Aries Birthdays and Rising 2019: Rise (to the Occasion) and Shine, Aries!

Dear Aries Sun, Rising or Moon Reader:

In a world full of pressure and chaos, your solar year just began with a bit of a bang: just hours after the Sun ingressed Aries on Wednesday, the Moon opposed it for a Libra Full Moon that contacted some potent points in a very active sky. How was it for you? Energizing or tense?

One of the Full Moon’s key contacts was with Chiron, which recently began a long-term journey through your sign. It also reverberated with ‘small cause, big effect’ Pholus (in Capricorn), and with an asteroid called Salacia (in Aries) that seems to relate to a process of maturation around sexuality.

Did anything relating to those themes manifest for you in the last couple days?

Chiron in Aries is going to help you focus on who you are in the world now — and who you’re in the process of becoming. Uranus, which just began its journey through your second house, Taurus, is there to help you reevaluate what you value (including how you use your body, your possessions, your talents and your self-worth). Get ready to innovate, improvise and re-set — while keeping your feet firmly on the earth in the process.

“Absolutely amazing. Beyond words how pertinent this tarot reading is for my life right now. Even more powerful the second time. So much love and gratitude.”

— Ronny Khalil, on last year’s Aries Birthday Reading

If you’ve read or listened to your INTELLIGENCE annual reading, you have a sense of Eric’s long-range take on these transits (and others), looking a couple years into the future. In your 2019 Aries Astrology Studio (also known as the Birthday Reading), he’ll be offering you a fresh, of-the-moment take on how your solar year is beginning and how you can navigate it best.

This is the audio reading that comes in two parts of astrology with a third part consisting of a tarot reading for your next 12 months. And right now, you can pre-order this entire reading for only $33. The price will increase as each segment of the reading publishes.

“Wow!! Eric! Your readings are spot on, in terms of what I’ve been experiencing this year as an Aries with Taurus rising. You explained or confirmed the changes I’ve been going through. While I’m listening I shake my head and I’ve got a big smile on my face, because this year really has been an internal journey. Thank you!

— A. Wilson, on a 2018 Aries reading

We’re all adjusting to the new placements of Chiron and Uranus, which will take pro-level tools to handle consciously. I hope you’ll take advantage of the inspiration, grounded coaching and thought-provoking, heart-level questions Eric offers in this reading — 2019 looks like quite a ride.

Wishing you a brilliant year,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you have questions or would like to order by phone, please call us at (206) 567-4455 and we’ll be sure to get back to you.

P.P.S. With the significant astrological events we’re heading toward, consider giving your favorite Aries their 2019 Astrology Studio reading as a gift.

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