Author Archives: Planet Waves

The Day of the Overseer: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 30
The Day of the Overseer | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

A birthday conjunction between Mercury and Venus in your sign indicates that your consciousness is tuned to an artistic key. Creative inspiration can even open spiritual dimensions that feel like ‘coming home’ in some way, but you’ll need to honor those instincts enough to follow through. Whether you consider yourself an artist per se or not, beautifying your environment or attending cultural events might be more rewarding than you suppose. You should be able to express yourself with considerable charm this year, and approach life with an optimistic attitude that paves the way to some interesting encounters.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Sharp, saucy Venus in Scorpio sidles up to slow — and therefore powerful — Mercury today, just one day before Mercury stations retrograde. This could describe some very interesting relationship conversations or declarations of romantic/sexual intent — which are typical of a Mercury-Venus conjunction. In Scorpio, Mercury can describe keeping things secret or striking with sharp verbal accuracy. However, Mercury is in its ‘storm’ phase, churning up the waters of emotion-soaked thought and communication — which could translate into miscommunication.

Is the object of your affection/lust giving off “let’s get real” vibes? Or do they seem cagey and self-protective? Which way do you feel yourself leaning? Bear in mind that, especially with the asteroid Pallas quite close, there may be a tendency to express emotions in intellectual terms. Depending on your circumstances, this could facilitate discussing intensely personal topics you’d normally have a hard time talking about. You may also be able to perceive some of the underlying patterns running through your life.

Engaging with art, as creator or appreciator, may offer an especially effective way into this material, with erotic, ‘dark’ or transformation-themed work potentially hitting just the right notes. Bear in mind that when Mercury makes its apparent reversal tomorrow at 11:41 am EDT (15:41:20 UTC), new information could emerge, which may be quite pertinent to today’s conversations (or to matters that have been in the dark for a few weeks). Keep your inner ears open and tuned to the subtle frequencies of intuition and instinct. Double-check everything, whether practical or metaphysical.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for December 17, 2015.


It does not suck to be you. Don’t go to that dark place except to laugh at it. You should not measure yourself according to conventional standards when, in fact, you have been unconventional. Neither is it in any way right or appropriate to upbraid yourself for having practiced your idiosyncratic ways even if others cannot or will not understand. As much as you have had to endure the pain of losing who and what you have lost to be who and what you are, you have almost certainly gained even more. At the moment those gains are probably not apparent. Rather, the accumulated stores of what your originality has built up are hidden, and not from you. There are unprecedented and (as of yet) untapped reserves of creative genius inside you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find a way to access that genius without resorting to drugs, alcohol or other forms of self-destruction. — By Len Wallick

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

A Few Hurdles

By Jen Sorensen

By Jen Sorensen

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of New Ideas: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 29
The Day of New Ideas | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

This year you should be able to instinctively tap both emotional and intellectual resources to considerable effect. Material security ties in here, but it’s deeper than that. Invest in developing and expressing more of your innate talents and proclivities. The result can be a unity of purpose that greatly enhances self-worth. From there, all security proceeds. Relationships and communication factor large this year, and could pave the way toward opportunities you seek. An open heart, self-expression and sensitivity to intuitive prompts will serve you well.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Let’s face it: much of daily life has little to do with passion as we tend to conceive of it — though a general zest for life is one of passion’s incarnations. Yet passion — whether sexual or creative — is not always an easy energy for people to handle. It can be scary, since it implies a loss of control — an inability to deny and hide our truth.

There’s an intriguing conjunction today between Venus and the asteroid Pallas in Scorpio. Pallas often represents strategy and political wisdom, or a kind of detached rationality — useful skills for certain tasks. Yet strategy combined with a compelling emotion like passion can mutate into cruelty when fear or pain is part of the equation.

Particularly during the first part of the day, as the Scorpio Moon activates the Venus-Pallas conjunction, you may want to notice if you find yourself getting strategic about any of your most intense feelings. Are you keeping it all hidden from others as you maneuver? Do you find yourself going on the hunt for what you want? Anything to do with sex, love, lust, jealousy, possessiveness or financial concerns may need careful handling — as in, gently and openly rather than aggressively or secretly. Passion plus strategy can also fuel activism that’s working for the good of all.

With Mercury slow and stormy (it stations retrograde on Thursday), you may want to check your thinking. This definitely looks like a “best laid plans of mice and men…” situation. Getting to the bottom of how you’re feeling could be a very fruitful use of today’s energy. After the Moon enters Sagittarius just before 6:00 pm Eastern, it may be easier to take a lighter approach to whatever’s been compelling you.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Capricorn weekly for February 20, 2009.


I suggest you go through every aspect of your financial affairs in the next couple of weeks. Get help if you need it, which would mean any patient person with a knack for figures and paperwork. You need to know exactly where you stand; how much you have in the way of money, debt and credit. The weather is uniquely fair for this exercise, which amounts on one level to an assessment of how much power you have. Be aware if you’re reluctant to do this exercise. The fact is that the truth will be better than you imagine, and you will discover that you have a diversity of unexpected options for how to handle your affairs.

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Research: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 28
The Day of Research | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Prepare to take the wheel and steer your life toward the true north of who you really are, more than you ever have before. Uranus opposing your Sun on your birthday signals that you’re ready to reclaim aspects of your core identity. Opportunities to expand in that direction might arise from challenges in your environment. Wake-up calls could come via relationships that demand a type of conformity no longer compatible with your evolutionary path. The question is: how much have you surrendered for the sake of security, or external expectations? Therapeutic guidance geared toward liberating repressed anger or fears can help you make the most of a pivotal year.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Mercury stations retrograde this Thursday, Oct. 31 — which means we’re entering the ‘storm’ phase now. You’ll want to be as diligent as possible with all communication, and perhaps especially with anything related to security, finances, and any topics you consider particularly private.

Remember that nothing online ever really goes away completely — though you’d be hard pressed to find many people who live like they truly understand this. Be doubly certain you have the right email address or phone number before you send sensitive messages this week (and for the next month). As usual, back up your computer, and be ready to find workarounds for inconvenient glitches.

Although the Moon is making its way further into Scorpio after last night’s New Moon, the Sun is still opposite Uranus in Taurus. So a good deal of yesterday’s Written in the Planets will likely still apply, regarding surprises and secrets. Added to the mix is a square between Ceres in Sagittarius and Borasisi in Pisces. How are your beliefs about what counts as ‘spiritual’ stacking up against what’s genuinely been feeding your soul in recent months? If that question triggers some tension, what do you need to do to resolve it?
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Oct. 28, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra weekly for May 9, 2016.


You may find yourself able to reach an unusual agreement with a close partner — something that has no resemblance to what is normally thought of as compromise, but rather a whole new kind of double-win situation. You have always known this was possible; for you, mutually beneficial agreements are on the level of a biological instinct. It’s just that humans (at times, yourself included) can have an uncompromising approach to life. Yet now it’s as if what was previously unmovable and inflexible has reached a melting point. You will be amazed how little needs to change on the mental level for so much to change on every other level. Nobody is asking for a lot. Everyone involved seems capable of offering, and even willing to offer, far more. Yet embracing the notion of symbiosis — a biological relationship where two different entities thrive on one another’s presence — will lend itself to much happiness. The keys: listen, and be open.

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Impulse: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 27
The Day of Impulse | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

A New Moon closely opposite Uranus is pretty much the astrological signature for a clean slate. If you’ve felt somewhat hemmed in or locked into a routine, this year will serve to remind you that you’re the one ultimately in control of your life. If you have major changes to make, the window of opportunity is imminent. Just be sure to tie up as many loose ends as you can. In particular, keep promises and atone generously for any errors. Then you’ll be ready when the moment comes.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Tonight’s New Moon in Scorpio has quite a chart. This conjunction of the Sun and Moon is exact at 11:38 pm EDT (3:38:20 UTC Monday), and exactly opposes Uranus in Taurus. Surprises, upsets and anything out of the ordinary could provoke secrets coming out. Yet it’s also possible that behaving in secrecy could itself be the provocative, challenging or upsetting thing. The signs involved are known for strong emotions, and for fixed points of view that sometimes resist the need to flex. And while New Moons are usually lower-energy events, Uranus packs a lot of electrical current. Also, Mercury stationing retrograde in less than a week could be amping up mental static and the potential for misunderstandings.

Questions this event seems to ask include: Where’s the line between simply seeking new experiences/stimulation and behaving recklessly? What’s the difference between ‘getting real’ or ‘going deep’ with someone, and over-sharing in ways that cause someone to feel blindsided? When do you leave the zone of being ‘private’ and protecting your vulnerability and stray into masking your truth to get power over someone?

Nobody shares all of their innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, shadow material or processing all of the time. Yet you can also open up about secrets and ‘taboo’ topics in ways that don’t feel like an ambush. Oppositions are about negotiation; negotiation is about give and take, and finding a common meeting point. An invitation to join someone in the deep end of the pool might feel risky; but is it really just reminding you of some hidden restlessness, or of some part of yourself that you’ve been longing to express but have not dared to yet?

This New Moon chart also hints that intuitive wisdom and other ‘internal’ ways of knowing are key to navigating whatever comes your way today. Especially if you feel knocked off balance, see if you can stay in contact with whatever your immediate first instinct was. If your initial, intuitive response shocks you, that may be all the more reason to heed it. What does it tell you about what you truly want?
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…