The eastern limb of Mercury as seen by Messenger, in false color. Image by NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington.
This week’s standout event is Mercury conjunct the Sun. This happens six times a year, and is akin to the lunar phases; only it’s the phases of the Sun with its closest known planet.
Before I go there, one thought: the big astrology in the background, and by far the most intriguing (and challenging) of the year is Mars retrograde, which begins June 26. I just spent the past 10 days in front of a video camera, exploring this event for all 12 signs and rising signs.
Mars retrograde in Aquarius is going to shake up the social order.
The whole tribal thing we’re witnessing is about to be met by a burst of individuality. There are some among us who have had enough of thinking like everyone else thinks because that’s how everyone else thinks.
On an individual level, Mars retrograde will shuffle your thinking: your preconceptions and ideas about how things are, and give you something tangible to consider, something real and immediate. Much of this involves family and its influence, as well as an organic drive for individuation that is bursting out of Chiron in Aries.
My spring reading explores these themes, in an easy to follow, optimistic, motivational way. That’s the whole point of seeking wisdom from astrology: the combination of insight and a burst of self-esteem.
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Mercury Conjunct the Sun
When Mercury is conjunct the Sun, you know that you’re exactly halfway between Mercury retrogrades (as is the case with the Tuesday, June 5 conjunction in Gemini) or that Mercury retrograde is halfway over. So it’s a midpoint, the half-time marker, a pause at the 50-yard line.
That’s where we are now — with Mercury in one of its signs of rulership, Gemini. That is encouraging clear thinking. However, Mercury-Sun are square Neptune, which is just chaotic, and demands a level of attachment to truth; by which I mean something that can be stated in verifiable facts.
Our world is currently under the thrall of Mercury, and we had best remember that. The Moon’s conjunction to Nessus and Neptune during this event heaps on the Neptune factor, and describes the out-of-control emotional weirdness that has gripped much of society.
This includes a stormy love affair with “whatever I believe is true because I believe it” and “appearances are all that matter” and “my delusion is better than your delusion.”
It’s especially dangerous when there is rage and violence in the air. Mars in Aquarius describes a kind of social-justice-warrior quality; though, when you find yourself on the side of the majority, you should start asking questions. That would be Mars retrograde. One day you might wake up and figure out that you’re surrounded by fools.
I have noticed that we are living in a kind of mock-1970s these days, with talk of boycotts and equality and fighting the corporations. This is a charade. One thing about the 1970s was that people knew how to enjoy themselves, while they were busy burning bras and fighting the power.
Don’t forget why you’re alive; and if you need a reason, come up with a good one. It won’t take much.