Author Archives: Planet Waves

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio monthly for December 19, 2005.


You must consider yourself an independent businessperson even if your job is personal assistant to the personal assistant of the planning board secretary. Things are looking up for your career, but since up is the operative word you will need to do some serious climbing. The weird part is, you’re actually likely to get someplace before you retire.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for July 29, 2005.


You can afford to take someone else’s leadership on an issue of far-reaching importance particularly because at the moment their thinking is quite a bit more conservative than yours. You may think that they’re dwelling on problems that don’t exist but I suggest you take the opportunity to continue a careful discussion of your plans that will at least take you through the equinox. From that point it will be a lot more obvious what choices you need to make not only to safeguard but also maximize your long-term position. Optimism is not enough; you need concrete plans that pass the test of reason.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, April 6, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo monthly for May 30, 2005.


Slowly a wide space in your mind that you have put nearly all your energy into emptying out is filling up with the kinds of feelings and ideas that you have long cherished. This is evidence of what can happen when you gradually eliminate fear and doubt; you make room for other feelings. These feelings slowly lead you to the realization of other needs and desires than the ones that were informed by negativity. You will soon see that what happens in real life is more compelling than what happens in theory.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, April 5, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius daily for March 12, 2018.


The Moon in aspect to Chiron much of the day offers you a window into your deeper thoughts and feelings. You’ll be able to see things that are usually invisible, and see into spaces that are often foggy and opaque. Stand back from whether you believe or disbelieve, and simply observe.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, April 4, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini monthly for March 3, 2016.


You may never understand the choices that others make, so therefore strive to understand yourself. If, however, you’re trying to grasp the motives of a close partner or loved one, consider that they’re having a crisis of faith. This may take them some time to work out, and you can be supportive by remembering it’s not about you. Brilliant things are brewing on the career front — opportunities you’ve never experienced and may never experience again. Keep your focus there, and set your sights high. You’re in a position to command respect for your singular talent, vision and creativity.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, April 3, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra monthly for May 5, 2016.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That’s especially true for you now. More specifically, it’s an important (if somewhat earthy) maxim to follow regarding relationships where income and property are co-mingled. The potential for you and your partner (or partners) to share both unprecedented prosperity and blissful harmony is probably much better than it might look for you right now. Give any urge to tinker a rest and allow your mutual venture to develop, so long as it is doing well and that is well enough. While it is never advisable to count your chicks before they hatch, it’s not a good idea to count them out, either. Unless you begin to actually lose financial ground or equal influence, put pie in the sky on the back burner until at least November. — by Len Wallick.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, April 2, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for October 9, 2009.


Jupiter, the planet associated with your sign, is sitting close to a halt in Aquarius. This tells me that an idea is getting ready to either start moving, or come to fruition. Anyone involved in the actual manifestation of ideas, which is probably something you attempt on a regular basis and even succeed at, knows that they seem to take on a life of their own. To the extent that life has included a lot of sleeping in, walking backwards and irritating your friends, it now seems ready to include progress, utility and a bit of fun. There’s not a rush here — some of the best stuff on its way, especially in the concept/project department, develops over the next six months. All of it grows from what you’ve been up to lately, and what you are doing now. Therefore, take one step at a time, and the occasional opportunity for a leap.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Capricorn weekly for May 30, 2016.


Last week, The Onion, a satirical website worth checking out, published an article about a space probe crashing into the edge of the universe. The joke, of course, is that the universe doesn’t have an end or a wall or a cliff that a thing can bang into, or fall off of. As you seek the deeper truth of yourself, it will be helpful to recognize that you don’t have such an edge either — though you might feel as if you do. You’ll discover yourself as deeply as you want to go. You might believe there is some limit that you must not exceed, some depth that’s too dangerous to fathom. Most people will obey their fear and stop long before they get anywhere near there. I would encourage you to keep going: to keep pushing your inner limits, and most of all, to experiment being evermore truthful about who you are to your friends. This, and little else, will give you the confidence you seek.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.