comes from within them, and that’s where you need to look for it. In other words, remember to focus on an inner relationship no matter who is involved.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

You may feel like you’re backed into an emotional corner, though I strongly suggest you not react that way. Instead, consider what your current circumstances are describing, and ask yourself: is it time to sweat this out, or is it time to make a change? There comes a point when persistent frustration can no longer be considered as something that will pass — especially if the years are passing faster than the situation. The deeper question is, what insecurities stand between you and making a decision? I suggest you be patient and carefully examine all the facts. Make a timeline and see how far back you can trace this. Then I suggest you design a plan that will take you through the end of August to implement. Timing is everything; the pressure you may be feeling now is likely to increase over the next week, and with Mercury stationing retrograde over the weekend, you really want make clear decisions with your mind rather than your emotions.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

If you get the feeling that someone close to you feels like they’re in a burning building, don’t be so surprised. To them, you’ve felt restless and agitated for as long as they can remember. Therefore, I suggest you keep your mind open to what someone close to you needs or wants. Any consideration of equality or balance needs to be considered on a long-term basis: this story has a history. Meanwhile, even in your day-to-day contacts with people, you may notice that they are being more assertive with you. I suggest you keep your cool. As the next few weeks unfold, you may notice that the assertive or aggressive energy coming in your direction gradually ramps up. The only thing you can control is your response, and that will count for a lot; you have the power to defuse, diffuse or clear up any situation with the quality of your response and your state of mind. The less reactive you are, the less reactive others will be.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Material that’s been below the surface is likely to come bubbling into your relationships over the next few weeks. You know that none of what you’re addressing is actually new, and if you have not figured that out, that’s what I’m here to remind you. The questions to ask yourself are things like: What are my limits? What is acceptable conduct toward me? What constitutes a violation of trust? What agendas do people have? Up to a point, it’s fair to say that people are acting on you, though if you don’t honor your own boundaries, you will be the one who must take full responsibility for what happens to you. If you start coming from that position and refuse to be a victim, you will be able to keep hold of your own power and make healthy decisions a lot sooner.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

Going forward for the foreseeable future, there are two keys to success that are right in your hand. One is communication. This is as close to the thing that will solve every problem as you’ve got — particularly when you use it among people who are avoiding that very thing. When met with anyone’s intense energy, establish contact and you will both defuse negativity and get things moving in a creative direction. Take the time to listen (before you speak) and figure out what people are trying to say. The second is to know what you want. This will help you keep your focus, in general and when you encounter pushy people who think they know what they want — and don’t hesitate to push it on you. It doesn’t matter how enthusiastic or aggressive someone is; you’re in a lot stronger position if you know your own agenda and can therefore stick to it.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

When you have something to say, get to the point. I suggest you edit yourself, rather than censor yourself. Editing means refinement to increase the impact of your ideas. If you’re going to run free at the mouth or the pen, do it privately, till you figure out what you’re trying to say, and then say only that. Speaking of writing, a magnificent and somewhat mysterious New Moon early next week is an invitation to embark on a new project, perhaps even a challenging one. The message coming in from every quadrant is saying: ground and focus. When you write, that’s what you do with your mind, which comes out in the form of ideas. These days, you have lots of them, and they are likely to be a lot more useful than you think. Note, sending text messages doesn’t count. You don’t need to sit at a manual typewriter by lamplight, though I suggest at least you work in an actual document, an online diary or series of blog posts. Write where people can read you.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Your actions (and even your thoughts) could have unintended consequences, so I suggest you make gentle, careful moves over the next few days. Be mindful of situations where ‘one thing leads to another’, i.e., where something said under the influence of alcohol can take on an unintended life of its own. In particular, be mindful of when you’re acting on belief and when you’re acting on good information. The two will have a tendency to disguise as one another, and it’s vital that you be able to spot your biases. Subject all your suppositions to fact-checking, and be careful when you notice you’ve made up your mind before the data is in. Intuition is often trustworthy, though right now you need a few layers of intellectual safety net below you. And, notably, any seeming need to rush to a conclusion or a decision is probably a false alarm. Take the time to think.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

There’s an old expression, “Free your ass and your mind will follow.” Or is that “Free your mind and your ass will follow”? Well, after years of contemplation and experimenting, I think they amount to the same thing. There is nothing that liberates the mind like saying yes to your pleasure, letting go of your shame and inhibition and giving yourself space to be human. And taken from the other direction, a free mind is likely to observe that the next logical step is the freedom to take possession of your body and feel what you want to feel. It doesn’t matter which you start with, as long as the circuit is completed. Release from constraint is a holistic experience, and there is more than one way into the experience. I would pose one question, though: release from what? For some people it will feel more like fear, for others more like guilt, for others more like shame, for others more like anger. All of these are natural emotions with limited use — and the experience starts with the desire to go beyond them into something better.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

You have a more central role in upcoming events than you may think, though I suggest you make every effort to define that in terms of service. You may feel an urge to provoke events, or fear that you’re going to be unduly influenced by them. It would be more helpful, and personally beneficial, if you were to take the role of guardian. Study the various situations around you with some vigilance and notice, in particular, where you may serve as a negotiator. In that context, your job is to look out for everyone’s interests, as objectively as you can. You may be inclined to stick to laws or regulations as your guide, though what’s more likely is that you come up with a solution to a puzzle everyone else thinks is impossible to solve — which in the end benefits everyone.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

Keep your focus on service. That seems to be what you’re called to do at this point, despite your restlessness and your urge to focus on your own needs, as opposed to those of your circumstances. You do seem to be figuring out that there’s a direct relationship between the two — that, in a sense, you are your circumstances and they are you. If that’s true, the only thing that matters is that you’re actively participating in something that’s creative, productive or focused on healing. As long as you do that, it will be about you, and you will learn and benefit. It does seem that for the foreseeable future you’re destined to overcome the reputed Aries trait of being good at starting things and less adept at finishing them. To facilitate that, I suggest you make a list of everything already started that needs to be completed, and make a goal of accomplishing those things before July 1.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

The more I study people and their experiences of crisis, the more it becomes obvious that nearly all struggle emerges from lack of self-worth. The trap that people seem to fall into over and over again is believing that their self-worth comes from someone else. Your self-worth comes from you. Usually it doesn’t come across in one revelation, but rather in a series of discoveries made over time. You’re ready for a significant revelation about who you are and why you belong on the planet. You’ve been on the brink of this breakthrough for a long time. Yet the relationship question has been a complicating factor. It’s true that contact with others is an essential part of life, and that people provide both reflection and opportunity to learn. It may be true that no one situation is perfect, yet there are many in your life that add up to a perfect constellation of circumstances for what you need.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

You seem to have turned a corner this week, after much thought and some agonizing. You were dealing with a situation that went deeper than was obvious on the surface, which was related to a matter of deep healing. You worked out a lot, yet the one question still lingering from that scenario is: what have you learned about how you do endings? And what does that say about how you approach beginnings? And have you been able to identify the connection between the two? One question that your charts are offering involves what you do when you reach an impasse or a mental block of some kind. How do you handle that sensation? The second question involves what you do when you think you lack confidence, or more to the point, when you’ve convinced yourself that you do. Confidence is about having faith, and that is not an option — your only option is where you choose to invest it.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

Finally, you can make some progress, though lately it’s felt like catching up. That still counts. Don’t skip steps — make each decision carefully, focus on the details and don’t lose sight of the big picture. Elements of your astrology are making you restless, as if you have the feeling that something big is about to happen. You need to coexist as peacefully as you can with that sensation, and keep your focus on what you’re doing, what you’re planning and what you know is necessary. Integrity is crucial now, but I’ll remind you that integrity means integrated: the different aspects of your life working together, rather than separately or against one another. Part of making that happen means standing as a strong, focused center of your experience, and more precisely, the innovator of your own life.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Feeling good about who you are is the most important stepping stone to building your vision of a successful life. But how do you get there? I suggest you continue to work and rework a tangible concept, which you may have discovered just recently, that applies to how you experience self-esteem and the ways in which you honor the importance of valuing yourself. As you push into this area of your psyche, notice any resistance that comes up. Examine what you find in terms of your mother’s attitude toward existence and her self-worth, and what she passed along to you. Her personal philosophy is the first one you learned as a small child, and the foundation from which yours grew. Acknowledge any of her ideas that do not fit with your own. You will be able penetrate a blind spot involving how your emotional body experiences the sensation of honoring your intrinsic value. In other words, upcoming aspects suggest you can actually feel how loved and beautiful you are. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

You’re the one who must address your own insecurities. Nobody else can do it for you, and you don’t want them to. This would be a great time to investigate and see just what is stirring up your fears. If we’re using astrology, it looks like you might be having panic attacks or at least experiencing a lot of nervous energy as you feel your own creative potential surge. I trust that you’ve already figured out that you have an alternative, but if not, here is what I suggest. This thing commonly called ‘creativity’ means existing on the edge of your own thoughts. Most people don’t stay there; they cannot, because it’s too nerve-wracking. However, your astrology over the next week is going to have you surfing the wave of time with your mind poking into the future, and to work that edge you must pay attention without getting panicky. Confidence doesn’t feel like a king on his throne. It feels more like riding a bicycle.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

You are correct in that the ultimate cure, solution resolve, is spiritual. There’s only so much we can manipulate the physical world, or even our thoughts. True healing occurs on a deeper level. What you may be feeling, though, is how far away that place of healing seems — as if somehow it’s a world apart. Even if it is, you can still get there. It will help if you not concern yourself with whether you believe it’s true or possible; this is a matter of setting your intentions, and having faith in yourself. It’s clear from your charts that you’ve made great efforts to cross what may not, in retrospect, seem like such a great distance. Yet we’re talking about inner space, where the sense of scale is different than external space. What you’ve succeeded in doing is shifting your attention to an introspective direction. You have dared to inquire about something that you might have otherwise overlooked. That required an act of faith in yourself — faith that you still possess.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

Are you wondering what you have to give up in order to get what you want? Try reversing that and, once you’ve reached a key goal, decide what you won’t miss and let it go. This accomplishes at least two things. One is that it removes the bargaining aspect in your thinking, which is a throwback to “if you eat your peas, you can have ice cream.” Second, it removes the sacrifice aspect. When you consider what you would have to give up to get what you want, that will have more weight in your mind if what you think you need to give up is more valuable. To the contrary, the thing to release is something that’s merely in the way. If you want to get closer to your goal, dedicate time, energy and square footage to the cause. And keep the goal in sight — it seems to be playing hide and seek, and you seem to be hesitating saying the words “I want.”

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

Consider this a beginning, and pay attention to the conditions of your mind and in your environment. Make careful notes about your plans and your expectations. This is all in the spirit of applying conscious guidance to the flow of your affairs. What you have going for you is a simultaneous abundance of energy and ideas, as well as some really useful leverage points to make changes that have been overdue for a long time. Yet you need a guiding principle, which would come in the form of having an overview and some sense of where you are, what you want and where you’re actually headed. This is not the time for making impetuous decisions without any thought of the consequences. Yet if you focus and work with a solid basis for your decisions, nearly anything is possible.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

What you learn about yourself over the next few days will surprise you — though there are several more layers to go. It’ll also take a few weeks to put your discoveries into action, which will happen around the time that Mars stations direct. To the extent that the past few months have felt frustrating or been complicated by setbacks, you will be reassured to know that your environments — inner and outer — are gradually shifting. Use this time to get closer to the root causes of your questions, issues and frustrations. Don’t assume you’ve reached the bottom of any issue or situation; just keep going, the more gently as each day passes. Maintaining a light touch really is one key to working out what’s happening for you. Another is a balance between what you think of as opposites: for example physical and non-physical; logic and emotional; details and impressions. Gently work both sides of whatever equation you find yourself involved with, and give yourself time to arrive in a space of clarity.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

Current astrology is yet another reminder to keep asking yourself, “Who am I?” If you knew then what you know now, how would you do things differently? And given your current encounters and adventures, what would your future Self say to you? Or perhaps you can meditate on the Zen koan “What did your face look like before your parents were born?” A New Moon in your sign conjunct Uranus marks a personal new start, one even you couldn’t have seen coming. You may be caught unaware with some of the things you are feeling now or beginning to understand about yourself. As scary as this may seem, be honest with yourself about your desires, how they are changing and acknowledge your emotions, however spontaneous. The more you can release an identity that no longer defines you and consciously let go of ambitions that no longer serve your deepest purpose, the more you can open the doors to who you are becoming. There are opportunities making their way to you — expect the unexpected and be prepared to surprise even yourself. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

Your chart gives an image of you remembering something brilliant that you forgot. Something, such as an idea. You may have solved a problem, then misplaced the solution. You may have come up with a creative concept — an article, a book, a song, a film, an invention — then it got pushed to the back of your notebook, or you never bothered to write it down. Yet there is an underlying story here — there is something you may remember about yourself. It may be a discovery you made, such as direct contact with the energy that would guide you to a solid sense of direction. One quality that it might have is that the inner revelation is so striking you have no idea what you might do with it, and that might lead you to set it aside yet again. In truth, we’re talking about the recognition of who you are, which can arrive in the form of direct contact with your inner being — yet it will feel like remembering something you’ve felt before, maybe a long time ago, no matter how vague or dream-like the memory is.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Mars is still retrograde. You seem to have been reminded of that fact boldly this week, as some arrangement didn’t quite turn out as planned. It seems like everything in your life comes back to a reminder to pay closer attention to the kinds of details that you normally can take for granted or overlook. In fact though your reputation casts you as dashing and inattentive, focused only on the future, one of the reasons why you can be so bold is that you do have a knack for making sure the finer points are covered. Yet now there seems to be no limit to the number and variety of details that the universe is capable of producing. You may as well slow down. Although all those small elements seem so effective at holding up progress, in reality each question, issue or puzzle that you resolve is specifically an element of progress. The solutions will arrange themselves into something you recognize, and if you look carefully you may discover that this is the constellation of thought you were missing — the one that holds the answer that was right there all along but which you couldn’t see. The name of the game is pattern recognition.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

Mercury has just entered your sign, which illustrates a kind of awakening to something that should have been obvious. Yet you may soon decide that it wasn’t so obvious after all, or that what you have to give up is worth more than what you might have gained by making a decision. Other factors in your chart indicate that you may be more obsessed by hesitation than by the prospect of action. Yet no sooner will that become obvious than you become seized by the desire to be spontaneously, impetuously and boldly decisive, and do things that you might regret. I suggest you pause and consider what you actually want to do. While you’re doing this, give the concept of ‘sacrifice’ a good once-over. That does seem to be the sticking point. While you’re reflecting, I suggest you consider why you’re devoted to whatever you feel devoted to. Does it nourish you back in some way, or are you devoted for its own sake? Once you’ve sorted out these themes, it will be easier to make clear decisions.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

There is a clairvoyant quality to your charts right now, so much that I’m tempted to ask you what you think is on the horizon rather than try to tell you. That said, you have an open channel of spiritual communication that will prove to be helpful in the coming months. That might turn out to be challenging, given that you’re experiencing so much activity, potential and the need to take your responsibilities seriously — but I ask you, when else do you need to be guided from the soul? No matter what is happening, no matter how dramatic or challenging your life may be, you have access to a deep inner current of intelligence. The only requirement is that you ask, and that you listen for the reply. Ask sincerely and listen carefully and you’ll be told everything you need to know.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

A New Moon in your 12th solar house, the one associated with the mysteries of life and what is beyond life, is drawing you ever deeper into the unknown. You may be pondering life’s bigger questions about where you’re headed. Although there will be times when not much makes sense, still there is a soul truth awakening within you. Take the time to go inward and listen to it. If you ask any successful person, they will tell you it all began with a dream. Your dreams are especially powerful now and you are worth much more than you realize. It may take a little longer for clarity to make its way to you, but trust there is a greater plan in motion even if you can’t see it yet. Your potential is truly infinite and you have more resources at your disposal than you imagine. Have faith in your dreams, and more importantly yourself and what you are working toward. You can manifest a vision that is beginning to emerge and your only job right now is to clarify what this is for yourself. Then you can take the necessary steps to reprioritize your life so you can give to what is most important to you. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but then again, neither was Hackensack. Give to a vision birthing in your soul, and you can get there one day at a time. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

You seem to be in a reflective mood, looking back for a change rather than looking ahead. I think this is a good idea. You’re embarking on an important review of your recent relationships, and for that matter, all of your tendencies in relationships. That calls for some ongoing awareness and introspection. One thing on your agenda is making peace with your inherently rebellious nature. While the world needs people who are capable of shaking up the status quo (and you’re certainly one of them), this won’t work so well as a policy in your personal relationships. One key to happiness in this aspect of your life is choosing people against whom you don’t have to rebel. It’s true that it can be challenging to find a balance between too much structure and not enough; you do need grounding and commitment, but lately your tendency has been to get into situations that crowd your space and your freedom. As the next few years go on, this is going to become more of an issue, so I strongly suggest you identify people who authentically honor freedom and creativity. For you, that means choosing substance over form.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

You may feel challenged by a situation that feels beyond your control — particularly one involving the opinion that others hold about you. Obviously what matters more is the opinion you have of yourself, but you’re especially vulnerable to outside influences right now. It’s the kind of setup where one thing could lead to another, therefore, when any one thing points in a direction that you don’t want to go, quickly make a decision to go another way. You seem to have a particular vulnerability where the opinions of coworkers are concerned, when you’re doing your best to mind your business and do your job. I would say do one better — make a point of doing your work in the most competent and creative way possible — and really shine despite what vibes you may feel are in the air or what anyone may think or say. Very simply, that whole head-trip is meaningless. The good part is that right now, many other elements of your life are beautifully meaningful.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Where is your feminine side hiding out, and do you even like her? She’s guiding you to be, and feel, and do, so much of what you associate as being unlike you. Yet the you whom she is supposedly so unlike seems to be going deeper into the subtler aspects of your nature every day. Your charts suggest you’re looking for something in yourself, yet your search has an indirect quality, as if you’re trying to create something by a process of reduction. I think that a more direct approach would work — including tuning into your senses, and considering what your dreams are telling you. What you may discover is that you’re really on a search for your focused power of logic, will and discernment. These are tools you need — and tools you may have misplaced. The role of the feminine side of your nature will be to guide you in their proper use; to provide a basis of ethics, and grounding in purpose.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

In truth, it’s all a family affair. The ridiculous standards we put on our happiness, our mental habits, our eating habits — all have their origins in our family. When you strive to change any of these things, you’re actually going against your ancestral pattern. Remember this as you improve many aspects of your everyday life. Remember, too, that as you change seemingly personal things, like what you eat, you’re engaging with a deeper emotional layer, and making the changes might come with the feeling of ‘betraying’ the people who gave you the habits you’re trying so diligently to change — and as the Bible tells us in one of its more astute moments, you cannot serve two masters. I suggest you be ready to engage with the patterns underlying whatever ordinary kinds of things you want to change. What you eat or going to the gym in that case could amount to authentic therapy.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

You’ve been working hard and it won’t be long before you receive solid recognition for your efforts. But what do you most hunger for? And what is your definition of success and where did this come from? If you are conscious of your own motives in a professional situation, you can let go of ambitions that no onger serve you. This will allow you to reclaim authority and redirect your energy constructively into what feeds your passion and deepest purpose. Let go of some ‘idea’ of success, and you can achieve the kind of success that not only looks good to the world, but also feels good right down to your bones. In a close personal relationship and your friendships, the same idea holds: seek truth and depth rather than appearances. Offering freedom and acceptance to another can strengthen a bond, offering tangible results.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What at first seems like routine news may turn out to be a lot more meaningful than it seems on its face. Therefore, I suggest you think in terms of the implications of what you learn, and the possibilities of what it might represent for you. You seem to be pushing for big changes, or they seem to be calling out to you. Anything you learn, any information that comes your way, has the power to lead to a sequence of new ideas, and as such may represent a turning point. You will have to listen; you need to pay attention, in particular, to the details. There are two distinct sides to any news that may seem strange or jarring, and I am not saying this as a truism. Look quickly for the silver lining and keep thinking in that direction. It is not a side benefit; it seems to be the whole point.