Many thanks for wishing me well over the U.S. holiday weekend. Ailments normally associated with winter should stay there. Having the Moon in Aries again today should be consistent with getting things underway again after a period of adjustment.
Besides a weekend flu bout for yours truly, a few significant astrological events are now history. On Friday, retrograde Mars left Sagittarius and returned to Scorpio. Along with Aries, Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Hence, you could say Mars has come home — albeit by the back door.
If you have clear weather on any night in the near future, it’s a good time to be viewing Mars. Look toward the South-Southeast well after dark for the steady and bright stoplight-red visage that only a relatively close Mars could be.
Even though Mars is at home in Scorpio, its return through the back door might have entailed your having to make some adjustments of your own over the last several days. You also may very well have had to adjust to some possibly tense situations during the Last Quarter Moon on Sunday.
Today, however, should give you a chance to both reflect on and shift your focus away from what occupied you over the weekend. Indications are that you should reflect because making further adjustments in your life could very well function to make the near future more comfortable. Even if accompanied by similar themes, however, the days to follow will almost certainly distinguish themselves from days immediately past. Knowing the probability of such distinctions in store should be more than enough incentive to keep your eyes on the road ahead.
As an example of similar but different, consider how the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will not be alone in their zodiac degree when they come together at 14+ Gemini this coming weekend (the Gemini New Moon).
Just as the Sagittarius Full Moon of May 21 was nestled next to retrograde Mars, the Gemini New Moon late on June 4 (or very early on June 5, depending on where you live) will take place in close collaboration with Venus.
While Venus will indeed be on the other side of the Sun at the time of the Gemini New Moon, its alignment with the Earth, Moon and Sun will constitute a nearly straight line (like a string threading pearls) through outer space. Applying the earthly perspective used by astrologers, then, Venus will thus be conjoined with the Sun and Moon as Saturday segues into Sunday.
This upcoming Gemini New Moon would therefore serve to complement, but not repeat, your experience of the immediately preceding Full Moon. That’s a piece of good news. It implies that means, motives and opportunities to bring harmony, balance and wholeness to life are likely to present themselves.ย The only way to assure that happens, however, is to make it happen yourself.
The many possible earthly manifestations of Venus and Mars (yin and yang, active and receptive, even male and female) tend to complete each other in the process of creating the continuum of a greater whole. Knowing that ahead of time, you can participate in harmony with the astrology by making some adjustments this week.
Those adjustments may ultimately complement who you were, where you were and what you were doing shortly after the Sun entered Gemini to oppose the Full Moon in the very first degree of Sagittarius ten days ago.
This does not mean you have to contradict yourself, or be anything that you are not. Venus and Mars as they express in your life are not opposites so much as reflections on and of each other. The same is true of the Sun and Moon.
That’s how this coming week, at least in part, represents a time when you might want to present another side of the whole that is you. Specifically, you might want to favor, if not feature, another side of yourself to complement (but not contradict) how you were presenting yourself to the world when the Full Moon accompanied Mars on May 21.
If you can do that, you will show that you can retain an awareness of the past without being stuck there. That’s always a fine skill to practice, but especially so this week. For in many ways, the astrology of weeks to come looks to represent a scenario of one practical step following another towards your becoming an ever more perfect union of your best tendencies, traits and talents. Even as good as it may be to be you, the cosmos is now implicitly supporting your making a few adjustments to become even better.
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Right ON Len ๐
Jobs n jobs n moves n moves abound ๐
puma pink: May abundance continue through its many manifestations to support your personal and professional evolution. Just please be sure to get the rest and nourishment you need along the way.