Author Archives: Eric Francis Coppolino

About Eric Francis Coppolino

Lives in Kingston, friend of critters, etc.

Monday Horoscope #241 for August 17, 2020

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It takes some experience not to get swung around by your astrology, or to get past feeling like you’re a dancing marionette on strings. That is, however, the right goal. At the moment, the condition of Mars describes you under maximum stress: it is square the mighty Pluto, conjunct even mightier Eris, and getting ready to station retrograde — all in your birth sign or rising sign. This is an era-defining moment for you, set in the context of a time when everything is changing. Yet despite all the debris flying from various hurricanes and tornadoes, various earthquakes and meltdowns, you personally are the one who is developing in a way that stands apart from the planetary mayhem. In a sense, you are a forerunner of the kinds of personal changes that will be necessary for the planet to organize itself into a new schema. However, keep your focus personal. You are going through a most intimate, intense, unusual transformation, and you will need to rise to personal challenges that will be a worthwhile cost of admission to a new life.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $44. This reading focuses on a professional breakthrough toward the end of the year, and preparing you for this development. Venus retrograde in the spring is preparation. Mars retrograde in the autumn is preparation.

Ultimately this is a spiritual development, yet in reality we are talking about aligning your purpose with action, with a calling, and with an opportunity. Elements of the reading go out to a series of power steps in 2021. Read more.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Yours is the sign of tradition, which is the thing presently collapsing. You are personally in an odd position here, with Uranus in your birth sign shaking up your whole reality, and also pushing you into the future. Such changes are not always progress. Yet with your knowledge of the past, and your attachment to some of its ways, you must be the mediator of that in your life, and in whatever domain you supervise. Some things that are time-honored deserve to exist. Others are best left by the wayside, or recycled, or repurposed. I would propose that the basis for deciding is what connects you to your inherent humanity: your sensitivity, your physical wellbeing, your ability to nourish yourself and others. We could say that your primary responsibility is to not digitize yourself; to not allow yourself to be genetically modified; to not allow yourself to be turned into an avatar or representation of yourself. That means honoring your physical form and recognizing it as your anchor to life and to the Earth.

Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for instant access. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end of the year.Thank you for your business and your trust.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your words matter, and you would be wise to measure them. Yet even as you write or speak, having done your best to be aware and cautious, speaking the truth will feel dangerous. That is how you know you’re doing it. There is an actual personal risk involved, which is why so few people can bring themselves to do it. Sadly, this translates for many to censoring their thoughts, which in turn requires attempting to regulate their feelings. That is most often done through some form of guilt. The result is that many people’s relationship to their personal truth is walking around like a spring about to snap. There is no drug that can solve this problem. Therapy can provide a space to open up, though even there, lack of trust can present obstacles to sincerity — though that would be the objective. The trust that could facilitate sincerity is itself daring, and requires the willingness to make mistakes, to get hurt and to experience the consequences of your ideas — whatever they may be.

Your 2020-21 Cancer Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This year, the time of Cancer began with an eclipse on the solstice, as well as Mercury retrograde in your sign. This is astrology that points to you in a personal way, describing a transition you may not feel ready to make but have been preparing for over long years. Chiron in Aries is also a prominent factor, pointing to some pioneering developments in your professional life. I cover these aspects, and much more.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Venus in your sign is encouraging you to go deep into your feelings, and to count that and that alone as being alive. Feeling is different from emoting. Emoting is an outwardly expressed gesture, a kind of psychic off-gassing. To feel is the opposite: to be sensitive, receptive, and aware. To feel is to receive, including receiving from yourself. There is an art to this, and it’s up to you to develop and master it. This could be described as the actual meaning of emotional intelligence: a degree of sensitivity that includes self-awareness and also environmental awareness. Your psychic instrument is tuned to the degree where you can not only filter out external static but also learn from your surroundings. Venus has already guided you through some challenging territory the past week or so, and there may have been days when you felt overwhelmed. I would reckon, however, that you were not at any point unable to handle the flow of events, and that you responded appropriately most of the time. The thing to be mindful of is any past sense of being injured. Do not take that out on the present.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Leo Astrology Studio, Notes on Love and Courage. The two giants of the solar system meet up at the end of this year in your opposite sign Aquarius. Eric explores what this seminal conjunction means for you, and much more. Get your copy here for just $44.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are some matters for which there is only a spiritual solution. The whys and wherefores of the world do not give answers. The tactics and strategies of the world do not get a desired outcome. It is therefore necessary to refer to another kind of intelligence, another source of knowledge and of healing. The purpose of the spiritual path, of the whole spiritual project, is to prepare a person to have access to this type of intelligence all the time. One of the most distinctive features of Leo is that Aries, the sign of self, is in the 9th place, that of the higher self, of the spiritual force, and of religious orders. If Leo is said to be a self-centered sign, that could be about the Sun (the luminary that is said to rule Leo) being located at the center of the solar system. It could be that yours is the only sign associated with a star, and not an orbiting body. However, to place the sign associated with self-determination in the house of spirit means that you approach cosmic matters with a measure of autonomy. This may not make the quest any easier, only more meaningful.

Tailored for Virgo Sun and rising, this new audio reading by Eric Francis will introduce you to your astrology through the autumn of 2021. We will take maximum advantage of the power you are drawing from the Earth signs at the time of your solar return: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus in Taurus. This is a grand earth trine, and the thing to do is gather momentum in the direction you want to go, and then point yourself there. Eric will describe the influence of Jupiter and Saturn ingressing Aquarius later this year. The reading will look closely at Chiron in Aries, accompanied by Mars retrograde in Aries — your most important relationship house. We anticipate the reading being ready by the evening of Monday, Aug. 24. Reading includes a transcription. Pre-order now for best price. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Something in you is pushing its way out, though you may be experiencing this as a sense of nervousness, of feeling lost, or a little odd. You will feel better when the Moon enters your sign later this week, followed by the Sun, though feeling better is not necessarily the thing you want. Some irritation, agitation, or other impetus for change and progress will help you at the moment. That may come in the form of not knowing something, not understanding, not having the answer, and the resulting state of provocation. If you are confused, feel your confusion. If you are disoriented, feel yourself spinning a little, wondering which way to go. That you might be in this state also means that you are not in the state of false certainty. That’s the one thing you don’t want. It may seem that there is a fine line these days, or a whole valley full of fog, between knowing and not knowing; certainty and false certainty. I’ll give you a clue: knowing rarely comes with the sensation of being certain. There is always a little hesitancy.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You would be wise to step back and observe what a close partner is going through, rather than jumping in and getting involved. Observing can include listening, watching, noticing, and making gentle inquiries when you think you have an opening to do so. Yet it’s crucial that whoever may be involved make their own decisions, and have their own basis for doing so. There may be much you don’t know about the inner process of someone close to you — actually, that is the safer bet. So when it comes to their choices and the foundations they rest on, that is where you need to be at arm’s length. Meanwhile, there is some quality of all this unusual activity in your opposite sign Aries — including Mars conjunct Eris — that is influencing your whole environment. You might choose your companionship by noticing those who are fully committed to living their life on Earth and in their senses, and those who are uncertain and who seem like they may someday be seen walking around wearing virtual reality goggles.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Libra reading by Eric here.

You may have instant access to your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. Order your copy here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Take note of an unexpected professional opportunity that becomes available. This may be something you thought was past its prime, or an offer that had expired. Actually it was just on hold. This may be something that comes to you, or something that you reach toward. Either way, it would come with the observation that you were not too late, though you thought you were. Meanwhile, keep your focus on what you’re doing. You are someone who is capable of taking actual pride in your work, and now would be an excellent time to dial that in. You’re uniquely situated to notice something that would blow past many other people, stump them, or seem irrelevant. You can recognize its true significance. This is likely to be something in the digital realm, and could range from anything like a marketing idea to noticing a security flaw. This same astrology could be described as making a profound discovery about yourself, particularly how you relate to the work you do and why it is so important to you.

Your Astrology Studio reading for Sagittarius Sun or rising sign covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Let go of the anxieties of your family, particularly your mother. Before you do that, though, you might want to translate them into some exaggerated cartoon form, so you can see them for what they are. Write down the five things she said to you that in some way propagated self-doubt. Most of them were probably small, and happened fairly young. Then use those five ideas to create a psychological profile of her. Then for the final step, ask yourself if this really describes you. Does this represent the person you want to be? What progress have you made through your own growth and spiritual exploration? You have indeed covered territory, though there might be something holding you back, or some thread that connects you not just to your own past but to hers. This could be a single idea, a self-concept, a notion about relationships. You might not even think it limits you in any way, though you could say that is a matter of point of view.

If you have a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights about the challenges and opportunities life is sending your way, order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino. Some of the most era-defining astrology has been centered on your sign in recent years, and that includes the biggest current astrological events. It also makes an amazing gift for loved ones.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — How have the past few days been for you, emotionally and as you relate to your sense of grounding and safety? Said in spiritual terms, how is your root chakra doing lately? This could be going a few ways, none of them particularly subtle. You might be feeling radically insecure. You might be feeling the drive to finally get grounded and call yourself fully present on the physical plane. Ultimately this is the thing your whole being is craving. You might be noticing that opportunities for experience and advancement in physical reality are fewer and further between. So you will need to be attentive when it comes to spotting them, and resist the temptation to do absolutely everything in some form of digital (artificial intelligence, out of body) state. Staying close to the Earth is important. Staying close to the people you care about is perhaps more important, though they can go together. This is about remaining human under considerable pressure not to be so.

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This coming winter, your sign hosts a major conjunction: Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius. That event is exact on Dec. 21, 2020. Eric also covers Saturn moving into your sign from Capricorn during the year, in this not-to-be-missed reading. Order your copy here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This week’s New Moon in your opposite sign Leo will draw back a few layers of a relationship, and you’ll be able to get a look at what is going on inside. You may not find out everything, though you will learn a lot more than you knew, including a few things you were not expecting. Some you will like, and some you may not. One thing is central to the discussion: you cannot compromise who you are at your core for the sake of another person. And you cannot expect anyone else to do so. You can make choices about what you emphasize. You can find the best meeting places in any relationship and work with them. But you must be who you are, and let others be who they are, for there to be any common ground to stand on. This may seem like an increasingly strange concept in a world where so much is based on fantasy. It will also be one of increasing value.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Place an emphasis on your long-term finances this week, and through the duration of Mars retrograde (from Sept. 9 through Nov. 13). Your new and evolving financial orientation must realistically fit the actual conditions of the world you live in, which places you at an advantage. Yet you will need some guts to make the most of this, and also to act on what you know is a good idea in a timely fashion. Your state of awareness is your cue: once you have a grasp on something and have eliminated the other possibilities as not being viable or worthwhile, that is the time to take action. You are accustomed to things taking a long time, though at a certain point even a delay turns into forward motion. But you are the connecting bridge, the continuity, and the organizing principle. Keep that in mind even as society seems to descend into a strange form of disembodied chaos. Maintain your connection to what is tangible: time, space, direction, voice contact, eye contact.

Mars Conjunct Eris: Quest for Humanity

Planet Waves

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. All photos below are from Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondacks.

Dear Friend and Reader:

This odd sense that everything is growing more chaotic and uncertain by the minute is described magnificently by Mars conjunct Eris in Aries. This is Mars nearly in position to go retrograde on Sept. 9. One of the central concepts Eris represents astrologically is the result of electrical technology on one’s state of being.

Twice-presidential candidate Ross Perot (1930-2019) made great use of his phrase, “The giant sucking sound,” which was his description of a free trade agreement he opposed. Today, the sucking sound is souls being vacuumed into the synthetic astral plane known as digital, AI and virtual and enhanced reality.

Whatever may be going on medically and politically on the planet right now, the moment is all in the direction of astral/digital. This is an actual plane of reality (a concept some esoteric students may be familiar with). The astral is the nonphysical state closest to physical, the one accessed in dreams, fantasies, drug experiences and related activities. Many people spend their lives there, and did long before the internet.

Yet the internet opened up a new, electrically powered dimension of existence and experience that drew in millions of otherwise well-incarnated people. This happened by gradually replacing nearly all physical points of reference and many physical objects with nonphysical equivalents.

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Monday Morning Horoscope #240 for August 10, 2020

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You must be clever with money this week, and take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. Such are most likely to arrive with a little shakeup in your plans. This is often the moment of invention or breakthrough: something you were not anticipating, which may even be annoying, though it presents an opportunity to make a decision. It is in that moment of interruption when you can intervene with an idea. However, it’s critical that you proceed in a gentle, persistent and nonviolent way — yet without suppressing your feelings. You may feel some powerful emotions moving through you, and the thing not — as in n-o-t — to do is to take them out on yourself. Don’t take this pressure out on others either. You need pressure vents, creative outlets and quite possibly sexual outlets. If you feel inclined to use ‘power’ in some way, try another concept: leverage. Exert yourself less, not more; the right tool will help you get the job done, including the right spiritual or psychological tool. You have many..

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $44. This reading focuses on a professional breakthrough toward the end of the year, and preparing you for this development. Venus retrograde in the spring is preparation. Mars retrograde in the autumn is preparation.

Ultimately this is a spiritual development, yet in reality we are talking about aligning your purpose with action, with a calling, and with an opportunity. Elements of the reading go out to a series of power steps in 2021. Read more.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s time to exceed what you think of as your limits. This is a central topic for Taurus Sun and rising, and to some extent Moon: a set of constructs that in essence serve to bind you to the past. Mostly this happens through your belief structure, though you have in recent years, and particularly this year, had many experiences that demonstrate many of your beliefs are no longer applicable. Several of your past experiences that would serve to uphold those beliefs have been replaced by new experiences. Vis-a-vis the whole concept of belief, I would offer two things. They make it difficult to actually think. They are like training wheels on a bicycle, which are good at first (maybe), though you cannot go far. They also serve as insulation to protect the believer against any idea that would shake their reality structure. Yet your whole chart is about nothing except moving, shaking and quaking. Uranus in your birth sign is not taking any bullshit. Neither should you.

Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for instant access. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end of the year.Thank you for your business and your trust.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The more complex any situation may be in your life, the more you must speak with the determination to be understood. That will likely require understatement, which in turn requires a degree of emotional detachment. That may be difficult with Venus moving through one of the most sensitive signs, though you might invest that energy into cleaning the refrigerator, wiping down the window sills and making sure there is food on the stove for everyone who comes into your home. You can also use the nearly clairvoyant sensitivity offered by Venus in Cancer to detect when people are overreacting, and to know when they are responding appropriately. Your personal ruling planet Mercury is now in Leo. This bestows the golden tongue, so you are under excellent stars for speaking and writing. Just remember that the skill you need most right now is listening. You will need to do that in manual mode: pause, take a breath and get to the bottom of what people are trying to say to you.

Your 2020-21 Cancer Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This year, the time of Cancer began with an eclipse on the solstice, as well as Mercury retrograde in your sign. This is astrology that points to you in a personal way, describing a transition you may not feel ready to make but have been preparing for over long years. Chiron in Aries is also a prominent factor, pointing to some pioneering developments in your professional life. I cover these aspects, and much more.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Venus has embarked on an unusual path through your sign, as it will make many aspects in the coming weeks to points in the other cardinal signs — Aries, Libra and Capricorn. This in turn puts you into a state of enhanced contact with your environment, with sensory data and other information coming in from all directions. The place to hold your locus of attention is within yourself. If you can stay emotionally centered, you can accomplish anything and you will be able to help those around you who need you. There is an art to this, and a measure of dignity is called for as the prerequisite. To be effective, you must take care of yourself, which means the necessary food, water, and rest, and getting outside into the light of day and the dark of night. And you need appropriate companionship of peers with whom you are not directly involved in some process of assisting, people with whom you may be open and speak from the heart.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Leo Astrology Studio, Notes on Love and Courage. The two giants of the solar system meet up at the end of this year in your opposite sign Aquarius. Eric explores what this seminal conjunction means for you, and much more. Get your copy here for just $44.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you are wondering what to do with your hours, your days, or your life, the question is: in what way are you being called upon to serve? This is not so much about what you want to do but rather the way you feel summoned to take a particular role. The value of preference is way overstated. Many people of great accomplishment followed a calling rather than “did what they loved.” What you may discover when you do that is that you grow to love your calling in a way you never loved anything else. Many people are teetering on this brink at the moment — including a good few who feel fortunate to have had their employment survive this ongoing social and economic tsunami. For anyone whose livelihood has been disrupted, seize the opportunity to make the long-overdue adjustments you’ve wanted to make. Streamline your life, work cooperatively with others, and listen to your calling: listen with your ears and your whiskers and smell the air.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Prepare for a horoscope about sex. One, two, three, here goes: Your self-discovery process is going into overdrive as Mars moves through Aries, the sign for you of orgasm and surrender, and something of your core identity. One of the most basic personality structures of Virgo involves losing yourself in another person, and then waking up and finding yourself. This has worked one way through most of your life, and due to Chiron’s presence in Aries, it is now working another way: mostly, that you are skipping the “losing yourself” part of the process and going direct to discovery. Mars is making contact with Pluto in Capricorn. A decade of this has compelled you in that way only Pluto can do to admit, confront and overcome your inhibitions. You still have a few more of those to work with, though you’re at the stage where cracking through them can be fun and pleasurable in a courageous way. Follow your curiosity with passion and intrigue. As is said in the Pathwork, sexual curiosity is its most life-affirming form.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Above all else, you want fairness in a world where it rarely seems to be forthcoming. You want to be able to take action where you see others abusing their power or their influence. How you handle such situations is critical. You are likely to run into a few of them this week, and you need to proceed with the care and caution of the bomb squad. Remember that a K9 trained in explosives or even drug detection does not bark; they sit down next to the suspicious package to signal their handler. Merely barking can set off the device, so the loudest sound will be sniffing and paw pads. Your most vital asset is your ability to see a situation for what it is, and map it out carefully. Assuming you are called to assist, you will be able to find the one thing that deactivates a potentially explosive situation with as little intervention as possible. This could, for example, include engaging someone in a conversation long enough to get them to reconsider their choices, not by using persuasion but rather a delay or distraction. Small moves mean a lot.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Libra reading by Eric here.

You may have instant access to your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. Order your copy here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The ancient and modern rulers of your sign are forming a square aspect right now — Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. If you study this aspect in books, it will be like reading the treatment to a David Lynch psychological thriller with a touch of horror film and a protagonist who gets so swept away with their passions so as to have no self-control (and so on; you can keep making up psychodramas for entertainment). For you this week, the translation is to be impeccable with your words, right down to rewriting something six times to get it down to as few words as possible. Be extremely cautious at work. While it’s unlike you to refrain from speaking your mind, you might want to hold off. If you really need to say something, choose one person in a position of more direct authority and mention it calmly and get an acknowledgment. You might take the approach of the canine I describe in the Libra horoscope. Do not bark. Do not growl. Just get the attention of someone who can do something.

Your Astrology Studio reading for Sagittarius Sun or rising sign covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — However you may define your growth and your evolutionary process, what you are actually doing in these days of your life is establishing your priorities. You may have had some prior experience of thinking you knew what your priorities were, then some event, incident or discovery wakes you up and you begin to make decisions. So to be clear, I am not talking about priorities in the theoretical sense but rather in the sense of what you prioritize for action, and then act upon. You are going through a process of aligning with yourself, and catching up with the growth you’ve experienced, and then bringing that forward into what motivates your choices. This is more like shooting pool than it is like attending a meditation workshop. You line up your best shot and you take action. This is based on a larger game plan, and you need to be aware of every level as you make any one decision. There may remain some still-unfolding critical situations in your life, though you know enough now to act in a way that honors the future tangibly, and that sets you up for success.

If you have a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights about the challenges and opportunities life is sending your way, order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino. Some of the most era-defining astrology has been centered on your sign in recent years, and that includes the biggest current astrological events. It also makes an amazing gift for loved ones.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Study your emotional motives carefully before you make any decisions this week. You may feel driven by the urgency of certain situations, particularly related to family or your household. These may relate to your sense of security or stability, whether emotional or connected to a tangible circumstance. I say this knowing much of the world has been thrown into an unprecedented degree of economic chaos, which means being confronted by food and shelter security issues for the first time. Whatever you may have going on for you on the level of emotional challenge, or interpersonal challenge, or actual economic crisis, your most important tool is grounding in who you are. For Capricorn, it is helpful to sort out your sense of identity and of being as something distinct from your family’s expectations — or what you think of as their expectations. This can take guts and you may need to cut through a few layers of guilt.

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This coming winter, your sign hosts a major conjunction: Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius. That event is exact on Dec. 21, 2020. Eric also covers Saturn moving into your sign from Capricorn during the year, in this not-to-be-missed reading. Order your copy here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The most important activity in your chart remains behind a kind of veil; it’s taking place in Capricorn, the sign before yours. Yet over the next few weeks, the way to track your progress in this invisible realm will involve monitoring two things: the state of your health, and how you feel about work. These are often indicators of how a person is doing, and for you they are particularly important, as a life calling and also over the next few weeks as Venus moves through Cancer. Because so much is going on behind the scenes, you need indicators of where you stand with yourself. So pay attention to your daily activity and how you feel about it: does time seem to move quickly or slowly? Are you interested and invested in what you’re doing? Observe yourself closely and be especially honest. As for your health: how do you feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you feel at sunset, and how do you feel before you go to bed? Take careful notes. These are important factors pointing you to the future.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As you discover what it means to live in a much wider world, you are also discovering what it means to be living in a rapidly and radically changing world. This may seem chaotic, though I suggest you stay close to the changes and close to the action, as proximate as you can get, and take nothing for granted. Make your own observations. Maintain a dialog with as many people as you can, and pay attention to what you learn. A combination of three factors: world conditions, the state of your immediate community, and your personal growth, are aligning in a rare form. You do not need to fear the changes that are happening, so long as you are aware of them and participating in them consciously. Some facets of your situation are pushing you to your limits, which it’s time to exceed. As a Pisces, one thing you have going for you is the possibility for a very wide view of existence. Yes, it’s possible to squander this in petty affairs. There, I cannot help you. If you keep a broad view of yourself and your environment, and track your own movement through this unusual maze society is in, you will find yourself in a position of rare advantage.

Mars, Pluto and Eris: Critical Moment

“World War III [will be] a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.”
— Marshall McLuhan, 1970

Dear Friend and Reader:

As we move through these unusual and even singularly strange times, there are both large markers describing our era, and seemingly small ones. Yet astrology is holographic. You can take a slice of a chart, or even the details of two houses, and get a plausible reading on the whole scenario. The story of our times is told in the seemingly large moments, and in those that are seemingly small or insignificant.

This week we are in a particularly telling stretch of astrology, as Mars makes a square to Pluto and a conjunction to Eris. Both are slow-moving planets that define eras of history. These days Pluto spends under 20 years in a sign, while Eris is in the process of crossing Aries — which began in the late 1920s and wraps up in 2048. Pluto and Eris are now dancing in a 90-degree angle that is the heart of our current astrological region, and which astrologers unfamiliar with Eris and its actions are unlikely to observe.

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Monday Morning Horoscope #239 for July 27, 2020

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun has moved into the most creative and expressive area of your chart — Leo, your 5th solar house. Here is the thing: creative and expressive are not really the way of the world. Bored and stressed out more typically are. Yet what you are likely to find is that if you take the advantage that your astrology is giving you, you can stabilize in a place where you can have some real fun with your most inquisitive and artistic side. The key concept here is some ability to be consistent, and that is the nature of a fixed sign. If you are personally committed, all the distraction in the world cannot get you out of your zone. To the extent there is distraction described, it is really the potential for activity that you can focus in the direction you want. So step one is wanting. In my philosophy, curiosity is a form of desire, so wanting to see what you can do or how you might feel, or experimenting with what you might unexpectedly desire: these all count.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $44. This reading focuses on a professional breakthrough toward the end of the year, and preparing you for this development. Venus retrograde in the spring is preparation. Mars retrograde in the autumn is preparation.

Ultimately this is a spiritual development, yet in reality we are talking about aligning your purpose with action, with a calling, and with an opportunity. Elements of the reading go out to a series of power steps in 2021. Read more.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This has been a tremendously unstable year for much of the world. While in general unpredictability has a torturous quality for you, Uranus in your sign suggests that either you like what is happening, or at least you’re able to make some advantage out of it that you might not normally have. As strange as the world has been, most of the twisting and turning has come through your ideas about life rather than from life itself. This, too, may have a few potential modes of action. One is recognizing that beliefs are a poor substitute for seeking knowledge. Said simply, a belief is what you adhere to before you’ve gone on your quest for truth — and at its best, that’s what your current astrology is driving you toward. You are so dependent on all things familiar, from your home to your friends to what you do every day, that to go anyplace else may seem like wild, unknown country. That is where you need to be. Other factors are granting you emotional stability and a sense of security that you can draw on like a battery.

Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for instant access. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end of the year.Thank you for your business and your trust.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury’s recent aspects to Mars and to Chiron may have provoked you into either a crisis or a deep reevaluation of just what you’re living for. That may have come through either anger or recognizing some past hurt you’re carrying around: and one will have a way of substituting for the other. Underneath all of that is a recognition of how sensitive you are, how emotional, and how receptive. The world has been in assault mode lately, and feeling open might not seem to be a logical or sane approach to existence. I would propose it will serve you well at this time: that openness and vulnerability will be more liberating and less painful than any other way of being. Resistance is sometimes a necessary adaptation, though it cannot go on for long. In order to influence the flow of events, you need flexibility; and most of all, you need your senses on and available at all times. Then you need to think. There is no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening.

Your 2020-21 Cancer Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This year, the time of Cancer began with an eclipse on the solstice, as well as Mercury retrograde in your sign. This is astrology that points to you in a personal way, describing a transition you may not feel ready to make but have been preparing for over long years. Chiron in Aries is also a prominent factor, pointing to some pioneering developments in your professional life. I cover these aspects, and much more.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars is doing something unusual, which is spending six months in Aries, your career house. This is due to the Mars retrograde between Sept. 9 and Nov. 13, a time that will no doubt stir the pot of history. One thing that’s fair to say about you is that you take your work personally. You must do professionally what is personally relevant to you. For some that is a tall order: all those relevant things are not usually associated with a paycheck. However, I suggest you set that requirement aside in place of something better, which is responding to a calling. There is a connection between what is happening in the world, and what you want and likely need to be doing. As chaotic as it is, the planetary condition is the perfect place for you to find your passion, your mission, your true intention in life. Yet for that to work, you will need to allow yourself to get involved. That means consumed, invested, interwoven, committed, intertwined: anything but an abstract relationship. There is work to be done, and that is good news for you.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Leo Astrology Studio, Notes on Love and Courage. The two giants of the solar system meet up at the end of this year in your opposite sign Aquarius. Eric explores what this seminal conjunction means for you, and much more. Get your copy here for just $44.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — For you, the best astrology of 2020 is yet to come. While everyone else is getting swirled around like a malted in the blender, you are watching from the sidelines taking notes. It will also help to take care of yourself, by which I mean the very basics of food, air, water, rest and movement. Yet you will also benefit from focusing a turning point in how you manage your health and other facets of your wellbeing. You know there are changes you need to make, and now is the time to get those into gear, and hone them into habits. Positive habits take longer to form than negative ones (which seem to grow overnight). Yet you have motivation: you understand why you need to do what you need to do, and by now you’re feeling the internal drive to connect with those necessities. Take this seriously. Listen to the ways you’re being called. Do what you need to do, and allocate the resources you need to make it happen: time as well as money, and mostly, mental and emotional bandwidth. Major progress is in motion and you will want to be ready.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Do not let others dissuade you from your calling, or blow you off course. This is not the time to allow your desire for a romantic relationship to take priority over the work you feel called to do. This may not be a case of overt competition, or even something you can give a name to. It’s more like how your idea of a partnership is shaping your idea of what is possible. It’s essential that you see this for what it is. At this time in your life, you simply must prioritize your purpose, which translates to your vocational calling. We all must be a little leery that a relationship is the “pearl of great price.” Usually, the price is a little too high. One essential metric for the quality of your interactions is whether they support your need to invest yourself in your work. Any that does not is probably not the right involvement for you to invest yourself in. Right now, the support needs to flow toward you, not away from you. There is a binary involved; it will be one or the other, and it’s up to you to discern which is which.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The thoughts you hold in your mind matter. The ideas you accept affect your life more than you may recognize. You need some extra filtration right now, so that you may discern what is relevant for you and what is not. You also need to do some work on what is valid from an objective standpoint, meaning having nothing to do with you personally. This is particularly important where matters of your health are concerned. On that topic, the single most important thing for any Libra Sun or rising to know is that your state of physical health is greatly determined by your emotional state. More than anything else, how you feel determines how you feel. Whether or not you decide to seek any sort of physical remedy, in the end, when you feel better emotionally, you feel better all over, and much of the time it has little to do with medicine. There is a connection between your state of mind and whether what you believe is true. So this calls for some effort and even more reflection. Reading books will be helpful.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Libra reading by Eric here.

You may have instant access to your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. Order your copy here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Art is an excellent way to process whatever you’re moving through emotionally. Whatever you think of as creative process counts, though I do mean active rather than passive: making something personally, rather than consuming or experiencing something that someone else did. A little of that might be helpful, though you want your experience to be from you, about you, and centered within yourself. In 2020, that is the tricky part: this notion of ‘centered within oneself’ barely exists, because so much has been externalized. We tend to live so far outside of ourselves, and are in a sense never alone due to our phones tagging along with us everywhere we go, connecting us to everyone we have ever known. Give yourself some time and space offline, alone with your thoughts, your paints, your notebook and/or your musical instrument. Go someplace you have never been. You will benefit from this kind of exploration; it is the essence of inner work.

Your Astrology Studio reading for Sagittarius Sun or rising sign covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Something called the South Node (or the Moon’s descending node) has entered your sign and will be with you for the next 16 months or so. This is a time of deep personal clearing: of letting go of all that is no longer true about you. Sagittarius wants to expand constantly, and this is a time of pruning back, focusing, refinement, and most of all, of sorting out. Your sorting process must be conducted on one basis only: what is helpful to you, and what is not. This is the time in your life when you will learn what “helpful” and “unhelpful” mean. This goes for everything from the food you eat to who you relate to; from what you do with your time, to what you choose to own and what you choose to let go of. Remember that there is a lesson in each decision you make, and each will contribute to your total, gradually developing understanding of how you decide what is good for you.

If you have a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights about the challenges and opportunities life is sending your way, order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino. Some of the most era-defining astrology has been centered on your sign in recent years, and that includes the biggest current astrological events. It also makes an amazing gift for loved ones.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are now at the end of a major Saturn transit — the return of Saturn to your birth sign. This was also your official “Saturn return” if you’re approaching age 30 or age 58, though the effect is similar. You either finish the transit, or you get stuck there for a while, until you do (and that is not easy). Saturn will be in your sign for just a few more months, through mid-December. Think back to what you started in late 2017. What learning process did you enter? What changes did you start to go through? In particular, what shifts began in your professional or vocational life? And finally, what about your relationship to your family? That’s the big one: the one you cannot escape reckoning with. Is there some way you feel like your family is holding your identity hostage? Is there some way that you’ve sacrificed it to them? Now is the time to get it back.

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This coming winter, your sign hosts a major conjunction: Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius. That event is exact on Dec. 21, 2020. Eric also covers Saturn moving into your sign from Capricorn during the year, in this not-to-be-missed reading. Order your copy here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The notion of “psychological material” has gone the way of the eggbeater, the balsa wood airplane and synchronized swimming. However, you might want to key into the idea, and ask yourself what you’re actually grappling with — and whether you want to set a healing agenda for yourself. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto remain in your solar 12th house, where (symbolically) we sweep all of the stuff that it’s not convenient to address. It’s also the attic full of stuff from the past that all humans sooner or later encounter from their karmic and ancestral lines. People used to care about this thing. I suggest it would be a very good idea for you to do so, as this alignment will not happen again while anyone currently alive is walking around on the planet. For Aquarius Sun and rising, you have a rare window into your psyche. You have an opportunity, in a sense, to travel back in time, and resolve matters with people who are long gone. Start the dialog and keep it going as long as you can. Learn as much as you can — there is plenty.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You can put the friction in your chart to good use. Usually people see minor conflict or the bump and grind of life as an annoyance. For you, it’s a source of heat, light and the sparks you need to light your fire. You don’t need to provoke conflict, just notice it. And then tap into the little power sources that you discover. This will only work if you have a sense of humor about it. Nearly everything is at least a little funny, and many things are a total scream. So keep the gleam in your eye as you look and listen to the world going round. See the irony in the contradictions, of which there are currently plenty. People count on your point of view, if only as a way to measure their own. Therefore, remember your influence, and offer a playful but sincere presentation of your ideas. The world is a mess right now. People are afraid of their own shadow, and you can smell the agendas from all the way down in Antarctica. Stay high above the scourge of seriousness.

Lots of Squares, and Notes on Lesson 5

Dear Friend and Reader:

Currently we are within range of many square aspects. Monday is the first quarter Moon, which is a square in the Moon-Sun cycle. Additionally on Monday, Venus in Gemini is square Neptune in Pisces; Mercury in Cancer is square Mars in Aries; and in a few days, Mars in Aries is square Pallas Athene in Capricorn.

All of these involve planets close to the immediate human sensory and emotional experience. It’s easy to see and feel what is unfolding, including a new wave of protests across the country (this time against what’s been going on in Portland, Oregon: federal tactical police, without insignia and driving unmarked vans, in the style of Vladimir Putin’s military, arresting protesters).

The slow-moving Mercury-Mars square describes the anger and the direct action (Mercury is still slow and powerful after the recent retrograde). Similarly slow-moving Venus square Neptune is describing a degree of emotional deception and self-deception, where the “sides” of the issue are blurred: a Gemini placement in the thrall of Neptune.

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New Moon Opposite Saturn

Planet Waves

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today’s New Moon in Cancer is the second in a row — the first was the annular solar eclipse on the solstice, way back on June 21 (okay, just four weeks ago; it seems like longer, but I guess objects in the rearview are closer than they appear).

This is an unusual New Moon for other reasons, one of which is how much presence and activity there is in the sign opposite the conjunction, which is Capricorn. This creates balance and it also creates polarity; the two are related. It is also one of the official Last Hurrahs before the massive Capricorn part of the past 12 years winds down with the entry of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius in December.

But let’s stick to the local news — what is happening today, which is the New Moon opposite Saturn in late Capricorn. The graphic at the right shows you what that looks like — focus on all the planets with a 28 next to them: there are three, the Moon, the Sun and Saturn.

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Monday Morning Horoscope #238 for July 20, 2020

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The current phase of your life, through January, comes with the theme of cultivating self-confidence. You may think you’re a self-assured person, though this astrology will take you deeper, and help you question yourself in some worthwhile ways. I’m talking about something different from assertiveness or being extraverted. True confidence leans back a little more than it leans forward. It includes the patience to pause and observe, and make the most of what you learn from doing so. Then there is how you deal with your own weaknesses and limitations, to turn them to your favor rather than have them work to your detriment. That may be the most important facet of self-confidence that you will discover early on in the experience, which involves Mars retrograde in your sign. This stretches (in total, including the actual retrograde in the autumn) from July into January. This is a rare event, and you have an unusual learning opportunity.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $44. This reading focuses on a professional breakthrough toward the end of the year, and preparing you for this development. Venus retrograde in the spring is preparation. Mars retrograde in the autumn is preparation.

Ultimately this is a spiritual development, yet in reality we are talking about aligning your purpose with action, with a calling, and with an opportunity. Elements of the reading go out to a series of power steps in 2021. Read more.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Consider whether you still place too much emphasis on belief as a thing that guides you. There are many better ways to influence the course of your life, and belief tends to be a dangerous blind spot because it conceals lack of knowledge. You are soon to embark on a phase of your life where your leadership skills will be developed, expanded and tested by circumstances. For that, you will need to have excellent intelligence, in the sense of the presidential daily briefing: real information you can use to make important decisions. To clear space for this, develop the skill of knowing when you’re speculating. When you are, admit it — it feels good, and it reminds you that you actually need to know what is available to find out. You don’t need to be in possession of the bottom line fundamental truth at all times; that’s an impossible standard. But you definitely must know when you don’t know — that’s the most valuable information there is.

Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for instant access. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end of the year.Thank you for your business and your trust.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There’s been a lot of activity in the financial sector of your chart these past couple of months, which will now culminate with a New Moon on Monday. One of the challenges of your financial picture is that it tends to run in cycles more than for most people. These might range from feast or famine scenarios, to busy season vs. slow season situations. Yet if you study these patterns, you will see that they’re as predictable as the tides. One way to handle this is to put abundant energy into making sure you have sufficient cash reserves to smooth over some bumps (which I know is a stretch, but it’s also a necessity). Yet you also want to work with the natural tendencies, such as heading out to sea when the tide is going out, and heading back to port when the tide is coming in. This way, you’re not “going against the tide.” Study your income and spending trends. Really — pull the numbers together and take a look at them and figure out what they mean.

Your 2020-21 Cancer Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This year, the time of Cancer began with an eclipse on the solstice, as well as Mercury retrograde in your sign. This is astrology that points to you in a personal way, describing a transition you may not feel ready to make but have been preparing for over long years. Chiron in Aries is also a prominent factor, pointing to some pioneering developments in your professional life. I cover these aspects, and much more.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The past lunar month has come with an impressive deluge of astrology in your sign, including a solar eclipse, Mercury retrograde making all kinds of fancy moves, and now, the New Moon opposite Saturn. Plus there has been no shortage of activity in your partnership house (Jupiter conjunct Pluto), and more still in your career house (Mars conjunct Chiron). So, how has it been? What have you been learning? Do you feel like you’re making progress? For the current state of the nation, mere survival is doing well, though I reckon you’re doing much better — and aspects continue to work in your favor. Therefore, proceed with awareness and a positive attitude when it comes to accomplishing your most cherished goals. Your work matters right now, you are visible, and people are counting on you. Those are ideal circumstances for living out your dharma. If others around you are not doing as well, remember: your role is to be helpful in the ways you can.

You can now pre-order your 2020-21 Leo Astrology Studio, Notes on Love and Courage. The two giants of the solar system meet up at the end of this year in your opposite sign Aquarius. Eric will explore what this seminal conjunction means for you, and much more. Get your copy here for just $33.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun is about to enter your sign, which always comes as a relief. Those last days of the sign Cancer can bring considerable emotional pressure, which lets go all at once when the Sun returns to its home sign. This year, that’s on the 22nd. The bottom line message of your solar return chart is that you must take care of yourself. Through this whole Covid crisis, I’ve been studying people’s ideas of self-care and noticing a deficit. Pretty much everything depends on how well you take care of yourself, and that will require having knowledge. By that I mean knowledge of what you eat, and what your body needs; of any health issues you may face, and any medications you may take; and how to reduce your stress level. All of this is founded on your ability to study, to learn, and to be introspective — commodities in short supply these days. Yet they must be in abundant supply for you.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You need to express yourself where people can see and hear you. The desire to do so may be bursting out of you right now. The solution to your creative challenges is not to be more perfect. The solution is to take a chance and put your most personal, most meaningful work into the public eye. True art, though it must aspire to quality, is always an experiment. To be meaningful, the maker of the work must go so far as to wake up with a vulnerability hangover for a few days. For you, this means going out to a personal emotional edge and revealing something of yourself about which you feel a combination of reluctance and urgency. While this could include viewpoints on certain issues (about which you will feel better being honest), this looks like something deeper and more personal. You are in a moment of breakthrough. If you aspire for that to be creative, your springboard is the intimately personal nature of what you share or describe about yourself.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If there is an important matter of your professional life that you’re working through, particularly a decision that must be made, you are in your moment. It’s likely you’ve thought it through many times over and know exactly where you stand with yourself. You do not need to accomplish the thing you’re wanting to do or create, though a decision supported by decisive action will be enough to get you started. The real choice is not just the mental state; what you actually do is what pushes your edge and establishes you in new territory. You now have the emotional confidence and foundation to take this step. Your reputation is sufficiently established to stand in who you are with your whole being. One of the most brilliant fortune cookies I ever got read, “Be resolutely who you are. Be humbly who you aspire to be.” That would serve you well at this time in your life.

Pre-order your full 2020-21 Libra reading by Eric here.

You may have instant access to your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. Order your copy here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This is a good time to contemplate the extent to which every question is actually a spiritual question — meaning, something pertaining to the nature of your existence. Perhaps you’ve already known this for a long time, or maybe have not given it words and formed concepts. Any real question you ask ought to shake you up a little. That’s how you know it’s real, and the shakeup can make little cracks in your psyche that allow the truth and the light to shine in. Your chart at the moment is focused on the theme of wellness, and how you take care of yourself, and what you do with your days: the purpose you serve, and whether you have arranged your life such that fulfilling your purpose nourishes you. This is not about work-life balance. Rather, it’s about being alive, in all that you do. Ultimately the question of life, and the fact of existence, is a spiritual issue, and it’s one that you are at a point where you must ask sincerely. That means giving up all the fake answers that were thrust upon you so many times. You need and deserve better.

Your Astrology Studio reading for Sagittarius Sun or rising sign covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Part of getting your financial house in order involves resolving a situation with a partner. This could be the lingering results of a past situation, or getting a new or current agreement tuned to mutually beneficial terms. If this represents something from the past, use the leverage you now have and address the situation. There is plenty you can do. If this is about present circumstances, keep the discussion focused on what works for everyone. Between you there are sufficient resources to go around. Yet the most important resources are emotional, and those will lead to awareness of the others. This is a situation where all parties must see the relationship from the viewpoint of the other, to have a sense of what is happening. Too often, people experience partnership from only their point of view. Others give that up entirely and live vicariously through the other. Nether of these will help you now. You must be on mutually helpful terms, or none at all.

If you have a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights about the challenges and opportunities life is sending your way, order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino. Some of the most era-defining astrology has been centered on your sign in recent years, and that includes the biggest current astrological events. It also makes an amazing gift for loved ones.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The New Moon in your opposite sign Cancer takes place in opposition to Saturn and several other retrograde planets in your sign. This is an urgent reminder that you must update your files and live in the present rather than in the past. Even if you have lingering matters to resolve, you can only do that now. You might not think you’re ready, though in the way you view it, readiness is a standard you might not ever attain. There is a difference between wanting to be prepared, and being reticent to experiment. A relationship may provide an opportunity for you to enter new territory, though the motivation must come from you. There is only one way to gain confidence, which is to gain experience — of a kind you’ve never had before. We might sum this up in one question: should you choose to grow or explore something unfamiliar, who do you fear would not approve? Why do you care?

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is available for instant access. This coming winter, your sign hosts a major conjunction: Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius. That event is exact on Dec. 21, 2020. Eric also covers Saturn moving into your sign from Capricorn during the year, in this not-to-be-missed reading. Order your copy here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The past seems to weigh on you, even as you know so much more is possible. Your situation appears to be self-contained, as if you live in a reality you cannot escape. This seems to “prove” itself through experience, though maybe that is the thing you need more of. There is a concept of karma which holds that “no one can escape what they create.” Even if that were true, it would seem the way to escape would be to create something else, something beyond what you know. As it turns out, at the moment, this would be something about yourself. Your ancestors are involved, so your introspective search might need to go back three generations before you find the gem you are seeking. Note that when you have it in your hand, it might not seem like much. You might not be impressed. If you sit with it a while, you will discover something meaningful about yourself, something that will change your life if you let it.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is only so much you may be able to do to change the world, though there is plenty you can learn from observing it. You might not like what you see. You are keenly aware of the kinds of cruelty and actions based in ignorance that people are capable of perpetuating against one another, and at times, against everyone. As an old soul, born in the sign of the fishes in the great cosmic ocean, you have learned the art of adaptation — and that is what you need to do. One of the ways you will benefit from adapting is through bringing your curiosity and creativity into this weird new world we are living in. Where you want to assert yourself is not against anything, but creatively, into your personal frontier: artistic, erotic, romantic — whatever you feel called to, curious about or desiring of. You can adopt a strategy of letting everyone else do all the freaking out. The truth is, people live out their agenda, whatever the weather.