Author Archives: Planet Waves

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio weekly for July 30, 2015.


By all rights this should be a time of achievement for you, and of being recognized for what you’re the best at. Yet there seems to be something holding you back; possibly something in a relationship, or more precisely, something you’re holding onto involving a partner or collaborator. On one level this is a complex situation, though ultimately the way to resolve it is to go beyond the past. But here’s where the plot thickens: What past, exactly, are you trying to go beyond? In other words, how far back does this go? Track your current scenario as it’s manifested other times before. Once you see that this is a pattern, you’re likely to un-snag yourself of that one lingering insecurity. That, in turn, will help you remember and claim some key achievements of that past. These will remind you that you’ve been through this territory before and come out on top of your game.

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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The Day of Defiance: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 7
The Day of Defiance | Order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Creative work often requires walking a fine line between rational thought and flights of imagination, while drawing on the strengths of both. There will be days when you can blissfully float into wonderful fantasy worlds, and others when you’re happier managing logical matters; and still others when you want nothing more than to clean house or go for a run. The key is almost always diligence and perseverance. So long as you keep your eye on the goal, getting there is all but certain.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, Eric has much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality. in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for instant access. Check out the video preview for the reading here.

Written in the Planets

What does it take to convert impatience with restrictions into the self-discipline needed to eventually transcend them? This seems to be one of those questions that need to be faced on a regular basis, since it’s a cornerstone of maturing and learning how to take authority in one’s life. It’s also a question you’re likely to encounter today, as the Libra Sun squares Saturn in Capricorn. In fact, you’ve probably been dealing with whatever issue this aspect represents for the last few days.

Possibly this dynamic has resulted in focusing all (or most) of your attention on some authority figure who either is in fact limiting you, or whom you fear and assume has that power. Have you actually tried to discuss the matter, though? You might discover you have more leeway to pursue preferred activities, or to break out of a rut, than you thought. Without actually having the conversation, however, your assumptions could be making life feel more difficult than it really is — and that can sap energy you could really use on a Monday.

Luckily, there are aspects to the Sun and Saturn that suggest such potentials as: breakthroughs in understanding, an ability to express yourself (in a mature way) with minimal actual consequences, and access to the kind of mentorship that feeds your soul and keeps you pointed toward your goal. Those potentials will require some action to access them, though. You may even find that in seeking your own personal balance between self-gratification and responsibility, liberation becomes less about running wild, and more about the inner work you do.
— by Amanda Painter

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

In These Times is now available for instant access!

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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Oct. 7, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces monthly for March 26, 2007.


You are bound to whom you are destined to be. In other words, at this moment, you are in a prolonged encounter with your mission in life. Many people say they want their mission, and few recognize that at times no matter how true it may be, it may also be a burden; it may involving taking numerous uncertain steps; and it may involve the experience of breakthroughs that leave you doubting much that you previously believed. You may have ideas so good, you have no clue what do with them. And at the same time, you may feel like you’re responding to a calling that you don’t understand, and don’t know how to fulfill. All of this is just about normal for what you’re experiencing (and everything I’ve said to Sagittarius applies equally to you right now). Take a moment and get a sense of the landscape. Imagine you are looking back on this moment with 10 years perspective. Consider what you know, and what you are learning. What would that perspective have you do? How would you feel as you took each step?

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

In These Times is now available for instant access!

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The Day of the Good Life: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 6
The Day of the Good Life | Order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

A major new stage in your life is beginning, and it’s time to shake off any lingering doubts or fears regarding how ready you are, or how capable. You’ve proven countless times that you are both, and then some; and once you’ve taken those first few crucial steps, you’ll probably be surprised at just how well and easily you’re adapting. True, in any situation there are challenges, though facing them is how we learn and develop. Gather your courage and take this opportunity with both hands. You’ll be glad you did.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, Eric has much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality. in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for instant access. Check out the video preview for the reading here.

Written in the Planets

Monday might begin the ‘real’ workweek for you, but today’s Capricorn Moon suggests getting down to business with your personal priorities. That could mean inner emotional stuff you need to address, or it might describe taking practical steps with external resources, projects and long-term goals.

Note, however, that with Mercury’s opposition to Uranus in Taurus exact, you may need to take an unorthodox approach to things, or prefer to spend short bursts of time on several tasks. Even then, dealing with the underlying facets of what you’re working on could prove more satisfying than just touching on surface levels. Working with some kind of method (perhaps a new one) could help prevent errors, especially if new insights emerge quickly.

Others may challenge your thinking (and you may find yourself unexpectedly challenging others), which could result in particularly blunt or sharp responses. Sometimes that is exactly what’s needed to move ideas and relationships to the next level. Yet this works best if nobody’s being confrontational simply for the sake of it, and if neither party stays attached to their emotions and preconceived notions.

Also, notice if a need for certain things to be ‘just so’ is working at cross-purposes with a broader vision for what makes a fulfilling partnership. These differences could play out with another person (as in, one of you taking one approach, and the second person taking the other), or might manifest as a purely internal tension. If focusing on the details is not leading to a sense of ease, perhaps leaning toward a philosophy of shared purpose will help reframe specific expectations. We all have our bottom-line non-negotiables, but nothing is perfect.
— by Amanda Painter

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

In These Times is now available for instant access!

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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Oct. 6, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer weekly for January 11, 2016.


So much is happening in the relationship angle of your chart that you may not be able to make heads or tails out of what people are thinking. Give the scenario a couple of weeks to develop, and observe what people actually do, rather than what they say they’re going to do. This will save you time, energy and distraction. Know what issues belong to others, and let them work out what is theirs. There are many positive ways you can invest your resources, and you don’t need anyone else’s help or permission. Your solar chart suggests you have some excellent ideas that it’s time to develop, and you will get results if you do. As someone wise once pointed out, writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the chair.

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

In These Times is now available for instant access!

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The Day of the Just Cause: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 5
The Day of the Just Cause | Order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

You’ve traveled quite a distance in the past year, at least metaphorically speaking. Ongoing, you’ll want to continue and consolidate your various achievements and successes first of all. When it comes to the setbacks, look for the lesson you’ve taken from them or the ways in which you’ve grown stronger. You’ve certainly become more resilient and more tenacious, as well as bolder. Perhaps more importantly than anything, you know what you want, and have the determination you need to get it.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, Eric has much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality. in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for instant access. Check out the video preview for the reading here.

Written in the Planets

The Capricorn Moon and Libra Sun square off today for the first quarter Moon — with the Moon conjunct Saturn and the lunar South Node. Along with the kind of tension that may spur you to get moving on a project, this square also suggests a question: where is the point of balance between your need to express and gratify your own aims and desires, and your responsibility to others? Perhaps even more importantly, did you feel an awareness of guilt or habits of self-restriction begin cascading in the moment you even read that question?

We all have adult responsibilities to others that we cannot in good conscience ignore; to do so would actually undermine our own process of growth and maturity, and of taking true authority in our lives. Yet any time guilt is cropping up that’s a signal to pay attention. Are you sure you’re not restricting yourself more than you need to? Today may offer an opportunity to question that actively, in a way that lets you move forward into some new space.

Note also that with Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus, surprisingly deep insights could pop up. If you’re feeling frustrated with anyone, however, just be careful what comes shooting out your mouth.
— by Amanda Painter

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

In These Times is now available for instant access!

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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo monthly for December 8, 2016.


You’re likely to be feeling more confident about money now that Jupiter has entered your house of wealth and resources. However, you would be wise to avoid firming up business plans or major commitments until the New Year. There’s too much shifting to have a clear sense of where people stand. You need time to read the fine print and have a handle on what is expected of you before making any promises, or decisions that you cannot reverse. Get the specifics and make sure people demonstrate that they can keep a promise before making any promises to them.

My autumn readings, called In These Times, offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

In These Times is now available for instant access!

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The Day of the Incorrigibles: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 4
The Day of the Incorrigibles | Order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Now is your moment to step into the next phase of your journey, or to kick-start that project you wanted to get underway. You’re likely to be busy. This year’s astrology isn’t just on skates; it’s driving a Ferrari. You’ll want to stay alert, and be prepared to steer the energy in a productive direction — in particular, toward your personal growth and healing. If what you’re doing now isn’t contributing to that, you may want to consider doing something different. Check in regularly with your inner guidance system.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Mars enters Libra at 12:22 am EDT (4:21:50 UTC) today. This is one of those ‘funny’ Mars placements, in that signs ruled by Venus are not easy places for Mars to be. It can describe enthusiasm and an active approach to relationships, but also can express as less self-directed than in other signs. People with this natal placement can swing between mild-mannered and hot under the collar.

That is a signal to stay conscious of your unexpressed desires and frustrations: usually it’s the things we have not figured out how to express or act on — or which we’re afraid might rock the boat — that trip us up eventually. Awareness in this realm could be especially useful this afternoon. The Moon enters Capricorn at 1:43 pm EDT (17:43:07 UTC) and immediately squares Mars. Although Moon transits do not last long, they can have impact.

In this case, that could mean emotions getting the better of people (including you), irritability, or acting rashly. Notice if you’re letting small annoyances rile you up, when really there’s some larger grievance you’re trying to avoid facing. That’s the kind of set-up that can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings. And really, who needs that on a Friday? If you’re willing to lean on Mercury, newly in Scorpio, to think a little deeper into your feelings, you may be able to get beneath the petty stuff and deal appropriately with what’s really bugging you.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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