It’s difficult to say exactly when it happened. Somewhere along the line, love and money became contenders for humanity’s universal language. They have a lot an common with each other. For example, the distribution of both is not equal. Also, nearly anybody knows either upon sight. Yet, it would also be difficult to find two things more different.
Perhaps the most intriguing thing love and money have in common is their mutability. Anybody of a certain age knows love is manifold. There are even compelling, but less than empirical, accounts of love having manifested in living flesh. Arguably, however, love at its most viable is without tangible form.
Money has also transformed in many ways, uncounted times. Even so, there has been a through-line of sorts. First, perhaps, essential goods and services served as means of exchange. Later came agreement regarding the value of uncommon (and often reasonably uniform) materials. Manufactured currency followed.
Then, in one short lifetime, money has somehow been abstracted out of tangible existence while losing none of its potency. Were you to total all of today’s monetary transactions in the world, close to one hundred percent of them would be entirely digital from start to finish.
Now, one speculative way of explaining the times in which we live is to say that money has manifested in the living flesh. Granted, that is a distressing, and spurious, possibility. Nonetheless there would be at least two upsides were it true. First, there would be yet another way to tell the difference. More importantly, were money to somehow take life, it would be tangible evidence of the power of your mind.
For love and money have yet another thing in common. Both depend on your mind as at least a tributary to their reality. History is full of examples of what happens when people no longer believe in money. Unfortunately, that is also true of love.

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Beginning tomorrow morning at the latest (depending on your time zone) we will have again entered the roughly two-week period that typically separates matched eclipses. Some of us here at Planet Waves have taken to calling this period ‘the eclipse zone’ because (just as Rod Serling described his conception of “The Twilight Zone”) it is largely a dimension of mind.
Just as with love and money, nearly everybody knows the Sun and Moon on sight. When eclipses happen, it is because the Sun and Moon align with two invisible and intangible (albeit calculated) points called the lunar nodes. Hence, eclipses combine the same elements as love and money: that which is plain to see and that which cannot be seen at all.
For technical reasons that you will not be taxed with here, the particular eclipse zone we are all about to enter and travel through together has (among its many melodic lines), a distinct astrological tone. It will implicitly be an opportune time to make your own mind up somehow regarding love and/or money — plausibly becoming a bit more powerful as regards to both. If you can keep just that one theme in mind over the next two weeks or so, chances are you will emerge having somehow transformed yourself.
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