Author Archives: Amanda Painter

You’re Not a One-Sided Coin

By Amanda Painter

Increasingly in our highly polarized political landscape, we are called upon to reconcile vastly differing viewpoints. Often it seems impossible. Yet this week’s main astrology offers a useful reminder: reconciliation begins with your own inner contradictions, and then extends into your most immediate, intimate one-on-one relationships.

Live sand dollar; photo by Amanda Painter.

Live sand dollar; photo by Amanda Painter.

The two major aspects at play are both exact today: the Gemini New Moon (which is the Sun and Moon conjunct in Gemini), and a square between Venus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.

I’m actually going to begin with the Venus-Pluto square, for a very specific reason: it speaks of relationship dynamics. And for many people, it’s easier to focus on a relationship than it is to look within.

The Venus-Pluto square is exact at 12:22 pm EDT today (16:22 UTC). With Venus in fiery, assertive Aries, it’s possible you’re experiencing this as some kind of intensely emotional or sexual experience that is completely altering your awareness in a relationship. It might feel very compelling, and could be genuinely positive.

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Looking Into Parallel Realities: Gemini New Moon

In the play Constellations by Nick Payne (which I saw Friday night), the two characters depict some of the many possible ways their intersecting lives could evolve depending on the countless variables at play at any given moment.


Photo of Chicago’s O’Hare airport, the busiest in the world, by Eric Francis.

The plot’s structure is based on the concept that infinite multiverses exist in parallel, and the one we live depends on the choices we make. In each scene, the characters only have to reconcile their own two viewpoints on that particular shared experience — unlike the audience, who witnesses the entire gestalt.

Yet you don’t have to go all sci-fi to get a taste of something similar — you can just tune into some Gemini astrology. In contrast to Payne’s play, Gemini suggests that perhaps we can indeed occupy parallel realities — or be two people — at once.

Gemini is also about reconciling these different viewpoints. Step out of the mindset that there’s only one way to see and think about something. And stop pretending that your shadow is not just as much a part of you as your light.

We’ll get a prime opportunity this Thursday, when the Sun (which entered Gemini on Saturday) conjoins the Moon for the Gemini New Moon. This is exact at 3:44 pm EDT (19:44 UTC) on May 25.

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An Invitation to Something New

By Amanda Painter

Do you feel ready for something new? Investing personal energy in world news — especially news events that strain credulity — can be exhausting. Beating one’s head against the same interpersonal dynamics at work or in your intimate relationships can be tiring. Yet the urge for something new can also emerge from a palpable sense of growing creative energy that needs an outlet.

Apple blossom about to bloom. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Apple blossom about to bloom. Photo by Amanda Painter.

In astrology, the tail end of a season — or even just the last few days of the Sun in a particular sign — can invoke that sense of being ready for a shift. We’ll get one on Saturday, when the Sun leaves Taurus and enters Gemini at 4:31 pm EDT (20:31 UTC).

Where Taurus is focused on the body, Gemini is all about the mind; Taurus takes its time, Gemini moves on to the next thing quickly. Taurus is represented by earth, Gemini by air. I’ll admit that I have a strong personal bias toward Taurus, since it’s my Sun sign, but all signs of the zodiac have their value and their purpose. Where Taurus helped us to get grounded, Gemini offers us greater (and quicker) flexibility.

Yet this is not the only astrological energy drawing us toward something new. Tomorrow (Friday) Venus in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra, exact at 10:11 am EDT (14:11 UTC).

On one level, Venus opposite Jupiter can be a warning about spending too much money, eating and drinking too much, and getting caught up in vanity (Venus being in Aries could emphasize this last bit). If you’re trying to save money, this might not be the best weekend for a shopping spree.

That said, indulging in what you love most — in moderation — could bring tremendous joy, pleasure and satisfaction. The key is to remember that a little will be just as satisfying — and probably more so in the long run — as a lot of it would seem to be, in the moment.

On a second level, however, the energy of Venus opposite Jupiter speaks of a meeting. Particularly, meeting some opportunity in a relational situation of some kind. That could mean an intimate/sexual relationship, a work relationship, a creative relationship, a healing/therapeutic relationship, a parent/child relationship, a student/teacher relationship, or some other situation, and will depend on the specifics of your life and how this astrology interacts with your own chart.

Wherever you feel it, the idea is to pay attention to where in your life the opportunities are appearing. Notice the areas of your day-to-day experience where you feel especially ready for something new; or ready to expand into something that already exists, but with a new level of energy.

Jupiter is often associated with luck. Yet any astrologer will tell you that you have to work at it. In other words: be prepared for what you want by doing what you can to invite it into your life. Usually this means things like practicing, or creating the space for it: physically, in your environment; mentally, in your attitudes and perspective; temporally, by making time for it; and so on. Or something really mundane, like updating your resume so it’s ready to go the moment you see the job posting you’ve been searching for.

Working at luck could also mean giving yourself permission to want what you want, and to say yes to it — and to receive it fully (‘receptivity’ relating to Venus). All the preparation in the world can fall flat if you back away from an opportunity when it arrives on your doorstep. If you feel like this describes your usual pattern, it’s worth finding a good therapist or spiritual counselor or similar to help you work through that pattern of self-sabotage. It speaks to deep and often barely conscious material — the kind most of us need a little help uncovering, processing and releasing.

With Venus in the sign of Self and Jupiter in the sign of Relationships, the meeting or peak described by their opposition could also relate to how your relationships function as a mirror. In this interpretation, you might again ask yourself if you’re ready for something new; not necessarily a new partner but perhaps a new way of interacting and responding, or a new way of feeling about yourself within your relationships. What would you need to acknowledge, and what would need to shift in response, for that to happen?

While the Sun is still in Taurus during the next three days, your body and physical senses could help you focus on the answers. After the Sun moves into Gemini on Saturday, see if you’re better able to verbally articulate what you’ve discovered. Along the way, good luck in working your luck. To paraphrase Howard Thurman, the world needs more people who have come alive.


You may pre-order all 12 signs of INVOLUTION here. What we’re living through today is not written about in any book. We’re its pioneers in consciousness. For us, in our time, the revolution must be within. INVOLUTION will be your guide.


Let Your Body Talk — and Then Listen

We’re now in the last several days of solar Taurus. Fittingly, this week’s more prominent astrology is keeping some focus on the body; specifically, the role your body has in keeping you informed of the less tangible facets of your being — and your body’s ability to point you in the direction of healing and growth.


A Taurean’s paradise. Photo by Amanda Painter.

For instance, your solar plexus might heat up or feel ‘tingly’ or tight in certain types of interactions — such as when you’re giving up your power; or when you’re taking on someone else’s emotional baggage via guilt, self-criticism or the need for their approval.

Or consider chronically tight trapezius and neck muscles: while it might be due to bad posture at the computer, this could also manifest from a pattern of living someone else’s expectations and the tension that induces. Other examples abound, such as difficulty breathing or an upset stomach.

The Sun enters Gemini — a more mentally oriented sign — at the end of this week, on Saturday at 4:31 pm EDT (20:31 UTC). Gemini is the last sign of the current season. But before we get there, the Taurus Sun makes an auspicious and potentially very useful aspect to Chiron in Pisces.

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No Easy Way, Just Another Growth Opportunity

By Amanda Painter

Although the Scorpio Full Moon came and went last night and there’s other astrology brewing, you might still be feeling some ripples (or navigating some rapids). Sometimes a little framing after the fact can be very helpful in getting grounded enough to meet what’s next on the horizon.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

I’m writing this just a couple of short hours after receiving a surprise email that has thrown me a little off-balance — and just one day after the White House’s announcement Tuesday that it had fired FBI director James Comey, in the midst of the investigation into Trump’s ties with Russia. All of it fits bizarrely with the theme of secrets and “something coming to a head” that last night’s Scorpio Full Moon suggested. It also fits amazingly well with the themes of “expect the unexpected,” “digital communication,” and “chaos/subversion” that go with Mercury — slow and powerful — still in close proximity to the Uranus-Eris conjunction.

Have you experienced your own personal “surprise news” this week? Is your head spinning from each newly revealed detail of Comey’s firing, or from other TV news?

Hopefully you’re finding ways to get your bearings and proceed forward. Yet the astrology from today into tomorrow is a mix of “challenging” and “supportive” aspects that ask you to stay fully aware of your choices and your motives.

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Scorpio Full Moon: Amnesty for Sexual Honesty

With the Moon building toward full phase on Wednesday, it’s possible that you’re feeling something regarding physical pleasures and the emotions that go with them building to a head. This may take the form of a question: if you’re craving a specific type of physical or sexual contact, what is standing in your way of reaching out to initiate it?


Luna photographed in 2011 by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

True, you may still be getting a feel for Mercury in direct motion after an especially challenging season of inner planet retrogrades. It’s like debris is being removed so the stream can flow freely and things can gradually settle into their normal pace again.

Against that backdrop, the Full Moon is like a window: suddenly we can all see the other people around us again.

Yet the Taurus/Scorpio axis is about the body, and the sensations and pleasures of the body. That means being conscious of what you’re experiencing physically as well as emotionally; noticing your body’s responses to stimuli, and not ignoring them; noticing how others are responding to you — which is another way of saying empathy.

The Scorpio Full Moon, which is the Moon in Scorpio opposing the Sun in Taurus, is exact at 5:42 pm EDT May 10 (21:42 UTC). In the Full Moon chart, the Sun is making a trine to Pluto and Juno in Capricorn.

You can look at this as a both a question about a partnership issue and the assistance you need to answer it. Can you be forthright about your needs and desires without camping out in a place of want or lack? That is, are you willing to bring an offering to the table, and to listen to the expectations of others with an open mind (and heart)? You might be surprised how effective a generous gesture such as that could be.

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What I Noticed As Mercury Prepared to Station Direct

By Amanda Painter

Yesterday at 12:33 pm EDT (16:33 UTC), Mercury stationed direct while tucked right in the middle of the Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries. It’s an amazing opportunity to observe for yourself what Uranus-Eris means in terms of our collective consciousness: by noticing what makes the news this week, and by noticing where your own thoughts go.

Monica Lewinsky, delivering her 2015 TED talk.

Monica Lewinsky, delivering her 2015 TED talk.

What’s catching your attention right now (and for the last couple days), and how are you thinking about it?

I write this column a day before it publishes, which means I’m right in the station-direct zone as I type. I couldn’t be bothered with listening to James Comey defend the FBI on the Clinton email inquiry, significant as it might be. But what’s really captured my attention was something I heard on the radio Tuesday night while driving: a broadcast of the TED Radio Hour on NPR.

Specifically, I heard a segment of a program called “To Endure” — a segment featuring Monica Lewinsky being interviewed about surviving shame and trauma, and including clips from her previous TED talk about it. Lewinsky’s TED talk first aired in 2015; the TED Radio Hour episode aired in February of this year. But my mind (which Mercury represents) encountered it Tuesday night, and its themes and timing were not lost on me in terms of their relevance to Mercury stationing conjunct Uranus and Eris in Aries.

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From Universal Lover to Love Warrior

By Amanda Painter

What does it look like when the ‘universal lover’ becomes a ‘love warrior’ amidst the chaos of this world? As Venus moves from Pisces to the first degree of Aries tomorrow, we may find out.

Dawn at the East End cargo ferry launch. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Dawn at the East End cargo ferry launch. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Venus makes this transition — again — at 9:13 am EDT (13:13 UTC) on Friday.

It had previously crossed from the last sign of the zodiac (Pisces) to the first sign of the zodiac (Aries) back on Feb. 3, prior to stationing retrograde.

Venus is now in direct motion, having had a rendezvous with Chiron in Pisces earlier this month.

On the most personal level, Venus might be prompting you to notice what facets of your inner healing process — especially with regard to emotions or sexuality — you’re now ready to act upon. Another interpretation could be to notice how (or where, or whether) you locate ‘the divine feminine’ in your identity — keeping in mind that using the astrological model, people of all genders have a ‘female side’ and a ‘male side’.

Is it a hidden facet of you? Does this ‘divine feminine’ come through in your creativity, in your empathy, in your sexuality or in your natural receptivity?

Or is it present most strongly when you are taking action in some radical, paradigm-busting, patriarchy-inverting social or political event?

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