Author Archives: Amy Elliott

Monday Morning Horoscope #226 for April 27, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — When it comes to getting involved in a fierce argument, especially online, opportunities abound. Trolls, and people with nothing better to do, are busily provoking fights on every single subject under the sun. However, there is no need for you to become drawn into any of it. Your time and energy are far too valuable to waste on an endless exchange of angry words. It’s also currently possible for certain matters to blow up into something larger than their essence, with you accidentally in the middle of it all. You’d be wiser to keep a rein on your impulses, and choose your actions with deliberation and care. Remember that you can have profound and valid principles without any requirement to display them to others. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your ruler Venus is slowing down as it approaches the spot where it will station retrograde in a few weeks. Meanwhile, on Monday, Mercury enters your sign. Both events introduce a note of caution and of pause before reaching conclusions on a serious matter. However clear something might seem, the situation warrants thoroughness and triple-checking to ensure you haven’t missed any significant elements. In particular, what might seem to be black-and-white may well prove to be nothing of the kind. Therefore, even if you’re sure you know the truth, act as if you don’t, and be open to the possibility of error. Few important issues merely involve a choice between two obvious polar opposites. The world is usually much more complex. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now get instant access to your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $44. This reading focuses on a professional breakthrough toward the end of the year, and preparing you for this development. Venus retrograde in the spring is preparation. Mars retrograde in the autumn is preparation.

Ultimately this is a spiritual development, yet in reality we are talking about aligning your purpose with action, with a calling, and with an opportunity. Elements of the reading go out to a series of power steps in 2021. Read more.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, your ruling planet, is about to join the Sun in the most sensitive, delicate area of your chart. Exploring this region of your life can feel like being awake in a dream landscape. Circumstances you might believe to be immovable could suddenly look very different, or something you thought barely possible appear abruptly within your reach. Often, what really changes is not the external world but your perception. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this interesting territory. Your sign being mutable does not require you to perform constant feats of mental gymnastics. Should an occurrence surprise you, take whatever time you need to adapt to it and fold it into your understanding. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for pre-order at just $33. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end of the year. Get the best price by pre-ordering today. Thank you for your business and your trust.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — One of the many gifts of Mercury is discernment. It can add a sharpness that cuts through fog and obfuscation, and its focus will now aid you in working out a specific issue among your friends, or in wider society. There’s a condition, however: dump your preconceptions. You may feel as if you’re on to what seems like the truth, yet whenever you become certain, stop and consider. It’s entirely possible that there are more veils to lift. You can do this more easily if you keep in mind your unswerving devotion to the truth, no matter what form it takes, and no matter how long you’ll need to spend unraveling all the layers. When in doubt, verify. When you think you know, verify a few extra times. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The spotlight on your professional life continues this week as Mercury enters that region of your chart. What this event describes is an opportunity for progress. However, it may not come in the form you’re expecting. You’ll want to cast your net somewhat wider, and look out for anything that seems like movement — regardless in which apparent direction. The clue that reveals all will involve a sense of instinctive relief, or of greater freedom to act like yourself, which you might not even have noticed was previously lacking. Job roles sometimes have a way of dividing people into segments, becoming a “role” indeed in the theatrical sense. The best work includes, and retains, the entire person. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your ruler Mercury entering your 9th house, representing the higher mind, spirituality and aspiration, reminds you that you are a complex being. It may be temporarily convenient to ignore certain parts of your nature; it might feel more comfortable to squeeze yourself into a neat category, even if it feels like a tight fit. Yet eventually the part of you that’s sidelined finds a way to turn up at the party. It would be wise to embrace and welcome it before it throws in too many golden apples. In a way, this is at the core of many spiritual teachings: acknowledging the whole of you, including the bits you feel embarrassed about, helps you find your way toward oneness with all things, and thus to fulfillment. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A situation like the one currently pervading the globe is bound to provoke a variety of emotions in response, especially when it’s unprecedented. This is appropriate and usual. Whatever you might be feeling, the healthiest approach is to acknowledge it, even if you think it lacks reason or justice. You will benefit enormously from giving yourself the room to explore your reactions without turning on the judgment. Don’t feel guilty because you think someone else might be suffering more intensely than you, or because they’re in a riskier position. Everyone has to find their own means of working through this experience. Get out of your own way, take your time and trust your instincts. They will lead you right. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Amid this extraordinary moment, profound changes are sweeping through society, including within personal relationships. Mercury entering your opposite sign is urging you to forge a communication channel with a loved one, which runs in both directions. You stand to gain plenty of useful knowledge, both from opening up about your own feelings and experiencing someone’s response, and from listening carefully to others. Likewise, offering your unconditional support could be of substantial assistance to those who need it most. These are pretty intense days, with astrology to suit. Yet this also provides an unparalleled opportunity in terms of personal growth, and of creating strong, mutually helpful human connections. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current circumstances are calling on your ability to adapt, and to treat the unknown as a chance to explore. Your charts imply that you’re likely to figure out immensely useful ways to manage the day-to-day twists and turns — perhaps you’ve already developed some thoughts. First things first: you may safely ignore anyone who shows up only to criticize or dismiss while you’re doing the work; this also means you can trust yourself. Secondly, whatever ideas you come up with will probably be of real help to those around you, so offer them freely. The proactive and practical aspects of your outlook will be particularly refreshing to loved ones. There’s certainly a lot to be said for getting on with the business at hand. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In terms of your personal development, what’s most likely to challenge you right now is a belief or mode of thought, to which you are tempted to cling at all costs. This seems to relate to underestimating your capabilities in some way. Letting go of this concept will surely release a lot of energy. Why, then, is it so difficult to dismiss? One answer might be that you’re afraid of how powerful you’ll become if you do so, or of what others could think. Forget it. This is about truth as much as efficacy, and nothing but the truth will do. Besides, you owe to yourself the confidence and reliance that this act of progress requires. It is fully warranted. Your aims have been boxed in for too long. It’s time to widen them significantly. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The focus on your 4th house continues this week, as Mercury joins the Sun and your modern ruling planet Uranus there. This region represents the past, though also the foundation for who you can become, and where you are going. If there are former occurrences you need to heal from, doing so could be viewed as an act of justice for yourself. It’s certainly no quick fix, but then substantive personal growth generally isn’t. Nevertheless, you have the perfect right to seek inward peace, and to use your gifts. Part of the route, by the way, involves digging out and gradually divesting from attachments to other people’s approval. With enough practice, you’ll learn to place yourself firmly at the center of your universe. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It is a peculiar quirk of the human species that we have the capacity for self-consciousness and to guard ourselves, to an extent, from the whims of nature. Yet humans are still (as of this writing) flesh and blood, and even the most logical of minds still harbor the emotions and the needs of flesh and blood. When developing any idea, it’s important to stay alert to this, even if you think you can set your feelings aside. They are often more resilient than can first appear, and it’s worth keeping an eye out for clues, especially in your immediate reactions to changes or events. The point is not to secede entirely from your emotions, which is impossible anyway. It’s to understand them, and by extension yourself. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #225 for April 20, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — During this peculiar phase of our history, you are increasingly aware that now is not a time to hide behind false concepts or choose to believe something because it’s convenient. Treat your honesty as your best and most vital resource, especially when you’re speaking to yourself. Current circumstances are affording you an unprecedented opportunity to understand what is real, without any decorative veils. Get used to standing in that space of complete truth, and make it yours. Wednesday’s Taurus New Moon will help you focus on what is really important to you, what needs to shift, and what no longer serves you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun has now taken up residence in your sign, and on Wednesday the New Moon will occur. Your charts describe the potential for accelerated learning: a rapid series of truths revealing themselves one after another. You’ll want to be on the watch for these, and to practice holding open your mind as a conscious act. One factor you’ll need to watch for is the narrowing influence of fear. In particular, that means fear holding back your ability to explore and to trust, wherever that is warranted, and especially in yourself. Notice your responses to whatever information emerges: this will likely give you a great deal of helpful knowledge in its own right. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

You can now pre-order your 2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $33. In this reading, Eric will guide you through the next phase of Uranus in your sign, now joined by Saturn in your house of career and aspiration.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Certain developments seem to have awakened old fears within you. You might think of this as a challenge you need to face so you can move forward: the knight blocking your path, offering a duel, or the lake you need to build a raft to cross. What this hurdle really consists of will be a concept you created in your head to help you in difficult former times, but which is now holding you back. The points where you meet the most stubborn resistance probably indicate areas into which you need to probe more deeply and bring to the light. Do this gently and gradually, like an archeological dig: one layer, one artifact at a time. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Wednesday’s New Moon in your 11th house suggests this is a pivotal moment for you in terms of your relationship to social groups and collective issues. That could include moving past certain elements of group consciousness, or updating your ideas on specific matters, or clearing some clutter in terms of your circle of friends and acquaintances. Regardless of how this applies to you, it is vital that any changes you make are in line with your most fundamental ethical principles, and in service to your dharmic path. Draw on the wisdom you’ve previously learned to guide you, and make your decisions carefully. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The astrological focus has now turned to your zone of career and status, with a New Moon happening Wednesday on Chiron’s discovery degree. This rare connection is a reminder that what you do is an extension of who you are. Said another way, your role in the world has complexities beyond what you draw a salary for. As many people now are discovering in some form, you are not merely your official job title, and your worth is more than just a dollar amount or a credit score. How far are you experiencing that truth in your daily life? If the answer is “not very,” consider how you might restore that balance. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Probably you have some vision of how you want your life to appear: some concept of the perfect job, relationship, home, and so on. Alternatively, there may be something specific you wish for at this time. How prepared are you to receive such a gift? Think this over carefully. For example, moving to a new location or job requires being able to let go of the familiar and enter new territory. Meeting new friends or potential lovers involves opening up to trust and intimacy, which means willingness to be vulnerable. Once you’ve ascertained what you want or need most, the next step is to start creating the room for it within yourself. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In a few weeks, your ruler Venus will station retrograde in your fellow air sign Gemini. Retrograde phases have a way of focusing attention on internal matters; that is, inside your mind. The Sun’s entrance into Taurus is an invitation to run some pre-flight checks on your emotional body, starting with how you are feeling in the moment. You can perhaps get a sense on what the upcoming retrograde means for you, and prepare the ground to help it flow as smoothly as possible. One idea that might help is not underestimating your capacity for healing and growth. You are very well able to forge your own spiritual path. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A potent New Moon this week in your opposite sign will help you explore your concepts of power relations and projection. To some degree everyone projects onto everyone else; the key is understanding when you’re doing this, though it’s also a matter of self-confidence. It’s important to recognize that you need no other person to “complete” you. You are whole in yourself, as is everyone around you. Nobody has the right to impose their framework on you; likewise, steer clear of any temptation to exert control over others due to insecurity. You have an opportunity now to address and communicate your feelings in a healthier way. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — At this moment there is a collective spotlight on health issues, including hygiene practices, diet and various habits. Your charts suggest this is a good week for you to consider your own routines and whether there’s anything you would like to alter. This isn’t about self-judgment, or striving for a robotically perfect lifestyle. Rather, place the focus on taking the best possible care of yourself and of loved ones. That would include, by the way, talking to someone should you have any problems or worries, and likewise offering a receptive ear when it’s needed. There is real power in people and communities working together to care for one another. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Sun is now in the area of your chart relating to creativity, sex and play, among other things. One theme 5th house matters tend to have in common is willingness to trust and to be open to unfamiliar experiences. Where resistance to this occurs, it’s usually driven by fear — and these are scary times for many. I’m not going to suggest you organize a Tinder hookup. Rather, what this week’s astrology is about for you involves gently enquiring into your fears, holding space for them, and finding ways to cultivate your sense of trust in spite of their presence. This week’s New Moon is the ideal backdrop for you to do precisely that. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Wednesday’s Taurus New Moon takes place in a rare contact with both your ruling planets, anticipating an event that does not culminate until next February. This is a chance for you to take stock and assess where you are heading. You may also get to deal decisively with some elements of the past that have been chafing at you rather stubbornly of late. One thing you will need to be relentless about for a while is divorcing your own material from that of others. You have plenty to occupy you without also being weighed down by someone else’s baggage. Make sure you hand it back to them — be gentle if necessary, but nevertheless be firm. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take care not to underestimate the reach of your voice. You may well have more influence than you realize; regardless, it would be wise to measure your words carefully. Treat everything you say as if it carries a lot of weight, which will be more likely than usual just now. Make a particular point of being clear, so that you are understood: this includes stating plainly when there is uncertainty. Here’s the thing: you currently have important and unique information to convey. People need to hear this, and they will listen to you, to the extent your message could well spread beyond your expectations. Therefore, get it right the first time. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #222 for March 30, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your ruler Mars is about to enter Aquarius, your 11th solar house, where it joins the newly arrived Saturn. In this extraordinary moment, that confers on you certain responsibilities. In some respects, at least, the buck stops with you. You might find yourself in a position of organizing the household, or setting an example in your local community. As you do this, be open to what others have to say, in particular when that involves sharing feelings or personal experiences. Take them into account. Listen carefully to advice, whether you decide to act on it or not. You have a general idea what needs to happen, in terms of the basics. Make sure you avoid the most obvious mistakes; this will help you keep on course. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Get instant access to this reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are many variations of heroism, bravery and doing the right thing. Society may reward some of these disproportionately over others, though all of them count. Currently, your main field of action is not so much in the public eye as inside your mind. Specific feelings, whether rooted in the past or of more recent origin, are making themselves noticeable. Allow yourself the space and bandwidth to examine and work with them. With most of the world on lockdown at present, you more than likely have an opening to turn your gaze inward and make some gentle inquiries. Refrain from judgments; instead, step back from your usual mode of self-restraint, and receive and acknowledge what comes through. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Current astrology describes you entering a new phase of freedom and independence. More time and energy is now at your disposal, and thus more choice. You are also provided with the wisdom of your past experiences. However, Mercury in Pisces is inviting you to engage with alternative modes of thought, some of which might well be unfamiliar. Take a holistic view of situations, and be prepared to consider a range of perspectives as potentially valid and not necessarily mutually exclusive. Said another way, the cosmos has more than one voice, so it makes sense to keep multiple channels open. Pay attention to your internal compass as well, and note your dreams. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Trial and error is an excellent way to learn and develop, not least because you get interesting experiences as a side-effect. Your astrology is now inviting you to apply the wisdom gleaned from past mistakes, as well as to make some new ones. Our society has undergone major upheaval in recent weeks; one consequence of this is to open the way for many people to experiment with different hobbies, roles and circumstances. Your capacity for invention has a part to play here. Try an activity you’ve never done, or are not used to doing. Then do it a few more times. Then try something else. And if you sing a bum note or drop a stitch in the wrong place or add a bit too much pepper, consider it part of the fun. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Right now a lot of structures are being broken down, and suddenly many people have a chance to view things from a fresh perspective. You are no exception. Among the things undergoing change at the fundamental level are our relationships to one another. You now have an opportunity to examine what works, and what doesn’t work so well, about the various connections you have with others. As people adapt and balances shift, you’ll be free to experiment. Part of this could involve cutting through all the niceties and compromises, and discovering what (or who) you really desire. You might find you need to be more independent, or unearth a shared interest you didn’t know was there. Keep an open mind. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The current developments we’re experiencing are unprecedented for many. It’s been a long while since Western societies, at least, were on this kind of extraordinary footing. Yet it’s possible that you are more in your element than you expected; perhaps drawing on the legendary Virgo knack for organization. Whatever the case, your presence and likely your example are providing reassurance to others, and helping them keep sane and steady. Don’t underestimate the value of this, and do be generous with your wisdom. As you encounter new situations, trust your instinct and your internal guidance system. These give you a feel for the right response, and will lead you more accurately than anything else can. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In this unusual moment, you seem especially well placed to support those around you to make the best of their circumstances. Do not underestimate the importance of this responsibility. It might not seem especially dashing or heroic, though in fact it’s indispensable. You have a way of understanding people’s subtle needs, and you can answer them. Use your creative skills, and your ability to extract fun from just about any situation. In order to do this successfully, however, you must also do what’s necessary to take care of yourself, and recognize when you need to replenish your energy. Maintain your boundaries, and speak up clearly when you need space. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One technique people sometimes use to cope under pressure is to keep to what seems familiar. Familiar means comfortable, and comfortable means safe — to an extent. Where this can get tricky is when outdated concepts from one’s early upbringing can reappear. For example, placing certain judgments on yourself, or assuming you must behave in a particular way, or act in a specific role and none other. Your traditional ruler Mars entering your 4th house Monday suggests ideas along those lines might be tempting for you just now. Yet you’ve come a long way since you discarded them, and your resultant freedom is too precious to walk back. With some thought and effort, you can find a different route. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Acknowledge your feelings. Non-physical wellbeing might seem like a luxury in these times; yet it is still wellbeing, and related to the body. Often, people avoid confronting their emotions; often this is done without thinking, and needs and passions swept beneath the floorboards to reappear at a choice inconvenient moment. For you, this is not an option right now. You need to stay in touch with your various sensations and moods, and not judge them. After all, things are tense for many right now, and you’re not a robot. Do whatever it takes not to fall asleep. Keep a journal, make art, play music — whatever feels natural in terms of expressing yourself, and perhaps some new methods too. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn and Mars are both pretty significant planets for you. After Monday, both will be in Aquarius, your 2nd house. You have a particular mission, which in essence is to uphold your most basic and profound ethical principles in everything you say and do. By this I mean: act rightly, be kind, tell the truth. Amid all this chaos, it’s easy to feel such things no longer matter; yet in fact they’re more important than ever, and you are now being called to demonstrate this by setting an example. And note: you are not going to accomplish this within the social media colosseum, through judging other people’s performances. This is about your actions and decisions, which will influence what others do. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your recent experiences have endowed you with a lot of wisdom and grit, and no small measure of added chutzpah. With your traditional ruler Saturn now in your sign, you can begin to feel the benefit of this change. Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances many of us are now in, you are still likely to notice the pressure easing off. Use this to your advantage, and as far as possible to help people around you who might not be so well prepared for the current scenario. This could also give additional meaning to your previous struggles, and to the fact that you came through them stronger and better informed. Know when you don’t know; however, when you do, use it liberally. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Saturn entering your solar 12th house Monday is inviting you into a prolonged phase of holding space, and of walking with uncertainty and complexity. These are relatively natural states for you at any time, though just now the circumstances are ideal for you to dive even deeper. You might, for example, treat any serious question where the answer is not fully obvious as undetermined, if only for the time being. You might proceed on the assumption that there is definitely information you still don’t have, or a cognitive bias you’re not quite aware of. Tread lightly and carefully. Listen to your intuition, and also verify it; note information you receive, and also your internal responses, all with equal openness. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #218 for March 2, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — For the past two weeks, Mercury has been making its way backward through the most sensitive area of your solar chart. This describes a process of deep discovery relating to who you are. More than likely, it’s felt quite gentle and subtle, an idea gradually building in the back of your mind. As Mercury slips into Aquarius on Wednesday, this should gain in tangibility, and various threads will start to form a pattern. What this amounts to is you taking notice of a facet of yourself either that you’ve formerly suppressed somewhat, or which has been growing stronger with the development of your confidence and self-knowledge. You will soon be able to experiment with this part of you out in the open. Meanwhile, let it continue to blossom within you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

Pre-order your 2020-21 Aries Astrology Studio now for the lowest price of just $33.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your ruler Venus entering your sign late Wednesday night heralds the culmination of a phase that may have felt substantially unsettling for you. Yet something has been brewing beneath the turbulence, and you’re about to get your first glimpse of the results. This is taking place in the realm of how you relate to the world, though at present it’s very much an internal process. I suggest you keep trying on different ideas and various hats as they occur to you, and take care not to dismiss anything because it seems outlandish or might attract criticism. That’s the eternal price of utterly honest living, and it’s a rare situation indeed where that fee is not worth paying. Your freedom beckons. Get ready to meet it. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s time to weigh up the experiences you’ve had during the last two weeks or so, as Mercury has made its backward journey across Pisces, which is your career zone. That said, you might well already have gotten a clue. Your senses are unusually sharp and clear, and even on those days when your mind feels scrambled, your instincts are on to the scent of truth. You’re learning that you must abandon any illusions that remain to you of being led by the wishes of others. This is your way of playing it safe: if someone else is in the driving seat, you can believe they’re responsible for whatever happens on the road. It takes courage to grip the wheel, and recognize that ultimately the decisions you make are by, and for, you. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Current charts paint a picture of you, if not quite on the big stage bathed in spotlights, then experiencing some similarities. Certainly you’re becoming more noticeable, thanks to the energy you can’t help but express. That in turn could lead to what feels like a sharp increase of scrutiny and random people trying to figure you out. These days, when anyone dares to stand out from the masses, both curiosity and criticism are inevitable to an extent. You can help yourself by standing firm in your dharma, and acting in ways that accord with it. Don’t allow anyone else to set the terms on which you conduct your life and your business. You are by far the best person to steer your own boat. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s generally wise not to make too many assumptions regarding what people around you are thinking and feeling. The human capacity to surprise is infinite, however seldom it is employed. Your astrology is reflecting one particular circumstance in which you might think you have a dispute or conflict of interest with someone. This is worth reviewing, even if the facts appear obvious. Just now, very few things are really precisely as they seem. If you dig a little deeper, you could easily find enough information to at least pause. This will be in the form of common ground of some kind. At any rate, make peace your watchword and summon your powers of diplomacy, at least until anything more decisive emerges. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury’s reverse course through Pisces, your opposite sign, describes the potential for old feelings and insecurities being stirred up, especially in terms of one-to-one relationships. Yet you’re also aware of the progress you’ve made since these troublesome guests last made themselves known, and therefore need not be caught in the net unless you’re determined to be. Just hold on to the knowledge that nobody else can play the role of you better than you can. Your gifts are not invisible to others, even in those moments when they seem so to you. If you look carefully, you’ll find abundant evidence of their existence. If your self-trust contains a few holes, this is a good time to make a point of patching it up. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Retrograde Mercury’s dip back into Aquarius, your solar 5th house, is a reminder that the most fulfilling form of work is the kind into which you can bring your whole self. What really piques your interest? What draws and holds your attention? Notice when, in answering these questions, you make reference to other people’s expectations or values. Then set all of that aside. This will likely need to be an ongoing rinse-and-repeat sort of process, as Venus crosses your 8th. However, this period will also give you an opportunity to explore where someone’s agenda has acted on your ideas about who you are, and what you desire. Eventually, with practice, you’ll be able to strip away much of the undue influence, and see the naked truth behind it. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Though Mercury has another week before its about-face in late Aquarius, there’s nothing stopping you taking note of any ideas that might pass through your mind. Likewise, there’s no reason you can’t clear away old debris in preparation for the moment of action. You have discernment, and it’s worth putting that skill to some use this week. Discard, ruthlessly, any old concepts that have been hindering your progress. If other people show any inclination to throw obstacles in your path, withdraw from their immediate vicinity. Stay away from them as long as necessary. You need the freedom and space to consult your own unfiltered thoughts, and give them full expression. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There is something quite beautiful in responding to the world as a child might, with the same trust and wonder and love. However difficult this might seem, it’s a skill that can be cultivated and practiced; an art that allows you to let go and simply be for a while. Doing this can also help you retrieve certain aspirations or ideals that you held in former times; in other words, reclaim a part of yourself that should never have left you. Many people spend far too much of their lives dealing with blows to their self-trust from past caregivers or family members, even well-meaning ones. You can now choose to override any such hurdles, and give your self-confidence the reins. Try it, and see what happens. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — During this week you could benefit from some gentle thought experiments, in which you ask questions regarding some strongly-held beliefs. You can do this privately, so as to give yourself full conceptual freedom in a safe environment. Notice when deep emotions are roused, when doubts or queries surface that seem to have always been there, and when you feel afraid to explore something further. You may gain understanding of the difference between a conclusion formed on the basis of solid evidence, and an unsupported belief. The question then becomes, what purpose is that belief serving? What is it preventing you from doing? And what doors might open if you let it go? Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your sign is about to become an astrological focal point, with Saturn arriving for its practice run later this month, and then the gradually building Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. This is a major shift for you after so much emphasis on your solar 12th house, Capricorn — the most veiled area of the chart. You would benefit from making use of this year as a phase of preparation. Mercury’s brief visit to your sign starting Wednesday will more than likely illuminate certain areas where you might not feel quite ready to meet the changes. This would be a good place to concentrate your energy initially. Take it easy — you don’t need to rush this process, just notice it. For now, let the big developments happen organically. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — By and large, people tend to prefer simple answers. This is why many have a love-hate relationship with the truth, which is often complex and doesn’t yield to confirmation bias. You have a degree of advantage in the ability to make room for seemingly bizarre or unconventional sources, which sometimes fill in the gaps left by mainstream theories. Your open-mindedness will serve you well during the next week or so, as long as you don’t hasten to any conclusions. Consider this more of a fact-gathering exercise, in which your task is to accumulate information with the intention to apply discernment at another time. Know when you don’t know, and reserve judgment should you find preconceptions are trying to sway it. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 13, 2020 (#1276)


Aries (March 20-April 19) — On Sunday, your ruler Mars will enter Capricorn, your 10th house of career and life aims. About half a day later, Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces. These two seemingly contrasting events together describe something rather exciting: a phase of experimentation. You’re already asking searching questions about who you really are. During the next few weeks, you’ll get to try out different roles and identities, and figure out whether they suit you, at least in the present. This is not a time to make firm commitments, or lasting impacts. Yet you have the chance to explore pretty thoroughly any concept that takes your fancy. Don’t worry about practicalities or possibilities for now; normal rules of play are suspended.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — While you’re working out the latest riddle of who you are becoming, be aware that time pressure is not a factor. This matter is too important to rush, and the current phase is one of sitting quietly with yourself and looking for the drives that run deep; the ones that burn with primal energy. More than anything just now, they will guide you in the direction you need. Other considerations will come into play eventually, though further down the line. For the present, turn inward: hear the rhythm of your heart and the ring of the blacksmith’s anvil at the core of you. In that is your indefatigable strength and resilience, your internal compass always pointing true north. And in that you may safely trust.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your ruler Mercury is about to station retrograde in your fellow mutable sign Pisces. In a way, this represents the next phase of your current journey of self-discovery, as you gradually rewrite the rulebook. Part of this process is unraveling long-held beliefs regarding your character, and especially what makes you happy. With this comes an end to certain rituals or habits that had grown entrenched in your life: routines you might once have developed with good reason, but are now no longer serving you. What replaces these is ultimately for you to determine. The next few weeks at least, however, are mostly about gathering information, trying out a few new things, and fitting the pieces together.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars entering your opposite sign Sunday implies focusing your energy on a specific collaborative work. Its precise nature, however, is up to you, and as Mercury prepares to reverse course, it looks as if you’ll have a few options. You might ask yourself something along the lines of, “Where can I give my most passionate and sincere devotion?” This is your most important consideration, though it will probably also narrow the field of choices. During the next few weeks, an answer should slowly and gently take shape in your mind. Don’t push the river: let it flow into place at its own speed. Meanwhile, cultivate your noblest impulses and your best company, and spend time in places sacred to you.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When in a close relationship, there is often the temptation to lose oneself in the other, because society teaches that we need this bond to feel complete. It is harder in some ways to practice self-love and self-trust to the degree we bestow these things on partners. Yet the chart for Mercury retrograde this weekend suggests you are forming a deeper connection with your own being. You’re learning how to absorb more of the warmth and light with which you so generously and copiously bless others. As you do this, you’ll recognize the delightful truth that it’s not a zero-sum game. Humans are mortal creatures, but we have an infinite capacity to give and receive love. Don’t hold back.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Remember that when it comes to your life and personal decisions, your own judgment is crucial. Nobody knows your needs or ways better than you. If you’ve been less inclined to trust your own opinion than those of others, particularly lately, Mercury’s forthcoming retrograde in your opposite sign will help you redress that balance. Loved ones might well have plenty to say, and at least some of their input will surely be valuable. However, ultimately you must take chief responsibility for choosing wisely. This is easier than you may think; your power of discernment is one of the most finely honed tools in the zodiac, though it works far more efficiently if you place your faith in it.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mercury is preparing to change direction on Sunday. To an extent, this moment tends to feel like waiting to go on stage or enter a job interview. It’s a sense that accompanies taking a risk, which includes doing anything especially creative or skillful. There is always some uncertainty as to how we will be received. It’s tempting to shy away from this feeling and return to the comfort of familiarity. However, I would suggest you do the opposite at this time. Instead, lean in to the dissonant feeling; explore it, and notice its subtleties and twists. There is a wealth of inventive material in here, which could supply you with inspiration of a kind you might never have encountered before. Let your imagination dance.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — We’ve all heard about those moments when a child’s searing honesty causes embarrassment or amusement in the grown-ups around them. Younger kids especially have not yet developed the armor used broadly by adults to help them maintain social conventions, and stay safe and hidden, which is arguably what that’s really about. Much of everyday communication includes image control, which seems to involve a lot of obfuscation, fudging and hidden subtext, and occasionally outright lies. We could all learn a lot from children’s uncomplicated view of life and their modes of expression. Listen carefully to the young people around you, and consider what you’d say if there were no barriers.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current charts describe you turning your attention to matters involving helping someone in need, or correcting an injustice. Your choice of cause isn’t necessarily the most significant thing here. What’s much more important is that you know clearly why you are attracted to the work; and that it brings out the best in you. This task also doesn’t have to be entirely formalized, or a permanent life calling. Some of the best kinds of good deed are unsung and momentary, performed in between the lightning and the thunderclap. Just notice when the opportunities arise and go with whatever you feel drawn to. You could well be in for some pretty unique and invaluable experiences.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars will enter your sign on Sunday, representing another emerging perspective on last month’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Mars can help instigate any changes that are needed; it has a tendency to silence caveats, and just get on with the job at hand. This can be somewhat rough around the edges, but also very useful if you’re feeling stuck or confused. While Mercury is retrograde, you’ll want to seek a happy medium between this influence of Mars and your various doubts and questions regarding the best way forward. It’s important that you know as much of your route as possible before venturing forth. However, you also need to avoid letting fear prevent you from moving at all. Summon your courage, and keep it stoked.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Humans, pretty much by definition, rarely have the capacity to predict future events with any certainty. Too many factors tend to be involved in most scenarios for the outcome to be clear. That said, at times one can guess what is likely to happen in specific situations. An opportunity is about to arrive on your doorstep — or perhaps it has already made itself known. This has arisen from an organic sequence of events. You seem unusually aware of what it means, and what will probably result if you take it up, and likewise if you don’t. Where you might be unsure is in precisely what is complicating matters. During the next month or so, that question would be worth investigating.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As Mercury stations retrograde in your sign this weekend, note that you may experience one or two circumstances where things don’t turn out quite as you expected, or where something surprises you. Occasionally this type of event is necessary to help you re-examine particular beliefs or assumptions. For example, you might (as we all do) become carried away with a specific theory, such that you lose sight of the initial idea or reality from which it sprang. The process of rectifying this may be discomfiting at times. However, it’s worth seeing that through rather than clinging to false concepts, and potentially facing another confrontation on the same subject. Keep an open mind instead.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Monday Morning Horoscope #207 for Dec. 16, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep in mind the importance of generosity. Your astrology is focused quite sharply on your career and its advancement; it’s worth bearing in mind that there are many types of aspiration, and those that involve being of service in some form have their own way of succeeding. Society may frown upon this idea, insisting that human worth is somehow attached to a number of dollars, though that concept does not seem to forward human happiness much. The fact is everyone has inherent worth by virtue of existing. Forget any thought of trying to distinguish yourself solely via your bank account. You know more fulfilling ways of making a mark on the world. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — We all have our ideals and visions, though it’s not always simple to transform them into concrete plans and achievements. Something is simmering in your mind and evoking restless feelings; it would help at this stage to avoid the temptation to act impulsively. Think through each factor and get a clear analysis of the whole before taking any action. Examine all the facets of your own motivation in particular, though also the interest of others as far as you can make it out. Your ruler Venus entering your 10th solar house later this week will help you focus your understanding, and smooth the way to a more definite forward path. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know who you are, and your mind this week resembles a diamond-cutter. You can slice through bullshit at the speed of sound. Given the prevalent stench of it these days, especially online, this is a crucial skill. That said, this is not the time to log on to social media and waste hours of your life grappling with professional trolls. You have more important uses for your incisive thinking, and you’re well aware of it. Now is your moment to take up those tasks you’ve been putting off, organize and re-organize, and tackle any puzzling problems facing you. Minimize disruptive influences, then make a plan and stick to it for as long as possible. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Remember that your primary relationship is always with yourself; even if you’re with someone, your personal growth and healing path is still valid. You owe it to yourself and everyone who cares about you not to lose the unique thread of your development in the flow of someone else’s existence, however intimately you are connected. That doesn’t mean you can’t put plans aside temporarily in order to offer help, whether to a loved one or on a wider scale; just keep that back burner simmering away, so you can pick it up again whenever possible. Or, better still, figure out a way to integrate the two, so that your focus is maintained. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It may frustrate you that you’ve recently been obliged to overhaul, or at least review keenly, certain practices that involved you getting in your own way. If you think you’ve worked out a good routine that will help move things along, it can be extra annoying when a snag transpires. This may feel much like assembling a cupboard, only to find at the end there’s a part or two left over and one of the doors is not quite hung properly. However, this phase of deconstruction and rebuilding slowly and carefully is of foundational importance. Provided you see it through, the benefits will be in proportion to the efforts, and you’ll be in a much stronger position. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your charts for this week describe the necessity to pull your focus inward somewhat, and not allow your time and energy to be dissipated by matters ultimately outside your control. Said another way, if you want to change something for the better, begin by looking inside yourself. Personal healing is often treated superficially, and it’s certainly easier to pass judgment on others. Yet we all have to face who we are eventually, and this involves deep, serious and sometimes painful work. Creativity — that is, art of some kind, or anything that helps you think outside the box — is one constructive method of making progress on your healing. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Many people are feeling increasingly unsettled by the continuing build-up of planets in Capricorn. Among other things, this sign (your 4th house) represents tradition in all senses of the word, and Saturn-Pluto is rendering much of that unrecognizable. Everyone is experiencing this to some degree, though for you in particular the sensation may center in home and personal roots. Avoid panicking; instead, take time to process what’s happening, and try to gain a hold on what is worth preserving as well as what needs to change — in your own life, for now, not in the wider world. Cultivate the balanced understanding for which your sign is justly renowned. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Quite a lot that’s happening now is either somber in quality or rage-inducing, whether on the news or on social media. Both humor and good humor, in the sense of cheerfulness, may be of service in the coming weeks. At any rate, you might resist the temptation to join a rumble on your website of choice purely for the hell of it. Particularly with your ruler Mars in your sign, it’s definitely wise to employ conscious diplomacy and watch your language. Remember that those with whom you engage are also human; they too have moods, and might not always express themselves perfectly. In the age of everyone being a public figure, we forget this too often. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

You may order here for $44 and get instant access. Gift purchases welcome.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Different people will react to you in different ways. That’s part and parcel of living among an endless variety of characters, and there’s also not much you can do about it. The part you can control is whether you let others’ opinions have undue influence over you. True, you’re a complex person, and sometimes an alternative view can work as a mirror, held up to a facet you didn’t quite see so clearly before. Yet if you’re receiving several contrasting impressions about who you are, and it’s not clear which seems real, focus initially on what you feel, what you fundamentally believe, and your strongest passions. That will help anchor you to the truth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What your astrology looks like at the moment resembles nothing so much as an introvert hosting a house party. It might be fun for a while to share a space with so many interesting personalities; perhaps you’ll have a deep conversation with some of them; yet eventually you just want them all to leave you alone so you can read with the cat on your lap. You may feel busier than you have for a while, drawn in many different directions, and deprived of certain comforts you might have turned to in the past. Yet in all the bustle you are learning things about yourself — especially about your strengths — and this information is of significant and lasting value. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With so many planets in your sensitive 12th house, to say this moment is somewhat intense for you is probably an understatement. You’ve been doing important healing work, though when in the thick of such experiences it can be hard to remember the healing part is happening. There may be a particular idea you’re finding challenging to accept, or one you want to cling to; that is the very thing you would benefit most from tackling at present. Be gentle with yourself, persist, and know that you are making progress. You’re likely to notice what you’ve achieved in a more tangible way once Venus enters your sign early Friday. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A specific vocation or role in your community is making itself gradually known to you. The term “community” here can refer to your group of friends, your locale or something more widespread. You might, for example, be drawn into the position of counselor, or teacher, or soothsayer (literally “one who speaks truth” — presumably including truths others are unwilling to voice). Regardless of its exact nature, this task is one you’ve earned as a matter of trust, and I would advise treating it with solemn respect and gratitude. What you do in these next months may be a vehicle to future work, and to the next step in your personal journey. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #206 for Dec. 9, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep in mind how ridiculously easy it is to wade into a conflict and choose a side implacably, however complex the matter in question actually is. Any subject under discussion can be reduced to soundbites, though generally doing so involves sacrificing much of its nuance and humanity. Resist such temptations firmly, and take extra care with your communications, as Thursday’s Gemini Full Moon approaches. This is good practice for anyone, though for you in particular at this time it relates to your ongoing personal growth. Pay attention to the calling of your higher mind, and resolve to honor the truth no matter what it is. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Recently you’ve been asking some searching questions about your trajectory, which is somewhat due to the ongoing party in your 9th house. Relatively few people end up devoting their whole life to one specific purpose, so there’s no need to feel anxious if you haven’t yet heard a calling in a clear direction. For the time being, it may be most useful to do the work in front of you, and let this lead onward organically, while keeping your ears open for messages and signs. This is not guaranteed to bring fame and fortune, though it certainly answers a desire to be of service in the present, and is as valid a route to self-actualization as any other. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Monday, your ruler Mercury enters your opposite sign Sagittarius; then on Thursday there will be a Full Moon in your sign. Both of these events describe the more profound connections between you and loved ones. That is, how you see yourself as reflected in them, and how their movements and words around you, and yours around them, reveal the shape of your mind. None of this detracts from your sense of self, nor should it; what you perceive merely adds another dimension to what you already know. Recognize your own uniqueness, and that of each person in your life, and notice all the ways you enrich one another’s world. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is no fast-track route to self-fulfillment. There is no hack, no single action that can be applied in order to bring you in alignment with the divine spark within you. Yet there are many paths from which you can choose. If any one factor unites them, I would suggest it is agape — that sacred, universal love that embraces all alike, and from which derives the Golden Rule. If you’re uncertain where to invest your energies, invoke this love and let it inflame your soul; open your mind to the cosmos, and pay attention for any messages or synchronicities that emerge. This will surely produce some results. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Yours is a fixed sign, which means you sometimes need to watch for stubbornness or a tendency to get stuck in certain patterns. The approach to this week’s Full Moon features themes of this nature. In particular, notice if you’re experiencing reluctance to ask for the help you need, especially if you know your friends would come through. True, doing this means having to admit you’re only human after all. Yet the only person passing judgment on this undeniable fact is you. Take your courage in both hands and speak up. The sooner you get past this point, the sooner you can move ahead at full speed, with the knowledge you are supported. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Remember that the past and its lessons are what brought you here to the present moment, just as what you do now will help forge the future. Even when recalling less pleasant times, how you dealt with circumstances then can inform your understanding of who you are today, just as the strength you’ve gained from past challenges supports you ongoing. Your memories are a piece of the puzzle of you, an essential component of the whole truth as well as a resource to draw on when necessary. From this can come a more complete acceptance of the person you were, as opposed to judging yourself with convenient hindsight. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Though there is still a decided emphasis on the area of your chart reflecting family, home and the past, the Full Moon this week will reconnect you with a desire to look forward and set certain aims. Your encounters with former challenges and emotions have resulted in a new strength, a sort of imperviousness to potential obstacles, and a most healthy determination to celebrate the good things in your life. Why not? Pleasure is no sin; it does not intrinsically harm others or oneself. Spending at least some time enjoying yourself will refresh you, and probably also embolden you to strive for your aspirations more decidedly. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your charts this week describe the multiple healing effects of intimacy and of allowing yourself to be vulnerable with someone you trust. Physical affection can work many positive changes to your body and mind, and you would certainly benefit from gathering the courage to reach out should you need it. One crucial key with any sort of intimate relationship is to walk the narrow path balancing love and independence. This especially means taking care not to lose yourself in another person’s world, nor to absorb them into your own; yet it also requires a willingness to be open and share the light and warmth of your soul. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

You may order here for $44 and get instant access. Gift purchases welcome.

Thank you for your business.

With love,



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The forthcoming Gemini Full Moon describes you learning something significant about a loved one, and most likely about yourself also. Because close relationships tend naturally to involve at least some projection, we might erroneously assume we know how a partner will respond to a certain scenario. Recognizing this, when it happens, can be of significant help toward understanding who you are, because the projected reaction comes from somewhere within. Should you notice anything like this occurring during the week, use it as a sort of flashlight to help you see more clearly into the depths of your mind. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If this week’s astrology has one particular message for you, it’s that you need some fun. Make sure you set aside a reasonable amount of time, preferably daily, for relaxing and enjoyable activities. Get out of doors in the fresh air, and meet up with friends when you can. There’s a lot of pressure on Capricorn right now, as you are no doubt palpably aware. Yet also present in your sign are both the traditional benefics, Venus and Jupiter; they’re helping you open a curtain in Saturn’s dark hall, so that heat and daylight can flood the room. Let their visit sprinkle a little extra charm into your everyday existence. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One of the most beautiful things about creative self-expression is its capacity to bring about emotional healing, in a way that’s both organic and constructive. The approaching Full Moon in your 5th house of art and pleasure affords an opportunity for you to experience that blessing. This process requires you to be vulnerable, which usually feels somewhat risky, especially if your chosen work skirts the edge of what’s considered acceptable, or challenges norms. A lot of good art does this in some way. Yet the payoff is like nothing else; you can craft an entirely new relationship to yourself, to your self-image and to your memories. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Thursday’s Full Moon in your 4th house suggests that the facts you already know are more relevant than you might think. When it comes to answering a particularly puzzling question, your lived experience and previously established wisdom can supply what you need. Said another way, it’s your perspective that’s important here. Make sure you give it sufficient weight, and watch out for the appearance in your conversation of soundbites and talking points peddled by others. The truth is almost always more complex than a sweeping or simplistic idea can allow for. And it’s the truth you’re after, no matter how deep you need to dig. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #205 for Dec. 2, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Jupiter enters Capricorn this Monday, joining Venus, Saturn, Pluto and a bunch of other points, and adding its considerable stature to an already massive gathering. For you, this mostly describes a shift in gear toward a more active way of being. This will be especially true in terms of the values you hold. What’s the use of principles if you can’t live by them, act on them, or work with them to create positive change in your environment? In addition, it helps to check your ideas for consistency, by following them through to their logical conclusion and noting the other issues on which they touch. If needs be, examine all of your theories and be prepared to overhaul everything that isn’t fit for purpose. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your 9th house is the zone of philosophy, higher learning and aspirations, among other things, and the planet of expansion is about to arrive there. Consider this an invitation to open your mind, perhaps further than it has been for a long time. You’ll be encountering new and exciting ideas, which is especially interesting with Uranus in your sign. If you want to enjoy this moment to the fullest, stoke your curiosity by every means available. Get off the well-trodden path, which in this era generally consists of social media and banal TV, and find interesting and novel ways to exercise your little gray cells. Creative works count, especially those with a well-defined purpose — as do new friendships and explorations of intimacy. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The increasing number of bodies in Capricorn, your 8th house, is pointing the way to some deep-level emotional healing. In part, this is becoming available to you through personal relationships, specifically intimate ones. That doesn’t necessarily mean marriage or serious commitments — though this house is associated with them. It could refer to close friendships, or any meaningful connection in which you thrive. Regardless of specifics, it’s important that you use these interactions to understand yourself better, and not as a way of losing yourself and your uniqueness. The recent work you’ve done around this alone has given you a sense of who you are, which is invaluable and well worth preserving. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — On Monday, Jupiter (which is exalted in Cancer, and therefore a personal planet for you) enters your opposite sign. Your chart describes this as a revelatory moment, in which the threads of the past year integrate and form a pattern. Lately, events in your life have amounted to a journey through unfamiliar and sometimes rather dark places. Jupiter is about to turn on a powerful flashlight, which will help answer some of the questions you’ve formed in recent months. Look for illumination in particular from other people’s actions, and from your general environment. You’ll benefit from some patience; the explanations are unlikely to show up all at once. Yet each new piece of information will open up more layers to your scrutiny. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — An increasing focus on your zone of daily work and routines reflects the ever more busy period that to an extent we’re all experiencing. Jupiter is encouraging you to consider the big picture, which means strategy and organization. Step back from the fray regularly and check over your plans, to make sure you’ve not overlooked anything, and that you’ve accorded yourself enough space in the schedule to relax and have breaks. Likewise, avoid taking on anything new until you’re sure you can safely accommodate it. Finally, it’ll almost certainly help if you keep your larger goals in mind, in terms of both prioritizing those tasks that forward them, and also remembering why you’re doing all this in the first place. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Part of what makes creative work interesting is its quality of thinking outside the box — or perhaps dispensing with the box altogether, or traveling to a parallel universe in which the concept “box” doesn’t apply. Your artistic or inventive gifts, in whatever shape they come, will blossom most effectively if you allow yourself to relax the rules. Better still to have no rules at all, except for variations on ‘do no harm’. You’ll need to work actively to embrace the feeling of freedom, which includes opening yourself to the inspiring messages of the universe. These appear often in synchronicity, and in small gifts such as the beauty of a flower or the shapes of clouds in the sky. Listen, absorb and breathe deeply. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Current aspects are drawing you inward more than usual, resulting in your attention being necessarily centered in quieter pursuits and also turned to various longstanding matters. As you’re doing this, keep an eye on the temptation to feel frustrated or stuck. Once you see past that, you’ll realize this time of reflection and introspection has a purpose, which is helping you recognize the gifts of your character and the strength you’ve gained through past trials. This is a phase you’ll need to pass through for a while, before your focus can return more completely to forward motion. Follow your instincts, physical and emotional, and allow yourself to slow the pace of events and changes. It’ll pick up again when you’re ready. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your ruler Mars is back in your sign, which suggests a sense of being on more solid and familiar ground, and coming home to yourself. That said, Mars can also manifest as an agitating influence, especially if you have unresolved material to work through. Take extra care with your communications. We’ve all said things in a fit of temper that we’ve regretted, and it’s possible to make amends if sincere in that regret. What’s less easy to recover from is deception — not simply outright lies, but also deliberate skewing of the truth, however small. This sort of action erodes trust; you would be well advised to avoid any temptation to resort to it. Instead, cultivate your honesty and sense of justice as a personal ethic. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter’s Dec. 2 sign change heralds an opportunity for you to engage with your most profound sense of self in a wholly new way. The structure and groundedness of Capricorn can help you use your divine spark to ignite a flame, and keep it burning. In other words, it’s a base from which you can stoke your passions and direct them into productive works. If you’re in need of a purpose or calling, this will help you find one. If you’re already on to something, this moment could help you refine your methods, expand your goals or broaden your reach. This is likely to transform the way you see yourself, especially in terms of understanding your capabilities. Look for where you may have underestimated your potential. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

You may order here for $44 and get instant access. Gift purchases welcome.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Solar System’s biggest planet is about to join the already well-attended party in your sign. While it’s already pretty crowded and the intensity is increasing, note that both of the traditionally benefic objects, Venus and Jupiter, will now be present. This implies a more positive environment in general. For you in particular, it’s likely to present some clear signals as to how you could channel the impending Saturn-Pluto conjunction energy. By now you’re already aware of the general direction in which you need to be heading, thanks to the amplified voice of your higher self, which has been gaining in strength. What the next six weeks or so represent is the crystallization of that knowledge into a solid plan. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Let go now of any conception you have that you need to be perfect or faultless, or that you need obstacles removed before you can get anything done. All this does is hold you back, and prevent you from understanding yourself clearly. The pressure in your 12th house is building, though Jupiter’s presence will help you shine a spotlight on certain elements you’ve been hiding from yourself. It’s important that you accept all your feelings — and all your gifts — without judging them or trying to suppress who you are. What you’re experiencing now, and are about to experience, will only be as positive and life-changing as you’ll allow it to be. Which essentially means that if you want to, you can heal and grow from the inside out. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — With your ruler Jupiter’s imminent move into your 11th house comes a change in how you view your aims for the future. One result of Jupiter’s recent long square with Neptune has been an abundance of castles in the air, some of which will now be shown to have structural flaws. Consider re-examining your approach to a specific idea or plan you’ve clung to during the past year, which potentially places heavy emphasis on the importance of one component. Whether or not you’ll need to do some significant rebuilding, or just apply extra paint and a bit of sanding, depends on a number of factors. A few thorough and methodical accuracy checks, however, would certainly come in useful. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.