Insight often comes unexpectedly, and from unusual sources. Often it takes the form of a small stimulus to help you recall something you already know. Such was the case when Amanda Painter shared her inspiration for reminding readers of yesterday’s weekly subscriber edition about Eric’s Spring Reading for 2016.
To help the Planet Waves Core Community appreciate how Eric’s perspective on our current season could come in handy now, Amanda got a bit of insight by drawing a card from her tarot deck.
According to her account, the card Amanda selected was, “the 7 of cups from the Rohrig deck, with `Frustraton’ at the top.” Unsurprisingly, that’s a theme that resonates with the astrology of this particular moment (and very possibly with your life).
After all, the Sun moving through the final degrees of any sign (as has been the case for the last few days) often corresponds with a conscious experience of frustration. The same can be said for planets in the same situation.
Additionally, any planet slowing down as it prepares to pivot and change direction on the zodiac can stimulate something of the same feeling. Yet, after all such times have passed (as they inevitably do), it’s not unusual to recognize that you have been there before and come through it all better than you thought you could.
Sooner or later your experience adds up. Eventually you learn to take periods of frustration with aplomb because you you have been there and done that. After a while you realize that things do change for the better as often as not (and that you change for the better even more dependably). The great thing about astrology is that it helps you to anticipate and catch the turning of trends as they happen.
If astrology is indeed any indication, several trends are turning now, and if anything for the better. Following the Sun’s ingress to Gemini earlier today, the Moon will enter Sagittarius tomorrow to oppose the Sun for a Full Moon representing the culmination of our current lunar cycle. Following the climax of its opposition to the Sun, the Moon will gradually and reliably wane to remind your emotions to unwind in kind.
Then, on Sunday, the end of Mercury’s retrograde in Taurus will be followed by a slow but accelerating recovery to gradually ease your mind.
Next week, first Venus, and then retrograde Mars, will complete their own respective tenures in their current signs (Taurus for Venus, Sagittarius for Mars).
Venus and Mars will then assume a new sign position: Venus enters Gemini and Mars will retrograde back into Scorpio. As they do so, they will essentially re-enact tomorrow’s Full Moon with an opposition of their own. It’s as if they’re reminding you that you have seen this before and emerged stronger than ever each time.
In each case of what’s coming up above (and what can be expected to correspond here below), you have been there and done that countless times. The fact that several iterations of previous experience are implicitly taking place at once can indeed correlate with frustration, but only if you allow yourself to be caught up in the moment and forget the insights conferred by what you already know.
In other words, this is a time for you to remember that there is nothing about the end of May 2016 that you are not familiar with. If you can simply manage to recall how it feels to come out of such a period, you will be able to use next week to get set for more fully appreciating yourself and your life, as opposed to setting yourself up to only wonder once again what all the fuss was about.
Be confident. You got this.
Offered In Service

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Thanks for the confidence boost, Len. I was just trying to figure out “the price to pay to get out of going through all these things twice”…
Deborah: Thanks to you in turn for riffing on the Dylan song which Eric selected to feature on his most recent podcast (accessible by the link immediately below).
Of course, it helps to realize that the Universe has dimension upon dimension. Hence, history seldom repeats exactly even if it frequently rhymes. It is for us, then to be good musicians by using astrology to understand when the song is going around to come around again so as to play your own refrain slightly different each time. That way, the rest of us (your fellow cosmic musicians playing along with you) can riff off your innovations and gradually change the world’s tune so that each resolving chord gives way to an even slightly new turnaround and (implicitly) a new beginning leading (in turn) to yet another, even slightly new resolution. Both the challenge
and opportunity of this moment (as indicated by its astrology) is that more than one line of the cosmic musical score is coming together to turn around at the same time. Hence, the notion that we are all playing this song together. It’s no big thing. You have been there and done that before, and you are fully capable of playing your line in the score a little better this time around.
Wonderful analogy, Len. Let’s play on to the hook and take it to the bridge one more time.
Yup Len 🙂
Not sure you could have convinced me if I’d read this earlier Len, but a change of course today brought me around to being more confident in my own decision-making ability. There are the friends you have because of commonality and their are friends you have because of expediency, and it is wise to remember which is which. Thank goodness Life reassured me today that the 1st category is the only one that can be be trusted to see your vulnerability. It was a “been there, done that” experience that clarified my understanding and I’m so glad you put it into a frame of reference, astrology, that I won’t forget soon. I’m feeling so much better now than I did yesterday and this morning. Thanks buddy!
Keep a-truckin’ B. Bravo 🙂
Barbara: Thank you so very much for sharing your experience with us. i’m so very glad that you came through your situation validated and vindicated by your wisdom. It’s an honor to know that my small service here today resonated in a timely way so as to provide you with a framework to affirm yourself and your understanding. May the sky continue to watch over you in proportion to the gratitude all of us at Planet Waves have for how you have always given us a wider and deeper understanding of the sky.
“It’s as if they’re reminding you that you have seen this before and emerged stronger than ever each time.” Yes – your piece resonates so deeply with me dear Len. Thank you.
Lizzy: i’m grateful to you in turn for your confirming that my offering of service here was useful for you.
Forward moving events created a sudden spotlight, fear took over. Remembering that idea of ‘strength’ (and emerging stronger) is a good one about now. Been there, done that? This time keeping fear in check? Perhaps. Thanks, Len.
aWord: You are most welcome. Please accept my own thanks in turn for how your example of courage and strength has inspired me (and, i’m sure, many others here at Planet Waves). Against you, fear does not stand a chance.