Author Archives: Amy Elliott

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 25, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 25, 2018 (#1224) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — When you think you’re looking at something objectively, be wary. None of us are brought up in a wholly sterile environment. Our culture is rife with underlying prejudices, which we cannot escape entirely. This doesn’t mean we are incapable of good decisions or open minds; just that a purely clinical point of view is not so easy to attain as one might think. We also tend to judge and therefore sideline our emotional responses, though these are perfectly valid. Consider what you might be hiding from yourself. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How often do you rely on others to set the parameters of your self-worth? As Venus retrograde in your opposite sign forms a conjunction with the Sun this week, you may find yourself asking this or similar questions. Be on the alert, additionally, for clues that you might be limiting your estimation of what is within reach, and projecting that restrictive quality onto someone specific, or the world in general. If you’re feeling hemmed in, that may be your cue to start thinking outside the box. Don’t wait for permission to move forward. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The week ahead will likely go a good deal more smoothly if you focus on the resources you already have; what is tangible and immediately available to you. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing dreams and ambitions; however, we must also live our lives day to day, and to some extent this is easier to do cheerfully if you are actively grateful for the blessings you enjoy now. If you have a roof over your head, running water and a regular source of food, those things count. If you can look up and see the stars at night, that’s another. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For you, providing for those you care about affords a deep sense of satisfaction, and contributes infinitely to your emotional wellbeing. Of course, I’m not simply referring to financial provision here, but things like a hot meal, a listening ear and some friendly words of wisdom. Artistic expression is another way to offer something to the world. It’s true that altruistic sentiments are not exactly fashionable, and some may suggest you should curtail your generosity or channel it in a different way. You don’t need to listen to them. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The astrology this week will probably shine a spotlight on part of your emotional world. Don’t be afraid to explore what you are feeling and take the chance of understanding that side of you more completely. You might even try wearing your heart on your sleeve to a greater degree. Some may react critically to that approach, but that’s their business. It certainly need not stop you forging a better and more honest relationship with yourself, and showing the world an example of what it means to be open and sincere.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — In one part of Pride and Prejudice, the playful heroine mocks the hero by suggesting he prefers not to speak unless he has something to say that will amaze the whole room. Many of us contain, in some way, this wish to appear sophisticated or relevant, which can prevent us from saying what’s really on our minds. The current group of planets in your 3rd house of communication can help you better comprehend the reasons for what you choose to say and what you’re withholding. Imagine how it would feel to speak without any reserve. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun-Venus conjunction in early Scorpio this week may seem a little like an extended birthday season for you. Perhaps you’re feeling somewhat more stable in terms of finance or security, or just more aware of the good things around you. If so, you might benefit from finding a way to pay it forward — that is, to do something kind for others who need it. This doesn’t require you to compromise any hard-won gains, and you will almost certainly feel enriched by it in other ways. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Scorpio Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Your Audio Reading is Ready!

“The Scorpio reading is absolutely amazing (my Venus is in Scorpio). I actually felt it was pretty accurate given my love life.”

— Emily Rose

Dear Scorpio (or Scorpio Rising) Reader:

Eric succeeded in recording the two astrology segments of your 2018 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading Monday night. This means that when you order, you’ll get instant access to at least an hour of his expert inspiration, motivation and trouble-shooting for your next 12 months.

With Venus still retrograde in your sign, and Jupiter about to leave Scorpio and move into your 2nd house, the timing could not be better.

And when you order now, you’ll lock in the current price. When Eric records your tarot reading at a later date, the price will increase a final time.

We used to call these “Birthday Readings.” But so many people have let us know how well they work for their rising sign or Moon sign (or, like Emily above, their Venus sign) Eric decided to change the name. Don’t worry — it’s still some of the most personally relevant astrological guidance available online.

I wish you an enlightening and transformative year,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you know and love a Scorpio, this reading makes an amazing gift.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — After the recent Full Moon you may have become aware of a certain mental challenge you’re facing, like a puzzle waiting to be solved. The answer is not likely to be especially simple; however, figuring this out could well provide you with significant leaps of insight, and may also release a lot of tension. You are moving toward a clearer sense of your own intentions and your mission, and this exercise is potentially a key part of that process, drawing you closer to yourself, your identity and your strongest beliefs. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As your ruler Jupiter approaches your sign, which it will enter on Nov. 8, take some time to recollect what the past year has taught you in terms of your most deeply held feelings, dreams and secrets. You’ve come to know this part of yourself perhaps better than you ever have, and may consider the work you’ve done as a solid foundation for the months ahead. Now you’re getting ready to switch gears, though you don’t have to bolt out of the gate by any means. When you do, it’ll be with a fuller and more substantial trust in who you are. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s true that you have ample justification in relying on your personal strength, grit and willpower, all of which have been known to keep you ploughing ahead through many a challenging moment. If there’s a zodiacal embodiment of the phrase “keep calm and carry on,” Capricorn is definitely in the running. It’s not easy in such circumstances to admit that one is in need of support. If that does happen to be the case, however, try to open up and let your friends help you. If nothing else, it will cultivate trust and sharing, of which we all need more. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to have reached a turning point in terms of your career or fulfillment of your ambitions, which involves releasing something that has not been serving you lately. More than likely, this is of a nature that restricts you from claiming a part of your identity, or at least displaying it in a workplace environment. You need room to cultivate and express your more refined tastes and sentiments, to bring your innate abilities to your role, and to develop your mind. This would probably be a good time to stop pretending any different. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Imagine following a spiritual path in which you are the sole arbiter of your daily practices and the rules by which you live. You set the ethical standards and the manner (if any) of ritual or worship. There is no authority higher than yours; no written guidebook; no compulsory attendance — and also no peer pressure. What principles would you set? What would you hold sacred, and what forbid? The answers to these questions could shed a lot of light on your feelings, what is truly dear to you, and the things you genuinely believe. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Oct.18-25, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 18, 2018 (#1223) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the digital environment, it would seem people are increasingly being judged on what they say, rather than on what they actually do. In some instances it’s becoming rather difficult to speak one’s mind without the strong temptation to add a preface, a disclaimer or an apology. You might wish to be considered a member of some particular group; be wary of any pressure to adjust your language, and pay close attention to the way others are using theirs. Try to avoid saying anything that does not accurately reflect your thoughts. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are often far more possibilities in life than the ones with which we are usually presented. In relationships, for example, people are encouraged to ride the proverbial escalator, and measure their situation in terms of pre-defined steps. You know there are many other ways to look at things, and your ruler Venus may be awakening you to some of them. If someone else wants to move things along according to their own parameters, you don’t have to accede to their wishes; instead, show them how many options they, and you, really have. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You understand yourself and your intentions better than you or others might suppose. You are also aware that having an ultimate goal in mind does not necessarily require every action you take to be hell-bent on its accomplishment. Among other things, you need time simply to be human; to relax, meet friends, enjoy hobbies and so forth. If you’re worried about doing this, consider intervals of rest and recreation as useful in terms of sustaining your long-term drive and enthusiasm, in the same way that a good night’s sleep supports your health. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — By now you are likely aware of the difference between your true identity and feelings on the one hand, and certain people’s opinions or ideas about you on the other. The past few months have shown you how vital is the need to express oneself honestly, regardless of what might be expected or how some might react. You are not obliged to pacify anyone by conforming to artificial cultural norms. If you have a sense of fear or tension at the thought of being yourself, try to figure out what is behind that; then focus on how you could overcome it. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You might consider this week as almost like an extra New Year; in various aspects of your life, you may be starting afresh, or have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. If you have any habits, practices or commitments that are constraining you in some way, this is an optimal time to move on from them and form new ones. Make sure, when deliberating on this point, that you lean on the side of improving your overall wellbeing and taking steps toward reaching your potential. One clue to accomplishing this is that those two intentions are unlikely to conflict.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — A crucial part of your healing and growth process at this time is developing the ability to say what you really think and feel. Note that this doesn’t simply mean speaking everything that happens to be on your mind at that moment. In some ways, that can mask what’s going on at a deeper level. The first thing is to understand your emotional responses — especially if you feel provoked to react to something immediately. What’s that about? The second is to recognize that your feelings are valid, and you have every right to give them conscious expression. Get your full reading by Eric here.

“Today I was listening to last year’s reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year’s reading; I’m so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I’m okay and actually very excited. The past few years have really been building up and my life has been a pure reflection of it all throughout the years…this reading is so inspiring.”

— Rhonda Benson, on a previous Birthday Reading

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready.

Listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — As we often stress on this site, ultimately you are the only person who can determine your identity, how you view who you are, and your most passionately held values. Yet this does not mean you need to seclude yourself from all possible influence by others. In fact, one of the ways you learn about yourself is through where those deeper parts of your being interact with others, and your experience of such encounters; genial as well as provoking or tense. You might, for example, observe this when you make art, or make love, or simply make conversation. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Do you have a Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising sign? Catch the lowest price we offer on your two segments of audio astrology and tarot reading for your next 12 months: pre-order your 2018-19 Scorpio Astrology Reading here

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Past challenges have a way of intruding themselves on present life, to the extent that sometimes we can feel as if we’re being dragged back there. You may have been noticing similar sensations fairly recently; perhaps especially a feeling of succumbing to former habits of mind, or fears you’d rather have done with altogether. This week, you may suddenly gain a new perspective on these visitations; in rediscovering the thread of your current reality, potentially you’ve actually found a way to overcome whatever might have previously held you back. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Over the next few weeks, a specific phase of your life will be drawing to a close, with a new one forming. Hopefully you’ll begin to feel more confident than you have in perhaps a few years. In part, this is about reaping the rewards of the groundwork you’ve assiduously prepared. The only thing that can get in the way is any fear you have of changes to your way of life. It’s sometimes scary to emerge into the light after a while in the shadows, so to speak; yet this is a legacy you’ve created for yourself, and you’re entitled to enjoy it. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s not always easy to know when you’re doing good work, especially in stressful or busy periods; and one can very quickly lose heart if in doubt. If this sounds familiar, try taking a little time to celebrate your recent achievements. Praise from others might certainly come in useful, though ultimately your self-worth, as the name suggests, can only be set by you. Try to look at your accomplishments from a somewhat detached point of view, and be wary of applying any rule that you would not also use with someone else. You must treat yourself fairly. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Remember that fulfillment in the arena of your career and ambitions can only really be complete when you are using your inventive abilities, in as full a capacity as possible. Some workplaces certainly require one to suppress one’s innate talents; if you are in that situation by necessity, make sure at least some of your free time is spent pursuing one that is worthier of you, whether through art or a different skill. Above all, you should not consider the unique luminosity of your mind as anything other than a gift, and a precious one. Cultivate it all you can. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may be finding yourself consistently deciding, this week, between following the loftiest and noblest impulses of your nature, and obeying the opposing drive to throw all your toys out of the baby carriage. Lapses come to us all; nevertheless, where you have the power of choice, try to choose wisely. This doesn’t mean you have to be a saint. What might help is if you refrain from doing or saying what you could later regret, and instead try to look at a specific issue from as broad a perspective as you can accommodate. Chances are, you’ll spot something you missed. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 15, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It can be easier than you think to misinterpret what someone says or does if it falls outside of your expectations; even (perhaps especially) when the person is close to you. We all have moments when our buttons are pushed and we feel a strong urge to lash out. Try to avoid reacting impulsively, and try to set out with an attitude of trust, and giving others the benefit of the doubt until there is incontrovertible evidence that you should do otherwise. If you get a sense of being provoked, weigh carefully the consequences of any possible response, remembering that there are things you cannot undo once done. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uranus in your sign may already be working its influence in your life. At times this can feel exhilarating; at others, downright unsettling. At heart, Uranus has a knack for bringing the unexpected, and waking us out of complacency or stagnation, much like cats do in the morning with their unsuspecting humans: you might want to stay in bed, but that cat is going to get her breakfast. The accompanying challenge is to make the best out of each day even when things don’t quite go as planned, which will likely take practice. Over the coming months, you’ll have the opportunity to get used to this new way of being. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keep your mind on what’s most important to you. Distractions are ubiquitous and most websites these days are rabbit holes. You have too much on your to-do list to lose time wandering in a labyrinth of links, or getting stuck in arguments with random online entities who are too entrenched in their viewpoint to engage in a rational debate. In addition, be wary of any impulse to compromise the accomplishment or goal you’re seeking in exchange for an easier one, even if that might get you quicker rewards. You have the capacity to reach for the skies, and if you maintain your focus you’re very likely to get there. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Like many people these days, encouraged by seven- or ten-point lists and therapy-by-soundbite, you might be inclined to seek quick and simple answers to any challenges you may be facing. It’s not necessarily the case that every real solution to emotional or spiritual issues must by nature encompass many years. However, that work which in particular involves breaking out of early programming is often complex, multi-layered and long-term. This process can even be life-long. Yet keep forging your new understanding with the universe — if for no other reason than dedication to finding the truth. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In almost all the consequential choices we make, and a good many of the lesser ones, there is an ethical element: a decision as to whether we obey our ego, or listen to our higher beliefs and impulses. There is, unfortunately, no metric for determining which is which; one way to suss this out in a specific case is to weigh up each option and see how it makes you feel. That will help you trace where the ideas originate, based on similar choices you’ve made in the past. Try to keep an ear out in general for the voice of your conscience — which is not, by the way, the same thing as guilt — and consider the guidance it offers. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week, try to figure out what it is you’re not saying. That includes any time you mount your hobby-horse and wax lyrical on a subject you know well or are passionate about; any time you feel provoked into an argument; or any time you experience emotions that seem too strong to articulate. These are all ways we trick ourselves into not communicating what we really need, want or feel. Even if the difficulty seems impassable, there’s usually a way to break it down into bite-size chunks. Consider what you already know. Write down as much as you can, if only for yourself; then get to work on the analysis. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

“Today I was listening to last year’s reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year’s reading; I’m so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I’m okay and actually very excited. The past few years have really been building up and my life has been a pure reflection of it all throughout the years…this reading is so inspiring.”

— Rhonda Benson, on a previous Birthday Reading

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready. Listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus seems to be inviting you to view the world in all its rich complexity and nuance; to notice the subtle interplay in the colors of the sunset, to hear the movements of sound and rhythm in music, to see and feel the endless variety in permutations of the human character. It’s very easy to look at any issue simplistically, in binary terms; however, the reality tends to be rather different. Try to view any topic under discussion from as many perspectives as possible, and comprehend likewise the multiple layers of feeling and thought underpinning your own response. This is seeing things as they really are. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Uncertainty is not an easy sensation with which to sit, and introspection is not an especially comfortable task. Yet the recently completed retrograde of your classical ruler Mars has given you some practice at looking within and holding space for ideas you might not previously have considered. Mars has now handed off this task to Venus, retrograde in your sign until it re-enters Libra Oct. 31, then stations direct mid-November. Part of this next phase of operations for you involves reviewing the boundaries between you and the world: where your life intersects with others, and at what point you establish your separate identity. Let these ideas develop for a while. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There are plenty of problems in the world that need fixing, and thus plenty of causes you could take up. However, be discerning in your choice of where to devote significant portions of your energy. In particular, watch for language or imagery designed to sway the emotions rather than engaging you in rational dialogue. You need clear information on the issues, and it’s perfectly okay to decide that you don’t know enough and need to learn more, or to examine possible flaws in an argument, however well-intentioned. Your own experience of the world is also a perfectly valid, if not intrinsically complete, source of data. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — As part of a culture steeped in the Abrahamic tradition and infused with Greco-Roman values, pretty much everyone in the West is brought up in fear of that nebulous beast known as sin. In an orthodox sense, this is a concept that goes far beyond that of actually harming people: it includes natural human impulses and feelings that we all sometimes have, such as pride in our achievements, or desire, which has the effect of making us all guilty in some form. Whatever your personal beliefs, or whatever you might think of such ideas, perhaps ask yourself how far you can benefit from an ideology that operates mainly through shame. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you feel yourself getting caught up in a heated discussion, try to take a step back and cool off, until you regain your equilibrium. There are certainly times when anger or passion are appropriate responses, though in the arena where such conversations are normally taking place, it can be difficult to avoid wasting energy on an argument that ultimately goes nowhere. Similarly, engaging in these forums is a neat method of distracting oneself from one’s personal journey and healing process. Try to ensure that your intellect holds the reins as much as possible, and don’t hesitate to withdraw from a debate if you need to. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep doing what you must in order to maintain your wellbeing, emotional and physical; this is a crucial yet often underrated factor in spiritual and personal development. Take sufficient time to yourself, and continue to be discerning about the company you keep; you would benefit from those with whom you foster your most intricate relationships being wise, cordial and helpful. Most especially, their presence should improve your self-esteem and confidence rather than denting it. This is also a useful principle to apply to food: try to consume what nourishes and sustains you, rather than makes you groggy or moody. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 8, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — This has been an interesting year so far, to say the least. Though you are now on more solid ground, particularly when it comes to interaction with others it would probably help to be cautious, and to remember that it’s neither appropriate nor possible to depend on someone else to bring specific outcomes into your life. Be prepared to listen and to compromise if there is any tension, especially involving jealousy or clashes of ego. Work with your partners to find a mutually beneficial solution, on an ongoing basis; there is plenty of time. Get your full Aries reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If someone is acting strangely, or does something unexpected, it’s unlikely to relate to anything you’ve done. Rather, more probably, there are hidden causes. You may, however, be in a position to hold space for others to experience and express any underlying feelings. Don’t try to force the issue: let people come to you in their own time and way. They surely will, if you can provide an environment as free from judgment (and pre-judgment) as it’s possible to get. This is almost always an invaluable service to afford another person. Get your full Taurus reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Sometimes it’s useful simply to let one’s creative energy flow, and see what transpires. At other times, it’s best to have a clear aim in mind, even if you need to review it periodically and alter course. It would probably help at the moment to be sure you know what you want to achieve, and that you are making strategic decisions on where you focus the majority of your efforts, rather than following your nose and hoping for the best. If you’re feeling an instinct to rebel against establishing boundaries, try to work out where that might be coming from. Get your full Gemini reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It often takes time and a lot of conscious work to become reconciled to past grievances, or to accept that certain things happened and one cannot go back to correct them. This is especially true of matters involving family: much of the time, this is home to the more difficult knots that take some unraveling. At some stage, though, it can be necessary for our own peace of mind to acknowledge that the past can’t be revoked, and that we can still make the best of the present. There’s a lot of love and support available in a family of choice. Get your full Cancer reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — At various stages in our lives, we rub shoulders with people whose acquaintance we didn’t choose — such as neighbors, or in-laws. The tension over a boundary fence or a Thanksgiving table has become almost archetypal; and these days it’s tempting to form up along party lines, and feel alienated from those on the opposite side. We need a better way of relating than this. You may be in a position this week to set an example in establishing some common ground, and building a tentative bridge. Make use of your sense of compassion. Get your full Leo reading here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Being too exacting with oneself can create a kind of inertia: however promising an idea sounds, it might not get past the first hurdle or two, because it’s not coming out fully formed. Try not to fall for this trap; rather, commit to doing the best job you can, and then get on with it. Where possible, cultivate faith in yourself and your abilities, and give yourself the space to grow. It’s tempting to place validation in the hands of others, but regardless of how willing they are to encourage, this won’t go far unless you’re open to being your own best friend. Get your full Virgo reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

A Libra New Moon and a Reading Like No Other

“I am truly amazed at the accuracy of these readings with the current events of my life.”

— Denise J.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Monday night into Tuesday there is a significant New Moon in Libra. It’s conjunct the asteroid Ceres — goddess of the harvest and of nourishment — making this a potentially key time in your year.

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You’ll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we’ll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready.

“My previous Birthday Readings have been very, very helpful. I refer to them throughout the year. The tarot readings have been particularly informative.”

— Carolyn Cornish

You can listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here. And if you need a little background, you can listen to last year’s reading here, as a gift.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed or set adrift by recent events — or if you know a Libra who could use a little astrological TLC — I hope you’ll take advantage of the current price on your Libra reading before Eric records the tarot section. The world may feel challenging right now, but we’re with you.



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week’s New Moon in your sign accompanying Venus newly retrograde implies that over the next few weeks, you might be reviewing your relationship to who you are. You may be asking yourself some profound questions regarding your identity, and your vision for who you wish to become. The issue of wellbeing is perhaps central to this — especially if, at times, you tend to ignore your needs in favor of supplying succor to others. Try to look for the scenario in which you can do both, and don’t be afraid to clarify what you need. Get your full Libra reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In a culture that often meets desire with shame or guilt, it’s not surprising that many people conceal their deepest, most compelling passions even from their own everyday thoughts. What would it be like if you could visit your desire nature without any sort of judgment? What ideas might you acknowledge to yourself? Venus and the New Moon are inviting you to plunge into that space now; remember, one of the delightful things about fantasy is that you can do anything you want in the confines of your mind. Give a loose rein to your imagination. Get your full Scorpio reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be pondering some changes, particularly in terms of your place in the world and among your community. One point you might wish to consider is whether your current skill set is being fully utilized, or if your time might be more efficiently employed. If you wish to learn an entirely new discipline, that’s another question you could decide on. Keeping your ideals in mind may be a useful means of focusing your thoughts. Also, if you’ve been putting aside a specific ambition because of present commitments, try reviewing that now. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It would seem many people tend to regard those supposed to hold a certain amount of power in society with almost innate suspicion and some hostility. Part of this perhaps involves the natural inclination to revolt against authority. Yet it’s worth remembering that our parents or our bosses, for example, are human like ourselves; the same goes for people in our lives whom we see as more privileged. In these kinds of relationships, as with anyone, it helps to understand that you’re interacting with a whole person, and treat them accordingly. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Do you sometimes criticize yourself unfairly, or insult yourself in language that you’d never dream of using on someone else? Do you ever apply impossibly high standards to your actions or thoughts? Many of us do this, forgetting that we need kindness and mercy just as much as everyone else. Try to be more equitable in your treatment of yourself. Pay attention to your emotional wellbeing, and to how you speak to yourself: if you usually frame something negatively, what happens if you flip the script to focus on your strengths? Remember, you contain a divine spark within you, and can trust you are capable of serving the greater good. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As a Pisces native, you probably understand better than most how we all depend on one another, and how much friendlier the world is if we act in the spirit of cooperation rather than competition. The tendency of modern society is to see things in the binary language of the digital plane; yet we have not quite lost all sense of nuance or subtlety, and you especially have the ability to see through the veil of polarized thinking and oversimplification. Keep on maintaining and honing your mental clarity — just now, it’s a gift of incalculable value. Get your full Pisces reading here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 27, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 27, 2018, #1220 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — As Mars continues to retrace the area where it was retrograde, what you learned and experienced during that period is still producing revelations, some being of a deeply profound nature. You seem to be coming in contact with alternative ways of viewing the world, and are in a unique position to listen to and understand what might not otherwise come naturally. Close partners or friends may assist here. Remember that seeing the proverbial forest for the trees can be an especially challenging feat when you’re surrounded by a thick cluster of conifers. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The world can sometimes seem a pretty chaotic place; what might look like the perfect plan can be subject to delays, hindrances, challenges or changes of mind and mood. Our limited perspective means that finding the best way forward is often a matter of trial and error. Yet, with persistence, you can reach a goal even if that involves taking one step back for every two or three forward. First, be sure you know what you want. Then do what you can, as frequently as you can. And every time you get distracted or waylaid, just keep returning to the path. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Juno, an asteroid that refers to committed relationships, is about to do something pretty rare. It will enter your sign, and then station retrograde within two weeks while still in the first degree. This could give you an unusual chance to consider your attitude and beliefs on this topic, including asking yourself what you truly want from a partnership; sorting your needs from your desires; and figuring out where you end and others begin. You have the opportunity to deconstruct certain ideas on a deep level and toss out what isn’t useful, so that you can concentrate on your real priorities. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Many people have it pretty tough at some point during their lives; we often face challenges and opposition to being ourselves, in whatever way that manifests. This process tends to start in the childhood home, but can appear in adulthood as well, especially if you dare to be different. You seem to have come through a time of trial, whether rooted deep in the past or more relevant to today, which you’ve experienced with dignity and grace. Keep expressing your unique qualities, regardless of anyone else. Your moral courage is more than likely being noticed. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When your spirited and charming manner is paired with that determination belonging most obviously to the fixed signs, you can accomplish almost anything you desire. That’s a wonderful power to possess, and only really causes difficulties when you fix on getting something that’s not entirely healthy or wise. This week, examine any impulses carefully, and don’t let them turn into immediate, less conscious action. Instead, if you want to get somewhere, I recommend following a more logical path and keeping an eye on how well it works for you.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When we describe people as ‘wed to their career’, or to their art, in many cases what this really means is that they’re particularly independent, autonomous and complete within themselves. This isn’t a more valid path to one’s truth than being invested in a relationship; rather, it shows that it’s possible to feel and be whole without depending on one specific person. Knowing this can be tremendously empowering, not least because it offers the full gamut of options for living your life precisely as you choose, without the need to follow a societal narrative. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Instant Access to Your 2018 Libra Astrology

“Eric’s uplifting, thoughtful commentaries and imaginative cosmological worldview gave me great comfort during the depths of an extremely painful episode. He was my friend in absentia, as I am his in spirit. Thanks for all you do at Planet Waves.”

— K.S.

Dear Friend and Reader:

This past weekend, Eric recorded the two astrology segments of your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (previously called the Libra Birthday Reading) — and they’re available for instant access.

You can hear Eric discuss some of your reading’s themes in this audio sample.

And if you give the 2018 Libra Astrology Studio to a loved one as a gift, they’ll get instant access to the two astrology sections — and we’ll send them an email when the tarot portion is ready.

Wishing you an amazing year,

Amanda Painter


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It is often wise to seek advice and pointers from others, especially experts in their field; it’s not incumbent on us to take said counsel to heart, but we can give them a hearing. Yet it’s also true that we are the ultimate experts on our own thoughts and feelings. In seeking to resolve a certain issue this week, be open to recognizing and respecting your own knowledge. You have a clearer and better-informed perspective than you realize. Even if it seems others’ opinions contradict your own awareness, bear in mind whatever ideas you’re forming. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’ve undergone a process of reviewing certain decisions and opinions; which is probably putting it mildly. You might consider Venus about to station retrograde in your sign as phase two of this operation, which is likely to be a lot gentler and less apparently disruptive. Venus will help you guide the rivers of your emotional strength to flow more easily and freely; you can assist by paying close attention to your well-honed feelings and instincts, and not ignoring or attempting to suppress your wishes and desires. Let your soul dance and breathe. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In terms of a particular skill set or understanding that you’re developing, you’ve now reached the stage where you’re beginning to see the fruits of your labor. Hopefully this is encouraging enough to boost your self-confidence: if you’re not quite there yet, take a glance back and note how far forward you’ve moved. If you’re truly passionate about what you’re doing, don’t allow anything or anyone to dampen your enthusiasm or enjoyment. There will always be opposition to whatever is worth striving for; you’ve faced down too much of that already to stop now. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Life is almost always a string of ups and downs, and it’s an unfortunate (if once useful) quirk of the human brain that the descents tend to make a more profound impression than the climbs. Perhaps this is what helps us to keep striving for improvement; certainly it seems comforting to think that the situations we find ourselves in are often better than they first appear. When all is said and done, you have plenty of resources, including within yourself; and a worthwhile aim in mind, which you have every reason to continue pursuing. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are times when it’s necessary to say and do what seems most beneficial to everyone involved; there are other times when you have to express your views or feelings, even if it appears discomfiting to others. The right course isn’t always easy to see, which is why philosophers have such trouble grappling with the question of ethics. In the present case, it looks as if you need to be true to your values, regardless of whose sensibilities you might offend by so doing. Indignation is easy; nuance is harder. Give people something to think about. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The word ‘namaste’ is an acknowledgement that there is a divine part within all of us, though we don’t always notice it in ourselves or each other. During the next few weeks, it’s likely that you’ll have an unusual number of opportunities to encounter certain individuals on this high level, and for your soul to communicate directly with theirs, as though the cosmos is talking with itself. Of course, this will work best if you’re willing to be open to this perspective, and to trust that what you’re seeing is for real. After all, you already have the requisite sensitivity. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 20, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 20, 2018, #1219 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Over the past few months, you’ve made some significant discoveries about your role and identity as part of society, and as a unique being. As the zodiacal emphasis now shifts to the zone of your one-to-one relationships, you can apply this new information in that realm also. Even in romantic partnerships where we’re encouraged to merge ourselves with the other, it’s becoming clearer to you that you’re nevertheless a whole person in your own right, and with no missing parts. Get your full reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In the age of indifference, rudeness and lack of compassion, you have the power to remind people, through your actions, what considerate behavior looks like. This is less about superficial manners — though politeness is an art that’s getting lost amid all the trolling — and more about empathy, and caring for those who are struggling. One important thing to remember is that just about everyone is struggling these days, yet most seem to have limits to their kindness. Make a point of having no exceptions to yours. Get your full reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Sun and Mercury are entering your 5th house of creativity and pleasure, in a powerful opposition to Chiron. During the next few weeks, it would be worth making a point of visiting some of your favorite places and people, and of enjoying those moments. Indulge your love of life, for its own sake. If you produce art of any kind, keep your creative tools with you and take as many opportunities as you can to work on your projects. Any and all of this can result in profound healing and growth. Get your full reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Brains can be tricky old things, and sometimes events can have an impact on them via a rather circuitous route. That said, with effort it’s usually possible to trace the steps. In understanding how recent experiences may have played out for you, there’s likely benefit in following this trail carefully. Notice what factors might lead to similar responses, and what you’re extrapolating from the event. The result you’re going for is a deeper and more thorough understanding of how your mind operates; this would perhaps help you change anything that doesn’t quite work for you. Get your full reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have something beautiful to say, and as of this week you have the floor; or rather the stage. If you feel a bit rusty and need to get some practice in, grab yourself a blank notebook and write about anything that comes to your mind. Don’t worry if it sounds nonsensical to you; perfect first drafts are extremely rare, which is why editors exist. One thing that helps is if you write what you know; another, if you write on what you care most about. Passion infuses just about anything with light and color.Get your full reading here.

How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be published later — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order today. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — order soon to receive the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week’s astrology for you has a certain gravitas. There’s a specific matter on which you’re being called to step up and make a commitment of some kind, even if only to yourself. Part of this relates to your most strongly held values, and how they inform your character. You’ll likely be required either to stand by them, or to review them. Just remember that you’re the only person who can really know what’s best in your own life. You can also, at least in this instance, choose a path that’s a win-win for everyone involved. Get your full reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Balance and Beauty: A Perfect Reading for Your Year Ahead

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R., on a previous Libra birthday reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Things are about to get interesting for your ruling planet, Venus. In just a few weeks, it’ll station retrograde in Scorpio, and progress slowly back into your sign. For you, this is likely to cover themes such as your identity, values, resources and self-perception.


This rare retrograde phase will be just one of the factors in your solar year that Eric will discuss in your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (formerly known as the Birthday Reading).

Eric’s readings are consistently reliable, high-quality sources of knowledge that you can draw on repeatedly for guidance, delivered in a friendly, accessible manner. Eric uses his 20-plus years of astrological wisdom to get right to the heart of what’s important to you.

“As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on was just what I needed to keep going.”

— Ginger Aarons, on an earlier Libra reading

The Astrology Studio reading consists of two audio astrology sessions of 30 minutes or more, an audio Tarot reading of 30 minutes or more (the Tarot Studio), your extended sign description and links to other resources. It’s the perfect primer for your 2018-19 solar year and beyond, and makes an excellent and unique gift — whether for yourself or for the Libra you love.

Pre-order today to lock in the lowest price of just $33 — a great value for a lasting, comprehensive reading.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are capable of a powerful love that can spread into the wide corners of the universe. Indeed, you know — perhaps better than anyone else you know — what it means to love universally; if owing to nothing more than your innate sense of fairness and justice. The world could use some more open hearts right now; it’s necessary somehow to buck the rather dangerous trend of feeling ‘these people are mine, and I will care for them; these are not, and I will ignore them’. Ultimately, we are all children of the same Earth. Get your full reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s not been long since your classical ruler Mars stationed direct; your modern ruler Pluto will soon follow suit, while Venus is preparing to turn retrograde in your sign. This is likely to be a potent time for you, and it’s possible you’re processing some strong emotional material, mainly through the more instinctual channels. Your intuition will probably be very finely honed, so keep an eye out for any messages it might be sending you, including through dreams. Taking time for reflection may also prove useful. Get your full reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Part of the reason why so much feels uncertain right now is that we’re collectively exploring new territory in terms of social codes of conduct. This isn’t necessarily just about etiquette — such as when it’s okay to use your smartphone in public — but covers the wider issue of basic respect, and our duty to one another as humans. Your ability to take a broad view may stand you in good stead here. If you should have specific ideas in this field, by all means share them. We could use some guidance. Get your full reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There is a tendency to consider any relationship involving some kind of power imbalance as negating any requirement for civility, compassion or due consideration of the other party as a human person. This seems to be true whether one possesses more or less power in the exchange. Try to emphasize, in your interactions, what you share in common with others rather than your differences; and remember that you are equally complex, unique creatures. Be prepared to bring kindness and respect to the table first. Get your full reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The Sun entering your fellow air sign Libra this week provides you a path to restoring your sense of trust — both in your fellow humans and in the benignity of the cosmos. This is difficult for many of us right now, and it’s tempting if you feel like you’ve been through the wringer lately to respond by closing off. Yet while this can be a useful way of coping through stress, it is no more helpful on a permanent basis than cortisol is for the brain. Let yourself receive the love and gentleness that’s offered to you. Get your full reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Holistic philosophy bears some resemblance to astrology, as both consider the various elements of a person as interdependent rather than operating separately. Whatever might be challenging you right now, especially if it has an emotional component, would probably benefit from a holistic approach; by giving care or relief to your body, mind, heart and spirit. As part of this, make sure you treat yourself with the respect and love you afford others; at least that, and for now make your wellbeing your first priority. Get your full reading here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 13, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 13, 2018, #1218 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be discovering that there is a sacredness in service for its own sake, which feels quite unlike anything else. The more spiritual element of giving yourself freely is related to pursuing your life calling: often they are one and the same. Recent weeks have perhaps taught you much about yourself, and what the next phase of your life might need from you; now you can concentrate on providing it. Remember that when you bring the “small willingness,” the divine principle supplies the means. Have faith in the power of both.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus has now entered your opposite sign, where it will station retrograde in a few weeks. This will likely have the effect of bringing your relationships, friendships and collaborations into focus in some way, especially in terms of how they influence, and are influenced by, your current life trajectory. You might ask yourself questions about what sort of dynamic or energy would support this path, and where it can be found. In addition to that, there may be ways in which co-operation with others is to your mutual advantage.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take a moment this week to look back and notice how far you have recently progressed. Likely it’s farther than you realize, and you will probably have some achievements to celebrate. Part of this is about giving your own perfectly sound principles their due, and not judging yourself by the demands of others. You know what you can and should expect of yourself, better than anyone else possibly could; especially if you extrapolate from what you have already performed. Get clear with that, and then keep moving onward.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It might be worth keeping a close eye on your inner compass this week, especially if you’re uncertain how to react to a particular situation. Let yourself feel through the options and try to understand where your thoughts and motivations are coming from, at every level possible. You have a naturally strong sense of what is right, and what is due to yourself and others; as human beings, we tend to slip up from time to time, but we can still do our best. You might consider this as a rule of thumb: when in doubt, try being kind first.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — During these past weeks while the Sun has been in your house of resources and values, what have you learned regarding each? Do you, for example, tend to make full use of the materials you have at hand? Do you call on the help or the wisdom of friends or family when you need it? Do the rules by which you abide, other than the basic ethical ones, assist you to live your best life; or are some preventing you from receiving something you want or need? It might be worth reviewing how you truly feel about these facets of your world.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be published later — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order today. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — order soon to receive the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to have a clearer perspective this week than last, and probably some time before that. Certain points that appeared fuzzy or incomplete are now easier to understand; some information formerly missing may now be in your possession. It could take time to sift through what you now know, and to reach a conclusion that makes sense to you. Be gentle with yourself as you do so; and remember that though others can offer input and advice, ultimately you are the person who must direct the course of your life.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

Balance and Beauty: A Perfect Reading for Your Year Ahead

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R., on a previous Libra birthday reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Things are about to get interesting for your ruling planet, Venus. In just a few weeks, it’ll station retrograde in Scorpio, and progress slowly back into your sign. For you, this is likely to cover themes such as your identity, values, resources and self-perception.


This rare retrograde phase will be just one of the factors in your solar year that Eric will discuss in your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (formerly known as the Birthday Reading).

Eric’s readings are consistently reliable, high-quality sources of knowledge that you can draw on repeatedly for guidance, delivered in a friendly, accessible manner. Eric uses his 20-plus years of astrological wisdom to get right to the heart of what’s important to you.

“As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on was just what I needed to keep going.”

— Ginger Aarons, on an earlier Libra reading

The Astrology Studio reading consists of two audio astrology sessions of 30 minutes or more, an audio Tarot reading of 30 minutes or more (the Tarot Studio), your extended sign description and links to other resources. It’s the perfect primer for your 2018-19 solar year and beyond, and makes an excellent and unique gift — whether for yourself or for the Libra you love.

Pre-order today to lock in the lowest price of just $33 — a great value for a lasting, comprehensive reading.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Some relaxation and refreshment may be in order at present. Look after your wellbeing as needed, and try to take a fairly easy pace throughout the week; get away somewhere for a day or two, or even a few hours, if you can. Some information would seem to be coming in from the direction of your intuition, and you may need to slow the record down sufficiently so as to catch any relevant messages. Review carefully any important decisions before making them, including checking in with your emotions and instincts.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Beliefs can be shaped by many different factors, including cultural context, social pressure, religion, and personal perception. It’s not altogether common for us to examine these various influences. Yet I would suggest you do just that when evaluating theories this week. Consciously avoiding speculation and sticking to the facts is a useful exercise, especially where the former seems to be rife. You have a knack for getting to the deeper issues, and for seeing through the fog of misinformation. Use those fine detection skills.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’ve likely made more than a few discoveries recently about where you wish to invest your energies for the foreseeable future, and may already have begun taking the next steps toward fulfilling some important goals. There may be benefit in communicating at least part of what you’ve realized, and what your plans are; you could receive a useful suggestion or two. You certainly seem to have a pretty good idea of where you’re at, however; and once you’re clear on your destination, you only need to start moving.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — A specific process of revelation or realization may be coming to a peak, in terms of your higher ambitions. You might benefit from going over briefly what you’ve learned during the past few months, though there is almost certainly more to come. Your understanding of your relationship to the distant past is changing also, and is offering you a greater sense of power in your own life, and of freedom to make your choices. The more you persist in working through this material, the more autonomy you’re likely to gain in the end.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Following what might have seemed like a protracted period of slow motion and possibly frustration, you’re now starting to pick up speed again, and appear to be fired up with all sorts of energy and new ideas. There should be very little preventing you from putting those ideas to good use, especially where this involves being helpful to others. Making positive changes, in particular those of which you can clearly see the results, could be decidedly healing for you. Getting friends on board might add an extra dimension of fun.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ll probably feel most comfortable in productive activities this week, though be careful not to translate that into pushing yourself too hard. Make sure the space you’re using is maintained and continues fit for purpose. Keep close to your long-term goals, also. After the interesting season we’ve had, you might need to invest some conscious energy in reminding yourself exactly where you want to be heading, and what it means to you. Do that until you recall the original fire and passion from when you first had the thought.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 6, 2018

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 6, 2018, #1217 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars has now been direct for over a week, though it doesn’t re-enter Aquarius until Monday evening, and will take a little while longer to retrace its steps completely. You may feel as if you’ve yet to emerge from the retrograde-phase headspace, or are perhaps unsure of what you have to show for the summer’s endeavors. Close partners could well be able to help, this week; sometimes it takes the benefit of another person’s eyes to see our own achievements clearly. Don’t be afraid to draw on that assistance, should you need some.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Human progress is often slow, including in our individual lives. This can feel quite frustrating, especially when we’re desperate to see some kind of payoff for our efforts. Yet this need not stop us from striving. Art is arguably best when created for its own sake, or as a spiritual gift of deep self-expression to the collective of souls around us (this also goes for ingenuity of any kind). With this approach, it helps to remember that if you have certain passions, talents and interests, it must be because you’re here to nurture, cultivate and share them with the world. If you’re having trouble trusting that idea, it may be time for a heart-to-heart with someone who always sees your gifts clearly.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may feel a sense of confusion or doubt this week relating to your career development or ambitions. It’s likely, however, that what you’re experiencing is a temporary revisit from a past episode of self-questioning. This can happen when one is on the threshold of a step up in life. Keep the faith. Hold on to what you know to be true, remember all your accomplishments up to this point, and understand you are more than capable of taking that leap forward. Persevering here could really bolster your self-esteem.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may feel the urge to delve into creative projects, or possibly a course of study, over the next few days at least. Whatever else you have going on, be sure to set aside some time to investigate whatever piques your interest. The blessings of art and of self-development give a richness to life that it otherwise lacks, and you have every right to pursue those blessings; in a way, expanding your mind is as important as air and water. Forget what others might think: do what brings you joy, edification and a sense of freedom.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When interacting with those close to us, it’s possible to become confused as to where we end and they begin. Expect some blurring of that line this week; be cautious about what you project onto others, and take note of how they project onto you. We all do this to a degree; less so as we grow to know ourselves, and discover that we are complete in ourselves. If things are getting a little intense somewhere in your life, it might be helpful to step back and examine the situation from a distance, while tuning in to what makes you ‘you’.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Happy Virgo New Moon!

How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be published later — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order today. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — order soon to receive the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Relationships of all sorts require boundaries; and as the Sun in your sign opposes Neptune, you may be inclined to strengthen yours. On the one hand, it’s always useful to know where you draw the line. On the other, it’s possible to be too rigid, and to hem oneself in with complicated sets of rules. Overthinking is a difficult habit to shake, and it can stifle creativity. Be prepared to flex and bend a little; if you try to confine yourself too much, you will only rebel. Leave plenty of room in your world for enjoyment and new experiences.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week even everyday life may have a touch of the surreal and magical to it. If you’re an artist, you might want to keep some tools of your trade close at hand; record any dreams you remember, also. The results of this will likely take some time to emerge, but it’s worth having patience with yourself, and with the universe, and letting things transpire as they become ready. Meanwhile, don’t forget to take care of your earthly vessel; there is no reason why you cannot eat, sleep and move around as normal.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you wish to understand those with a different point of view from yours, this requires a certain amount of empathy, open-mindedness and willingness to apply logic. There are often hidden reasons why we might take umbrage at someone or their stated opinion. If you find yourself reacting with unexpected animosity (or even passionate agreement), it helps to figure out why, and to remember you’re human rather than machine, meaning that it’s okay to feel emotions. Honor yourself by acknowledging them ingenuously.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your sign has a close relationship with Chiron, who among his other exploits was a renowned healer. I’m wondering how far, and in what ways, you identify with that quality. There are many methods by which we can bring about healing in the world: from actually working in the medical professions, to smiling at strangers in the street, to endeavoring to improve the daily lives of those around us, and so on. This week’s astrology is inviting you to weave this association, by whatever means, more deeply into your existence.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — With so much going on in the world, anyone can be forgiven for feeling distrust in people or in the universe, and developing a case of the grumps. If you’re annoyed about something, however, it might help to give that some form of expression more concrete than occasional muttering under the breath. Venting your emotions in a safe manner might be a way to restore your faith in the cosmos and in your fellow humans, especially if there is someone to whom you can speak confidentially, and know they’ll listen with generosity.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your sign is famous for its supposed ability to detach and set itself apart, though at present you might be finding that’s not quite the case. The desire for intimacy is there in all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, and it’s part of what makes us human, alive and in the flesh. Should you discover that you’re opening up to someone, or opening in a more general sense, try to avoid the temptation to shut that process down. You could learn a great deal about yourself and others by allowing a connection between you to flow freely.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — At present you might be feeling as if you’re something of a blank canvas, onto which others paint their ideas of you, and on which they see their own reflection. You’ve perhaps long felt like a conduit for the journeys of those with whom you come into contact. Yet you too have a story, which should not be set aside. However dearly held other people’s notions are, the only one who can truly describe your sentiments and thoughts is you. Don’t be afraid to be communicative in laying down your own narrative sequence.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.