An interesting week of convergence and contradiction

Mercury is slowing down to a station direct (on Oct. 25), the Sun and Venus are about to change signs (on Oct. 23) and we are approaching an eclipse of the Sun (also on Oct. 23). In all, many factors are on the move, and the next seven days are bound to take you somewhere interesting, if unexpected. Mars is now conjunct the Galactic Core.

My summary of the next few days is, don’t be surprised if you hear people saying weird things, things that make no sense, that seem to come out of nowhere, or that have the quality of bravado you doubt anyone can really back up with actions.

Rather than putting your energy into trying to allay your fears or into shoring yourself up with false certainty, take the time to consider your situation, get below the surface layer of appearances, and see if you can spot the aspects of your circumstances that really are subject to the power of decision.

Today the Moon is in Virgo; it enters Libra at 7:12 am EDT Tuesday (11:12 UTC). Before that happens, the Moon will be at a right angle (90 degrees, or square aspect) to a diversity of points in late Sagittarius, then a square to Mars and the Galactic Core.

The Moon in Virgo is striving for integration, that is, for the feeling of wholeness. As such you may notice that you or others are inclined to make assertions of absolute certainty, which are of course subject to revision. It would be good to admit that from the beginning of the discussion. The need for certainty is generally a reaction against the discomfort of not knowing.

I see a good bit of anxiety lurking about in today’s astrology, which is amplified by the fact of the imminent eclipse and Mercury station direct. Even sans overt anxiety, there’s plenty of nervous energy brewing. You may find, however that your fear disappears when you actually stop and converse with people, however you may feel about them. Aspects are especially good for conversations with the opposite sex (however you define opposite) once you get past the surface tension.

Moon square Mars (especially with signs such as Virgo and Sagittarius involved) can tend to volatile bursts of anger, which everyone is then supposed to understand, forgive and forget about. I suggest leaning on the more analytical side of Virgo rather than its self-contradictory nature. Likewise, I suggest leaning on the more benevolent and spiritual side of Sagittarius rather than its impetuous warrior side.

Mars on the Galactic Core seems to be asking: Is it possible to transmute or transform aggression? Mars is like fire that humanity has not yet learned to get control of. We know how to contain it mechanically; we’ve evolved from the campfire to the jet fighter, both of which involve burning carbon. But the emotion represented by Mars is still burning out of control most places. Desire, something that seems absolutely necessary on this plane of reality, can quickly turn to aggression and entitlement.

What is the way out of that? As I mentioned last week, all roads currently lead to Scorpio. Mars is the traditional ruler of that sign, so I suggest you keep your ears on for additional information.

13 thoughts on “An interesting week of convergence and contradiction

  1. Amanda Painter

    Personally, I found that yesterday’s ingress of the waning Moon into Virgo manifested in a fantastic drive to clean and organize. I imagine that since it is moving into a square to Mars, that added little extra “oomph” to take that kind of action. It’s some pretty perfect energy for that kind of activity if you’re feeling the need to take some kind of physical action while you process and analyze inwardly. It may seem basic and mundane ,but I think we sometimes underestimate how the feelings of accomplishment at getting our external, immediate environment in order can ripple out (and in) in constructive ways.

    …especially on a monday…!

  2. Shelley Stearns

    Yesterday, I woke up with that Virgo Moon conjunct my Mars. I was simultaneously exhausted and full of nervous energy, which for me usually translates to sexual frustration with both a strong emotional and physical component. I was able to feel the rise and fall of the anxiety around that and the fact that I’ve been ignoring it lately. Then, last night, I had dreams about talking to a couple members of the opposite sex who I am attracted to and making them uncomfortable because I wasn’t absolutely certain about them, which didn’t feel good, but not terrible.

    This was all subtle, though, and didn’t get in the way of my ability to concentrate on everyday life, which is new for me. It felt more like a process than a projectile from a catapult.

  3. Mary Turcich

    Not knowing and lack of control. I live there these days. It’s a bad place if I believe I can think my way out of them. The good news is, I’m not supposed to. I’m supposed to cycle my brain to my heart and then back to my brain. Either I find out that I know what to do, or I’m glad I didn’t do anything yet. Sometimes both. Maybe this is what Eric means about “getting below the surface layer of appearances”.

  4. Len Wallick

    Thank you Eric. Thanks for clearly extending on last week’s (“All Road’s) piece with practical advice. Most appreciated is your reminder to focus on “circumstances that really are subject to the power of decision.” That’s an excellent protocol right there, which, if employed could save a whole lot of trouble.

  5. abc123

    Have definitely been engaged in provocative conversation lately, and catch myself wondering how crazy I sounded yesterday when I was trying to explain what seemed a simple, though not widely spread, perspective. What I call an innovative understanding more than likely has frightened a few people. Just as the thought of holding one’s breath below water can be frightening to a person who has never learned to swim, one can take small steps, learn, practice in a low risk amount of water with a friend, and build confidence. Alternatively, they may cry, “Quelle monstrosity! Run!”

  6. Casey Smith

    This entry speaks to me on a personal level, as several waves of nervous energy have come my way, from a few sources — mostly family. I’ve found myself being the anchor.

    These words in particular resonante and linger, with a certain power:

    “Rather than putting your energy into trying to allay your fears or into shoring yourself up with false certainty, take the time to consider your situation, get below the surface layer of appearances, and see if you can spot the aspects of your circumstances that really are subject to the power of decision.”

    Curious as to what this week will bring. 🙂

  7. beths

    I had solitude today, so it was perfect for getting under the surface layer of my thoughts and feelings, focusing my awareness inward. The moon crossed over my Pluto/Uranus conjunction this afternoon (which is part of T-Square and was opposite Chiron, transiting Pholus, Ixion et al filling in the empty spot), and I found a few surprises as I did some internal cleaning. I have realized how many of my thoughts and feelings have changed since transiting Pluto shacked up with my natal Mercury awhile ago. But it hasn’t been just mental change, which has plagued me for so long, seeing the change in my mind but not feeling it, it’s more of a shift of energy throughout my whole being. It’s as if I have transported to a new place, and can look back on the yesterday me as if it was an ancestor in another lifetime.

    I have been drawn recently to delving into some old family documents, it’s been a perfect Mercury Retrograde adventure.

  8. Amy Elliott

    Whew, that Moon square Mars is going to be right on my angles. The build-up to the eclipse is showing itself in external events, which is not leaving much time for reflection, so there will almost certainly be stress, tension and eventually collapse.

    It’d sure be nice if things obligingly slowed down once in a while.

  9. Mary Turcich

    I appreciate the way you describe your experience of transformations, beths. Speaking of Mercury retrograde, I am remembering my long ago passed grandmother whose birthday would have been today. Since last week I’ve had several conversation about genealogy, sent for a DNA test, and celebrated my mother’s 91st birthday. The past is very much present for me.

  10. Nicolas Salinas

    I got kind of glued on this ” The need for certainty is generally a reaction against the discomfort of not knowing.” First because I had to understand it well, then my thinking went to wondering how wise this sounded. Well anyway, thank you. Enjoy Mars conjunct the Galactic Core everyone! I’m an Aries so I think I can say that, although I have yet to learn what the Galactic Core is :-P. Have a great week everyone! 🙂

  11. Chad Woodward

    “You may find, however that your fear disappears when you actually stop and converse with people, however you may feel about them.”

    Yes, this is incredibly spot on for me today. I was running a mental loop over and over today over someone and their intentions, well, actually, my assumptions of their intentions. I then thought to myself, why don’t I just ask them? Like, why don’t I actually connect with this person and what they’re feeling instead of assuming?

    I guess fear was at the root of it. I haven’t actually connected with them yet (still scared and fearful), though I have a feeling it’s mostly in my head and possibly a total delusion. Story of my life.

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