Author Archives: Planet Waves

The Day of Dogged Persistence: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 19
The Day of Dogged Persistence | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Keep your focus. You may feel at times as if anything can happen; yet you have the ability to rise above the chaos and apply your strong sense of resolve. Others are likely to look to you for structure and calm; you can set an example just through being yourself, which is enough for you to stand out. Approaching unfamiliar situations with discernment and a little caution should help you remain on the path.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

We’re one day away from the Sun’s entrance into Aries — also known as the equinox. This marks the end of the current astrological year and the beginning of a new one. And shortly after the Sun makes its move tomorrow, the Moon will oppose it for a Full Moon in Libra. So you may be noticing some energy build, or feel an urge to move on to the next stage of something, especially in one or more of your relationships. There’s no need to rush that; in fact, the ongoing Mercury retrograde is a strong reminder to go easy in all things. Due to other factors, relational tension could also come through either as arousal or frustration related to an ingrained habit. How flexible can you be with a partner this week in terms of meeting each other’s needs — sexually, sensually, intellectually and socially?

Note also that today the Pisces Sun makes a square to Ixion in Sagittarius. Can you pursue your current spiritual quest or creative self-expression without repeating ethically questionable choices? If you’re not sure what that might mean, consider things like emotional, energetic and sexual boundaries. You have the potential to make a choice that works for all parties concerned, or that at least works for you in a way that does minimal harm to others. If you have a second chance at something, how do you plan to use it?
— By Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces weekly for September 6, 2007.


You may feel under pressure, or worse, like someone is putting you under pressure. I can assure you that what you are feeling is but a shadow of what someone close to you is experiencing, for reasons that, on one level, have nothing to do with you. Yet on another level, they have everything to do with who you are and the influence you have on your environment. Uranus in your birth sign has you cast in the role of the person who pushes everyone to be free by the mere fact of your existence. You could walk around with a bag over your head doing nothing more innovative than playing checkers and people would still get that odd, nervous feeling that you’re pushing them to deal with their hang-ups and get on with their lives. They may not like it today; tomorrow is another story.


As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Wavesaudio and most written signs now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.

The Day of Return: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 18
The Day of Return | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Dream big, and let the tide of fervor and inspiration carry you along for a while. Once you have the broad concept in place, you can begin to fill in the details. At first, though, it can be immensely useful to spend time with your big vision and experience enthusiasm filling you up like fuel. This doesn’t replace hard work, but it does give life and interest to your efforts, and the gift of perseverance when it’s needed.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

The Moon moving through the last third of Leo today suggests a more social Monday than usual. Whether you’re looking for emotional contact from others (which might come via a friend or acquaintance rather than something more intimate), feeling inclined to offer support and generosity to others, or getting chatty in the digital realms, keep the energy moving but remember that it’s not all about you. Juno in Gemini opposite the Great Attractor in Sagittarius could describe a sense that relationship needs are either polarizing, pulling you along, or just out of reach. Is it something you can talk about with a friend or two, so you don’t feel like things are at quite such a stalemate? (Note also that we’re building to a Full Moon in Libra with the Aries equinox on Wednesday.) With almost two weeks left of Mercury retrograde in Pisces, keep reminding yourself to double-check the details and take things slowly. When and if something does go wrong, where’s the deeper lesson in it?
— By Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, March 18, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for May 7, 2015.


You seem to be in a position where you have to take leadership, though you might not feel like you’re getting any traction. Remember that in the world there are two kinds of authority — formal and informal. Formal power is the headmaster of a school. Informal power is a student who understands how to win people over and make things happen, having nothing to do with any official line of authority. Your charts suggest you may be in a dilemma that would be described well by these two possibilities. The way to accomplish what you want to accomplish is to win hearts and minds. You do that by socializing and fraternizing with people, though not for recreational purposes. This is for your mission, for your project. Work the room, speak to people one by one, address them by name, and get them on board with what you are planning. Offer your help with what they might need. There’s a special kind of sharing involved: people are your assets, and more significantly, you are theirs.


As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Wavesaudio and most written signs now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.

The Day of the Aerialist: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 17
The Day of the Aerialist | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Remember to check in from time to time with your emotional dimension and general wellbeing. Your understanding is growing broader, and you could take big strides toward meeting some profound spiritual goals. This may require facing some challenges, though it’s unlikely there’s any need to expose yourself to undue stresses or be rushed off your feet. Use your judgment if things become a little fraught, and try to keep a human pace.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

Today’s astrology seems to cover themes from the cosmic to the highly personal to the very political. With the centaur Pholus making a square to the object Salacia in Aries — near Aries Point territory — notice any tension you feel around what could be considered ‘scandalous’. Note that it doesn’t need to be as high-profile or wide-reaching as the current college admissions scandal in the U.S. to count.

Whether you’re feeling tempted to push the envelope on a personal matter or to cast judgment on another’s actions, whatever you do today could have very far-reaching unforeseen consequences. If anything related to sex or business/government is involved, that’s an extra clue to keep your ethics close, and to look at least three steps ahead when factoring in possible repercussions.

Meanwhile, the Pisces Sun is making a square to the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius. In what ways are you feeling called to spread some high-vibe love or to be of service to your fellow humans? Does that activity actually strike you as even more attractive than whatever sauciness Pholus-Salacia is describing? With retrograde Mercury in a conjunction to the asteroid Vesta (not far from the Sun), you likely have a mind to hold space for your better angels. Just remember that they might not look as ‘vanilla’ as you’d expect — Vesta can sometimes symbolize ‘unusual’ or non-traditional relationships. Scan your past for possible examples of what that might look like.
— By Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, March 17, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for April 4, 2016.


Rarely mentioned about Aquarius is your sign’s deep commitment to service. You might be into socializing, cars, clothing or your recording studio, though the bottom line of your chart is your humanitarian values. Two things are happening to bring this out. One is that the sky is still swimming in Pisces energy (that’s the water in your urn). At the same time, the Sun is about to meet up with a planet you love: inventive, oddball Uranus. You have a sense of what the people around you need, and you have the ideas and intelligence to do something exceptionally useful. Trust your ideas. Trust yourself. Whatever scale you’re working on, I would encourage you to make the contribution that you want to make. The reward for you will be the exquisite feeling of fulfilling your purpose, which has a way of opening doors both in your mind and in the world around you. Open is not merely good, it’s excellent.


As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Wavesaudio now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.

The Day of Realistic Inspiration: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 16
The Day of Realistic Inspiration | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Look to the year ahead with courage and determination to navigate the path of your growth. This is a potent time in your life, and you have the opportunity to develop in leaps and bounds, should you wish to. Recognize the person you are becoming, and give yourself permission to get there and to take up space in the world. You are wiser and stronger than you know, and your qualities are valued.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

Uranus entered Taurus just over a week ago. Today, it receives a square from the asteroid Psyche in Aquarius. If you’re feeling a little stuck regarding some facet of your psychological functioning, you might have an urge to try and do something about it today. The tricky thing is, Psyche often refers to the sensation that nothing can be done to heal a wound — but it’s a lie: any problem or wound can be solved or healed, given the appropriate tools, assistance, perspective and time. Likewise, the signs Taurus and Aquarius both have a penchant for solidifying patterns. So Uranus is the wild card here — the factor that could kick you into gear on getting unstuck. Just be aware that this will likely involve being willing to move away from a place of familiarity, or even comfort, to try a new tack.

Luckily you have a sextile between retrograde Mercury in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn on your side. If you can get the gears cranking, this aspect offers an opportunity to investigate a puzzle or mystery (such as yourself, as described above). Chances are the clues will lead you into the past for some new level of understanding; but not to stay there. Come back to the surface and see who you can share your new insights with (just double-check the email address or phone number before you share).
— By Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, March 16, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio weekly for May 28, 1999.


Many young healers go through a process similar to the one I suspect you are now in: is it right to accept money, or to create wealth, by helping people? Or should we do it for free? Fortunately, I’ve had some fine lawyers in my life, who taught me to turn such questions around. If we don’t accept money for helping people, then how is it more ethical to accept it for hurting them? The world seems to say that it surely is. Now is a perfectly amazing time to stick by your values; to do what you know is right; and to remember the many sacrifices you have made on the way to getting where you are. Enough is enough.


As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Wavesaudio now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.